The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, June 22, 1888, Image 1

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j-r— *-
p,. Der lorth .f »r *r Third ud I 8u ,
M c M innville , or .
92 00
1 00
Tiuw u»«»uüks
VOL. Ill
Oregon & California R.
Time between
Puilland and
San Francisco,
39 Hours.
S, A. YOUNG, M. 0.
Physioian & Surgeon,
And Connections.
M c M ixmvills ,
O bxoon .
Office and residence on D street.
calls promptly answered day or night.
w. V. PRICE,
Ip Stairs in Alaas’ Building,
MeMlnnville, Oregon
Dr. J. H. NELSON, Dentist
West Side Iflvlslon.
Mall Train.
W • LI- Boyd, Al. I).
Physician and Surgeon,
M c M innville ,
O regon
Portland 7:30 A. M I Corvallis .12:25 P. M.
----- [O]-----
Corvallis 1:30 P. M I Portland 6:15 P. M.
Office two doors south of nostoffice. Res­
At Albany and Corvallis connect with idence two doors from railroad on Third
trains of the Oregon Pacific R. R.
street All calls promptly attended to, day
Eipre.s Train Dally Except Sunday. or night
Portland 4:50 P. M.IMcMinnvillefi:00P.M.
McMiu'ville5:45A.M.IPortland 9:00 A. M.
E. 1‘. ROGERS,
G. F. <t Pass. Agt
The (Treat
If so be sure and call for your tickets
via the
Transcontinental Route.
--------VIA T1IE--------
Cascade Division’ now completed,
making it the Shortest, Best’
and Quickest.
The Dining Car line. Tlio Direct Route.
No Delays. Fastest T<ains. Low­
est Rates to Chicago and all
points East. Tickets sold
to all Prominent Points
throughout the East and Southeast.
Through Pullman Drawing Room Sleep­
ing Cars
Reservations can be secured in advance.
To F.n«t Bound Passengers.
Be caeful and do not make a mistake
but be sure to take ‘«lie
Northern Pacific Railroad.
“In examining tea,” said Mr. A. Judson
Pierson, the examiner of tea for the port of
Mf N\ »» York, “we seldom reeort to tbe chemi
cal analysis The usual method is what is
anowu as the •couunerciid test,’ which con­
sists of pouring a given quantity of boiling
Murray’» Specfic.
water upon a given quantity of the leaves of
a guarantee«! cure for all the tea; the character and quality of tbe tea
nervous diseases, such as weak is then determined by the odor and flavor of
¡¿^memory, loss of brain power, the infusion, appearan«» of the leaves, etc.
hysteria, headache, pain in the Questions of the presence of spurious sub­
back, nervous
prostration, stance, exhausted leaves, etc., are determined
wakefulness, leucorrhoea, uni­ by chemical analysis, a valuable aid to the
versal lassitude, seminal weak­ examiner."
ness, iinpotencv. a«d general
“Is tea tasting or testing injuriousP
T.LU- loss of ¡»ower of the generative
“Not necessarily so. The ‘expert,’ if pos­
organs, in either sex, caused
bv indiscretion or over exertion, and which sessed of a critical taste and healthy olfac­
ultimately lead to premature Trade Mark,
tories, will determine qualities without pro­
old age,insanity and consump­
longed tasting or smelling; an excessive In­
>1.00 per box or six
dulgence in this respect doubtless would and
boxes for >5.00,sent bv mail on
sometimes does affect the uervous system, it
receipt of price. Full particu­
may be seriously.”
lar« in pamphlet, sent free to
“D« mjs not constant tasting of tea cause a
every applicant.
general dislike for tbe beverageP
BOXES to cure any case. Fo
“It uaturally create« a disgust for poor
every $5 00 order received, weAftsrTaklag. stuff called tea, but not entitl«Ml to the name,
send six boxes with written guarantee to re­ of which we get, under the present ‘tea law,’
fund the money if our Specific does not ef­ entirely too much; and at the same time it
fect a cure
cultivates a taste for the better qualities, of
Address all communications to the 8ole
which tbe average tea consumer knows too
“Does it not result in a fondness fur strong
Kansas City, Mo.
Bold by Rogers A Todd, sole axents
“Very likely, as both quality and strength
essential elements composing a good cup
Prize Horse •>f ire tea.
Many a good housewife fails in so
curing a good cup of tea by not putting
enough iu the pot."
Great English, Remedy.
arrive .
Will stand the ensu­
ing season, beginning
Omaha, Kan«««* City, an«! all Missouri
April 1st and ending
River Point«.
Its magnificent steel track, unsurpassed
train service and elegant dining and July 1st, 1888, at his
sleeping cars has honestly earned for It the
title of
old stables in M’Minn-
Tlie Hoyal Route ville, Oregon.
Others may imitate,but none can surpass It
Our motto is “always on time ”
Be sure and ask ticket agents for tickets
via this celebrated route and take none Single service,
No. 4 Washington street, Portland, Or. Season,
J. M. H ulery , Prop.
It is positively the shortest and fin >>i
line to Chicago and tbe east and south and
the only sleeping and dining car through
line to
Mrs. H. P. Stuart,
----- THE LEADER IN-----
t Apr. 13, 3m
And see that your tickets read via
THIS LINE, St Paul or Minneapolis, to
avoid changes and serious delays occa­
sioned by other routes.
Dealers in
Through Emigrant Sleeping Cars run
on regular express trains full length of
Harness, 8addles, Etc, Etc,
tbe line. Berths free. Lowest rates. Opposite Grange Store McMinnville. Or
neatly don« at reasonable
Quickest time.
■Wright Bro’s.
Hair weaving and Stamping.
General Office Of the Company, No, 9
Wa.lilngton St., Portland, Oregon.
Wright’s new building. Corner Third
and Fstreets. McMinnville. Or.
Proprietor of the
Asst General Passenger Agent.
The only
McMinnville, is opened
Where you will find the best of
Wines and Liquors, also
Imported and Domestsc
Cigars. Everything neat and Clean.
T. M. F ields , Propr.
The St. Charles Hotel
Sample rooms in connection.
Is now fitted up in first class order.
Accommodations as good as can b»
foun din the city.
b. E. MESSINGER. Manager.
— Sophia Trieoupis, sistt-r of the
Prime Minister of Greece, is one of the
leaders of Athenian society. She is a
slender, fragile-look it. g old lady, who
lives surrounded with flowers. Her
brother’s friends, knowing her fond­
ness for them, send her dozens of bou­
quets every day. She never “goes
•ny where," but receives from ten
o’clock in the morning until midnight.
In Athens she is a power. As a cor-
respondent she is indefatigable, writ­
ing dozens of letters in as many differ­
ent languages every day.
—Fifteen years ago Miss Surah
Clark, of Fort Smith, Ark., bought a
hitudsome tombstone and hail it in-
•cribed: “In memory of Miss Sarah
^lark. Ix»rn January 25, 1807. World,
farewell; I must return to dust till
Jesus, in whom I have believed from
youth to old age, bids me rise and live
*ith Him in a world without end.
Blessed are the dead who die in the
L°r|i. ’ The tombstone lay in her
dooryard covered with boards until the
other day, when Aunt Sarah died, and
now it has been set up over her grave.
—Recent researches by Frof. Broirn-
Sequard demonstrate that a liquid ob­
tained from the vapor of air from the
lungs is so poisonous that a dose of
twenty centigrammes (less than four
grains) sufficed to kill a dog in about
•ersn honrs.
—A writer in Science comes to the
oonchi.ion that as a result of his in-
jMtigations *dt seams idle to disease
further the influence of forests upon
»»infall from the economic point of
Tie»', as it is evidently too slight to be
"f •he least practical iin|>ortanee. Mau
""t yet invented a method of con-
•»fflnr rainfall."
McMMli Jffllrj Sim,
Th« leading
Third Street. McMinnville Or
t he (Tana! ] Method Pursued In Making
the “C«»mi tmerclal Tent’*—Adulteration
of Tea la » the Producing Countries.
Tea Testing Not Injurious.
Patronage respectfully solicited
Rooms over First National Bank, in Mc­
KXCURSION SLEEPERS for second class Minnville, Oregon.
Charges Moderate and Consistent
Passenxers on all terough truins FREE
Has tho latest Discovery for the Painless
The 0. & C. II. II. Ferry makes connection extraction of Teeth.
with all the regular trains on the East Side
Division from fool of F Street
McMinnville. Oregon.
Everything now and in First-Class Order
Local Pa*s«nger Dally, Kxcep* Hunday.
8:00 A. M l Eugene.. 2:40 P M
9:00 A. M.IPorltund 3:15 P M
First-class accommodations for Ccmmir
cial men and general travel.
Transient stock well cared for.
Portland 4:00 P.M. I San Fran' 7:1 A. M.
Ban Fr»n’6:30 1 M. | Portland 10:40 A M
Third Street, between E «nd F
Henderson Bros. Props
between i - obtlani » and san
California Expreas trains run daily
leave .
Caveats, and Trade Marks obtained, and
all Patent business conducted for MODER­
U.S PATENT OFFICE. We have no sub
agencies, all business direct, lienee can
trunsact patent business in less time and
at less cost than those remote from Wash­
ington. -end model, drawing, or photo,
with description, We advise if patentable
or not free of charge, Our fee not due till
patent is secured
A book, "How to Obtain Patents,” with
references to actual clients in your State,
county, or town sent free, Address
C. A. SNOW & CO.
Opposite Patent Office. Washington. D C
Shaving, Hair Cutting and- - - -
- - - - Shampoing Parlors. M’MINNYILLE NATIONAL
“How do they adulterate tea in the pro
iuciug countries P
“We have uo accurate knowledge upon
which to base an intelligent reply. The al
eged methods are various, but sufficiently
veil authenticated to repeat.”
“Do they not pack a mixture of good an«l
>ad teas in the same chest P
“Wide variations in the quality of leaves
found iu the same ‘chest’ or ‘chop’ are often
»bservetl This may be the result either of
iccident or design. It may and doubtless
Iocs occur by plucking the earlier leaves
vith those that are matured, neglecting to
xsort properly tbe different qualities—per
ups intending to increase the bulk at tbe
■xpense of the quality."
“How much tea is confiscatedP *
“During my service ouly one instance oi
■onflscatiou has occurred, which consisted of
. few package« damaged by salt water and
milt for use.”
“Why do you not draw samples yourselfP
“In exceptional cases I do. This duty,
¡owever, is assigned to the ‘sampler* specifi
•ally selected for the purpose.”
“How much tea is rejected each yearP
“During my term of service—about three
years—tbe total rejections are about 28,000
packages, or say about 1,250,000 pounds.
About half of these were subsequently ad
milted upon re-examination by arbitration
committees, as provided by ‘the act.’"
“Do you swallow the tea in the process o'
examination P
“Very rarely, and then in very small quan
“How do you know that importers do not
adulterate after their consignment has been
released by you or the customs officials P
“Ofucially we have no knowledge. Pre­
sumably, however, the importer sells his im-
¡»ortations in the original packages; and
adulterations or admixtures which do or may
occur would be traceable, if at all, to the re­
tailer, or one who breaks up the original
“What do you do with the samplesP
“After the examination of tbe samples is
completed they are held subject to tbe order
of the importers, and if not called for within
a reasonable period are turned over to tbe
custody of the collector, an«i are sold at pub­
lic auction for the benefit of tbe government.
The average weight of each sample does not
exceed three ounces, a portion of which is
consumed in the examination.”—New York
Mail and Express
BrMkfh.« of th. Cowboy*.
In the morning, the cook is preparing
breakfast long before tbe first glimmer
of dawn. As soon as it is ready, proba­
All kinds of fancy hair cutting don* in Traaaaet* a O*n*ral Banking Bu*ln**s. bly about 8 o'clock, be utter* a long
drawn shout, and all the sleeper* feel it is
the latest and neatest style
All kinds of fancy hair dressing and hair President,............... J. W. COWLS, time to be up on the instant, for they know
dying, a specialty Special attention given Vice-president, LEE LOUGHLIN. ther* can be no *uch thing as delay on the
round up. under penalty of being set afoot.
Cashier............... CLARK BRAL^:. Accordingly, they bundle out, rubbing their
Ladies* and Childrens’ Work
eye* and yawning, draw on their boot* and
I also have for sale a very fine assort­
Sells exchange on Portland, San trouser»—if they have taken the latter off—
ment of hair oils, hair tonics, cosmetics, etc
roU un and oord their bedding, and cually
s I have in connection with my parlor, Francisco, and New York.
without any attempt at washing crowd over
• the largest and finest stock of
Interest allowed on time deposits. to th* little Knoldering fire, which i* placed
a hole dug in the ground, *o that then-
Office hours from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m in
may be no risk of it* spreading The men
Ever in the city.
rarely very hungry at breakfast, and it i*
s J-T hiid S trxrt McMlilNVtLLX. Oaxoo!«
a meal that has to be eaten in shortest order,
so it is perhaps tbe least important
Elach man, as be comes up, grasps a tin cup
and plate from the mem box, pour* out his
lea or coffee, with sugar, but of course no
milk, helps himself to one or two of the bi»
cuits that have been baked in a Dutch oven,
and perhaps also to a slice of th* fat pork
These revolvers are an exact
swimming in tbe grease of the frying pan,
duplicate oi the celebrated
ladle* himself out some beans, if ther* are
any, and squats down on th* ground to eat
SJiri k WE580H.
breakfast Th* maal is not an elaborat<j
,33 Caliber, using
one: nevertheless th* man will hav* to hurry
no longer eoeta
if he wishes to sat it before hearing th* fore­
man sing out, “Come, boys, catch your
hors**," when he must drop everything and
run out to tbe wagon with bis lariat—Theo­
dor* Roocevelt in th* Century.
C ICx y\ RS
rubber handle
xnuiTlD SQVAL 1« svsxr «BsrsCT TO THS
For sale by Hardware and Gun Idlers orerywbere.
MsssfaetsrsdlF TEE MAELIÏ HEE «MB
ivr ATLXJIJM' Magazine Rifle.
ifALLAwp y*’TCV*’ajArg»K,a.7y<
tdêalîïeloading tools
^?«’4iw.Ok7’u«,?4.AM»vm*. B-m»«»”- .
rn ma____
Bex »•** «•
Something About tho Fsperlence When
One First Face. It.
There is nothing to correspond with th*
feelings experienced by a soldier under fire.
Take, for instance, the average man, tho
man who is neither very brave nor a great
coward. In all his life he could scarcely
have had any seiisatioii to com|>are with that
of hearing tho ping of th* first bullet of an
approaching fight
There is a spiteful sound as the ball sings
by the ear, or a spitting sound as it cuts a
twig above the soldier s head.
Tiieu there is a disagrwable searching
sound as the shell comes in spirals, as if to
twist itself into bis vitals. No man know
until he bus once been under tire whether be
can dejiend upon himself or not. With the
majority it at once becomes a struggle be­
tween pride, will, a natural desire to stand
up and be a man, and a natural temptatio.
to flinch.
There is a wonderful readjustment of the
standing of officers and men in a command
after the first fight. A number who havi
been regarded the best men lose their high
places ill a twinkling, anil hero and there
some one of whom not ing was expecte-i
steps right up to the front.
Home men who will face any amount'd
musketry tiriug can’t stand the sound of a
shell; and vice vei-sa. It is a mistake to sup
pose that a soldier gets used to ‘ ‘fire'’ by being
exposed in a number of battles. With each
battle he becomes more timid.
Yet veterans are more to be depended
upon tliun raw troo,«. This is partly be
cause they are better disciplined, [lartly lie­
cause they have gone through similar scenes,
and [>artly because they are more reliant on
each other and their officers.
It is true, men will in a measure get us«,
to fire by being long ex|xme<l to it, as a
V icksburg. There the Union troop* wen
under a continued regular fire for months
Being for the most port- well protected, the-
soon saw that the shells del comparative!
little damage, and th* projectile whic'
curved iu tho air to light among them iL.
jot excite anything like she trepidation i
imilar first shot would excite out on an ojiei
field. In other words, they became in i
measure accustomed to Mie bomlm.
Bravery, as it is usually understood, is
largely dependent upon physical conditions,
md is supposed by some physicians to come
from the action of the heart. It is said el
Napoleon I that under the most profound ex­
citement, on the eve of battle, his pulse never
run above some forty to fifty beats to th.
minute, whereas the average pulse of adult,
is about seventy.
Whether bravery is the result of physical
condition or no, it is certain that it is much
■usier for some mon to be brave than others,
iml many hold that all men are cowards at
icart. At any rate Frederick the Great onci
-aid that a mail who has never felt feur lu»
never snuffed a candle with bis fingers.
Character of the Cowboy.
There is no eight hour law in cowboy land
luring round up time we often count our
»Ives lucky if we get off with much less than
sixteen hours; but the work is done in the
addle, and the men are spurred on all the
¡me by the desire to outdo one another in
tats of daring and skillful horsemanship,
¡'here is very little quarreling or fighting;
nd though the fun often takes the form of
•ather rough horse ¡»lay, yet the practice of
urrying dangerous weapons makes cowboys
how far more rough courtesy to each other
nd far less rudeness to strangers than is the
use among, for instance, eastern miners, or
.’on lumbermen. When a quarrel may very
robably result fatally, a man thinks twice
of ore going into it: warlike people or classes
11 ways treat one another with a certain
mount of consideration and politeness.
The moral tone of a cow camp, indeed, is
ather hig\ than otherwise. Meann««s.
•owardice and dishonesty are not tolerated.
There is a high regard for truthfulness and
¿eoping one’s word, intense contempt for any
;ind of hypocrisy, and a hearty dislike
«or a man who shirks his work. Many
>f the men gamble and drink, but
nany do neither; and the conversation
s not worse than in most bodies composed of
nale human beings. A cowboy will not sub­
nit tamely to an insult, and is very ready to
ivenge his own wrongs; nor has he an over­
wrought fear of shedding blood. Ho pos­
sesses, in fact, few of the emasculated, milk
-md water moralities admired by the pseudo
philanthropists; but he does ¡«»ssess to a very
high degree, the stern, manly qualities that
are so valuable to a nation. —Theodore
Rooaevelt in The Century.
A Plea for «College Athletic«.
Professor Richards make« a new plea for col­
lege athletics. He argue« that two essentially
new forces are at work in these days, des­
tined to sap the physical strength out of
young men, and thus emasculating charac­
ter. These influences are concentration of
¡xjpulation in cities and the increased de­
mands made by knowledge on brains and
nerves. To show how population is concen­
trating he gives the following figures: In
Yale in 1857, of every 100 students, 21 1-5
came from cities of 30,000 inhabitants or
over. In 1871, of every 100 students, 44 came
from such cities. In 1887, 55 out of every
100. This is a remarkable showing.
But the proportion in Hbeffleld Scientific
school has risen still more rapidly. He main­
tains that the system of athletics in colleges
and elsewhere hel|M to counteract the disin­
tegrating forces of city life, to strengthen
the young men against ill health, against the
forces of low living, and keep them out of
crimes against self and society. It is well
known that l»fwe habits are associated with
local physical disorders, and a course of
physical culture invariably is responded to
by moral gain. It is the one most important
lesson in morals our age has to» learn.—Globe-
The Change In Cigars.
“What makes tbe style in cigars?” a cigar
dealer was asked.
“Now, I hardly know how to answer you,”
was the reply, “for you are asking me almost
to»» much. The manufacturers make most of
tbe style« in name only. There are only
three or four different patterns in cigar,
From these three or four distinct
patterns are made thousands of fancy style«
and still there are but three varieties of
tobacco and but three prime grades of each
variety. There can only be about a dozen
different grades in a cigar, and yet there are
over 100 on the price list.—New York Hun.
A Fortune Teller*, »«»temant.
NO. 9
“Ye*, wo make our money out of the w<>
men," frankly stated a fortune teller the
other day, "But when a man is really ‘gone’
on fortune telling, so to speak, he ha* the
fever a dosen times han lor than the ‘opposite
sex.' Why, I have one patron who consults
me daily, aixi sometime* twice a-lay. But
tbe women come in droves, and I frequently
have to turn th.-in away, they am so numer­
ous A woman always come* with a cora-
panioa - never aluoe, but I know of but one
instance in my twenty years expe-riotes-
where a man called with • friend. Women,
too, whil* they are my chief patron*, are not
a* firm b*li*v*rs la all I s»y a* ssso."—Chi
One square or leea. one insertion. . .......... fl 00
One «quare, each subsequent insertion.... 50
Notice«of appointment and final settlement 5 00
Other legal advertisements, 75 cents for first
insertion and 40 cents per square for each sub­
sequent insertion.
Special business notices in business column«,
10 cents per line. Regular business notices, 5
cents per line.
Professional cards. 912 per year.
Special rates for large display “ads."
Canned Rabbit for itie Laboring Classes
of England—A Sensible Way.
Many unaccountable things happen in in­
telligent eommunitie«. The one showing
mere than ordinary dullness just at this time
is the action of England an 1 her colony of
Story of the Broker and His Ofllra Boy. New South Wales concerning the simple cir­
Running a Baby Bucket Shop—How a cumstance of an over abundance of rabbits.
It is notorious that the laboring class of
vouth Became a Regular Gambler—Sad
England are uuabie to obtain sufficient animal
Tale« of Ruined Box».
food. Longing for meat for themselves and
There is nothing a Wall street man to so children, many go by night to catch a rabbit
opiKised to as speculation when it is indulged or two. When game-keeiiers w police step
in by his help or his relatives. He lives by in the poor fellows are sent to prison and
it, but it- to forbidden to all who are dependent branded as ¡»oachers. The government of
on him or who serve him. The other «lay a New South Wales, instead of securing these
broker, who is a junior ¡lartner iu oua of the experts in the art of snaring, and canning the
principal houses on Wall street, became sus­ meat as fast as the rabbits are caught, are
picious that one of the office boys was inviting men who, with vile poison, areabout
“trading,” as tho Wall street folks politely to spread disease among the ¡>oor creatures,
call gambling. He liked the boy, and think« so that they may die an awful, lingering
him one of the brightest lads that he ever death, the flesh and skin also beiug wasted.
saw, so that he determined to make an effort
The English government and “gentry” are
to catch him breaking the rule against trad­ at great expens«' in watching and punishing
ing, and to warn him that if any other the very men in England who would be in­
member of the firm ever caught him at the valuable in Australia. If they would give
practice he would have to lose his place. The these “poachers” a free passage to Sydney,
question was how to expose the lad, but an and the heads of government there would
opportunity was speedily offered. A cus­ take them by contracting to present them
tomer came in while the boy was writing at with a homestead, when the rabbits were
a desk.
caught, they would do it right away, ten
The customer said: “Central prettj livelyF times faster than these poisonous cholera
Instantly the boy dropped his pen and doctors. By employing artists in canning
asked; “What 1 b it now?”
millions of dollars might be made of the pre­
“One hundred and nineteen,” said the cua- served rabbit meat. How much more sens­
ible to make money of the flesh anti skins I If
Then the broker saw his chance. “What the quantity should be immense and put the
did you buy at, BillyP he inquired of the price down very low so much the better.
The poachers would make money at even five
Before the boy had taken time to think of cents per rabbit, as they would catch on the
the confession he was making ho replied:
average of 200 every drty, and a much greater
“One hundred and fifteen, sir.” He was so number al first. The delicious food could
pleased at having made a profit of four points then be taken to England and sold at a price
on his trade that the words slipped from him. within reach of every half starved agricul­
“Now I’ve got y«)u, Billy,” said the broker; tural or other laborer.—George Gardner in
“go and sell out and quit speculating for as New York Herald.
long as you remain with this house. The
next time you’re caught at it you'll have
Form lug a Town I.ot Syndicate.
to go.”
A Lincoln man who has just returned
from an extended tour of the country re­
In another office it was uoticetl that all the cently struck a small town in Missouri where
office boys were in the habit of «collecting tbe shanties composing the metropolis were
around tho ticker whenever their elders were surrounded by numerous acres of land staked
not looking over the taj»e, and that they off into lots. Before one of the magnificent
whispered a great deal whenever they were trade emporiums sat an old man smoking a
there together. One of their employers corn cob pipe and apparently plunged in
called them all before him one day, and, on meditation. The Lincoln man assumed an
cross examining thorn, discovered that the air of profound innocence and accosted him,
eldest and brightest of them was running a when this dialogue ensued:
baby bucket shop on his account, with one
“What are these stakes here for?”
cent a point as the standard of value, in­
“Town lots, stranger? This hyar town
stead of 91 as on ’change, and had in­ is just er goin’ to have a boom. An opery
itiated all his associates in the full mystery house will be built thar, ef nothin’ happens.”
of stock gambling. They were trading long
“Who owns this property?”
md short, and imitating, on a microscopic
“A syndicut. Ye won’t see ary flies on
scale, the operations of the customers of the this town.”
office, some taking bulls as their models, and
“What is a syndicater
some betting with the bears. The baby
“Why, yes«», a syndicut is er lot of fel­
bucket shop keeper was exacting a tiny pre­ lers in ther city what has money, and th«»y
mium on profits and scooping in the losses sorter get together and buy up a farm, and
quite like an adult. He was discharged and they stake it off, ye see, an’ start a boom.
tbe rest were made to promise that they would That thar land was ther Widder Maguire
never transgress again.
farm, but ther syndicut bought it, and
One of tbe shrewdt*st and quickest boy« staked it off.”
that ever turned up in Wall street obtained a
“And how does the syndicate do its boom­
place in a German banking house as an ofll«?e ing f*
boy at 95 a week less than three years ago.
“Wai, one feller in ther syndicut gets con­
He does not get more than 98 or 910 now, trol of it all, ye see, and he sells a lot to an­
but in the meantime lie has grown to be 17 or other feller, an’ it goes round an’ round, an’
18 years old, and has become such a figure every time it goes round the price is riz.”
that the b«vst way to describe his apjiearance
“But then it would never be sold out of
to to say that he dresses like John Bloodgood. that body.”
Like tho garments of that leader of fashion
“It wouldn't, eh? Stranger, yer wrong.
and popular broker, his clothe« are always Finally, er lot is sold to some outside feller,
neat and chosen with genteel taste, l»eing and then it’s deddycated, ye see, an’ don’t go
mode of the costliest materials, cut to fit as round no more.”
fluid fits whatever it fills, and yet never
“Thanks; now I know all about it.”—Ne­
gaudy or loud. Last Tuesday I inet this boy braska State Journal.
and asked him how he was getting along.
“Oh, nicely,” said he, “though I had a bad
Scorching a Hindoo Priest.
week of it. I dropped 91,200 on wheat.”
In a temple within the palace enclosure a
daily offering of a goat is made to the blood
A little questioning brought out the fact loving goddess “Kali.” We did not see the
that the boy had begun, as all others do, by day’s sacrifice, but the blocxl was yet fresh
small dickering in bucket sho[»«, based on which flowed from the neck of the little
what was said or done in the office where he offering, which is severed by one blow from
worked. By putting tho shop win­ the high priest. I was looking at the goddess
nings by and combining with another youth with her necklace of skulls through my
on a good tip or two he had gathered capital opera glass. I saw the priest suspected me of
enough to make a regular trade on the stock some disrespect to the deity. I gave him the
market. That had turned out well, and be glass. Ho marveled at the huge size the
bad thon become a regular gambler on image assumed. I then turned the glass and
’change. Viewing this case in one way, the macle him look through the diminishing end.
bucket shop was certainly to blame for “Wow! Wow! W-o-wl” was his exclama­
making a gambler of him, but he got his tion of surprise.
points from the legitimate gamblers and is
After making our offering I was about to
now one of them, and as good as any of them light tny cigar in the court with a magnify­
as long as he wins and his employer doesn’t ing or sun glass. 1 saw his reverence wanted
find him out.
to see the thing. I motioned him to hold out
But the stories that are being told to in* his hand. His face wore an expression of
fiuen«.*e the public against the small quota­ sweet innocence as tbe rays of the sun began
tion peddler do not stop within any such to brighten on the back of his fist, but when
limits as those narrated. They contain tales they got to a little focus and shot a hot spike
of rich bankers and brokers driving about at into his brown skin he uttered another
midnight to this bouse uud that and l»egging “Wow! wow! oh, wow! w-o-wl” I never
men to surrender checks cashed during that naw such merriment as the other priests nod
day for a way ward son who has forged to attendants exhibited, and the good old chap
get money to meet trading losses, and who seemed hugely to relish the joke. But I
Las then become frightened and «xinfessed to noticed that every now and then he would
tho rich father ere the exposure of the next look at the little roasted spot and rub it w ith
day came. They include tales of petty thefts his other hand. He will know a sun glass
by some clerks, and of the ruining of home« hereafter.—Carter Harrison in Chicago Mail.
by others, who have got the fever without
the money to fowl IL—New York Cor. Boa­
The “Three Rix««“ Alarm.
ton Herald.
Speaking of fires, one occasionally hears
The Rabies of Bethany.
the remark that tbe alarm sounded “three
There seems to 1» a contented community sixes.” Now what is meant by “three sixes”
at Bethany, in pleasant contrast with tbe is an enigma to most ¡»arsons. It is popu­
wretches of Jericho. The people politely wel­ larly supposed it is a general alarm, and will
come tbe stranger; the oLh-st inhabitant ex­ bring to the acene of action all tbo fire ap­
hibit« the few attractions of tbe town; the paratus in the city. This is a mistake. The
women carry their babies in sacks upon their “three sixes” are substantially equivalent tea
backs, and serve fresh buffalo milk to the double third alarm. Fire and Water, a
visitor; the children are many, pretty, and journal devoted to the firemen’s interests,
shy. Their good traits are all tbe more ap­ explains that ordinarily a third alarm calls
parent after one has tieen stoned by the out an average of elevon engine companies
urchins of Hebron, and hooted at by those of and four hook and ladder companies. The
“three *ixes” sent out after a third alarm has
Jerusalem and otlier ¡»bves.
Here, at Bethany, wo saw the “father” been sent in will bring out, ordinarily,
Idea illustrated as prettily as in tbe Arabian twenty-two engine«, eight hook and ladder
d«w*rt. If a chikl enters an apartment where companies, two water towers, the chief, two
its father is, it will not sit down or speak assistant chiefs and several chiefs of bat­
until tbe father notices it and bids it be talions. These numbers might vary a little,
-tested Moreover, if the children grown up according to the location of the fire.
The full force of the New York city de­
to some size enter and find the father engaged
in any lai »or—beating coffee in the mortar, partment consists of fifty five engine com­
for example—the youth will assume the work panies, eighteen h<x»k and huider companies,
and go on with it.-Edward L. Wilson in two water towers, two fire bout«, one chief
of department, two assistant chiefs and
The Century.
twelve chiefs of battalions. —Scientific Ameri­
Removing Cinders from tbe Fye.
Tho proper way to do is to catch up the
Wives of Newupsper Men.
eyelul by the skin, and pull it away from tbe
There are not a few nt-wspa|>er men whose
eyeball gently and repeatedly. This uotonly
instantly relieves the pain, but promotes the wive« are con«tant helpmates in their profes­
«hifting of the cinder in the right direction. sion. The wife of Frank G. Carpenter, the
In almost every case this will be found a Washington rorresjon«lent,used to ciip,evcry
qwedy and painless remedy.—Chicago Jour­ day. from a «core or more of newNpapera,
article« which might in future tie of um ^ to
her husband. Th«*se she would date and then
Tried to Ro Fanny.
file away in envelopes in a cabinet made for
the purpose. Consequently, Mr. Car)»enter
“Ten dollars,” «aid the judge.
has lota of clippings on any subject that w.*u
“I have no money,” «aid tbe prisoner.
ever written a I m mt in the public prem. lie
“Ten days,” taxi tbe judge.
Prisoner (struck by a happy thought)—1 ■ays it to the beat thing of its kin«i in exist­
ence, and hia wife is responsible for ik—New
haven’t got tbe time, judge.
But he found he had.—New York Evening York World.
Qnlckly Disposed Of.
Il I. Ilalh.r Carlow*.
A stockholder in a street ear H im says it la
c-jrious that people will kick so vigorously
about wanting a fir* in a street car to ri«i*
five block, by. when they wiU ride flv. mik.
in a oold hack or coup, and n.vw say a
word. —Detroit »roe rreaa
Magistrate (to prisoner)—Drunk and disor­
derly, what’s your name?
Prisoner Gawge Washington (hie) Job»
son, sah.
Magistrate — Well, Ctewge Washington
Hick John«», it's <W or thirty dajt,—Tte