The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, February 24, 1888, Image 1

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Ont Door North of oor or Third and E Sts ,
One year.................................................................. $2 UO
Sii month«............................................................. i (*)
Three months........................................................
4 Test of Feminine Refinement—Table
Proprieties — Children’s Clothing—Cure
for Gossip—Uses of Borax—A Hand­
some Woman—Hints and Helps.
A contributor to The Atlantic Monthly,
writing with a feminine hand, deplores the
fact that bouse servants are to-day receiving
as high wages as they received during the
war times, when calicoes and muslins, Ixxits
and bonnets, cost so much more than they
do now, and concludes that the reason for
this is that the hiring of such servants is en­
tirely in the hands of women. The purpose
of the contribution is to show that women
have ho business qualifications.
Men, it
says, have reduced the wages of their em­
ployes, and women might do the same.
This is what we beg to doubt. The em­
ployment given to girls by men—factory
work and work in stores—has fascinations
which housework never can possess. The
girl in the factory works a certain number
of hours and then is free to do as she pleases;
the girl who works in the kitchen is at no
time mistress of her own actions. If she
goes out in the evening she is warned by her
employer, who takes a sort of maternal in­
terest in her If she entertains more com­
pany than the mistress approves there is a
clash. The girl in the factory sees before
her the possibility of an improved condition
and an increase of wages; she may even be­
come forewoman in time. The girl in tbe
kitchen knows there is no betterment for her
however long and faithfully she may work.
The factory girl boards and entertains her
friends in the parlor; the kitchen girl exists
and entertains, under restriction, in the base­
What is true of the factory girl is true, to
a greater extent, of the store girl, and, more­
over, her daily associations and her contact
with shoppers of the opposite sef give her
many advantages in a matrimonial way,
which is a considerable matter. Now add to
this the fact that most girls would rather
work for men, who do not assume to put
parental restraints on them, than for women,
who do; and add to this the fact that the
shop girl, by general consent, holds her head
a little higher than the kitchen girl; and add
to this the fact in tbe shop the girl has the
companionship of other girls, while in the
kitchen she works alone all day—these seem
sufficient reasons for the assertion that it is
the opening of new and more attractive fields
of work for girls, and not the lack of busi­
ness qualifications in women, that has sus­
tained the wages of house servants, for if
those wages were reduced there would be all
the more reason for girls to seek work else­
where than in the kitchen.—Chicago News.
car, when a lady stepped from the store with
a magnificent dress and wrap and most ex­
pensive bonnet and waited a moment for her
carriage to come up. Before getting in she
stood on the high step, leaned over to arrange
something on the seat, then raised her skirt,
and to the astonished gaze of the spectator
disclosed a cheap petticoat, none too clean,
and other underclothing of the coarsest
and cheapest description. There was no
reason for this state of things, for the
lady was the wife of a rich man who pays his
bills without a murmur and always wishes to
see her well dressed. Bo me thing is wrong in
the early training of such a woman.
I will cite another case to show to what
extremes we sometimes go. A lady who wore
the plainest dresses, made of cheap materials,
boarded in a fashionable house on the HilL
The ladies of the house all wore better dresses
than herself, and whispers could be heard in
relation to it. I called upon her rather late
one evening, and as she was about retiring
she sent for me to come to her room. Her
dress was off and she stood before me a pict­
ure of true elegance. Her corset was black
satin handsomely embroidered, her under­
wear of tinted silk, lace trimmed, while her
skirts were fine and immaculate, and her
hosiery beautiful. Said I: “Your gown
would never denote so much elegance under
it. How is it that you change the order of
things in this way?” She replied: “I was
brought up to always wear good undercloth­
ing, and I really care more for it than for
fine dresses. Since my husband’s death I
cannot afford both, and accept cheap dresses
rather than cheap underwear.” Both of
these women were extremists, and a little
good judgment would make either of them
appear better. Every woman of refinement
will see that her underclothing befits her
outer attire. It is a badge of true gentility.
Trim as fine as the circumstances will per­
mit; good hose, nice skirts, perfectly fitting
gloves, clean collars and handkerchiefs are of
much value in determining the moral and
mental status of a lady.
All this may be an education. The progress
of the decorative art in fine underwear is
somewhat amusing to observant individuals,
and the moral question involved in the trim­
ming of a suit of ladies’ underclothes has no
small influence in frontier villages and coun­
try districts.—Cor. Brooklyn Eag;e.
A Cure for Gossip.
NO. 44.
was by no means wealthy. At dinner the
center of tbe table was graced by a large
roast of beef, and after all had dined judge
of my surprise when the lady opened up her
stove, and, lifting the platter from the table,
■craped roast, gravy and all into the fire,
completely filling the stove. I could not for­
bear an exclamation of astonishment, but
the lady coolly answered, “We never eat cold
meat at our house, and cold roast is of no
account, anyway." And yet this woman's
husband was only an ordinary workingman,
who earned his bread by the sweat of his
brow, and the consumed roast contained
meat enough, if properly prepared, for three
or four breakfasts, for a small family. To­
day that woman is a widow entirely de­
pendent upon her friends and a small
monthly fund received from a benevolent
society, and I sometimes wonder if it would
not have been better had she learned earlier
in life that cold roasts make better food than
fuel. I trust there are not many of this
class, bgt there are still far too many who,
through a false and mistaken pride, turn up
their noses and hold in supreme contempt all
“made over dishes,” *s they term them, and
never send anything to the table a second
Ume.—Cor. Detroit Free Press.
Woman’s Field of Work.
Ik' you ever think of the great change that
has come about in the last ten or twelve
years in regard to woman's work? Ten years
ago the sight of a woman as cashier in any
of our stores was a novelty, and such a thing
ns one in an insurance office or law office or
“among the men” was scarcely thought of.
Go where you will in our city to-day and
you will find women earning their way and
doing their work well. They are our stenog­
raphers, typewriters, copyists, cashiers,
clerks and workers in many ways. Every
manufacturer who can employ them does so.
They are in the postoffice, pension office and
other government departments, and you
needn't be surprised to find them scattered
through the city hall when there comes a
deal by which candidates can be elected un­
pledged. And right here it may be Baid, as
a hint to candidates, that one good looking,
worthy young lady would influence more
votes in Detroit than any five young men
you can name. If a'situation for her de­
pended on any certain candidate’s election
he would be pretty certain to get there.—
M. Quad in Detroit Free Pi-ess.
What is cure for gossip? Culture. There
is a great deal of gossip that has no malig­
A Very Handsome Woman.
nity in it. Good natured people talk about
One of the most enticing women I ever met
their neighbors because, aid only because, —and it is quite a fancy of mine to meet and
they have nothing else to talk about. As I study enticing women—was “Sherwood Bon­
write, there come to me pictures of different ner,” otherwise known in private life as
young ladies. I have seen them at home; Katherine McDowell She was a woman
have met them at the library; coming to and built on the pattern “magniflque.” Tall, well
from the bookstore with a fresh volume in rounded out in figure, with the gait and man­
their hands. They are full of what they ner of an empress. She wore this reformed
have seen and read. They are brimming costume, and was adorable in it. She made
with questions. One topic of conversation is a study of the matter, and adapted it to her­
dropped only to give place to another in self and to tbe prevailing fashions. There
which they are interested. They are inter­ were no bed-gowny arrangements at the back
ested in art; lovo to talk about a water color nor kitchen aprony arrangements at the
sketch, or a new piece of music just learned. front. »She simply discarded corsets, skirts
The Proprieties at the Table.
After a delightful hour with such women and waists. She wore a combination gar­
Women, from some affected notion of re­
finement. don’t eat—they feed. In their one feels stimulated and refreshed, and dur­ ment very like Mrs. Miller’s affair, and over
teens, when they ought to eat naturally and ing the whole evening or hour, as it may be, this her dress. This, very often in black lace,
hungrily, they pick at table and re-enforce by not a neighbor’s garment was soiled by so with long trained skirt, folio wed the lines of
nibbling in a furtive way between times. much as a touch. They had something to her figure perfectly, though easily. She
Very few would own to eating half a pound talk about. They knew something and wero looked equally well whether she walked, rode
of fillet at dinner, but fewer still would leave anxious to know more. They had no temp­ or sat down. But as I have said before, I say
much of a pound of Weber’s candies if it tation to gossip, because the doings of their again, Mrs. McDowell was a very handsome
came in their way. When they are married neighbors formed a subject very much less woman.—Cor. New York Graphic.
and the first heir comes they drop that fool­ interesting than those which grew out of
Beautiful Sunlight Effect.
ishness, Nature being too strong for them, their knowledge and their culture. There
It is well to see the warmth we cannot feel,
and eat they must. But it is in violation of are neighborhoods in which it rages like an
and we know of no more effective way of
their code of refinement still, and so they eat
neighbors are made enemies by it for life. gratifying the eye than to place panes of
like gluttons and lose their figures, have pink
The cure is not so difficult. We have agri­ ruby glass in or over the door. The effect
cabbage complexions and eyes like pickled
cultural papers, religious, scientific, political of the sunlight through this medium in a hull
olives. They look gross and are socially
papers, devoted to every interest, great and is very beautiful—Chicago Herald.
spiteful and jealous, largely from indigestion.
small. Surely if reading is a cure (certainly
Byron must have seen young married society
a help) there is food for all tastes in this di­
Moderation In Bathing.
women dine when he made his profession
rection. With the mind and brain bank­
Water is serviceable to the skin in only
that he could not bear to see a woman eat, rupt foi; the want of something to busy one's
and it is not to be wondered at. Their way self with—about these spring up the tempta­ moderate amounts and at moderate tempera­
of chewing has someth ng swinelike in it. tion to gossip; and there is such a thing as It ture. Very cold or warm baths, when used
You needn’t laugh—just watch the next becoming chronic—practically incurable. in excess, diminish the elasticity of the skin
thick corsaged matron you see at lunch and Let the young, those just starting in life, be­ and its power of resistance to external irri­
observe the chopping movement of the jaws^ ware of it.—Mrs. A. E. Hentou in Courier- tants.—New York Graphic.
If I had a daughter I would set a swing
To Cleanse Mica.
glass on the table before her every meal till
Take a little vinegar and water and wash
she learned to eat properly—to grind, her
Making Children’s Clothing.
the mica carefully with a soft cloth; the acid
food quietly like a human being, not chop it,
Baby's wardrobe is soon outgrown, and removes all stains, and if a little pains is
as stout maiden ladies and fat young women
long clothes must give place to small and taken to clean the corners thoroughly and
always do. It is certain to give a vulgar set
dainty frocks and petticoats, which look so
to the lips in time. I es aped being bidden exactly like every other child's clothing that wipe them dry, the mica will look aa good as
to Windsor—they tell me it is awfully slow it to absolutely necessary to mark in some new.—Detroit Free Press.
dining there, but the way her majesty ab­ way all of Eugene’s belongings, if there are
Freeing Rooms of Mildew.
sorbs nutrition is remarkable. She doesn’t
any other small folks in the same house. It
encourage conversation, not wishing to be is comparatively easy to write “Eugene” on
There is no better plan for freeing rooms
diverted from the business in hand, and goes each little garment, and for a while all of his and cellars of mild w than to burn sulphur
at it with a serious devotion that shows the clothing is marked properly for its owner. in them. The rooms should be effectually
government of three kingdoms calls for sup­ When Baby Howard falls heir to his brother’s closed, and not opened for one hour after
port. She never allows any one of her outfit, however, and dons one after another being filled with the sulphur fumes.—Chicago
family to speak of symptoms of ill health, of the little dresses marked “Eugene,” Mis­ Herald.
an i opposed the princesses’ studying physi­ tress Mamma wishes she might write “How­
A Relish.
ology as she considered the talk of ard” where she has always been pleased to
Large green peppers are relished prepared
stomachs and digestions as unladylike and see the name of her first bom. As the family
in this way: Remove all the seeds and fill the
improper.—New York Mail and Express.
increases there to more and more need of pre­ pepper with cooked tomato pulp and mixed
cision in marking, but not until tho children mushrooms, seasoning with salt and butter.
Various Uses of Borax.
grow old enough to object to wearing cloth­
A cup of powdered borax on your wash­ ing not their own does one need to study Bake in a hot oven and serve.—New York
stand will do wonders in the way of soften­ ways of designating property. I have found Mail and Express.
ing the skin. If you have been working in an excellent way of conquering the difficulty,
To Clean the Kettle.
the garden or doing anything about the house and at the samq time my method to a very
To clean a porcelain kettle, fill half full of
which has tended to make your hands rough, easy one.
hot water and put in a tablespoonful of ¡<ow-
when you wash them dip your fingers in the
I mark the family name, “Crosby," on dered borax, let it boil. If this doesn’t re­
borax and mb your hands well with it The everything. The clothing I make for the | move all tbe stains scour with a cloth rubbed
safest and best thing also for washing th«* oldest Crosby child I mark with a single star with soap and Ixirax.—Chicago Herald.
hair is a moderately strong solution of borax on the left side of the proper name. Whea
in water Pure water should be used imme­ his clothing is handed down to Elizabeth I
A Female Architect.
diately after washing with the borax and mark another star to the left of the first one,
Miss Nellie Nevada Moore is the chief arch­
and ao on until baby Frank pick! out the itect and builder of a charming house in
Our lady readers who have not used borax waists with five stars on and feels that they which she lives near Pittaburg. She wears
have been losing a great help and comfort really belong to him, because he is little trousers when doing men’s work, but when
If uce tested none will be without it on the “Five-star” Crosby, while in point of fart that is over she dons skirts again.
toilet table. It removes stains and dirt from they were made for little “Two-star” Crosby
the hands better than soap, and at the same years ago. Marking in this way always looks
Kate Field Gives a Toast.
time softens and smooths the skin. It is ex­ neat, and the rightful owners can claim each
Kate Field, at a recent banquet given by
cellent for washing laces, and will without on- his or her property—Rose Crosby in
women, thrilled her hearers by an elegant
injury cleanse brushes and combs In a few Babyhood.
speech when proposing the toast—“The men,
momenta. It extracts dirt from articles of
God bless them."—Philadelphia Times.
A Pretty Dinner Table.
delicate texture without rubbing, it being
only necessary to put them to soak in a solu­
Some persons have a great liking for tbe
A silk, velvet or plush bag attached to a
tion of borax over night, and to rinse thorn larg»*, round dining table on account of ita
in the morning. Two tablespoonfuls of pul­ social character, but it to not so easily deco­ gilded palm leaf fan is a pretty receptacle
verized borax dissolved in a quart of water, rated aa tables of other shapes. Quite a novel for photographs, cards, or a bit of fancy
to which add enough water to cover a pair effect, however, was produced not long ago work.
of blankets, will cleanse them beautifully. It on on* of these tables. The randies, shades
Cleanliness is a sine qua non of beauty of
also saves great labor in washing paint.— and tint of the room were made as pink as th* complexion, though it does not play a
poaaibla At each lady’s placs a basket of great part in tbe health of tbe skin.
Hall's Journal of Health.
fem gram, gracefully formed to fall from the
sides, was filled with pink rose buds and a
Pleasures of Social Intercourse.
Tbe Southern Women prints a list of over
Perhaps in a room full of people, all socia­ sprinkling of maiden hair fems. These bas­ fifty ladies who are connected with southern
ble in their way, you will not meet more kets were attached te tbe lower ring of a newspapers.
than one or two of your own stamp, who will gas shade, such as has been above described,
Distilled and so called soft water are more
win responses and attention from you that by means of pink and satin ribbons two
will astonish even yourself, they come so inches wide, which were tied to the hand!«* suitable for washing and less irritable than
hard water.
easily and quickly. In them encounters each
heart grows lighter. They are among tbe ■hade.—Detroit Free Press.
Curtains of a warm tone should be selected
highest pleasures of social intercourse. People
for a room with a northern exposure.
Marriage In Ancient-Athena
who are “jolly” are called sociable, but the
Tbe choice of an ancient Athenian citizen
most sociable people in the world, in the true
A Study of the Waterspouts.
sense of the word, are frequently those who was limited to Athenian women. Only * hen
A study of the waters;»outs olieerved on or
are not “jolly." Sometimes, indeed, they are thus married could his children possess the
right of citizens. An Athenian woman was near tbe gulf stream has proven to Mr. H. B.
reserved, but tbe hours spent in their society
need not be counted among the vanishing likewise not allowed to marry a foreigner. Gibson, of Harvard college, that they are
pleasures, for the recollection of them Is The penalties tor seeking a spouse beyond the much lew rare in winter than might tie sup­
agreeable to you forever. Therefore those national boundaries were severe.—Boston posed. The dates of their occurrence appear
to coinride with tbe extension
cold north
who wish to l«e popular and to win reputa­ Budget
west winds, or “cold waves,” from the land
tion for sociability must cultivate not only
out over the relatively warm sea. — Arkansaw
grarFs of body but of mind an<l learn to
Early tn life I was taught by a good Traveler. __________________
•ever talk to tbe purpose of what it to not
mother that it was a sin to waste anything
tbe purpose to talk of."—Detroit Free JYses
A wall of brownstone, topped with a
that could be made use of. and later on I
have had much occasion to be thankful for I bronze fence, kerpe *»tray kine off th** $2,500,-
A Test of Refinement.
1000 premises of James C. Flood on Nub Hill,
Upon a certain occasion I stood teforw a the lesson so early learned. Some time ago ’Fnsco
. _ .
popular dry goods bouse waiting for a street 1 was rtoiting at tbe bouse of a lady, who
flow Oen. O. M. Mitchel Rebuilt the
Trestle Work Arrow Stone River In 180«.
■ lobe That Arc Done Only After Careful
1 Planning—Jewelry the Peculiar Plun-
I der of the “Second Story“ Thief—Rarely
Caught at Work.
The most effective woek at present among
those who steal for a living, is being done by
what is technically known to the trade aa
| “second story” men. Robberies by this class
' of thieves have become alarmingly frequent,
and there have been many cases reported to
t the police, few of which have been made
public, because the thieves have not been
caught and it is the policy of the police de­
partment to keep everything quiet when suc­
cess has not attended their efforts. “Second
. story” thieves have beeu under “cover” for a
long while, and this city has been free from
i their depredations. Where they have come
i from so suddenly is a mystery.
' Their work is first class and they must be
good men, ex¡»erte in their line. Their efforts
are characterized by a boldness and dash
that must make old “Troy” Dennis smile in
his grave. “Troy” is still treasured in the
! minds of thieves, as well as detectives, as the
! king of the “second story” workers. He was
cool, daring and brave, and had a chivalrous
, strain that would not permit him to injure any
ono weaker physically than himself. He died
with his boots on. While climbing a pillar
in Fiftieth street he loosened a heavy stone,
and it fell on him and flattened him out like
a piece of paper.
After Dennis the famous men are Long
John Garvey and “Jack” Reilly, the leader
’ of the Murray Hill gang. Garvey walked
{ through a skylight in Brooklyn and had the
j flesh pretty well scraped from his bones, and
1 was killed. Reilly did a neat job in “clean-
| ing out” a Lexington avenue house. He took
the stolen goods back for a reward. The
, amount did not suit him and he removed
the goods again. It will be many years yet
before he c^n practice his profession. He is
now making shoes for the state. With this
trio out of the way New Yorkers have been
able for several years to enjoy a dinner in
cbmfort without feeling nervous about their
treasures in the upper stories.
In the campaign of 180) it became the task
of Gen. Mitchel, division commander, to re­
build tho trestle work acrues Stone river, near
Murfreesboro. With two conii>aiiiee of Mich­
igan mechanics and ongiueeni, assisted by de­
tails from amoug the other troop« of the
division, the work was accomplished in a re­
markable «bort time. A private letter «wit-
ten by Gen. Mitchel to a friend thus tells the
“Ou Friday a large force was put to work
on throe railroad bridges near this town—No.
1, 380 feet long; No. 3, 320 feet long; Na 3,
220 feet long. These fornddable bridges must
be rebuilt tiefore we could advance, as with­
out the railroad we could not feed the army
for lack of transportation. On Bat unlay
morning I learned that we had framing tools
for only two gangs of framers, when I wished
te set twenty gangs to work. I at once
mounted my horse, went to Nasliv.lle, pur­
chased all I required, returned tho same day,
and on Sunday moruing at daylight the
wagon arrived with the tools. My journey
was seventy-flve nules. Bunday everything
was grooved up. Monday we framed and
raised four butte. Tuesday five butte went
up on No. 1 and four on Na 2. Timber out
on No. 3. Wednesday live lg)tts went up on
No. 1, six on No. 3, and the framing com-
meuced on No. 3. Thursday finished raising
the butte on Noe. 1 and 2, ami this morning
two bridges are finished, and the third ono
nearly ready for the iron. Thus iu ten days
a work has lieen accomplished which has no
parallel iu the histories of bridge building,
and which Gen. Uuell pronounced absolutely
Of this same work Col. Paul afterward
wrote: “I was with Gen. O. M. Mitchel iu
1802 when he rebuilt the bridges at Murfrees­
boro, Tenn., and I wav afterward commis­
sary of subsistence on the stair of Gem
George H. Thomus, commanding the four­
teenth army corps of the Army of the Cum-
berlaud, under Gen. Rosocrans, commander
in chief. After tho battle of Stone River
and the reti-eat of the Confederates these
bridges were again burned, ami it was es­
sential that they be again built as soon aa
possible, in order to transport rations into
Murfreeslioro across Stone river. The work
was under the charge of Gen. Morton, of
the engineer corps, a regiment of eiiginecis
and mechanics, ami with the Army of tha
Cumberland to draw from for workmen;
and they were engaged for a periol of »lx
weeks before tho bridge was completwi. The
bridge was mode much more suletantlal
thart the one constructed by Gen. MileheL
But the first bridge answered the purpose us
well as the last."—"Life qf O. M. Mitchel,
Astronomer and General."
>e0hreoa Died In Debt— ne of the Wash­
ington Family Peddling Trinket«—The
Adamsoe aa Money Saver»—Andrew Jai-k-
Moat of tbe presidents have died poor, and
tew of them have nuule much out of office
holding. Just before Jefferson died he was
>o much in debt that a lottery scheme waa
gotten up to sell his property and relieve his
oeceasitlea He left practically nothing to
Us children, and they received some two
turns of «10,000 each from the legislature« of
two of the southern states.
John Tyler left some property, but it aM
went to his second wifa Gne of his sons,
Gen. John Tyler, who drove a four-in-hand
wUle his father was in the White House, and
who waa then called the handsomest man in
Washington, lives off a position in the treas­
ury department, and one of Tyler’« most ac­
complished daughters, a lady who presided
over the executive mansion after her mother's
death and until her father married Julia
Gardner, la a guest of Corcoran's Old Ladles’
Homo here. A man who claims to be one of
the Washington family, and who, by ths
way, has a face strikingly like that of the
president, peddles trinkets in a little booth in
the pension building.« Dolly Madison, the
president's wife, was, during a part of her
last days, furnished food by a colored man
who had been in President Madisou’s service.
She got, however, a large sum of money from
congress for Madison'« papers, and it waa this
that eased her declining years.
Monroe was so poor that his latter days
were spent with his son-in-law, Samuel L
Gouvernour, in New York, and there he
died. Harrison left nothing to «[teak of.
Polk left about (150,000, including Polk
place at Nashville, where his widow now
lives. It is a valuable block of ground in
the center of the town, which has risen
largely in valuo since the president’s death.
Martin Van Buren made money out of
politick He started life poor and died well
to da One estimate puts his estate at $800,-
000, and he made money in real estate as
well as In the law. Both of the Adamses
were money savers, if not money makers.
The letters of John Adams, the second presi­
“Second story” thieves are technically de­
to his wife, Abigail, repeatedly urge
scribed as a cross between a burglar and a '
her to cut down the household exponBes and
sneak thief. They are usually tall, slim fel-
to practice economy. He lunched himself
lows, possesst*d of great strength and nerve.
on oat cako and lemonade, anil he walked
They take pride in their calling and look i
far oftener than he rode.
upon a highwayman or pickpocket as be-
John Quincy Adams received nearly $500,-
I neath their notice. Comparatively few
000 from tho government in salaries during
thieves have the grit to follow this line.
bis lifetime, and he possessed the Yankee
i Their number is thus limited, and they be-
»own on Uot »rinks,
thrift. The Adams family at present is one
I come well known and respected by tho fra­
“I'm no doctor,” says Mr. Edgai Dartwell, of the richest in New England, and I waa
ternity. They are known as the “long “nor am I one of those follows wGo alway«
i chance” men in the th loves’ vocabulary. i have recipes for curing evory ill that their told at Kansas City that Charles Francis
1 They are all quick witted and intelligent and . acquaintances may have, but I know one Adams baa more than $1,000,000 invested in
! do not have the brutal instinct of many kinds , thing, and that is thut hot drinks imluco I real estate there. He has railroad stocks
■ of thieves who go around with murder in ' nerfousnem. I used to drink everything ns | and bonds In addition, and he makes his
I their hearts. There is a fellow feeling among hot as I could bear it, and I could bear it money breed like Australian rabbits.
I them and they never “squeal”
st almost a Ixoil, too. 1 wanted my coffee
Andrew Jackson s;>ent more than his sal­
I “Second story” jobs aré not done by rash j and my tea os soon ns it was brought from
impulse, but only after careful study and ' the stove, and when I drank at n lair it wiu ary while he was in tho White House, and he
planning. Sometimes there are two partners, ; always a hot toddy or a sling or something had to borrow money to keep up with his ex­
penses. Thomas Jefferson borrowed tho
but more often three. It is a rare thing for l fresh from the fire.
money that carried him out of Washington
them to work alone, unless they turn up
"One <lay in Boston I hoard a Chinese tea
broke in a strange place. One of the gang merchant say that in his country thev drank when bo loft the presidency, and Andy John­
makes a special business of locating places to their wines cold liecauso hot wines mode son, though he entertained considerably, is
be robbed. He pick« out a house with a i them nervous. Now, I was about ns nervous supiiosed to have saved at least $50,000 dur­
front stoop and portico, or heavy stone work a man ns you over saw in those days. I was ing his Whito House career. Ho died, I am
around the front door, or else where there , almost hysterical at times. Well, I thought told, worth about $100,000, and the most of
is a leader, piazza or some other arrangement { a good deni als>ut what the Chinaman said, this camo from economy. It was a pretty
that will give a foothold in the rear. The ' and the more I figured on it the more I was gisxi estato for a tailor to leava James Bq-
business of the occupant is looked into. •onvineed there waa something in it So I chanan was making about $7,000 a year at
Brokers are considered the best prey and j oegan to ex]>erimeut with myself and soon the law when he entered congrosa, and be
bankers come next. Jewelry is tho peculiar ! found that, though I drank aven more coffee spent during his presidency what was left
plunder of these thieves. Sometimes their ' uid tea and stuff, when I drank it cool it from his living expenses in charity. He
attention is attracted by the nomas and de­ ’ iidn't make me nervous, and when I drank was not, however, a rich man when he died,
scription of jewelry worn at social gather­ it hot it did. Pretty soon I quit all hot and his estate of Wheatlands was sold a year
ings. The habits of the inmates of the house [ Irinka and I haven't hail a nervous spell for or two ago.
Preaident Fillmore began his life as a wool
are studied with great care and a note is pears.
made of the number of servants and their
After I had aatisflod myself that I waa not carder. During the three years he was en­
method of working. When any of the family la nervous when I let hot drinks alone, I gaged to his sweetheart he had not enough
leave the house a “piper off” takes a good wondered if my imagination didn't have money to pay tbe expenses of the 160 miles
look at the jewelry. All this takes time. lomething to do with it. To test this I told which lay between her home in Saratoga
, When enough has been found to indicate • my wife, who waa troubled with indigestion county. N. Y., and where be had begun to
that it will pay the house is said to be I mil waa a nervous person, too, that I had practice law. During the first years of their
' “planted” and a time is set for the work. I aeard hot drinks were bad for the digostiou, marriage his wife did the housework and
Winter, when night comes on early and 1 Ind advised her to drink nothing hot. She taught school, and still be died one of the
quickly, to the “second story” man’s season. followed my advice, supisMing it related , richest of the president*. The greater part
The “piper off” never does tho stealing, as he inly to her dyspepsia, and she got over her ! ’ of his fortune, however, came from his sec­
may have been seen in the neighborhood and aervousness, though I don't think her diges- ond marriage to a rich woman of Buffalo,
could be identified. At dusk the thief ap­ ; >ion was any lietter. So, you see, imagine- I whom he courted after his first wife died.
proaches the house. He knows what the Son didn’t help her. I have had other of my i 1 President Cleveland is supposed to be worth
¡ people within are doing in a general way. I friends try the «ame thing and every one of 1 about $100,000, and ho owns, I am told, real
; The gong that sounds for dinner is the signal > ;hem has lieen lieneflted. You don't get oi,y estate in Buffalo whloh is rapidly advancing
in value. President Arthur left much less
■ for the “climber” to slip on his rubbers, if he 1 more hot drinks into me."—Chicago News.
than ho was supfsisod to be worth. Garfield
¡ has not already put on a pair of shoes with
shortly before his death owed $30,000 to Gen.
| rubber soles. The lookout is stationed close
Theatrical Simplicity.
and Grant did not add to his fortune
st hand to give the thief warning after be ■ The following very curioua notes of the Swaim,
| by his White House career. Hayes made
I has got inside.
, icenery and projierties deemed necessary at money out of the presidency, and is rich
I die Royal theatre in Faria in ID75 will give ,
inheritance and oeonomy. The pres­
Time is given for the family to got thor­ I ui idea of how little attention was paid to through
as a rule, have not saved money dur­
oughly interested in the good things before i tcenic effects. For the production of “Les idents,
, ing their presidency, but the same abilities
them, and then the thief, with a glance in , Horaces,” by P. Corneille, "a i>alace of any | .
nuulo them presidents would, if they
every direction, starts on his journey I kind in tile first act; an armchair in tho see- which
Thieves are bold, of course, but they never, ; mid act; two armchairs, two stools and a big bad been used in the field of money making
saving, have given them fort­
it is «aid, undertake a job without just a lit­ ?bair for the king in'the last act." For “An- and
' unes. money
—Frank G. Carpenter in New York
tle quivering around the heart at the begin­ i droniaque," all that* la needed Is a “palace , World.
________________ _
, with columns; in the background the see." I !
Dispensing of Prescriptions.
The climber follows the plan which has For “Le'Misanthrope,"of lloliere, “any kind
been previously marked out as the easiest if chamber, six chairs and two candlesticks. I One of tiie British medical Journsts gives
way of gaining admittance, either in front The same will do for ‘Tartufe.’” In England the results of an inquiry undertaken in a cer­
or rear. * With soft, stealthy, catlike move­ things were a little better, tor In 1042 Mr. tain district to ascertain tbe degree of accur­
ments he goes up to the second story, some­ Tom Coryate, “the leg stretcher," writing acy which waa olaerved in the dispensing of
times jumping, and then raising his body i from Venice, says: "The house here is beg- prescriptions. In all, 50 prescriptions were
with his hands and arms. If the window is • garly and base in comimriisin with our stato- i aunt out—namely, 80 to chemists and drug­
locked it is only a Hecoud’a work to slip the : ly houses in Loudon. Neither can their act- gists, 14 to co-operatlvo store’s 8 hi “doctors’
fastening with a wire. Once in the house I ora compare with ours in ap|iarel, show and shops," and 4 to certain drug companies
the thief takes out a “jimmy,” which la music." There were eight theatres In Ixindon They decided to glvo a liberal margin for er­
about a foot long and has a claw at one end. in the reign of Charles II, and Punch's play­ rors, and «■oordlngly did not schedule any
He takes in everything in tbe room at a house, in Covent garden, gave exceedingly prescription as incorrectly nuulo if the chief
glance. The light to usually burning dimly. elalsirate fierformawni, if we may Judge constituents were within 10 per cent, of tbe
He does not touch it. Bureau drawers, the from the following bill for tbe night of July amount ordered. According to this classlllca-
doors of closete and wardrobes fly open at , 8, 1604,wheu the •F«4I of Man" waa produced tion no fewer than 17 out of tho 50 prescrip­
the touch of the jimmy, aa if it were a magic with a variety of wenes an<l machine«, |ior- tions wero incorrectly dispensed; the limits
I wand. The thief works at high speed, with ticularly tile scene of paradise in its ancient of error were also very wide indeed, for in
' his ear listening for a footatep in the hall. | Inhabitable, the subtlety of the serjient In uoe case tbe quantity of the drug supplied
There is no time to examine jewelry, and betraying Adam and Evo, etc., with a varie- was less by 85 per cent, than that ordered,
everything that sfjarklea or ahinea is taken. | ty of diverting interludes, too many to bo and in another t>1 per cent, more than had
It is tested afterward. If a decent haul is inserteil here. No jicrson to bo admitted with Jjeen ordered. The chemists and druggists
made on the second floor the thief quietly . masks ami riding haliita, nor any money to pure and simple camo out of this ordeal with
departa aa he came, but if he to not satisfied , lie returned after the curtain la up. Boxe great credit, as in only two cnees did the
he will go higher and take bis chancea Once two shillings and pit 1 shilling, all beginning errors mount up so largely as to 1«, scheduled,
in the street again the thief goes uncon­ exactly at 7 o'clock.—Saturday Review.
while iiMiperative stores figure on the black
cernedly away ao as not to attract attention,
list three times, the “doctors’ shop” once, and
and then g«*ta under “cover” and waits until
I.u«k of the Opal.
tbe “drug coin)>any" three times. Briefly,
the robbery is stale before coming out.
"Tbe sujienitition that tho opal is un- of the latter class 75 per cent were untrust­
“Second atory” thieves are rarely, if ever, ' lucky,” said a jeweler, “is dying out, and it worthy; also, 50 per cent of those from
caught at work. In the olden Ume, when is beeoming a very fashionable stone. It waa “doctors’ shops," while *20 per cent of those
the men in this line were all known, it was always tbe favorite jewel of tbe Emprem from storm and fl j>er cent of those from
usually eaay to
th*-m afu-r a robbery. Eugenie, and that aiLled something to its regular druggists exceeded the margin of
They are all new mm at It now, and the po­ ■ 'unlucky' reputation; but,on the contrary, it error.—Chicago News.
lice are at a hiea which way to turn to cap­ ! is the favorite of Queen Victoria, which
ture them. —New York Tribune.
How Tngboatmen Sleep.
should liave weight with the «upmtitioua
i Colored stones of aM klmia are coming more
The question has often lieen asknl. “When
New Work For Mw.Of.r Boy^
I ami more into favor, though nothing ever do tuglsMlmen sleepl” In point of fact, so
I met a meraengcr boy tho other <lay lug- ' has or ever will ap|>ri«en tbe diamond. Clus­ tar aa disrobing anil lying down In tied,
Iflng a big eyed and very much aatotiUbed ters are generally pn-fernsl to «obtaine this nothing of that kind ever occurs to their ex-
beby, evidently not a family connection of seaxon."—Philmlelpbta Timm.
Iperience; but still they manage to obtain a
Ida, which, on questioning the boy, I leerned
full and, in fact, liberal allowance of slum­
he waa to deliver at a certain houiw. not far
ber. bn-auae they have trained themselves to
Rig Lump of CoaL
distant For him thl» waa all in the regular | A solid lump of coal, containing eighty- lie down at any time and in any sl>a|>o, whore
line of hla traalneaa, and he went about it in a ' «even cubic feet and weighing 6,361 pmimii, | the temperature la high enough, without any
■olenanly pracUcel way that waa quite ad­ was exhibited at the Texas state fair. It was ; ■ formality of divesting themselves of cloth­
mirable. I do not think lie loitered with thia tbe largest block of coal ever taken from a ing, ami at once dropping off to sleep for an
tíur'lm on hla líatela. Aa for the panel who ■nine in the Uni tel Ktatm—Chicago News. | hour or as much more as is ¡MWsible. In this
entruated the baby to this method of car-
way, It may be confidently asserted, twelve
rkage, be or abe muat bare a confldenco in
If you let trouble «it upon your eoul, like a out of each twenty-four hours of a tugb<«t-
the aecarity of the m—en g ar eervice that la i hen upon her nest, you may expect tbe man's life may be devoted to slumber if he so
nothing l«aa than beroia Yet I do no« doubt batching of a large brood.—Ctxal lioupekea»
thnt the bahy gut ihtrtMte-Saetea r«A I in*.
One square or less, one insertion.................. fl 00
One square, each subsequent insertion.... 50
Notices of appointment and linai settlement 5 00
Other legal advertisements. 75 cents for first
insertion and 40 cents per square for each sub­
sequent insertion.
Special business notices in business column*.
10 cents per line. Regular business notices, 5
cents per line.
f’rofeesional cards, $12 per year.
Special rates for large display “ads.”
Modern needles first came into use in IMS.
Harvard distributed $53,000 to indigent
students last year.
Iu the time of King Edward II tho price of
the Bible in Englund waa £37.
Electric lights are now being used by sub­
marine divers with great effect.
A phrenologist has been making money of
late in Washington examining the bumps on
senatorial heads.
Most of the Ixmdon churches have offered
up prayers for the recovery of the crown
prince of Germany.
Volapuk is publicly taught in France, Ger­
many, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Portugal,
Austria, Russia, and Denmark.
The Grand Army has increased from
00,in 1880 to 873,074 in 1887. Tho gain iu
the past year and a quarter was 40,157.
An immense hunting expedition is about
to start for Masailand, the ground of Rider
Haggard’s last novel, “Allan Quatermain.”
The hospital Saturday fund in London
amounts to $50,000 this year. Collections
are made every Saturday in workshops and
Several German firms have given notice to
bouses in Bradford, where there are many
Germans, that they will adopt Volapuk in
corresponding with English manufacturers.
Tbe London Times says that a few weeks
ago some excavations at Pompeii brought to
light a set of surgical instruments, many of
which resemble instruments in use at the
present day.
John Edman, an Ohio man, proposes to
start a doily nowspa per in tbe Finnish lan­
guage at Ishpeming, Mich., Jan. 1. It will
be the only daily in that language published
i»the United States.
A Maine man as an experiment clipped the
fleece from a j>et Newfoui Jland dog and had
it carded and spun into yarn. It yielded four
skeins of jet black yarn, weighing two and
one-quarter ¡K)unds, and WkS as soft as wool.
A solid lump of coal, containing eighty­
seven cubic feet and weighing 0,851 pounds,
was exhibited at the Texas state fair recent­
ly held at Dalias. It was the largest block
of coal ever taken from u mine in the United
It is said that the most acceptable of all
holiday presents to a lady from her husband
oi* brother, or any friend who has a right to
give it, is a long, narrow strip of tinted
;>a|)er on which is written: “Pay to the order
$—, —c.”
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis, an American couple,
have been traveling for four months through
Europo on a tandem cycle. Their joint ex­
penses by this mode of traveling have been
limited to twenty-six shillings a day, Bight-
seeing fees included.
Mr. Jesse Haworth, of Bowdon, Cheshire,
has presented to the British museum the
throne chair of Queen liatasu, of tho eigh­
teenth Egyptian dynasty, B. C. 1000. This
Is the oldest piece of furniture in the world,
the date of which is known.
An example of economy was that of Ignats
Freund in his Detroit store, who lighted the
gas jots one after another with a single
match until it burned his fingers, and then
dropped it into a pilo of cotton, the result of
which was a general panic and a damage of
In France 181,734,827 francs are expended
on public instruction, and 12,930,055 on the
fine arts. There is an elementary school for
»very 472 inhabitants, and a primary attend­
ance of 8,888,0<8G. Of the entire appropriation
this year 81,400,000 francs were set down for
primary education.
Recently a consignment of 18,870 boxes of
raisins from Fresno, Cal., were shipped via
the Hunset route to New York. The weight
of tho consignment was 417,000 pounds, and
it occupied a special train of twenty cars. It
was the largest single shipment of freight
ever made from California, and regular rates
were paid.
A Philadelphia merchant says that, in
opening the mail in the morning, he always
reserves for tho last those letters which have
“The Honorable” prefixed to tho address.
His experience has beeu that in nine cases
out of ton they are written by j)ersons who
ask some favor, and make use of the prefix
in a mild attempt at flattery.
In Buenos Ayres there is a bank which has
a paid up capital of $57,000,000, deposits of
$35,000,000, and a line of discounts amount­
ing to $00,000,000. The Argentine Republic
imports $.50,000,000 worth of goods, and of
this sum the United States gets only $5,000,-
900. The country is already a powerful com-
[>etitor in the market of the world for dressed
beef and wheat
A Chicago clergyman, in a recent sermon
on the vice of great cities, gave a severe rap
at certain eminent divines who have been in
the habit of visiting the slums to obtain
ocular evidence of their iniquity. “I have
not personally visited the vile places of the
city for the purpose of afterward preaching
about them,” said he; “that is loo thin.”
AViiereujion tbe congregation audimy smiled.
Judications now point to tbe existence of a
nib-marine volcanic crater between the
Canary Isbuids and tlie coast of Portugal.
From a cable laying steamer in 39 degs. 25
mins, north, Vdegs. 54 mins, west, the water
was found to measure 1,300 fathoms under
the l>ow and 800 under tho stern, showing the
«hip to be over the edge of a «loop depression
in the ocean bottom. The well known great
inequalities in the bed of the Hea of Lisbon
are thought to be due to a submarine chain
of mountains.
The serials in Harperto for 1888 are to be by
William Black and W. D. Howells.
Mr. Chamberlain, it to said, will write a
book on his American trip when be returns
to England.
Mrs. Frank Leslie intends to arrange for
the publication of a Hpanish-American news­
paper in the City of Mexico.
In Robert Louis Rtevenson’a “Chapter on
Dreams,” in Hcribner’s for January be will
tell of some of the phantoye which disturbed
his boyhood and gave ;?^^itho lient which
has made him a writer o^^mancca.
Bister Frances M. Clare, better known as
tbe Nun of Kenmare, bus written and Bel­
ford, Clarke & Co. liave published a little
work with the title “Anti-Poverty and Pro­
gress.” It to In the nature of a reply to the
land theories of Henry George, with s|»ecial
reference to the case of Dr. McGlynn.
Swinburne, who contributes tn the Mhcn-
mum a rather enigmatic little po»m heodeii
“May, 1R8&,” will have in the Niuuto* uV
Century for January an article call's I ‘£e>-
throning Tennyson.” It seta fi rth that he
has been intrusted with the
at a Indy
languishing ia Ilan well aeylum who de vote« t
many years to proving that Tennyson’s
poems weiw written by Darwin.
Mme Limousin will shorth giro to tbe
world a velum»» in which «ri>»’ will put all her
enemi«-« in the pUh ry. The be k will be
called by ita ambitious authorr ’'(^efi < bati-
ments, ‘ unless tho helm c f Vi tor Unto
eixx». to nbjsct to sncli a prof I alMm, Mxl
will no duobt prors to tutnr» chroniclers '1
historian* s curious if not \ aluable <
docuiD-nt" oowsruing man aad ■ mhusm u »
dsr Ua third repoLUu.