BISHOP & KAY. h. THE ENGINEERS STRIKE WEST SIDE TELEPHONE. The firemen ami engineer» on Hie railroad iinnivn- »ity is liable to surmount all the »trike, of former yearn. The tn«ii sti iking com­ prise tlie IKrily of mon known a» the HrutInn hood of Loeoniolivu Engineers, They aru an intelligent body of men and the probability is, I bat tin) railroad will conic to term». They are well or- g:inized and have money in the treasury nliicli lias accumulated during tho past year» of peace. Tlie corporation that think» they cati RUecessfiilly combat this strike will have » labor to perform, which in it* magnitude will exceed tlie twelve labors of Hercule». The engin­ eers belonging to sixteen different road» and also behttlging 111 llio order have expressed themselves in favor of Ihe strike. At a meeting of tho order at the office of Chief Aithur, eighteen roads were represented und tlie impression now prevails tb it tiie »trike w ill become general over all roads employing engin­ eers belonging to this order, ift order to make the Chicago, Burlington A Quincy accede to the request of the Brotherhood. The road is filling the sttikers places by engineers who struck a sliorl timo ano on tho Reading railroad. Builington A (fuiney The Official Democratic Paper. I Oliicago, have »truck. This strike in it» TI. X. IIEA.TH. ---- Fabll.h.r, McMixsvii.t.i:, F kii . av , M auch II. 1888. TO OUR READERS. I To all parlies sending us Four •new subscribers to the TELE- PIIOXE; cash accompanying \ the subscriptions; we will send] ihe TELEPIIOXE for one year Free of charge. The tariff must g>, mi l as the T klephoxe Is the only paper in the comity light! up protection wc ask the assistance, the iullu- enfe, and support of each subscriber in in­ troducing the paper into every j home in the county. A little aid on tin ' part of our present subscriber will enable us to do this Will yon do this? We offer very liberal inducements to agents who will work We want a live, rustling, active, earnest, worker in every lo­ cality. Write us for terms. Wc lire on the eve of a very important election,an election INDIFFERENCE TO in which your best interests arc concerned, AMERICAN AMERICAN HISTORY. and by helping the circulation of this paper, vou can, it is possible, help your own In- To whatever cause it may be due, the terests fact remains that, beyond n few names and dates fixed in mind by study in FUTURE OF M’MINNVILLE. boyhood, the average American lias on­ ly the haziest knowledge of his own Tho futuro of McMinnville depends country prior to the civil war. lie ha* upon (lie individual effoits of us all. no exact knowledge of earlier event*. First of all tilings looking to the future For his life ho could not give an ade­ upbuilding of a happpv and industrious quate idea of the policy of colonial Amer­ community, we should consider tho edu­ ica, or state the relation* of England to cational advantages that can be offered American dependencies. He has a ns an inducement for men with families cloudy notion that the rtVbltllWnAry tn locate in our midst. war begun with the battle of Lexington, Under the head of educational advan­ and was waged to assert thu sacred tages, we class our common school sem­ truth that “taxation without representa­ inaries, colleges, churches, libraries, so­ tion is tyranny,” but except that an un­ cieties and newspapers. What effort known tax, called tlie “stamp act,” was has been made towards A pCrpelilation levied by Englund, he could not toll why and extension of these, every per«on in Ilia ancestors took up arms against kin­ this city and vicinity is well acquainted. dred and friends of tbo mother country. True wc have a good College and which Although many diligent and painstak­ is a credit to Ollr City, wc havo a school ing writeis have published valuablo hotise-, but it is not capable of »owing the works upon American history, few citi­ Interests that is required of a thrifty and zens of thia day know anything of the (¡¡rowing voting city. What wo want is diplomatic schemes of Benjamin Frank­ tnore concentrated notion and greater lin, John Adama, Arthur Loe and Silas fiersonal energy if wo should make Mc­ Doane, which, by obtaining tho French Minnville what it should be—the most allianco and securing loans from the beautiful city in tho Willamette valley. bankers of Amsterdam, contributed We can and should make this the city quito as much as actual warfare to final of school» and churches, and there is no ■uccesH of tho “embattled farmers.” Of better time than now to start the wheels later events, aucli a* the origin of the of power and lay the foundation for a war of 1812, except a false notion that it city that shall be th« envy of uli it* com­ settled the alleged right of England to petitors. We «re surrounded by all the impress American seamen; the inven­ natural advantages ; and, if we use the tion and promulgation of the Monroe gifts that God has given us, we can doctrine, and tho important evsnts of look upon the days that are now passing tbo administration of Julin Quincy nnd feol proud that wo tire among ihe Adams, liberally educated Americans -Hrst promoters of our young and beauti­ know less than they know- about the pol­ ful city, McMinnville. itic* of the Athenians under Pericles. We urge it u|xm you » li»ble to h** come chronic, involve the lungs, an terminate fatally. Ayer’s Cherry I celt)* rai affords speedy relief and cure in case* ot Bronchitis. It controls the disposition to cough, and induces refreshing sleep. I have been a practising pliysieian for twenty-four years, and, for the ,Iia»t twelve, have suffered from annual at- MM-ks of Bronchitis. After exhausting all the usual remedies Without Relief, I tried Ayer’s Cherry Pec*""1- ..V effected a speedy cure.—G. btoiean, M. D., Carrollton, Miss. Aver’s Cherry Pectoral is decidedly the best remedy, within my knowledge, for chronic Bronchitis, and all lung diseases. — M. A. Rust, M. D., South Pans, Me. I was attacked, last winter, with a severe Cold, which grew worse and settled on my Lungs. By night sweats I was reduced almost to a skeleton. My Cough was incessant, and I frequently spit blood. My physician told me to Hive up business, or I would not live a month. After taking various remedies without relief, I was finally Cured By Using two bottles of Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral* I am now in perfect health, and able to resume business, after having been pro­ nounced incurable with Consumption.— 8. P. Henderson, Saulsburgh, Penn. For years I was in a decline. I had weak lungs, and suffered from Bron­ chitis and Catarrh. Ayer’s Cherry Peo toral restored me to health, and I have been for a long time comparatively vig­ orous. In case of a sudden cold I always resort to the Pectoral, and find speedy relief. —Edward E. Curtis, Rutland, Vt. Two years ago I suffered from a severe Bronchitis. The physician attending me became fearful that the disease would terminate in Pneumonia) After trying various medit'irtvs, WlthBttt benefit, ho prescrthwl Aytr’a Cherry Pectoral, which relieved me at once. I continued to take this medicine, and was cured. — Ernest Colton, Logansport, Ind. tt Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, Horx iNflV ,Fit?« leM-l- Ct-ntl. n» »•-«•//¿¿‘irnter Xa.l -» rau lfe ci.-.1 on n.) "<‘ »<11* ’ |ffB » 4H*lrtC I nic. When 1 nnd could ii mil/ In '«Ti V.J. I pu'd n..hh«-1 tI k course i ii» «trod: buoyant,and of S. S. S. I was an u n mop had )•■ g X‘<1 •d'l.S1'*; _ ¿(iles ill wcnk.deiv qraluffio!«' for } , t rnJkian eut.- It»** ,^,.(.iruil,. ni”. V”*“ K w ivnso*. srinTi.wxo. s. C.. ".£'¿4 n-l.-in n- K;’r (, ,1 . r.. tiu-.l >’ |!i,).|< |11.n Sfc,...nmx I.. <•” li.”« >:•« wire ■ll »l’l” ■ wlivm .’ lu-’i » >"r ■•*•’ 1 an» re’”l. J-iViVil li it.” »re. -»¿’x as iSgSSSSs-S I it••-:dn!i - jf SnASr„<. Wr’8To^. N. A; rll li, *'*''*• cu.c» I ever .<»oc. Y The Best Qualities & Substanlialy Mad le. Our new Fall and Winter stock of Clot J ing is noW on exhibition. | Our Qualities. I We aro prepared to offer the* very lnghesr grades of texture to L J forded at the price and we confidently believe that on tldg poj w< J wtthout competition, we urge a critical examination of these Kood, *1 Our Styles. O. nib-men -111.M1 n «>re on inJ. npper Up for c'kht veurs. Seven dUIereal doctors at trniDUd in val3 to heal It. One gave me a small vial for Ove dollars, which 'vlttStaitr »11, the eight t ear ulcer I. gt ue enurel,. Ct„ot Trenton, Todd Ct'., By., Feb. 2-’, L8S7. Treatise, on Blood and Skin D!w»w mailed fro«. Tut; S wift Si'M inc Co., Drawer 3, Atlanta. Gx For Sale by lb gers A Todd lili j A fbnd upow SOLD The Clothiers and Furnishing Goods Men of Y atnhill. OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA “WHEN” VIA You want any thing in th« lint o( Oregon & California R. R. Job Print™ Call at the office of the WEST .SIDE TELEPHONE. W. will guarantee you Time between -----But don’t forget----- C. GRISSEN Is still in business, and will sell you Grocer­ ies and Provisions. Crockery and Glass ware, Candy and Nuts, Toys, No­ tions, etc., etc., etc., CHEAP AS ANYBODY. Patronize home Manufactures, and tcy some of the best Bread. Cakes, and Pies, made by an experienced baker K. AV. Allen’s Garden anil Vegetable seed* for sale. C. Grlssen. PURE CRED JERSEY BULL “Ioni Chesterfield” Dark Brown, White sciteh, Black muzzle, Bred by Springer Bros’, Amity, Oregon. DAMS. SIRES. Calved Feb. 4 Christmas, No.8204 Got by Orange 2d, Duke of Wellington Got by Orange 1st. imported Bull from Island of Jersey. J Entire satisfaction always guaranteed. \V c arc also agent, fo, J BROWNSVILLE WOOLEN MILLS carrying a full line oft J Mens’ Youths’ and Boys’ Clothing, Blankets and Flannels, these gd are so well and so favorably known that further comment i, uied they simply have no equal. Remember our motto, —[THE BEST GOOOSFblTHEtEASTMOX^i- y_ And Connections. COLUMBIA RIVER ROUTE, | We arc determined not to be undersold and we aro equaly «letermkl ed that no such bargains shall be obtained elsewhere as we offer, J means low prices to all wlio come. Special attention is called to our new Hue of Furnishing Good,, nJ Caps, Gloves, Trunks, Valises etc. etc. ; THE MT, SHASTA ROUTE. AND------- I I Our Prices Preparod by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. Price JI; six bottle., 15. Think of Spring I They show for themselve that they are tlie latest and nobiest. body wants Faihionable Clothing to keep abreaBt with the costs our patrons nothing to do so. Portland and San Francisco, BEST WORK, LOWEST PR|| 39 Hours. Trains for tlie Fast leave Ash St. nhnrf every ilay nt 18:30 A. M. anil 1:15 I*. M. Attached to the 1:15 p ni train are through Pullman Sleeping Cars toj|Council ¡Bluffs and St Paul. Attached to the 12:30 a in train is tlie Walla Walla A Dayton Sleeper, which can be hoarded at East Portland station any­ time after 8 p m Trains arrive at 2:45 and 7:45 p tn every day, The company reserve the right to change steam«!a or sailing days, TO ASTORIA,-Str. R R Thompson leaves Ash st wharf every Monday Wed and Saturday at 11:30 p. m. U 8 Mail steamer leaves Ash st. daily, except Sun­ day, at 6 a. in., for Astoria. TO DALLES AM) CASCADES, Leave Ash st. at (> a. m., except Sun­ day. TO OREGON CITY, Day ton and Al banv.—Str. leaves PortUnd at 7 a. m. Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays, for Dayton and way points. Returning leave Dayton as (I a. tn., Tuesdays, Thursdays anil Saturdays. For Albany and way points at 6 a. in., Mondays and Thurs­ days. Returning, leave Albany Wednes­ days and Saltudavs. TICKET OFFICE FIRST A OAK STS. A. L. MAXWELL, Gen. Pass. A Ticket Agent. California Express trains run daily We tnuko a specialty ot Fin« BETWEEN FOItTI.AND anil SAN FltANCISCO. ARRIVE. LEAVE. Portland 4:00 P.M. San Fran’ 7:4 A. M. San Fr^n*G:30 P M. Portland.. 10:40 A M J. B. ROHR, Local Passenger Daily, Except Sunday. ARKIVE. LEAVE. Portland.. 8:00 A. M.IEugene.. 2:40 1’ M. Eugene . .0:00 A. M Jl’orltand 3:45 1' M. Pullman Hoose. Sign, and Ornamental Paii Buffet Sleepers. M c M innville , O regon . EXCURSION SLEEPERS for second class Passengers on all terough trains FREE OF CHARGE Graining, P h per Hanging and Carriage l’aintii The O. A C. R. R. Ferry makes connection with nil the regular trains on the East Side Division fruni foot of F Street Prompt Attention to Orders the Country. West Side Division. BETWEEN rOBTT.ANDA CORVALLIS. Mali Train. (DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY'S) LEAVE. AllRtVE. Portland 7:30 A. M I Corvallis .12:25 P. M. Corvallis 1:30 ____ 1’. M.ll _______ ’ortland 6:15 P, M. . At Albany and Corvallis connect with trains of tlie Oregon Pacific R. R. Express Train Daily Except Sunday. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 4:50 P. M .IMeMinnvilleS:00I’.M. McMin’ville5:45A.M.ll’ortland 0:00 A. M. It. KOEHLER, E. I’. ROGEP.S, Manager G. F. A Pass. Agt McMinnvills, Oregon. We Don’t Want The Great EARTH Henderson Bros. Props Transcontinental Route. The above Hui will stand at the ranch of C. W. Holman, one mile south of McMinnville. First-class accommoilatmns for Cemmer Terms, *3.00, cash in advance. These cial men and general travel. terms insure a calf. 44 3m Transient stock well eared for. But we want you to call in and k the finest lot of goods ever we» in this city. Now is the best time to get your Spring nnd Sum­ Everything new and in First-Class Order mer Suits Notice For Publication. HI Patronage respectfully solicited --------VIA T1IE-------- at L and O ffice at Oregon City, Or., I BOTTOM PRICES. February 7. 1887.) Notice is hereby given that the following- Cascade Division’ now completed, A GOOD FIT GUARANTEE! nnincd settler has filed notice of his inten Notice of Final Settlement. tion to make final proof in support of his chiini, and that said proof wijt he made be­ fore the county clerk of Tillamook county. Oregon, at Tillamook, Oregon, on Saturday MarchiH, 18S8, viz: John Rupp, pre-emp­ tion D. S. No-519(>, for the W S S E sec, 1, ami \V ' a N E sec 12, T 2 S*R 10 W He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: James Gib­ son, Henry Olds, James A, Briggs and M. D. Reading, all of Tillamook, Oregon, 42-17 W T B vuney , Register Notice For Publication. L and OrncK at Oregon City, Or.. I January, 21,1888,1 Notice is hereby given that the following- named settier lisa tiled notice of his inten­ tion to make final »roof in support of Ids claim, ami that said proof will be made lie- iore theeounty judge or clerk of Tillamook comity, Tillamook Oregon, on Saturday, March 17. 1888. viz: ltarncv,home­ stead entry. No. 5723, for the N W sec T 1 S R 8 W. He names tin following witnesses to prove his continuous resilience it|s>n. and cultivation of, said land, viz : E M. Keys. M A Keys, A.W . Hall ami G W, Chance, all of Tillamook,Tillamook county, Oregon 40-45 W, T. B ikxey , Register. Notice For Publication. Lixn Orricx at Oregon City. Or., ( January IS, 1888.) Notice is hereby givon that tlie following- named settler has filed notice of his inten­ tion to make final proof in support ot his claim, ami that saiil proof will la-before tlie county judge or clerk of Tillamook county, Oregon, at Tillamook, Oregon, mi Wolncs- day, March 21, 18*8, viz: A. B. Hallock, homestead entry No. .M74. for lots, 2 3 ami 4. see 31, T 1 S R 10 W. and 1, 2, 3 and I sec. 6, T 1 S R to W 11c names the following witnesses to prove liie continuous résidence upon, ami Chas. Wilson, a slieepewnor of Sacra- cultivation of, said land, viz : W. T. New ­ John G. Day. H. F. Goodspeed and meiite, sold his ciop ot wool at 9 to 10 comb. 11. Melferiuott, of Tillamook. Oregon cent** peund, while at the same tim* 40 4.1 W. T. Bvaxay, Register. 25 to 30 cent* a pound wae being paid for Australian wool, duty included. Manufactures must have Australian wool for certian classes of good*. Mr. Wilson is at a loss to known how the Caveats, and Trade Marks obtained and tariff on wool protect* the grower of do­ all Patent bueine.-s conducted for MODER­ ATE EKES Ol'R OFFICE Is OPPOSITE mestic wool. Can any protectionist ex­ I S PAI EN . Ob ¡'ICE. We have no sub agencies, all busines* direct, lienee can plain tho pttsileT transact patent husines* in lees time and at less cost than those remote from Wash» ~V\oVA <-> that are fretful, peevish, ingtim. -end moilel, drawing, or photo XAVLVIVKt* CPnM or treollIpj wilh with description. Wc advise if patentable Windy Colle, Teething Pains, or or not free of charge. Our fee not due till Stomach Disorders, can be relieved patent is secured A book. ••How to Obtain Patent*.” with at once by using Acker'* Baby Soother. references to actual clients in your State It contain* no Opium or Morphine, county, or town, sent free Address hence is safe. Price 25 cents. Sold by C. A. SNOW &. CO. G#o. W. Burt, druggist. Opposite Patent Office. Wa-hincton. D C PATENTS Him PÄ Ralrcad. making it the Shortest, Best’ Notice is hereby given that the undersign­ ed has filed his final account in the vountv and Quickest. court of Yamhill county, Oregon, as execu­ tor of the last will and testament of Aaron Payne, deceased, and said court has fixed The Dining Car line. The Direct Route. upon Tuesday, March 6, 1SSS, nt 10 o’clock, No Delay*. Fastest Trains. Low­ a. m at the court house at Lafayette, in est Rates to Chicago and all said county, as the time ami place’for hear­ ing thereof Therefore, all persons inter­ points East. Tickets sold ested in said estate arc hereby notified to to all Prominent Points appear at said time and place, to show cause if any there be. why saiil estate be throughout the East and Southeast. not finally settled and said executor dis­ Through Pullman Drawing Room Sleep­ charged. J ohn IIuTcncEOFT. Executor aforesaid ing Cars F enton A-F knton , Attorneys. 41-45 Reservationscan be secured in advance. Dated February 1, 1888. To East Itound rasscnjfrr». Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given that tlie under- sigtiid has tiled in theeounty court of Yam­ hill county. Oregon, their final account as executors of the last will and testament of i.y ilia J, ( ook, deceased, mid said court ha* fixed upon Tuesday, March (I. 1888, at 2 o'clock )>. in at the court house at Isifa- yette, in said county, as the time and place for bearing thereof Therefore all per-ons interested arc hercbv notified to appear at sain time and place, and show cause if anv there be. why said estate be not hiiaiiy settled and said executors dis­ charged, Fxrrox A F kntox . a J Arnasox Attorneys. c H. C ook , , Joint Executors aforesaid Dated February 1. 1888, -ii-g; APPLETON’S Be caeinl and do not make a mistake bat be lure to take ¡he Northern Pacific Railroad. *ee O'at y«ur tickets read via THIS LINE, St Paul or Minneapolis, to avoid changes and serious delays occa­ sioned by other routes. Through Emigrant Sleeping Cara run on regular express train* full length of the line. Berths free. Lowest rates. Quickest time. fHtaining Over Twenty Thonsand Articles on Prominent People. This itantlard work is the only National Cyclopaedia of Biography tn this country, and worthy to rank with the great national works of its kind tn the Old World, now king prepared in England. Germany and Belgium. No name eminent in lit­ erature, art, music, science or in­ vention will be on, tted. Sold only by subscription. 1 . W. BECK. Agent. a H ibbs . ARE YOU GOING EAST! If so lie sure and call for your tick,u via tlie tago ft Mwta SiM —TIIE— It is positively the shortest line tq tiijcngo And the ejis| >nd jonthi* the only ft|peping and dining car throop «.neral outre of the Company. Vn, « line to Wa.tilnaton St., Portlaad, Oregon. ; Omaha, Kansas* City, and all River Points. A D CHARLTON. Asst General Passenger Agent. Its magnificent steel track, unsorp^JJ train service*! a nd elegant dininf . j sleeping cars has honestly earned for it , title of M c M innville . The Floy nl IlouW Lira? Fill wi Sils Ms, Others may imitate,but none con «tirp»’’11 Our motto is “always on time " lie sure anil ask ticket agent* ^°r via this celebrated route »ml takr " others. W H MBAD.fl * No. 4 Washington street, l’ortl»ninS?|,r* tor of tlie estate „f ’x.'r'rU W McMinnville, Oregon on ór 't KZ’ ln month, front tl.i. J E 'li. re'''??."'.1’' •'•fmmi’tralor. - ■ R . Att y for iati! Estate. 4O:I5 Blacksmithing »nd carriage iron'W every description. I Horse Shoeing And plow work ■ «peei»!1/ Also manufacture tho Celebrated Oregon Iron Harr«* QIVE ME A CALL. **