HE TELEPHONE. THE TELEPHONE. DJÍMOCIIATIC PUBL1KHKD VERY FRIDAY KATES OF ADVERTISING. MORNING. PUBLICATION OFFICE: Door North of cor sr Third and E Sts, M c M innville , or . SUBSCRIPTION RATES: (IN ADVANCE.) r year ....... men t lis ■ ■ • tee months. i WOMAN AND HOME. » co 1 ou so WEST SIDE TELEPHONE. VOL. II. MCMINNVILLE, OREGON, FEBRUARY 17, 1888 egotism, and satisfaction. She Is pleased with life and with herself. She loves deeply, to headquarters, and the contents utilized for and demands as much as she gives. She ex­ charitable purposes. It would require, of pects to be told every day that she is the most course, a great respect for one’s word to keep MISSIONARY FIELD TO WHICH adorable woman on earth, and she is sure to the pledge, since many pennies collected in convince a man of the fact. It nevor enters the box w uld stamp one as ill natured or a OUR GIRLS WERE BORN. her happy head that another woman could gossip, but this mortification was probably lie as charming as herself, or that she could prevented by having all of the boxes exactly Make Match Scratchers—Hanging Pict- be displaced iu the affections of any man she alike and without mark, so that they could res—Women Who Are Not Jealous, loves. She is a woman who has been accus­ not be identified. The mere matter of being obliged to put a penny in the box when other and Child—To Select a Wife, tomed to love and admiration all her life, aud she knows how to keep her lover inter­ thoughtless remarks were made would be cu­ ho Tongue—Hints and Helps. ested and amused. She is sure that he finds rative, because of its inducing the habit of thinking when speaking. Vhile a great many of our young girls, other women dull in comparison with herself, ving finished their nominal school studies, aud she lends him freely to her friends, cer­ Care of tlie Hair. restless and uneasy, half longing for a tain that he will return gladly to her. The Young girls of the present day completely vel field of labor, for an opportunity to do majority of the women who lead a monoto­ ething that shall help the world along, nous existence live in their imaginations and destroy their hair by crimping it with irons ami twisting it up tightly with thick, hard w missionary field or absolute errand of grow morbidly sensitive.—Ella Wheeler hairpins. This treatment may make the »ir own in life, they are in some danger of W ilcox. hair look pretty for the time being, but no rgetting that a field for their usefulness thought is given as to the ultimate result A Mother’s Devotion. directly within their own gates—a niis- All the way through a man’s life, be it con­ and the appearance it will present a few nary field to which they were born, and years hence. The hair should be well brushed hose neglect will injure far more than any sumed like a beautiful fabric in unholy pas­ every night and morning with a moderately ort they can make in other directions—un- sion or held aloft like St. George’s banner hard brush—brushes made with short, un­ ss very sui>erlatively gifted for work in unde fl led in the battle of life, his mother bleached bristles are the best—and on retir­ ose directions—can help the world. This stands by him, and yearns over him, and ing to rest the hair should be drawn back Id of which we speak lies in their own prays for him to the last. If he is successful, lightly over the ears, plaited in one long mes, and is never so well cultivated as iu ihe is proud; if he is often cast down, she is plait, and allowed to bang down the back; it e season of cold weather and bright fires, pitiful; if he is wicked, she excuses him; if he should not be fastened up with hair pins, nor ng evenings and bright lamps; and in homes dies young, her hopes are buried in his grave, should any cap or covering be worn on the here there is a father, an uucle, maybe, and and she never ceases to dream of what her head. This method makes the hair bright I rtainly some brothers,’Dur young girl is the darling might have been. Others may love and glossy, without the aid of oils or pomades, him well, but their love never discounts hers. iestess of the mission she desires. which are best avoided. The fewer hair pins The girls of a family liave it in their power Others may be proud of him, but she always and ties used in dressing the hair the better; t all times to do a great deal of work in be­ sits in the front row with those who applaud, and twisted hair pins are injurious. It is not lt of the male members of the household, and catches the splendor of his achievements well to continue the same style of dressing r of their acquaintances, who are out in the before it is more to other eyes than a light the hair for too long a perion, as that is apt ugh and tumble, and among all thetempta- reflected from afar, or the noise of wings to make it thin in some places; a little change I ons of the open world; but the winter that tarr y iu their coming. She anticipates is a relief to the head and otherwise advis­ eather affords them ampler opportunity his triumphs and antedates his victories. able. Cutting the hair occasionally is neces­ an all the out door days of boating and There is an “I told you so” in her proud eyes sary, and should not be neglected.—New ooting and lawn tennis and picnicking do, long before men hand in the verdict of his Orleans Times-Deiaocrat. or it brings about a closer and more con- greatness, and all his achievements are but nt contact, a much fuller vision of flue the prophecies of her lo dng dreams. Sun Flower Remedy. And when she dies, when the fluttering ualities, and a much more effective ground The seed of the common sun flower is the breath has expended itself in the last kiss, for their exercise. best remedy for whooping cough that I have Young girls, then, who understand this when the soft old hands have loosened their ever known. Brown the seeds slightly, like ill soon find that they have all they want clasp, never before removed since liis helpless coffee, then grind and steep ; when sufficiently to do, if they will undertake to make their baby days, when the patient, yearning eyes steeped drain clear of the dregs and sweeten (homes so thoroughly delightful that not only have withdrawn their gaze to look their first with rock candy or lump sugar. Let the other youths will come to see them there, on God, what loss can overtake a man’s life little ones drink freely of it at intervals but their owu brothers will contentedly and like this? The dove that brooded above the throughout the day, and especially before re­ proudly prefer to stay therein.—Harper’s household nest and kept every nurseling in tiring at night. In all ordinary cases, where tjie shadow of her wings, has winged her Bazar. flight to heaven. The everlasting love that children are properly cared for and kept in no unfaith, nor sin, nor ingratitude could in bad weather, no other medicine will be re­ To Make Match Scratchers. quired. It also lias a very loosening effect on | Japanese figures are always ornamental— chill or destroy, has vanished like the sun a h^rd, tight cough, and thus it seems that one way is to make match scratchers out of from out the sky, leaving only a few faint even the despised sun flower is good for I them. Cut out card bourd the shape of a stars and a wan and chilly moon to fill its something. To any who are inclined to be | full dressed Japanese figure; paint the face place.—“Amber” in Chicago JournaL skeptical I would say, please try it before I and hands and the everlastingly accompany- you condemn. I consider it so excellent a Boys Doing Housework. ling fan; then paint bright strips and orna- remedy that last summer I devoted a con­ In the training of children, a subject upon siderable portion of my summer garden to I ments along the edges of the gown, leaving the whole of one uuornamentod side to be which I have been asked by many to write, I the raising of sun flowers that I might gather coated with thick gl le or varnish, over which cannot suggest anything better than that the seeds for medical purposes.—“Mrs. J. J. sprinkle white sand. If the face, hands, fan mothers should teach their children to be C.” in Detroit Free Press. aud ornaments are all allowed to dry thor- useful, and begin the lessons early—from the i oughly the figure, which has just been coated first step out of babyhood. Parents would A Boy’s Early Training. all over the plain places with varnish or glue, more readily accept this suggestion if they I believe that from the outset of a child’s can be laid face downward in a box of sand, would give it an honest examination. Un­ career the appeal should be constantly made so that it will adhere more evenly to the sur­ fortunately, except among the poor, whose to his manhood. It may be true that wo in­ poverty compels them to practice it, this is a herit a large heredity of the brutal sort; but face. Talking of match scratchers, I have made doctrine that receives of late but little atten­ there is also in every one, or in most, a large a number of original ones out of ¿and paper. tion, and is in great danger of becoming ob­ heredity of the noble and good. All the They save the wall and are quite ornamental. solete. Mothers—who must be chiefly re­ progress of the ages has not gone for nothing. One of the simplest is a sheet of the sand pa­ sponsible—scout at the idea. The excuse is It is in our blood. It can be felt as instinct. ! per painted to represent an old mill with a advanced that usefulness with girls is possi­ It can be appealed to and used as a fulcrum storm coming up over far away hills. In ble, but that to teach boys to be of service is to move the boy to generous deeds. I do painting these use an old worthless bristle an absurd and hopeless task. It is said that not believe in appeals to a boy’s avarice and brush, as the grit of the hard sand soon boys are troublesome, restless and awkward, greed, whether it be in tho way of apple tarts Years it out. I use either oil or water colors, and more given over to mischief and play or paradise. Nor do I believe in appeals to preferring the former well weakened with than work. We are asked: “Would you his fear, whether in the way of rawhides or turpentine to make it flow easily. Another have us teach boys, as they grow older, to eternal bonfires. But from the beginning, design is a desert scene, with camels drinking run on errands, up stairs and down, at the and continuously, let us call out the noble from a stone trough under a group of palms. risk of overturning everything with which and make the mean a source of mortification. Away in the distance the pyramids are seen, they come in contact? Would you try to Our young men at 16 would then go out of giving it a truly Egyptian appearance. The teach them how to dust a room, to help set tho family with courago of convictions, and water trough is a box fastened to one-half the table, etc. ?” an abhorrence for selfishness.—M. Maurice, Certainly I Why not? Is any mother will­ M. D., in Globe-Democrat. the bottom of the sheet of sand paper and the camels’ heads reach down into it, apparently. ing to believe that she cannot teach to boys Another design is of a girl carrying an um­ what can be taught to girls? Surely, each The American Girl. brella—painted—with half a market basket one, boy or girl, can be very early taught to The American girl is not an ideal daugh­ useful, and can l>e so gently and skillfully be In relief, this is to hold the matches. There ter. As a rule, she is something of a tyrant is a street scene with a corner aud lamp post, guided that they will find it all “as good as in her home, and is inclined to rebuke her and the more one scratches the sand paper play” to be able to help their mother and parents if they displease her in any way. the more the picture looks as if the rain were others, indoors and out, and with such teach­ She has been reared to regard herself of fore­ really coming down, for every time a match ing they learn to help themselves.—Mrs. most importance, and she expects everybody is lighted it leaves a long Btreak across the Henry Ward Beecher. and everything to conform to her wishes. picture. Once taught respect to her elders, she be­ Dramatic Career of Women. A design of a fat old lady selling melons in comes the most devoted of daughters. market is a cute one. In front of her is a Many young ladies ask my advice concern­ At a seaside resort, last summer, a young half of a big basket—like a round bushel ing a dramatic career for themselves. The lady who was deemed one of the tielies was basket—while all around her lie big green play is a great factor in the amusement lov­ constantly scolding her doting mother for and yellow melons and pumpkins. Over her ing world. We must be entertained, and the most trivial things, as we have beard a head is painted a big umbrella, and no mat­ time flies, young actors grow old, old ones cross nurse scold a refractory child. Had she ter how many matches are lighted across her die, and the ranks needs must be fillod. It is heard the comments of disgusted listeners smiling, fat visage, she never seems one bit a worthy profession, when worthy natures she might have been surprised at the estima­ afraid of gettii-g wet. The basket holds the adorn it. But it is a hard life at its easiest tion in which her belleship was held.—Ella matches, of course.—Eva Best in Detroit and best. In a dramatic career more than Wheeler Wilcox. any other a woman should feel the impelling Free Press. force of great talent or the extreme com­ SeMonAd Stove Wood. About Picture Hanging. mand of necessity before she enters upon it. Green wood is easier chopped than dry Most people who are fortunate enough to As a rule it calls for the sacrifice of all wood. But the forehanded man will chop tie the possessors of oil paintings know that domestic comfort, the outlay of every particle the green wood while it is green and have it they should never be hung in a strong light, of brain and body power, and demands un­ seasoned afterward. Stove wrxxl seasons for if so hung they soou take on a faded, remitting drudgery for years before the re­ rapidly when it is in a dry, airy place. washed out appearance; but perliaps these wards are obtained. After the rewards do Though the wood must be burned as cut, it is Bame people do not know that chivmos suffer come the labor of study and rehearsal and tho more economical to chooee the dry wood. in the same way if exposed for any length of constant appearances taxes all the vitality of The extra labor required for its cutting will time in a strong light. The word chromo a strong woman and allows no time for home be more than well paid for by the greater has an uninviting sound, being associated life. The pretty young girl who dreams only heat from ita combustion, not to si>eak of the with the advertising card; yet there are many of glory and riches needs to weigh all these time lost in getting green wood to burn.— very fine chromos that even the most artistic considerations calmly before she ventures Chicago Times, _________ would not be ashamed to hang up in their upon this most arduous and uncertain of To Build * Home. homes. The art of chromo making has careel's. The true disposal of the latter third of the reached so near perfection in the last few So many and great are the obstacles in the years that many of the finer grades ol, way of success in literature or on the stage, I day is to devote it to the family for recrea­ chromos are much more preferable to the in­ can but wonder at the persistency of girls tion and sports. I know scores of men who ferior grades of oil paintings. and women who, without ability or reason, follow intellectual pursuits who never have a Very often in pictures such as lithographs, stand before the locket 1 doors of these pro­ family hour. They are the most unsocial of steel engravings or any of those that have fessions and beg their older sisters who have all creatures anil least domestic. But then glass over their faces, dust is observed be­ found an entrance for themsel ves to let them men rarely accomplish anything worth the tween the glass and picture, making an ugly in.—Ella Wheeler Wilcox in New York sacrifice. A man who fails to build a home is a failure. A man whisie children dread mark on tlie face or margin of the paper. World. _______ _ him is a monstrous animal, even it he know This is caused by the back of the picture not How to Select a Wife, how to discuss theology or metaphysics.—M. being covered properly, and owing to a knot In the first place, see the girl you intend to Maurice, M. D. _________ hole in the boards or the crevices between the boards the dust works its way in. As “an honor as early in the morning as possible, To prevent salt from congealing and sift­ ounce of prevention is worth a pound of and note whether she is fresh and tidy or ing from the cellars, you can use a little corn cure,” it is well to see, before the picture is limp and frowsy. Watch how she treats her pete—her dog, starch with the salt—a xaltspoonful of corn put in place, that the back is covered prop­ The starch to about two salt cellars of salt. — erly. Get some smooth wrapping paper, or her canary, her little sisters. Discover what she eate and drinks, and starch absorbs the dampness, and the Mit lacking that, newspaper, and some jjaste, gum arabic or thin liquid glue. Cut the make yourself certain whether she bathe, or sifts more easily._____ paper large enough to cover the whole back uses perfumery. A pretty addition to a closetless room can Remember if she makes a habit of walking be made by putting up two pieces of scant­ of the picture and extend to within an inch or less (according to the size of the picture, or driving. * ling in a coavenient corner, fastening in uene Inform yourself whether she dotes upon hanging pegs, and draping it with a pretty as a small picture will not require as much margin as a largo one) of the outside edge on Owen Meredith and Henry James, or reads hanging of chintz or Madras qjoth. the back of the frame all around. Paste it Longfellow and Fenimore Cooper. Go to church with her and see if she pares firmly all around the edges, and there will To set the color in black or dark hosiery, be no dust on the inside of that picture while more for the preacher than for ths Gospel oaliones, cambrics, etc., put a large table- Make a sly study of her anatomy when you spoonful of black pepper into a pail of wa­ the paper remains whole.—Boston Budget, get a chance. Walk her up Murray hill as ter, and let the articles lie in soak for a as fast as you can. and danne by means of home boxes, and ' A clothespin apron should bar. a placs in aoU/ happy creature, lull of self ooriddeuca, at the «id of three months they were carried •very laundry. HYGIENE OF BEAUTY. PRESCRIPTIONS FOR MAKING FEMI­ NINE LOVELINESS PERENNIAL. Keeping the Skin In Good Condition—Vir­ tues of the Bath—Black Pimples on the Nose—The Food. Causes of Bad Skin. Next to regularity of features, human beauty largely consists in a flue complexion, to havo which it is necessary that the skin should bo kept in good condition. According to Ovid, paleHotis was essential to female beauty in old Rome. Modern theorists of beauty prefer color in the face, which is cer­ tainly suggestive of health. To keep the skin in good order, cleanliness is the first requisite. Between the Russian peasant, who never bathes, and the neat American, who bathes every day, there are many gradations, such as the Englishman who bathes often, the Frenchman, not of the highest classes, who bathes occasionally, and the people of other European nations with whom the practice is intermittent. In this connection it may not seem impertinent to quote from a work on the hygiene of beauty, published quite re­ cently in Paris. Therein we read, after vari­ ous directions for washing the face at least twice a day, the following remarkable ad­ vice, which is translated literally: Every week, or at least every fifteen days, hygiene presents a general bath for cleansing the person—a bath of tepid water from 28 to 32 degs. centigrade. The bath universally recognized by legislators is indespensable as a means to health. “I would abandon medi­ cine,” wrote Percy very justly, “if I were in­ terdicted in use of the bath.” A bath once iu fifteen days would hardly satisfy the conscience of a neat American nor prove perfectly agreeable to his associates. No American ever thinks of bathing without soap. The French often do so, because only a small minority of the people are able to have a bath tub at home, and at the public baths soap is an extra charge. Tho soap used in bathing should not bo too alkaline, though, sinco tho skin of the body is soon after supplied with an oily fluid by means of the pores, this is a question of less import­ ance. If something should bo added to the bath to make it more efficient the question is, what shall it be? In this matter the ex­ perience of tho French will I ms found valu­ able. If tho skiu is inclined to eruptions an addition of sulphur or the use of sulphur soap will bo found efficacious. Baths of bran, starch and gelatine soften and cleanse tho skin. Cold water baths are not generally to bo recommended unless attended with the free use of soap and a lively friction. Bran or starch added to warm baths in­ creases the unctuousness of the skin, which delays tho formation of wrinkles. Gelatine has a similar effect. Baths with aromatic plants, cologne water, benzoin, essences of thyme or Wintergreen, or borate of soda, all have tho effect of checking excessive or offen­ sive secretions of the skin. Friction with oil after the bath was the custom among Greeks and Romans, and is still throughout the civil­ ized world greatly in favor. The Empress Pop- paea used baths of milk. Blanche d’Antigny, a noted contemporary demimondane of Paris, baths of champagne. In regard “te the celebrated baths of Mine. Tallien, we are left in uncertainty as to how often she indulged in the luxury. It was probably only on social occasions of importance. Its cost could not have been great when strawberries and rasp­ berries cost no more than three or four cents a pound at Paris. Batlis like these, though luxurious, have only a secondaiy hygiene importance, and aro not likely often to be imitated. The black pimples of the no6e are not al­ ways due, as is supposed, to a small and very curious worm to which scientists have given the name of demodex folliculorum, though this is found frequently in the skin of man and of animals. There are in the skin little glands, the office of some of which is to se­ crete perspiration, and of others the fatty sebaceous fluid which is intended by nature to keep the outer coating soft and pliable. These communicate with tho surface by mi­ nute pores invisible to the naked eye. These openings sometimes become obstructed, when there follow several forms of skin disease. The most simplo form of malady, which is caused by an excessive secretion of the seba­ ceous fluid, which becomes hard and black, is called by tho physicians acne simplex. When the complaint is more serious it is caused by the congestion or inflammation of the atro­ phy or hypertrophy of the sebaceous glands. Then the black pointe increase in size, espe­ cially if the skin is not kept clean, and there are larger pimples on the skin which suppur­ ate. Pressing one of these pimples, there emerges a long, black, cylindrical object which resembles a worm, but which is mere­ ly fatty matter hardened and mixed with dust. If the most fluid ¡»art is dissolved in a drop of olive oil or other the worms are some­ times found, with the aid of a microscope, floating in it. The causes of a bad skin are bad digestion, boil blood and generally a want of neatness. Even if the blood is not in perfect condition, if the skin is kept clean, pimples may in most cases l»e avoided, which is not saying that the blood should not be kept pure by all possible means. To this end ths diet must be regulated and the digestion kept good. In this regard the French are exceedingly rea­ sonable. They drink red wine, which is an excellent corrective, and they rarely drink it to excess. They are discreet in their use of acids, alcohol, rich syrups, smoked meats, lobsters and oysters. They eat little buck­ wheat, fruit or meat pies, sausage«, spices, or other fatty substances. As a general thing, whatever may be said of the infrequency with which they bathe the body, they keep the face clean and have good complexions, as a rule. Preparations which French women use for the face are numerous and can easily be found. They do not wash the face too often with alkaline toaps, but clean it with bean flour, meal or bran, applied with tepid water and a piece of flue linen. Creams are often used. The frequent drinking of milk is recommended as keeping the stomach, liver and kidneys in order, and so indirectly aiding digestion. There is reason to believe that the ski4*pf the face can be kept free from pimples by very simple means. To this end the body should be kept clean on aircount of the sym­ pathy between the skin of the chest and that of tiw, fare. Tbs face should 1« washed sev- eral timm a day, whether with warm or cold water does not matter mush, if immediately afterward it is tiatbed with cologne, which should not be wiped off, but left to evapo­ rate. Persons who use cologne freely can safely make It of spirit of wine or deodor­ ized alcohol, perfumed with a few drops of attar of roses or other essential oil. F« tho fa/w and hands the use of brandy or corn whisky will lie found beneficial. Then be- for« retiring something in the form of a cosmetic should be applied which is not too quickly «»»sorbed by the jiotwi of the «kin. Cold creams are good, but they are absorbed almost iinmediatx ly. There is nothing so good for tliis M »>de cam­ phor ice. one wffich has wax, glycerine, cam­ phor, and periia;« »«me pure form of grease compounded in proper proportiona lb« wax kee|« th« other elements from being ab­ sorbed too quickly.—Ban Francisco ('bron- YESTERDAY AND TODAY. The Accident of Fortuue—-The Seconi Generation—Young Nobod les. In these days when so many men who were born in the gutter die in a palace, when the accident of fortune, rather than that of birth, determines a man’s social status, it becomes young men and maidens to study and thor­ oughly comprehend the essentials which go to make up g» ‘men and ladies. No one can say that in this free country he has no chance. There is chance for every one to become what every one seems to think the noblest, highest, most to be desired condi­ tion—very rich—but there is also chance for every one to become a man in its brightest sense, a gentleman according to the type rec­ ognized by intelligence, virtue, honor, self abnegation. Imitations, whether in jewelry, fabric or manhood, are readily recognized. There is a superficiality of polish, a gaudy stickiness of varnish, an unpleasant prominence of trait about imitations which fortunately the solid, genuine material does not need. As in a museum one can find gathered by the hand of enterprise curiosities from all portions of the globe, so in a city may be found, drawn by a common magnet of ambition, all the odd de­ velopments of human nature, and one of the strangest features of metropolitan experience is the extraordinary growths which are aj>- parent in the second generation, extraordin­ ary growths iu directions utterly foreign to any seed supposed to exist in the ¡latent stock. The boatman of yesterday produces tho dude of today. The corner groceryman of twenty years ago effloresces into the Fitz- noodle of this year. The practical butcher of the past is transformed into the manikin of the present. The honest, painstaking, in­ dustrious self denyer, who for forty years put head and heart and hand at severest veil in order that his pocket might bo filled, pro­ duces in the second generation an empty headed, idle handed, sL rW^led hearted spend­ thrift, of no use to him^eJt or any of his fel­ low creatures. If you let the namby pamby German danc­ ers of the day, the flippant waltzers of the period, the sippers of absinthe and the guild­ ers of brandy ami soda, the pallid faced, weak eyed, bifurcated bearded, overdressed fops answer, they will drawl out that they, in their many colored gaudiments of apparel, are the true gentry, and will blush to tell you how the money they so recklessly waste ami prodigally squander was made and saved by their brawny ancestors. It is difficult to speak of the alleged “ladies” whose names appear in our society columns day after day, the same sickening list of flatulent nobodies, because one hesitates to pillory non-combat­ ants. —Joe Howard in Boston Globe. NO. 43 AT CHICKAMAUGA* A BIT OF EXPERIENCE WHICH TWO MEN WILL REMEMBER. What Happened to a Federal Artillery man—Making Friends with a Wounded Confederate —- Robbed by Ghouls — A Close Call—In the Swamp. Miles P. Cook, of Flint, Mich., went to the frout during the rebellion iu the Twentieth Ohio Battery, and had an experience) at the battle of Chickamauga which he will ever remember. He says: “On the first day of the fight our battery was charged time after time, but we repulsed the Confederates each time until about mid­ afternoon. A raw regiment was thou brought up to act as support for the battery, and at the very first charge they tied in wild disor­ der. We were left stark alone on o|>en ground, and though we gave them double charges of canister the Confederate lines swept right up to our guns and over us. I was shot iu the arm and leg, and was left ly­ ing on the ground with scores of others when the guns were drawn off. “As soon os I could look around me I fouud that the man on my right, who was wounded in the hand, shoulder and thigh, was a Confederate. He was a member of the Nip th Alabama infantry—one of the charg­ ing regiments—aud his nanje was A. R. Car­ ter. There were other Federal and Confed­ erate wounded around us, and the ground was covered with dead men and horses. I dressed Carter’s wounds and he dressed mino, and with the roar of battle around us we be­ came the best of friends. None of the wounded were removed that Slight, and early next day the ghouls began to appear. I saw a numbor of Confederates robbing the dead and wounded, and by and by a member of Hood’s Texan rangers approached us. I had on a pair of new boots of fancy make, and as he came up he ordered me to pull them off. I replied that I was wounded und could not do it. He remarked that ho would have them off in a jiffy, and he seized my foot and drew the boot off in a rough manner. The other leg was the wounded one, aud as he grabbed my foot I cried out with the paiu. I was theu bracod up against a bank of earth in a sitting position, and the wound had be­ come very i>aiiiful. Carter reproved the ranger for his want of feeling, and with an oath he dropped my foot and picked up a musket with a bayonet attached. One square or less, one insertion................ *1 00 One square, each subsequent insertion^.. 50 Notices of appointment and final settlement. 5 00 Other legal advertisements. 75 cents for first insertion and 40 cents per square for each sub­ sequent insertion. Special business notices in business columns. 10 cents per line. Regular business notices, 5 cents per line. Professional cards, *12 per year. Special rates for large display “ads.” DAUGHTERS OF EVE. Sarah Orne Jewett has come into a snug little fortune by the recent death of on uncle Mr. and Mi's. Romero expect to entertaii largely this winter at the handsome nen Mexican legation in Washington, The late Mme. Boueicault’s property ii Paris is estimated to be worth *12,000,(MX). She left *2,000,000 for the founding of u hos pi tab Mrs. Frances Hodgson Burnett, who is is Florence, Italy, for the wiuter, has received *8,000 for her story “Sara Creme” from as English magazine. Dorothy Whitney, the naval secretary’i baby daughter, has attained the age of ten months and celebrated the oecasiou by cut­ ting her tenth tooth. Mme. Candelaria, of San Antonio, Tex , <« living in extreme poverty at the age of 100, She is the sole adult survivor of the famoui Fort Alamo massacre. Mrs. Cleveland has l>een doing a good deal of Christmas shopping of late. It is said that she has spent much time in examining side saddles and fishing tackle. Mrs. Scott Siddons, years ago, being wai'ued that she was losing her “stags figure,” discarded corsets and grew mori shapely from that day forward, so they say. Sarah Bernhardt sent her photograph to Mrs. Bernard-Beere, the English actress, in­ scribed with the words: “The Princest Fedora Bernhardt to Princess Fedora Ben uard.” Grace Matthews, daughter of Justice Stan* ley Mutthows, will sjiend the winter at Princeton, N. J., keeping house for her brother, who is preparing to enter the Pres­ byterian ministry, Margaret W. Leighton writes to The Swiss Cross that her favorite ;>et is a lovely little grass snake of a milky green color, which is so tame and cuto that she was accustomed to let it roam around the house at will, until an opbid iophobic member of the family began to object. • PLAYS AND ACTORS. “Natural Gas” is a big success iu San Fran­ cisco. Julia Marlowe will soon startout on a tour of the principal cities. Claru Morris bos decided to cease playing for three weeks, liegiuuing Dec. IV. It is reiiorted that Geraldine Ulmer will shortly become Mis. Sir Arthur Sullivan. Kato Forsyth, having returned east, will ▲ CLOSE CALL. “I believe ho meant to kill me, but ns be sail for Europe immediately after the holi­ days. thrust at me the bayonet passed through my Lester Wallack has rheumatism so badly right hip and entered the earth, piuning me fast. The merciless Ranger then picked up my that ho has given up tho idea of scarring this New Discoveries of Gold. foot, braced one of his feet against my body, season. New and extensive discoveries of gold con­ aud pulled off the boot. Everything turued Helen Bancroft intends to go abroad in th* tinue to be rejiorted from all sides. It is uow dark to me, although I did not lose conscious­ Bpring. She will rest for the remainder of certain that the nilues of Alaska are excei>- ness. He was going away with the boots tho season. tionally rich. In Australia, districts where under his arm when Carter reached over and Fanny Davenport will suspend her tour the existence of gold was unsuspected possessed himself of a revolver from a caval­ throughout tho palmy days of tho diggings ryman’s holster, and taking careful aim for four weeks before opening tho uew Broad­ have been found well supplied with the yel­ across my legs, he sent a bullet into the way theatre. Now York, Feb. 27, with Sar- . low metal. In the regions surrounding An- Ranger’s back and dropped him dead in his dou's “La Tosco.” Dion Boucicault and Theodore Moss are at gra Pequena, the recent German acquisition tracks. I expected we would both be mur­ on the southwest coast of Africa, gold fields dered for this, but the fellow’s own comrades loggerheads over a canceled date of the for­ of extraordinary richness have been discov­ came up and agreed that it served him right. me^ at the Star theatre, New York city. Mr. ered. The interior of southern Africa, in­ They raised mo up, cleaned the bayonet of all Boucicault will reorganize his coinjiaiiy and deed, seems likely to prove little short of one dirt, and then pulled it out as carefully as resume tho road Jan. 23. vast gold mine. Considerable quantities of possible. Modjeska will go to Polaud next season. “Just below us was a bit of swamp, and She may act there and iu Germany and the metal havo already been obtained in the Transvaal, and the large district lying be­ Carter, myself and several others managed Russia. She will be seen for one week in tween tho Limpopo and Zambesi rivers— to crawl down to it. There was a bed of •bis city before her de|>arturo, at the Opera Northern Bechuanaland—is believed to lie so soft, wet muck into which we burrowed bouse, iu March, in a Slmkuspeiireiui reper­ richly supplied that a milling company lias clear up to our chins, and we were there toire. been formed tor the puriiose of prospecting another twenty-four hours boforo the Fed­ Jennie Yeamans is a native of Sidney, N. erate camo to take us off the field. The mud it thoroughly from end to end. S. W.. anrtance Cal. She hail a few hundred dollars with the black garbed, tall silk hatted driver. But careless men, men with fine hands and her, which she invested iu southern Califor­ Here is a table full of deaths, mounted to white, ta|>oring fingers, men with big rings, nia lands, and in the I mmnh that followed she «how countless ways in which the grisly one men in a hurry and mon who like to wash sold out her property at a net gain of may assail us. Ono skeleton is mounted upon their hands often, won't wear gloves if they *125,000. Ono of tho cheapest and best modes of a wide noetriled, fiery eyed horse, which can help it Yet they recognize it as a sign destroying insects in pot plants is to invert very evidently would carry any rider to de­ manual of the mode. Iloecoe Conkling is rarely seen on the s' roet tho |>ot and dip the plants for a few seconds struction. Another is engaged in an inter­ esting controversy with a bull, which may without gloves, John W. Mackey and Bob In­ in water warmed to 130 clegs. A German gersoll rarely with them. The late Algernon paper, referring to this plan, says that ths well end in disaster. Another is mounted upon a corpulent, noxious looking alacran, R. Sullivan never left homo without covering azalea will stand 188 dogs, without injury. or scorpion, whose sting is so fatal in the his hanerially wheu they are in ;>erspi- doesn't woar gloves often. Portmnster Pear­ ration. They avoid bathing except during The English Soldier. Col. Clark, of the Heventh regiment, who son is fond of keeping Ins fingers well clothed. heavy rains, wheu they take advantage of has just returned from a three months’ leave Mme. de Barrii. im;s>rta her own gloves.— the opportunity for pur|X)ses of Ixxiily elean- New York Hun. liness. Their reasons for so doing are that | in England and tho continent, had his eyes on things military while across the water. requent ablutions debilitate the system and Frozen to Death. Soldiers are met so frequently over there as render it incapable of withstanding the local In the Randy Creek Valley, Dak., a fam­ climate and that very frequently baths are to impress him with the magnitude of the burden their support must entail. ily lived ton miles from the nearest neighbor. allowed by malarial fever or cutaneous The English soldier, he says, is a model in After one of tho winter storms had ceased, eruptions over the joints. appearance. He is strong and athletic, very the family not having bum heard from in six erect, with a most soldierly carriage. His weeks, two Indians undertook to reach the FURS FOR WINTER. uniform is clean, liandsome and well fitting, spot. and when seen off duty, with a natty little They found that tho cabin had been com­ Fur trimmed costumes are in favor. cap perched jauntily on the sido of his head, pletely covered in with snow. After consid­ Muffs aro larger and Itadger is a favorite cane in hand and well gloved, “he is in ap­ erable work they made an entrance. On tho pearance the most distinguished soldier in bed lay the wife, with a new-born l>abe at trimming fur. Bhu k lynx is a good fur to trim a long seal the world.” Distinctive uniforms add greatly her breast. By the b«l stood the husband, to the esprit de corps of the army, for every half reclining against th* post, as if in the act garment with. uniform has a history and acecord that is to of waiting upon his wife. In a trundle bed, Silver fox is a beautiful but very delicate be maintained. While he deems the English in the corner of the room, were two boys fur. It is always costly. volunteers a powerful adjunct for national and one girl, clinging closely together, as it The long srul Barque, 42 or 48 inches La | defense, he thinks their organization and trying to keep warm. length, never goes out of fashion. system in many respects inferior to our Na­ The scene was lifelike and realistic, but on Cross fox furs are very becoming, the tional guard.—New York Herald. touch they were all found to be dead—frozen stiff. Not one had survived to tell the story brown bars or crowdngs on the yellow having a fine effii t. Always an Englishman. of their sufferings. The new seal sacques and paletn.i are The «cattle stood around like statues outside, The charge that Maj. Haggerty and Tom O’Reilly are S<*otehmen because they were and as the snow was shoveled aside their beautifully curved iu the back seam to tit bom in Scotland led one of O'Reilly’s friends bodies were brought to view much as the over tho bustle. The prettiest fur border for a black plush , into a story yesterday. Once ufjon a time relics of Pompeii were rescued from their the Duke of Wellington, when accused of lieds of lava. This is but a sample of the wrap trimmed with fine cut jet is black fox, I being an Irishman, made a stiff denial of the terrible suffering endured in that region.— but it is not cheap. ; accusation. “But weren’t you born in Youth’s Companion. Rtoles and Nias of bear or wolverine fur, Ireland P asked his accuser. “I was,” re­ with muffs to match, an» affected by young plied his grace, “but if a man happened to A Titled Crowd. ladies who dress in English styles. He (at a Chicago restaurant) - There are a I be t)om in a stable, do you call him a horsel The seal set of boa aud muff is a very popo I am an Englishman!” cried tlie duke, number of prominent people present, Mrs. “wherever I was born.”—New York Hun. Wabash. There is an ex-governor and an ex- lar imrcbose for a Christinas gift, but u hat, turban, or bounet ought always to lie added. judge and an ex-president of a railroad The long seal wraps of this season are un­ There are 1,500 temples In Ch ina that were an ex-district attorney. •rwtad to the memory of Confutili*. In Hhe—Yes, and the gentleman talking to tho usually elegant, especially wheu trimmed, these edifloe* »2,000 pigs, rabbit*, door and •X-judge in an ex husband of nuns.—New os many are, with Russian sable, unplucktd utle., or the finest gnuies of lynx. •beep al » sacrifiosd annuali/. ___ York Hun. ~ ~ _■