lUUER land . ■ ‘"“artltb FOB otes L axd "re.K"l, rlr.v given that in compli- N’o^iu.c provisions <>f the net of Con- "ced lands are requested to ftftteir rtai'iisin this office on or before "kt h day of June. 1838 Jl u 3 W. T. B i rney . Register Apr27:IO i, A< 1 JI ?» K 1878.-.. A 5 -t S' 3 Congress....................... J 1 Supreme Judges.... ■ Prosecuting Attorney ■ Re present ati vos .... ■ Joint Representative fob publication . l.ANii O ffice , March t)r?‘ron titv. Or, -------- KAicert hereby given that in compli- 5 . with the provisions of the act of t.on- - ' .'I 1878. entitled “An act for Senile'"'ti"ibcrb"“1’/“ 'V1,1 ■ HI- mi I Oregon. Nevada and Wasliing- “11 Te rit'orv," Thomas Hartley of East ;r".i ...l ..limtv of Multiioniilb. state of Portllin has this .lay filed in this office hi: 0 rego" ,'mieinent No 261. fol' the purchase sworn -I ■md N K 1 . of S W 11 and S ■. of o v i <,f see 10. T 2 8, R8 W. nnd will otter nrool'lo Show that the land s lUglit is more Klanblefor its timber or stone than for irieiiltur 117 80 102 58 147 123 159 83 102 68 138 116 151 80 40 91 116 101 128 86 38 69 113 92 114 80 4 6 3 1 7 13 6 8 1 8 4 14 102 62 151 122 156 82 89 87 104 94 118 87 9 3 4 o 6 14 123 117 151 62 57 70 101 35 143 128 165 82 34 31 101 91 122 81 23 5 112 126 157 89; 9 5 6 2 1C 0 5 4 4 C 11 16 43 88 120 122 165 86 100 59 138 91 109 79 0 8 4 4 12 7 101 60 141 114 145 79 40 89 116 102 128 87 Û 4 11 6 11 11 103 64 150 125 156 82 35 86 106 91 117 84 4 10 8 0 4 15 log 95 144 108 136 81 111 108 135 86 49 4 13 0 10 4 14 121 159 151 80 93 104 35 54 106 86 114 84 ( & 4 8 5 14 102 63 14b 124 16'J 55 46 87 115 91 120 1.8 97 41 136 115 148 79 43 107 119 1(X', 124 86 8 4 4 12 13 (■ 101 64 145 114 144 82 36 82 113 99 128 82 t Û 6 8 3 It. O <*5 5 3* £ 3 48 58 1 46 60 48 55 45 47 61 58 1 1 47 59 1 82 36 26 40 c 26 45 61 1 44 60 1 51 51 1 49 56 1 53 52 1 49 56 36 6'J 1 49 54 1 May 20tH, 13S«. Stràabefries rire pletiy. Grrtin alf looks nice. W ills MITES .I11NE3. ■CBLirATtON. 3 ere- ft 39 39 4 41 39 46 34 38 39 39 36 3 3 39 39 3 57 28 24 21 2 XIV 40 37 Q 3» 36 8 46 30 3 42 3ô 3 27 48 V 40 37 31 46 3 3b 3 t 3 Sunday school every past ten o’clock. School is progressing nicely ander the management of E. M. Underwood. Garden vegetables aie coming. 64 1201 47 978 0 83 tH 1228 46 978 64 1227 46 962 60 1155 61 1125 58 1011 40 908 0 69 0 78 62 1175 43 936 0 65 58 1129 05 1103 43 798 50 v30 0| 54 0 158 55|16> 1 54 1028 0 74 56 1092 52 1003 0 89 63 1207 45 891 0 80 62 1159 43 934 0 84 35 1296 72 8.89 0 63 33 mi 76 1035 60 1063 48 1031 6 75 61 1152 45 935 1» 79 Weather is good in this vicinity. Road aupei visor Lambright is work Ing the roads. J. W. To^^cnd is putting himself i p a new elied. Mrs Graner and daughter of Sheridan np last week visiting her son were Edwin. Jess Townsend and f unily paid their old home a visit, returning on Sunday. Mr. and Mis. Jolly, of your citv paid friends a visit last Week in Uopher Mane. Hannah and Mary Townsend returned Imine on a visit from l’arrj-d ile also attended the dedicatory service. at that place. Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria CASTORI A for Infants and Children Filling a Long Felt want i>g$ening I ant now ready to supply I have gore into the Clothing bttMDM» your wants with Big Bargain:; in Mens’ and Boys’ suits, I’ants, etc. Mv motto will be “Small profits and Quick sales. I have no Rents nor Clerk lure to pay GL Children. They are es- jSVVvrV pocially liable to sudden Colds, Conglis, Croup, Whooping Cough I have but mv foot down on high price» to begin with. I have^bought Wo guarantee Acker s English Remedy a positive cure. ■ It saves my stock for Cash, and that talks you know. Owt) Mens’ suits front Sold by hours of anxious watching, $10. upwards. Boys’ suits from $4. upwards, Mens’ pt-nts, good and Gc< . W.Burt, Druggist. I can please you. In durable at $3.50 per pair. Come nnd see me. ,, Mens’ Ladies’ and Childrens’ shoes mv stock is larger than ever to suiC Bucklen’s Arnica Salvo. the times, PIONEER BOOT and SHOE STORE. Opposite the Gfango The Best Salve in tlie world for Cuis, St-ore. 1‘. F. BROWNE Bruises. Sores, Ulcers. Salt Kltotim, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erupt­ ions, atnl positively cures Piles, or no Pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, er money refunded, price 25 cents par box. RogersATodtl. The Appetite S tites L as » O ffice , Oregon Citv . Marell 2», 1888. Nicke the painter wants to paint Attend tho teachers institute.I spite of tlio cry HARD TIMES we are doing a good trade. In May be increased, tho Digestive organa Notici- is hereby given Huit in compii- WEST SIDE TELEPHONE, somebody's house for a cow. mice with the provisions of the net of t on- • live the teachers a rousing old strengthened, and the bowels regulated, spite of the uproar and frantic effoits of our competitors our business s of June 3. 1878. entitled “An act for Races at the tra k to-morrow, do not by taking Ayer’s Pills. These Pills ara come. is constantly increasing. The people know that we sell only pure and the sale of timber Innds in the stati s of forget llietn, admission only 25 cents. LOCAL HAPPPENINGS KI ANO purely vegetable in their composition. i eacbers institute on the 25, 5C, California. Oregon. Nevndn mid Washin reliable Drugs and Medicines and at prices as low as good goods can be stu ing They contain neither calomel nor any ihe agucnltural men Inn Tcrritorv." John <1. Hartley of East 27 of June. ABOUT THE CITY. sold. around and a large amount of agricultur- other dangerous drug, and may be taken Portland, eountv of Multnomah, state of C arpenter tools in enuless vmietyat al machinery is being sold. Oregon has this' dav.tiled ill this office his Our stock of Hair and Cloth Brushes, Tooth Brushes. Combe, Per with perfect safety by persons of all ages. $2.00- 1 Manning ’s. • vorn stat -ment No', 2>9, for the purchase funrory, Toilet Soaps, etc., a’int big enough to make much fusa about The people of McMinnville should I was a great sufferer from Dyspepsia of the N W 1-4 of Sec, 15, T 2 S, It 3 \V. nnd Builders hardware until you can’t I not forget that thia citv will celebrate and Constipation. I had no appetite, Come. offer proof to show that the land sought is but we know wc can suit you when you como to sec us. more valuable for its timber or stone than ROGERS & TODD, the 4th. The fourth of July will soon and was constantly afflicted with Head­ Settle up. 1 lest at Manning’s. ache and Dizziness. I consulted our for agricultural purposes, mid to estulilisn new houses are contemplated be upon us and nothing be done. City Drug Store. family doctor, who prescribed for me, at For your paper. ( on Several his claim to said land before tho Register the Chandler addition. The wheat fields in Yamhill county various times, without affording more »nd Receiver of this office at Oregon City, Something dropped Monday. temporary relief. I finally com­ Oregmi. Oil Friday, the 29th day of June, The best line of pumps ever brought are looking fine. Fall sown grain is than taking Ayer’s Pills. In a short A 1) already headed out, and the prospects menced Election day was very quiet. I the stateat Manning’s to time my digestion and appetite He names as witnesses: Joseph N. Hart­ are good for a large crop. So be it. ley. Thomas Hartley, Walter Smith ami Dont forget the horse races to day. George Robinson, of Camp Polk, ar­ IMPROVED oilin Edwards, all of East Portland. Ore The rain for which the farmers have in this county last week. A most beautiful rain Friday and Sat- rived 1 gon been praying arrived Iasi week and in­ my bowels wore regulated, and, by tho T he T elephone publishes the com­ tends to stay witli us for some time. time I finished two boxes of these Pills Anv and all persons claiming adversely urday. tendency to headaches had disap­ the ilmve-deseribed lands arc requested The amount of good it has done the my “Uncle” Andy Shuck is ill with ery­ plete official county leturns. peared, and I became strong and well.— to tile their claims in this olllce on or before crops in Yamhill county can not bo Seven immigrants from Missouria, Darius M. Logan, Wilmington, Del. sipelas. jiiil 29th day of June, 1888 reckoned in figures. The wheat begins arrived in this city Tuesday evening. W T B viiney , I was troubled, for over a year, with Landreth the murderer has been sen­ to feel the impulse of the rain already. Loss Apr27:10 _______________ Register, of Appetite, and General Debility. Hurrah for the Fourth, Democrats tenced to death. I commenced taking Ayer’s Pills, and, ooooooo C rocodiles for sale .—Secretary and Republicans can both celebrate, before finishing half a box of this rnedi- , ooooooo Executors Notice. Is it possible to arrange a base ball I Struble, of a the iiniiiigralion board, is cine, my appetite and strength were re­ Price, the photographer, is making game here on the Fonrth. ooooooo. oooo in receipt ot a letter from a Alons. Bush­ Notice is hereby given that the under­ cabinets this week for $3.000 per dozen. nell, who is now at Tacoma. The writ­ stored.—C. O. Clark, Danbury, Conn. signed has been duly appointed executor of Do not forget the fourth of July cele­ Ayer’s Pills are the best medicine tlie last will and testament of Robert Stow oooooooooooooo The Dallas Itemiz-er has sold out. It er states that he is the happy possessor known to me for regulating the bowels, deceased, bv the county court of Yamhill bration at McMinnville. of a sacred white crocodile from tlie and for all diseases caused by a disordered is now owned and edited by W. A. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOüOOOOOOOOOO county, Oregon. Therefore all persons The people of this city can expect an Nile, atid lie wants to secure space in Stomach and I fiver. I suffered for over Wash. buying claims against said estate are here­ injunction at any moment. oooooooooooooo tlie exposition building to exhibit this three years with Headache, Indigestion, by notified to present them with proper Milk pans only cost $1.00 per doz. at and Constipation. I had no appetite, and wonder. Ho also states that lie has vouchers to the undersigned nt the law of­ Jones 1888 monster Samson, which is twelve feet Scvths, snaths, forks, rakes, horse three boxes of Ayer’s Pills, and nt the 4:t I saac L ambuioht , Executor aforesaid, ocrats what is the matter with you? in length, he lias a smaller one. As forks and rope can be bought at S. A. same time dieting myself, I was com­ F z . vtos it F eston . Attys lor estate. Secretary Struble is not in the nienng- pletely cured. My digestive organs are A large assortment of fresh candies; Manning’s. arie business he lias refered the letter in good order, and I am in perfect just received at Wallace A Son’s. The republicans of this county will to tlie Industrial Fair Association.— now health. — P. Lockwood, Topeka, Kntie. ratify at the opera house on Saturday The finest lines of teas in the county Oregonian. Ayer’s Pills have benefited me wonder­ night. Get in and celebrate. can be found at Wallace A Son’s. fully. For months I suffered from Indi­ Marring * Bells. gestion and Headache, was restless at Barnekoffs’ mill is up three stories For Crockery, glassware, wooden and night, and had a bad taste in iny mouth and the sheeting nearly finished on the willowware, go to Wallace A Son. morning. After taking one box outside. This structure loom up like a Married at tire residence of O. F. every of Ayer's Pills, all these troubles dis­ —AND— The W. C. T. IL set n very fine din­ second Mt, Hood. Tucker in this city on June 0, 1888, appeared, my food digested well, and ner in Mrs Fellners building, election | For sale.—A complete set of butcher Miss Ida Smith, of Brownsville, to Mr. my sleep was refresliin". — Henry 0. day. shop and slaughter house tools, in a E. W. Fuller of this city. The ceremo­ llcruiueuway, Rockport, Mass. I was cured ot the Piles by the use of Mason's and Cohensey’s latest im- good location fur business. Enquire of ny was performed bv Rev. W. T. Jordan. Ayer’s Pills. They not only relieved me proved fruit jars at C» A. W allaee & A. Mcl’liillips. The only house of its kind in tho county The bridesmaids were Miss Nin Sperry ot that painful disorder, but givo me in­ Son’s. A squaw from Willamina was brought and Miss Sadie Smith. Tho brides- creased vigor, and restored my health.— The McMinnville News Co. ft Work has commenced on (he railway to tins city Tuesday Io be examiml by grooms were, Clydj Appeison und John Lazarus, St. John, N. B. THIRD STREET. to Spokane Falls and the Coeur d’alene Judge Lougliary preparatory to sending Louis Maddock. A reception was given the conplo at the residence of the her to tlie insane asylum. mines. grooms parents. A large number of Last Saturday was labor day and We publish in tabular form this week invited guests were present and several Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer k Co., Lowell, M m .. some of the business bouses ol this city the entire vote of this county encluding very fine and costly presents were given Bold by aU Druggists sod Dulors in Medici». tlie Prohibition vote. Cut thia out and the young couple. This office in in re­ were closed. The camp meeting at Gaunt« bridge | preserve it for reference. ceipt 0/ cake an I in return wishes a began yesterday and will continue until Alsea Baker brought to this office an happy futuro to Mr. and Mrs. E. W. I extraordinary branch of cbe. nes. Tlie Fuller. over Sunday. Remember that Wallace Ac Son pay . i I'rtiit was vei v thick on tlie branches and Ct-ndition of Sliecp in Jackson County. the highest market, prices fur produce; i delicious eating. Thanks. GROCERIES, Us Democrats look awful blue, hilt in exchange for goods. Ashland Record: W. M. Stanley, James Fletcher Ins sold 140 acres of then we have the consolation of know­ comity stock inspector, was detained in ion ing that tlieie still remains in tlie his place to Mr. Narver of this city. finishing the work of inspecting the neighboi liood of 30,(19’0 D’s in Oregon. Consideration being $7,000. shcepof this section of the county on Wednesday a horse came tearing account of (lie late storm. There were W. I’. Johnson will be here regularly GLASSWARE, in the future three days in each month down Third street with part of the liar- a few bands around here somewhat Mr. D. B. A^ otu ". Union. Routh Carolina, V nie* : •• I V. nx .'HlUcied with it terrible case May 3d, 4th and 5th ; June "th, Sth am. | ness living liuhiml him. At every diseased, whose owners were given in­ U»» û <>t blood rxii-if.n for «bout thiroen month». I j jump a piece of ha.ines3 would leave structions not to move them until well. 9th. . (f wr:» (rented by the be« pbystefan», and used CANDY AND Some people think that the law creat­ vaii ii« kinds «f remedies. hut received no W. I1'. Collard was in the city Mon­ I him. $ui>t nut lai lelief. I fl:iu!lv tried the Swift ing a county stock inspector is of little The camp grounds, in the rear of th« Lpecii e, and .iboiit four bottle«» cured ma day and reports fishing on the Colum­ »< iird i nd well.” use to the people. Mr. Stanley informs oooooooooooooo 'ail- grounds, have been cleaned up, (lie NOTIONS. bia good. The big run will be thi­ C< I. B. II. Ku -< r, cdlto- and p; < ; rteior of • nnderbi nsh lias been cut ami it is now ns that last year, in the county over, tie OtM likr.. Ala., 7»Dtr«, under date of OOOOOOOOOOOi »ooooooooooooooooooo ns onth. AugUht 3. 18- 1, write»: -When I wns I one of tlie finest places in the state for 85 per cent of the sheep were diseased, a young man. thr uzh IndlacrctJon, I con* oooooooooooooo John Faker, who is at present work­ I camping purposes. while this year 22’* per cent were dis­ ttacted a diftett-- which h •• »tuck to ing in the register department of the r> e for years. Sorr.e five or »ix year» eased—quite a benefit already. Cherries horn Riverside farm fum-sh- »line I was troubled with polra, a» to Portland post office was tn the citj mi kf it fili^cidt for nW to wa’k. Ht!v«px I ed fresh through the season and deliver­ advertlM d the 8. 3. S. In my [»per forKe»cr«J Monday. A IIanUsome51 agazlne. » •■rr, I <• ih lutiol 1 wo dd fry It to »«*e if ed ’.<> any place within city limits for —lias opened a— Gns Gaunt, Chas. Baker and E. Un- I 30 eta. per gallon. Leave orders with lln-re w. s anv in the medicine. I <• jumen;t»d r.- tr.ii tt arcordh’K to direction« d-rwood staited Tuesday for Clear Lake, Leslie Laughlin nt Delmeririg’s store I Every resident of the Pacific coast and u*ed half eople typeographic and literary excellence of il.crenult. 1 hi » Hxty-eight year*of a^c and In Mrs. II p. Stuarts old stand Meals 1 f« td Ilk.« a young» ami can ««» to vito all customers running bills to settie at Carlton, Sunday at, 11 o’clock. A the West Shore, the only illustrated t.rc »ewbentve-uiryaudiHd u;>froin»lx At all hours. Meals 25 cents. June 8:7 magazine published in the West. The at the end of ever, month, as prompt basket dinner and an address in the loetfht tic n-nnd cm» wltr.owt aujr Invon- n enue. I »eud j u thb» without solicit»- payment will enable them to sell you afternoon. Mias Bnzxell will address superior quality of ila engravings, as 1 Mr. F Woehl,2i! North Avenue, Chicftro, well as their special object arxl nature, goods at a very small margin the citizens of tins city to-night at tlie and the wonderhill work it is doing in MOTHERS! UH>‘< rdi’eof Jnn-11, 1K57. * nt«-» : -Ideem Mr William Holl has been intending 1 Baptist church. Go and hoar her. it ray duty to thank )ou for iin- cure 1 re­ Cavforia is recommended by physicians presenting the i esotirces nnd beauties of ed cd fr< m your excdl’ nt medicine. I con­ for children teething It is a purely veget­ to go to Europe this summer to visit tracted« vriy revere (one of bhM-d polnon- Some person left a horse standing this region in such an attractive form, Jnx ub ’Ht two rears ago. Hearing of your ables preparation, its ingredients are pub­ his mother. The other div he .eeeived tied to one of tlie hitching posts near should give it the hearty good will and iw dldne, 1 wciit to adi ug »tore, th« pro- lished around each bottb* It is pleasant the sad inteligcnce that she was dead, uridtir • t which persuaded nie to buy a Johnson's blacksmith shop from Mon­ support of every citizen. The May tp tho taste and absolutely harmless. It re­ died on the 9th of May in Bavaria. pn-uaraf Ion of hla own, whlcii he »aid wa® day morning, early, until Tuesday morn- I a ►lire ■•tire. I u-i-d «lx I’otile« of hi« »tuff number contains many splendid engrav­ lieves constipation regulates the bowels, ami «n w worse ail tlie tinu*. At la*tig”t The life-giving properties of Ayer’s ing. Hie lioise did not have anything! ings of Portland, and a largo colored quiets pain, cures diarrhcea and wind colic, di g iwied RJ'fl despaired of a ri'.r»*. I met a allays feverishness, destroys worm*, and I Sarsaparilla have made it tho moat i to eat or drink during that time. Tlie | aupplemhnt of toe mammoth exposi­ fr rnd who told me that your n ollcir.e bad Nolice to Contractor»- curid him. I went to it.»* game r. J. N. f'hene*'. • prominent phvairlnn, horse nnd Dr. Goucher's horse will be gome time ago, who is now in Beattie on I and specifications to be seen at tho otnro of rts'!i:ssF iadil»*. fb-hley County. ueor«ia, 1’ci’d ilie f<»Rowing: Mr (’ IL Morris. i an intere-ting one. McMLNNVILLE, OREGON. tii a Setter recounting tlie Infallible encrrM Ttie stakes hale liis way home. The trip was unrion'rted- Commencement Exercise«« j W Ii. Burrows, located on tho court boa«0 Newark. Ark., says: “Was down with lie h«a in inning lontagl' f« M >od po eon , ground«. The contra» tors to furnish all ruwn in his «•xum'dre prartier, writes: nhce-w o( hings, an<| friends and physicians | been increased $40 a side. The purse is lv two hard for Torn. In the telegram material and complete said building roody ••Thoee who know the almost inevitable, l'l’onannced me an Incurable Consumptive. ; now $160. It will take place Monday at tie said nothing about tire rest of the The annual commencement exercises pemiarentlf d.u gerom» cffecti» of mercury | for occupancy, Tlie board of director« re- boys and it is supposed that they went |*egan taking Dr King’s New Discovery the Fair grounds. will welcome your dlwcovery of S B. 8. »• a • serve the right to reject any and all bids. of the college begin Sunday morning iww n to human.ty. Th« mcdical profewelon, *°r < onsumption, am now on my third Graining, into the mines. Do not take quinine for maUn“* ‘ alwwy« wary of proprietary medicine», M The bids to be deposited with the clerk ei bottle, and able to oversee the work on mv with the Baccallaureate Sermon at the I • <>mlng «lowly, and in eomc ca*r* accretiy, the district at the First National Bank, Mo- Patents g. vr.te-I tn citizens »f the Pa ­ l ’ nper llaniriiiff and tn the umi of UK R. In < a***« of blood dis­ »arm. It fa the finest medicine ever made. orders. AVer’s Ague Cure Baptist church. President Brownson Minn viltr. Oregon. order. Of murre a me«Heil»« that curre cific ata'es during the past week, and Carnage Painting. Middlcwart. Decatur. Ohio, «ay»: none, nor anv other injurious dsoning In It- wont form must purify the Jso. \VoRTKAW, f lerk. ’»nd it not been for Dr King’s New Dis- This preparation, if taken strictly m reported for this paper by C. A. bnow A will preach the sermon. In tl.e evening C <»od of everv dieorder,” _ .. . W m . McCnxisnax. » nt-erto»«. TrratiM <>• nnd Skin Ptaea^mailed covory for Consumption I would have died accordance with directions, is warranted Co. Patent lawyers, Opp. Patent Office, Rev. A. R. .Medbury, of Haleru will free- Tn«tewiFTSrarir»cCn., < IIAM. CJXtMtXX. I preach the Educational sermon. On “* lung troubles Was given up by doctors to cure all malaria diseases. Washington, D. C. Drawer 1. Atlanta, Ga. Am now in best of health.” Try *it sample I The W C. T. U take this method of F. W. Cook, San Francisco, ( al. tn- Monday evening will be held in the col­ Prompt Attention to Orders from Hitties free at Rogers A Todd, (5) lege chapel the first annual exhibition sincerely thanking the parties who so serted saw tooth. F. J. Croneh, Eu­ of the Philergian Society. Tuesday rVk.\ and reliable Medicines are the best the Country. gene City, Oreg. Rheostat. J. D. Culp, vJvXA to depend upon. Acker's Blood El­ kindly loaned us When Baby was akk, ws gave her C«torts. Sin Felipe, Cai. Electrophorus. J. B. evening will Ire the Educational ad­ ixir has been prescribed for yean for all im­ Electric Bi iters. dress. This will be delivered by Rev. Gill. San Francisco, telegraph call box. This remedy is becoming -o well known ! purities of the Blood. Incvery formofScrof- Ç jcvcÿ 'X ‘ftXee’V. complaint of When she was a ChM, she crt»*4 for Cl A. Le Roy ol Astoria. Those who M Hedges, Murrietta, Cal. lifting jick. -iji'i so popular as to need no special men- j ulona, flyplillitic or Mercurial diseases, it is When she became Mlns, she Hung to < W. A. Howard. Petaluma, Cal. power have heard Mr. l^e Roy, s|>eak in the invaluable. For Rheumatism, haa noequal. thousands suffering from Asthma, Con­ oon. All who have u-ed Electric Bitters j ......................................... ”r~. ’ mechanism. P. B. James, A isalia, highest terms of his ability as a lecturer. »ame song of prsise.—A purer j M rs A xsis H exdxbsox , Sec. sumption, Coughs, e tc. '• Did you ever try When ..tie lunt Ch'.l.tren, she gave them 'nedirinc .l,>es not exist and it is pi.rsn- i Acker's English llemodyt It il tbs best Cal, traction engine. I. 8. Johnstone. In addition to Iris general culture, he Geo. W. Burt, druggist. '■e