THE TELEPHONE HIE TELEPHONE DEMOCRATIC rates of advertising . me square or less, one insertion................ |1 oo me square, each subsequent Insertion jo felice, of appointment and final settlement 5 Ou Other legal advertisements, 75 < ente for Unit isertion and 40 cent, per square for each sub- iquent insertion. Special business notices In business oolunin«, > cents per line. Regular busmuss notices, 5 MiU perlina Professional carda *11 per jaar. Special rates for Urge display “ads." WOMAN AND HOME. ARIOUS WAYS IN WHICH PLAIN DISHES MAY BE DECORATED. angliters of the Wealthy—Family Sym­ pathy—Lady and Servant—A Woman's Invention—The Baby—Good Advice. Dust—Golds—Washing Fluids—Items. The various ways in which even the plain- t dishes may be made appetizing and hand- me should be known to all housekeepers, krticularly at this season of the year, when stive occasions are most frequent. It is sy to garnish dishes richly for a trifling tlay of time and trouble, and the increased auty of a table well repays the pains taken, many homes the appearance of the table n be improved and stiffness avoided by the ercise of a little ingenuity, and what house- eper is there who would not rather have a w simple dishes prettily served than a num- r carelessly prepared? It is frequently the se that the dessert is generously decorated hile the meats and vegetables are served ithout the slightest attempt at ornamenta- on. Pickles of almost every variety are seful for garnishing fish as well as cold teats. A piece of whitefish can be trimined ith a slice of lemon in the center and »rinkled with the yolk of a hard boiled ;g that has been put through a hair sieve, ho egg can be put on in geometrical lines r in the form of a star, and the dish be bor- sred with capers or small chilies, or, if pre- irred, parsley. Stewed whitefish, with white sauce, should a ornamented with gherkins cut in long, irrow strips and cajurs laid in small rings ver the centre. Many cooks cut the whites f eggs into rings and lay them on fish in the ‘ereotyped fashion. They should be separated om the yolks and cooked as follows: Grease 1 ordinary jam pot, put in the whites, and it the pot in a saucepan of boiling water; >ver and steam until set, when any devices in be cut from them—leaves, stars, di«- onds. For fish cakes, croquette« and other snack«, led parsley is an ornament. It should bo ery dry. Put it into a wire basket and lunge it into smoking fat It will become risp in a moment and the color will be re­ lined. Bread crumbs, colored pink and yellow, lake pretty decorations for many dishes, egetable coloring is not uuwholosome, and m be used in food decoration successfully, ellies, bread • "limbs, and even vegetables an be colored * oorders of dishes, and they dd greatly to the effectiveness of «any lain meats. A handsome dish of vegetables, either tur- ips, carrots, or potatoes, can be made with ltemate layers of green peas and capers laid ver them in rows and the top crowned with trifling quantity of current jelly. Chopped sets, capers and parsley introduced into dad make it better and improve its looks, or boiled fish lobster coral should be added > the sauce, and in lieu of this bread emmha >lored pink make an excellent substitute. Potted meats can be made to look showy ad handsome if strips of the hard white of a egg is laid on in a kind of trellis work, he meat can be arranged in any shape and ecorated to suit the fancy with whites of gg which have been previously prepared ac- ording to the directions above. Curled but- ar, which is obtained by rubbing through a air sieve and taking it up carefully, to a iretty ornament to cold sliced turkey oi hicken. Tufts of parsley add to the attrao ¡veness of this dish. Dark green olives may ,ke the place of the parsley if preferred. Currant jelly laid on in round heaps deco­ de a dish of boiled rice, and if the rice iu© $en cooked with the addition of lemon juice i the water, thereby increasing its whitens« id causing the grains to separate well, it ill be very pretty, particularly if about tho Iges of the dish are laid bits of watercress, wallops of fish or poultry are improved by te addition of small portions of macaroni id tomatoes put along the edges of the dish id on top of the scallops.—New York Sun. Daughter, of the Rich. PUBLISH KD WEST SIDE TELEPHONE VOL. II careless hour, grow to be women, and there you have the society of the future, and to a certain extent the society of today—families scattered by the hand of event, member from member swept by the besom of chance, with no cohesive principle, no cohesive attach­ ment; in fact bringing up precisely the state of affairs that exists between my friend Sam and his brother. I don’t believe in this everlasting talk about the “good old days,” for in the good old days we had no palace cars, no electric lights, no decent eating and drinking facili­ ties on railways, no telegraph communica­ tion, no elevated railroads, for all of which we are indebted to the good new times, when the brain of science directs the hand of cap­ ital for tbe convenience, the comfort and the humanizing of mankind; but there was a something worth keeping in the good old times, or else this proud nation of ours would not be supreme as she is to-day, or else law would not, in the court of last resort, be re­ spected as it is to-day, or else the strained conditions that exist between capital on the one hand and labor on the other could not be restrained within the present limits today, but chief among those good things of tha good old days was a family sentiment, which bound heart to heart, interest to interest, making brothers and sisters and father and mother an entity, a commonwealth.—Joe Howard in Boston Globe. Mistress and Helper. I admit that there are some empty headed, unchristian women who prefer to have menials about them, and to whom the words “my servants” have a very pleasant and aris­ tocratic sound; but I am glad to say I believe they are in the minority. I have in mind a lady who had several servants who were ignorant, and content to be so; insolent, in many cases; fond of low company, and who thought they had done a smart thing when they had in any way over­ reached their mistress. These girls the lady treated as servants pure and simple. They ate and received their company In the kitchen, and the words exchanged with them were about their work, and nothing more. But it happened that one fortunate day this lady secured as a helper an intelligent, well read, honest girl, who thought every­ thing that was done should be well done; and after that there was no servant—or what is generally meant by that term—in that house. Mistress and helper discussed the latest maga­ zine articles, or talked of Howells’ or Mrs. Whitney’s latest book while the baking and brewing went on, and if the mistress some­ times corrected the maid on a point of house­ work, the maid returned the favor by cor­ recting the mistress, pn a quotation from Shakespeare, or recalled to her mind some name in a novel by Scott or Thackeray. And when tbe kitchen work was done, the two sat together in the parlor over books or sewing, or rode or walked together. They made calls and received callers together. In brief they were companions; and when, after a few years of this happy relationship, the mistress died, the girl who had been em­ ployed by her mourned for her as for a dear friend.—Lida A. Churchill in Demorest’s Monthly. _________ Invention of a Charitable Woman. The wife of Mr. E. Prentiss Bailey, of The Utica Observer, has iuvontive as well as philanthropic genius. Long an earnest worker in fields of charity, she found that in the hospitals it was often necessary to em­ ploy tfxtra nurses to move patients, and that the task was always a strain both upon the sick and those in charge of them. She saw and contrived a way in which to help the sick to help themselves and it is very simple and effective. Two iron sockets are attached firmly to the sides of a bedstead by screws, and into these are fitted short poles, and between the poles is suspended a horizontal bar, also fitted into clamps, and adjustable to any height above the head of the patient lying on the bed. From this bar hang a pair of strong straps with grips, and these can be moved from right to 15it at will. By grasping these straps the sick man can utilize the strength of the arms to lift himself up, to change his posi­ tion, to turn over and to allow the bedding to be changed. There are a variety of attachments to the invention, which extend its usefulness indefi­ nitely. One is a rest for the leg, in which a broken limb can be placed while it to being dressed. It to only necessary to unscrew the sockets attached to the bedstead and change their location, to utilise this. Another is a small table for medicines, a book, anything that a patient wants within immediate reach. Another is a curtain rod, likely to be espe­ cially serviceable in hospital wards, to avoid a draft, to shut out the light, or to afford a degree of privacy. Mrs. Bailey’s invention has been in use for some time in Faxton Hospital at Utica, where it is found to be the greatest comfort and convenience in a large number of cases. —Rochester Union. The daughters of wealthy, luxurious pa­ nts enter into the competitive struggle of ivishing thousands of dollars on balls and inner parties, because they ore imbued with le idea that their position depends on their ot showing themselves to be outdressed, outentertalned” or “outgayetied” by any of leir friends To marry and live in a board- lg bouse or In a cottage, far removed from le sacred precincts of fashion, is annihila. on. No matter if it were to be for only a ew years, while the husband should be malc- ng his fortune, such dreeent could not ba ontemplated. The sociatv young lady wants o begin her marriage life on the same scale hat their parents are ending theirs. De­ clining to recognize any other poesibillty, She has never taKhn steps to learn anything about domestic duties, and is entirely igno­ Lady Bellairs’ Advice to Girls. rant of the way to make a dress or trim a WHAT TO AVOID. bonnet. Bhe employs the most expensive of A loud, weak, affected, whining, harsh or trades people, probably spends double what shrill tone of voice. an English nobleman’s daughter would, and Extravagances in conversation — such wastes more on ice cream, candy, and flow­ phrases as “awfully this,” “beastly that,” ers than the entire Income of a working “loads of time," “don’t you know," "hate," Woman. If she goes to the theatre or opera, for “dislike,” etc. (he must have a carriage, a corsage bouqust, Sudden exclamations of annoyance,surprise new gloves, and a supper. None ot her and joy—often dangerously approaching to toilets must be seen too often, and she must “female swearing”—as “bother 1" “gracious 1” be registered in the summer at some expen­ ‘»1 'how jolly 1” sive resort, or go to Europe. Her parents pet Yawning when listening to any ana and indulge her in every way, her bachelor Talking on family matters, even to bosom friends ..lore her, and «he receives almost as friends. much worship as did a goddess in the days of Attempting any vocal or instrumental Greece and Roma piece of music that you cannot execute with Very probably she is pretty, highly edu­ ease. cated, accomplished, bright, and attractive— Crossing your letters. a delightful partner for a dance or a flirta­ Making a short, sharp nod with tbe head, tion, and very likely an excellent wife for an intended to do duty as a bow. extremely rich man. But ask her to coma WHAT TO CULTIVAK down from her pedestal, to be the helpmate An unaffected, low, distinct, silver toned Oi a man of moderate moans, to cut herself loose from the acquaintances that can only voice. The art of pleasing those around you and t« kept up while ehe is wealthy, to share in seeming pleased with them aud all they may his struggles, or to rise or sink with him, and •he will most likely, politely but firmly re­ do for you. The charm of making little sacrifices quit« fuse It la difficult to foresee what the rem­ naturally, as if of no account to yourself. edy for this state of affair« will be. It is The habit of making allowances for the unprecedented, because In European coun­ tries class prejudice, have, as a rule, kept opinions, feelings or prejudices of others. . An erect carriage—that is, a sound body. people in sets. Mere wealth eeldom suffices A good memory for faces and facta con­ to move a family out of its original set, and nected with them, thus avoiding giving of­ the girl, are content to marry and remain in fense thr ugh not recognizing or lowing to the circles to which they have been accus­ tomed, without trying to push themselves people, or saying to them what bad best been left unsaid. into higher ones—Chicago Times. Tbe art of listening without impatience to prosy talkers, and smiling to the twice told Old Fash toned Family Rentlment. tale or joke. _________ Fathers are over indulgent. Up to a cer­ tain point that answers very well, for chil­ Care of the Baby. dren are pets and playthings, but later on Every baby, of course, needs to b. washed aomes that state of affairs so well put into the all over in warm water ones a day; but this mouth of old King Lear, who in the depths diurnal bath is positively hurtful unless it is of his anguish could And no phrase so apt in accompanied by a good honest rubbing. description of hto lamentable condition as: Now rubbing is a thing very few persons “How sharper than a serpent's tooth it to to understand, although it Is such an Indispens­ have a thankless child.” able [art of the daily toilet. To rub an In­ As the twig to bent the tree inclines. fant properly require, great tenderness and The boys who were brought up to disre­ care. All such rubbing should be with a cir­ gard tbe Interest and engagements of each cular movement of the palm of the hand, other, who care nothing for the convenience, and should be rapid, but with very littls comfort, protection of their sisters, grow in pressure. Abovs all, ths soles of tbs feet time to be men, and these girls who have no should bs thoroughly rubbed in this wsy, soQfldences in their mother, who keep their rwitly and quickly, for at least two rniaum Barreto from each other, who take into the This promotes circulaUon and sends ths blood boeum of trust tbe casual acquamtance of a EVERY FRIDAY MORNING. PUBLICATION OFFICE: Ons Dvor North of sor sr Third sad 1 Sts., M c M innville , or . flowinE through the tiny heart In like man­ ner the little hands should not be chafed up and down or squeezed, but the palms should be treated in the same circular way. Mothers, as a rule, pay a great deal more ENTERPRISING METHODS OF AMBI­ attention to an infant’s feet than to its hands. TIOUS KNIGHTS OF THE NAPKIN. They would not think of leaving it without socks, even with its feet fastened up in a blanket; but with the thermometer below Graduates of Oxford and Foreign Noble* zero they will let it flourish two little red men Who Wash Dishes, Wait at Table fists in the cold morning air. Yet how and Pocket Big Fees—A Fraternal Or­ wretched it is to have cold hands every ono ganization. kuowa Little children, in cold weather, should not only haveXheir hands rubbed fre­ “You would be surprised, sir,* remarked quently, but they ought to sleep in knitted tbe beat! waiter of a leading hotel to a re­ mittens as soon as it becomes difficult to keep ported, “to find tbe sort of people wbo pre- their hands under the coverlid, and that is as , sent themselves to us bead waiters for posi­ soon as they are restless.- -Jane E. Ruutz- tions. You couldn’t tell some of them from Rees in Demorest's Monthly. real gentlemen, they are so handsome, and polished in their manners. Only the other Want of Sympathy. day a man presented himself at the door of Take hospitality, for instance. Does it tbe dining room. He was tall, stout, finely consist in astonishing tbe invited, in over­ formed, and as dignified as a prince. I bowed whelming him with a sense of your own as he approached and was about to conduct wealth, or felicity, or family, or cleverness him to a seat at one of the tables, for I was even, in trying to ateorb him in your con­ convinced that be was a foreign nobleman. cerns, your successes, your poseeesions, in ‘Are you the head waiter?* he asked. ‘1 am, simply what interests you I However delight­ sir,’ I replied; ‘pray, of what service can I be ful all these may be, it is an offense to his to you?* ‘Give me a position,’ said he. ‘I am individuality to insist that ho shall admire a waiter, and I come from Saratoga.’ at the point of the social bayonet. How do “I would have been more surprised than I you treat tho stranger I Do you adapt your­ was if I bad not often had applications from self and your surroundings to him, or insist men of similar bearing.” that he shall adapt hinuelf to you! How “Did you employ the fellow?” often does the stranger, the guest, sit in “Oh, certainly, and ail exceptionally good helpless sgony in your circle (all of whom waiter he has turned out. He is in demand know each other) at table or in the drawing all over the dining room, and the ladies are (oom, isolated and separate, because all the particularly fond of having him wait upon talk is local and personal, about your little them. He is a graduate of Oxford university, world, aud the affaire of your clique, and and talks Greek with the fluency of an Athe­ your petty interests, iu which he or she can­ nian. We have Greek scholars in the house not possibly join! Ab! the Sioux Indians —one of them a professor—and I have been would not be so cruel as that to a guest. told that his Greek and Latin are unusually There is no more refined torture to a sensitive fine. One night he gave the help in the hotel person than that! Is it only thoughtlessness! a ‘reading,’ and one of his selections was a It is more than that. It is a want of sym­ chapter of Virgil. He was applauded so vig­ pathy of the heart, or it is a lack of intelli­ orously for this that ( questioned my men gence and broad minded interest in affairs concerning their knowledge of Latin, and was of the world and in other people. It is this surprised to find that quite a number of trait—absorption in self—pervading society them were acquainted with the dead lan­ more or less that makes it so unsatisfactory guages. Nearly all of my men speak French to most people in it. Just a want of human and German, and those of them who have not interest; people do not corn© iu contact.— received good schooling are in the minority. Harper’s Bazar. “You must know that there is no trade or­ ganization so compact and fraternal as that Dangers of Dust. of tbe hotel waiters. They are good hearted It is well known that dust is an absorbent felliyvs, as a rule, and will never see one of and collector of odors, and that it gives them their kind want for anything that they can out under the influence of both heat and supply. Those in position supply those who moisture, and that, Independent of these are out of it, and nobody is a whit the wiser. qualities, it is injurious in itself to even the Masonry itself is outdone by their regard for most healthy lungs, being composed of mi­ this rule of duty.” nute particles resulting from the wear and “Are tbe unemployed waiters who are here tear of many fabrics, animal, vegetable and aow supported in this way?” mineral “They are mostly. Nearly all of the recent “Dust thus constituted,” says the same wrivals came here too soon, and whatever writer, “cannot but be most dangerous com­ lhey brought with them quickly disappeared. pany in a room, as, it allowed to remain, it Their condition was made known to the other becomes poisonous, aud when it is disturbed waiters at once, and the latter supplied them and enters the lungs has not only an irritat­ with means to secure lodging and enough ing effect, but becoming moist, gives out its change to keep them alive.” noxious odors within the body.” It can be “How much does it cost to keep an unem­ readily seen, then, how important are the ployed waiter alive and cheerful?” operations of sweeping and dusting, espe­ “Very little, if the men are ‘fly,’ and they cially the latter.—The Household. generally are. A smart man whose room rent has been paid can live gloriously on ten Use of the Toothpick. cents a day. There are saloons in this city, Strict cleanliness to the both north and sou|h, which supply an 11 o’clock lunch fit for'any man’s meal. In tho be observed in the care of eating, remove from the teeth all particles of bill of fare are two or three kinds of hot food with a toothpick, but never, on any ac­ meat, potatoes fried, stewed and in salad count, use a pin for this purpose, which is form, tomatoes, chicken croquettes, cold customary with some. This practice in­ slaw, pickles, bread, mustard, beets, etc. All dulged in frequently will injure the teeth far a man need do to entitle him to a hack at more than any one would suppose. Use the this magnificent hungry man’s banquet is to wooden toothpick, of which there are two purchase one glass of beer.” “But a man can’t have much fun on one kinds, the sharp pointed and the flat pointed. The first is all very well if it does not split, meal a day, can he?” “He doesn’t need to confine himself to one leaving a small splinter between the teeth or under the gums, which is very disagreeable, meal. He has still five cents left, and with ft not actually painful. For this reason the this he can purchase one beer later on. “The unemployed napkin artists now in the flat pointed one is the beet. Rinse the mouth thoroughly with lukewarm water after eat­ city, attracted by the exposition and its ac­ companying festivities, are certainly a sorry ing, if it can be conveniently done.—Boston looking lot, notwithstanding their sumptuous Budget _________ living. Their coats are threadbare, and Best Washing Fluids. their toes, when not peeping forth from their Some housekeepers use washing fluids, and books, are struggling to get there. Despite if the ingredients are harmless they lighten the fraternal care with which their more for­ the labor, without destroying the fabric. The tunate co-laborers regard them, they are not appetizing to look upon. But one-balf, at following are among the best fluids: To five quarts of water put one pound of least, of these will be shortly engaged to salsoda, half a pound of unslaked lime and a ‘help out’ at the leading hotels. Faw will be small lump of borax. Boil; when cold pour able to recognize in the smooth shaven model off and bottla Use one teacupful for every in boiled shirt, spotless cravat, real cuffs and cutaway, ihe wretch who is today haunting boiler of clothes. Another—One-half a bar of hard soap, one tbe free lunch counters, grasping at whatever ounce each of saltjietre and borax dissolved comes within range of his watery vision. “There Wh’t a labor union in the country In four quarts of water; when cold add five ounces of spirits of ammonia. Bottle and that takes half tbe care of its own that tbe waiters do of theirs. Occasionally they are use as soap. Another—Equal parts of turpentine and economical and put their earnings away, but tbe great majority spend freely and give ammonia. Add to water. away what they can’t spend. Like most people in their walk of life, they are imita­ For Tender Feet. A remedy for tender feet is cold water, tive, and the conversation of guests at table (bout two quarts, two taplespoonfuls of am­ is rarely lost upon them. A first class waiter monia, one tablespoonful of bay rum. Sit can listen without appearing to, but he misses with the feet immersed for ten minutes, little that is worth remembering. Often gently throwing the water over the limbs when we have had distinguished guests at upward to the knee. Then rub dry with a table, I have heard their speeches rehearsed crash towel, and all the tired feeling is gone. and dissected in the kitchen. Sometimes 1 This recipe is good for a sponge bath also.— have heard tbe argument of a prominent statesman torn to shreds by the fellow who Boston Budget. _________ was waiting to fill his order behind the For a cough, boil one ounce of flaxseed in a screen.” “Where do most of your waiter« come pint of water, strain and add a little honey, one ounce of rock candy, and the juice of from?” “They com© mostly from Europe, although three lemons; mix and boil well. Drink as it is only once in a while we get one direct hot as possible. _________ from abroad here in St. Louis. The first stop­ Table linens should always be hemmed by ping place for waiters is New York, but they hand. Not only do they look more dainty, are a roving set and can’t rest even there. but there is never a streak of dirt under the As soon as they begin (o hear of the glorious edge after being laundered, as with machine west they take off their aprons and start. Sometimes they come west in sleepers and sewing. _________ sometimes in box cars, but they get here just For chilblains take ten pounds of oak bark, the same. Once in a while a man chines put it in a kettle and pour on it six quarts of along and asks for work who has seen better water. Let it boil down to four quarts. day® Among these are noblemen and col- Soak the feet In it and it will effect a certain graduates. They may have had plenty cure. of money when they reached tbe west and spent it In high living; then their remit­ A decided improvement in the eating bib tances fail to materialize and they are on for children is made of a towel. It is better their uppers. These men make splendid to have the towel white. Hollow out the waiters, but they have to begin as dish wash­ neck before binding, and bind with white ers and get accustomed to stepping around tape, _________ lively before they are intrusted with a table. Charcoal is recommended as an absorber Still, when they get there they always give of gases in the milk room where foul gases satisfaction. They appreciate the importance are present It should be freshly powdered of scrupulous cleanliness, and are invariably polite without betraying too much humility. and kept there continually. “I have a man under me who is such a cor­ Fish is made more digestible and has its rect judge of character that he can tell al­ flavor brought out by a few drops of lemon most to a nickel often, and sometimes to a cent, what tbe amount of hto tip will be. He juice squeezed over it can size a man up like a flash, and hs does it without giving offense, either. I have seen Those who are troubled with sleepleasneea gentlemen upon whom he had waited rise should, if strong enough to do so, take a long from tbe table with no intention of paying walk in the evening. him anything, and yet he would draw their chain so deftly away and inquire so earnestly Kerosene will soften boots and shoes that if they had enjoyed their meal and whether have t*en hardened by water, and render he couldn’t help them to some little extra them pliable as new. delicacy, that they have put their hands in their pockets and feed him welL”—8t. Louis Apple saace is mach improved by tbe addi­ Globe-Democrat tion of a tableopoonful of butter, and re­ quires lem suggar. Scheme for Swindling Farmers. Tbe latest scheme to •«India tbe farmer la Dyspeptic« who use coffee will do well to being perj»-tratef mummies’ eyes. I do not go so far as to ay that they were the actual eyes of leading dtizens of Thebes and Memphis, *>ut they were taken from the eye sockets of i unnnies exhumed from Egyptian tombs. T l y may luve been the actual eyes reduced to the mrd ness of stone by the process of embalin­ ng, or they may have been only false eyes ike those used by modern taxidermists in »erpetuating the life semblance of some pet ?ido or Tabby. At all events they wera tubbed “mummy eyes,” and the jewelers set ibout getting them ready for the market. They were amber colored, opaque and luster- ess. It was thought best to polish them before etting, and a workman was set at the task. Before he had been long at the work he l>e- ■ame ill of a fever, and another man was put >n the job. He, too, became ill of the same clnd of a fever before ho bad spent much time >n the job, and three or four other workmen vlio succeeded him were taken with tho same ymptoms and suffered a similar illness, nl .hough others, working on other jobs amid ¡he same surroundings and under the same conditions, were enjoying theii usual good leal th. Here is an excellent opportunity for ;he Society for Psychical Research. Were ;heso illnesses simply a coincidence, or did the liummy eyes really exert some occult and taneful power for their own protection?- New York Commercial Advert ser. Why Corn Bread Is Scarce. Com bread, once a staple and common nr- .ice of food, is coming to be regarded as a uxury. Not only is this true of the north, jut also of the south, where Indian corn was it ono time preferred to wheut for making oread. A Georgian said in explanation of 4io change: ‘‘The comp'alnt that a really prime article of com or Indian meal cannot je obtained in towns and cities is general. A country miller told me that he could not pro- luce good cornmeal by the use of modern grinding machinery. The softest and best Savored meal is made from new com. This .he proprietors at large nulls refuse to grind. To get good cornmeal the grinding must be lone slowly, and it must be given time to ?ool properly before it is moved. This can )uly be done in country mills, and the supply is far iiebind the demand. “Besides this, cornmeal cannot be kept long without deteriorating. It is not in the matter )f bread making alone, however, that corn­ meal has fallen into disuse; it is less used for cooking purposes generally. The greut in­ crease in wheat growing and the improve ments iti the flour making line, together with the high price of com and low pricoof wheat, is in part responsible for this state of things. Few persons now use com for economical reasons. Many, however, would prefer it for a considerable portion of the time, if a good article could be procured. The southern corn to preferred to all others, although the flint corn raised in New England to an excellent article; but it requires a large amount of cooking. Com that grows in the prairie regions of the west to the most undesirable, and as this represents most of the cereal that to formate It is not usml to any great extent.*— New York Mad and Express. High Priced Peaches Abroad. An American who recently returned from England says that liefore sailing he noticed one day a plate of fine peaches among the fruit of tlie «lining room at the hotel. lie inquired their price, and was told that the peaches were sixty cents apiece, and that they were “all or nothing* for Englishmen, as tbe fruit has not yet been brought In Quantities which insure cheapness.—Chicago imet Tax Collect I in Morocco. Mul**y Hassan knows how to collect taxes, anyway. Recently many of his subjects manifested a tendency to be delinquent Thereupon he cut off Hie kiwis of a do® n or •n ane skin fitted bis Umhs as tightly as it they were hto own hida. He hail a great coat of reindeer skin with tbs fur half worn away and girded in at the waist with a many colored beaded belt, from which bung a white bone handled knlfa On bis head was set a high pear shaped cap of blue cloth trimmed with red and yellow, al­ most like an empty frag, which for some rea­ son stood up pertly in tbe air. From under the cap hto long, wiry black hair bung down «allow, greasy cheeks, which be had cboeen to shave smooth, though other men of hto kind wear Iwanls of every description of horror.— Jvuathan Bturgss In Jtsw York Timan, .. /'■- SUBSCRIPTION RATES: (IN ÀDVXNCK.) M'M INN VILLE, OREGON, MARCH 2, 1888. ■' One year... Sii menths Tlire« months •2 00 1 00 .50 ; PERSONAL GOSSIP. Norvin Green estimates Jay Gould’s fortune at 160,000,000. This is moderate, A nun>t>er of Americans propose to erect a statue of Gen. Washington in Paris. Marshall P. Wilder has arranged a profes­ sional trip to China, Japan and India for 1888. Explorer Greely does not believe that the north pole will ever be reached except by bal­ loon. Not oia of the four presidents of the French republic since its origin in 1870 was born in Paria M. Grevy saw twelve cabinets, with 129 ministers, serve under him while president ot France. Andre w D. White, of Cornell, says poker will soon lie a necessary part of a classical ed­ ucation. M. Grevy slept soundly for eight hours ths night after his resignation—for tbe first time in six weeks. Congressman Scott will spend 125,000 dur­ ing the winter on social entertainments at his Washington home. Mohiui NL Chatterjee, the young Brahmin philosopher who camo to this country last year, has returned to India. Morell Mackenzie has received £8,500 up to the present time for his attendance on the prince imperial of Germany. Gens. Sherman and Sheridan will review the state military exercises at the centennial celebration in Ohio next September. Tho Court Journal says that Kaiser Will­ iam wants bo abdicate in favor of his son, the coronation to take place in May. The first words of Rev. Joseph Parker upon his arrival in Liverpool were that be should never come to America again. The Duke of Newcastle will winter in Florida and pay a flying visit to Philadelphia. He is young, unmarried and has a cork leg. Louis Kossuth, now well on his 86th year, is in capital health of mind and body, and constantly busies himself with literary work. It appears that Bismarck has an elder brother, who has been under prefect of Min- gard since 1841, and is about to retire, aged 77. M. E. Ingalls, of Cincinnati, carries an in­ surance of <.‘100,000 on his life—the largest sum carried, it is said, by any resident of that city. At the ball of the Pelican club, where Sul­ livan lately sparred before the Prince of Wales, tlie Pelicans all appeared in Pelican waistcouts. Complaint is made in Washington that William Walter Phelps is wearing the sains rusty brown suit which became a chestnut some years ago. Bam Small announces that he has given up his labors as an evangelist, and is now a preacher in the Methodist church South at Washington, D. C. Samuel Spencer, who has boon made presi­ dent of tbe Baltimore and Ohio railroad at a salary of ♦25,000 a year, was a rodman earn­ ing a scant salary a few years ago. He is not yet 40 years old. The new French president belongs to a family of Scotch origin. Tbe original name was Cairn, tho French diminutive of which would be Cairaot, or little earn. This was soon corrupted into Carnot. Prince Regent Luitpold, of Bavaria, was bitten in the hand while hunting by a dog, which it is feared was mad. Fortunately the wounds are not deep, and do not deprive the prince of the use of his hand. Carter Harrison wants all the American women to dress as per tbe Chinese rule. “We would then have our better halve, dressed,” he says, “to please an artistic eye, without the present waste of female health and strength ” The other morning early a little curly beaded girl of 6 or 7 years went to the Maine state house and asked an officer, “Is Governor Bod ................... well dead ... I" “Yes," was the reply. “Oh, Ob, he used to give me candy candy I ! ” ’ she exclaimed, and turned away crying bit­ terly. Mr. Labouchereis down on the tall hat. He says: “I do ao loathe it that if the present ministry would deal it a coup de grace by in­ variably api>eai ing in pot hate I almost think that gratitude would ublige me to turn Tory —even at the risk ot having my head staved In by a Tory constable.” John B. Alley, ot Massachusetta, is said to be worth considerably «16,000,O'JU. He is the ricbeat Republican in tbe old Ray state aud is fond of politlca Tbe greater part ot his fortune was made in speculation and ho is constantly adding to it. Mr. Ailey is 70 years old. The remains of President Carnot's illus­ trious grandfather are in the cemetery at Magdeburg, and an attempt will now be made to have them brought home to France. He died an exile, proscribed by tbe restored Bourbons tor having voted tor the killkig ot Louis XVI. Paul Philtppoteaux, tbe painter of the Get­ tysburg anil Niagara Falla cycloramas, has just finished a work upon which be has been engaged for two years, consisting ot thirty pictures of sceno. in the life of Gen. Grant, beginning with his infancy and ending with his funeral. They are to be exhibited first at Borton and then throughout the country. Mr. Frederick Villiers, the well known war correspondent and artist of The London Graphic, has entered the lecture field. He went with Mr. Archibald Forbes through the Franco-German, Servian and Ruaso-Turktah wars and has a groat fund of interesting ex­ periences, which bo relate, with graphic elo­ quence. Jay Gould never smoked but one cigar in his life. It made him so ill that he never tried another. It seems hard that many a man who love« good cigars can’t afford to buy them, while Jay Gould, who could have tho finest wiwl» in the world without Kriously im[iairiug his iucome, has no taste for to­ bacco. The Prince of Woles was slightly wounded in the now by a Swedish nobleman, Baron Oscar Dicluon, while shooting at Sandring­ ham, but the incident was considered much too trifling to prevent either his royal high- new or Col. Ellis, tho other gueot who was slightly shot, from continuing to shoot the rest ot the day. Citizen Train is again on tbe editorial tri­ pod. He bhMHiM forth now as the associate editor of Tbe Weekly Record, of Sussex, N. B. He says: “And now safely anchored in Huanx, N. B., in sanctum sanctorium all by himself. Warm Are. Good air. Expatri­ ated. Exiled. No longer republican, but coamopohUu: Come and z A Centerboard. Many who do not live near water where there to fair tailing du not comprehend the term centerboard. A centerboard to a rec­ tangular piece of wood placed in the center of a tailing boat to that it can bo lowered through a tlit in the bottom of tbe boat It to hinged to the framework of ito wail hole at the forward upper comer. To the aft upper comer to attached a rope by which tbe center­ board to lowered or hoisted at wilL When lowered it forme a keel. thus gaining a pur­ chase against tbo water which enable» the boat Io Mil clue© against the wln& ■ -V MBS