The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, June 15, 1888, Image 4

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“It has been a good year!"
Be the farmer said, as the I easy wall
He helped unload of Ita golden grain.
*'I've bad wind and hood. It Is true, and yet
I re all, 1 know, I'va a right to ret
Kind Mother Nature has uae,l me well
The grain In my barns can tell.
It ba. been a good year!"
"It has been a good year!”
Ro the merchant said as the wintry day
Its curtain dropped: "Well, I know men say
That the times are hard and I re losses had.
Hut at home I re a troop of faces glad
To cheer me at night from my weary care:
And. surely, each one some load must boar.
It has bean a good year!"
"It has been a good year!”
Ro the mother said, as she counted o'er
The dimpled fac s, and from the floor
Plckiii th garments, and smoothed away
The tumbled oloth-s till another day;
"We have one wee lamb In the upper fold
Away from sorrow and sin and cold ;
She Is fostered now by a tender hand.
And she feels no want In that sunny land."
And tho' tears fell down in a tender rain.
Her heart beat still to the sweet refrain,
* It has been a good year 1”
And childhood counted the glad days spent
In laughter, or hours to mischief lent;
And tnar.y boasted of golden gain,
And some of a record free from stain;
Hut they who the worthiest year had known
Were thev who before the heart's high throne
Had felt that the best Icved treasures must go,
Ils 1 felt In tho dark the head bow low,
And had known the strain of the breaking
That, severed, had meant: "Thypast is dead 1”
And then had known of the peace and rest.
And bad felt that the way of Right was best.
It has been a good year I
—Stttie J. Henf. in Ctucaao Standard,
The Emperor of China's Presents to fils
Prospective llrltla.
Tho choice of the bride for the youn”
Emperor of China has at last been
matte, and in due time the «laughter of
the Duke of Clino, tlie brother of tho
present Empress, will be Empress of
the Celestial Empire. Although the
wedding will not probably take place
before before 1889, thousands of hands
are already busy with the lady’s trous­
seau and wedding presents, which have
probably never been e«|ualed in wealth
at nny other court.
The following are the presents which
the young Emperor is presenting his
fiancee beforo their marriage, after the
actual engagement present, which con­
sists of a gold seal, richly inlaid with
jewels, the handle being formed of twe
gold dragons. Up to a month previ­
ous to tho wedding the lady is pre­
sented with ten piebald horses, with
complete trappings; ten gilt helmets
and cuirasses, 100 pieces of satin of the
first quality and 200 pieces of cotton
As wedding presents the
bride receives 200 ounces of gold. 10,-
000 ounces (taels) of silver, 1 gold tea
service, consisting of teapot and 1 cup
with a lid; 1 silver tea service. 2 silver
wash basins, 1,000 pieces of satin of
the best qutility, 20 horses with com­
pete trappings, 20 horses without trap­
pings, saddles for pack horses and
The parents of the lady receive also
100 ounces of gold, one gold tea set,
6.000 taels silver, one silver tea set, one
silver washbasin, 600 pieces of silk.
1.000 pieces of cotton material, six
horses completely harnessed, a helmet
and cuirass, a bow and a quiver with
arrows, each parent one court, dress for
summer amt one for winter, one every­
day dress and a sable coaL The broth­
ers and servants of the bride also re­
ceive rich and costly presents.
The bride's hats are the most remark­
able articles among tlie rich trousseau.
Tiio winter court hat has a rim of sable,
the «Town is made of red velvet, from
tlie center of which rises a button com­
posed of three parts, each of which is
ornamented with three small oblong
f 'arls of particular beauty, and seven­
teen ordinary pearls, while in the cen­
ter of each part another splendid pearl
is sot in gold, and surmounted by a gold
The button is surrounded by seven
gold phoenixes, of which each is inlaid
with seven large ami twenty-one small
pear!« and a cat's eyo.
At the back of the hat, lieloiv tho but­
ton, a gidd pheasant is placed wftli one
cat's eye and sixteen pearls. Tho tail
of the pheasant is «livided into five parts
three hundred and two small and
five large pearls, forming a pendant,
th«- center of which is made of a lapis
lazuli, surrounded by pearls. At the
eml of the pendant a big coral is sus­
pended. A collar Is fastened at the
back to the hat, tho outside of which is
of sable, tho inside of bright yellow ma­
terial, with velvet ribbons embroidered
at tlie eml with «liamonds.
The three gala court dresses nre of a
dark blue color, with borders of gold
embroidery, and largo dragons em­
broidered nil over the dresses, while
down the front are sewn in gold thread
the words “Wan-Fu” (eternal happi­
ness) and “Wan-Nhon” (eternal lite).
The necklaces and chains are of an
enormous value, amt composed for the
most part of pearls, turquoises, corals
and diamonds. A handki-rcliief which is
worn ill the belt is green, richly em-
l roidered, trimmed with tassels of jew­
els. and yellow ribbons.
A gala apron of red and blue satin,
trimmed with otter skin and embroid­
ered in gol<l, dragon fans, and skirts of
many different kinds are also a part of
this gorgeous outfit, ami ths furniture
for the future Empress is keeping every
lra«te orisk throughout China. — Pall
Hall (la-.ctte.
—A novol type of a floating saw mil)
has been built at Creston City, Fla.,
consisting of a large lighter or barge,
with two fliHirs, an«l covered with Iron
rooting, so that it resembles a house
afloat It is forty feet wide, eighty
(e<-t long, six feet deep, draws eleven
feet of water, ami require«! 100,000 feet
of lumber in its Construction. Its saw
mill equipment is quite complete.
Hardship« of an Atlantic Voyage Before
the Days of Fast Steamers.
At the period of which I speak, the
sailing packets which run between Lou­
don and New York, and between Liver­
pool and that port, were ships of five to
six hundred tons burden. The state­
rooms—as the little cabins ranged on
either side of the saloon were termed—
were below the sea-level. They were in­
commodious, dark, and ill-ventilated.
In fact, the only light they enjoyed was
that furnished by small pieces of ground
glass inserted in the deck overhead,
and from the fan-lights in the doors
opening to the saloon, and this was so
poor that the occupants of the state­
rooms could not even dress themselves
without niuking use of a lamp. The
sole ventilation of them was that afford­
ed by the removal of the saloon sky­
lights, which, of course, could only be
done in fine weather. The consequence
was that the closeness of the atmos­
phere in the state-rooms w«a at all
times most unpleasant; while the Binell
of the bilge-water was so offensive as to
create nausea, independent of that aris­
ing from the motion of the vessel. In
winter, on the other hand, the cold was
frequently severe.
There was, it is
true, a stove in the saloon, but the heat
from it scarcely made itself appreciably
felt in the the side cabins.
In other matters there was the same
absence of provision for the comfort of
the passengers. The fresh water re­
quired for drinking and cooking pur­
poses was carried in casks; and when
the ship had a full cargo, many of these
were placed on deck, with the result
that their contents were sometimes im­
pregnated with salt water from the
waves shipped in heavy- weather. At
all times the water was most unpalata­
ble, it being muddy, and filled with
various impurities from the old worm-
eaten barrels in which it was kept.
Not only was the water bad. but the
supply occasionally proved inadequate;
and when the voyage was an unusually
long one, the necessity would arise of
placing the passengers upon short al­
There was always a cow on board;
but there was no other milk to be had
than what she supplied, no way of pre­
serving it having then been discovered.
Canned fruit and vegetables were equal­
ly unknown. There was commonly a
fair provision of mutton and pork, live
sheep and pigs being carried; but of
other fresh meat and of fish, the stock
was generally exhausted by the time
the vessel had been a few days at sea;
refrigerators at that period not having
been invented.
But the arrangements on board these
ships were defective in much more im­
portant matters than in not providing
a good table for the passengers. The
boats even when they were seaworthy,
which frequently was not the case—
were so few in number that, in the
event of shipwreck, there was no possi­
bility of their holding more than a third
of the souls on board. The long-boat,
indeed, was practically useless in ihi
emergency, ns it was almost invariably
filled up with sheds for the accommo­
dation for the c w, sheep and pigs; and
it would have b -en several hours’ work
to clear the I oa and launch her.
If the ea in passengers had good
cause to complain that neither their
safety nor their comfort was sufficient­
ly studied, the condition of the steerage
passengers was infinitely worse. Men,,
women and children are huddled like
sheep in the «(Harters assigned them, no
separation of the sexes being attempt­
ed. The berths, which ran on either
side of the vessel, were not inclosed,
and were without curtains. The wom­
en were competed to dress and un­
dress before the eyes of their mal<> pas­
sengers, and ex|M>sod to their course re­
marks and scurrilous jests.
The steerage passengers were re­
quired to both supply and cook their
own provisions. There was commonly
a fierce struggle for n place at tlie gal­
ley fire, in which the sick and feeble
necessarily went to the wall; and some­
times several days would pass without
any warm food being obtained by those
who were most in need of it. Again,
when there was n storm, or even when
the ship experienced heavy weather,
the hatches were closed, rendering the
atmosphere of tlie steerage almost
stilling. In fact, the condition mid
treatment of this class of passengers
were simply abominable, and such ns to
reflect deep d seredit upon the Govern­
ment for allowing so many years to
relapse ere any attempt was made to
deal with the evil.— Chambers' Journal.
—The Ut^cii Ofcxcrrer and Albany
Journal are bragging aliout their aged
compositor«. The oldest type-setter on
the Observer has worked on the case
forty-nine years, and for thirty years in
the Wwrrtvr office. Two others have
In-cn sticking type thirty-six and tliirtv-
two years, and two others hate been in
the observer office tw enty-six and twen­
ty four years. The Journal says it can
beat that easily. Its oldest compositor
has liven at the case fifty-nine years,
and for forty years on the Journal. An­
other has been on the Journal since
18-10, ami for a quarter of a century
was foreman of the composing-room;
his brother has In-en steadily employed
on the Journal for thirty-live years, and
a fourth has had thirty-two years'
service in the same office.—AL F. 6' un .
— Tlie celebrated Dr. Abernethy
hated the egotistic garrulity of people
who came to consult him. A lady on
one occasion entered his consulting
room, nnd put before him an injured
finger without saying a word. In
ailencc Abernethy dressed the wound,
and the lady instantly nnd silently put
the usual fee on the table and retired.
In a few days she returned, and held
out her finger free from bandage and
perfectly healed. “WellF" was Aber­
nethy’s monosyllabic inquiry. ‘'Well,”
was the lady's equally brief answer.
“Upon my worxl. madam," said the de­
light in I surgeon, “you are the moat
sensible woman I ever met with!"
— A most admirable charitv la that
of the Salvation Army in London,
which has o| ened a restaurant where
a meal may be bought for a farthing.
The small cotn pays for a bowl of sou p
or a half loaf of bread, and two far­
things securos a cup of coffee or cocoa
and a slice of bread and jam. Thus
for aliout two cents a wholesome meal
can be bought. Threejience brings
— “lou li tie girnl lo hear, John,”
meat and |>ot«toes and a halfpenny a
«aid a farmer to his shepherd one day.
diah of rice.
“that the University of St Andrews
—We learn wistiom from failure has mails our minister a doctor." “I
much more than from success. We am naeways surprised at that," said
"Mair than twenty
often discover what will do by finding I the shepheni.
out what will not do; and probably ho I yeare «vn« he enred my wife o' a col io.
who never made a mistake never made I 1 think ho should hae been made •
I doctor lang ayopr*
Air ong the various prims «"tered st •
.bow .1 8*n Franc-taco w«js °‘'“1'urI
aniniaL The surprise of the Judges wss gro«u
A New Home Tr.atmeul for tho Care of when they found tliat the »inner was a dog
that had died »nd been stulfcd two years be
A Mixture Which Any Intelligent Farmer
Can Prepare.
Cararrh, Catarrhal Deafu... aud
Hay Fever.
A method of painting farm buildings
The microacope ha< proved that the*«
Mode by Ran Francisco Tool Go. Work. v.
fails of Its murderous iutent The
SUr< !M< >n 8U , R 9. Bwd for dchcriptlv* catehjj^
and country houtu., while by nomeuii Ji hv a ea are contagioua. and that they are Sometimes
ius"d uous «mi dssta.-dfy attacks made upon the
new, is yet so little known and so de- the lining membrane of the upper air paa- reputation ot Hostetter . Stomach Bitters b>
who seek lopalm off cheap «nd flerj
■ervingof wider application as to war- • æand eatachian tubtsa. The eminent persons
It is the Greatest furred y kn□ w/r|
tauie. as identical with it, or "the same«thing ;
li ta, Tyndall. Huxley and Beale en- under another name,” or ' equally as good. i<*
rant a description. The paint has but
toile HU
two parts, both cheap materials, being be dinpuled. The regular method of treat­ most Instances react dleastrouHly “P?11,
C ompi .«, P o W];B
principled under, upon P°l,ul.*r, cr^’**‘‘L.i.«
water-lirve and hydraulic cement «uii ing theae diaeaaea ban been to apply an ir- atleinpt them, converting their siecumtioas
ruinous failures. Tho Bitters is a P“™-
skinnned-niilk. The cement is placed ' ritant remedy weekly, and even daily, into
wholesome «nd thorough medicine, sdapied to
in a bucket, and tlie skim-milk, sweet,
« rite tar llreuh-
j in a conatant etale of irritation, allowing
is gradually aildod, adrringconstantly. I it uo chance to hea', and aa a natural con- bilious remittent dyspepsia, constipation, bil­
iousness, debility, norvou new and kidney
until just about the consistency of good ' aeq'.ence of such treatment not one per­ troubles. Its every Ingredient unlikeJhiMti iu
the imitations of it is of an ascertained st «nd TO IHI- LA1HEN!
cream. The stirring must be thor­ manent cure baa ever been recorded, it ard
of excellence, and while they, by reason of
ia an absolute fact that theae diaeaaea can­
oughly done to have an even flow, and not
be cured by an application made their fiery proportion, react injuriou ljr upon
brain and nervous system, of both tnosi ■
if t >o thin, the mixture will ruu on the oftener than once in two weeka, for the
M iuufucturent and Importer« < f
organs il Is a Hedatlve and lnvigorant Retuse
building and look streaked. The pro­ membrane muat get a chance to heal be- all these harmful Imitations.
L"iXDr. Spinney &
[» ’ , * u st oi
fore an application ia repeated. It ia now
1 ui Uuud, uf
portions can not be exactly stated, but i i «even
year, wince Mr. Dixon diacovared The Empress of Russia 1« «aid to do a gre.I
a ga'lon of milk requires a full quart the paraHite in catarrh aud formulated hie part
11» Kearney Htreei. M. F.
of her household sewii g.
--- ’ -
of cement and si-metimes a little , ' new treatment, and «ince then hi- remedy
Il’u trated Catalogues sent Pee on application «lency, tic., dus lo excesses'or abuse cuwl'
hae become a household word in every
YOUNG MEN •VM'rin«fr°>n iL
more. This is a convenient quan­ country
I Big rs
ven unfvtr«
where the Engliah language ia
A richly frosted quivering flying Dove.
tity to mix at a time, for one apokeu. Curea effected by him eeven
sal satisfaction In tho
A Dream of Life screen « alendar. An Im-
cure of Oonorrhcea and
person to use. If too much is pre­ vearaago are cure» still, there having ported ideal head. An imported f o«ted
charges, promptly and safely cured.1 uuu*tur*l di*.
Gleet. I prescribe it and
pared the cement will settlo nnd hard­ been no return of ti.e diaeaae.
-now scene and a full set of magnificent
feel safe In recommend*
So highly are theae remedlee valued floral cards. Fourteen artistic pieces.
en before all is used. A flat paint that ignorant imitator, have started up
KI*!n<‘T" Of Bl»«1der, Weak Dm Tl1**-
Ing it to all sufferer«.
Debility, Wu.ting of Sexual Slr™th .,?erv""«
Sent to anyone who will buy f«oai a drug­
brush, about four inches wide, is the everywhere pretending to deatroy a para­ gist
restored to heslthy vigor.
“x“1- «o„ ctaq
r C. M L anr a
N. B. Persons unable to visit us m.r h.
Decatur, III.
best implement to use with this mix­ Hite, of which they know nothing, by C elebrated L iver P ills (price Hi eta.)
at their hum«, by « orresuondence mill o tr*<«l
the reeultH of the application of
PRICE, 11.00, .
Instructions sent by msll or exprew
mail us the outside wrapper ftoiu tlie
ture. Lay it on exactly as with oil remedies,
which they are equally ignorant. Mr. and
kl Sold by Druggist«.
box with 4 cents in Btamps. Write your
paint It can be applied to wood-work, llixon'e lemedy ia applied only once in address
plainly. F leming B ros ., P itts
old or new, and to brick mid stone. two weeka, and from one to three applica- burgh , P a .______
tione effect a permanent cure in the moat
When dry, the color is a light creamy aggravated
Cats are in demand in the western part of
brown, or what some would ca.l yel­
Mr Dixon eende a pamphlet describing Kansas, according to an exchange, which
lowish stono color. Neither expres­ hie new treatment on the receipt of Htamp “quotes'' them al $1 apiece.
on Trial ! Btreet. Ben rranotaeo
sion describes it wel', but it is a very
Dixon & Son, 36Ci King etreet went. Tor­
good color for a country building. A onto, Can ida.— Scientific American.
We sympathize with the fueling which often
Tltaalor. Oesulnsmsd. b/J. P^AlUnVetrsu’, £,
leads citizens to boast that no child born in this I
pigment like ochre may bo added to
country need grow up in ignorance, and yet it :
change the color, but it is very diffl-I
PIANOS ? y^"»1
Tabasco that it is almost impossible to build a is a fact that many people who have learned to (
cult to do the mixing so thoroughly as , i telegraph line. They all get on the wire and read and write have never taught theinse ves
I fc*
su«l Tuning
■ ■ ■ wi l«tu.u«l nveui
Vico, in uh
UBO <> in no other Piano, by which our Pitn»«
to give an even tint. If attempted, the : 1 swing until it breaks.
consumption, bronchitis, scrofula, or “liver
stan<i in tune 20 j cars, f.,r 100 ; not affected
Investment «mall, profits
cement and coloring mutter, in care- I 1 A REMEDY FOR CHILLS AND FEVER. complaint,” might read, till his eyes dropped (
by climate. No wood to split, break, swell,
large. Send Me for mailing
out, how these and many other disease have
crack, decay, or wear out; we guarantee it wJ
large illustrated Catalogue
fully weighed proportions, should be
been cured by Dr. Pierce’s Golden Med isal
R ochester , N, Y., Dec. 16, .885.
with full partioulare. Man­
gant Rosewood Cases, 8 strings, double reflating
but if he did not take the lesson to !
ufactured by
first run through a paint mill. This
action; finest ivory key«; the Famous ANTISEIA
Four years ago I contracted a hard cold Discovery,
himself and test the virtues of this great medi- ;
Call or writo for Catalogue, free. T. M. ANT18E1 r
skim-milk paint, well mixed, without ' that settled on my lunge. I had a severe cine, his time would be thrown away.
PIANO CO., Manufacturers, Odd Fellows’ Hail ¿ar.
16» Lake St.,
added color, has a goo 1 body, gives a chill, followed by high fever, raging head­
ket and Seventh Streets, San Egyi cisco.
There are nearly three hundred thousand
smooth, satisfactory finish, on either ache, pain on my left aide over the lung, Cbinaiueu
in the Unit« d Stales.
lu*»' Utugon NutiOri^l uuiiK,
wood or stone, and wears admirably. and every time a fit of coughiug came on,
A friend of mine used this paint for which wa« every few minutea, it was ter­ CHILDREN HTAKVING TO DEATH
tl nnn
for eaeh
of noil
lo bear the pain. 1 thought It meant On »«count of their inability to digest food,
(Bucooworato MetroouHUo Si.vtac-.Dua.I
1UUU onous suMtances found in Wisdom's
asetof farm buildings, which have since rible
4100.000 acknowledged the mobt delightful and only rtslli
in attack of pheumonia, aa I went through will find a m«jet marvelous rotxi and remisly I CAPITAL PAID IN,
Tnamota. G««enU B*nku.< ihHta»,.
passed throtvzh three winters and are a iwo-moHth aiege of that disease, and it in Mi-ott'a Emulsion ot Pure I'od l.lver
barrnli as t diet article ever produced for l>«autifyhu
v> uteck.
with Hypophosphites. Very palatable an«: AIXX »UNT8 kept
and 1 leserv ng th« complexion, removing tan, miubunf
now looking fresh and well. One build­ came nu juat the name way. Aa it waa Oil
EXCHANGE ou B«<. I r«.»»wo Mid New Yturk. freckle« sunt all bleiutehes and roughness of ’ the ikin'
easily digeattMl. Ilr. 8. W. C ohen , ot Waco. SELLH
MAKES OoLLEClTolH -w f.vorebla pvuw.
Used and Indorsed by the elite of society and the
ing was new nnd the covering lioards
Texas, says: "I have us-ul your Emulsion in I«>- V an b . d « la S hmutt
stage. Bold by all druggists at 50 cents per bottfe
ing before sending for a doctor. Fortun­
wasting will: good roe lilts, it not only !
VUv PKWktaU.
ini]M-rfectly seasoned; others had been ately, a balf-b- x of A llcock ’ s P orous fantile
White and Flesh. Manufactured by W. M. WiRDnM
reatores wasted tissues, but gives strength and
. Ghent fate Portland Onwon
whitewashed, some repeatedly for more I P lasters waa found in the poaeesaiou of Increases the appetite. 1 am glad to use such :
a reliable article.”
than half a century. All appear equal­
the e was put on inv throat, two on my
The cuetom for ladlee to carry walking-etlcke
ly we 1. The older buildings were pre­ client,
and one on my back over the lett
pared by scraping off tho looso and ah- ulder blade. 1 then had a hot foot ia once more becoming fashionable in Europe.
scaly whitewash, tlie scraper being a bath. After again getting into bed, it “Ah me,"! eighe«l Cotts, "I'm tl-ed of living,
seemed but a few minutes when all >ny
The world is hollow, ambition’s vain.”
curry-comb; it was not much work to do symptoms
were relieved; the akin became "Come now,'! said ills chum, ”1 know the
this. The expense of tills piece of paint­ quickly nioiat; I coughed only at intervale,
ing was surprisingly sleight A laborer and then with very little effort, and in It's all your liver—that's very plain.
at $1 .50 a day did the work, and he which 1 did not awake until morning. I You need not suffer, for help is easy;
Pierce's Pellets go right to the idace.
covered a two-story, twelve-room house resumed business in two days.
*A frieno to the bilious,' I well might ca'l them:
in six working days. He laid on from
H. F. F letcher .
There's notuing better; they'll suit your case."
three to four gallons a day the who e
Dr. Gatling has patented a new gun metal Potts ceased hia sighing, and bought th«
quantity used on this building being composed of steel and aluminum, and said to
No more he niourneth his hapless lot!
less than a bushel of cement, costing be or remarkable strength.
Hia face ia cheerful, his heart ia lightsome,
fifty cents, and twenty-two gallons of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy cureB when every’ His melancholy is quite forgot!
skim-milk, worth less than n dollar on other so-called remedy fails.
8eventy-throe vessels went to the bottom oi.
the farm. The whole cost of satisf c-
the great lakes last season, and involved the
Over two thousand hatters are said to be sacrifice of 201 lives and the loss of $2,500,000
torily painting good-s zed house, brush idle
in Danbury, Conn., owing to dullness of worth of propert y.
inc uded, was below $12.
This painting mixture, so easily and See AntiseM Piano advertisement.
J. H. FIMK, Aswayrr and Analytlral
Chemi at. Laboratory. 106 First st., Portland.
ehoaply prepared, was described in
Or. Analy ses made or all substances. Dales
ry G ermka for breakfast.
recipe books years ago, but a knowl­
for assaying gold and silver ores $1.50. I’acx
ages sent by mail or express promptly attended
edge of it was revived by General Lt-
to, and returns made
—Trying to run down every slander
Due while ho was U. 8. Commissioner
The 4'ontlnnat on of a 4'ongh for any
of Agriculture. He mentioned an in­ is like trying to pick up quicksilver
length of time causes irrilatt n of the l.ung«-
stance of a country house within his with your thumb and finger.
or some chronic Throat Disease.
—For one man who sincerely pities Kronchial Trochre” are an effectual Cougl
personal knowledge, the body of which
was covered witli skim milk ami c<- our misfortunes, there are a thousand Remedy. Price 25 eta. Sold only in boxer.
ment, and the trimmings with lead and who sincerely hate our success.
If afflicted with Sore Eyes, use Dr. Issa,
oil paint, forty-five years before he de­
—Advice is like medicine. You can Thompson’s Eye Water. Druggists sell it 25«
scribed it; during this period the trim­ never tell whether it will do you any
A very IntereetlnK and instructive feat­
ming paint had been renewed several good until after you have taken it
ure is embraced in the recent offer of W.
&. Co., to supply their patrons
times, but the cheap body color re­
—Philosophy triumphs easily over with a Sons
beaut ful souvenir album contain­
mained well preserved. --American past evils and future evils, but present ing
a complete colle«.-tion ot tlie Rulers,
evils triumph over it— Bochefoucauld. Flags and Coata-of-Arms of every nation
in the world. They are to be presented t<
—Poverty often deprives a man of everv one in exchange for seventy-five un­
Vegetables vs. Meats.
all spirit and virtue, it is hard for an soiled holders, same as inclosed in pack
of Cameo Cigarettes.
A«i«lre-H W.
The idea is b ginning to gain vogue, empty bag to stand upright— frank­ ag'-H
Iiuke, Sons & Co., nfl« First avenue New
not only among vegetarians by princi­
—The young man on the lookout for York; or, Durham, N. C.
ple, but with others who have never
a “soft place,” through a dislike for
considered tho subject in the light
honest hard work, can find one under
—A big bone, which local physicians
that the vegetarians do, that our his hnt
of Carson, Nev., say is a portion of a
diet is altogether too strong in
—The man who is not straightfor­ leg of a man below the knee, was re­
the matter of the more
meats; so much is this the case ward and honest—who tries to be all cently found near Genoa, Nev. It was
it is maintained that mild wines things to nil men—generally ends by two feet long, and at the point where
do really less harm to tho general sys­ being nothing to anybody.—AT. Q. Pic­ it joiued the knee was eight inches
across, or five times the usual size. I!
tem than flesh that is loaded with red ayune.
the num who owned the bone was built
blood. This strong meat, such, for in­
in proportion he must have been about
stance, as beef, the eating of which, it
twenty-five feet high.
An active
is said, frequently generates too hot
search is being made for the rest of the
blood, gives us our reckless activity,
Skin »"Scalp
our intensity, and many of our new
F^ estof ^ eo
—Tho late Emperor William one
Whito meats, vegetables,
evening at Baden Baden noticed an
oils and fruits, in long-tried use nmong
officer in civilian dress trying his luck
CU tic I if ^
the ancients, are in this view a safer
nt trente-et-quarantc, a pastime forbid­
mid wholesomer diet than that which
den to army officers. He had placed
we have so long considered the best to
othing is known to rciknck at two or three louis on the table and ha«l I
I hi had.
Whether the facts and their
all comparable to tha C uticura R kmkdik » won a nice little sum, when he saw tlie
inferences nre correct or not, they de­
in their marvellous properties of cleansing,
and beautifyinx die skin and Tn King
He turned pale,
serve consideration.— Harper » Bazar. purifying
curing torturing, disfiguring, itching, scaly and trembled, and hesitated to take pos­
pintnfy diseases of the skin, scalp and bloo«L
loss of hair.
session of his money. Thereupon King
—A paper gavo nn account of a so­ with
C uticura . the great S kin C ure , and C uti
ciety event, amt in speaking of one CURA -OAr an exquisite Skin Beautlfler. pre­ William approached and whispered in
pared from It. externally, and O vticuka Rs his ear: “Don’t be afraid. Take in
beautiful lady of quite large propor­ solvent
, the new Blood Pnririer, internally,
tion, it said: “Mrs. —— possessed a cure every form of skin and blood disease, from your money, but don’t do it again.”
___ ____________ rORTLASP. OREGON.
form that a Juno migi.t envy.” 'J'he
Soidevenrwhere. Price: C uticura . 30o.; Rx
editor went home, and left a subordi- solvent , st; S oap . t5c. Prepare«l by the P ot
<1 in ate to get out th.« paper, mid the TER
_Rend for "How to Cure Sktn Iileeasea."
next morning lie read in his paper, that
Pimples, bia, kbeada chapped and ollv 1<x
“Mrs. ----- possessed a form that Jum­ (MT skin nrevented by C uticuha S oap ,
• Dull Ado*. I‘Hi««» and Weaknesses in­
bo might envy."
stantly relleve«i by the Ct'TISVRA A sti -
Jacobs & Co.,
Ladies’, Children’s and Infants’ Wear,
B eauty
Agent tor ADVANCE Threshers and Engines
Cameo Cigarettes
P ais
ri.A-TSH, the <>a)y ji«ta kllllnf ttlnater
—An English seer has discovered
that the numerical value of the letters
of the name “Boulanger" in Greek is
just 666. and prophesies that tho melo­
dramatic General is to p!ay a leading
part in affairs lictweon this time and
the second advent of Christ, which is
to occur at 3 o'clock in the afternoon
of March 6. 1896.
The ecostiv and brautlAU worksof art renr-s
Ing. respectively, Mrs l.mttry and m DJ' ti .IÌ’
»«hlblled tu lh. numerouTip'^Si,^; the entire Partile C«»«. are e
heavy geld beve ed frame«, wl h hero
■ «rnamental Inside «nd Imported k I msh The. ... ¡t 1
trom any diventai,., n Ju-r .n.fwTr. ¡«¿,77,^7
«dvely for the patrons of the Ihihe'e (',„7
ette«. Howtoobtatatt-suooftliewn
—Guest—Well, good-bye, old man,
ami you've got s very nice little pine«
here. Host—Yea, but it’s rather bare
just now. 1 hope the trees will have
grown a little before you're back, old
are md fully ano persona who return a large« num­
ber. Rulers, Flags and Coat-of-erm« «r .n I
Iodide of* PotawM
Tt cure« R hiv M4T1 rm , N bubaloia , Bolte. Pimptea,
Scrofula, Ou«t, latarrh. Tumor«, Halt Rheum, nud
Mercurial I'a'n* It PuriU-a the Rhxxl, Reatorea tt.e
Liver at d ki.lnev« to healthy action, and make« the
(\»mpfaik-n Friffht and Utear
I suffered for year« from catarrh till it destroyed
my apv*tit« and weakened my ay«Um. No reme­
dies ffav« me relief till I commenced using Jxiy’s
ttarHapartlla. I began taking it last aprlng. and am
no# entirely five from that disgusting disense.
J. R. CATES A CO., Proprietors.
Nt.. »a« Kraarler«.
Mahar«. Cui
For «rver«l years I suffered from Dyspepsia and
Kidney Complaint, tten latter being no severe at
tiiiM*« that 1 could «earcely attend to my work.
My anpettt« was D«M>r and I was much emaciated,
but through the free use of Joy’s Vegetable Rarsa-
parlllamv appetite and digestion Improved ’till my
health was perfectly restored.
w. XJxal«.®, Won.
feU.lln«. c.i.
Try the Cure
noil.-«, u> .11 wtm w r
-<1 TS Ibldvn lo th« nn«1«rw<
*r* , uro.»«
m«o box«, for lh.
» C. AMP Xtw V,.«».