& DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION. Tüß Official Democratic Paper. — *■ - - - i The convention was culled to order by , W. L. Bradshaw, at 11 a. ni. W. L. Bradshaw was elected temporary chair­ man, John Thuhipsbii, elected temporary secretary; Mr. Ingalls was eketsd as­ sistant temporary secretary. Commit­ tee 01 three consisting of W. 1). Fenton, j L. T. Hull mid A. Perry w«^o appointed J on credent ials. Committee of three con­ sisting »f Henry Gee, Ed Hendrix and T. Goodrich were appointed on perman­ 1 ent organization ami order of business. Committee of live consisting of Win ! j Galloway, Frank Harding,C. C. Linden, I C. Grisften ami J. C. Nelson, were ap- ' pointed on resolutions. On motion convention adjourned im­ ; til 1 p. in. WASHINGTON LETTER. (From Our Regular Correspondent.) W ashixotox , March 12,1888. Farmers are seeing the advisability of going in'o something bvniil« "best, bev- eral well to do farmers of thia section will, during the coming • summer put from two to ten acres in fruit. The fruit generily ordered is lhe prune. At last progress has been stirred up and 5 a ni­ hil! " ill loom up as a great fruit raising county, Good idea. IK HfOUMBLi CliRED I . ......... SSwSSSt KAY, BISHOP ’ CLOTHING! CLOTHING!£LOtHl J Washington is having a light lent,and I ’in. .1»:■ “ ’ -'•“wan. ««n r«" w. ul I i I .* M.Sr tho«M t hta • society wears its weeds more lightly u. the season progresses. The gay world nif *. WI m II 1autl eouht hAnlly eats, gives eiitertniiiii^eiits and even w»« in vvn I" <•< l> g , the tfoUrei «I .»ul and buoyant, and dances a little for charily, but dinners Ot S. S. I I rociril It »• • niost bn.l s S's *'“WS'UIO- "J )n wea> delt : ho date of the national prohibition valuable "‘«''''"c,,o' ‘¿„¿«.hold medleluo and liinclieohs are the principal case* iHaim. 11 a . ™ .,IU|ly mvention haa been changed from June which it fifid» in the dbsert Bf lenten‘ob- ! wuh ni . lour. B w WlLSOX. M iy 3). It will ba held at Indian eervances. Every night this week and I sresTXsacaa. a. ifi1 tav'fxia o,.„.|, m. «-«¿y • • »llR. last week bus witnessed many elegant Is Often the beginning of serious affec­ dinner parties, and the afternoon lunch tions of the Throat, Bronchial Tubes, „o n h a con.ull«! were Ul.al '« Follow up lulvautagas.—Napoleon, and Lungs. Therefore, the importance eons have been as numerous, rid V i«-in..‘.nor. Vlruls." ££ ■s, und die on a lonely island, forty- Congress has done nothing startling of early and effective treatment cannot ousand miles from a railroad or stn- We are p-rcjiarcd to offer tho very liighesr grajegoftextureu'J be overestimated. Ayer ’ s Cherry Pec ­ during the week unless tlie political anil >11.—Washington Critic. APTEKNOOX SESSION. toral may always be relied upon for tho BsBlsO forded at the price mid we confideutly believe th tit On thi» poinf *4 Meeting called Io order at 1:15 p. m. oratorical bitltlo between Senators In­ speedy cure of a Cold or Cough* without competition, we urge a critical examination of these giJ'l A fi^ht to the Unite, the knife to the I’lie ■■oiniiiittee oh ciedentiBls made the galls and Blackburn could be so called. Last January I was attacked with a an x ai J. I at un. c beif*n a^aln on S. S. J . There were some interesting debates severe Coldjwhicb, by neglect and fre­ • t will be wage I in Oregon this year. I following repoi t: "*« To tlie dvniociatie county convention: Every democrat who can pus|i the grand We, your committee on credentials beg however en the dependent pension bill quent exposures, became worse, finally *^0 1,.an all ll.e 8*’“"r* settling oA-Uiy lungs. A terrible cough [¡..»leor.oAU, Tour. They show for themselvc that they are the latest and noblest p »1-1 cause must get in and do hie share leave to iep»rt the loliowing named before it passed the senate by n vote of soon followed, accompanied by pains in body t*ant» Fashionable Clothing to keep abreast with the mJl Wi'aiaw. 8.0 . April 12. IVT. > pushing up a laige majority on the gentlemen entitled to bit as delegates in 44 against 10. The debate showed that the chest, from whit h I suffered intense­ Gentlemen—Two er thrr<$ years ng«'» J*3.®* ly. After trying various remedies, with­ tho convention to-wit: cost's our patrons nothing to do so. a presidential veto is greatly feared. • tire state ticket. ce< umne on my face. 11 mv r- neral out obtaining relief, I commenced taking I lit* prrMjnt time w fth tl.e ru*p| 1 I. Booth, J. C. Wilson, 1!. K. Coulter. Speedily Cured. n sult Tl'cTaacer ha4 entirely muloin of * I am satisfied that this remedy saved my ed that no such bargains shall be obtained elsewhere as we otfJ'Jl eanl.-r..us el.aruuer Inti. My «.-n<*rul !><*» >h he ia a candidate for the nomination on - tiranres, D. M. Rmnsey. ents the fact and cause of death and the life. — Jno. Webster, Pawtucket, IL I. i;:^ ’&*• means low prices to all Who come. ’ "I Willamina Precinct : C. C. fanden, fact that ths soldier left no willow oi I contracted a severe cold, which republican presidential ticket. His {..da, 1 am •working iu II<1'11 I1 Ed. Woo l, I'. II. Fcmhill, John laoclier. suddenly developed into Pneumonia, corn. Your» truly, J onab L im .- bai h . Special attention 13 called to our new line of Furnishing ¿ooj. B I'iile will be taken by the democratic Bellevue I'recinct : Henry Gee, M Mc­ children having been shown as required presenting dangerous and obstinate Gtntlcmen-I had a *<>r" 0,1 my upper Up irty if ho is nominated, anil don’t bu Kinley, IL 1' Gi illitli, 8. J. Dunn. Caps, Gloves, Trunks, Valises etc. etc. v for eight vt i.r*. beveu different dot’ioinair by- law, It Shall be necessary only to symptoms. My physician ordered the tempted in vala to heal it. One gave me a ’s Cherry Pectoral. His in­ tdefejnti ? sold J ,u aid to say so. N i.tli McMinnville Precinct: Gran- show by sufficient evidence that such use of Ayer mi " Il vial for five dollar», which ya8 a. were followed, and the result tain cure. ’ It ia needle»» to »uy tiint It did vii.o Baker, Geo. E. Savage, W. C. Ma­ parents are without other means of sup­ structions was a rapid ami permanent cure. — mo io good. About, two Tears ago I became son, Jones Howell, Chas. Grissen,Clark Entire Satisfaction, plwtiy'' guaranteed. 'Vc are also flight« f„. J The Reporter in an editorial says : (j’dte uneasy, a$ bcoplo ^»«mVhnftiea port than their own manual labor or the ’ H. E. Stimpson, Bogers Prairie, Tex. n r, und 1 t«'oic a euurae of eighteen «*’ • Organize! get in fighting trim. Wake Braly, J. I'. Nash hv Chas. Grissen Two years agrt I suffered from a severe of S S. 8. Tie result iins been a comp.cte BROWNSVILLE- WOOLEN MILLS carrying a full lineofu cure The u.-*er or cancer healed beauttrui- . ;>, or evory belated democrat in tin prosy, It. F. Spaiks, H. Rummel, W. coutributions of others not legally bound Cold, which settled on my Lungs. I con­ lv, leaving scarcely a perceptible scar- Mens’ Youths’and Boys’ Clothing; Blankets and I’ lannels, these D, Fenton, lor their support. The pensions allowed sulted various physicians, and took the that day 1 have been in excellent health. tL3 ! uni will get tho drop on you. medicines they prescribed, but received South McMinnville i’recinct: Win. 8peei. J having punned lJ,y $ are sd well and so favorably kntiwn that further comment is uwk Sonny, we will tell you something you Galloway, J. R. Longacre, H. L. Heath, commence from the date of the passage 1 only temporary relief. A friend induced lv increased mv appetite and peifCcted my digestioii. in a wLrd. I /eel like a new they simply have no equal. Remember our motto, — ITIIF nN ".«■man, ami, beet of .fU: th? eight year ulcer 1 >n't know, we have tho drop on you F. W. Martin, Arth.ir McPhillips, A. II. of this act and continue only during the me to try Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral. After taking two bottles of this medicine I was GOODS FOR THE LEAST MONEY.]— UirnHeemlrrb. C assox . id wo intend to keep it during the Gaunt, Elsie Wright, Chas. Fenton by existence of such dependence. cured. Since then I havogiven the Pec­ Trenton, Todrl 0o.. Xy . *'eb. 25. 1»S>. Arthur Mcl ’ liillips proxy. BISHOP & KAY. Then it provides that all persons who toral to my children, and consider it lining campaign. Sheridan Precinct: P. M: Scroggins, served as much as three mdhtbs in the ' TreatiBOOU lib Or! .-.nd Skirt Phases ttt-ilted The Clothiers and Furnishing Goods Men of Yamhill, The Bast Remedy free. I'll-: Swirr Si-uciric Co., Drawer 3. Atlanta. Ga. Although ho does not seek the nomin* Win. T. Raleigh, J. E. Richvter, John military Of-naval service of the United | Cronis, Chas 1’. Gregory, W. D. Me- for Cobls, Coughs, anil all Throat and Fcf Sale by Regers A Todd ution, — and perhaps would not accept Kune, E. E. Selpli, States during the late war, and who have [ Lung iHseasos, ever used in rny family. OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA it if tendered—it is within the range of West Clielialein l’reciuct : J. C. Nel­ been honorably discharged, and who | — Robert Vanderpool, Meadville, Pa. Some time ago I took a «light Cold. possibility that John M. Gearin.of this son, L. T. Hall, .Joint Carter, Amos are suffering from mental or physical Which, being ih-gh-i te.i, grew worse, and VIA Wood, George Bryan, Chas. C. Fergu­ Yon want any thing in ||lc Hm g ity will bj the damoemtie nominee for son. disability, not tlie hesiiit ol vicious hab­ Settled oil my Lungs. I had a hacking cough, and was very weak. Those who ■lgress. llaisagiod canvasser, and North Yamhill Precinct: T. Good- its, which incapacitates them for sup­ knew me licst considered my life to bo > mid stait out with tlie prestige of be- rieh, N. II. Perkins, 1*. Messneri Pleas* porting themselves, and who are with­ in great danger. 1 continued to suffer g one of the few democrats who has of ant A. Smith, James Gaunt, T. W. Hay­ out other adequate means of support, until I eomineneed using Ayer's Cherry And Connections. Pectoral. Less than one bottle of this >t8 years carried Multnomah county, es, N. Ci amberlin, Win. Mttlone, A. shall, upfti making such proofs of these valuable medieino cured me, and I Robert», C. V. Kirkendall. THE MT, SIIASTA ROUTE. that I owe tho preservation of my ih stronghold of tic! republicans.—Wel- Carlton Precinct: L. ('. ílioinpson, facts as the secretary of the interior may feel to its curative powers. — Mrs. Ann omo. Ed. Hendrix, W, W. Johnson, Geo. provide, be placed on the list of United life Lockwood, Akron, New York. SIDE TELEPHONE. V» Oldham, Asa Kelsy. Timo between Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral is considered, will guarantee you Lafayette i’reviiict: W. L. Bradshaw, Stutes invalid pensioners, and be entit­ here, The prospect is now good for tho usual th j one great remedy for all diseases COLUMBIA RIVER ROUTE. led te receive $12 per month. BEST WORK, LOWEST PRIC[J Jno, Thompson, W. B. Cary, J,P. John ­ .. ure of any forfeiture legislation in of the threat and lungs, and is more son, R. R. Daniel, A. M. Hurley, Frank It looks very much as if we might in demand than any other medicine of its 39 Hours. igress. The republicans are deter, Harding. I have a complete system of postal tele­ class. — J. F. Roberts, Magnolia, Ark. tt Train, Tor the Unit leave A,b St. wharf California Express trains run daily med to protect the land grant railroads Wv mako a specialty al Esst Chehalem I’recinct: James graphy in the near future. The house every day at 12:30 A. M. and 1:10 P. M. n the possession Of ill I lands now clairn- Johns, Reuben Everest,Thos. P Parrish, BETWEEN I’OBTEANlrand SAN committee on commerce lias favorably- Attached to the 1:15 p ni train are through Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. > 4 by them in consequence of the build- Joseph Everest FKANtTSl'O, Pullman Sleeping Cars "»Council¡Bhillh Willamette I’recinct: W. II. Wood, reported a bill which appropriates $8,- I Bold by all Druggists. Price $1; six bottles, LEAVE. Alili I VE. of roads, whether tho lands nre or M. B. Hendrix, ami St Paul 000,000 for the establishment of a postal Attached to the 12:30 a m train is the Portland 4:001’.M. Smi Fruii* 7:4 A. M. • ave been forfeitaLIc or not, while the Respectfully submitted. Walla Walla A Dayton Sleeper, which can San Fran’G:30 I* M. Portland With A M telegraph. The report claims that the W. 1). F enton , i 'inocrats insist on the forfeiture of tlie be boarded at East Portland station any­ Local PasMfonger Hally, Except Sunday. I government can place in service a sys ­ L. F. H all , Committee time after 8 p tn • 'feitable lands. It may be remarked, AIIRIVE. LEAVE. A. M. P kkky . ) Trains arrive at 2:45 and 7:45 p tu every tem answering all the needs of tlie pub­ n connection with this, that the ordin- Portland,. 8A, . M.{Eugene.. 2:40 P M. day. O11 motion report accepted, placed on lic for a sum vastly below that which is Eugene» . 9:00 A. M.ll ’ oritand 3;45 P M. u y press dispatches from Washington file and committee discharged. The company reserve the right to change steamers or sailing .lavs, Committee on permanent organiza­ represented by the Western Union Tele­ ,-in this subject are very much biased Pullman Buffet Sleepers. MvM INN VILLE, OUSGQS,’ TO ASTORIA,-Str. R R Thompson ebubliean railroad interests.—E. O. tion reported that the teuqiorary ollicers graph company. In brief its conclus­ he ictained ami that the convention pro­ ions are these : First, that tlie time lias leaves Ash st wharf every Monday Wed EXCURSION SLEEPERS for second Gass and Saturday at 11:30 p. m. U 8 Mail Passengers »11 all n-rough trains FREE A country editor in Missouri lias been ceed with the usual business. arrived when the government should ------- AND------- OF CHARGE Graining, Oil motion repoi t accepted, placed on steamer leaves Asli st. daily, except Sun­ ■ ng some thinking latelv with tlie fol- file and committee discharged. construct and operate a |>ostal telegraph day, at II a. m., for Astoria. Paper Hanging and The 0. tfc R. R. Ferry makes connection system as a branch of its postal service. .. inguniq..^ result: “An editor works Committee on resolutions submitted TO DALLES AND CASCADES, with all the regular trains on the East Side Carriage l’aintiiç Leave Ash st. at 6 a. in., except Sun­ Division from fool of F Street Second, that the service will undoubted­ *4 fi-ays in a year to get out 62 issues the following: WiiEBKAH, tho democrats pf Yamhill ly be self-supporting. Third, that the day. paper ¡that’s labor. Once in a while 1 county in convention assembled recog­ TOOREGON CITY, Dayton and Al ---- But don’t forget----- Prompt Attention to Orders fret bscriber pays a year in advance for nize in view of tlie foitlicoming cam­ government has the right to build mid j bany.—Str. leaves Portland at 7 a. in. Writ Side Division. the Country, '• n paper; that's capital; and once in a paign,« the importance of the great ques­ operate telegraph lines under the juris­ Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays, for BETWEEN FORTLAN-D* COltVAI.I.IS. Davton and wav points. Returning leave - liilo some son-of-a-sea-cnok of a dead* tions now pending before the people at diction of its postotlice department. Mall Train. Dayton as 6 a. in,, Tuesdays, Thursdays ■I Fourth, that public opinion will not per­ »it takes tho paper for two or three I large; therefore be it (DAILY EXC'EIT SUNDAYS) Is still in business, and will sell you Grocer­ and Saturdays. For Albany and way Resolved, that no endorse the present 'ars, then skips out without paying for administration of Piesideiit Cleveland, mit, and good faith and justice do not i ies and Provisions, Crockery and Glass I.Z.IVE. ARRIVE. points at (> a. in., Mondays and Thurs­ ware, Candy and Nuts, Toys, No­ that’s anarchy; hut later on justice as one in harmony with democratic require, the purchase by the government days. Returning, leave Albany Wednes­ Portland 7:30 A. M I Corvallis .12:25 P. M. tions, etc., erte.,etc.t 1 :H0 P. M.ll’orllniid 11:15 1’, M. ' .11 overtake tlie last named animal— principian, and oí advantage to the agri­ of the property and franchises of the days and Saturdays. TICKET OFFICE Corvallis At Albany ami Corvallis eimnect with cultural and business interest ol the FIRST & OAK STS. A. L. MAXWELL, CHEAP AS ANYBODY. , hat's hell.” Western Union Telegraph company. trains of the Oregon Pacific It. R. 'vliols coiint.-y. Recognizing the ons Gen. l’uss. A Ticket Agent. Express Train Dally Except Sunday. The bill places the general supervision great principal of “The greatest good to The opinion that tho smith is tinani- tho greatest niimbor.” LEAVE. ARRIVE. t of the system under a fourth assistant! Patronize homo Manufactories, mid try Portland 4 :50 P. M ! Mc'linnvillcS :0oP. M. iG'lB against the tariff bill introduced Resolved, that wa endorse tlid admin­ postmaster general. Tho work of estali- I some of the lu st Brea.I. Cakes, ami Pies, McM iti ’ ville.r :45A.M. I Portland made by an experienced baker 9:00 A. M. >• tlie way» and means committee, is istration of < iov. Pennoyer as an able ami lishing the lines, etc., is to be done un­ It. KOEHLER. E. P. ROGERS. ' I-:. W. Allen’s Garden anil Vegetable Manager G. F. A Pass. Agt preading. Republicans of tlie nortli nre consistent fulfillment of hia pledges to der the direction of the secretary of war, seeds fur sale. C. Grissen. the people ot Oregon, showing prudence nnimous in saying the south, owing ami foresight in the discliarge of his ex­ with the approval of the president. q > llio new industiles that uro springing ecutive duties. Tiie bill provides for tlie telegraphic i Iles >lved, that tlio democracy of Yam­ postal money orders at existing mail | _p tlie i e will vote to a man against any PURÉ BRED JERSEY BULL Third.Strect, between E and F iductlon of tho tariff. They aio inis* hill county reaffirm the statement, that rates plus the telegraph tolls. The rates ! i in tho nomination of candidates tor office I ikon as all tho southern pipers me in wa recognize honesty, efficiency and in fixed arc on a basis of JO cents ;or twen­ i McMinnville, Oregon. But we wayt you to call in and std ivor of tlie new bill. Tho following is 1 icgnty ns the one and only criterion. ty words 500 utiles or less and one third Ou motion resolutions accepted and of a cant a word for press dispatches, I I tho finest lot of goods ever seen vliat the Mobilo Register i ays coneoi ning White RA'iteh, Black in this city. Now is the t: “It is a wiso mid honest giompro- committe discharged muzzle, Brtid by Springer Bros’, Amity, Moved and seconded that delegates one thousand words or less. First-class accommodations for Ccninicr best time to get your niso upon which all democrats should ' to the state convention bo elected bv To-day, on Senator Blackburn’s desk cial men and genera! travel. unite. If we of Hie south do not liang 1 ballot ami that persons receiving a ma­ in the senate chamber, there is a very Spring and Sum­ Transient stock well eared for. SIRES. ogether upon this hill there is a lively jority of nil the votes cast be deelaied handsome floral tribute accompanied mer Suits ('hristmas, No.8204 prospect of many of us hanging seprato- elected. Carried. Huke of Wellington Everything new and in First-Class Order at with a resolution of thanks. It was First Ballot.—D 11 llartson 9, L imported Bull from v. In other words, the democratic riiouipsoii 3. J W Kriedwell 5, P II sent by the Hancock veterans’ associa­ BOTTOM PRICES. Patronage respectfully solicited Iti Island of Jersey. party can win the next presidency, the I Meaner <1. Win Galloway 3, W L Brad- tion of Philadelphia for his remarks in Cascade Division’ now completed, A GOOD FIT GUARANTEED! text house, and tho senate after 1859 up I shaw 7, II L U *ath 11, <’ (' Ferguson 8, vindication of General Hancock last The above Bui will stand at the ranch W illiams 4 H ibbs . making it the Shortest, Best’ II R Daniel 1. J C Nelson 1, W D Fen ­ OU this tariff bill. If they do not unite C. W. Holman, one mile south of ton 9, C I. Ferguson 1, J Thompson 1, Tuesday during his promptu speech in of and Quickest. McMinnville. upon it the enemy will carry the due F 8 II tiding 2. No election, Notice for Publication. reply to Senator Ingalls’ attack on the Terms, $.'¡.00, cash in advance. . These lions next fail mid attempt to remand Second Ballot —H I. Heath 4(1, W D president, Horace Greely, and Gens. L and O ffjc }; at Oregon City, Or., ) terms insure a calf. 44 3 m The Dining Car line. The Direct Route. io south once more to the rule of Gen-I Fenton 4. J W Briedwell 4, John Thom­ Hancock, McClellen ami Black. Marell 8. I nks 1 No Delays. Fastest Trains. Low­ al Phil. Sheridan. If the republicans son 2, 1' II Hiirtiioti 3, W L Bradshaw (>, Notice is hereby given that the following- It is understoc'd that very few of the I U C Ferguson 5, S I*' Harding 1, L est Rates to Chicago and all 14111«! settler has tiled iioti'-e.of bis inten­ lect tho president they will also cleet Thompson 1, Win Galloway 1 H L republican senators approved of tlie tion to make hnal proof in support of his points East. Tickets sold he house, and, already havin ' the lleiitli of South McMinnville Precinct Kansas Senator’s speech, and it was re Gann, and that said proof will be made bc- to all Prominent Points lore the judge or clerk at Tillamook. Oregon enate, they can adopt the Chandler declared elected. Third Ballot.—D II ILirtson 11, W T poited daily last week that Mr. Ingalls . < av.ap, mid Trade Murks obtained, and oil Saturday. Mav 5. lsss viz <1 p* p throughout tlie East and Soutlieast. 'lection bill or anv oilier measure they Dean homestead entry No ' I'.il, for tlie'lots contemplated a partial retraction oi ail I atent business conducted for MODFR Bradshaw 23, C C F’orguaon 6, L Thom Through Pullman Drawing Room Sleep­ -I. I. s and I), sec 31. T 3 N R 1<> \V my think most otffcacious to destroy son 3. Win Galloway 2, W D Fenton 3, some explanation of some of his remarks VI E FEES Ol'Ilor-TIl'E ISOPposiTF He names the following witnesses to ’ prove ing Cars I . > J A I LN I Oi l- IDE. We have no sub lie democratic vote of the south. Wliun J W Briedwell 11, P H Mesner 10, I (' though as yet he has taken no step in all business direct, lienee can his continuous residence upon, and eulti- Reservations can be secured in advance. ■my begin again their conspiracy against Nelson 2, R II Daniel 4, John Thompson this direction. When asked by a news­ 1 . agencies, \V n"il° f s7'v a ” n ’ V '. Z ' V ' " • A '""'rong. transact patent business in less time und 'rm. H . iijder, D ilenetenu, \Vm Stein- inr rights mid piactice once more tlie 1, No election. less cost than those remote from Wash­ hauer, all or Nehalem. Oregon To Kant Bound Paasengrr«. I'ourth Ballet.—W I. Bra'lsliaw 55, J paper reporter if he did not repent him | al ington. ‘end model, drawing, or photo suppression mid oppression which cover­ W Briedwell .8. C C Ferguson 3, John of his speech, he replied, looking non­ War 1052 W T. B ckaev . Register. If so be sure and cal! for your tickets Ba caefnl anil do not mak« a mistake with description. We advise if patentable 'll our land with ruins from 18(17 to 1874 Thomson 1, I’ II Mesner 5, H R Daniell, chalantly, amt indeed, anything but Ol- not free of charge, Our fee not due till via the but be sure to lake i ! iq I i patent, is se.-ured D II ILutson 4. W L Bradshaw of La ­ t is certain that violence will bo resent- ' penitently; “Tho world will not be A l ook, "How to Obtnin I'atents." with fayette l ’ lecinct declared elected. ed witli violence, lu the lace of such u Fifth Ballot.—D 11 Hartson 24, P II lievo a man repents, and this wise world references to actual clients in vour State Notice for Publication. THinslILvvt,'j‘tpyalJr tickets re»'l via lunger it is our duty to unite upon the Mesner 12. C C Fwrgnson 12, J W Bried­ of irnrs is mainly right.” Senator Black- ! county, or town, sent free. Address avoid ei.u> ' P|“U °r M'nntapolis, to C. A. SHOW & ci). ' »riff bill. L and O ffice at Oregon City, Or.. ) well 21, W l> Fenton 1. No election. welMi as prepared hiaiself lor any- re­ Opposite l’atent Olliee. Washington, I> 0 —THE- Sixth Bailor.—J W Briedwell 58. I’ II I . # March, 8,1888 f opening of the mstter that Mr. lega Ils CIGARETTE PICTURES. Notice is hereby given that the followin-r. Meaner 10, C C l orgiison 5, D II Hartson Thrmigh Emigrant Sleeping Cars run named settler h.is tiled notice of his inten­ 2, W D Fenton I. J W Briedwell of may see fit to make. on regular express trains full lermtb oi tion to make hnal proof in support of The Woman's international council About two months ago the San Fran- Amity I’recinct declared elected. • be line. Beiths fro» t . >*iu ot Ballot.—D II Hartson 23, P will assemble in this city on the 25tli NOTICE TO ARCHITECTS AND r ann and that said proof witffc made e- Quickest tmie. U"eHl rates It is positively the shortest and * iseo Chronicle uttered a hot protest II Seventh Meaner 25, I. C Thompson 1, C C line to Chicago and the cast ana La BUILDERS. - -ainst cigarette pictures. At fust the Ferguson 12, W D Fenton 14. No elec­ and will hold an eight days conference. the only sleeping and dining car tnr “i V’cth^w^VEh^'.;“^^ General Offim or ti,« <■ It is not a woman suffrage convention, r garette manufactuiere put into tlie tion. . Company, No, g line to" Washington st.. Portland, Oregon. Eight Ballot—P. IL Moaner 34, W. although called by that organization to Omaha, Kan.a.'Clty. and aB ttb*rr' H HEREBY GIVEN, 28 lots 2 and 3 see 33. T 3 N R 10 W * "' n ekages portraits of popular actresses, He names the following witness, to Raleigh 5, l>. II. Harts in 19, C. C. Fer. I celebrate the fortieth anniversary of the County Court of Yamhill prove it those were not what the cigarette guaon River Points. hi« continuous residence upon nnj W. D. Fantun 7, L. C. Thomp- ' A D CHARLTON. first woman's rights convention Its pur­ Uo'intv, Oregon, will receive and con­ c;'l',vatm,i of said land. viz: (T e I* I irchasers desired, for they were mod son 1. No election Its magnificent steel track, Asst General Passenger Agent. 1 can. \\ m II. Snvder Win “ portraits. The portraits weie then Ninth Ballot.—P If. Meaner 60, C. C. pose is to discuss all the various move- i’'“' r plana and specifications for a Court (• W. Alley, all of N»U|em. Oregon train scrvice\and elegant dining sleeping cars has honestly earned tor ’Coded from the dives, and the pictures Ferguson 7, D. 11 llurtson 11, .1. 4V. nrents of reform in which women arc in­ i"»« * for ’■'•'J county, on Tuesday " T B abx sy , Register. title of Briedwell 1, W. Raleigh II. W. D. Fen ! terested. Italegates from a number of *{”¡1 17. 18.88, at the otlieeof the County w’ -e made full length views of immodest ton 5. I c. Thompson 1. D. M. Rainsoy c innville ■lu"ge lor said eountv, at M'Minnville w imen in immodest attire and postures. I. 1’. II. Mesner ot North Yamhill de­ foreign countries will bo here. ' ,r, gon, said building to be constructed Uray M «i Sii j Ms, I io result lias been that the sale of the clared eleeted. "'.•tone ami brick, with basement for Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878. Others may imitate,but none can snrp^ ¡ l'enth Billot—W. D, Fenton 13, Win. I “ ' 1 , and the cost thereof complete not to n'KSrette packages has enormously in* REORGANIZED, Notice for Publication. Our motto is **alwavs on time ” Raliegh 9. D II Hartson 39, C ('Ferguson exceed $45,000. -sued because the cultivation of vicious 15, P II Mesner I. Wm Gallasrav 1, D Uxtran S tites L aso Orrrcz.’ ) Any person mav submit orW or Be sure and nsk ticket agents • t>< Corn.« mg, D streets. McMinnville •• Ue» enlarge the class of piirchaaery M Ram«ey 1. I> M Hartson of Dayton At a called meeting of the board of di­ more plans, with or without jail. A via this celebrated route and tat Oregon City. Msreh 3, 188s ractors of the First National Hank of Mi- others. W If MEAD. b A w! n buy simply to secure tho- law I pic- precinct declared ele«*f»dv ■Notice is lisrcbv given that in___ _ bond will be req 11 red of the person or KU BROS., & HEADERSOI, Eleventh Ballot—C (’ Ferguson 40, W Minnville, held at their hanking office )>eisons wliirse plans and specifications with the provisioL of the .ci Ä No. 4 Washington street, I’ortlsnd- «"-»». Th* sale of those ai tides is da- 1878 entitled D Fenton 33, A M llurlevl J C Nelson 1, on Monday, March 11», DWX, Mr. W. D. are adopted that such building will be of of June timber 3, Ismte in u,, Jt •-.» *S, -L of T congress Lacing. l .( riiomson 3,. C C Ferguson of West Fenton tendered his resignation as a built complete for the snin estimated m ^rcjfOTi, Nevada and wa.u* Proprietors. ' lie evil of such vile and lewd pictures Chehalem d«M-)aied elected This com­ niemlrer of the official directory, lie liav- such plans and Specifications. tor? »• UinenwXr SnÄ" T"ri' <■ iilatmg with pci feet freedom among pleting the list of delegates the cotiven- ' aelvoH*itY, Co. Judge. si ng girls—cannot bo overestimated Mr Bradshaw ami Wm Galloway. The bv tiro board aa attorney for tlie bank. AMITY, OREGON. 8 W I 4of X E 1-4 .nd X >^7» ve."‘ tb<’ 4.8 . 4 J. 8. H ibbs , C o . Com. lot No. .1, of section No" 2^ i» ? ? !"* • - verstated. Children are only too convention heartily endorsed the name There waa added to the board of direc­ t North, range Xo to w£ t *"• a to receive impressions, especially of W D Fenton as one of the delegates tors, R. P. Bird, Win. Holl, and James proof to show that the land °ffpr valuable Mr its timh,/ ,^'2”. ' n”,’rr they are in the direction of matters to the nation d convention at St Louis, McPhillipo. The board now consists «f Jacob Wortman. X. |*. Bini, John Wort­ convention adjourned, Blacksmithing and carriage iron inf ameulti.ral purposes, and 21" rbidden them, and the barriers of pur- The delegates to the state convention man, Win Hol), H. C. Wortman, claim to <»1,1 Und before the ' "Î QQP of f'"n»?bu?Ea^e suro i •very description. t v and modesty which tender parental are. I’^ll Mesner, C. C. Ferguson. H. Frank Wortman, James M< Phillipejrith n*'river of this office at »>-- and Saturday the Jul, ,lay nf M m *!«.0*’ ° n «re and painstaking education bate I. Iler Ii, J W Briedwell, D. II. Hart- i Jacob Wortman, president; K. 1*. Bini. , vice-president; John Wortman, cashier of f‘»r^X’Ä:’’7r„?'™n.k »ol««,, • red about them are first undermined son, W. I. Bra<1«li>w. b ashionable Dressmaker. •'•mo while living at ",lat ' »>« be This is tho oldest banking institution And plow work a speciahX . i then swept away altogether by tlie Suhurrihr fnr thr Tflrphonr befort Ihr in the county and by its i-ouservative ed of vice winch finds its 0011:1*0 and mmpaign onrn». Thr enmint¡ 01m- j management and strict integrity has be Two door» Wr«t of Citv Market. Third —o— the akn".' co ne balli both impalar |M>polar and siicce-aiiiL succe-siul. The Mreet, McMinnville Oregon. 1 intainhead in just uacli thing« at these will Iw thf hrlfflfiif fMulhl 6rrf- M» leorganiialion gives promise of Ilia con Also manufacture the ’ "T they iive R Y • nd "l ’ ’ ")r-l. where- jtyrej, 1 ll- th«1 h/fnrn. | tina.inea of Ilia same in ike future. < «Utal ll0t «« »tarte.1 freo CUTTING AND FITTING A Special«,. Celebrated Oregon Iron Hsf* tach hO W t B cxet . Rer.lcr. ' **.'!n » single d'n- •>. ,’i‘ “*vp "»»do ’’•«aewl. ua> a» tin, work, All | GIVÇ ME A CALL. The Best Qualities & Substantial}' Madd Our hew Fall and Winter stock of q J ing is now on exhibition. • Our Qualities, A Common Cold OilP Styles. I Our Pi ices I “WHEN” Oregon à California R. R. Portland anil San Francisco, Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, k J. B. ROHR, NEW TO-DÀÏ House. Sign, and Oi’iiaineihlPaii Think of Spring - - The tef Card - - C. GRISSEN CITY STABLES, W Don’t Want The] Tlie Great Transcontinental Rente. EARTH Henderson Bros. Props PATENTS AKE YOU GOING EAST Northern Pacific Railroad. W TO W, M M The Royal Route New Blacksmith Shop' Kigs in the City. Orders ' freaky attended u Day SAM LIKENS, Proprietor. light. Miss A. P. Young, Horse Shoeing