rr r WEST SIDE TELEPHONE, »r j n n Hi IT 1'iflh dividend—5677 lbs of i house there appears to be a get era'.1 as dices«?, $709.63 gross proceeds, $56,* 'desire to make liberal appropria- i UU ’ tions fol ’ the erection of public , 77 gross expenses, $052.80 net pro* I The Official Democratic Paper. The eyes are always in sympathy with I buildings in all portions of the body, and afford an excellent Index cceds Publisher. Sixth dividend—5233 lbs of ! tho country. After an interesting of its comlition. When the eyes become M. L.HEA.TTL -, D n A.-.»m» Vnv n. K rat» CamllM. weak, and the lids iniiumed and sore, it cheese, “ 654.12 gross proceeds, $52.- i discussion the Lili giving the widow , is an evidence that tho system has '» ■ I... ■ ■ 1 -r 1 i j/ra....a W M IsriLi.i, I' iuiiay Feb 19, 1838. »■a.ttta;..l «> "“ ■ ... u.> 33 gross expenses, $601.79 net pro­ I of Gen. John. A. Logan a pension oi ! become disordered by Scrofula, for vari U- L. i * *v‘.‘, (fied th” swlit which Ayer's Sarsaparilla is tho best I $2,000 a year passed the senate ceeds. r iS'L..«‘kJ 1-ured IH. The Qualities Substantialy known remedy. IS STILL CRYING. ‘ ( ! ' ».mornr.ll.Oi.rl’l-»' Total—41378 lbs of cheese, $4479.- j by a vol ■ of .55 to 1, and the bill in-1 Scrofula, which produced a painful in­ I ereasin;; the pension of the widow < f new Fail flammation in my eyes, caused me much i The Reporter of.this city should 29 gross proceeds, $413,78 gross suffering for a number of years, lly the traded » dis Gen. Frank. 1'. l’lair to the same e.«pen tion, anti I am as well and strong as ever. We aro prepared to offer tlm very liighesr grades of texture to U ill Army ” pencil bill, which has e: aoy rotaia —Mrs. William Gage, Concord, N. II. • e rperlc.a.'tng tho Statement which only a ‘’natural cents. forded at th«’ price tjnd we confidently believe that on this point y “I am s iil iicd vltù been shaped so as to avoid the ob­ For a number of yoar3 I was troubled S. M. K nowlton , Proprietor. f « Uhi yr. “ .r» ’ f born fool” would make. It was tc with a humor in my eyes, and was unable without competition, we urge a critical examination of these goodi, I 11.i can KO to jectionable features of the depen ­ F. IL W ino , Cheese-maker. to obtain any relief until I commenced su'-y f d «< t »P ftom ai« the effect that .Benedict Arnolift .,5 vif.ii« > t Kiiy kicon- Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. This medi­ Styles. I dent pensions bill, vetoed by the using yeti Ih-'' wKnuUt solitai*» cine lias effected a complete cure, and I •rime was no greater than Lamar’s They show for themselvo that they tire the latest and noblest. EVer, I ,:>;r F Wrx-h’.llt A»<-nu.’. Oica-ro, believe it to be tho best of blood puri­ president, has Leon unanimously vn. erd.ite <-r J: HS., m r.U J : ld»cul Lamar has undoubtedly buried tlu fiers.— C. E. Upton, Nashua, N. II. body wants Fashionable Clothing to keep abreast with tho mode/1 IljTiyiCiiy to tl. :.;«k von f« r '.i«c eure I approved by the senate committee From childhood, and until with a few (Freni Our Ii<‘g:ildr(’«ir:»s|>omlent.) hatchet, but as long as ink runs th« costs our patrons nothing to do so. I tixe'.*! Ä v.yiA’Ve.o casü < f h-».<4 JW.»i «n months, I have been afflicted with Weak on pensions, and there is every in­ lug about *'•»«» 8po. llisi.-.g ,'o.ir ami Sore Eyes. I have used for these Lidi« ine, I wrnt t > «n ilni? H< '2 bloody shirt will never be buried W ashington , Jan. 30, 1888. Our dication that it will pass both complaints, with beneficial results, rreca-ation ot : i ! j uwn, v.hich ho ta.d in the Reporter office. There is no Both branches of congress took a Houses. Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, and consider it a We aro determined not to be undersold and we aro equaly deteraij »■■.r.i.'irr. Iu«‘l s v 1 • • »<*« great blood purifier. — Mrs. C. Phillips, ard rrew vrorsc ah Iho time. At 1. t doubt if tho United States sennte lay off last week neither thesenat« ed that no such bargains shall be obtained elsewhere as wc offer, tbi, - < ■: ■ -1 "« « vure. 1 nn. a Glover, Vt. fr , .iw... Ijl'l Ibut ».rar l.u-a.c:«« « “J had been left to act on the nomina­ nor the bouse of represenatives were WHY I PREFER YAMIIILL I suffered for a year with infl.'imma- means low prices to all who come. cu:...t I. m. I -• m ’•“« ’ ;c dr',.-’- . m ! ....■*!r':’' 1 -i*“-. IÖ* tion in my left eye. %Jireo ulcers formed COUNTY TO ANY OTHER tion of Lamar without outside parti li session S itur I ty. Tais act was • ‘ Special attention is called to our new line of Furnishing Goods, Hats, on the ball, depriving me of sight, and r ,■ - im : 1 ‘ ml«’ • LnJt ' r - : . to J ■ •-■•’ ’ l-u'f ni IN THE UNION, causing great pain. After trying many Caps. Gloves, Trunks, Valises etc. etc. pressure, that nearly, if not quite not necessarily the result of laziness other reinedies^o no purpose, I was final­ you x1.’, ior Cke bcuetit dtriveu frcm your jDEi’ETsri? SO x « tdat ly induced to use Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. •all, of the republican senators h iwever, the real work of congress 11 Ur. J. N. Chenev, n prominent piiysk lon, February 10, 1888. would have voted for his confirma­ is done in the committee rooms you resitiluF In E la» iile, Scbley ' ouut.v. Gtorjia, By Taking Entire satisfaction always guaranteed. We are also agents for th In ul -.ter reuouutin? f- i'.n.' .oio suc«_.’.'.4 K d . T elephone :—By request I three bottles of this medicine I have been • tion. The confirmation was haileii know, and the congressional com­ BROWNSVILLE WOOLEN MILLS carrying a full lineoftheir ca.S'-s Li Ms cxteusB’ü j .co, entirely cured. My sight has been re­ “Ti-ose who kuow tho alnio-’t lneviu.o.o, by the republican press with u mittees are always at work, wlieth now proceed to give you that short stored, and there is no sign of inflamma­ Metis’ Youths’ and Boys’ Clothing, Blankets and Flannels, these goodi p.-r:. -ipfi.’.iy d;-.: t”cr,,us eNe is of u.ercurjr tion, sore, or ulcer in m.v eye.— Kendal vdil weivome y. «i.r doxovviy of »«. u. aß a are so well and so favorably known that further comment is useleu b ->< n to humunity. The nie at $3.00 a year, and is 1829 .... .........55 1861.... ......... 47 the subject and the position taken admitted to bo tho best paper devoted to science, ’ TO DALLES AND CASCADES, is that we can raise plenty of fine mechanics, inventions, engineering works, and 1830 .... ....70 1862.... ......... 57 by the“ tariff for revenue only” ele­ Leave Ash st. at 6 a. in., except Sun­ other departments of industrial progress, pub­ in any country. It contains the names of CVERLAiW TO CALIFORNIA 183! . .. ......... 75 1863.... ......... 70 ment of the democratic party, roused apples, pairs, plums, prunes and lished day. all patontoes and title of every i nvention patented week. Try it four months for one dollar. TO OREGON CITY, Dayton and Al 1832 .. . . . . .«N 186-1. ... ......... 75 all the pugnacity that exists in the all kinds of berries in abundance. each Sold by all newsdealers. VIA banv.—Str. leaves Periliml at 7 a. m. If you havo an invention to patent write to 1833 .. . . ....66 1865.... .........95 Munn A Co., publishers of Scientific American, Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays, for souls of the ll< publicans. From all Every year if we do not have them 361 Broadway, New York 1834 .... ....70 1866.... ........ 60 Handbook about patents mailed fro©. Dayton and way points. Returning leave Oregon & California R. 1835 .... .... 65 1867[... ........ 61 indications there is to be war to the it is our own fault and not the Dayton as 6 a. m., Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. For Albany and way 1836 .... ....70 1868.... .........43 knife between the two parties, and country. I wish there was some And Connections. points at 6 a. in.. Mondays and Thurs­ 1837 ... . ....70 1869.... ......... 40 each will gain every point it can be­ hungry Illinois, Missouri. Iowa, days. I*» turning, leave Albanv Wednes­ THE MT, SHASTA ROUTE. 1838 ... ....55 1870.... ......... 37 tween now and the nominating con­ Kansas or Nebraskaite in my cel­ days and Saturdays. TICKET OFFICE 1839 .... ....60 1871 ... ......... 46 FIRST ¿OAK STS. A. L. MAXWELL, lar nt this writing, I could sit by Timo between 50 ventions. 50 1872 • Gen. Dass. & Ticket A^ent. 1840 SHOE STORE. The republicans opened -preten ­ and enjoy myself to see him fill 52 1873 .41 1841 Portland and San Francisco, 1842.... ....48 1874.... ......... 40 tious headquarters here, and pay himself with big red apples, and 39 Hours. 'has revolutionized the world 1843 .... ....36 1875.... ......... 39 about $300 a month for their rooms. another reason is if a man is a lov­ during the last half century California Express trains run daily Not least among the wonders 1844 .... ....50 1876.... .........35 They took the house formelv occu­ er of stock, with a little industry of inventive progress is a method and sys­ BETWEEN PORTLAND and SJIN 1845 .... .........45 1877.... ......... 33 Douse. Sign, and Ornamental Painter tem of work that can be performed all over FRANCISCO. 1846 ... . ........ 40 1878.... ......... 31 pied by the Chinese legation, and and economy he can winter and the country without separating the workers LEAVE. ARRIVE. M çM IN N VILLE, OREGON. from their h.imes. Pay liberal: any one Poithmd 4:00 1’M. I San Fran’ 7:4 ATI. ......... 30 they have plastered its walls with take care of a great deal of stock, 1S47 ... . ........ 47 1879 can d > the work, cither sex. young or old; San Fran'6:30 P M. I Portland 10:10 A M 1848 ... . ........ 45 1880,... ------30 photographs and portraits of their without freezing his hands and toes no special ability required Capital not needed, you are . tarted free Cut this out Local I’a.Msenger Daily, Except Sunday. 1849 .... ........ 42 1881.... .........29 most noted leaders. The democrats and cars off. Building material is Graining, and return to us and we will semi you free LEAVE. 4RRIVE. 1850.... ........ 47 1882.... ........ 22 Paper Hanging and something of great value and im’portanee Portland.. 8:00 A. Ml Eugene... 2:40 P ?»I. are doing no less work, and the wires plenty and cheap, ami the farmers 50 1881 1851 . 25 Carriage Painting. l<» vou: that will start you in busines which Eugene . .9:00 A. M.lPorltand 3:15 1’ M. A. DIELSCHNEIDER. will bring von in more money right, away 1852 . .. . ........ 50 1884.... ........ 26 were long since laid which reach to can build barns, hay sheds, straw ^h;ip. anything else in the world Grund Pullman Buffet Sleepers. 60 1885 1853 . 27 the uttermost parts of tho United sheds and always have plenty to Prompt Attention to Orders from oiittlt free.. A.lilrc- s True A. f<> Auixv.stu Maine, EXCURSION SLEEPERS for second class 1854 .... ........ 57 1886.... ......... 32 States. fill them in the fall, so he can the Country. Passengers on nil terough trains FREE 1855 ... . ........ 52 1.887. . . . ......... 32 OF CHARGE It is understood now that the sen­ sleep comfortablo while the rain SI-.A WONDIins exist in tlionsni.flj* This country has had many tar­ ate district committee will report tlu* is patting gently on the roof, know­ O. & R. R. Ferry makes connection of forms, bat are stirpa«-»! by the The iff systems and the foregoing table bill for prohibition in this district. ing that his fine stock are doing marvels of invention. Those who with all the regular trains on the East Side Adniistraters Notice. Division from foot of F Street are in need of profitable work that can be shows the price of wool under all At first it was supposed that the well, and another reason is that Notice i~ lit ruby given that the undersign­ d<«i«e while living at home should at «nice —But Drop Into— ed has been, by the county court for Yain- •en«l their a.ldr. i to Hallett A Co . Port of them. bill would-be let to remain unact­ we do not have to dig a hole in the hil county, Oregon, appointed administra­ land. Maine,and receive free full informa­ Went Side Division. Previous to 1807 the tariff on ed upon, but owing to the recent agi­ ground as a resort from cyclones, tor of the estate of Norris W. Wilson, de­ tion how either sex. of all ages, can earn BETWEEN PORTLAND* CORVALLIS. All persons having claims against from $5 to C-i.'* pel- «lay and upwards where- Mail Train. wool had not been high, and wool tation it lias been deemed best to for which I believe most of the ceased said estate must present them to me, duly eyer they live Yon .-.re started free (DAILY EXCEPT Sl’NBAA‘8) etied, at the ollice of J E Magers, in ’ aidtal not required, home have made was sold for a very good price. give the senate an opportunity to act middle and western states are sub­ ve. M Minnville, Oregon, on or before six over $.’««« in a single day at this work. All .. . tlAVE- ARRIVE. Portland 7:30 A. M I Corvallis .12:25 P. M aueceed. ¡Since the high tariff of 1867 the on the question, although a major­ ject to, but when the long looked months from this date, Jan. 27, 1SS8. Corvallis 1:30 I’. M. I Port land 6:15 P.M. (Ji:o, W illis , Administrator. price of wool steadily decreased un­ ity of committee is adverse to such for showers come in the fall, we J. E M agers Att’y for said estate. 40:43 At Albany and Corvallis connect with IlEW ARDED are those who read trams of the Oregon Pacific R. R. Bakery and Grocery, til 1882, when a portion of the tar­ legislation. rather enjoy it. for wc go out and this ami then act; they will find Express Train Daily Except Sunday. iff was removed, since which time President Cleveland has now take off our hats and look in the honorable employment that will »» . ^EAVE- ARRIVE. and ­ 4 A0 P. M.IMeMinnvilh s :00P.M. not take them from their home and Port famil the price has been advancing. In I ; been in Washington nearly three direction it is coming, and are not WHEN Notice For Publication. ies The profits are large and sure for McMin villc,'>:|.->A.M.IPortlaml 9:00 A M K. KOEHLER. E, p. ROGERS every industrious person, mav have made 1887 the averago price per pound years, and during all that time, so afraid of being blown off and lodg­ L and O ffice at Oregon City. Or.. I ; and are now making several hundred dol­ Manager G. F. A Pass. Agt January, 21, 1888,1 Hungry and Thirsty. Crockery was 32 cents. A reduction of the far us is known, he has taken but ed up in the fork of some tree. One Notice is hereby given lars a month It is easy for anv one to that the following- ni ixe ?.« and lipwards per day. who is will- I wool tariff will surely raise the one walk on the street—a stroll, in other reason is, as a farmer, that named settler has filed notice of his inten­ ill to work, Either sex, old or young; cap­ and Glassware included. tion to make final proof in support of his The Great company with secretary Fairchild, we are not always in a dread of claim, ami that said proof will be made be­ ital not necde; we start yotn Evertbing price of wool. No special ability‘required; von? fore the county judge or clerk of Tillamook new reader, can do it ns well as anv one \i rite one evening last week, from the having our wheat, oats and hay county. Tillamook Oregon, on Saturday. to ns at for full particular«, which wc A CHEESE FACTORY WILL white house to west Washing­ Marcli ....... 17. lSv\ viz: Barney Broody,home­ mail free. once Address damaged or spoilt in the time of stead Stinson A Co Port­ entry, No. 5723, for the N \V l4 see land, Maine. PAY. ton ami return. This event, harvest, although once in a great | T 1 8 R s 'V. He names ths following witnesses to A number of jx'ople in this city from its rareness, was of so while wc have rain in harvest. All prove his continuous residence upon, and Cultivation said land, vis : E M. Key.’’. -—When I say tlial «re talking of investing in a cheese much importance, that the city the wheat oats and hay in Yamhill i M A Keys. of, A.W. Hall and G W. Chance, factory. The only question with press gave it conspicuous mention. county last harvest was housed, I all of Tillamook,Tillamook county, Oregon. 40-45 W, T. B ukney . Register. Caveats, and I rade Marks obtained, and •them, Is, will it pay. We publish Presidents Grant, Hayes, Garfield sacked and garnered without one all 1 atent business conducted for MODFR ■VIA THE------- A 4' F. F E ES < HT R O FFIC E IS OPl’i is FT F the annual statement of a factory and Arthur were pedestrians, and drop of rain on them. One other I . S PA 1 l.X I OFFICE. We have no sub Have the most complete tailor shop on ths agencie#. all business direct, hence can in Newboro, Ontario, If it pays in often walked th«» principal streets of grand reason why I would rather j Notice of Filial Settlement. transact patent business in less time and Cascade Division’ now completed, capital, their figures being familiar Canada it should pay here. You live in Yamhill county, than in the Notice i*i hereby given that the undersign- at less cost than those remote from Wash­ Side» making it the Shortest, Best’ ed has tiled his final account in the county ington. 'end mo,lei. drawing, or photo will sec that the expenses of man­ to the public, but president Cleve­ middle states, is, when l«ed time i court of Yamhill county, Oregon, ns execu« with deseription. We advise if patentable and Quickest. not free of charge. Our fee not due till ufacturing the cheese is only about land, with the above solitary excep­ comes in the summer season, I can i tor of the last will and testament of Aaron or Payne, deceased, and said court has fixed patent is secured 10 per cent of the value of the tion, has not been seen outside of the go to bed and go to sleep for it is upon A book, “How to Obtain Patents,” with The Dining Car lin., Tho Direct Route Tuesday, March <», ixsS. at 10 o’clock. m at the court house at Lafayette, in references to actual clients in vour State No Delays. Faste.t Trains. Low­ rfhite bouse grounds except in bis cool and pleasant, I do not have to ■ | a. cheese. ------ NONE BUT------- * ’ said county, as the time ami plaee’for hear- county, or town, sent free. Address est Rates to Chicago and all I The following is tho annual carriage. Whether this seclusion on get out of doors under some tree ’ in ’ thereof Therefore, all persons inter­ C. A. SNOW & co. ested in said estate are hereby notified to pointe East. Tickets »old statement of Cherry Ridge cheeso the part the chief magistrate of sixty ami fan myself all night for breath . appear at said time and place, to show Opposite Patent Office, Washington. D C First-Class Workmen Employed!! to all Prominent Points cause if any there be, why said estate be factory: million Americans is duo to a de­ ami feel more tired in the morning not finally settled and said executor dis­ ~ throughout the East and Southeast. Homi- I’rodnce Market. First dividend—5576 lbs of sire to avoid contact with the com­ than 1 did at night. 1 could multi­ charged. Through Pullman Drawing Room Sleep­ J ohn H utciicroft . Executor aforesaid. Corrected for the TnsrHoxc by Baxter A cheese, $524 gross proceeds, $55.76 mon people, or whether it is for some ply these reasons, but it would F en ion A F bxton , Attorneys 41-45 ing Cars Reservations can be secured in advance. gross expenses, $468.24 net pro­ personal reason, your correspondent1 make this article entirely too long, Dated February 1, 1S88. * ------ IN THE is unable to tel). ceeds. there may be other renions called i To East Bound rassengers. The present house of represontn- for by some one, if io we will be . Notice of Final Settlement. Second dividend—7739 lbs of i Vtcaeful anoned by other routes. Occa cheese, $792.27 gross proceeds.$78.- who consumed the time of that body j western states, for we have many vette. in Mid county, as i the time ami Through Emigrant Sleeping Cara mo WILLI1MX & HIBBS. 25 gross expenses, $714.02 net pro­ in frivolous motions to provent the ■ relatives and friends living in Illin­ place for hearing thereof f Therefore all ¡teraons interested are hereby notified ___ to Mcrchnn Tailor». ceeds. passage of a resolution reported by j ois. Iowa. Missouri, Kansas, Ne- appear nt < mimi time and place. sh DW , — ami ---- ---- cans» if any there be, why said estate l»e Fourth dividend—3328 lbs of the chairman of the committee on braska and Colorado, for they nre not finally settled and said executors dis- s\x. KvoWt »¿V.’!, hi’J ÇV\X\\ Of tho K0«! ‘hînrs of this cheese, $1030.59 gross proceeds. ptiblic building »nd grounds, to act all tine states for agricultural pro- charged. m-nrrat nme,. of », c.m„an,. N„ , .»Ide are sorrowfully )et F kktox A F kntox . A J Arman». •» li»nd. It i. the only »»f* »'«•hlnctosM.. »lone on .er-ount of Dyspepsia Acker’s " St., Attorney s. $83.28 gross expenses, $947.31 net »part a day for the introduction gress. C H. Cboc, Yours Respectfully, medicine yet made th»t will remove »11 IHspepsia 1 »blets will cure l>vspepsi* Joint Fxemtor* aforesaid Infantile disorders. It contains na Op»«* proceeds. of the bills of his committee In n««' Indigestion and Constipation; sold* on s A. J. Nil <>N I Dateti Febn ary ‘ 1. ‘ Ms ? .* 414J ar but glees the child aalvni Sore Best Our ing & Made. I and Winter stock ofClotJ Our Prices “WHEN’’ Job Printing I Book and Card Printing OPPOSITION J. B. ROHR, . One Price Plain Figure Dealer, B B Transcontinental Route. PATENTS Wlio Lies! 1 Don’t! Kfä Ps: MH Williams & Hibbs, AVest Fine Suits a Specialty! All New Goods Js«.uvu ga_rar.ua st wnu A 1’ CIIARLTON A -» General Pinger Ag«W. pai^ pri