* « •’ . - .7■ r/; • • V „ . .Sl>, ACf JUNES. 1878.—1 I A EST SiDE TELEPHONE, i The ■ VKtTKV S tat » or^/l’arch 2», lKSR.} H) Ürfgl I i r' bv K''en ll,ut CO1“P11- B«»tic,e11d,1. I>rovismnsof the act of Cou- Ji t<8. entitled "A" ar t for Be*oi * tim> er fonds 111 tlie S Nevada ami Wasl hrg- ■ié>r"w'* , h N Hartley of East ^feTerntery, ^ yuitnoinrjh, state of i.t< tlri- 'lav lih’d H'1' o,n'-,1 1,1!‘ Bv«011' , \o 2(X). (or the purchase t 4 and N of fJ E 1-4of ■ lbe .¿as’ R 8 W and will offer pr.rot to ■'Jthat'tii'e la'"' »«"«‘‘‘i8 ,',or<; v.ulT ■w>v th»1 ,,r stone than (or agrtcul- ^Kleforits mid to establish Ills claim »'•'A’Tnd before the IRg^ter nnd-lle- • ” (this office at Oregon City, Oregon, EïJidly he ¿0. day ofjuue. A 1> 1.8.«. witnesses: John G Hart- ■ He"“"' ‘ Umllev. Walter Smith and Kn Ed»8rd", 1111 oi East PortI“1“1’ Ure’ B“?’.« .nd all persons claiming adversely ■,A"lk“e and beauty, in tho V lUUll, appearance of the hair, may be preserved for an indefinite period by the use of Ayer’s Hair Vigor. •• A dis­ ease of the scalp caused my hair to be­ come harsh aud dry, and to fall out freely. Nothiug I tried seemed to do me any good until I commenced using Ayer’s Hair Vigor. Three bottles of this preparation restored my hair to a healthy condition, and it is now soft and pliant. My scalp is cured, mid it is also free from dandruff. — Mrs. E. R. Foss, Milwaukee, Wis. U9 castoria for Infant» and Children "Casterta is M>weU adapted to chUdren that | Caatoria emre Colle. CoaHlpatlon, I recommend it aa superior to anr prracnoUoa I Boor Stomach, I>iarriu»at EnieteUoa, kaowa to me.“ IL A. A«xt M. D„ I “d 111 80. Qxfort 8U, Breoktya, N. T. | Without Injurious taodloalka. Lyle Wright is quite sick with bilious Quick Savle, Small Prophit and fever. piompt payment i»the Mottowe ofC. A. W. i Son. Osborne binder twine, the best in the market, at Martin ¿t Sanders. 2w C. Griesen's ice cream parlors, back of the Frst National bank. Mrs. E. J. The court liov.se foundation will be | Apr27:IO Register Wells in charge. finished within two weeks. E mber un », act junk Vitn«.- John Lou:s Rogers’ speech was a fea­ A goodly number of dollars were ture f " otice ron ruBLdCATiox. of the’students Reunion, Wednes­ wagered on the horse race Monday. day afternoon. fviTE» S tatss L akb O ffice , I Oregon Chy. Or, March 29, 1888. f Miss Maggie Rediuond is at work in 11ns office is turning out a large I Notice is hereby given that in eompli- tlie First National Bank of this citv. amount of job work. Do not foiget to n,« with tire provisions of the act of Con- The ratification meeting of our friends bring your work to us. E^ofJuneS, t8'8. entitled "An act for I have gone into the Clothing business. I am now read}- to supply did not materialize Saturday night. K,e,ale of t''»ber I“’"'“,111 t'1,0 » :ltS’8 A large number of the students left your wants with Big Bargains in Mens’ and Boys’ suits, Pants, etc. ¡lliforaia. Oregon. Nevada and M ashing- C. C. Booth, of Little Elk, Benton yesterday morning for tiisir homes. lini Territory,’7 Thomas llartrey of hast My motto will be “Small profits and Quick sales. Ipnrtland county of Multnomah, state of county, is visiting relatives in this city. The tow n looks deserted. IrheL’o:' baa this day filed in this office his Dr. H. V. V. Johnson returned from Born.—To the wife of Morris Fletcher, I. worn statement No 2G1. for the purchase . hèsand N E J4 of 8 W h and S >, of on Thursday, June 7, a boy. Weight 12 Tygh valley, Friday. He intends to reside here iu tlie future. pounds. Is E '/ of see !'►. T -’ 8, R8 IV, and will offer I have but mv foot down on high prices to begin with. I have bought nroof*to show that tlie land sought is more If all the land was leveled into the sea Tire monflily meeting of the directors Lluable for its timber or stone than for my stock for Cash, and that talks you know. Good Mens’ suits from. the w ater would flow over the globe w ith of the McMinnville National bank was »..rieultarul purposes, anil to establish his $10. upwards. Boys’ suits from $4. upwards, Mens’ piOR The Tillamook Headlight has reaehed the use of Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, sustain to file their claims in this office on or before ns owing to the kindness of J. G. Day. the reputation of this remedy as the said 29tb day of June, 1888 W T BttnNEY, This is a n»w publication and a very most popular blood purifier. Apr27:10 Register, creditablo one. J. D. Fenton, the county surveyor, in Mr. D. B. Adam««. Union. 8outh Carolina, Henry Gee, of Bellevue, was kicked order to settle the difference of opinion writes: “ 1 was afflicted with a terrible case Executors Notice. ooooooo of blood poison for about thirteen month*. X on the ¡oft thigh by a vicious horse here between Mr. Willis’ property and ooooooo waf« treated by tho beat physicians, and used Notice is hereby given that the under Tuesday morning. No bones broken the present site for the school house, run various kinds of remedies, but received no ooooooo. cooo signed has been duly appointed executor of MiUbtantlal relief. I finally tried the Swift the level, Friday, and found that the Specific, and about four bottle* cured me the last will and testament of Robert Stow but severely bruised. sound and well.” Willis ’ property is 5 feet lower than the deceased, by the county court of Yamhill THE HOUSE RACE. W. V. Price the photographer, will Col. B. n. Klcser, editor end proprietor of oooooooooooooo county, Oregon. . Therefore all persons take’eabinets for $.3.00 per dozen until present sito for tlie school house, the Optlika, Al*., TYrne*, under date of August 8, 18S7. write*: ‘’When I wa» ooooooooooooooooooíxiooooooooooo manning,« “Binger Hermann“ Wins In having claims against said estate arc here­ W. P. Johnson, the photographer a young man, through iudheretion, I con ­ by notified to present them with proper the first of July. Call and get your pict­ 3:11 3-4 and 3:30. tracted a <1 i8ca.se which lias stuck to oooooooooooooo whose pictures have given such general vouchers to the undersigned at the law of­ ure taken while they are cheap. nic for years. Some fivo or six yean »Ince I was troubled with pains, so as to satisfaction will return to this city and fice of Fenton & Fenton. McMinnville, Or- Monday was the day set for tho race A boom costing $15,000 will be built make it diftteull for me to walk. H s M m cun, within six months from the 18th day at tho mouth of tho Cowlitz river this be here four davs, tlie 4th 5th 6th and between Dr. E. E. Goucher’s horse advertised the S. S. S. in my paper for several years, I concluded I would try it to soo If ofMav, A. D 1838 7th of July. He will bo prepared to there was any efficacy in the medicine. I J baac L ambright , Executor aforesaid, year. This will save a large number of tHke all kinds of pictures. The gallery “John M. Gearin” and 8. A. Manning’s commenced uidug It according to direction* logs which heretofore have born lost. F en ion it F enton . Attvs for estate. and u-ed half dozen bottles. I was once at a is over Detnieriug’s store. Satisfaction "Binger Hermann.” The horses have waystation and. getting left, I walked the seven miles and Lave never felt any return We know of nothing t'nat will thresh assured. been in training for t wo weeks and were of the old malady. After experiencing the BOOKS! STATIONERY!! more grain than a good, healthy Cy­ Mr. F.manuel Nortbup who lias been in fair condition. The judges were John good effects I must haj- I am »atlsfled with the result. I am sixty eight years of age and clone. Martin & Sanders have one that settled upon bv the trustees of the Mc- Hulery, John Redmond and 8. Lucas. I feel now like a young man andean go to was captured in tlie east. Cali and see Minnnville college as the next teacher the case when necessary and set up from six to eight, thousand ein* without uuy incon­ The first heat the horses niado a good it. -*• in the place Prof. Crawford resigned, is venience. I bend you this without solicit»» start with Hermann at the pole. Both tlon. J. A. C. Freund, B. F, Sparks and a graduate of Madison University, of Mr. F. Woehl, 211 North Avenue, Chicago, under date of June 12, 1887. write»: “I deem John Baker were the delegates from Hamilton, New York, class of ’79. He horses broke but not much. Hermann —AND— it my duty to thank you for 1ho euro I re- cpb ed from your excellent madid tie. I coa­ this Masonic lodge to Hie meeting of the is also a graduate of the Chicago came under the wire two lengths ahead. ti seted a very severe ease of blood poison­ Musical Instruments of All grand lodge in Portland, on Wednesday Theological Seminary, class ’83. Time 3:11 ing about two years ago. Hearing of your medicine, I went to a drug store, the pro­ last. C. A. Wallace & Son bought from Mr. Hermann was driven by Chan Wood, prietor of which persuaded me to buy a Kinds. preparation of his own, which he said was A good race will be trotted on the 4th Ladie. of Sheridan, some bacon which a sure cure. I used six bottles of his stuff The only house of its kind in the county. at the fair ground between Dr. Gal­ is extraordinary in size and weight. Guarin by Del Martin. For the second and grew worse all the time. At last I got heat Martin was taken off and Clabe dlsgiHted and despaired of a cure. I met a The MeMinnvills News Co. ’ breath's 3-year-old Altamont Colt, J. F. The two sides weighed 125}^ pjunds; friend who told me that your medicine had Bryan put in the sulky, The horBes cured Lira. I went to the same druggist the shoulders, 80 pounds; ham, 73 C. and Clark Bralv ’ s Hambletonian 3- May THIRD STREET. again and demanded your medicine. lie re­ pounds. The hog from which this bacon went under the wire with Hermann at luctantly sold me twelve bottles, and I am year-old filly, Flora Temple. 18:4 « now perfectly chred. I write this for ths was made was a Jersv Red. Very few the pole and Gearin a little in the lead. benefit of sutVcrew, to prevent their being T he T elephone has the largest coun­ hogs in this country will equal it. deceived by false representations. I thank Just at the first turn Gearin toak the ty circulation of any paper in the county. you again for the benefit derived from your pole and held it. About 100 yards from medicine.” Mr. William Holl, of this city, is try­ Farmers, when you want to sell your l»r. ,J. N. Chenev, a prominent physician, the wire Gearin broke but caught his residing in Ellaville, Schley County, Georgia, stick or advertise in any manner, re­ ing to raise a subscription for the pur­ feet within 10 feet of the wire, with Her ­ In a letter recounting tho infallible success pose of getting a few German singing member the above statement. be has in cm Ing contagious blood poison birds and turning them loose in this mann about a length behind. Heat cases lu his extensive practice, writes: ♦•Those who know the almost inevitable, The bids for the school house were as neighborhood. A society lias been or­ given to Gearin. Time 3:21. permanently dangerous effects of mercury follows: 8. Post, $10,625: C. K. Cook & ganized in Portland composed of the The third heat was driven by the will welcome your discovery of 8. 8. 8. as a boon to humauity. The medical profession, Son. $9,650; Simpson & Daniels, $9,900; : leading German citizens, whose purprae same drivers, lioise.n went under the always wary of proprietary medicines, Is G. W. Pierce, $9,550 ¡11. Schenk. $9,436. is to import a number of German birds wire with Gearin leading. At ths first «■cmlug slow ly, and In some cases secretly, GROCERIES, to the uh « of 8. 8. B. in eases of blood dls- Mr. Schenk being the lowest bidder, the and turn them loose in this country. tarn Hermann broke and lost nearly ord-T. Of course a medicine that cures L< ihoiilng in it*» worst form must purify the contract was awarded to him. This is a good idea of Mr. Holl’s, and it 2'X> feet, he finally settled down to a lood of every disorder.” trot and passed Gearin at the Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed CROCKERY, 8. A. Manning and E. E. Goucher would be but a fow years before this steady free. 2 irk S wift . specific Co., half-mile stake, and came under the have arranged another race between section would be full of the sweet song- wire a winner by about 3 lengths. Time Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga. Hermann and »Gearin The purse is sters. 3:20. Gearin in tho last heat never GLASSWARE, $200. The race will be trotted on the Great are wonders of the Telephone. a skip. This race has created 4th of July on the fair association’s A physician reports to Gillard’s Med­ made much excitement, there being $102 in track. Come in and see the horses trot. ical Journal that he was saved a two- the purse besides outside bets to the C\\ A and reliable Medicine« are the beat CANDY AND Cherries from Riverside farm furnish­ inile ride through a driving storm the amount of $4:)0. The track is in fine XJVKx todependupon. Acker’s Blood El­ other night by having the patient, a conditio« and tho association should re­ ixir has been prescribed for years for all lm- ed fresh through the season and deliver­ NOTIONS. ed to any place within city limits for child, brought to the instrument nnd ceive praiso for their efforts toward puritiesofthoBlood. InoveryformofScrof­ oooooooooooooo 30 cts. per gallon. Leave orders with held ttiere until it coughed. He diag­ making McMinuville the center of tlie ulous, Syphilitic or Mercurial diseases, it is ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo nosed false croup, prescribed two grains invaluable. For Rheumatism, has no equaL state, for we can justly claim the beet Ja-slie Laughlin at Detmering’s store oooooooooooooo and they shall jeceive prompt attention. turpeth mineral, and turned in for an track m the state. Next Saturday tlie Geo. W. Burt, druggist. undisturbed sleep during the remainder race will be run between Bryan’s Glen The bridge on the North Yamhill near of tho night. He found the patient in Howard and Dudley’s Jerdan, for $100 Trullinger’B mill is m a bad condition the morning doing nicelv—under the a side. A large number of fine horses —Has opened a— and will be repaired. The county court care of another doctor. can be seen by going to tlie fair grounds. let tiie contract Monday to Roy nJ, & It will pay any one who is a lover of fine Butler De Lashmntt brought into this Rudder, ol Lafayette, for $340. Tlie horses to go over there and look at office several specimens of wheat heads, b' idge is to be completed by the first of The races at the coming county some of tbom were headed out before them. —I hove opened a full stock of— In Mrs. II P. Stuarts old stand Meals July. aro sura to be good ones. Several tlie warm spell and lbe hot sun has fair < J ROCE LIES. at all hours. Meals 25 ccn's. June 8:7 Mr. Mart Hallett, who has a stable of blighted it. It is not fit for anything horses there can trot below 2 :40. GLASSWARE. horses at the fair grounds, was seriously only hay. He also brought in several THE SCHOOL DIFFICVLTT. CROCKERY, kicked in the breast by a hors« Tuesday j heads which headed out alter the warm CIGARS. MOTHERS! noon Ha was thought to be seriously weather and they are nice and hard and The Directors are on the Winning Hide. TOBACCO. Castoria is recommended by physicians injured and Dr. Goucher was called and j will make good wheat. Several large The other day D. Stout, who has been for children teething It is a purely veget­ reports nothing very serious, no inter- able " —- — ” •- its • ingredients are — — i_ Held« of wheat in this vicinity which very energetic in getting signatures to a — A fine line of— preparation, pub- headed out before the warin weather Hshet id around _________ —. -- - each „W bottl<- It — u f pleasant I nal injuries. TEAS, petition, the purpose of which was to are now thought to be all blighted. Jo the -..v. taste umi and (lur absolutely ’uittvv harmless. It re- A Maine druggist has put up a pre- j COFFEES, lieyes constipation reffi ’ulates the bowels, scription which is probably the only one Tlie crop in this section is uncertain at call a school meeting and change the lo- , ........... SPICES 5:» _______ Quiets ■J...VV.T pain, |.aiu, cures iliarrli fliarrbcea And wind colic, the kind on record. The doctor who the present time. Between tlie cold . cation of the school house. Thursday allays feverishness, destroys worms, and of weather of tha last winter and Hie warm prevents convulsions, soothes the child and made it wrote: “Please put up enough : weather of the early spring, the outlook I a notice was served on the directors to Notice to Contracto». Cives it refeshing and natural sleep. Cas- eppicack to throw up an eight-year-o d 1 appear before the circuit judge and show Notice Ic hereby given that ths hoard* m A toria is the children’s panacea—the moth­ girl.” That would s«em to be a prettv is rattier dubious for an excellent crop ! why the petition should not be granted. in Yartihill county. ers friend, .35 doses. 35 cents. school directors for school (Illirici Us. 40. strong dose of ipecac. I Mr. IV. 1). Fenton accompanied the di­ Yamldll county, Oregon, will ressi«« Hal- rectors to 8alein, to sec to their inter­ The races at th« fair grounds Satur ­ ed bids up to June fttn, 1888, for the ewn- NOTICE. Is Consumption lciirable. Will sell at bottom price for cnsb or ex ­ jests. Judge Boise upon being shown a day created a large amount of excite­ struction of a school building as par plans Road the following: Mr C H. Morris. ment and a large number of people at­ J une 15:8tf Thia is to certify that John Wright , . petition. Iroru all of the signers of the change for produce and specifications specification« to be he reon -eon at th. the office of M c M innville , O regon . Newark. Ark., says: “Was down with the Stoilt petition except ten, praying W if. Burrow», located on the court hoaae has no right to bond pro[>erty for A. tended them. Jerdan, Purl lev « horse, abecss of Hings, atid friends and physicians A. IIU88BY furnish ell sQ grounds. The contractors io i fureiah tlieir names should be taken from pronounced me an Incurable Consumptive. won tire 1» dash in 38 seronds. The Stinit & Co. A. Stinit A Co. have paid ! that lildiag aaady «MÍP material and complete said buildlnf that |>etition, decided that Mr. Stout Began taking Dr King’s New Discovery trotting race was won by D«ina, in - .57 John Wright up in full. for occupancy. The board of < ” had no case and discharged it, Mr. Stout for Consumption, am now on my third and 2 :57%. Juns 15:8lf A. S tinit a Co.»,» serve the right to reject any anc -_____ Graining, paying the costs. bottle, and able to oversee the vork on my Children Cry for The blds to be deposited with the clerk 4» The Garfield Enterprise lias this item farm. It is the finest medicine ever made/’ Pu per Hanging and the district at tha First National Beak, notice . MAHON1C. Middlcw’art, Decatur, Ohio, says: which we ehp: Bom, to the w>f« Pitcher's Castorio Carriage Painting. Minnvilte, Oregon. J no . W orth ae. Clerk. Had it not been for I)r King’s New I)is- C. Jones, five miles northeast of Gar­ I Passenger wagonette, to and irotn all royery for Consumption I would have died field, two girls and a hoy. Thé aggre­ Wx, McCmnsMA«, I St John'e day will be celebrated at parts of the county at reasonable rates. of lung troubles Was given up bv doctors gate weight of the children Ceas. OeissgM. f Directors. «Yc,2 Amity, Saturday, the 23rd, inst. Hon. ; Am now in best of health.” Try it sample pounds -respectively 1,4, f 2 and For further particulars call on Damon I 3 Ctrxx. r, the Children. They are es- •M)ttles free at Rogers Todd, (5) Sawver or leave orders at Rogers & Ira 8. Townsend, president of the day ' DkWV pecially liable to sudden Prompt Attention to Orders from pounds. They are doing well. Junel5:8tf and the master« of the'several lodgee in ' Colds, Coughs, Croup, Whooping Cough, ■Ye olde folkes” entertainment to be Todds.»,» the Country. We gasrantee Acker’s English Electric Bitters. Polk and Yamhili counties vice piei- etc. given Wednesday evening. June JOth. When Baby van rick, we gave ha* CMterfo Letter List. It saves Thremedy is becoming so well known promises to be a pleasant one. ! idents. Gen Christopher Taylor, Grand Remedy a positive cure. When »lie waa a Child, the cried tor CaaAMkh •ncamo Mire, she clung to Casteefo bnrg will deliver the address and our Oeo. W.Burt, Druggist. thonssnds suffering from Asthma, Con ­ Office, McMinnville, Yamhill county, ”«016 song of prai?e.—A purer Proceeds to boy an "Anatomical Mudy When slu. ChlUm, she gave them CartsetS exoellent blase band will furnish the sumption, Coughs, etc. * Did you «ver try jnedicine does not exist and it is gnaran- Oregon, nncalled for Jone 1, 1888. music:. A basket lunch ia on the pro­ Acker's English Remedy? It Is the beet tey I I I I Filling a Long Felt Want. Grand Big Opening. I have no Rents nor Clerk hire to pay. Ayer’s Hair Vigor, The Only Remedy Contagious Blood Poison. LOWERETBABIIEELO WESTS ■ I have opened a full line of Ladies Dress­ goods, Furnishing goods, Clothing, Groc­ eries, Hardware, Paints and Oils, Farm Wagons, Machinery, Harness and a complete stock of merchan­ dise of MUSIC - Every Descriptions « To the View of the Public. The k These Goods Were All Purchased in Chicago and the Prices are BEYOND COMPETITION. D. C. PIERCE, New Grocery Store RESTAURANT When You Want (11 OK) 11)1 S Call ou Us at Our New Store in Carlton» Oregon. W. A. Howe, Frexh Vegetables of all dcMripiiona will be kept while io Season. H. W. Sitton. J. B. ROHR, Boose. Sign, and Ornamental Painter isa- I I 4 < ♦ ' a . ' ü A. -1 - - —— • Oastorla; ♦"/I