The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, April 27, 1888, Image 2

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Tho following letter written by con­
gressman Binger Hermann and appar- ¡
»nlly intended for Edward Mcl’herson
M. X,. HEATH. - - - - Publisher. of Washington D. C., the Secrotary of.
the Republican National committes,
U c M ixxviixr , F riday , A prii ., 27, 1888. was with absent-mind addressed by the
gentleman who seeks to »ucceed him­
DEMOCRATIC COUNTY CONVEN self to Edward McPherson of Salem,
Oregon, and by him made public. The
Notice is hereby given that a Dem­ screed will well repay careful perusal.
H oi se of R e I’KKHF.XTATIVES, i
ocratic county convention for Yamhill
W asiiixoton , D. C.,
county, Oregon, is hereby called to meet
Ai-an. 6, 1888.
•t Lafayette, Oregon, on Wedne-dav,
May 2, 1888, at 10 o'clock, a. m. of »aid
Hon, Edward Mcl'herson, Dear Sir:
day, for the purpose of Ruminating can- Many of our peoplo are feeling very sora
didate» for the follow ing officer», to-wit: over the long delay in the matter of th?
Two representatives, county clerk,
recorder, sheriff, county treasurer, payment of that 51,000 advancer! by
assessor, two county commissioners, Hon. Joseph Simon, of l’ortlaml Ore­
county school superintendent, surveyoi gon, Chairrmin of the Republican State
and coroner, and to transact such other
husiueHS as may properly come before Central Committee at our last elect ion,
on the sixty days promise from von as
•»aid convention.
Said convention will be composed cf to payment. Nearly two years have
Ilf) delegates, apportioned tot lie various elapsed. Thev are out ot principal and
precincts-on the vote cast for the Dem­
ocratic candidate for congress at the interest. ThoSenator of Oregon as well
'•lection of 1830, being one delegate for as myself who were parties in some
each precinct and one for every ten and sense, are a|>|>rtaled to by Mr. Simon
a fraction over six votes so cast. In and friends who think great injustice
accordance witli said apportionment the
respectives precinct will be entitled to has been done him. We cannot afford
to have any misunderstanding at this
the following representation :
Amity........... ..10 S McMinnville .12 time in Oregon, oa at the bast we shall
Bellevue....... ..5 North Yamhill. 14 have a narrow essape from defsat, if we
Carlton......... ... 7 Sheridan.............. 10 do not suffer it. Our election on the
Willamina........... (>
Dayton......... ...»
E Uhehalem ... 5 Willamette......... 5 11th of June involves the election di­
.8 rectly of one Senator and indirectly of
Lafayette.... . 10 W Chshalem
4 th» other, and of my successor, in Ore­
N McMinnville. 14 Dundee
committee respectively rec- gon who is to be voted for at that lime.
oinmcnd that the precinct primaries for
’the election oi delegates to said con­ Oregon is in danger.
vention bo held on Saturday, April 28,
Tho Democratic Slat« Convention has
AV. L. B kadsiiaw , Chairman.
met and put in the fluid a strong ticket.
C has . G rihse . x , Sec.
The prohibitionists have slso asHcmblorl
in large and respectable numbers.
They have presented a full ticket and
Morrow of California has drafted a on it are excellent men. Tbeir candi­
nsw Chinese bill. Ths one introduced date for Congress is an able man and
in the house by Bellmont is not consid- will address the people of th* State.
ed satisfactory by tire Pacific coast del­ Besides this they, have legislative lick-
egation. Morrow’s bill is offered for els in all the Republican counties.
consideration only in the event that the You will observe from this that the Re­
new treaty is ratified, It provides that publican State and electoral ticket in
nil Chinese laborers »hall tie absolutely Oregon is in peril.
Yours truly,
prohibited from coming to this country.
Bingor Hermann.
It allow» ninety days alter the law
take» effect, for all Chinamen, who are —Sunday Welcome.
By this letter it is easily seen that
infilled to come to thia country, to re­
turn. After that Chinese laborers are Hermann is afraid and admits that his
entirely »hut out, except tlmso who are chances are slim for re-election. Gear­
allowed to land under the provisions of ing is the boy to make cm hump. Our
the treaty. All shipmasters are liable Gearing don’t want greasing, it will run
to a fine tor bringing Chinamen to this well without it.
•country, and it also provides for the ar­
The Republican press have repeatedly
rest and the »ending out of tho country »aid that no mud slinging would lie done
all Chinamen who uro not entitled to be by them during the campaign. They
in this country. The bill has peon care­ have commenced it already. It is tbeir
fully drawn and considered and will nature.
effectually carry out its intent.
Tha Official Democratic Paper,
LL nitkd S tates L and O ffice ,
Oregon City, Or.. March 29, 1888. f
Notice is hereby given that in compli­
ance with the provision» of the act of Con­
gress of June 3, 1878, entitled “An act f< r
the sale of timber lands in the states of1
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing­
ton Territory.” John G. Hartley of East
Portland, county of Multnomah, state of
Oregon, has this day tiled in this office his
mm orn statement No, 2>)9, for the purchase
of the N W 1-4 of sec, 15, T 2 S, li 8 W, and
offer proof to show that the land sought is
more valuable for its timber or stone than
for agricultural purples, und to establish
his claim to ■•’aid land before the Register
and Receiver of this office at Oregon'City,
Oregon, on Friday, the 29th day of June,
A I> 1888
He names as witnesses: Joseph N. Hart­
ley, Thomas Hartley, Walter Smith and
ohn Edwards, all oi East Portland, Ore
Any and all persons claiming adversely
the above-described hinds are requested
to tile their claims in this office on or before
said 29lh day of June, 1888
U nited S tates L and O ffice ,
Oregon City. Or, March 29, 1888. j
Notice is hereby given that in compli­
ance with the provisions of the act of Con­
gress of June 3, 1878. entitled “An act fur
the sale of timber lands in the stales of
California. Oregon. Nevada and Washing­
ton Territory,” Thomas Hartley of East
Portland, county uf Multnomah, state of
Oregon, has this day filed in this office his
sworn statement No 201, for the purchase
of the 8 U and N E % of 8 W and 8 % of
S E of sec. 10, T 2 8, R8 W, and will offer
proof to show that the land sought is more
valuable for its timber or stone than fur
agricultural pur|w>ses, and to establish his
chtini to said land before the Register and
Receiver of this office at Oregon City, Ore­
gon, on Friday, the 29th day of June, A, L).
He mimes as witnesses: Joseph N. Hart­
ley, John G Hartley. Walter Smith and
John Edwards, all of East Portland, Ore­
Any and all persons claiming adversely
the ahoye-dcscribed lands are requested to
file their claims in this office on or before
s i I 2*. tli day of June, 1888
W, T. B uiinev ,
I do not believe that
Ayer’s Sarsaparilla
has on equal as a euro
for Scrofulous Hu­
mors. It is pleasant
to tako, gives strength
to tho body, and pro­
duces a more perma­
nent resnlt than any
medicine I ever used.
— E. Haines, North
Lindale, Ohio,
Will the people of McMinnville fitly ■
celebrate memoiial day? During the •
war large numbers of the sons of our •
country laid down their life for ilio ■
The peoplo
„to-day can show thoir appreciation of
those great deed» by no other means i
than honoring the memory of the noble
dead. We have in our midst an order
comprised ot the brave and valorous
sons of our country who passed through
, ths war and are active to-day ; we should
■honor them while alive not 1st the hon­
ors be deterred until they have passed
• away. With a good will let the people
z>f this city advocate exercises in coop­
eration with the G. A. R. to Nttingly
pay honors to tho dead soldioia, on tho
. stay set apart by the nation for that pur­
pose, Decorution Day. What honor
can we pay the dead which is more
solemnly »west than atrewing their
graves with beautiful Howers. Their
, memory cherished without hitaging up
sad and bitter thoughts. With good
will ami a general effort this community
should celebrate Memorial day.
lion. Jesse Applegate, the “Sago ot
Yoncalla’’ died in Huntington, Sunday
evening, lie «as a prominent man in
tho history of Oregon, and was a mem­
ber of the eoiistituiunal convention
that framed the constitution of Oregon.
He was Irorn in Kentucky, and at his
death was in the neighborhood of 87
years eld. He was taken with a pain
in the stomach Sunday night and died
in a few minute». Ho emigrated to Or­
egon in 1843, nnd was one of he g nff
olJ pioneer», of the class ot Col. Nes­
mith and others, whose name is held
in high esteem by the peoplo -of Oregon
today. Ils wan universally well liked.
Although eccentric lie was a man of
Ability, not a fluent talker but a good
writer on all aubjocta. His nanio is
being honored l»y all the prominent men
xrf Oregon in article* appearing in tho
newspapers of ths »fate.
If. Ramun
chairman of the Democratic nationa
committee, say« Cleveland will be nom
i naled by acclamation. Thero will hi
other name preoentwl or thought of
Music by Band.
President of the day, R. R
Laughlin, introduced.
Song by Sheridrn choir.
Prayer by Rev. Hoberg
Anniversary Proolaniiitioy rend.
Song by Lafayette anil McMinn­
ville Glee Club.
Prayer bv Rev. Hoberg.
Song by Lafayette and McMinn­
ville Glee Club.
Rov. J. P. Wolf was then present­
ed by the president. He addressed
the audience for some time on the
origin, benefits and greatness of the
Music by the band.
Mr. J. D. Lee, of Dallas, read a
very fine ptx'm.
Song by the Glee Club.
The meeting then adjourned for
T here scented to be a lack of ar­
rangements, otherwise the celebra­
tion moved along smoothly.
The base ball game resulted in a
victory for the Sheridan boys.
Train, for the Knnt l.are A»h St. wharf
every day at 13:30 A. Jt. and 1:15 I’. Al.
Paper Hanging and
Carriage Painting.
Now Goods, Latest Styles and Lowest Prices
of Spring and Summer Clothing and
Gents Tweed.
We also tarry a full line ()f .
old and reliable Browimvill Wonk
Mill’s Good», in both Heavy
Light weight. No goods sold w
Oregon give better satisfaction. *
We have just added at Merchant
Tailoring department to bttf
Made business. It is under tlu
control of Mr. J. E. Ross, who i,
The Finest
well known to be a fine cutter and
All Wool Norfolk Jackets
Men’» Ulsters
We will be #ell pleased to have
our friends desiring special suit,
give us a call.
The prices for Tailor Made Oftbdj
A big Drive in Seersucker
$2 00 will be materially reduced and
Coat» and Vests Hl
Alpaca Coats and Vests
think are cheaper than any Tailof
4 50 shop in Oregon.
Fancy Checks
2 50
Alpaca Coats ond Vests
Reinember our old motto,
Ourlines of Neck Wear, Hosiery,
Silk Handef-chiefs, Summer Under­ THE BEST GOODS FOR THE
wear, Gloves, Cuffs and Collars,
Plain and Fancy Shirts are full
and complete, and our stock of new
Style Hats eclipse any stock ever
before offered to the people of
McMinnville, Oregon.
big ht Weight »'iiit at
Attached to the 1:15 p m train are through
Pullman Sleeping Cars to Council BlulTk Prompt Attention to Orders from
and St l’aid
tho Country.
Attached to the 12:30 a m train is the
Walla Walla A Dayton Sleeper, which can
be boarded at East Portland station any-
tiine*after 8 p m
Trains arrive at 2:45 and 7:15 p in every
The company reserve the right to
change steameis or »ailing days,
TO ASTORIA,-Str. R R Thompson
Dark Brown, White switch, Black
leaves Ash st w harf every Monday Wed muzzle, Brad by Springer Bros’, Amity,
and Saturday at 11:30 p. in. U S Mail
steamer leaves Ash st. daily, except Sun­ Oregon.
day, at 0 a. in., for Astoria.
Calved Feb. 4 1884 Christmas, No.8204
Got by Orange 2d, Duke of Wellington
Leave Ash st. at 6 a. in., except Sun­ Got by Orange 1st. imported Bull from
Island of Jersey.
TO OREGON CITY, Dayton and Al
The above Bui will stand at the ranch
bany.—Str. leaves Portland at 7 a. in. of C. W. Holman, one mile south oi
Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays, for McMinnville.
Dayton and waypoints. Returning leave
Terms, $3.00, cash in advance. These
Davton as (> a. in., Tuesdays, Thursday» term» insure a calf.
44 3m
and Saturdays. For Albany ami way
points at 6 a. in.. Mondays and Thurs­
day». Returning, leave Albany Wednes­
day» arid Saturdays. TICKET OFFICE Children Cry for
Pitcher’s Castorla
Gen. Pass. A Ticket Agent.
$10 00
11 6b
12 00
14 00
15 00
16 00
17 50
20 00
22 50
6 00
1 50
1 75
3 00
McMinnville, Oregon
I have used Ayer’s
Sarsaparilla, in my
family, for Scrofula,
end know, if it is
t aken faithfully it will
thoroughly cr.rlicate
this terrible disease.
-AV.!'. FouMr.M.D.,
Greenville, Tenn.
Fir forty years I
have snlYored with
Ervslpclaa. I have
tried variravr remedies
Agents for RUSSELL & CO/S fine line of
Threashers, Saw Mills, Wagons, Buggies and
& Farming Implements.
Canker, x an.’1 , ' {-
r ”7 no
coni relist
i^'rt until
•nmencijl using
• J
. . Tirilla,
Previous to 11 o’clock on Thurs­
day a large number of Odd Fellows
had assembled in Sheridan. At
11a.m. the Narrow (iuage train
arrived,J briging large delegations
from Lafayette, Dayton and Mc­
Coy. The McMinnville band Diet
theiii ¡it thedepot andescorted them
to the hall, where regalias were put
on and the procession formed for
the march to the pavilion: headed
by the band, the third degree men
of the order following with the Re­
beccas behind them. Following
* hem came members of the grand
encampment, with the speaker and
the president of the day following.
The band played several fine airs
on the way ta the pavilion. At the
pavilion, (the warehouse,) seats
had been prepared and the Odd
Fellows filed in, 110 of them, and
took seats. Tho remaining space
wim HOtiti filled
bv visitors. The
. .....................
nuinbor of people present were
about BOO.
Lafayette, North Yamhill, Day­
ton, Amity, Sheritinn, Met’oy, Dnl-
las ami MoMinnvillo were repre-
sen ted.
The liorse show .Saturday brought a
* largo number of people into McMinn-
' ville from all parts of the county. • These
- annual liorse shows are a feature of
amhill county. The busim-ss men of
T' liiH eity should give their hearty sup-
IvoiTUo 4lie show of next year and inalfe
otic in which all classes of stock can
be exhibited, Nu better advertisement
for this town can bo found than a well
supported and well represented stallion
show. It bring» our merchants a large
business nnd benefits them more than
anybody and they should be willing to
contribute to the success of the next one.
It should be considered by them and nil
other people interested in the advance­
ment ot this oily. Another thing: we
-should all enter heartly iutQ the work c.'
yaking our coming county fair a suc­
cess. Talk it over, tell your friends to
enter stock, do everything in your power
to advance the interests of Yamhill
county and McMinnville.
J; B.
Can ba
cured by
the blood
Ayei’s Sarsaparilla,
P arlhìs N ew S pring
C ultivator .
l*repar«d by Dr. J. C. Ayer £« €*»., Lowell, Maa»
¿’fico SL^ ill boUloa. 85-
c. a-T¿issjs.isr
Keeps The
Largest Stds
The Only Remedy
Contagious Blood Poison.
XOTK l: »-Olt I'l ltl.K ATIOX.
I’ niti :» S tites l.txp Orrtcs.
Oregon I'itv, Or., March 21), 1888.1
Notice is hereby given that in eotnpli-
mice with Hie pr<n isions of the act of t on-
gre’s of June 3. I»78, entitled “An act for
the sale of timlw-r hunls in the states' of
t'.ilifornia. On-jim, Nevadn and Washing,
ton t erritory. " Joseph N Hartley of East
r»rtlaml, county of .Multnomah, state of
Oregon, has this day nietl in this ofth-s his
»num statement N<> 200, for the purchase
of the S 1 of X E 1 I an.I X i, of «! E 1-1 of
mi - 10, T 2
R 8 W, and will offer proolno
show that the land sought is more valu­
able for its limiter or -tone than (or agricul­
tural purpose«, and to establish his claim
to said land ta-forv the Register and Re­
ceiver of this oilice at Oregon City. Oregon
on Friday. the2!Mh day of June. A. D. I sm
lie names a< witnesses John G Hart­
ley. I'homas JI irtley. Walter Smith and
John Edwards, nil ot East 1‘orlland, Ore­
Anvandall persons claiming adversely
the altove deserihed lands arc requested to
iile their claims in this otticc on or before J
said 2.8h dav of June. 1888
W T JivRxrr.
Mr. D. n AilftWi«. Union. Routh rnrrtllna*
write«: ** I was
tt*«l with a terrible cum
of I>I< kh I
n fof ainuit thlri' Cii months. I
was treated by the lu'St ph.\ nk'iann, and used
various klUtlMt'f remetlie*. hut reeelvetl no
rubstantlal relief. I flnalh lriv«l the »wife
Bpeclfto, «nd «U»ut four lK>ttlvs cured n»a
a«oind «nt) well.”
Col. B. H. Ktesrr, editor and proprietor of
the Ont-llka, Al«.. Timea, tint'er date of
August 8, I8K. writes.
“When I was
a young man, through in-llsemtion. I con­
tracted n tliaoaM- whhb has «tuck to
me for year». Soma five or six years
atnea 1 was troubled with ixdns.
as to
make It tlimcuh for ine to walk. Hi vine
advertised the a. S. A. in my paper for several
rear«, I ceuclinletl I would try It to see If
here was tnv cffliwn'i In the medicine, I
<•« mmenced u«lna It according to d tree lions
an«l u«ed half <io»»-n ho»»»?«, I was GiWv .«I «
way station a*ul. ^citing li ft. I walked rhe
acven miles nn<l hate never frit any return
of the old mal.vty. After cxpcrloiicinir the
|roodr(T«cta I must mij 1 am suf lulled with
th« result. I am sixty < Ight year«of age an«l
I feel now like a young man and can go to
the case whan nct'eaa.n y and <*• t up from all
to right th«'i»>nii<l cm* without any Incon«
venlence. 1 «•»<! you thta without solicita­
Mr F Woehl. Sil North Avenue. Chicago,
under date of June *i, i*t? write«: MI d'-em
It mvduty tothaek you for the cure I ro-
crlvcd from your excellent medicine. I con«
tractrda vciy M vare case of biosM i«oi«wm«
Ing at«cu< two year» aao. Hearing of your
medicine, I went to a whig stoic, the pro­
prietor of which persuatled me to imy a
preparation of hl* own. which he said was
a aurt cure. I iim M six tottks ««f Ida «tuff
and prew wotae all th«» time. At la^t I got
«il»gu«ted and «lespaln-d of a cun- I met a
friend who tohl me that vour meilleine had
cured him.
I went to the sm.- druggist
ind demanded y«»ui im-:i lue tier»*
lucfantly sold me twelve Unties, anol am
now |»erfectlv cured. 1 wrbe tin«* for tha
U-uent of sufferers, to pre'ent their bel •<
devolved bv falsa rv| rvxenlations. I thank
you again for the Iwuefit d* rived from your
l‘r. J. N t henev.a prominent phmlclan,
resddinx In Ellaville Scnley < «»unty, toxirgia,
tn a letter recounting the Infallible awcccM
hr lia« In < r lug • ■ ; -. 'its blood po»»on
cases In his extensive practice,
practice. write«:
••Those who know tho almost
-- «•
permanently dangATous effects of mercury
will welcome _ your
8 SI
s S.
s. as a
-------- ¿/y of 8.
Us n to humanltj*
........jflty- The ------
medical profession,
always *»»ry i t proprietary medicine.«, 1«
• otulng slowh. and tn «'me case« secretly,
to the t :»e of S. s. M. In case* vf blcud diav.
_ _____
_ n _____
_ ___ _____________
that cun a
i»'te<Msing in its worst form must purify the
I I- m «! of every dl-or-tcr.”
Treatise on ft’o.'d an-1 Skin Disease» m illed
.'i r« tr: C» k .
No -i Osborne Mowei
ire have Double Cultivators with all the.
Late Improvements.