WEST SIDE TELEPHONE. ! THE RETURNS. The following tables are the latest i WASHINGTON LETTER. BISHOP & KAY, Oregon Railway There is a strong probability AKE that you will hear of the death of | umn shows Hermann’s vote, the H. X j . ÎÏHATH. - - - - Publisher. ,T General Sheridan before this letter j second Gearin’s. The dashes sig­ M c M innvillk , F riday , J ink 8, 1888. nify that those counties have net reaches you. yet been heard from: His tempory improvement on ■ Baker. 75 Saturday was followed by a serious National Ticket. Benton......... 585 824 relapse. Physicians and a priest COLUMBIA RIVER ROUTE. 1358 919 CLEVKLAND ardTHURMAN Clackamas ., V. • ■" *■ yii WSS^MWRMSSO——————— _ Clatsop........ 1080 884 are in constant attendence at his o----- o----- 0 279 bedside, and his family are quite Train« for the Ea«t leave A ah St. n liar* Something dropped awful hard Columbia ... Coos.............. 250 alarmed. The General of the every «lay at l»:3O A. M. and 1:15 I*. M. Wood can now be had at reason­ Monday. Crook............ Army is suffering from valvular Attached to the 1:15 p nt train are tiirongh able prices at Wages increase as importations Curry........... Pullman Shaping Cars to Council Bluffs failure of the heart, and although ■ and St Paul. 300 increase. With large importations Douglass.... .Attached t<» the 12:30 a m train is the 744 46y he has understood tbe gravity of, Walla wages go up, when the importations Gilliam........ Walla «V Dayton Sleeper, which can Grant............ 143 103 the situation from the beginning by hoarded at East Portland station any­ fall wages fall. al ter 8 p m “----------------- - Jackson........ As 200 his mind is tranquil, and he ex­ time I rains in rive at 2:15 and 7:15 p m every How can tari fl which spends its Josephine ... 14 presses hope for the best. dr . 330 3G7 whole force in adding to the cost of Klamath. Nothing can be more satisfactory The compin*,• reserve the right to manufactured articles help to raise Lake.......... 74 change rteameia < r Failing day*, than the military secreti ven«s> 154 the wages of the laboring classes? Lane............ 1 1 .■■■, Linn............ . . . . 1532 1681 which surrounds the sick chamber TO AS TO!11A,—Str. R It Thompson leases Ash Hl wharf every MotoiaV Wed The Republicans of the state of i Malheur. . . of General Sheridan. As h.is Li en ami Sam. flay .d 11 ;30 p m. I S M I Oregon have been unmercifully i Marion........ 475 "teJiiner lea os AH: st. daily, exuept Si: said he is the last great figure of whipped into line by the party ; Morrow ........ Morrow.... 584 504 the war, and the thousands of vet day, at h a. in., h»r 14 ri i. 1*------ *- ........ lash, The election returns show J'-- Multnomah 5792 1081 erans who followed his leadership TO DALLES AND CASCADES, this. Polk..................... GO Leu.v Asli *t. ut 6.1. m., except Sun- and fought the fight, eagerly ask of Tillamook............ news concerning his condition. The Prohibitionists have nomi- Umatilla.............. 4G Still the public is barred from all (Jive me a Call, nated for their presidential ticket Union................. 501 334 save the most meagre information, Clinton B. Fiske of Michigan, and Wallowa............. 100 A, F. ARTHUR, Pr as if he were surrounded by the J. A. Brooks of Indiana for vice We sco.................. 1148 80G enemy. president. Washington........ 1102 804 The House of Representatives Yamhill.............. 1201 975 has given much of its time during A patent has been issued to the the week to the consideration of state of Oregon for 1316 acres of Totals.......... . . . 18167 11588 appropriation bills, and the senate swamp land under the swamp Majority. . . . . . . . 6579 has been most of the time in secret land grant. The land is situated session with the fisheries treaty. in the Rosehcrg district. Chas Talmage was defeated by The bill to establish a department The large majority on the Ile- a majority of 16 in the race for of labor has been passed by Loth publican ticket is owing to the su­ justice of the peace in the south houses. Senator Reagan, of Texas, perhuman endeavors of E. L. E. precinct. S. F. Harding is the spoke lengthily in opposition to White editor of the Yamhill Re­ justice of peace in the south. One this bill. He said if the founders of the Republic could hear the Demorat at least was elected. porter. Give him praise. way labor questions are discussed One ofGen. Grant’s horses—Clai- The last year of the war, in in congress these days, they would burne—is the property of the Old which the Republican press howl blush for shame on account of the Guard at the Soldier’s Home, at about nigh wages owing to the d gencracy and lack of manhood of Leavenworth, Kans. This horse high protective tariff, shows a de­ their descendants in dealing with was in the G. A. R. procession on crease of wages when the wages them. Upon hearing this an ¡rev­ memorial day. are reckoned in gold. But figuring erent, waggish scribbler added that tho price per day paid, in paper no doubt this is so. If ghosts ever blush, doubtless it is when they A bill has been introduced in money the wages went high. visit the United State Senate the house to increase the milage on Chamber. government purveys from $7 to $13 The Democratic loss in the The senate convenes daily at per mile. Also to pay surveyors M. twelve o ’clock clock LL M. On Wednesday ....... o by the day on difficult mountain state of Oregon, from the vote <>f i twelve 188G is astonishing. icon r “ The „„ ,y?Ie Jn : >t adjourned at two o’clock in order work. !>or.!na,'n.Was.7 ’’’ f°r to attend the funeral of the wife of The secretary of state lias receiv­ Butler 25,283, giving Hermann a . Senator Sawyer, of Wisconsin, a ed a report from United States majority of 1,635. In 1888 Gearin i mark of respect which, it is said, Consal Lewis nt Tangier, stating is defeated by 7,000. We hope | has never been paid to any Senator that the disagreement between some Republican paper will tell us , before. , Morocco and the United States the reason. The senate has passed a bill in­ had been satisfaeforialy settled. creasing the militia appropriation The bill to revive the rank of ■ from $400.000 to $600,000. Democrats of this county should general of the army has passed j The house has had an uninual ,Z*jiot forget that the Democratic both houses anu been signed by amount of fun during the week, Our Ijittlö Wagon. i motto is, the greatest good for the tho president and rank accepted by notwithstanding the fact that prosy greatest uumlier. They aro making Sheridan. Goneral Sheridan appropriation bills have hau the a fight for the poor man, against issued the first general order appoin- .'rightof way. Just before the post- 1 monopolies and exorbitant tax«' ing aids de camp of tho stall' of office appropriation bill was passed ti tion. tho general of the rank of Colonel. : tho Western Republicans told all Their names are M. V. Sheridan, i the bad things ti.cy could think ; It -is a question in our mind S. C. Kellogg, 8. E. Blunt. I of about the new Democratic post­ '»whether ¡the election in this state masters out there. Mr. Perkin®, of ■waa carried by the idea of no re- In 1886 Yamhill county gave Kansas, told tales about the post­ or by the putting up of enough 97 majority for Hermann, This masters out in his country who ■K.v?ey to cover the amount of good year Bno gives 223 majority for send out the mails only when they fthr.li would certainly be the re- the same man, a gain of 126. Cer­ accumulated a sack full, lie rtlat wttL >of Teform. The result in tainly the gain in population hrs cd for a fact that a certain postmas-! the nrtlkmal election will settle the not been that large. It is eitlnr ter called upon tho Administra-1 dffi’xmWy. that Yamhill wants protected w< ol tion for some postage stamps and ' or 126 voters were suddenly taken they were sent to him in large 75‘oxr by ye_,r there is a steady with aberration of the mind. And blocks or sheets. He bad never ; a«1.8 heavy gain in the population seen them in that form before, tho 1 of'the state. this is apparent in tbe that moment was used by the Re­ two or three that he had had occa­ publican rustlers and ward bosses. cast at successive general sion to I uy during the course < f *' «lections. In June, 1886, the total his life had always been sept rate > vote was 54,954 It will now ex­ Grover Cleveland was placed in ones, and when they came in that ceed 60,000. Multnomah county nomination by Dougherty of New form he thought they were circus alone increases her vote about 1500 York, at tbe Democratic conven­ posters, and pasted them upon the in two years. It is apparent that tion injStLouis|Wcdnesday, Grover i door of his office. Ho called his throughout the state tlie increasing Cleveland was unanimously elected wife to see what the dinned fools vote is proportionately Republican, the Democratic nominee for presi­ had sent him from Washington, In 1880 the total vote of Oregon dent. The convention adjourned when he writ them for post: ge was 40,816. The census of that for the committees to report. Up st imps. He said they were .11 year made the population 174,768 to the latest dispatches the vice alike,and no place was given wheic The same ratio would indicate a president had not been nominated. the show was to come off. present population of 254.000 ; but The chances qre good for Thurman, Over a section of the Legislative as the number of families, in pro­ or Grey. Appropriation bill the lionise in­ portion to voters, is steadily in­ dulged in so much laughter that creasing, we judge the population the Congressional Record mention­ J. S. Clarkson, one of the mem ­ of Oregon may now be 275,000.— ed, in brackets, that an hour of bers of the national republican com ­ Oregon i a n._____________ mittee. has just returned to Chica­ I the session was devoted to laugh­ Great interest is manifested in go from New York and a trip ter. Much of the fun was over the Vancouver over the condition of through the east. Replying to a proposition to increase the ('hap- Sheridan, His death would leave question he said: “I found Blaine’s Iain’s salary from $9iK) to a largei but one surviving comrade of the letter bad made the situation very figure. Mr. Springer said the House memorable battle of the Idnle serious. Republicans felt it to be Chaplain was old and needed mon­ block house at the Cascades of the so. Eastern delegates have had ey. Mr. Browne, of Indiana, in­ Columbia, March 26, 1856, which many (conferences and have dis­ quired if there was increased no- ma le Sherd in’s early war record cussed the various men proposed. cjssity for prayer. Mr. t-pringei so prominent, and that survivor is Leading men of the New York dele­ i replie 1 that members bad no idea Sergeant Robert Williams, now gation have told mo in the last day I of til1 | reat power needed to I ring serving in tho United States ordi­ or two that the conclusion reached 'salvation to a Ixxiy like this. Mr. nance department there. was a general one not to pledge ' Grosvenor oppo-ted an in.Te iseon Lieut.-Gcn. Sheridan has time anyone, but rather an agreement to tho grouud that the next House and again personally compliment­ keep unpledged and so come to Chi­ will be a better one than this mid ed Sergt. Williams for the part he cago. When here they will confer will not need so much praying. look in that memorable battie, and with the delegates from all quarters Mr. Strube inquired if it was r.ectss- has done what he could to secure and by seeking the level of opinion ary to have a very able man for some recognition from congress find and nominate the strongest Chaplain. Another llippaiit m< m- for Williams’ gallant conduct, possible man for the place. I think l er, Mr. Allen, the Something which should l»c read Chaplain of the House should be a l>y every farmer is this, the grain The following is John M. Gearin’s man of considerable ability. The i bag trado on tho Pacific coast last opinion about the result in Oregon, Mr. Hol year amounted to 33,000,000, bags lie was interviewed by an Oregon­ j the treasury, said $10 a day was and the indications now nre that ian reporter and said as follows: I too much for the House to pay for ' 2,000,000, more will be* used this “I attribute our defeat principal­ I prayer, and tho majority agreed j year for the coming wheat crop, ly to the platform adopted at the with him, for it voted down an in- j making in all 85,000,000 bags Pendleton convention. Still I crease. which will be used for this years think we were in the right. I be­ There was more hilarity over wheat crop. The capacity of the lieve in, endorse and always will the wages of the employes of the: California jute mill company is uphold the platforn on which I Botanic Gardens. One niemlx'r' about 1,250,