The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, May 11, 1888, Image 4

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es 9j,O6'J,2l6 lon<r tou»,
a: Anthracite. $76,671,-
I». $82.847,64b; total.
The total production
I consumption) of an-
152,71/2 tons in excea» of
I'lie total production in barrel*
mild« was 7.038.653. exceeding
il of 1-881 by ,523,716 barrels.
I value of all aali produced was
il, an inervaae of •732.337,
a« tine partly to the increa»<-d
the M chigan produci, and
the largì- incroase in the pro
proprietor ff O r
HMatldl ArUcla. IbSa of silk Baa» aad
Vioea. Of Woohoo lBraas booU,
Sine«- rugs and <ira|>eries are the ole
jects of universal desire in them- days
(and surely nothing change- tin ap
pea ranee of a rmioi so much), aud since
every domestic success fuss, a suggestive
valtrt , let me tell you what a charming
curtain and rug I have just seen, made
of rags. The young lady whose room
they adorn has n quick eye for color,
and a deft and rapid tonsil. Both
rug and curtain were m
the weaver in the odd
summer vacation.
The portiere, very rich and dark in
color, looks at the first glance like a
heavy brocade; it has, however, a
brokeu, plusli-llke surface, and one
hardly know» whether it is some costly
oriental fabric or a piece of elaliorate
needlework. In fact, it is made of
scraps of silk and satin, indiscriminately
mingled together and woven after the
fashion of rag carpets. The warp is a
dark red linen thread. The weaving,
done at. a place where this weaving is
a sjiecialty, is in what is called the new
style, which gives u crumpled, hand­
made effect, more showy than the
tightly folded flllingof the usual method.
I say the scraps are indiscriminately
mixed together, but of course a certain
discrimination, a certain choice is ex­
ercised. and u|>oii that nice feeling for
color which keeps out all incongruous
and jarring fragments, much of the
effect depends. In this special curtain,
n large proportion of tile pieces were
trimmings of very rich, dark silks anil
satins from a manufacturing establish­
ment. The ordinary remnants of a
family, even if sufficient in quantity,
would not have been as desirable for
tin- purpose.
The rug. woven in the sanu- way, and
made chiefly from two cast-off dresses
wa quite a successful piece of work
The two colors, 1 tlull green ami gray,
suited the room, and were euliveneil by
a mixture of soft yellow (dyed with
annatto), and tin owner was so de-
lighted with the result as u i> express an
immediate intention of 1 making “a
larger one next summer.’’
For a rug or carpet, 1 t!
style of weaving quite a
Worn Out Laud».
A writer in the Southern Cultivator
tells-of u farm he owns in Tennessee
when- the tields are badly worn out
and washed out by many year»’ culti­
vation. Turned-out Helds art- grown
to «edge, brier» and buriies, aud have
many witched out gulliee. A century
or lee* of cultivation, no-called, has
done thin, aud he now is experiment
iug with grantee, to find some way to
make available pasture and return the
soil to usefulness. He says there are
hundredn of millions of acres in simi­
lar condition. It is well enougii for
the people wiio commence to till a new
soil to look ahead Co what the land
they own may come as a poor inheri­
tance for their heirs, and try Co follow
some method of farming thal can pre
serve some degree of fertility, rather
than exhaust its virtues and thereby
beggar their heirs. There are many
farms in this beautiful and fertile val­
ley that have already lost so much
productive power as to not bring nearly
so good crops as in the beginning.
There is no profit left in growing
staple crops on such land, and the
question is: How long will it be be
fore cropping such land will cease, and
it be “turned out ’ like those worn •lit
lands in Tennessee?
Il is possible to pursue a profitable
system of rotation, witii clover as a
restorer, when clover will grow, or by
putt ng land Co grass and feeding
stock on the land, and by prudent
management prevent the continuance
of such waste as has been practiced
here. There is downright wickedness
in destroying the fertility that has
been accumulating for untold ages.
To do this ignorantly and blindly is
bad enough, but the world has reached
a common-seiiee knowledge of soils
and their management that no man
can be ignorant of, unless he is blind
to all sense and deaf to all reason.
Robbing the soil should be made a
worse crime than felony.
The market for fat sheep shows
these days very clearly that the man
who remembers that carcasses as well
as lieeces are Co be sold from his iiocks
is the shepherd that is going to win.
In 1850 the English sparrow in
America occupied the area of a single
tfee or tree-box. Now he disports him­
self over an area 885,000 square miles
in the United Htates and 150,000 in
I lie largest horse in the United
¡States is owned by Mark Thode of
.Mattoon, 111.
He is only three years
old, measures nineteen hands high,
and recently gained 250 pounds in
five weeks.
Dr. W. L. Challis, of Atchison, Kas.,
is having (lie cottonwood trees on his
farm cut down and sawed into lumber.
These trees were planted bv Dr. Challis
in 1858, and are now an average of
three feet in diameter.
It riquires more labor to engage in
gardening as compared with farming,
but les» land is required, The most
profitable crops are not those that
give the largest yields, but which
bring the highest price, compared with
the cost.
Pig pens should not be on the same
location every season.
By having
them movable much valuable manure
can be secured from the saturated
earth «round the old sites, while the
Tiange to fresh places will greatly
promote cleanliness anti health.
Among the cattlemen who attended
the recent convention in Denver of the
international Range Association was
Ex-Benator Btephen W. Dorsey, who
is one of the largest cattle owners in
New Mexico. His holdings of ranch
lands at one time aggregated 104,000
After removing the mulch in the
spring from the strawberries hoe be­
tween the rows after the eoil shall
have become somewhat warmed, as
that will let more warmth and air
down to the roots »X small portion of
wood ashes scattered along the nsws
after hoeing would be- very beneticial.
The warbles, or bunches on the
backs of the cattle, may be killed by
puncturing them through the en­
trance hole with an awl. or by ayring
ing in a few drops of carbolic acid
slightly diluted.
If let alone eacii
grub will make another gadfly to tor
nient the cattie next summer.
“False blossoms.” or “rose blossom”
on the blackberry (peculiar to the
Wilson especially) is caused by a worm
hatched from eggs deposited by a
winged insect. The cane* should be
cut bglow the enlargement caused by
the worms, in the f^U, and burned, in
crdffr to destroy th«- insect.
Tile persimmon tree does not de­
prive tin- >o:l of a large amount of fer­
tilizing elements, and for tha' reason
makes the lies! of shade trees for stock.
In the Houtli, even oil abandoned
tields, the persimmon is allowed to
grow Its growth is alow, however,
but its fruit is highly valued by st me.
Heverely cutting back the dead wood
on the peach trees will start them into
new life. If the tree be dead at the
t--p and^he wi»al near Hie trunk
green, the new buds will soon give a
new top By keeping all the injured
old woixl cut away the tree will do ser­
vice much longer than is usually the
case with peach trees.
In securing seul be careful that you
are not buying varieties with new
names. Old. dried varieties of vege
libles should never be discarded as
long as they give gisxl results. A
ehangx- of seed without first ex peri
menting with Un- new variety the year
prevhHiB. may cause a loss of tin' en­
tire crop.
Fora case of Catarrh in the Head which they cannot cure
The California Board of Silk Culture is on
gaged in distributing 72U.UU) silk worm egg« re
centiy received froiu Italy.
A richly frosleii quivering hying Dove.
A Dream of Lite screen calendar. An im­
pacted ideal head. An imported f osted
»now scene and a full set of magnificent
floral cards. Fourteen artistic piece­
bent to anyone who will buy from a drug
gist a box of the genuine D1< C. M’L ank '. h
C elebuateh L ivoi F ills (price U’> cu.i
and mail us the outside wrapper from the
box with + cents in stamp- Write your
address plainly. F leming B hoa , B itt -
buhiiu . Fa.
There were five fair bisters, and each had
an aim
Flora would fain be a fashionable dame;
Scholarly Susan’s selection was books:
Coquettish Cora cared more for good looks;
Annie, ambitious, aspired after wealth:
Sensible Sarah sought first for good health.
So she took Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Dis­
covery and grew healthy and blooming. Cora's
beauty quickly faded; Susan s eyesight faded
from over-study; Flora became nervous and
fretful in striving after fashion, and u sickly
family kept Anna's husband poor. But sensi­
ble Sarah grew daily more healthy, charming
and intelligent, and married rich.
((-orxsioiiT, l«S7.)
effect upon the lining mucous membranes of th. naaoi lm< ,
air-pssikiKei.. pruunitiilK Un- uatiirat e.xTetiun of tluir tu||K.i,?*«
glands, thereby »otP-iiing tin- dts. und Uuukeut-d meniim**
restoring It tu iu natural, thin, delimte luuiu, biitliv*'
NYMPTOns OF THE niSIlAKE^-Dull, heavy headache, und
dition. As u blixxl-purllier, it is umurpum.-d. As th,». h LT*;
abstruction of t!v nasal passage», diachurges falling** t which coniplicau- eaturrli un-dis.-u». H ot the lining uiuixiim T z "
head into the throat, sometimes protipe.
other», thick, tenacious, mueoui, puruknL bloody and putrl I. branes, or of the blood. It xv ill r, udliy be seen why tin» iu . u ,,,,
the eyes are weak : th.-re is ringing in the rars, drafneas,.hacking Is »> well ealcuhUvd to cure them.
or coughing to clear tho throat, expectoration of obe
As a local application for hi-aling tbiHline»»«!-^
ter, tog, tiler with bi -a os from ulcers; the voice 1» cliunged an ,1
LOCAL I hoc in the bead, Ur. Sage s Catarrh Keiunly is bTiS
has a “nasal twangr"» tho bresth is offensive; smell ami tat>t«
■ ausai. a Mu comparison the last prvpuration over ¡,,,,.¡2™
impaired; then’ is a eenaation of dusrineeM, with mental deprt*- I AfsMT I It in mild and pleasant to u»" . prixlueing no slu«n„
8ion. u hackiii»* con»rh and p’nnrral debility. Only a t‘’W 01 th
I HU-H l. I or pain, and x-ontaniiug no uirong, irrnauiiv ut
at»M* -uuiueh ayinpuiflte are likclv to I k - pif«ent m an) one om **.
tie di ng, or oilier poison. This lienieily is u
Thouaanda of caaes annually, without man I testing bait or me till antiseptic, und speedllv destroys all bad smell which icn?'
above symptoms, result in consumption, aud enu in the gnnv.
anus no main eus- i of eatarrh. thus uffurdiug great cumtun s
N«» disease ia so common, more deceptive and dangerous» Aeaa
bus.- who suffer from this ihareae.
understood, or more unsuccessfully treated by physicians.
The Golden Jleilical Dtocovi-ry is the natum
If you would remove an evil, ftrlke at it*
“ belpinate " of In . hagi-'s Culuirli Henitfly |!
root. As the predibposimr or real cause of
not only cleanses, punikn. rvgulutes.umi hulki.
catarrh is, in the majority of ease-s, some
up the systsm to u healthy Biandunl. uni! oZ
weakness, impurity, or otherwise faulty
quers throat, brouchhil.anil lung eouiplKaukT
condition of tho system, in attempting to taMHwowaaM^ when uny sucli exist, but, from Ip
cure the disease our clticf aim must, be effects upon the lining membrane of the nasal passugixi. it aim,
directed to the reuitwal of that caiotc. The more we see of tins materially hi rx-etonug the dus-uM d. thlekem-d, or uK-eruled nsnT
odious disMise, and w.< tn»at successfully thousands of cases an­ brane to u bx-idtby condition, anil thus eradicates th. ,1,7.^.
nually at the Invalids’ Hotel and Surgical Institute, the more do When a euro is effected in tins manner it is permanent.
we realize tho importance of combining with the use of a h>cal,
Both l>r. Pierec’s Golden Medical Discovery and l>r. $»■»..
soothing ami healing application, a t/iorrmp/i anil ptraiblciit inter­
Catarrh lienieily urosold by druggists tin- world over. Diseiwm
nal ubo of blood-uieaiisiug and tonic meuivines.
$ I .nu, six bottles tor C&.UU. Dr. Suge'a Catarrh Itemedy &i u.ui«-
In curimr catarrh and all the various diseases with j ball-dozen botUes J2.fh.
which it is s<> frequently complicated, as throat,
A complete Treatise on Catarrh, giving valuable hint» » a,
bronchial, and lung diseases, weak stomach, ca-
clothing, diet, and otli«*r mutters of importune,-, will 1». uistkti
tarrlial deafness, weak or inflamed eyes, impure
gust-paid to any addrias. oil receipt of u 2-xvnt poaug,- .tsing
blood, scrofulous and syphilitic taints, the wonder-
Address, World’» Dlapeusury Ned leal Aaaoeiutioii,
fui powers and virtues of Dr. I'ierve s (¡olden Med­
No. 6UU »tain Street, BunfAUi, Jj.y
ical Discovery’ cannot be too strongly extolled. It has a spvcilic
P ermanent
C ures .
C ommon S ense
T reatment .
C hief
R eliance
The South African diamond fields last year
yiilded genis aniiHioling to 3.646.W.1 carale.
valued at over «2U.0IM.00U
Liver Oil on account of its unpleasant taste.
This difficulty lias been overcome in toeott’M
Eiaiuiaion of Cod Liver Oil with Hypoohos
phites. It being as palatable as milk, and the
most valuable remed3' known for the treatment
of Consumption. Scrofula and Bronchitis, Gen
eral Debility, Wasting Diseases of Children,
Chronic Coughs and Colds, has caused physi­
cians in all parts of the world to use it. Physi­
cians report our little patients take it with
pleasure. Try Scott s Emulsion an 1 be con
Bessemer’s steel patents have brought him
$35,385,000 m royalties.
Th», statue of Liberty enlightening the world,
which stands on Bedioe’s Island, in the harbor
of New York, is one of the most sublime ar­
tistic conceptions of modern time». The torch
of the goddess lights the nations of the earth to
peace, prosperity and progress, through Lib­
erty. But “liberty” is an einpt) word to the
thousands of poor women enslaved by physical
ailments a hundredfold more tyrannical than
any Nero. To such sufferers Dr. Pierce’s Fav­
orite Prescription holds forth the promise of a
speedy cure, it is a specific in all those de­
rangements, irregularities and weaknesses
which make life a burden to so many women.
The only medicine sold by druggists, under a
positive guarantee from the manufacturers,
that it will give satisfaction in every case, or
money will be refunded.
See guarantee
printed on wrapper enclosing bottle.
A number of pretty Kiria have been appointed
ushers in a church al Ottawa. Kanaa».
_- liver
pills .
As a JLIVIIB PILI« tliey are Unequal«»!!
Beware of Imitations, which contain Poisonous Minerafe. Always a»k for
Dr. Pierre's Pellets, which an- 1 tttl-• Hugur-eoated Pills,
or Ant.-bllious Granules. ONE PELLET A DOSE.
Dr. Pierce’s Pellets operate without disturbance to
th« system, diet, or occupation. Put up in glass
vials, hermetically sealed. Ahv'ivs fresh and relia­
ble __As a gen th laxative, alterative, or active
purgative, they give the most perfect satisfaction.
Bl Ilona Headache, Dininew, Conatipatlon,
vC» t
Indigestion, Bilious Atlucks, and nil dcniugv-
ments of tlie stomach anil bowels, an- promptly re-
lieved nnd p**rmimenth cured hr tin- use of Dr.
Ah ^■w-
Pierce>s Pellets. In explanation of their remedial
power over bo great a variety of diseases, it may
truthfully be aaid that their action upon the system is universal, not a
gland or tissue escaping their sanative Influence.
Henry B. Archer, Receiver of Taxes of
the City of Yonkers, N. Y., says of
BiiANDiurrns F ills :
For the past ten years I have been us
iug B handhktii s F ills for self and fam
ily. We find them a sovereign remedy
for iuiliirestion and constipation, taking
one or two every night for ten days. Thex
are also admirable blood purifiers, per­
fectly harmless but exceedingly effective
as a cathartic. 1 lirsl used them myself,
particularly for biliousness ami dvspe) -
ala. They relieved ini- in two weeks. f
cheerfully recommend them.
Dried shark fins are sold in New York
bring nearly $L a pound.
The three R’s brought Regret, Reproach
Remorse to a great political party in 188'.
three. P's when signitjing Dr. tierce’s Pi
tive Pellets, bring Peace to t.he mind. I’trsf
tion and Perfection of health to the bodj .
Iteuler in Mpeelultlea uuxt Lieneral Agent tor
1 r ■ . . .
Bessemer. Ala., ia one year old and has be
tween three and four thousand inhabitant».
------ - tfoxW' ' V ¿^2» I
■ ■■V
■ . ,Ht
» ouKhs.— “ Brown’r Bronchial Trochee" are
usai wi hud vantage to alluvial. L'uuxli.s. bon-
Throat. Hoarseness and Bronchial Affections.
Bold only in burrs.
»>n experiment recently
^■■B^^niail,- by the medical stafl'oi
trie German Army HH to the
effect various gradeH of to­
bacco had upon tlie health of their sol­
diers is of general interest to all smekers
It was found, after a searching inquiry,
that the prevalence of throat diseases
among smokers was not due so ntucli to
excess in this indulgence as to the use
of green and iniprojieiiv cured leaf.
Few manufacturers can afford to have
ll ifh-gc capital idle for three years or
more; consequently, the most of them
catnew leal, tin. noxious effects of which
is fully realized when generated through
the heated smo^p
It is only large
manufacturers who make smoking to
liareo a specialty, and who desire to re­
tain their well-earned reputation, tliat
carry large stocks of leaf for the specified
period. We learn that Marburg Bros,
have in store nearly twenty millions of
jwninds of file crop of 1383, and it ia to
this is dm* tin* wiiie reputation they
I iavw established fortheir “ Fealof North
(¡arolimt Fhtjf Cut.”— (iroerr and Country
J. H. I'lHk.AMayer anil Analvtlrul
diewitsl. Laborator>. 10i> l-inii si.. Portland.
Or. Analyse. made of all substance». Bate»
tor assaying gold and silver ores *1.60
axes sent bj uiau or express prompt!) attended
to. and returns made
Wakolee's Squirrel and Gopher Exterminator.
Try it. and prove the best is the cheapest.
Wakelee & Co.. San Francisco.
Krietel Engines, Stationary and Marine.
-------- CURES---------
Chicken Cholera and all
Diseases of Poultry.
The Advance is not guaranteed to be equal to others, but guaran­
teed to be far superior and better in every particular. If not
it costs you nothing to try it.
Laundry Maciiuerv.
Coal Oil Engine in the world.
The Westinghouse Engines and Boilers, Farm Engine Tank Pumps several vaiietm
of Engines of all sizes and for all purposes. Farm. Church and School Bells,
Marine Work of all kinds. Creanierv Machinery, Hanrock Inspirators,
Park Injectors, all the latesfTatent Wrenches, Blacksmith,
Automatic and Farm Drills. Boiler Feed and Duplex
Pumps. Steam Fitting Goods. Lubricating Oils.
Belting and Hone, Self-Heating Bath
ORME saltiy Valve lor Manne aid stationary Engines..adopted oy lie Gorerm:
For Village». Htores. Ihlblii Buildings and Hesidenees.
Arri many other desirable goods. A h 1 represent the manufacturers direct. I can ani
Te *ou I100«1 K®°dM *• a bargain. band for dee riptire circular of what yon
232 Kearny St., San Franciwo
Shirt», Uadsrwear
hosiery. Gloves. Nsc*»*r.
an.'nad tHUTlblll’G
. fBafrrf»ïp?t‘:iierrnbaafr un
3 ’•
. $1006 REWARD!
Critart. Cuffs Etc.