The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, June 08, 1888, Image 4

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The Manufacture and Varied Uses of a Pop­
ular Substance.
“Look out!”
The reporter dodged back as if he
had inadvertently touched an electric
“Great heavens, man! Do you want
to burn your fingers?” continued the
merchant excitedly.
“What’s the matter?”
“Matter enough. Those eyeglasses
of yours are framed in celluloid, and
if you keep twirling them around in
your fingers too near that gas jot you
you will havo an explosion."
The reporter placed the dangerous
contrivance astride his nose, and the
merchant, who is one of the largest
dealers in celluloid goods in the city,
continued his conversation where this
incident had interrupted it
“Most celluloid is made in France,
Would you like to know how? Then
listen: A roll of paper is slowly un­
wound, and at the same time is satu­
rated with a mixture of five parts of
sulphuric acid and two parts of nitric
acid, which fails upon the paper in a
fine spray. This changes tlie cellulose
of the paper into pyroxyline (gun cot­
ton). The excess of the acid having
been expelled by pressure, tho paper is
washed witli plenty of water until all
traces of acid have been removed. It
is then reduced to pulp, and passes on
to the bleaching trough. It is this guu
cotton which gives it its explosive na­
"Most of the water having been got
rid of by means of a strainer, the pulp
is mixed with from twenty to forty per
cent of its weight of camphor, and tlie
mixture thoroughly triturated under
millstones. The necessary coloring
having been added in tho form of pow­
der, a second mixing and grinding fol­
lows. This pulp is spread out in thin
slabs, which aro squeezed in a hydrau­
lic press until they are as dry as chips.
Then they are rolled in heated rollers
and come out in elastic sheets. They
are from that point worked up into
every conceivable form. You can get
celluloid collars, cuffs, hairpins, shirt
fronts, cravats, penholders, brushes
and combs, inkstands, knife handies,
jewelry and every tiling else, almost,
that you can imagine. I have seen in
Paris a room almost completely fur­
nished witli celluloid. Tho curtains,
tho furniture, the door-knobs and even
the matting were made of this material.
You may be sure no matches wero over
carried there. Indeed, the room was
never used. It was only a curiosity,
and tlie man who owned it owned tlie
factory where it was made. These
rooms will never bo popular. Few
men, even in this rapid age, care about
being blown into tlie kingdom como in
small fragments, scorched and scat­
tered, anil that would bo the fato of the
man who let a lighted match fall ill
such a fOoni."—X Y. Mail and Ex­
, ■ ..
—Nearly all the German universities
have largo endowments, and yot tlie
State budget every year gives them
large sums of money. The University
of Leipzing, for instance, is more than
four hundred yenrs old and has largo
possessions of real eat a to in tho city.
The Saxon Government,
gives it every year about <400,000.
—Arohdeacon Farrar urges the es­
tablishing of a now order of clergy­
men by tho English church—to work
especially among tho
degradod, tlie mombors to join in for
a definite period, say five years, to bo
bound during that time by vows of
poverty, celibacy and obedience. It Is
not stated how tho proposal is re­
—A few months ago a catalogue of
Christian Endeavor Societies in New
York was made. The list has very
much increased sinco then, but it was
found that there wero 450 societies, an
Increase of nenrly 500 per cent in one
year. The Presbyterinn denomination
led tho list with 134 societies, tho Bap­
tist next with 102, the Methodist with
over SO, then the Congregational with
60 and tho Reformed with 47. The
others were scattered among the other
—Attention has been rocontly called
to a noted school in England, where the
forcing progress lias long boon In vogue,
by tho death from mental overwork of
two teachers, and the serious Hlnoss of
a third teacher, and also a number of
soholar», from the same causa Tho
discussion which those melancholy re­
sults of the high-pressure system of
education provoked elicited tho rather
opinion that "The precise co­
efficient of study which agrees with
fair bodily health is indeed an uncer­
tain quantity regulated by diverse per­
sonal voonllarltiaa’t’
Extraordinary Narrative nt a
(io an Erl. Train.
Among tho passengers on an Erie
railway express train from the West
was a middle-aged man who had in bis
charge a little golden-haired girl, three
or four years old, whose piquant ways
and bright sayings made her a general
favorite. A gentleman sitting in tho
next seat in front of tho passenger w ith
the child remarked to her guardian
that the longest and most tedious jour­
ney would be made cheery by such a
traveling companion as his.
"Yes,” replied the passenger, “but
notwithstanding tlie sunshine of her
presence, she is a constant reminder to
me of one of tlie most melancholy jour­
neys I ever undertook. Her mother
was my only sister, who lived in Craw­
ford County, Pennsylvania. 1 had not
seen her for over fifteen years, and, in
fact we had both neglected our corres­
pondence with each other, and 1 had
not heard from her in over a year, In
the meantime I had changed my ad»
dress in New York, where I live, and
she of course did not know it Last
week I had business in Eric, and I
made up my mind to take advantage of
tho trip and make my sister a visit and
also visit another relative in Tioga
County, whom I had not seen in many
years. Sunday a week ago I stopped
off at Meadvillo and drovo to tlie littl-
farming village where Mrs. Cole lived,
and was directed to the house, but no­
ticed that the man looked at me in e
very strange manner. I drovo up t,
tlie house, and my knock was answerer
by my brother-in-law. He knew in-
and grasped my hand, but said not it
word, being overcome by seme great
emotion. At last he said:
“ ‘How did you hear of it?’
•• ’Of what, John?’ I said.
‘I have
hoard nothing. How is Emma?’
" 'Emma is dead!’ he replied.
"Emma was my sister. She had died
on the Friday previous, and had been
buried but an hour or two when I ar­
rived at her house. This little ont
hero was the only living child my sistei
had. My brother-iu-ljw has large in­
terests in Illinois, and, as his presence
in that State is necessary at frequeni
intervals, he accepted my proposition
to take his child into my own family.
Fortunately she took a liking to me,
and I brought her with me.
"On our way East we got off at El­
mira. as I intended to mako the visit to
my Tioga County relativo, although not
with tlie feelings I had when I first
looked forward to tlie visit Tills was
Sunday evening. There was no train
to my destination until tho next day.
In the reading room of the hotel near
the depot where I stopped I picked up
a local newspaper. In looking over its
pages I saw an item headed ‘An En­
tire Family Killed.’
I read it
seems, according to the item, that on
Friday of week before last a farmer
near Athens, l’a., was amazed to soc
a team of runaway horses, which had
evidently broken away from a wagon
to which they had been hitched, dash­
ing down tlie road toward his house,
where they turned from tho road
and entered the farmer's yard. They
worn canglit, and tho farmer went
buck in tlie direction from which tho
runaways had come, to seo what had
happoned to tlie person or persons to
whom tho team belonged. lie had not
gone far before lie saw in the road the
wreck of a spring wagon, which had
been crashed by an immense hemlock
tree which had fallen upon it as it was
passing that spot Beneath tho trunk
of tho tree lay the dead bodies of a man,
a woman apparently ills wife, and one
child. Held down bv a branch of tho
tree were two other children, not dead,
hut unconscious. The former summoned
help and tho treo was removed and tho
three dead bodies and tho unconscious
children were taken to the farm iiouse.
Tho two children died a little later.
The man’s name, the paper said, was
George Bakewell, of Tioga County,
who, with his family, was visiting near
Athens, and to which place ho was
driving when tho hemlock treo, which
was partly decayed, was blown down
just as he was driving past George
Bakewell was the relative I was even
then on my way to visit, and on in­
quiry 1 found that he and thia George
Bakewell, who had, with his entire
family, been crushed out of existence
in an instant were one and the same.
So you may well see," concluded the
passenger, "that it has not been possi­
ble for even this little ono's sunshine to
brighten this melancholy journey of
luino.”— N. Y. Sun.
Th« Qray-Hair Puller.
Possibly tho most unique method of
earning • living known is that adopted
by ii big, rosy, twenty-year-old blonde,
who finds engagements with women
just lamenting their first gray hairs, to
weed out, so to speak, those obnoxious
reminders of advancing years. The
gray-hair pullor is gentle in her methods
of treatment and makes periodic visits
at intervals of a few weeks, spending
from half an hour to two or three
hours, lotting down tho hair, combing
it out and spying for tell-tale silver
threads. She carries an innocent-look­
ing little reticulo which contains vari­
ous glycerine and rose-water prepara­
tions for a healing application when
the work of torture has been done. It
is not especially disagreeable work and
it is said to pay.— N. Y. Mail anti Ex­
—The doctr ne of Ch' lstinnity is
tnof advorso to all tyranny and oj -
pro-si on, but highly fitvorablo to tho
intcres's of good government among
men, and in this way its gonuine
altruism Is only the noblost kind of co­
operation for the general good; and
this is automatic government
—To lie in the lap of pleasure may
bo the highest enjoyment of which a
feeble character is capable; but a strong
man must havo something difficult to
do; and the strong Christian man has
to "work out his salvation with fear
and trembling,” to mortify the body,
lest being over-indulged, it should
learn to be the mnstor instead of ser­
vant of tho soul.— Prof. Blackis.
—Good temper is an essential factor
How Johnnie Tied the Dog.
In succoss in almost any department of
life. A superintendent who loses his
Jones' fino dog was out in tho yan'
temper in his sehool becomes himself pulling tho clothes off tlio lino an>
at once tho worst eloment of disorder having so much fun that Mrs. Jones
in the confusion which he is trying to
patience was entirely exhaust, d.
reduce. And a teacher who grows
"Go out there, Johnnley” sho calle,
cross when his class 1s disposed to bo
to her hopeful son, “and tie tha
anruly has lost his last chance to con­ dog.”
turbulence.— Westminster
"What must I tio him to, mother?'
asked JohnniA
"Oil, tie him to any thing. I can'i
— Sleep is Death's younger brother,
have him tearing every thing t<
•nd so like him I never dare trust him
without my prayers. —Sir Thomas
Johnnie went ont and in abont ter
mlnutos he returnod.
—Men are atheistical because they
•’Well,” inqiiireil hl« mother; ‘Mid
•re first vicious; and question the yon get him tied? You were long
truth of Christianity because they bate enough about it."
tho practice.— South.
"Yes’m," said Johnnie, exnltlngly.
—Teach boys and girls the actual
“I got him tied to a Un can and th«
facts of life
soon as they are old way be went down street was beantlfal
enough to understand them, aud give to look at,” and Johnnie's laugh end-
them the eenee of reeponsibllity with- mi in a howl as his mother reaohed foi
him.— Washington Crilia
An eagle flew through an open window into -
an Omaha business establishment the oilier day
and was captured by the emplojes after a vig­
orous battle. It was seven feet from tip to Up
of the w ings.
Suggestions That
Well Worth Trying.
"Wliat should a man use to clean
his teeth?” asked a reporter of a well-
known dentist recently.
‘Nothing but water.
There are
more good teeth ruined by so-called
dentifrices than by nil other causes in
tho world puttogother.
The object oi
the makers of thuso dentifrices is, of
course, to produce a preparation that
will, with very little rubbing of the
brush, mako the teeth look perfeclly
clean and white. To nflpomplish this
they put pumico stone, and sometimes
strong alkalies, in their preparations.
Pumice stone will unquestionably taks
all tlie enamel with it. An alkali will
make a yellow tooth look white in a
few seconds, but before a week has
passed it will have eaton away nearly
all the enamol and utterly destroyed
the tooth.
"In walking along tho street you
often see a ’fakir,' by way of adver­
tising his patent dentifrices, call a
small boy from the crowd near by, and
opening the boy’s mouth, rub the
dentifrice on his dirty teeth, and in a
minute almost takes off all the tartar
and makes the teeth look perfectly
puro and white. Now, a man like that
fakir ought to be arrested, for he hns
forever destroyod the boy’s tooth. His
preparation, composed of a powerful
alkali, is eating away the enamel oi
tho boy’s teoth, and in a few months
the boy will not have a sound tootli in
his head. The dentifrices, composed
chiefly of pumice stone, aro not as bad
as those containing an alkali, because
they will not destroy the teeth so
quickly; but, if used habitually, they
will certainly destroy them in tho end.
I should advise any man by all moans
to uso no dontifrico of any descrip­
tion, unloss it be pieparod chalk. II
this is used not oftener than once
a week it will not injure tho teeth,
may help to cleanso them,
but it should on no account bo used
every day. Orris root does the tooth
no harm and gives a pleasant odor to
tho breath, and if all our dentifrices
wero composed simply of orris root
and propared chalk they would be
harmloss enough, if not beneficial.
“My own plan is to uso a moderate-
ly hard brush and plonty of cold
water, and nothing else, and my toeth
aro in exeolent condition. If people
would only pick their teeth carefully
after each meal, making suro that not
tho slightest particle of food remains
near the gums or between tho teeth,
and would, also, bafore retiring at
night, run a pieco of soft throad
through their teeth, tliey would not
have any necessity for a dentifrice.
Of course, sweotmeals and candies
aro bad for tho tooth; so is smoking,
or taking very hot or cold drinks; but,
bad as all these undoubtedly aro, 1
really think tho worst enemy the tooth
has is tlio so-called dentifrico. Take
tlie advico of a dontist and never uso
any thing for your toeth but a bri sli
and good cold water.”—N. Y. Mail
and Express.
A St. Louis hotel clerk c lai nit <° ha*eli
the discovery that tall men sleep later lu the
morning than short men, and that persons of
a dark complexion invariably require more rest
than blondea.________ __________
A schoolmaster advertised as fol­
lows : “Prepare boys for bus. or col.
Bove taught pri. A boy slow in gram,
or in his rith., or weak in his Lat. to
lie pushed for a posish or profesh
profesh ;
id a cat.
write the princ. for a circ. and
fnr a
a curric.
ntirvin ”
,f In
Tn the
thf» same
HilDlP vein
VPin it
be aaid, if you have the rheu. or neu.
or «ciaf, or lumbag., try St. Jacob’»
Oil. Look for ita ad», morn, or eve. or
»'mother eve. It cure» ; it cura j>erm.,
no ret., no relap. It cure» p. d. q.
»eater In »pedaltie« and General Agent fur
Ask any one who has used Dr. Pierce’s Pleas­
ant Pellets as to their merits. I hey
will tell you that pimples, blotches and erup­
tions diseppexr; that constlwtlion—that breeder
of disordti-s -is relieved; that the appetite la
restored; that the who o system is
and regulated beyond any conception by these
little wonder-worker». Being purely vegetable
they are perfectly harmless; beingcomi>oaed ef
concentrated, active iiigredienta. they are pow­
erful! Purge and purify tlie system aud disease
will be unknown. Of all drugglata.
A man has been arrested in National City.
Cal., for publicly wearing on his back a card
stating that a companion had refused topsy
him a debt of $150.
A Swiss watch manufacturer has just in­
vented a watch for the blind, on the dial of
wh’ch the hours are indicated by twelve re­
jecting pegs, one of which sinks every hour.
Sometime, fail, of Ito murderou. Intent The
in.iduous anil dastardly attacks made upon the
reputation of Hoste-tter’a Stomach Bitters by
persons who seek to palm off cheap and fiery
tonics as identical with it. or "the same thing
under another name,'' or “equally as good," in
most instances react disastrously upon tho un­
principled traders upon popular credulity who
attempt them, converting their speculations
into ruinous failures. The Bitters is a pure,
wholesome and thorough medicine, adapted to
tho total cure and prevention of fever and ague,
bilious remittent, dyspepsia, constipation, bil­
iousness, debility, nervou’noss and kidney
troubles. Ito every ingredient, unlike those in
tlie imitations of it is of an ascertained stand­
ard of excellence, and while they, by reason of
their fiery properties, react injuriously upon
the brain and nervous Bystem, of both those
organs it is a sedative and invigorunt. Refuse
all these harmful Imitations.
On «count of their inability to digest fowl,
rt'i’l find “
»"»•rvelous food ana remedy
In «Scott’» Kmulaion of Pure Cod Liver
Oil with Hypophsaphltes. Very palatable and
easily digested. I>r. S. W. Colik.x, of M aeo,
Texas says: "I have used your Emulsion in In­
fantile wasting with good results. It not onlj
restore, wasted tissues, but gives strength and
Increases the appetite. 1 am glad to use suer,
a reliable article,’’
The Advance is not guaranteed to be equal to others, but
teed to be far superior and better in every particular, if «J
it costs you nothing to try it.
Judging from tlie talk one hear* about
town, there Is going to be a great demand
for the album, that are offered to everyone
who returns to the publishers (W. Duke,
Sons & Co.,) 75 folding cards, same as| are
inclosed in the packages of Cameo Cigar­ ACME ENGINE, the best Coal 0U Engine in the world. No Engineer S- l .
ettes. We are informed that these albums
are an elegant, unique and moat inter, st­
ing affair, and contain a complete collec­ The Westinghouse Engines and Boilers, Farm Engine Tank Pumps, several
ef Engines of all sixes and tor all purposes. Farm, Church and School IU ii
tion of L0 subjects, comprising the Rulers,
Marine Work of all kinds. Creamery Machinery, Hancock Inspirator.
Flags and Coate-of-Arms of every nation
Park Injectors, all the latest Patent Wrenches, Blacksmith
in the world.
Automatic and Farm Drills, Boiler Feed and Duplex '
Pumps, Steam^Fitting Goods, Lubricating Oils,
Belting and Hose, Self-Healing Bath
A dog at Racine, Wis.. tried to jump through Tfio Oregon National Bank,
a swiftly revolving fly-wheel, and, it is said.
«succeeded; A part of him got through
er parts went off in other directions.”
Kriebel Engines, Stationary ami Marine.
For Villages, Stores, Public Buildings and Residences.
C atarrh
And many other desirable goods. As I represent the manufacturers direct I m .
will give you good goods at a bargain. Send for descriptive circular of whit'
Steel Tuning De­
vice, m use in no other Piano, by which our Phnoa
stand in tune 20 jears, good ft»r 100 ; not offecteij
by climate. No wood to split, break, swell, shrink,
erack, decays, or wear out; we guarantee it. Ele­
gant Rosewood Cases, 8 strings, double repeating
action; finest ivory keys; the Famous ANTISELL.
Call or writo for Catalogue, free. T. M. ANTISELI'
PIANO CO., Manufacturers, Odd Fellows’ Hall, Mar ‘
kef and Seventh Streets, San Francisco.
the very will. — Christian Inquirer.
—They predict the harvests in Egypt
by the height which the river marks on
the gauge of the inundation. So many­
feet represents so much fertility. Tell
me the depth of a Christian man's com­
panion, and I will tell yon tho measure
of his fruitfulness.— Maclaren.
If any speuk ill of thee, flee homo to
thine own conscience, and examine
thine heart If thou be piilty, it is a
just correction: if notgu y, it is a fair
instruction. Make use
f both. So
»halt thou distill honey out of gall, and
out of an onen enemv a secret friend.
C utkkm . Rm, ?wa Cura
*.□ B l . xju
Frau. -
which the C vtu vr « RKMantve »re beta by
the IhouMiad» upon lh»imnd8 wbuae livra have
been made b»|>py by the cure of untuning, hu­
miliating. itching, waly and n n.plv <Uaraara of
the .kin. walp and blood, with Ion of hair
Ci Ttct MA. the great 8kin Cure, and Cm-
CVKA B oat an e.quiaila bkln ReanUfler. pre­
pared from it. externally, and CiTievnA lta-
SOLVBXT. the new Blood Purifier, internally
are a poaltlve cure for every form of skin and
bl.«»I .II mxum . from pimplra to scrofula
Sold everywhere
IMce. Crrmst, SO- ■
Soar. Me.: Raaoi.vgaT gl. I'renared by the
Pumtnlmra and C husicai C o . BoatosuMara
MTSeed for "How te Cure gktn »“-^ sj rr,~
tT Hninlra, blackhead» chapped and ml.
W skin prevented by CT tht ha aoar
Hbenmati-m. KidneyKKaUWeak-
Fire Works,
,Hky Rockett
Roman Caodk
Bomb ft
Fire Cracken
To, ft
??Ro.,pf Kidneys or Bladder. Weak Back, Nervous
Dobility, Wasting of Sexual Strength, etc., cured
and restored to healthy vigor.
N.’B. Persons unable to visit na may be treated
nt tnoir homes, by correspondence. Medicines and
instruction« sent by mail or express. Consultation
Free. Send 4 cents in stamps tot I he Young Mau’*
Friend or Guide to Wedlock.
The Van Monciscar
165 1S7 Kraft
A new thing in dudes’ imported hats this
year would be brains.
wry sore. S waynb ’ m O intmknt stops the
near Coquimbo, tho servant found the ’ lieooniing
itching and bleeding, heals ulceration, and in many
horses very rostive; putting ids hand cases re mows the tumors. It is euually efficacious in
curing all »kin Diseases
in tho dark suddenly upon tho wither« Proprietors, Philadelphia. B waynk ’ n O intmjcnt
l»e obtained of'druggists. Bent by mail for 50 Cents.
of one of them lie caught a vampire. |
In tlie morning tho placo whore the i See AnileeM Piano advertisement.
bite had boon mado was readily found. I
T ry G ermka for breakfast.
While Mr. Watorton says ho has ro- 1
peatcdly soon both mon and animali |
which had boon bled by vampires, he
—"And have you never fought a
could never discover how they actual­ duel, doctor?”
"Me. never.
ly drow tho blood; and though ho oflor : should 1 fight a duel? What emotion
•aw thorn hovering over his hammock I could I derive from killing a man?”—
they nevor attempted to light on him French paper.
or suck his blood. This is explained
—Sail indeed is tho caso of the boy
by somo naturalists, who havo care­ or man who, with the key of knowledge
fully examined them and studied tlioit ■ put into his hands, is not taught that
habits, that some people and ' animal! it should not unload his neighbor’s
they will not touch, wliilo others, per- j treasnro house to make his goods his
haps in tho same room, will bo bled own. — St. Andrew's Cross.
noarly every night
—The more you talk about what Is
This bat, a specimen of which Ihavi right, or even about the doing of it, tho
•tt'.ffcil, is about six inchos long, has s more you aro in danger of exemplify­
reddish-brown eoat, and is known at ing how loosely theory may l»o allied
P. sputrum.—N. Y. Voioe.
to practico. Talk without action saps
W holesale and lietail Dealen is
NFPVA1JS Deoility. Loas of Vigor. Komina]
WO LoRsea, Wenk Momory, Despon­
dency, &c., due to excen8e8 or abuso, cured. M
! YGUNH MFN Buffering from the efTecta
w lw W awl trfl Of youthful follies or indis­
cretion should avail themselves of our treatment.
A positive cure guaranteed in every case. Syphilis,
Urinary and Venereal DiReaseR all unnatural dis­
charges, promptly and safely cured.
J I Fl I w VWI
To bequeath to your children, is a strong, clear
constitution—better than wealth, because it will
never prove a curse. You cannot give what
you do not possess, and mothers will find in Dr.
Pierce’s Favorite Prescription a wonderful
help - correcting all weaknesses, bringing their
systems into perfect condition, so that their
children, untainted, »hall rise up to call them
There is not a druggist in all tho land
But always keeps a stock on hand.
! ______
3J&Dr. Spinney
PolS£3,. Or
, & Co. ________
lstPfiftnlums. 25,000.1n use,
20 years FstaULhed. New
The richest child in America is said to be
May Sharpless, a little miss of nine years, who
is worth $9,000,000 in her own right.
Transacts a General Banking fhiftixs«.
kept subject
HANOE on Butt Francteco and Now York.
A richly frosted quivering, flying Dove.
LLKCTION3 ng favorable tenna.
A Dream of Life screen calendar. An im­
° ftO. B MARKLE, J*.
ported ideal head. An imported frosted
D F «HERMAN Ctodbkr
snow scene and a full set of magnificent
floral cards.
Fourteen artistic pieces.
Sent to anyone who will buy from a drug­
gist a box of the genuine D r C. M'L ank s
C elebrated L iver P ills (price 25 cts.)
and mail us the outside wrapper from the
box with 4 cents in stamps. Write your
I suffered from
address plainly.
' ' ' . F leming B ros ., P itts catarrh It years,
BURGH, P a .
fhe droppings in­
The man who is looking for something to do to the throat U'ere
rarely finds anything, but if he is willing to do nauseating. My
nose bled almost
airy thing he can always find something.
daily. Since the
first day’s use
Is that which yields large returns from a small Ely's Cream Balm
outlay. Reader, the way is clear! No specula haM had no bleed­
tion, no chance, big returns! If you are like ing, the soreness ta
most of mankind you have somewnere a weak­
ness-don’t feel at all times just as you’d likt) to entirely
—headache to-day, backache to-morrow, down G. Davidson, with
sick next week—all because your blood is out of
order. A small outlay and what lurge returns!
A particle Is applied l«So each nostril aad la asreeabie.
You invest in Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Dis­ Friee 50 cent« at druggU*« I by wail, reviatwred, 50 oenie
| covery and soon pure, fresh blood courses ■LT BROTHUM 56 Worraa »tc**.
through your veins, and you are another being!
—God compel» its to learn many bit­
ter lesson«, that by knowing and suf­
fering wo may also know the eternal
consolations.— Burleigh.
—Many favors which God gives ns
ravel ont for want of hemming, through
our own unthankfulness; for though
prayer procuroth blessings, giving
praise doth keep the quiet possession of
them, — fuller.
—To understand the world is wiser
than to condemn it To study the
world is better than to shun it To
use the world is better than to abuse it
To make the world bettor and hap­
pier is tho noblost task of man or wo­
—Let no sup rstition bind thee, or
hypocrisy clothe them. Lst God's light
enter thy spirit and his love dwell in
thee. Learn to listen for his voice;
and, when thou henrest his word, do
his will as it be revealed.
—Give us a man, young or old, high
or low, on whom we can thoroughly
depend—who will stand firm when
others fall—the friend faithful and
true, the adviser honest and fearless
tho adversary just and chivalrous; in
<uch a one there is a fragment of the
Rock of Agea— Dean Stanley.
—It is claimed that, generally speak­
ing, an aptitude for learning foreign
languages is indicative of a low degree
of Intellectual power, and result» from
the concentration of the lower Intel­
lectual faculties upon such mechanical
effort witboat the distracting influeuce
of U m higher reasoning power*
Laundry Madmen.
ORME Safety Valve for Marine and stationary Engines, adopted by the Goveniex
B randrkth ’ s P ills have always given
satisfaction. In fifty years there has been
no complaint of them. That is about their
life in the United States and millions of
persons have used them.
TI ere is no
doubt that they have established them­
----- ANI
How It I. Sal.t to Suck Hlood from Anl-
mal. rtn.l M. ii .
Iodide ot’ Potass
tism, dyspepsia, piles, diarrhoea, liver com­
This, to my mind, much malignoil plaint ana fevers, end greatly prolong the
It cures R heumatism , N euralgia , Roils, Pimples.
animal is of tho genus rhyllastomas. human life. One or two at night on an
Scrofula, Gout, Catarrh. Tumors, Salt Rheum, ana
has a curious membrane like a loaf, empty stomach, for a week or two, will Mercurial pains. It Purities the Blood, Restores the
keep you in good form and tone up tlie Liver and kidneys to healthy action, and makes the
which grows on tho end of his noso, system.
Complexiun Bright and Clear.
and is found principally in South
J. R. CATES & CO., Proprietors.
A McKean County woman, eighty-three
417 Hansome Rt.. Man Franciflco.
America. It has a vory bad reputa­ years old, is said to havo been married to her
tion for sucking tho blood from ani­ fourteenth husband the other day, alter having
been divorced thirteen times.
mals and even from men. Tho ends
of tho toes of persons, tho oars of
For Bronchial. Asthmatic, and Pul­
horses or I ho combs or wattles of monary <’omplaints. “Brown's Bronchial
Troches" manifest remarkable curative proper­
fowls are said to bo its favorito past­ ties. 25 cts. a box.
ures. When it has found a feeding
FINK. A r may er and Analytical
place it watchos until tho croaturo it <J he nil Nt, Laboratory. 106 First st., Portland.
made of all substances. Rates
proposes to blood is fast asloopv Thon
for assaying gold and silver ores $1.50. Paez
it carefully fans its victim wliilo it ages sent by mail or express promptly attended
bites a liny hole, not larger than n to, and returns made.
pin’s Lead, throngli which it draws
blood sufficient for a moa).
S ymptom «—Moisture; intense Itching and stinging,
most at night; worse by scratching. If allowed to con­
Prof. Darwin relates that in Chill, I tinue tumors form, which often bleed and ulcerate,
living witnkssesi
Portland, Ot
CaUtofue h
orx. Weak
Lack of
Energy, alt
Skin Diseases, Syphulla
Eruptions. Hair Falling
Bone Pains, 8 welling«
Sore Throat, Uloera, »•
fecta of Mercury, Kidney«
and Bladder Trouble
Weik Bac c, Bum ng Urine. Gonorrhea, Gleet Strict
lire -prompt relief and cure for lire.
Pianos; Burdett Organs, band instrumenta,
stock of Sheet Music and Books. Bands m
Eastern Prioes. MATTHIAS GRAY 00.,
Street, San Francisco
Both Hexes Consult Confidentially
OPPI05—188 A 184 THIRD ST.
PBEE By return mail. Full Desortatlaa
New TaU.r HyMa. «r ni-M
rilfcUi CatUoa. X00DY A CO., Ciaotaaad. O.
(KF'To SS a Day. Samples worth gl.110, Vltlil?
Jtk H Lines not under the homes feet. Write B rkw -
W8TM-8 S avstt RmsHoipr.a Co.,Holly,Mich.
I s U a
Mads WI.K AHwnM. r»al_M».«,
i so r. rijriF. i on
1 finn Will be paid for each and ev erTpttood»
<p 1U U U onous hu iietanceB found in W indom«Botaift
acknowledged the moet delightful and only raft
harmltM t yilet article ever produced for beftftft
and pieservuig the complexion, removing tan, natal
freckles aud all blemishes and rotighuees of the dk
Used and indorsed ny the elite of society ud to
Bold by all druggists at 50 cento pa toft
White and Flesh. Manufactured by W. M. WI8B0I
4 CIO., Chemists Portland Oregon.
,1 o •
P. N. U. No. B6-& F. N. n. Nt Hl
that It Will "Ji vom^iBf"," h,n hl0™” y
“m7yn^iil‘b^refUn™5'ritgi)",,p er a
guarantee, from the manufactonn,
been printeHl on the boule-wrapperi and faitbfulj JaJri^d out' tor LJky ye^““ 8 iAV0IUIli Httecrnrrio». This guarantee te
8,111 8,'rglcal'' insUtote^n^iffate^N0^0^0^^^0^^!9^ ' “5 distressing ailments peculiar to females, at to
remedies for tho cure of wouuui'B peculiar uiaiadiee.
Dr. Pierce’s Favor,
lte Prescription istho
T ...
outgrowth, or
or result,
result, or
TO WnMFN tlli8 »ri‘at and Valuable
experience. Thousands
at testimonials, received
from patients and from physicians who
nave tested it in the more aggravated and
obstinate cases which had baffled their skill
prove it to be the most wonderful remedy
ever devised for tho relief and cure of suf­
fering women. It is not recommended as
a cure-all." but as a most perfect. Speciflo
for woman's peculiar diseases.
A b «*
a polverini,
powsrtal. in-
A B oon
A P owerful
[ im^irte streñgth*toC?ho
whole system, and to tho
uterus, or womb and its
appendages, in particu­
lar. For overworked,
worn - out, “ lwu
wwu, ” ueomutrea
run - — down,
teachers,. milliners, dressmakers, »am-
stresses, shop-irirls, housekeepers, nurs­
ing mothers, and feeble women generally.
Dr. Pierces lavorile Prescription is the I
grvahwt earthly boon, being unequaled as
an appetizing isirdial and restorative tonic.
It promotes digestion and assimilation of
.’’"'■"•'•L weakness of stomach.
Indigestion, bloating aud eructations of ga& ,
. -
A S oothing
experience in nicely adapting .nd thoroughly tes t i ng
_ Aa a aoothing
N ervine .
I u^d “S11** invaluable
in allaying and .ubdu-
itv I.M.MU
inf nervous excltabfl-
ty' OJ[11'}U*t*on, prostration,
hysteria, spasms and other distressing
tiu,i'?1 ,a'?d commonly
orltonlcy diseasoof
the system for delivery as to rf**?
lessen, and many times almost entirely®
away with the aufferinKS of that U)W
w Favorite Pr«*
” is •
the ■cription
Sositi ve curs roj
io most compii««“
C ures
W orst C ases .
ss BK jl S
-------------- “ whites,” exoeffijrt
flowing at monthly periods, painful m«-
»truation, unnatural suppression, projy
or falling of tho womb, weak »«•
•i?J? E*erce.’» Favorite Frescrin. »us
female weakness,” anteversion, rewjj
»ion, bearing - down sensations, enronk
congestion, inflammation, and ’’lceranon i
of the womb, inflammation, pain m
tenderness in ovaries, accompanied
internal heat.”
condition of the system;
111 007
«Favorite PreBcrif
ti on,” when taken in
. .
. ,<nan«y»“PH.
the ureof-ÿr
the Pierce’s with
K idmeys . I^SSTKrc®
relieving nausea, weat- ■ ----------
I utWB
dost g ui
of vr.
Dr. AI’SVS,« -
—- ■
n;« of stomach and
gative Pellets (I/ttk'Liver
other distressing symp- Pills), curefl Liver,
and Btaddjjjj
oondltlon. If lts^ÆpTïp^^ eases. Their combined use
also n
ir Ita USO 18 kepi
latter montha
nf gestation, it gQ prepares blood taints, and abolishes canceroUB ■***
month« of
scrofulous humor» from the system-
«nd Wroïïb’ Xt hiduces refreshing steen
XŒ** menud
F or
’ s
C ordial
titoto women call on their familv nhvrtct.«.
ra ■
another from liver or kidney diawL.,offering, as thev im«o4™>
v utara
they all present alike to tbenMH?X’ai!i
m nervou* exhaustion, or^nrretmtteA °P® !rnm d5’»P<T«ia. ••’Other from heart d««JJ
He preecribee his pills andT potions.c?fy'*olnl( *nd Indifferent, <>r^v!?hS?J
w,th I*10 h‘rc or there, and
disorder. The phyieian
“*cm to
"teh, wh< n in
dorton separate and distinct disease«, for»«»
patient gets no Pbit?i?“6u’f p^gd,^ ¿„'„¿A"?’
en?!,ura^w hto^ST“" "/> <ln,y <V>rpt<m» caused by some■ <£»
medicine, like Da. P iercx ' s FAte»i-7t?L!'y reason of the delay, wronL’.JriSJ*®®. nnt*l h<rire lulls are made. The
Hing all those distressing srmDtomiL^<nalite!!.ul,Ti’0:’‘ dirf''fe’d to the cause1 sroiaa'h0* and ronsequent complications. A rfi
«vssmg symptoms, and instituting comfort instead of p^>teni^lh T® entlrely removed the disease, thereby »
prolonged misery.
Mrs, E d . M. C anfbet l . of
/ornta. writes: “I bud been
my life with hysterical attacks and jar
oxyamg; or spasms, and period'«“ n
c-otra ! began
retices of severe headache, btrt
• t
M T-V’x .‘"S' ‘"•'""'ft reoo,^‘nd, d in
I*’ n using your ‘ Favorite Prescnpuo"
,Ad'h»r? I commend’d to imnr,
Sense nave had none of these. I also flan womb complaint so os“ . ,
months I was perfeetty mn-.t an<j jLs
nt nnre- In three Jc<Mild not walk two blocks without the meet severe
!Lt,ter to mv fsinily naner bri ute-
<r,,,tbte since. I before I hid taken your ’Favorite Prescription’ two
h.-alth bad been reat >re,L and offering t> 7 "’’’ntloning bow mv «■uld walk nil over the city without lneonvenienre. All I
PJ^CTitars troubles seem to be leaving me under the benign inntien
i2'JLn?Pdle1n,‘i *nd 1 now I”'1 smarter than for years t» for^ ’
told me that 1 I co««
could not be cured, and tnerei«^
thereto^ I
.ans To,,,
nratly adviaxl them7t^TkeX ^Fro
•"<* ^Sr- I t'hysiotans
accent my
mv errrlaatina
erorlMtinw thanks
thank, for what you nave
have ■—
7 'll
11 please accept
of ttainlr« ata.te™
manvlhsve ior me, and may God bless you in your ■ (rood
good works.” ,
’he writes: “It is
Is now four years since I took yo^
i - '/'O'rJ sho
rnr,f. tjraovtption,' and I have bad no return cf the re*—
trouble I had then.1’
A V oice
C aufornu .
sgl ‘i;;
JvA, writesF va Konr.rn, of iVib Orrfmnl
w f*e4,n» “ho a different
?rit® Prescription.’and I
» »W Wa^-Mrw. J ohn
to inform you that I •Jnf“
of th..
thnnk yottr mwiicine«. I toi’k ;.
¡nd fonlY^'’ P«*Tflption ’ and one bottle of ><•>" '
ano four betting of the 'Pelleta.’ All of tho bod sympn«1 . j
di?PfMl7L. ’J""'1 my owTiork: am abte to be on »7 **
trlcnds tell me ? never looked so well."
Fr—xrtyHmt to Hold hv TyruqfA*1» ** F
iarye BneUt, floO,
for 9SM>.
crnt" ,n »tomra for Dr. Pleree’s lanre.
-I I U* PanrattTR »firfa ‘
«nd a half , T’ratto' (M0 pages,
papp, oover,) on mgeaae. of Women.
worM ^n. I owa My
AddresE WarM»* Dtapenaary IWadlesd Aaaere1*“**-
No. «3 Main Street. BvrrALO. ►