The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, June 22, 1888, Image 4

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Tlie young man fell dead!
A friend had pointed a revolver at him.
"He didn’t know it was loaded!”
We often hear it stated tliat a man is
not ree;>onsible for what be does not
know. The law presupposes knowledge
and therefore convict* the man who ex­
cuses crime by ignorance!
"If I had only known” has often been
an unfortnuste man's apology for some
evil unknowingly wrought, but in a
matter of general interest—as for in­
stance that laudanum is a poison, that
naphtha is a deadly explosive, that blood
heavily charged witli a winter’s accumu­
lations of the waste of the system,—it is
one’s duty to know the fact und the conse­
quences thereof. Our good old grand­
mothers knew for instance, that the open­
ing of spring waa tlie most perilous period
of the year.
Because then the blood stream ie
sluggish and chilled by the cold weather,
and if not thinned a good deal and made
to flow quickly and healthfully through
the arteries and veins, it is impossible to
have good vigor the rest of tlie year.
Hence, without exception, what is now
known as Warner’« Log Cabin Sarsa­
parilla, was plentifully made and
religiously given to every member of the
family regularly through March, April,
May and June. It is a matter of record
that tliis prudential, preventive and re­
storative custom saved many a fit of
sickness, prolonged life and happiness to
a vigorous old age, and did away with
heavy medical expenditures.
Mrs. Maggie Kercliwal, Lexington,
Ky., used Warner’s Itog Cabin Sarsa­
parilla "for nervous slide headache of
which I had been a sufferer M yearB.
It has been a great benefit to me.”
Capt. Hugh Harkins, 1114 8. 16th St.,
Philadelphia, Pa., saya “it purified my
blood and removed the blotches from my
skin.” Mrs. Aarea Smith,Topton, Berka
Co., Pa., says she “wua entirely cured of
a skin disease of the worst kind,” by
Log Cabin Sarsaparilla. Bad skin indi­
cates a very bad condition ot the blood.
If you would live and be well, go to
{our druggist to-day and get Warner’s
x»g Cabin Sarsaparilla and take no
other,—there’s nothing like it or as good,
—and completely renovate your impaired
system with this simple, old-fashioned
preparation of roots and herbs.
Warner, who makes the famous Safe
Cure, puts it up, and that is a guarantee
of excellence all over the known world.
Take it yourself ami give it to the other
meniliers of the family, including the
children. You will be astonished at its
health-giving and life prolonging powers.
We aay tliia editorially with peifect
confidence, Itecatiae we have heard good
things of it everywhere, and it« name is
a guarantee that it is first class in every
An Ultimatum IVI ior « Liberality I* Simply
"I’d like to repor'. s th, dat my wife
ar' missiii',” said an old colored man
who came to tho Grntriot Avenue Sta-
tion the other day.
"Well, since how long?”
"'Bout nine days, sab."
"Under what circumstances?”
"Went right oil' an’ didn't come
“What’s her description?”
"Black, sail. Slie'e black all ober,
an’ got a wart under de left eye. Dat’B
as fur as I remember."
"Havo you any idea of her where*
"Not 'zaetly, »nil. She might hev
gone to Canada, an’ she might bo iu de
ri liber. She was a very onsartin wo­
"Well, if any thing turns up we’ll
let you know.”
"Thanks, sab; but to-morrer is do
last day, you know. If »lie dean’ come
back by dat time, I'xe free of her.”
"Bosh! Who told you thatP”
“Lots o' folks. Hain’t 'er trueP"
“Of course not.”
“Hu! but I guess it Is. Mils’ be so
or dey wouldn't er tolo me. Howeber,
to make sartin 'bout it. I’ll wait 'leben
days 'fore I marry agin, and den she
can't jump on nio fur alimony.
obleeged, sab. It's .1« fust time any of
my wives eber run'd off di, way.’’—
Detroit Free Tress.
Cleansing Ladies' Hair.
Th» Advisability of Condvns'ng Seatance*
Into Cinusws, and Clause* Into Words.
At its beat, language is inadequate
to express thought Thought is of the
spirit and lauguuge m of the body;
thought is infinite, language, finite.
A far-reaching truth is rendered in the
beautiful line, of tlie Laureate:
Break, break, break
On thy cold gray .tones, O sea I
And I would that ray tongue could utter
The thoughts that arise tn me.
On account of this incapacity of lan­
guage our thought, must bo definite,
before we can express them in words.
Language can only be a Delphic oracle
for vagueness. In an ideal sentence,
there is an exact balance lietween the
thought and the expression, so that
there are just enough words to express
the thought. Writers whose vocabu­
lary is ample and whose ideas are
comprehensive, strivo to keep this bal­
ance of thought and language. Those
whose idea, are vague are apt to bo
lavish of words. Tlie English rus ic
relatively makes a greater draft upon
his little stock of words to express his
<liin notions than did either Shakes­
peare or Milton to utter their grand
ideas. The word s of the wise are few
and well chosen; every utterance shows
that they would rather meditate than
speak. Hence their sayings are often
oracular, and if they err it is on the
side of speaking too little rather than
too mtioh.
The sentence of Goethe, “Thought
widens, but lames; activity narrows,
but quickens," will bear pages of ex­
pansion. Whon the cask is full, the
duid runs iu jets from the spigot; when
it is nearly empty, tlie liquid conies
freely. Yet to use too few words is n
greater error than to use too many.
Superfluous words may be removed,
hut missing words can not always lie
But as few arc wise enough to be too
concise, and as thousands err in being
too diffuse, we must notice the error of
verbosity, or that of using too ninny
words. In the discourse of n colored
preacher occurred the following sen­
tence: “After much consideration and
serious reflection I have arrived at the
deliberate conclusion, that in those
cities where the population is large,
I here is a greater number of mon.
women and children, than in those
cities where the population is les,.”
Here a fact so Apparent that it needs
io statement is amplified bo that on
he minds of the hearers its nothing-
nesi would not bo impressed. This
leedlesi amplification is too often the
fault of the clergy; and many a bubble
>f conceited utterance might be blown
into a drop by n breath of common
A serviceable rule for such writers
would be: Scan every sentence; then
condense your sentences into clauses;
your clauses into phrases; your phrases
uto words; and if you do not really
need the words blot them out A ver­
bose writer, above all others, need, the
unsparing hand of kindly crilicism.
Circumlocution or indirectness is not
dways a fault. Soniolinies it is better
to suggest an idea than it is to expross
it. Chaucer did not wish to tell his
renders that the sea captain drowned
his captives, so he said be sent them
home by water. In act first, scene
fourth of "King Lear,” Goneril takes
fourteen lines to nttcr what tlie Fool
couches in two linos. When the grave-
ligger said to the miser, who hesitated
ibout pitying for the burial of his de­
ceased wife, “Down with your dust, or
up she comes!" hi afforded a marked
instance of the desirability of circum­
In cases whore It is not needed, it is
i grave fault of style. In Dickens'
sketch, “The Steam Excursion,” he
'Im, describes one of the characters:
“Mr. Hardy was observod, some hours
iftorward, in nn attitude which in-
luced his friends to suppose that ho
was busily engaged in contemplating
tlio beauties of the deep; they only re­
gretted that his tasto for the pict­
uresque should lead him to remain so
long in a position, very injurious at all
times, but e»p< daily so to an indi­
vidual laboring u i ler a tendency of
blood to the bead.” The fact wa».
Mr. Hardy was sea-sick; but when the
iiithor Inkes sixty-seven Word, to tell
what can lie told in three, it I, a ques­
tion whether lie is not carrying th:
joke too fur. — Prof. T. IK Bancroft,
We object to the use of carbonate of
potash by hnirdressers for cleansing
the hair of their customers.
cleansing action of this poworfully
alkaline substance is vory effective, but
it is prejudicial to the hair at the same
A teaspoonful of pulverised
borax in * cup of boiling water, or
cleansing the hair with the yolk of a
fresh egg, and following this with a
warm solution of borax or salt and
water, especially sea-water, is much
preforable, and has tho effect of cleans­ in Chautuuqnan.
ing and softening the skin of the scalp.
Eastern ladies, remarkable for beauty
Don't Wake in a Hurry.
of their hair, adopt the latter mode of
cleaning iL—Herald of Utallh.
Never spring nut of lied the moment
—Berlin has gradually become the vou awake if it is possible to avoid it,
headquarters of the carved-wood In­ and never disturb a »leeping child by
dustry, supplanting Switzerland, Six lifting it suddonly out of bed before it
hundred artist, in wood-carving, the is fully roused, Fifteen minutes spent
same nunibor of turners, and seven in gradually waking up, after the
partly open,
hundred car|>enters are engaged in the eyes are
the limbs,
production of such artlelj, as cigar- over and stretching
cases, nowspaper and picture frames, set
napkin-rings, etc. The value of the degree* and eq'iallie the circulation
annual export of these trifles is put at which during sleep become, somewhat
stagnant, and bouncing up a child
• 1.3A0.000.
—It I, found that living creature, when Asleep aend, the blood in an
brought up from sea depth, of four overwhelming quantity to the heart.
miles or more, suffer greatly from the Of course, some professions, such as
changed conditions of pressure and the soldiers', the doctors' or the
temperature. At those vast depths the nurses', require rising nt once; but mi­
pressure 1, tremendous, and the tem­ le»» it is necessary, take your “beamy
perature is comparatively low. On deep,” a, the French call the gradual
being brought to the surface, the deep- waking up of a morning. — Detroit Tri-
•ea creatures are sometime, torn in Mm*.
piece, by the powerful expansion of
their organisms occaaioned by decrease
in pressure, and “aometiuies they abso­
—The picking and drying of black­
lutely melt away before the eyes of the berries form, an important it.dustry in
beholder. ’’_________
North Carolina.
—The average daily wage, paid to
New York »ewing women la fifty cent.»
for fifteen hour, work.
—Theciiriou, fact that the usual heal
produced by friction is alwent when the
article, are magnetised i, just now lin­
ing discussed by ,dentist», who are
«•eking an explanation.
—A physician recommends that all
the wo al used In the interior construc­
tion of houaes, and all the plain ,ur-
faces of plaster, should be thoroughly
oiled or varnished. «» that the power of
absorption of foul air and g uses should
be destroyed.
—It is estimated that about Atk000.000
goiimls of ootton-aeed oil were used in
the United State, during last year in
the adulteration of lard, and that It
was mixed with about twice as much of
other material, moot of which waa pure
lard with the leaf left out.
K«p«rlenc.- or ,1.» IVllu Ar. C'olnpoled
to Travel Every Day.
Thun there is another Urge group
who are “on the road” nearly every
dev. These are tile men whost busi­
ness, trades or calling tire in town and
whose dwell lug-houses or family places
of abode for the linvj being aro out of
town, at the shore or in the couutry.
Oil this class observations may be
made. Some of them make a dreary
and lireso ne job of th tir daily journey
to and fro, es;>ecinlly if therido tnkns
an hour or two. They Iniry thomse'.vei
in silenco, or they make futile < fforta
to read profitless and tra-hy "light
literature,” or they resort to tho smok­
ing-car, or they play cards all tho way;
or they at once sot to work to try to go
to sleep, and all "to kill time.” nnd so
mnku a wear some In loir or feverish
fro' of tlie trip. Ali i, in fact, it is a
monotonous, dull, and very tedious
business with them as they work it—n
profitless expen litore of lime, most of
them getting very tired of it before the
summer is over.
There is a "romnatiL” however,
who go »'on tho road” to butler pur­
pose, who don't get tired, and who
don’t try to "kill time” in any of the
ways already mentioned. Ono of this
group we havo in mind at this mo­
ment. During several months ot tho
year it happens tliat lio is obliged to
be on tho road twlco every day, his
work-shop and his dwelling place I m >-
lug in those months two hours’ travel
apart II > makes the trip to tho city
early in tho morning and back ii the
evening, and while lie b by no moans a
youth, lie nevor sulLrs ennui on the
train, never seems to bo tired, and, in
tact, never i, tired on the r ia I. When
asked how that conies alsiut lii, an­
swer is: "Tired? No; tlie most abso­
lute rest I got, except when I am in
bed asleep, is tltir ng tho two hours of
the railroad ride home In the after­
noon and evening. When I sottl •
down iu tlio car-ehair I throw off
every tiling that lias any strain of
thought in it. I look nt the fields and
roes, tho corn and tho clover, the
poacli orchards and the potato patches,
the berr,-liel<l; a id the vineyards,
the gardens, the barn-yards and the
o itlle-pnstur.'s. th > snug farm homes
and t'm cozy cottage homes along th •
village roads, tho wild flowers and
ho wild bird», tlio pretty railway
static is. their pnrterres, and tlio va­
ried and curious groups of people o!
ill descriptions ci'igreat 'd at the s a-
lions. 1 have a ‘passingacquaintance'
with every thing on that road, ani­
mate anti inanimate, ant) every day 1
eo them under ■ >me fi osli aspect.
5 uno new interest is ale a •» coming to
lOtlce. Tho rest fulness of it all is si
, effect and absolute that you must
■ry it befoi'u you can until rs and it."
"When asked about tho "time”
liken up in the two daily trips lie
aid: "Yes, of course, there's a great
xpensti of time. 1 c mid not afford Io
pend four ho rs out of tho working
lily that way. so 1 divide them, devo -
ng the two hours to tho shorn after
Im day’s work is over to perfect rest,
utd putting tlie two hours < timing up
n the morning to work, and 1 can <l<>
lirec hours’ work easily in tliote two
when fresh in tlie morning. It is
vonderfui to find lu>w loiters and
tapers and memoranda about businoss
ffairs tliat were puzzles mill diflictil-
ie.s to know what to do with during
lie busy hours of tlie day before eleai
Immselves up and almost dispose ol
liotnselves ivlion the mind is fresh mid
roe and active in tlio early niornin
on the road.— N. F. Letter.
Ent!in«la*tlc C»>rrnRpondent** De-
Horlptiou of tho “Soul-l’oete»!«.**
While the writing-room in her own
u>n>e is in itself a perfect inspiration,
io*vy with an ntmospliero distilled
.run» a hnaband’, most cultivale.l
'ii,to, n wife’s most poetio fancy, slu-
ean sit in a room anywhere with a
' ilkativo lady, two or three chatting
firls, a s * wing-machine, a troulile-
some b:il>y, a singing hint, and no
only compose her most intense an '
sou!-,tirring verso in the melee, bn-
heep in sympathy wi'li tlie rpirit of
he place. In tills, as all else with
i r. (teople stand first, things af er-
mxl. She would at any time let her
grandest poem fall in fragments about
erf et raher than wound the feei­
ng, of tho smallest child about her.
S i she answers llioir questions, gives
l reelions when helpful, j dn, in the
iiirtli if necessary to 'ho success of
'lie joke that she leeniN plense I
hold of some milli iery or dreas-
baking ex| »riment nco.ling ••push«
iag" to a a icees-ful completion, and
foes right on with the poem, from
th oh it must have cost a supreme ef­
ort to turn aside. S io neither wrig-
I '» nor writhes, uplifts her eyes nor
Irops her head. But for an unusual
iglit in tlix wine-. o'.orod oyc, ai <1 a
•lightly Increasing color, one might
ma'glne her engaged in an or-
d.nary letter to a friend.
Tlie only gesture which can be said
to betoken a moving of tho compo-lng
water, ■ a dainty little thrust of the
I 'ft hand out« nr J. just ns you have
seen a bird on a perch stretch its leg.
with a little kick, on waking. She al­
ways looks nt liar linger nails, ol
which ,!ie Is vory careful, on drawing
it back, lids, with a peep at a little
mirror which she keeps on her writ! ig-
table for this purpose, invariably
brings tlie word, turns the sentence or
arrange, the idea almost a, quickly a,
■I can bo written. She likes to dres-
laimly always, bu' oapecially when
writing.— Chien )o Times.
a ♦
—“Whateortof a watch la thia?”
asked a gentleman, picking up a curl-
•ai» old time-pieeu in the »hop of a deal*
er of curiosities. ••That,” replied the
dealer, “is a real curiosity. It la a
watch that belonged to Alexander th*
Great when lie died on the barren
Inland of St. Helena.” "Tlie deuce it
lit Why, man alire. In the day, of
Alexander the Great there was no srch
thing, aswatt-besl” "That's just whnt
makes it sueli a rarity.” “And Alex­
ander the Great didn't die nt St.
Helena.” "He didn't, eh? Well, that
make, it a »till greater rurioaityt” And
taking up the rare relic, the dealer
locked it up in hi* burglar-proof safe.
-X Z. Udoer.
Dr. J. C. Ayer’s widow Is reported to b»
worth »25.(100,000. It must be a pleasant coin
fort to those who In day» gone by forced the
little bit» of bitterness down their reluctant
gullet» to reflect that they were contributing to
the happiness of somebody.
Sometimes fails ot its murderous intent. The
intdduoua and dastardly attacks made upon the
reputation of Hostetter a Htemach Bitter* by
persons who seek to palin off cheap and «©>7
tonic* as identical with it, or “the same thing
under another name,*' or “equally as good, in
most instance* react disastrously upon the un­
principled trader* upon popular credulity who
attempt them, converting their speculation*
into ruinou* fullure*. The Bitter* i* a pure,
wholesome and thorough medicine, adapted to
the total cure aud prevention of fever andagur,
bilious remittent, dyspepsia, constipation, bil­
iousness, debility, nervou ness and kidney
troubles. It* every Ingredient, unlike those in
the imitation* of it. 1* of an ascertained stand­
ard of excellence, and while they, by reason of
their flery properties, react injuriously upon
tlie brain and nervous system, of both those
organs it is a sedative and invigorant. Refuse
all these harmful Imitations.
The Great North, re Kallwsy Company of
Kiufland Insist» that Its engineer» »ball .take at
least nine hour»’ rest between one d*y • labor
and another aa a precaution against accident
A richly froeted quivering flying Dove.
A Dream of Life screen calendar. An im­
ported ideal head. An imported f. oeted
-now scene and a full set of magnificent
floral cards. Fourteen artistic pieces.
Sent to anyone who w 111 buy fiom a drug­
gist a box of the genuine D b C. M’L anks
C klebratkd L ivbb P ills (price Hi cte.)
and mail us the outside wrapper from the
box with 4 cents in stamps. Write your
address plainly. F leming B bos ., P itts
burgh , P a ._______________
A woman in Perry county. Ky., has a circular
hole in one of her eyelids through which she
can see when both eyes are closed.
Do you have dull, heavy headache, obstruc­
tion of the naaal passage», discharge« falling
from the head into tho throat, sometime»
profuse watery, and acrid, at others, thick,
tenacious, mucous, purulent, bloody and put­
rid; eyes weak, waterv, and inflamed; ringing
in the ears, deafness, hacking or coughing to
clear the throat, expectoration of offensive
matter, tog« ther with scab* from ulcers; voice
changed and nasal twang; breath offensive;
smell and taste impaired; is there a sensation
of dizs uess, with mental depression, a hacking
cough and general debility'/ If you have all,
or any considerable number or these symp­
toms. you are suffering from Nasal Catarrh.
The more complicated your disease has become,
the greater the number and diversity of
Thousands of case» annually,
without manifesting half of the above
symptoms, result in consumption and end in
the grave. No disease is so common, mo e de­
ceptive and dangerous, or less understood, or
more unsuccessfully treated by physicians.
The manufacturers of Dr. Sage s Catarrh
Remedy offer, in good faith, a reward of $500
for a ca»e of thia disease which they cannot
cure. The Remedy is sold by druggists, at only
50 cents.
A New York snake-dealer says that he has
sold 1,000 snakes this season, ranging in prices
from $50 to $100 each.
Changes of temperature are apt to cauae
dangerous sickness; ing the full-blooded
«poplexy is to be feared.X When you have
a pain in the head, feel dizzy, feverish,
rheumatic or sick at the stomach take at
once three to ten of B randretii ’ s P ills .
Such slight affections are only the har­
binger* of disease or sudden pros ration,
ana the thing to do is to master the
trouble at once. Never let a little sick news
got the better of you. Drive it out of
doors immediately. Let there be no com­
promise, always have with you a box of
B randreth ’ s P ills , and you are pre­
pare I to fl^ht the worst form of sickness
in its incipiency.
Bom. v*»fal met. About th» Cultur»
Till* Charming FlnnL
everybody’s flower, from its easy cul­
ture and its wide adaptability to soils
and localities, is especially valuable for
coming in at a time when approaching
winter denude, tho gardens of their ac­
customed ornaments. Indeed, it seems
almost smoke and frost proof, nnd will
struggle on against both drawbacks
with the perseverance and resolution
that a brave spirit encounters difficul­
ties blooming during intervals when,
ever open weather permits till its pe­
riod of duly is accomplished.
the shelter of glass, of course this is not
Interfered with, hut a warm house is not
required; indeed, it is rather against
the welfare of this plant.
chrysanthemum lias undergone sim­
ilar improvement to tliat which has
attended so many other favorite plants.
New types have’been introduced, nnd
new varieties have come to the frouL
Of all these, however, the Japanese are
unquestionably tlie creme de la creme.
As to their treatment, it is worth while
noting that die taller varieties succeed
well trained against a wall, Mid in tliat
position, beim; somewhat sheltered,
continue to flower later than in the
open ground. For indoor blooming in
pots, it will be most advantageous for
amateurs to purchase compact little
plants about to come into flower. But
where any of the dwarf kinds are not
already in bloom in die bordetn, samo
mav be taken up with n good "ball”
ajid dropped into pots (not too small)
already prepared, with crocks for
drainage, aud rich loamy and sandy
soil about one-third up the pot for
the ball to rest upon. Then drop
the ball into the pot with ns little dis­
turbance as passible, and fill in firmly
with die soil already named. Water
with tepid water, and keep the plants
close for a few days. If this operation
be carefully done, the plants will re­
ceive no greater check dian will pro­
tract their flowering for a short time—
which is one of the advantages of such
a pixieedure. To increase a stock of
favorite varieties, young suckers from
die roots may be taken after die bloom­
ing lias entirely censed. Lot them be
potted singly in small [Hits of sandy
soil, and placed iu a geude hotbed in a
frame, or kept in a warm green-house
if such be at command. As they grow
diey must be shifted once or twice, ac­
cording to circumstiinees, and will be
fit to plant out or potted on if intended
for that mode of culture.— London
S ymptom »— Mebtnre; intense itching and stinging,
most at night; worse by scratching. If allowed Io con­
tinue turners form, which often bleed and ulceiate,
becoming very sore. S waynk ' m O intmbxt stops the
itching and bleeding, heals ulceration, and in many
Tlie now» was received with the utmoet sat­ oases remowBs the tumors. It is equally efficacious in
isfaction by the coaimuulty that he had terror­ miring aD Skin Diseases. DB. SWAYNE ft 9ON.
ized; but the arrest of a disease that is stealing Proprietors. Philadelphia. S waynk ' s O intmjnt oan
away a loved and valued life, is an achieve he obtained of druggists. Bent by mail for 50 Ceuta.
inent that should Inspire heart-felt gratitude,
('hilliness, cold ezneiiiltlo», deprea-ed spirits
and extremely miserable sensations, with pile,
wan features, are the result» of the disordered
kidneys and liver. Arrest the cause at once by
taking llr. Pierce's Gjldeu Medical Discovery.
It is a purely vegatable detective, that will
ferret out and capt uro the most Subtle lung or
blood disorder. Druggists.
*__ PURti
On account of their inability to digest food,
will find a most marvelous rood and remedy
in Beotr» KmulMlou of Pure Cod Liver
Oil with Hypophosphites. Very palatable and
easily digesteu. Dr. 8. W. C ohkn , of Waco,
Texas, says: “I have used your Emulsion in In­
fantile wasting with good results. It not only
restores wasted tissues, but gives strength and
increases the appetite. 1 am glad to use such
a reliable article."
Senator Rannells ha» introduced a bill in the
Ohio legislature providing that condemned’men
8ball be executed by electricity.
R aking
When fragile woman sighs deploring
The charms that quickly fade away.
What power, the bloom of health restoring,
Can check the progress of decayl
The only aid that s worth attention.
For pains and ills of suoh description.
Thousand* of women gladly mention —
Tis “Pierce’s Favorite Prescription."
The price of this royal remedy. Dr. Herce’s
Favo ritu Prescription, is but one dollar, tipeci
tic for all those chronic ailments and weak­
tu superior excUenc. proven la uJIUon, ot hon>« for
nesses peculiar to women. The only medicine
than a quarter of a century. It 1« used by the
for such maladies, sold by druggists, under a more
United State« Government Kudorsed by tho head« oi
positive guarantee from the manufacturers, the Great Universities as the BtrongosK Purest and most
that it will give satisfaction or money re­ Healthful. Dr Price's Ch earn Baking Powder does nut
funded. Bee guarantee on bottle wrapper. ountain Ammonia, Lime or Alum Bold only in cans
I^rgo bottles $1. Bit for $5.
According to the Douglas (Kan.) Tribune in
«inking the well for the sugar works at that
place a stratum of live frogs was struck at
fifty feet. _________
H our ' s L ittlb Vsurra hl « P ili « arc small
in sise, sugar-coated, tasy to take and act di
rectly on the liver. Try them.
For Throat Dlaeaaro and Ceagha.
bronchia I Troche»."
Sold only in».
use ’‘Brown’«
Price 25 eta.
J. H. FIRM. Assa/er aal Aaalp tleal
C'keffilat, Laboratory. IOS Ural *L. Portland.
Or. Analyses made of all substance*. Rale*
for assaying gold and silver ore* $1.50. Pack­
age* sent by mail or express promptly attended
to. and returns made
------ AMD——
Iodide of I’otnisH
In illustration of how fast a popular
idea can travel our attention is called to a
club in Scotland 'hat has placed an order It curw »«lmnis, Nll’BÀLOl», Boll». rtroslM
Tuaora ffo't Rhoom
for a large lot of Cwmeo Cigarette«, stat Horotul* Goal, 11
ing their desire to adopt the brand and Uw till Kl-ln-r, U> br.thj srtfcm. ud lbs
asking to be allowed to compete for one of llrUhi Mid
the elegant picture, of Iouigtry or Tbeo J. R. OATES A CO., Proprietor*.
recently leaned exclusively tor thoM per
417 Saaaeuie Hunan Fraaelaee.
sons who would be one In a party who re­
turn the largest number of empty S--.
b xea of this brand of cigarette. In 18HH.
SkirjA Scalp
¿cured by.?
C vtic U r ^
Lutoit i'Mlgii i tn I'EIU'ALK BIII;; t . i . ihn» u
•ij 1« Cellars »ml uns ;ulr Cuff,,
_____ CUKES---------
Hog Cholera and all
Diaeases of Hoga.
4V-OK.V£JtA£ DIRSCTIONS.-Vse freely
tn the bog «will. W«*»»? wUl Bo‘ e,t dreu<-'“
with milk into which a «mall quantity of
the Oil la put___________ _
S^d by Druygüt» and Dealer» Everywhere.
1HE CHARLES A. VOGELER CO.. B.ltimor». M4.
better than
The Finest »nil must Complete Shoe Cata­
logue evor published iu the United State». It
will enablo you to buy your footwoar as intelli
gently and profitably as though you visited
our »tore and personally mode your purchase.
Sent Free to any address.
for it now to
T38 and T40 Market St., S. F
smoke a pipe?
) you
If you do, take the
advice of thousands * j 1
old smokers that havo
tried it, and smoke
Seal of North Carolina ’
Plug Out.
VATT will find it the
X V U best Smoking
Tobacco ever sold on
this coast. It is made
from three year old To­
bacco,— smokes soft and
cool, and will last twice
as long as the many
cheap imitations that
are flooding the market.
QlUlill/C Seal °f North
U i VIUI\ l Carolina and
you at once see why it has
the largest sale of any
Tobacco on the coast.
rotate Lemon Pudding. — Three
ounces of potatoes, the grated rind and
juice of two fine lemons, throe ounces
of white sugar, two ounces of butter;
' If your denier does not keep it he mil
grate off the lemon pe,l with lumps ot get it for you. if he values your trade.
1st Premiums. 25,000 In use,
sugar, beat them and add to the other m
Al\l Wl
I IX 20 Patented
y°*rH ErtaUUed. N»w
ingredients; boil the potatoes and peel PI
| vice, 1*118
Steel Tuning De­
m use in no other Piano, by which our Piano*
them, mixing all together with the
•tand In tune 20 years, good for 100 ; not affected
lemon juice and two beateu eggs: bake by climate. No wood to split, break, swell, shrink,
crack, decays or weftr out; we guarantee it. Ele­
it slightly.________ _________
There are 77 pupil,, of whom 32 are boy. In
the Indian school at Wabash. Ind.
Nearly all
of them are of the 81oux tribe.
Eleven thousand nine hundred and forty-
seveu British soldiers In India are members of
the Soldiers' Total Abstinence Associatiou.
for sxviive
This charming race (Pyrethrum tin-
euse), which may justly be considered
l mffered from
eniarrh It year».
1he droppings in­
to the throat were
nauseating. My
nose bled almost
daily. Hitwe the
hrst day’s use oj
KlysCream Halm
hate hast no Need
mg, the soreness is
entirely gone. -D
O. Dariason, with
the Huston Hudget
Gents’ Furnishing Good«,
232, Kearny St., near Bush.
Ssu.l for Illustrated catalogue.
Perfect digestion uccorasUshM
by tnklnv IJubh’s r.itt|„ v.
l-nis. 'L.u V
-I Itemedy rnr„ St, k
a. ni-'t a.l Discuses of the ij *•
uud b to much.
Q Tho following symptom, r—j.
z fro:n iliseusi-g of th»
< Or-anr: Constipation, ¡1^’
-J ache, riles. Heartburn 1K;
< Tasto io.Mouth,Nausea h T 4
u. a
Rtoina< h, ContmlTonru.’. v‘,r
> lowness of Kkln.Pa^ |„ ,f''
S.da,etc. llof>l>-«i,itllo?
O tab’o J - I1I3 wilt freo tho ey.Ji,'
of ail tlieso anil many other
oj order«. They am su(mr-<..„tS'
M very small, ensy to take,«”;
CO one i.l!l a dose, but used wl {
Mondorful result,, i>ureiyT™
table being compounded (*
vegetables Indigenous to I'allL?
nlR and Mexico. Try tbemX
«Uayiijki ami forever after you will
mend them. 1'rlie »5 0^
vial, or five for »1.00. Au dm,
Kists or sent by
or™tam™ Urn5
>y mull
mall for Cush
cash or
Bobb’s book of useful information Sent
Issued March and Bent
each your. It is an ency!
olopedia of useful 'ufOr.
mation for all who pur.
chase tho luxuries or the
necessities of life.
oan olothe you and furnish you with
all the neoessary and unn»»-..,—.
appliances to ride, walk, dance, »lee/
eat, fish, hunt, work, go to church
or stay at home, and in various sizes,
styles and quantities. Just figure out
what is required to do all these thinn
COMFORTABLY. and you can make a Ur
estimate of the value of the BUYHB8’
GUIDE, whioh will be sent upon
receipt of 10 cents to pay postage
111-114 Mlohigan Avenue, Chicago, DI
Dr. Spinney &
dency, lie., due to excesses or abuse, enrej.
T oi yuatlinilfolllesorindi»
cretion Bhoula avail tneiuselven of onr treatment
A positive cure guaranteed in every case, ByphilU.
Urinary and Vedereal Diseas« s all unnatural di*
chargos, promptly aud «lately cured.
and rcHtored to healthy vigor.
1‘crsouH unable to visit us may be treated
at tneir homes, by corroHpondence. Iledicinea and
inntruction» sent by mail or express. Consultation
r ree. Bend 4 cents in stamp* tor a be Youna Mini
b riend or Guide to \\ cdlock.
gant Rosewood Cases, 3 strings, double repeating
action; finest ivory keys; the Famous ANTIHELL
Call er write for Catalogue, free. T. M. ANTIBELL
PIANO CO., Manufacturers, Odd Fellows' Hall, Mar
ket and Seventh Streets, San Francisco.
Til* Oregon National Bank,
roooMtoo Saving» Bonk.)
■*1 Bar.kiif fiuBineaa
t Io check.
Bun Francwoo and New York
» 'w fan rabie tenne.
Big 0 toss gl ven an! ver­
sai satisfaction in the
cure of Gonorrhoea and
Gleet. I prescribe it and
feel safe in recommend­
ing It to all sufferer*.
Decatur, IIL
PRICE SI.00. .
Bold by Druggists.
dt Co.,
Manufacturen and Importers of
Ladies’, Children’s and Infants’ Wear-.
118 Kearney street. H. F.
Illustrated Catalogues sent free on application
’ Si) ') nji<L I Oil CilNSU MP11 fl
Investment small, profit!
I urge. Send 20c for mailing
large illustrated Catalogs«
with full pnrticularu. Jtau-
ufoetured by
1«T A 160 Lake BL,
Mailu by San Francisco Tool Co. Works, First ud
Stevwnson St* . H F. Send for desol i pti ve eaUloyue._
11 finn Will be paid for each and every grain of poll
(PlUUU onuUB subHtancea found in WlBaona’sRobed»
acknowledged the moat delightful and only naUy
barm It m t diet article ever produced for ieautlijiDf
and lieaerv ng the complexion, removing tan, BUhborc,
freckleh «and all blemiaht b and roughness of die din.
Uaed and indorsed by the elite of nociety and tbi
stage. Bold by al) druggists at 50 cents per bottk
White and Flesh. Manufactured by W. M. WISDOM
ft <K>„ Ohemista Portland Oregon
Nn 237
F •» »’