WEST SIDE TELEPHONE. ALLAN G. THURMAN. Allan G. Thurman, of Ohio, the Tho Official Democratic Paper. I democratic nominee for vice-presi­ WASHINHTON LETTE,*. (From our regular correspondent.) W ashington , June 1 lfk‘8. dent, was born at Lynchburg, Va., , November 13, 1813, and is therefore seventy-five years old. He is the i oldest person ever nominated for so M c M isxvillb , F bidav , J unk 15, 1888. high an office. Mr. Thurman though old has not lost his youth­ ful vigor and brightness. Iiis brain National TiekeL is as active as it was twenty years •CLE VE L A N D and THURM A N. ago; he is good for twenty-five years to come. He is an able lawyer and is fully capable to fulfil the du­ PLENTY OF THEM. ties of vice-president, if elected. The graceful compliment paid by Congress and the president on New Goods, Latest Styles and Lowest Prices Friday last to the gallant officer whoso struggle witn death the I of Spring and Clothing and whole nation has been watchingf or , Gents Tweed. a week, was one of those acts which COLUMBIA RIVER ROUTE, raise human nature's estimate of , itself. The event of the day in the I ---------- '— -------- —35? senate on Tuesday was the passage [ Trains fertile ICnat leave Ash St. ithnrf We also tarry a full line of ths ight Weight Suit at Lig of the bill to make Gen. Sheridan every . mail, a proceeding which resulted be a good crop. Our lines of Neck Wear, Hosiery, cumstance that both Houses of Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays, for A. F. ARTHUR, Prep. in the nomination of Belva Lock­ Silk Handcrchiefs, Summer Under­ THE BEST GOODS FOR THE Congress contain so many ex-con­ Dayton and way points. Returning !»»ave A EJAR'L THEY WANT. Davion as 6 a. m,, fnesdays, Tl.insdays wood for president and Alfred Love wear, Gloves, Cud's and Collars, LEAST MONEY. federate soldiers, who voted, to a and Saturdays. For Albany ami way for vice president. The “socialistic Plain and Fancy Shirts are full man, in favor of this tribute to points at 6 a. m., Monday« and Thurs­ The republican leaders realize labor party” has put John Swinton, and complete, and our stock of new their opponent of a quarter of a cen­ days. Returning, leave A»bmy Wednes­ ■of New York, at its head. The the dilemma they are in, and con­ tury ago. If never before, we can i days and Satnrdavs. TICKET OFFICE Style Hats eclipse any stock ever sequently the “ dark horse ” is as ­ FIRST & OAK STS. A. L. MAXWELL, Prohibitionists nominated at In­ before offered to the people of truly say that the war is now ended, Gen. Pass. “ ’ injustice to aspirants whom his and Carl Schurz, while the loudestj mouthed republicans to day had ‘‘ratb" ‘«.any withdrawal has induced to come to '"i"”.'1’?'- the front. But in the face of this little to say ¿hen tho fight was on.' Tel Wo have Double Cultivators with all the' J n i A Chicago gentleman lias asked for statement the republicans should Late Improvements. delay in order to give him time to nevertheless persist in nominating It has been definitely given out put certain things in shape for pre- him he could scarcely escape the ln Salt Lake that the Mormons in I mentation to the committc. He al- candidacy, which has apparently Southern Idaho will^ take the test | leges that tho clerk of the court and lost all charms for him. Ver­ oath passed by the Idaho Legisln- Mr. ware jury commission- ily it is a muddle. Blaine un­ lure recently and sustained by the j era .. in Fuller 1881, and that Mr. Fuller doubtedly wants to be Secretary of supreme court of that territory, drew n jury before which a case in State and his forces will go to the and vote at the next election. The I which ho was himself heavily inter- man who will promise him the ap­ oath requires the citizen to swear i ested was tried. The result, accord­ pointment. By this means ho can that he is not a member of an order, ing to this gentleman, was a ver­ 1 —~' virtually lie the power in the repub­ sect or association, which teaches, dict for Mr. Fuller, and the conse- r l d r lican camp and in the nation. This advises or encourages its members, I quent recovery of n large tract of is what he desires above all. devotees or any other |>erson to j swamp land. The committee has commit bigamy or polygamy, plural ■ telegraphed for a transcript of the or celestial marriges as a doctrinal records and will await their receipt. OUR COURSE. (! rite. Thousands of Mormons are j 1 AY The presidential campaign I 18 located in Southern Idaho and it f / : i i is a foregone conclusion that they slowly coming on, and it will un- i 1 Ll 1 ll doubtedly be a warm one. But be- 1 will elect every officer in their favor SQk lJi ÏI fore it commences in g<>eopk‘clear and concise reasons taele of the father staggering home, monk county. Lord’s majority was why they should vote for Cleveland but sadder, far sadder, would be 143. Maxwell's was 149. and tariff reform at the coming the sight of mothers struggling in _____ ’ » T-r « .... November election. A party paper angry contests in the mire about * I ean.be a party paper ami be conser­ the polls. If prohibition cm not vative at the Mino time, and this be attained l.y manhood suffrage, is the course which T he Titt.iriiosK it never will be attained by carry- intends to take, although its efforts ing {mrtisin c intentions to tl. ic five- will be for democratic success in I «idee and by making wives the po- mlcr. I liticai ant :igo:usts of t hei r husbands. ■BBB—...................... . it ■■!!_ ».i.ii» ■» ■ r i TI. X». HEATH- - - — Publisher. Summer Wood Yard. Bishop & Kay, Oregon o and So & No 4L- Osbofi’sse Mowefi I T Z MU LdL We have the Largest assortment of