The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, June 15, 1888, Image 1

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I sm one insertion................. 31 ID
•««•r* ' ffiiubeequeril insertion ... M
4 f**
advertieementa. 75 - enta for flret
¡uín ¿!d W oeau l«r
‘uwd iB**r‘iun'
’ . i hn.inee* notices in business column,
lino- RriiuUr buarueea uoUeea. 5
Lionel carda 3« l»r 7*"-
gp,tUl rates for l.rx® display ''ads.’
Tegon à California R. R
And Connection».
Time between
Portland and San Francisco,
S, A. YOUNG, M. D.
Physician A Surgeon,
M c M innville ,
O regon .
Office and residence on D street.
calls promptly an*were«l day or night.
Up Stain in Aia»' Bailding,
McMinnville, Oregon
First-class accommodations for Ccmmer
cial men and general travel.
Transient stock well cared for.
Everything new and in First-Class Order
Dr. J. H. NELSON, Dentist
Has the latest Discovery for the Painless
. 0 AC. R R- Ferry makes connection extraction of Teeth.
oh .11 the regular trains on the East Side
1,1,ion from loot of F Street
West hide Division.
Mail Train.
W. LI. Boyd, Al. ID.
Physician and Surgeon,
M c M innville ,
----- [o]------
artland 7:30 A. M I Corvallis .12:25 P. M.
o«alli“ I:» P M 'Portland 6:15 P. M
Office two door» south of postoffice. Res­
At Albany and Corvallis connect with idence two doors from railroad on Third
street All calls promptly attended to, day
■aina of the Oregon Pacific R. K.
iprsis Train Dnlly Except Sunday. or night
ortland 4:50 P. M.IMcMinnvilleS:00P.M.
lrMin’ville5:45A.M.Il’ortland 9:00 A. M.
> V on
r ' k ÓÈHLER,
G. F. & Pass. Agi
Th© Great
Transcontinental Route,
If so be sure and call for your tickets
via the
Chicago I Mfflta Mmj,
¡ascade Division' now completed,
making it the Shortest, Best’
and Quickest.
Omaha. Kanaae'Clty, and all Missouri
111 ver Points.
Its magnificent steel track, unsurpassed
train service and eiegunt dining and
he Dining Cur lins. Th« Direct Ronto. sleeping cars has honestly earned for it th*
title of
No Delays. Fastest Tiains. Low­
est Rate» to Chicago and all
point» East. Tickets sold
to all Prominent Points
throughout the East and Southeast,
hrough Pullman Drawing Room Sleep­
ing Cars
.enervations can be secured in advance.
To East Bound Paaaengeri.
Be catini and do not make a miataka
)Ut be sure to take ibe
Northern Pacific Railroad.
And nee that your tickets read via
'HIS LINE, St Paul nr Minneapolis, to
void change» and serious delay, occa-
ioned by oilier routes.
Through Emigrant Sleeping Cars run
n regular expre»» trains full length of
lie line. Beiths free. Lowest rates.
Quickest time.
leneral Office Of the Company, No, *3
Washington St., Portland, Oregon.
A nsí General Passenger ^gc-nt.
'aventy, and Trade Marks obtained, and
11 Patent business conducted for MODER
lT. 8 PATENT OFFICE. We have no sub
agencies, all business direct, hence can
transact patent business in less time and
at less cost than those remote from Wash­
ington. • end model, drawing, or photo,
with description, We advise if patentable
or not free of charge, Our fee not due till
patent is secured
A book, “How to Obtain Patents,” with
references to actual clients in your State,
county, or town sent free. Address
C. A. SNOW & CO.
Opposite Patent Office, Washington, D C
Great English Remedy.
Murray’s Specfic.
Liniy M
Jib tala,
Tbe Best Rigs iu tbe City. Orders
Promptly attended to Day or
The Provincial Prize Horse
Why Gentlemen Wear Black.
Bulwer’s “Pelham** became so popular Im
mediately after its publication as to change
tbe fashion of gentlemen’s coats, in those
days gentlemen wore, for evening di*ess
coats of brown, or green, or blue, according
to their fancy. In the novel. Lady France-
Pelham says in a letter to her son: “Apropo*
of the complexion, 1 did not ilka that blu<
coat you wore when 1 last saw you. Y
look best in biauk, which is a great com pl»
ment, for people must be very distinguished
in appearance to do so.** Every geutlemm
who read “Pelham” took to himself Ch«
“great compliment,** and from that
black has been the color of gentlemen s
dress.—The Argonaut
Better Than a Pen Wlperw
On the «sergeant’* desk in tbe Twenty-third
tub-precinct police station, at tbe Grand
Central station, an excessively inky potatc
Is always to be found.
“It makes a new pen ar good as old and an
old one as good as new,” my* Sergt. Hara<iou
and when bis pen troubles bim in any way
as be tries tc write be Jabs it into tbe tuber
He'claixns that it is the sovereign remedy
It takes off a brand new steel gloss in a jiffy,
and in an equally satisfactory way it eats off
the rusted end corroded surface it *
long in use,—New York Evening World.
Apr, 13, 3m
The only
Proprietor of the
----- IN-----
Third Street. McMinnvil’e Or
Directions for Taking India Ink Impreo*
sion* of Ferns — Information About
American Indian* In General, and the
Ute Tribe in Particular.
The name of Indians was first given to the
red men of America from the mistaken notion
of the early voyager*—Columbus himself in­
cluded—that the newly found continent was
in reality a j>art of India This was soon
shown to bean error, but the name of Indians
thus wrongfully applied to the inhabitants
continued to be used in every narrative of
voyage and discovery, and has descended to
our own times, only that wo now qualify it to
some extent by speaking of the red men as
American Indians.
One Use of the Paraeoi.
There is a new phase of the plate glass
show window study. The ladies have ap
parently found out that they can’t stop to ad
mire themselves, under pretense of examin
ing goods, without everybody knowing it.
and have adopted another plan. As soon as
one of the fair ones reaches her favorite pub*
lie mirror she throws her parasol or sun um­
brella over her shoulder in such a manner as
to completely hide her figure from the top of
her hat to her waist, or thereabouts, accord
Ing to the size of tbe umbrella. Then, hav
ing thus placed a screen between herself and
the unregenerate starerà of either sex, sht
I proceeds to survey her charms, real or ai
ieged, of fuce, figure and costume. Five la
die« were seen thus occupied before one largì
show window at ouetime.—Courier-Journal
Mrs. H. P. Stuart,
The leading
Harness, Saddles,
Will stand the ensu­
The Hoyal Route ing season, beginning
Others may imitate,but none can surpass It
April 1st and ending
Our motto is “always on time ”
Be sure and ask ticket agents for ticket*
via this celebrated route and take none July 1st, 1888, at his
No. 4 Washington street. Portland, Or. old stables in M’Minn-
ville, Oregon.
----- THE LEADER IN-----
Single service,
Hair weaving and Stamping.
Opposite Grange Store McMinnville.
J. M. H ulery , Prop.
MdbnUi tally ta,
AVri^ht Bro’s.
It is positively tlie shortest and fin nt
li le to Chicago and the east and south and
the only sleeping and dining car through
line to
A Week’s nuppiy of Stamps.
That popular actor, IV. J Florence, was
once ail employe of a bank note couqviny iu
Sample rooms in connection.
this city. He was talking about it recently
as tie was licking a postage stamp for service
on a letter which he held la his hand. Baid
Is now fitted up in first class order.
be: “The firm was Rawdon, Wright, Hatch
Accommodation» as good as can bo & Edison. They were bank note printers,
foun din the city.
and bad contracts from the government.
They printed and gummed the postage
8. £. MESSINGER, Manager.
itampa It waa my duty, as office boy, to
ipend half an hour twice a week witb a brush
and my hand in spreading the gum prepara­
tion over tbe stamps Tbe amount of labor
on my part supplied the entire amount re­
Dealers in
quired tor a whole week. Just think of tbe
Etc, Etc, difference between that time and now 1
presume it would take me three months to
Repairing neatly done st reasonable gum by band a week’s supply of stamps for
tbe government This old experience of mine
Wright's new building. Corner Third was in 1846 or '47. Tbe printers bad their
and F streets. McMinnville. Or
offices on tbo top floor of what Is now the
custom house, it was then tbe Merchants’
M c M innville
Exchange "—.New York Tribuna
Cor Third and D streets, McMinnville
------- VIA THE--------
The St. Charles Hotel.
Rooms over First National Bank, in Mc­
Pullman Buffet Sleepers.
Minnville, Oregon.
v / iir -UON 8LEEPER8 for second elsa»
XCUIVOOI onoFallc Uroi^h truin.
FRKIt Charges Moderate and Consistent
truiu, FREE
Third Street, between E and F
McMinnville, Oregon.
Patronage respectfully solicited
Vili time, you ask. my heart from thine estrange?
The quality of loving do not mock I
Can hearts that love find time in Time to change!
That one tick of the great celestial clock
The angels hear, wherein we can but clasp
The thing we love and iay it on the tomb—
That breathing space, wherein we can but grasp
The key to Heaven, and Io! the gate* upioom,
And we stand trembling on the outer side.
Ask, rather, can a breeze fan out the sun!
Love is eternal Heaven Is its throne.
Infinitude it* limit, God it* guide.
And Time can only teach to ’ hee and me
A golden prelude to a love to be*.
—Orelia Key Beil in Detroit Free Frew*
, San Fran’ 7:4 A. M.
,„ Fran 6:30 1 M- I Portland 10:40 A M
..I PM»n|«r Dally. Except Sunday.
ii.nd HIX) A. Ml Eugene. 2:4OP M.
wt d 9:00 A. M.IPoriland 3:45 1’ M.
Henderson Bros. Props
McMinnville, is opened
Where you will find the best of
Wines and Liquors, also
Imported and Domestsc
Cigars. Everything neat and Clean.
T. M. F ields , Propr.
A Seat in th. House.
The seats in the house of representatives
are drawn by lot at tbe beginning of the
Mosion. The flrst man whose name is called
I takes his choice, and so on. But a member
can get a particular seat In thia way: He
enlists tbe help of a page, or if the page is
too youthful looking be gets some doorkeeper
or other attache of tbe ball to fill tbe desired
chair The luckier congressman doe, not
notice that the good seat Is not really drawn,
tbe more experienced one. however, goes and
takes it when bls name is called.—New York
Shaving, Hair Cutting and- - - -
- - - - Shampoing Parlors. M'MINNYILLE NATIONAL'
All kind, of fancy hair cutting done in Transacts a General Banking Business.
the latest and neatest style
President,............... J. W. COW LS,
All kinds of fancy hair dressing and hair
dying, a specialty Special attention given Vice-president, LEE LOUGHLIN.
Destruction of Antiquities.
Owing to the stringent law against selling
antiques in Greece, many object, are broken
when found by peasants or thrown into tbe
m. A similar move in Egypt under Said
Pasha produced similar results. A new de­
cree makes it unlawful to deal in antiquities,
and will make tbe Arabs who find tombs and
scattered antiques yet mor, secretive, and
lead them to destroy objects rather than
allow their existence to be known.—Boston
***** Wark. A guaranteed cure for all
Cashier.............. CLARK BRALY.
Ladies' and Childrens’ Work
nervous diseases, such as weak
memory, loss of brain power,
I also have for sale a very fine assort­
Sells exchange on Portland, San
hysteria, headache, pain iji the ment of hair oils, hair tonics, cosmetics, etc
back, nervous
prostration, O, I have in connection with my parlor,
and New York.
wakefulness, leucorrhoea. uni­
Could Shake Hands All Day.
! the largest and finest Block of
versal lassitude, seminal weak­
Interest allowed on time deposits. “Hello, Jake, what are you doing bereF
ness, impotency. and general
Office hours from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m «aid a well dressed man to a gateman in tbe
of power of
mss oi
ot the
tlie generative
New York entrance of the Brooklyn bridge
“'"I-organs, in either sex, caused
Ever in the city.
Apr. 13 tf
during the homeward rush last night H1
*7.'“discretion or over exertion, and which ■STT hibd 8 tbxxt M c M innvillb . O bbgom
“luniately lead to premature Tred.Mark,
thought you were still in política"
old age,insanity and cousnnip-
“So I am." wa* the reply; **! am practic­
11.00 per box or six
ing for the presidency, “and be worked tbe
boxes for$5.00.sent bv mail on
hendía of the ticket chopper vp and down
receipt of price. Full particu-
with renewed vigor.—New York Sun. _____
**re in pamphlet, eent free to
*”7 applicant,
marlin double action revolver .
novo guarantee SIX
These revolvers are an exact
to cure any case. Fo_____
,very »5 00 order received, weAftorTaklag.
duplicate of the celebrated
•ond six boxes with written guarantee to re-
jund the money it our Specific does not ef­
Eliim 4 WESSON.
fect a cure
.33 Caliber, using
Address alj communications to the Sol*
no longer coat*
- ,., _
Kansas City, Mo
There are many tribes among the Ameri­
can Indians, but year by year their number*
are decreasing. The home of the civilized
and partially civilized remnants of the once
powerful and warlike Indian tribes is known
as the Indian territory, and contains what
are called reservations, on which the various
tribes dwell. Agents representing tho United
States live among these tribes with a view to
their further advancement and protection.
Many of the tribes have settled down in com
parative contentment and follow agricultural
pursuits for a livelihood and have become
quite civilized. Others, from their naturally
fierce and warlike dispositions, continue to
give more or less trouble to the government.
Among the latter may be named the Utes in
Colorado and the Apaches in New Mexico.
Our cut represents a Ute squaw and h*af
papoose, or baby. The Utes are a tribe vl
the Shoshones or Snakes, are migratory in
their habi and great hunters. They enjoy
wandering about the country and are to be
found in New Mexico, Nevada, Utah and
Colorado. When a Ute squaw takes up her
line of march she straps the little pajjoose to
her back. In the cut she is holding the in­
fant in her arms, so that our young people
may have a picture of the faces of both
mother and child.
India Ink Impressions of Ferna.
Procure some smooth cartridge paper, then
take the ferns or leaves and arrange them in
position. If ferns, they look well put in
if ivy, it will look well os a border;
** whichever it is, put a pin through a leaf
Le.o and there to keep the fronds from
moving—very fine pins, or the holos w61
show. Then procure a small tooth comb, a
stick of India ink, and a toothbrush. Di*
solve the ink in water—don’t get it in lumps—
and dip your brush in the ink. Do not get
too much on, and- rub in gently along the
comb, holding it over the group of ferns. If
you get too much ink on your brush, it will
fall in big drops; the object is to make them
as fine as possible. Rub more or near the
joints of the ferns, just as in a photograph,
and let the color gradually die away to the
Take the ferns off, and, says Golden Days,
you will be surprised at the effect you have
produced. If neatly done, the ferns will bear
a strong resemblance to a large sized photo­
The Elephant as a Num,
In India, where the elephant is treated toy
his owner almost as one of the family, tn*
grateful animal makes a return for the kind­
ness shown it by voluntarily taking care of
the baby. It will patiently, say * Ht. Nicho­
las, permit itself to be mauled by its little
charge, and will show great solicitude when
the child cries. Sometimes the elephant will
become so attached to its baby friend as to
insist ujNin its constant presence. Buch a
case is known where the elephant went so
far as to refuse to eat except in the presence
of its little friend. Its attachment was so
genuine that the child’s parents would not
hesitate to leave the baby in the elephant’*
care, knowing that it could have no more
faithful nurse. And the kindly monster
never belied the trust rejxised in it. If the
Yjes came altout the baby, it would drive
»way. If the child cried the giant
atirae would rock tbe cradle until the UUF«
one slept.
A Tame Gray Sqnlrrt,l.
A young gray squirrel found by a party of
children at Ivoryton, Conn., was cared for
until it had grown large enough to help itself,
when it was set at liberty. The children had
no idea it would ever come back, but the
■ame night the squirrel came to tbe window
and tapped upon the pane. It was admitted,
and the next morning whisked away again.
It has built two nests, using whichever it
chooses in tbe night time, except when it
rains. Then it always ask* for admission to
•to* house.
Thanksgiving Day.
—A curious freak of memory is that
°.. rk^ett*n8 words of a poem or speech
has been said over a great
•umber of times. The leading lady of
Play which has been performed seven
nndred time» can not remember her
eTen by the most violent effort,
d only complete rest of a day or two
°, rec-*H them. Another actress in
P *y which had a great run had to be.
•ttantly prompted towards the end,
«»reed every day, and yet was con-
fly pursued by a terrible conscious-
aud*tllat ’hat she waa saying to the
i*nee waa simply unmeaning gib-
Automa tio
wAaa.*T<D BSVAI nr xtbbt »asesor to tbs
____ _
For sale by Hardware and Gun Dealers everywhere.
it r.rfsr-d bv TEE MARLII FIXE AMU 00,
MM^ by TLB
---------- ------------- gMT
mbax - x - xx
Oae Deer Morth »f ser sr Third aad X Sts.,
M c M innville , or .
wi .AV. OM.-HalF TH.
MaA. fer »11 ”*"•<*
SUIT 131
Zea—1 x—
NO. 8
% Telegraph Operator Relate* an Anoo-
dote About Conkling.
“Years ago I was employed by the Phila-
tetphia, Wilmington aud Baltimore railroad
U the junction, a few mile* out of Balti­
more,'* said a telegraph ojwrator “One af­
ternoon an unusually handsome and athletic
man entered the little statiou. 'Does the
limited express for Washington stop hereT
be inquired. ‘No, sir,’ I replied. ‘Can you
stop itf ‘Not without orders from tbe main
office.* *1 will explain my situation to you,'
said tbe stranger, ‘in the hope you will do all
iu your power to aid ma I cam« from
Washington to intercept at Baltimore a
gentleman who is on his way from New York
to tbe capital He is on tbe limited express.
It is of the greatest importance I should see
him before be reaches Washington. A rail
way conductor directed me to tbe 0 nion sta
tion, where, he *a»<L the limited would stop,
but I lost my way, and wandered here after
a long tramp.'
“Telling him ! would nee what I could do
for him, 1 telegraphed to Philadelphia for
permission to stop tbe express.
You might
use my name if you think it would be of any
use,' said the gentleman. And your name
is’— said I. ‘Conkling—Roscoe Conkling,
replied the gentleman. I Hashed over the
wire; ‘Senator Conkling wants me to stop
the limited express for him to get aboard.
The answer came back 'How do you know
it is Conkling f Turning to him, 1 said.
‘Philadelphia want* identification.* ‘Will
this dof be asked, displaying a handsome
gold watch with the initial* *R (!' engraved
on the ease At tbe same time, either by de
sign or chance, be removed his bat Grasp
ing the key I ticked these words to Philadel
letter* R, C. on gentleman’s watch
but I know he’s Conkling by hi* Haunting
red beard and the Hyperion curl of Nast’>
cartoons.' Straightway the sounder rapped
‘Stop train by order H. F Kenney, general
super in ten« lent. ’
“Conkling was profuse in his thanks A.-
the express shut around tbe curve with him
safely ou board he made a courteous gestun
of farewell to ma "—Cincinnati Enquirer
Twn Rtorle* of ConfTfununan Pettigrew
I beard two good stories today of Petti
grew, of Houtb Carolina, th* great lawyei
and Unionist, which I had never beard be
fora He was practicing at one time before
a Judge wbo wm a Presbyterian of th»
straigbtest sect and a very bard workin.*
officer It came to be Maunday Thursday
and Pettigrew and the Episcopalian* an«
Roman Catholic* thought they would like at
adjourument of court over Good Friday
Pettigrew was selected to make the motion
“Your honor," be aaid, “1 desire to mov»
that the court adjourn over to-morrow
“Why should the court adjourn over to
morrow, when the docket is so crowded f
asked the judga “Because," said Pettigrew
‘to-morrow i* Good Friday, and some of u>
would like to go to church." “No," said th«
judge decidedly, after a moment's thought
‘the court will sit to-morrow as usual
•Very well your honor." replied Pettigrew
adding, as he turned away, “I know there L
a precedent, for Poutius Pilate held court 01
the firrt Good Friday ”
Tbe same judge was a great stickler foi
etiquette, and when one hot July day Petti
•<rew came into tbe court room in a biacl
>*oat and yellow nankeen trousers the judp
took bim sternly to task, asking him wbetbei
ne did not know that the rules of that cour
required its counselor» to appear in “blaci
coat and trousers.** “Well, your honor," sale
Pettigrew, innocently, “1 submit that I an.
within the rule, for I have on a black coat
and trousers." “But they’re not black
trousers,” insisted the judge, black coat an«!
trousers means that both shall be black.'
“Then,” said Pettigrew, “1 call your honor’»
attention to the fact that the sheriff of tbi>
court is in contempt of it* rules, for they re
quire him to attend upon its *e*Bion* in a
cocked hat and sword, and while bis hat
Hcein* to be cocked his sword certainly b
not." Tbe judge said no more about th*
trousera—Philadelphia Record.
Mow XV. J. Florence Wee Saved.
Florence «ay, the first practical Joke that
was ever played on btm waa tbe means of
getting him out of a scrape, and bo baa felt
kindly toward that form of wit ever since.
it wa* when be wa* a lad, playing minor
cotnedy parts in a Broadway theatre at tW a
week. He thought bo was madly in love with
a young actress at work for tbe same stipend
During tbe play one night be Invited her to
take some oysters after the performance
Then be rushed to bis lodgings, changed his
elotbak met her and took her to an oyster
bouse. Hi* bill there waa II.Wl. but an
fortunately bo found bo had left all bit
money in bis other cloCbM, Tbe waiter and
tbe proprietor both said his story was too
diaphanous, and marie him give up hi, watch
and bi, father’s ring that bo worst Just
then a white haired, benevolent looking old
gentleman came out of one of tbe private
dining compartment* they used to have In
those days, and thundered at the proprietor
“Give that youth hack bis watch and chain
and ring. Iwt mo pay hl* bill. You ought
to be ashamed, sir Any one can ace thia I*
an honest youth aud his companion is a per­
fect lady [The lady waa iu tears. | I will
pay tbe bill aud never set foot In your place
Out tn the street Florence was overcome
with gratitude
“Give mo your address, sir," said he to the
kindly old gentleman. “I will return you
tbe money tomorrow •
“Ob. never mind." Mid the philanthropist,
“that wa* a counterfeit WO bill I handed to
that old foot II was worth nothing, and bo
gave me »1410 change for IL That's th.
I make my bring. Good night"— New
A Few Remark, o* the Manner In Which
She Aotor “Did Up” the Play—Mr,
bye's Chilling Reception at the Sta*
The past week ha* witnessed tbe closing
debut of tbe great Shakespearean humorist
and emotional see, Mr James Owen O’Con­
nor at the Star theatre Daring bis extra,
ordinary eugagement he has given us Ham­
let, Pbidia* aud Bbylock, Othello and Rich»
lieu I think I like bls Hamlet best, and yet
It is a pleasure to see bim in anything where-
in he kill* himself.
After net ng ms Hamlet I am of the opin­
ion that bo did wisely In choosing New York
for debuting purposes, tor had be chosen
lienver. CoL. at tbe end of the third act
kind bands would have removed bim from
tbe stage by means of benzine and a rag.
But James Owen O’Counor baa done on.
thing which 1 take the liberty of publicly al­
luding to. He has taken that saddest aud
most melancholy bit of bloody history, trim-
med witb aaearninations down tbe back and
kx»jwd up with remorse, insanity, duplicity
and unrequited leva and be has tilled it with
silvery laughter and cauliflower and mirth,
and various other groceries which the audi­
ence throw In from time to time, thus mak
ing it more of a spectacular piece than it I*
under tbe conservative management of such
old whool men or Booth, who Bearn to think
that Hamlet should tie soaked full of sadmsM.
I went to see Hamlet, thinking that 1 would
be welcome, for my sympathies were with
James when I beard that Mr Booth war
picking on bim and seeking to Injure him. I
went to tbe box office ami explained who I
was, and stated that I had lawn detailed to
oome ami see Mr O'Connor act, also that in
wbat 1 might say afterward* my instruction!
were to give it to Booth and Barrett if I
found that they had tampered with tbe audi­
ence In any way
Tbe man In tbe box office did not recog
nlse me. but said that Mr Fox would extend
to mo the usual courtesies. I asked when
Mr Fox could be found, and be said Insida
I then started to go inside, but ran against s
total stranger, who waa “on the door," as we
aay He was fee. I mg red and yellow tickets
Into a large tin oven, aud looking far, tai
away I ootiversed with him iu low, passion­
ate tones, aud asked him where Mr Fol
could ue toumi He did not know, but
thought he was dill m Europa I went back
and told tbe box office that Mr Fox wee tn
Europa He «nd no. I would And him tn-
Well, but bow will I get insider I
asked eagerly, for I could already. 1 fancied,
heai tbe orchestra beginning to twang it!
“Walk In," said ha taking In *2 and giv­
ing hack fifty cents in change to a man witb
a deed cat ui his overcoat pocket
I went hack, and, springing lightly ovei
tbe Iron railing, while the gatekeeper wai
thinking over bis glorious past, 1 wont all
around over Che theacrv looking for Mr.
Fox I found him haggling over tbe price ol
aorne vegetshlea which he was selling at tbe
stage door, and which bad lieen contributed
by aitnnrcr* and old suharribero to Mr.
O'Oonnoi at a previous perfortnanew
When Mr Fox got through with that I
presented to him my card, which is as goods
piece of Job work in colors as waa ever dotx
west of tlie Missouri river and to which I
frequently point witb prida
Mr Fox aaid be waa sorry, bat that Mr.
O'Connor hail Instructed him to extend no
eourteaies to the press whatever. Tbe prose,
be claimed had aaid something derogatory
to Mr U'Uunnur as a tragedian, and wbila
he i^rwjnally would be ticklod to death to
give me two divans and a folding bod neat
the large fiddle, lie must do u* Mr O’Counor
had bld—or bail, hint, I forget which, and
eo. keeping back bis tears witb great diffi
culty. he sent me beck to tbe box office, and
although 1 waa already ailmltted in a general
way I went to the box office and purchased
a rest I believe now that Mr Fox thought
he had virtually excluded me from the bourn
when be told ma I would have to pay in or
der to get in.
I bought a wat In tbe parquet and went in.
The audience was not large aud there wen
not over a doaen laiiieo present
Pretty won the orchestra began to nose In
through a little opening umler tbe ataga
Then tlie overture was given. It was called
•'Kgmont " Tbe curtain now rose on a acene
In Denmark. I had asked an usher to take a
note to Mr (FConnor requesting an audlonca
but the boy nail returned with the statement
that Mr C'Conmir was busy rebearsing bit
soliloquy ami n>loving a shirred egg from
tus baihloma
He also aaid be could not promise an atidl-
' em-e to any one It wua all be could do to
get enough himself for a mem.
Mr U'Coanor Introduces into his Hamlet
a «t of gsstures evidently Intended for
anothci piny People who are going to act
out on the stage <:amiot ba too careful In get­
ting a good assortment of gestures that will
lit the play itself James has provided him­
self with a set of gestures which might do fol
Little Eva or “Ton Nights tn a Barroom,’
but they do not flt Humlot Tbore is wbera
he makae a mistake Hamlet it a man wboea
vi<‘tual* don’t agree with hint He feels
depreewd and talks about sticking u bodkin
into binwelf. but Mr O'Connor given bim a
light elastic step anal an air of persiflage
bonhomie and frisk which does not lit tbs
Mr O'Connor has sought In hl. conception
and interpretation of Hamlet to give It a
free anti jaunty Kokomo flavor—a tiamaleaa
maiig of tansy and dried apples which
Shakespeare himself tailed to sock into hu
4 set drama-
la areking to combine tbe melancholy
beauty of Hamlet's deep and earnest pathos
with tbe gentle humor of “A Hole In lbs
Ground" Mr O'Connor has evidently corked
himself, as we say at tbe Browning club, and
it u but justice sfter all Before we cures
the condemnation of the people and the pres
let u. carefully and prayerfully look our- over and tee if we have not over esti­
mated oureeivoa
There are many men alive today who do
nnj dare wy anything without (lot thinking
buw it will read in their memoirs—mon
wirier we cannot, therefore, thoroughly en
joy until they are dead, and yet .Son graves
will ho kept green only so long as tbe appro-
priauon lasta - Bill Nye in New York World,
It** a Poor Rnlo, Ft«.
■M-AlTLiyr Magazine Rifle
- nd oat what a man talks about
... ’’M«>rally and frequently, and you
1 thereby find out the ordinary cur-
nt of hit thoughts Find out wbat
ind e'”Tent *•. *n<l you will thereby
uP°n what objecta his heart is
•‘’’d. Words tbns become an index
• character. All men naturally
*• ^«y feel, and when tbe ro-
’ tr"e of them, there la always
•Pecial reaaon therefoc.
VOL. Ill
California Express trains run daily
39 Hours.
tbe following egg problem:
■ ben and a half lay an egg and a half
day and a half, bow many eggs will six
Landlady lo applicant for board)--Oar*
you chiklran. madam I
A|*pUcanv~ Na
Land lady— You are fortunate, for we arm
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landlady— Ya, twa
* Applicant-- Weil, you are unfortunate, for
wr ¿»ever board with families who have ebik
—New York Hun.
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’ y