The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, February 10, 1888, Image 1

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One square or lesa. on. inaertion...... ......... fll M
Ou. aquare. each subwquent lnaartioa.... M
Notlomof appolnUn.nlandflnalMUlaasan* * *
Other legal ad.e rtiMiaento. 75 caata for fl»*
inaertion and 40 ceuta par aquare for each auk-
Kqu.ul inaertion.
Special bustneaa notice In buiaeae
10 enta per fine. Regular buainem
oeote per line.
Professional cards. 111 per year.
Special rates for largsdisplay “ads.
Oaa Door Forth of oor or Third o.d 1 Bu ,
M c M innville , or .
Throe muntke..
r oo
1 00
NO. 42.
are all in rouplen, and form a long procession
qfound the entire quilt, marching toward the
ark. Sometimes the procession is curved so
as to form a design over the entire surface,
but this depends on individual taste or fancy.
One can ask her friends and neighbors to
work the pairs of animals, usually giving
them some choice in the matter. Some of
these quilts are very amusing and really
worth keeping.
At a recent starting of one a lady volun­
teered to work two fleas, which she actually
did with wonderful care and dexterity. In
cream sheeting the animals may be all in red
turkey quill, worked with red ingrained
thread or in various colors. This may be an
idea of many busy fingers. The baby’s
crawling blanket or cot coverlids probably
gave the idea of the Noah’s ark quilt and also
suggested the same style of perambulator
cover. The animals are generally cut in paper
first and then in whatever material they are
to be worked, and are copied from a child’s
colored picture book. Scraps of fur and skin
are used to represent the specimen as true to
nature as possible. It is occasionally worked
on a foundation of double width diagonal
serge, with the various animals portrayed in
wools, sometimes in cross stitch, first worked
on pieces of ordinary canvas, afterwards
drawn away or in outline stitch, in crewels
or in another stitch, which is being now used
a good deal for traveling rugs, bath blank­
ets, etc., which is done by laying wool in
strands on the outline pattern and tacking it
down by small stitches of silk or a contrast-1
ing color. In two shades of color this works
well and the edges are usually widely but­
tonholed in both shades.—Mrs. Lucia Lud­
wig in Detroit Free Press.
Good Health and Physical Beauty—Made
Dishes—Plain Talk for Husbands—“No­
ah’s Ark” Quilt—A Fat Woman’a Com­
plaint—Hints for the Household.
An elderly wife, who had advertised in
rain for several months, said:
“The groat evil in America, as I have
(earned it from many housewives from many
cities, is the growing scarcity of females for
housework. The factories, mills, sewing
rooms, offices of all kinds, shops, ete., are at­
tracting young women, who consider house­
work a disgrace. Very many young women
would rather toil from morning until night
for S3 a week and pay for their own board
than do housework, which would yield them
twice as much money. There is entirely too
much false pride among the young women of
the country. They imagine doing housework
is a disgrace. They forget the honest toil of
their mothers. In many instances mothers
aro to blame, of coursa They don’t want to
see the delicate hands of their daughters
soiled. They don’t want them to be drudges
in any family, for fear their chance« for suit­
able marriages will be lessened. All that is
false and pernicious teaching. The ability to
do housework as it should be done should be
the aim and object of every young woman,
rich or poor. But as long as this false idea
of the humiliation of doing housework exists,
so long will young women rather work and
starve at doing something else. With the
present custom of abstaining from house­
work, tho dearth of suitable help in the
household has become an alarming annoy­
ance. We find it almost impossible to get
any well trained help. Families are giving
up housekeeping and going to boarding.
There are too many ‘ladies’ with beautiful
“They want to be taught the dignity of
labor. They want to be informed that hon­
est young mechanics want wives who can
keep house. They want to know that sewing
girls are not wanted for housewives, and the
entire coihmunity must know, sooner or
later, that the great underlying cause for so
much unhappiness in the home circle, not to
say poverty, distress and absolute crime, is
tho fact that young women who marry know
nothing of housekeeping. Their mothers are
deserving of the most severe censure for this.
They connive with their daughters to deceive
prospective husbands, and when the young
women become wives they disappoint their
husbands, home becomes a mockery, the in­
come of the husband is frittered away,nothing
is saved ami chaos comes into that home cirele.
I have no pity for young women who starve
at fifty cents a day and who must ‘board’
thomselves. If they would shake off their
false pride, think less of the fine texture of
their hands, leave the mill and factory, drop
tho needle and vacate the garret, and take
up respectable housework, they would be far
better off. Such young women can solve this
whole problem themselves.
“The supply of housework girls is drained,
and tho supply of needle girls with beautiful
hands is flooded. Both must be adjusted,
and poverty among women will disappear,
but false pride must lead tho way. The best
women in the land do housework of some
kind, and no honest girl need be ashamed of
that sort of employment. On the contrary,
she should be proud of it, because every
sensible man will think the more of a young
woman if he is told that she is doing house­
work for a living and thus being correctly
6cliooled for the practical responsibilities of
married life. Then, if she is well married
and does not need to do housework, she will
know how it ought to be done and her help
cannot deceive her. She will be independent
and thoroughly capable to care for herself.
Therefore, to sum up, I would advise sewing
women to drop the needle and take up house­
work.”—New York Sun.
The Era of Woman.
The present is pre-eminently the era of
woman. The vast progress made by the sex
toward a higher physical and intellectual
plane is exerting its effect upon body and
mind to produce that species of development
which we term beauty. This evolution will
go on until it reaches a climax, when de­
terioration will commence. Women have
for ages been under restraint, like plants
kept where there is deficient sunlight. The
growing tendencies toward emancipation re­
move the physical restraint and illumine the
intellectual atmosphere, and so improvement
goes on, but finally there will come a time
when there will be too much sunshine, and au
excess of growth without the pruning or
training which are necessary to maintain
perfect development.
Then the deterioration will commence.
Women will become in strength, energy and
physical prowess more like men, and, alas!
more like men in morals, while the m<i will
grow correspondingly effeminate and physic­
ally feeble. This will simply be the result of
excessive luxury, the swing of the pendulum
to the extreme of civilization in contrast to
its starting point in savagery. But it will be
a long time before the ultimate limit of
social revolution can be reached, and wo will
venture to prophesy that the American
women of the Twentieth century will reach a
physical and intellectual perfection that will
make them the most beautiful in the world,
goddesses indeed An stature and in intellect­
uality.—New Orleans Picayune.
Something About “Made” Dishes.
The Cry of the Banshee.
There is now living in Bristol a Mrs.
Linahan, an old Irish woman, who has
not seen her own country for forty years.
She is old, poor, bed ridden and suffering,
but patient and cheerful beyond belief.
Her strongest feeling is love for Ireland,
and she likes talking to me because I am
Irish. Many a time, sitting in her little,
close room, above the noisy street, she has
told me about banshees and phookas and
fairies, especially the first. She declares
solemnly she once heard the cry, or caoin
of a banshee.
“It was when I was a little young
child,’’ she told me, “and knew nothing
at all of banshees, or of death. One day
mother sent me to see after my grand­
mother, the length of three miles from
our house. AU the road was deep in snow, I
and I went my lone—and didn’t know the
grandmother was dead, and my aunt gone
to the village for help. So I got to the
house, and I see her lying so still and
quiet I thought she was sleepin’. When
I called her and she wouldn’t stir or speak,
I thought I’d put snow on her face ta
wake her. I just stepped outside to get a
handful, and came in, leaving the door
open, and then I heard a far away cry, so
faint and yet so fearsome that I shook
like a leaf in the wind. It got nearer and
nearer, and then I heard a sound like
clapping or wringing of hands, as they do
In kneeling at a funeral. Twice it came
and then I sUd down to the ground and
crept under the bed where my grand­
mother lay, and there I heard it for the
third time crying, ‘Ochone, ochone,’ at the
very door. Then it suddenly stopped; I
couldn’t tell where it went, and I dared
not lift up my head till the woman came
in the house. One of them took me up
and said: ‘It was the banshee the child
heard, for the woman that lies there was
>ne of the real old Irish families—she was
au O'Grady and that was tho raison of
iL* ”—English Magazine.
“It’s all very well to talk of made dishes,”
broke out a woman one day in a council of
housekeepers, “but what is one going to do if
her family won’t touch them? Now there’s
my husband; he won’t eat hashes or stews or
made overs of any kind. He always wants
steaks or chops or veal cutlets for his break­
fast, and the boys are just like him. If I
were to put a scallop on the table he’d call it
baked hash or boarding house fare, and it
would be just the same with croquettes or
anything else of the kind. He says he want«
something solid for his meals.”
Undoubtedly many women have to battle
with this sort of opposition in their endeavors
to raise the* standard of cookery in their
homes. Still there are many men who relish
made dishes, and there aro others who can
be brought to do so by a little iunocent
diplomacy. It is not worth while to adver­
tise by blowing trumpets before it that the
ragout or pate that presents such an attrac­
tive appearance is composed of scraps from
yesterday’s roast, the gravy* made of the
bones and a little boiled rice, or macaroni. It
would be no gratification to most men to
know that the whole dish cost just thirty­
seven and a half cents. With the woman, on
the other hand, the knowledge of the fact
causes her to thrill with mild exultation and
imparts a flavor to the food that would be
quite missing in a meal that was three times
as expensive.—Christine Terhune Herrick in
Harper’s Bazar. _________
A Fat Woman's Complaint.
“There is a fortune for anybody who will
start a ‘Fat Woman’s Journal,’” said a
woman who weighed more than 200 pounds;
“or if you want to be more euphemistic and
euphonious, a fashion magazine and christen
it ‘A la Jolie Emboni>ointe.’ In this there
shouldn’t be a fashion or a fashion plate that
did not pertain to a woman weighing at least
175 pounds—and upward, as they say in the
cheap stores. At present you can’t flad a
fashion plate that does not represent a slender,
long waisted woman. For this sylph every­
thing is designed—gowns, wraps, bonnets. It
is impossible to find anything intended for
largo women. Apparently nobody gives us
any consideration, and we clothe ourselves,
as it were, by faith.
“It is absurd,” continued the lady, “for the
fact is well established that American women
have lost the approach of ecrawniness. Go
where you will, at least among the leisure
classes, and you will find the large proportion
of women broad shouldered, well developed
and a generous overflow of figure. And we
are worth considering. There is a fortune in
avoirdupois for whoever is far enough sighted
to perceive it. Send out the prospectus ‘A
la Jolie Embonpointe’ or the ‘Fat Woman’s
Journal’ and see how quickly we will rally to
its support from every part of the land.”—
New York Evening Sun.
Care of the Complexion.
businees to do this than she hast What a
rumpus there would be about the family
hearthstone if you were to catch her flirting
with a man or following a bearded face
through tho streets to see where its owner be­
longed! What particular blaze« would play
about the walls of “Home, Sweet Home," if
She indulged in such harmless foibles! Yet I
say unto you, yea and verily, her latitude In
that direction is just as wido as yours.
What if the wife you married is getting
faded, like a fabric that has been often
washed; what if the lines have come where
the smile in its dimplement was, and the
ugly crow tracks, like birds’ feet on the wet
and shining sands, have traced the skin that
once was softer than a rose leaf; what if the
graceful shoulders are bent a little and the
laughter has left her eyes! If you have the
I chivalry of a true man in your soul, you will
revere and honor that wife with greater and
increasing tenderness as she grows old and
wan anil faded; for what is it that lias aged
her I What lias stolen away her bloom aud
robbed her glance of its sunny light I What
but ministering to you, and toiling for you,
and serving you I Your children have stolen
the rose tint from her cheeks and lip«, and
tending to their wants by night and day,
ministering to them in sickness and health,
if she be a fond mother, has deprived her of
tho grace and bloom of youth.—“Amber” in
Chicago Journal.
Themselves to Blame.
For many of tho sins of mankind women
havo thomselves to blame. First, for their
viciousnesi and coarseness, women being
either too ignorant or too cowardly to exact
from men the same standard of virtuo which
men expect from them. Secondly, for their
tyranny, liecauso the laws and customs of
many generations havo placed women far too
much in the power of men, and even were it
not so their own warm affections make them
too easy slaves. Thirdly, for the selfishness
which—doubtless with rightoous reason—
Is so deeply implanted in the masculine
breast that a thoroughly unselfish man is al­
most a lusus naturae. And no wonder, since
from his cradle his womankind have adored
him. Mothers, nurses, sisters all join in
sweet flattery, the perpetual acquiescence,
which makes him as boy and man think far
too much of himself.
Then, perhaps, come« a period of innocent
tyranny from his sweetheart, which he soon
repays by tyrannizing over his wife. Thus,
except that brief season when love has
Struck the chord of self, which, trembling,
passed in music out of sight,
there is for tho ordinary man—I do not say
the ideal man, or even the specially good
man—no time In his life when he was not
bolstered up in his only too natural egotism
by the foolish subservience or adoring love
servitude of the women about him.—Corn­
hill Magazine.
Education for Girls.
“If I had a girl I would send her to college,
but I havo put my son at work in my office,”
said a prominent business man, himself a col­
lege graduate, the other day.
“Why do you make such a distinctionF he
was asked.
“Becausea girl needs the best education she
can get in order to earn a living, while a boy
is often as well, and sometime« better off,
without. A woman physician can got into
practice more easily than a man because there
is yet so little competition. A woman teacher
must be fit for a position in the highest grade
of school If she isn’t to starve. A woman
stenographer must have that general infor­
mation that a man gets rubbing about the
world, but that usually come« to a woman
through books, to make her intelligent
enough to make wages. That’s th« girl’« side
of it; as to the boy, there are too many men
in the professions, aud as a preparation for
business, too many years of schooling waste a
young man's timo. He might lay the foun­
dation for a fortuno while ho is fooling with
the Greek particle.” —Detroit News.
To prevent pie juices from running out in
the oven, make a little opening in the upper
crust and insert a little roll of brown paper
jierpendicularly. The steam will escaj» from
it as from a chimney, and all the juice will
be retained in the pie.
Try jhe experiment of finding out what
boys know, and what they don’t know. Help
them to do a little thinking for themselves,
and see how quickly they will acquire mors
knowledge, and use it intelligently for your
To keep moths out of closets, clothes and
carpets, take green tansy. It is better be­
fore it goes to seed. Put it around the edges
of carpet« and hang it up in closets where
woolen clothes are bung, and no moth will
ever come where it is.
For bunions get five cents worth of salt­
peter and put it into a bottle with sufficient
olive oil to nearly dissolve it; shake up well
and rub the inflamed joints night and morn­
ing, and more frequently if painful.
A starch superior to gloss starch for calico
and chambrey can be made of flour, by wet­
ting the flour up with very warm water a
day before you need the starch; add boiling
water and cook when you want to use it.
It is said that in canning fruit, after the
jar is filled, if the fruit is stirred with a
spoon that reaches the bottom of the jar un­
til all the air bubbles rise to the top the con­
tents will never mold on top.
A Boston lady says that Kate Greenaway
and her pictureeque drawings in children’s
books are responsible for more absurdity and
discomfort in children’s clothing than any­
body is aware of._________
The best way to fry apples is to half them,
remove core, put some butter in frying pan
and put in the halves, tho cut side down;
then add a little water and let them boil dry,
then fry.
To take grease spots out of clothing wet
thoroughly in ammonia water, then lay
white soft paper over it and iron with a hot
In closing my talk with the ladies on this
subject I would classify and sum up my ad­
Heating by Electricity.
One can save all the bread scrap« by dry­
something like this:
Profeesor Thomson tays that when the vice
Train your feature« to composure, and ing them in the stove, then with the rolling
means of utilising the power of creating
pin they can be crushed for puddings, toma­
quick beating by electricity shall be better avoid all grimacing habits.
toes and soup. _________
Exercise much in the open air.
«nderstood if. will be used in every workshop
Use oils, creams and fruit freely in your
Galvanized iron pails for drinking water
tor welding, forging and other purposes.
should not be used. The zinc coating is read­
Drink simple, blood purifying herb teas
ily acted upon by water, forming a poisonous
4eia>h Than Mn.
Recorder McCord, of the probate court in
Do not wash yonr faces oftener than once a oxide of zinc.
Cincinnati, says that as a rule women are day, but apply some harmless cream or meal
Do not allow the spice boxes to become dis-
less selfish than men. He comes to this con­ at least twice in twenty-four hours.
orderly. Have each division carefully la­
clusion after rmding 100 old wills, in which
If niggardly Nature or jealous Time on a beled and permit no mixing of the content«.
he found many cases where the husband hot summer day necessitates the addition of
made provision to cut off the widow’s sup­ a powder puff to your toi let articles, use it
Put dried sweet corn in a coffee mill and
plies in case she remarried, and in his whole with discretion and moderation.
grind, and see what a quick and nice dish of
experience he has read but one will of a mar-
And in addition to all this yon must keep soup you will have with seasoning.
rieil woman wherein any such stipulation your minds busy, your thoughts cheerful
was made respecting her husband.—New and your souls free from bitlernem if you
According to Joaquin Miller the California
would preserve a fresh, attractive exterior woman talks less than any other woman in
York San._________
beyond the Ac ting springtime of youth. - the world.
▲ ”Naah‘s Ark” Qnllt.
Ella Wheeler Wilcox.
One of the fashionable things in fancy
If pomible, keep one utenMl sacred to oniom
work i* a Noah's ark quilt Th. qailt can ba
Plala Talk for H a. hand a
________ _
of »nr. Hoth. «atia «berting or plain cream
Then there is another thing, sir! Often and
A much worn broom is very hard on U m
•haetinz. and 1» deaigned and commencad by often have I marked you turning to watch r
tbe lady wbo undertake it If »he i. an .x- pretty face, or commenting with your men carpet.
peri«n<-»’d worker *he embroiders or applique, companions upon the outlines of a handsome
There are said to bo only four
the Noah s ark, which is near the center of
Alaska, throe at J
thaqailt, but placod hieh ub . TUauunal. form «r • Mud* tool M*v. rou mty mor.
What a Physician Has to Say—Appli­
cations of the Most Important Drugs.
Watching for the Leading Symptoms.
▲ Professional Secret.
“What are some of the most important
drugs and their applications said a leading
physician as he repeated the reporter’s inter­
rogatory. “Why, you will be surprised,” he
said, “when I uia|e tho statement that not
over a dozen of the hundred and odd drugs
upon the shelves of any city prescription
stere are in general use among the profession
or considered important in combating disease.
No need for astonishment, it is a fact; and
my experience from day to day, based upon
observations in an extended practice, leads
me to the conclusion that there is only one
drug—quinine—which can be relied on to
produce uniform results. Quinine approaches
a specific more closely than any other remedy
known to medical practice. All other drugs
vary, and at times to an alarmiug extent, in
the results produced by their administration,
but quiniue is very nearly infalliblo in the
treatment of that class of disease popularly
termed malarial, and about one-half the mor­
tality of the world may be traced to those
diseases. In fact in all cases of blood poison­
ing this drug is the favorite. In the valley
of the Loire, in France; along certain por­
tions of the Thames river, in England; the
ftoman Campagna and the Pontine marshes,
in Italy, the coast of the Gulf of Mexico, and
the mangrove swamps of the tropical regions, 1
where malaria is endemic, the continued use
of quinine is an absolute necessity, and from
these regions no dire results have ever been
recorded against it. Is there a quinine habit?
I have never met but one case. The effect of
the drug is not speedy enough to have its use
deteriorate into a habit.
“Next to quinine iodide and bromide of
potassium lay tribute on the profession, al­
though their action at times is sadly erratic.
The former with iron constitutes the basis of
blood purifiers, so called, although such a
thing as a blood purifier, in the popular ac­
ceptation of the term, is unknown in medi­
cine. It exists only on the cure all placards
of the patent medicine compounder, and in
the materia medica of the quack. Iodide of
potassium acts as an absorbent in the blood,
and its efficacy as a remover of impurities is
brought about in that way.
“Bromide of potassium and with it chloral
are used principally in the treatment of ner­
vous diseases. They lessen the flow of blood
to the brain, moderate nervous activity, and
calm exciting emotions, producing a state of
mental rest. Thus they are used largely in
the treatment of the insane, and in cases of
mental exhaustion. Digitalis is probably en­
titled to the next place from its importance i
as a heart tonic. We appeal to it in cases 1
of weakness of the heart, and in most cases
of diseases affecting that organ, although its
use does not cover every species of heart dis­
ease. Bismuth and pepsin are the remedies
the profession considers the most efficacious
in the treatment of the internal organs of
digestion. The former is used in disturbances
of the stomach and bowels, while the latter
is supposed to supply the lack of acid, which
is one of the instruments by which food is
digested in the stomach. In surgery car­
bolic acid and iodoform aro the principal
drugs used. The acid acts as a disinfectant,
the other has important properties in heal­
“Drugs,” the doctor continued, “and their
administration is the leact arduous part of a
physician’s business; the great field that exer­
cises skill and acknowledges ability in the
profession and out of it lies in the determin­
ing of disease or the study of it« symptoms.
Here is where tn« physician pauses. We only I
know disease by its symptoms, and when we
are called to the bedside of the sick person
our energies are bent to discover the most
prominent existing symptoms, and, knowing
these, the great traditions of the science aud
our own experiences point out the remedies
that are applicable. And here let me say
that there is scarcely such a thing as wrong
treatment, so often heard assailing members
of the profession when they fail to effect a
speedy cure. As I have said, we always
treat the leading symptoms first. This is the
invariable and only rule that can guide us,
but frequently the drugs that have done most
efficacious work before in combating exactly
the same symptoms appear perfectly useless
in the present case; this is owing, of course,
to the existence of the latent symptoms
which will determine the nature of the dis­
ease, and for which wo are compelled to wait
—unless dismissed in the meantime as incom­
petent in the opinion of the patient or his
friends, and a new man called.”
“Do many people consult you, doctor,
whose ills are imaginary f’interrogated the
scribe. The doctor smiled and relighted Ids
“In answering your inquiry,” he said, “it
will be necessary for me to unload a profes­
sional secret, but I guess it lias leaked out be­
fore this. Many of our office consultations
are with people who are laboring under the
apprehension that they are about to become
invalids. Why, a case of that character loft
my office not an hour ago. He is a railroad
engineer, and thought his kidneys were
affected, an idea produced, I suppose, by an
occasional pain in the muscles of the back
caused by the continued position which those
men are compelled to assume. I gave him a
prescription and told him he would be all
right, although ho didn’t need it any more
tljan you or L I’ll guarantee, though, that
that prescription, which will fill a large
bottle, will not hurt him, for it’s nothing but
a little syrup and water, with sufficient sarsa­
parilla added to color it. Why did I give it
to him? Because if I told him that he needed
no medicine he would in all probability go to
some other physician ‘who knew his business’
and get the worth of his money, as he would
term it By giving him that prescription I
have saved him another fee. I used to tell
such people when 1 first l>egan practice that
I they needed no medicine, but I found that
| my honest advice was attributed to ignorance
on my part of their hypothetical disease.
Strange, isn’t it, but it is a fact, that the
majority of persons who visit a physician
want something for their money, and gener­
ally the more medicine they can get and, as a
consequence, the larger their druggist’s bill
become« tho letter you please them.”
The King’s Head.
Tbe king's bead wse first um «1 ae on« of the
ball marks on English silver in 1784. Tbe
story is that George III, having attended a
dinner at Goldsmith's ball, wee greatly im­
pressed with tbe rich display of plate used on
that occasion. His majesty was in need of
money, it being just after tbe close of the
American war, and the idea was snggroKwl
that silver plat, was a good article for taxa­
tion. Roon after the duty act wee [ smw .1,
which impe-l a tax of si xpence f.r ounce <m
all silver male in England, and also enacted
that the additional stamp of the king's bead
or duty mark should I* placed on all arte lea
as an evidence that tbe duty hail lieen paid.
The eovereign's bead is the fifth mark, there­
fore any piece of English silver with only f our
marks is certainly over 100 years old. There
many flne specimens of tbs earlier period
—Bortoa Transcript.
Ao Eating House Where Hebrew Epl«
cures Congregate—Some Cheap Places.
Rocha is a Hebrew wort! signifying
“clean,” and a*«kocha restaurant is one where
the Mosaic law regarding the preparation of
food is observed to the letter. There are sev­
eral of these place« in Now York, all of them
well patronized, for a strictly orthodox Jew
seldom eats elsewhere away from his own
The Delmonico of the Israelites is Lustig.
His restaurant is on Mercer street, in the
heart of the dry goods district, and his chef
is a German Jew. Here at midday the
wealthy Hebrews of the vicinity congregate
for luncheon. For forty cents au admirable
meal is served in the German style of cook­
ing. It consists of several courses, barley
or chicken soup, boiled beef or Hamburger
steak, with fried potatoes and sauerkraut,
vual cutlet, roast duck or broiled chicken,
with salad, and a compote of prune« and
raisins or some delicate pastry. A dish of
the choicest fruit and a jar of celery stands
always on the table. A small cup of black
coffee completes the meal. No butter is
served with the bread. No milk or milk
product is allowed in the restaurant, the
Mosaic law exprossly forbidding the eating
of milk and meat in any form at the same
time. For this reason the Jew drinks his
coffee clear or abstains from it altogether.
At noonday Lustig’s is always crowded
with Hebrews of a distinctively German
type. A spirit of jollity pervades the place,
cuid for a time all thought of business is cast
aside. This is especially true on feast days,
when the menu is considerably amplified.
On such occasions poultry of all kinds is
lerved; turkeys, ducks, chickens, geese, xnipe,
Quail, whatever fowl is in season can be had
fresh, and cooked deliciously with herbs and
ipices. On fast days Lustig’s and all the
strictly kocha restaurants are closed.
On the great east side of the city, in Essex.
Norfolk, Ludlow and adjoining streets, there
ire many so called kocha restaurants. They
ire kocha, however, only in namo, as the ser­
vice is filthy and the food scarcely fit to eat.
Any one passing through the Jewish quarter
may see them. They are mostly small rooms
In the cellars or upon th© ground floors of
tenement«, furnished with a few wooden
tables and chairs, with a bill of fare, printed
in Hebrew characters, hanging outside the
door. In the windows the shrunken car­
sasses of geese are allowed to hang until
blackened with exposure.
A substantial meal, such as it is, can be
purchased in any of these places for from
eight to fifteen cents. A favorite dish here
is a fish stew, strongly flavored with garlic
and redolent with odor. A strictly oithodox
Hebrew would turn in horror from such i*ee-
taurants, for the underlying principle of the
Mosaic law concerning food is cleanliness.—
New York Evening Sun.
An Irreligious Mussulman.
Osman’s chief characteristic is a reckless
disregard for the conventionalities of «octal
life and religion; he never seems to i»other
himself about either washing his person or
Baying his prayers. Somewhere, not far
away, every evening the faithful are sum­
moned to prayer by a muezzin with the most
musical and pathetic voice I have heard in
all Islam. The voice of this muezzin calling
sAllah-il-A-l-l-a-h” as it comes floating «»ver
the houses and gardens in the calm si’ence of
the summer evenings is wonderfully im­
From the pulpits of all Christendom I have
yet to hear an utterance so full of pathos
and supplication or that carries with it the
impressions of such deep sincerity as the
‘•Allah-il-A-l-l-a-h” of this Afghan muezzin
In the Herat valley. It is a supplication to
the throne of grace that rings in my ears
•ven as I write months after, and it touches
the heart of every Afghan within hearing
and taps the fountain of their piety like
magic. It calls forth responsive prayers and
pious sighings from everyIxxiy around my
bungalow—everyl>ody but Osman. Osman
ran scarcely be called imperturbable, for he
has his daily and hourly moods and is of
varying temper, but he carries himself al­
ways as though conscious of being an outcast
whom nothing can either elevate or defllo.
When his fellow Mussulmans aro piously
prostrating themselves and uttering religious
jighs sincere as fanaticism can make them
Osman is either curled up beneath a pome­
granate bush asleep, feeding the horst» or at­
tending to the peewit.—Thomas Stevens in
Her One Request.
Priscilla Jane Matilda Jones
Walked in the avenoo,
She wore a Scottish shaggy dog,
▲nd a costums of dark blue.
Up tn her stepped a burgaleer.
Skin Larry was his name,
* Jork over them ere rings,” saysbK
“For that's my little game.”
Sunshine and Shadow, Mirth and Pathoa
in a Hospital for Unfortunate Children.
How They Forget Pain in Play—Scenes
Priscilla trembled o'er with fear;
The man he smelt of grog;
“Oh, take,” she said, "my purse and aXk
But spare, oh, spare my dog.”
—New York Morning Journal.
in the Wards.
Only a crippled newsboy, swinging himself
along with the aid of a crutch. Ah! It’s
hard line« for such a lad! But there is a
place in this city where there are scores of
such children even more helpless than ha It
is tho Crippled Children’s hospital on Forty-
second street.
They look bright and happy enough at first
glance, as you see them at play in the big
hall at the top of the building, with its four
great wide windowed towers. Happy enough 1
As they swing high in the air in high backed
chairs suspended from strong ropes or play
hido and seek around the pillars, in the
depths of the big windows and t>ehind the
screens. And they aro very happy and
bright when, for awhilo, they forget their
pain and quivering nerves, and shout with
laughter quite as gleeful as if many of the
little heads and crooked backs were not
bound up in hideous iron frame«. And they
trudge around tho room after a runaway twill
with as much zest as though the halting,
tedious step and clanking braces did not hold
them back at every turn.
Hark! What a rumble 1 Look down to
the end of the hall. There is a great chatter­
ing going on, and out from the crowd fly
half a dozen tricycle« abreast, each manned
by a girl of ten or thereabouts. With
swiftly working feet and hands and shining
eyes they roll down the long hall side by
sida Evidently they are running a race. At
the further end they wheel round and roll
back again moro slowly, guiding with dex­
terity their wheels through the score or more
of advancing riders who had followed in
their wako.
Never Had Been There.
Brown — Where have you been lately,
Robinson I I haven't seen you for two
Robinson (carelessly)—Oh, off on a little
trip—London and Paris and that sort of
thing, you know. Paris is a flne place, Brown.
Havo you over been tberel
Brown—No; I’ve lieen in Louisville and
Lexington and Paducah, but I was never in
Paris.—New York Run.
Friendly Amenities.
Miss Clara—I think young Mr. Waldo is sa
original, and so pleasant, too. He paid ma
some very pretty compliments.
Miss Ethel—Did he, indeed! Why, he must
be original.—New York Sun.
All is not play, however, much as they
enjoy it, and pretty soon some pale faced girl
draws out to the side, and unfastening the
straps that hold her foot in the step, she
raises it on her knee and chafes it with her
hands, while she moans with pain.
Every afternoon the children come up
here, and tho paralyzed and lame remove one
or both shoe« and go through these exercises
to strengthen their diseased limbs. It is all
dono undor the eye of a skillful professor, who
tempers every oxercise to tho condition of
the little one. Sometimes when he fastens
the strap« of the tricycle the child utters a
quick ory, and oftentimes must be lifted off
the machine, being too tender to endure the
exercise for that day.
There are the bars for paralytics at one
end, whero tho child seat« herself and with
her hands on tho opposite bar works herself
with a swinging motion back and forth. This
is to try to bring life back into the withered
muscles, and after weeks of practice it some­
times succeeds.
After play hour comes the hard part of the
day, when tho little ones gathor in their
wards, each in his or her own little chair,
and wait for the surgeon to come and band­
age them. Four o’clock is their dark hour,
and it is with fearful faces and many a sigh
that they wait the coming of the house
The nurses go from one to the other, loosen­
ing braces and straps and unwrapping band­
ages, and then with a quick step and business
like air, albeit with a kindly touch in his
skillful fingers, the surgeon come« in and be­
gins his work. And then there are pallid
< heeks and lips, clenched fingers and brave
struggle« to hold back the cries that seem as
if they would come out, and there are tears
and moans from the little ones, whose baby
hearts cannot understand the suffering they
1 liave come into.
After an hour or so he finishes, the last
bandage is fastened, the last brace firmly
I set in place and the last strap buckled
* down, and then tho children move about
I a little while, putting away the doctor’s
utensils, picking up the scrap« he has left
f and getting the room ready for their evening
meal. They take their chairs again and,
i placing them in a row, one directly behind
; the other, sit down to wait until tho waitress
brings in their bowls of milk and heaping
i trays of broad.
I The ward is divided into two sections, with
a double row of tables in each. The children
Tobacco In Venezuela.
An impression seems to prevail abroad that are stretched out in two rows in the rear of
the ladies of Venezuela, being direct descend­ the tables. At the tap of the nurse’s l»ell, the
ants of the Spaniards, aro great smokers. I , first row rises and proceeds in an orderly
have made particular inquiries, but have manner up the side of the table till each child
found the contrary to be the case. How oould is opposite her place. They go pushing their
it be different ? The caraquennas show such chairs in front of them, for but few of the
excellent taste and so much refinement that little ones could walk without this support.
they could not possibly stoop to such vices. i When these were all in places the nurse
It seems, however, that certain elderly ladies tapped tho bell again as a signal to those in
occasionally enjoy a good cigar when among I tho other section. There was a rush of wheels
themselves, but never in the society of gentle­ i and a shrill, scraping sound. And then the
men. Probably they would indulge in it a boll tapped again, and instantly each tiny
little more if cigars and tobacco were better uand was folded and each head bowed, and
in Venezuela. But there are no good cigars in low, reverent voices these words sounded
through the room:
to be had.
Tbo native tobacco^ although grown In I “Our heavenly Father, we thank thee for
large quantity, is far below the average, and ¿iving to us this food, and we humbly ask
Havana cigars are very expensive. Of ciga­ thee to bless our strength to thy service.
rettes, American or Turkish are almost un­ Amen.”
And then there was a rattling of spoons,
known, and but those of Havana make are
used. Among the women of tho lower classes and each child fell to eating with as much
cigarette smoking is far more common, and enjoyment as though there were no such
women of a certain, or, to express it more things as disease and braces and surgeons in
plainly, of an uncertain, ago indulge a great the world. When the meal was over and the
deal in cigar smoking. A curious and very dishes removed the tables pushed back out of
general habit among them is smoking cigars the way, and the girls brought out the laind-
inverted, with the burning end inside the age boxes and proceeded to roll lamdages for
mouth. I have seen this frequently in the the next twenty minutes, till every one was
West India Islands, at Curacao, and among ready anil packed away for the next day’s
tho women of Venezuela, but I never noticed dressing.
At 7 o’clock the little ones went to bed.
men indulging in this risky practice. They
say cigars taste much better if smoked in thia There was much bothering over inconvenient
way, but I must leave it to tho reader* to de­ back buttons on aprons end dresses, a sudden
cide for themselves.—E. De Hesse Wartogg gleam of baby arms, so thin and wasted, un­
lacing of shoes and adjusting of braces and
in New York Bun.
straps by the nurses, and then cool white
night dresses obscured tho bright heads for a
FountainleM London.
moment ere they were buttoned into their
London is a fountain leas city. It is not for places.
want of urging; we have before now pointed
Ah! three children have grown old In suffer­
out that there are many nooks and <*orneni in ing, till out of the little feature« the light of
London which would be almost beau tilled by careless childhood seems to have faded, and
the addition of a little water in an ornamen­ even their gayety seems pitiful.—New York
tal form. We have, of course, the Trafalgar Herald.
square squirts, but they are only apologies
for fountains. We want something realiy
Vnlneky Daye for Weddings.
beautiful and refreshing to the eye, not that
It is well to recall one or two interesting
miserable sort of thing which has given the superstitions that were religiously noted in
nickname of “Squirt square” to the spate be­ the time of our grandmothers. In the first
hind the Town hall in Birmingham. Foun­ place, according to an ancient and reliable
tains can be made per se attractive by the chronicle, there are thirty-two days in the
mere arrangement of water. — London Globe. year that are especially unlucky for mar­
riages anil journeys. They are as follows:
Keen at Night.
Jan. 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 10 and 15; Feb. fl, 7 and 18;
It is surprising to bo told, as we are by a and 8; April « and 11; May 5, fl
writer who is an experienced yachtsman, that and 7; June 7 and 15; July 5 and 10; Aug. 15
dark tanned sails are much more easily dis­ and 19; Hept. 5 and 7; Oct 7; Nov. 15 and 18,
tinguished at night than ars white one«. The and Dec. 15, 10 and 17. Everybody knows
same remark hold, true of buoys, which are that Friday is the most unlucky day for a
seen against the water and not against the wedding, while Wednesday ami Tliurmlay
sky. In their caae, black can be seen farther are the luckiest Our grandmothers believed
and more distinctly than white in the uight that it was a most unfortunate thing if the
time.—Youth’s Companion.
bride, after finishing her toilet and leaving
her looking glass, should turn around again
for a last glance at herself. It was also Iwl
tor her to see the man she was about to marry
after dressing and before the time had
lor toe
New York Btor.
Force of Habit.
Silenced the din of the busy day.
Only the night wind's sighing
Felt on the car of the comrade near
The street car driver dying.
Slowly the eye« of the dying man
Parted—he gasped, he started—
The comrade bent with ear intent
O'er the Ups that speech had parted.
An angel had beckoned the dying man
Down by the stream so shady,
▲nd this was the word that comrade heard,
“The other crossing, lady.”
—(’liicago Tribunal
Cause and Effect.
First Omaha Youth—What’s the matter;
got a day off!
Second Omaha Youth—No; I’ve resigned.
“What for!”
“Nearly worked to death. The stere was
always crammed full of customers, and it
just kept me on the jump all day. Couldn’t
stand it.”
•‘But what are you going to do now!"
“I shall try to get a place in some store
that don’t advertise.”—Omaha World.
Bridget's Philosophy.
Bridget—Enjoy slape, is it) How could 1,
I’d like yez to tell mo. The minit I lay down
I’m aslai>e, an’ tho minit I’m awake I have to
git up. Where's the time for enjoyin’ it to
come in!—Philadelphia Call.
A Sweet Picture.
In these December ntehta true love le bar».
Conceive a tweeter licture U you can;
Fair Chloe at the flreifcli le pops the corn
And Stephen pope the
ie question, like a mta.
—Boston Courier.
Glorious l’osslbilitiee Ahead.
De Leese]«—Yes, wo are still working on
the Panama canal md have got hopes. By
the way, you have the advantage of ma.
American Tourist—My namo is Keely.
“Ahl The Keely who is inventing a new
motor F
‘•The same.”
“How fortunate we have met When my
canal is completed I will use your motors to
run our towboats.”—Omaha World.
A Kind They Didn't Have.
“You have all kinds of rings, I supposeP
observed McCorkle to a jeweler.
“Ye«, sir,*1 was the reply. “What kind
shall I show you—diamond, ruby, amethyst!"
“No; you may let me examine a good wsl-
kin ring, please.Philadelphia Times.
An tnuiual Occasion.
Omaha Wife—What under the sun ar« you
Husband—Trying to tie this string around
my finger.
“Why, I did not ask you to do any
“No. This string is to remind me that I
have nothing to remember today”.—Omaha
Oh, a man may gain a deathless renown.
And all fame that the world can give.
But if caught in a woman's dry goods crowd
He feels too mean to live. —Yankee Blade.
Evidently a Crank.
Young Man (getting off street rar)— Here
is my fare, conductor; you forgot to ask me
for it.”
Passenger—Who is that young man who
just got off, conductor!
Conductor—I never saw him before some
crank, I guess. It takes all sorts of people,
sir, to make up the world.—The Epoch.
Story and Moral.
Man, ass,
Smeli. ras.
Strikes match.
Ia an affection of tho ITver, and oan
be thoroughly cured by that Grand
Regulator of the Liver and
Biliary Organs,
J. H. XEILOI ft 00., PUteMyhta, P*.
I was aflilvteil for several yean with
disordered liver, which resulted in
severe sttack or Jaundloe. I bad
good medical attendarwe as our s
lion affords, who billed utterly to
store me tn the enjoyment of i
•wiser good health. I then Med I
favorite preecriptlon of one of I
moot renowned physicians of Louie-
rille, Ky.. but to no purpose; Where­
upon I wfas Induced to try Mnnmswme
LIv.r Rswmlatav. I found Imme
tilaie twneBt from Its use,
mltely restored ms to ths
ment of health.
R letamai