[HE TELEPHONE. I . THE TELEPHONE. DEMOCRATIC. PUBLISHED EVERY • FRIDAY PUBLICATION OFFICE: hie Dior Worth of oor or Third *ud K St» , M c M innville , or . SUBSCRIPTION RATES: UN ADVANCE.) le year................................... I tnoulho........................ . ireo month»........................... “ called RATES OF ADVERTISING. MORNING. . W oo .. I 00 .. AO BACK.” [•She was not to the purple born, yet she was Lr queen. Iler kingdom was her home.” h call on thy name in the silence, I I list for an answering voice, pYhose accents to-night would beguile me, I And make iny sad spirit rejoice. W yearn for the sound of thy footstep i 'Mid the gloom that hangs starless and drear Q lift up my eyes in the seeming I That thou, O beloved, art here! B stretch out my arms to enfold thee, I They clasp the impalpable air; Ifbo spell of t hy presence is round me. I O, beautiful dead, teM me where In the realms of eternity wanders | Thy fondly beloved spirit! Dost thou 1 the darkness of doom that lias bound me! [ Come buck, O beloved, come now! Come back from that far “Islo of Sometime,” | O sainted one, haste thou to mo! Lean thy head on my breast, nestle closely I Gainst the heart that calls ever for thee. |J miss the soft touch of thy dear lips, I need the fond clasp of thy hand. ►In that fair home of souls they’ll not miss thee, Come back from that shadowy land! —Owen M. Wilson. MY FIRST SEAL. WEST SIDE TELEPHONE. VOL.II. ' MCMINNVILLE, OREGON. J AM ARY 27. 1888. NO. 40. Ono sonare or lorn, one insertion............... fl 08 One square, each subsequent insertion. .. fiO Notices of appointment and final settlement 6 00 Other legal advertisement«. 75 cento for flrat insertion and 40 cento per square for each sub­ sequent insertion. Special business notices in business columns, 10 cento per line. Regular business notiore, 5 cents per line. Professional cards, $11 per year. Special rates for large display “ada" A Fair in Ancient Rome. way that would have warmed the heart of a Tipperary faction fighter. A quiet little nook lay at my feet; it was nearly land locked, and the commotion out­ side scarcely affected it. As I looked down into the clear, still water 1 thought what a jolly place it would lie for a dive and swim, and nothing but my total ignorance of the natatory art kept me from stripping off and plunging in. Suddenly my attention was attracted by a slight “flop” on the water, and looking round I saw a big, bullet looking head appear above the surface. I had never seen one, but I knew at once that this was a seal, having heard that they fre­ quented the Inch at certain times of the year. He evidently did not see me, and, breathless with excitement, I stole the rifle to my shoul­ der. I covered him—but my band shook so. I was afraid to fire. Taking u long, long breath, to try and stay the bouncing of my heart, I again took aim, pressed the trigger, and had the satisfaction to see the fish beast give a conclusive spring out of the water, roll over on its side, and commence splashing anil tumbling about in a way that told me it had got its death wound. Almost mad with joy, I threw the rifle to the ground, and began clambering down the face of the rocks to where my prey was now giving its last kick. I managed to get down to the water’s edge, and stretching out, I was just able to touch my seal, and when it gave a struggle to one side, and I missed him. I was not to be done, however, so catching a firm hold of a tuft of sea weed growing ont of a rock, I bent for­ ward and made another grab at it, when— whish! and I was in, head first! How I man- aged it I don’t know, but when I came to my senses I found myseif clutching a rugged ledge of rock like grim death. On trying to climb up, what was my con­ sternation to find that the rocks shelved in under me and afforded no foothold, while the ledge On which my hands rested was so slimy ami wet that I could hardly keep my band on it, much less raise myself by it. Half stupid with fright, I could do nothing but yell out for help for some time, but the only answer was the mocking screanH of the sea gulls as they whirled over my heml and the roar of the waves as they dashed against the rocks. Seeing at length that I was only wasting tho little strength I had left, I stopped shout­ ing and looked about to see if there was no way of escajie. Except about two feet of a ledge to which I held on, I now saw that on both sides of me, for several yards, the face of the rock was perfectly smooth and slimy, so that I had not the slightest chance of being able to work along, hand over hand, to some spot where I could get up. Ohl what would I have given then to be able to swim then even a half dozen strokes, for what would have been sufficient to bring me to a place where I could easily hi.ve as­ cended. But it was all no use—there I was, and there I should stay, till help came. Again and again I shouted—but all to no purpose. What was my horror to see that an oc­ casional wave now washed in through the inlet and came surging up to where I clung! I remembered it was ebbing when we left Granton harbor, and that the tide must now be on the flow! My terror gave me fresh strength, and I gave the most frantic screams for help. It seemed a fearful thing to be drowned by inches—to watch every wash of the waves go a little and a little higher. The sea was now dashing in angrily through the inlet and I found it hard to ke^p my pro carious hold on the ledge. Higher and higher came each wave surging up to me, and I felt it was but a matter of moments. I closed my eyes and tried to pray, but I could think of nothing but my dear, fond mother, and of her anguish when she would hear that her only child was gone. Higher and more angry! I felt my bands relax and I was just sinking when suddenly I felt a good, sound thump on the back. It seemed to revive me, and looking over my shoulder, what was my joy to see a short, stout plank washing up against me; it had been driven in through the opening without my noticing it! To clutch it was the work of an instant, and the moment I got a firm hold of it I felt I was safe. Pushing it before me I struck out, and managed to propel it to a place in the rocks where I easily got up. As soon I felt my feet on firm footing again I fell on my knees and cried like a child. I must have stayed there some time, for the first thing that aroused me was a dash of spray over my bead, as if some wave was making a last, angry snatch at what they had begun to look on as their lawful prey. This wakened me up to the knowledge that the sooner I was out of that the better, and I proceeded to climb up the rocks, a matter of no small difficulty, as I was thoroughly worn out and numbed. When I crawled back to the “camp,” I found the boys over a blazing fire, cooking meat and the fish they had caught. They all gave a cry of astonishment as they looked up and saw my pale, haggard face and dripping clothes, and commenced a volley of questions, which I vainly tried to answer. Ned, however, took in the situation, and clapping down a pannican of ale, with ■bout an ounce of black pepper in it, on the fire, he quickly had a drink ready which, I im sure, ought to have revived any one who bad only been a short time drowned, so potent was it. Thanks to it, the fire and a good dinner, added to a boy’s well known recuper­ ative powers, I was soon all right and told tny story. I found that the boys did not intend calling me till dinner was ready, as they feared they might «poil my getting a shot They had no supposition of anything being wrong, only thinking that I was intrenched in some quiet spot, waiting for a “pot shot” at a rabbit If 1 hail had to wait for them I fear they would have found it bard to find me. After dinner we went to look at the scene of my adventure. We found it a regular seething caldron, and I shuddered as 1 saw the waves dashing about madly from side to side against the rocks, and thought what would have been my fate if I bad lieen a few minutes more in the position I was iu. There was no sign of the cause of the adventure, so I suppose it must either have been washed out to sea or have sunk to the bottom. Ned quaintly remarked, when I said, “I wish I knew the fate of my seal,” “We i, one thing is certain, be was near putting a seal on your fate.” «••••• Wo got home afl right that evening, and I was none the worse for my dip, but the very first thing 1 did was to go to Profesaor Brown for swimming lessons. I soon mas­ tered the art under his able tuition, and though I shall never rival poor Capt. Webb in any of bis feats. I will never be caught in such “a hole” as when I shot my first seal.— Capt. Tbomaa 8. Blackwell in Outing. ■ “What’s on for to-morrow?” asked Reggie ■reelJi, as we sat along the top of our garden ■all, resting ourselves. We—that is, Reggie ■id Evelyn Freotb, Ned Mitchell and myself Ibatl just been indulging in a half mile spurt lown the road, getting ourselves “into wind,” fe we fondly imagined, for our coming school lames. It was nearly midsummer of the fear T4, and a Friday evening, so that the |pxt daj’ was our own. ■ “I vote we take our trip to Inch Mickery,” ■id Ned Mitchell. “Uncle John told mo we Luld have the Curlew’s gig any fine day we ■ted, so that wo promised not to take the sail ■iili us. He thinks we’d go skylarking and fepsize her under canvas, so he will only let L have the oars; but I can tell you, we four fellows can make her hiss through the water. ■ e must start early and make a regular day If it. 'l ake plenty of ‘grub,’ to keep us going 111 night.” ■ The proposition was carried by acclama- loi), for this Inch Mickery trip was a pleasure ■nt we had long looked forward to, and this ■emed a most propitious time to carry it out. |Ah! happy years! ouce more who would not be a boy?” ■ Byron was right. What happy—truly feppy—days were those when “we were boys ■get her I” I Where are they now—these fidends of the feldcn days of youth? Reggie—open hearted, nivalrous, Quixotic Reggie! Away on a lubbornly fought field in South Africa, ■bile nobly trying to hold your own against ■erwhelming odds, you fell, pierced by the lulu assegai, the victim of one of England’s ■any senseless “little wars.” Evelyn—the laid, steady, systematic Evelyn—is now a feted lawyer on the Home Circuit in Eng- Ind, making a name and money fast. Ned ■merry, witty, practical joking Ned—away lit on a Texas ranch, you lead that free and Isy, unconventional life to which you are ■ited. And I—well I’m the “hero” of this. ■So, Inch Mickery, at 8 o’clock sharp the ■xt morning, was the word. I was to rovide the commissariat, as it was fell known that my poor, dear, old ■other always made us out an ample nd recherche basket. The Freeths were to ring fishing tackle and a small Rook rifle nth ammunition, while Ned was to make it II right with bis Uncle John about the boat. [ Inch Mickery was (or, for that matter, is— br I don’t see how any change could ever be forked on it unless some of those Hell Gate ■gineers got at it) a very small, rocky island | a Scotch frith. ■That bright, dewy, June morning saw us Irly enough down at Granton harbor, and Iter much grumbling, interspersed with irious, nautical, expletory oaths, the old, ■e eyed skipper of the Curlew delivered ■er to us his precious gig, resplendent in a Int of green and gold, with the parting fu­ nction, “Not to be knockin’ and grindin’ be---- paint off o’ the boat on them----- fcks.” iTho sun was shining brightly as we rounded ie pier head, and dived into the long, rolling veil outside, which told of a recent “blow” It somewhere on the German ocean. [Nature teemed smiling on us. We had all le glorious beauties of the winding frith ■folded before us like some grand panorama, [ere, on a jutting promontory, boldly stood nt the old, square, ivied keep of Royston, as Irk and defiant as when hundreds of years ro it held its own against the attack of ar- nebus and culverin, but now, instead of gal- Int knights and men at arms, its only inliab- Einto are the pert, noisy jackdaws, or the uhing, screaming swifts. There, peeping kt from the wealth of noble oaks and stately ■ns, is the picturesque mansion of the Lord [ Roseberry, the headquarter? of the G. O. L in those celebrated Midlothian cam- bigns. Here some lovely demesne, with the herald sward carpeting the slopes to tho rip- | ling sea; and then a castle, grim and gray, i landing out in bold relief. Away in the far Istance looms the lordly Ochils. the blue bzy summits seeming to melt away into the line clouds, while on our side the Pentlands hr their purple, heath clad heads. A fair Bd lovely S(*ne! And after long, long days ■d wanderings here and there I can shut my fes and fancy once again that I am floating 11 the waters of the beauteous Forth. We rowed merrily out into the frith and taped our course for the island of our choice Hd rolling along gloriously over the long, Irging swell. The “Hen and Chickens” is in | ae mass of white foam, as the big rollers : teak over tlie gregarious rocks which rejoice | I the above innocent name, warning us that ■ cannot attempt a landing on the Inch ex- , ►pt on the western side. Euro enough, when we reach our destina- r»n wo find it in one seething mass of foam, •o, but giving it a pretty wide berth, we I Bd round and glide into the smooth water i tho lee side. e It does not take long to find a good, safe 4ven for our boat, where the precious ¡»aint ill not suffer from those sanguinary rocks, ►nounced by the Cyclopean skipper of the urlew, and we quickly unload our provis- ns, and proceed at once to fix on a spot for ir camp kitchen. A nice, coxy nook is soon lected; and after collecting a plentiful sup- y of driftwood, and getting the fire going ►eerily, we settle down to our respective vocations. By unanimous vote Evelyn is ■tailed cook, as his skill in the culinary art well known, and we know he cares not for iyt<.ing in the sporting line. Ned and Reggie take out the boat in lee the island and commence war on the Rare Books In Paris. ►oddleys” (the name by which a species The decree has gone forth in Paris that a rock fish was known to us), bile I shoulder the rife and start with mur- taste for rar* books, curious editions and fine ►rou« though to intent. It is too early in tho bindings is bow to be the fashion among all ►y for the rubbite to lie out sunning them- ladies who move in society. It will no longer l^es, and I only see a couple of unwary, be th« thing to furniah blue end white rooms ml native specimens, which I would scorn to with books iu blue and white, or to banish from the drawing moms books who.» bind­ ill the trigger on. I prow lei about for a long time, peeping ings do not match the chairs—Home MU I the rocks to try and see something Journal. wthy of my lead, but met with no luck. hen I got to the eastern point of the Inch . Three new studies have been added to the Mt down on a rock to watch the maneuvers curriculum of the Ixmirrille high tcbooL the sea birds as they skimmed over the i They are typewriting, ■tonography and . a ----- ----- — surf, wbeeimg and sersaming hi a OQOking. •Good day, Servius. I suppose I shall ere thee at the temple to-night?” “At what temple, noble Lucius?” asked the Tremendous Appetites of the Inhabitant* Salt diaaolved in alcohol will remove grease young Roman, gazing inquiringly into the spots from cloth. of the Arctic Regions. THERE IS DANGER, SOMETIMES, OF face of his companion, an aged and gray When we were at John Howland bay, a Rub the tea kettle with kerosene and polish THE CROW RESERVATION AND THE bearded veteran of many wars. OVERDOING THE MATTER. month ago, on the Arctic coast, I was visit* w ith a dry flannel cloth. INHABITANTS THEREOF “How now, boyl” exclaimed the old man. | ing on the Hunter, where the sailors were Camp chairs are now covered with plush “Hast thou not heard of the fruit and floral | scraping off the pieces of the gum adhering and bordered w ith tiny tassels of silk. A Fast Toung Man’s Liberality—Ths Aver­ festival under the charge of the Ladies’ Aid Civilization of the Noble Red Man of to the butt ends of the whalebone. The na­ Flour should be kept iu a barrel, with a age Tip Less Than Twenty-five Cent»—A society at the temple of the Feretrian Jupiter the West—“Blanket’’ Indiana—Pony tives stood by, and as the long shavings were flour scoop to dip it and a sieve to sift it rolled off gathered them all up, eating what Schedule—Ilencl Walter»’ Fees—Few Tips on the CapitolineT and l>og — Plucking Out the Beard. Th* youth shuddered. Ceilings that have been smoked by a kero­ they could hold, and storing the rest away from Ladies. Children aneanut to be. For a i first class hotel in New York the other even raiding funds to increase his meagre salary, ing, and asked for an expensive dinner, r and thereby induce him to remain. Am I been frozen. him now. The buffalo aro gone from the steady diet, I should hesitate net ween that ; ' quart of champagne included. The young not right?” Cold sliced ¡sitatoes fry and taste bettor by plains, the elk from the mountains. There is and faith, but the natives all evidently rel­ i man with an apron who took his order vat “Yes, thou art, O Servius.” sprinkling a teaspoonful of flour over them no wild grass for his pony save the grass ished it exceedingly, and they chewed by the j all attention, and a dozen other young ms;, “I shall not be there. I attended one enter­ while frying. upon the reservation. Before the advance of hour, as a schoolgirl would a piece of gum. The greatest feast I have seen the natives I with aprons stood at their vacant table» and tainment of tb«A sort some time ago. I had railroad and civilization ho has yielded year Drain pipes and all places that are sour or have was about two weeks ago, when several smiled enviously. That their envy was well six scrupuli in my possession when I went in, impure may be cleansed with lime water or by year, till there is now no more for him to whalers were lying at anchor under East cape, • founded was shown when the diner paid his but when I departed I had not so much as a yield to civilization but himself. He yields carbolic acid. bill. It amounted to $4.75, and after paying wstertius.” stubbornly; he does not like the white man’s on the Asiatic shore. A whale was raised at : the •Nay, nay, my boy,” interposed the old amount he held the silver quarter of Bent whalebones can be restored and used the southward, working rapidly up along the again by simply soaking iu water a few ways. Among 2,500 At»aaracafl who have shore. Twenty five or thirty whale boats ’ change stupidly in his hand a moment, evi- man, “this parsimony becomes thee not It fought and associated with the whites for a hours, then drying them. ■ dently wondering if that would be enough to costs but one denarius to e^ter-----” generation not 100 s^ieak English, and when were immediately lowered, and the gauntlet “But what does it cost to get out?” moodily For a cold on the chest, a flannel rag wrung they are taught it in the schools they disdain was too much for the whale. He was soon ' fee the waiter; then he thrust it It his pocket, took a bill from his purse, laid it unsteadily muttered the youth. captured and alongside the Lucretia to lie out in boiling water and sprinkled with tur­ to speak it once they are in the camp again. “In tho temple,” continued Lucius, “thou pentine, laid on the chest, gives the greatest The blanket is inseparable from the idea of cut in. Seven canoe loads of natives came i in the waiter’s ready hand, and walked away relief. the wild Indian. It is the emblem of sav­ off to claim their share of the whale, which | with the proud consciousness of having been wilt find a large and attractive assortment of When a felon first begins to make its ap- agery. Induce him to lay aside the blanket custom has defined as the fins, flukes (the exceedingly libera). The head waiter, a dis- fancy goods and toilet articles at prices far tinguished looking man with mild blue eyes below their market value, for they have been pearance, take a lemon, cut off one end, put and replace it with coat and pantaloons and tail), and all the lean they can cut off. : and a long, blonde mustache, smiled com- donated by various traileemon and artificers.” the finger in, and the longer it is kept there he is civilized. This is ho true that they are The whale was a very large one, mak­ ' placently at the episode, and turning to the “But is it not taking an unfair advantage the better. classed as civilized Indians and blanket ing in the vicinity of 140 barrels of oil, • writer, said: of there same tradesmen and artificers,” said and producing about 2,500 pounds of M hen tho rubber rollers of your wringer Indians. The blanket is wrapped aliout the whalebone, hence there was a great “That customer did not know that frwenty- the young man, “to sell tbeir goods at prices become sticky, as they very often do after body, brought up over the head and all the amount of lean. How the natives flve cento would have served his purpose just less than their valueF wringing flannel, rub with kerosene and wipe face enveloped except the eyes. If he is in­ did work to save this! To me the whole scene as well, and that half a dollar would have “Thou art too scrupulous,” said Lucius, duced to work, he holds the folds of the dry and they will be nice and smooth. angrily. “But, by Jupiter, I will persuade blanket in the left hand and uses the ax or was most amusing. Work was begun about been tho extreme of generosity.” “Is twenty-five cents the average tip to thee yet. Know, then, tflat the fair Tullia For a cough, boil one ounce of flax seed in hoe with the light. With the squaw the 8 o’clock and finished soon after midnight, a pint of water, strain and add a little honey, blanket serves a double purpose; it is 4ress but the sun set only to rise in an hour or two, waiters?” will have charge of a table. Hal thou one ounce of rock candy and the juice of for herself and cradle for the papoose X so it was daylight all the time. The officers “No,” answered the head waiter doubtfully; ehangestcolor, boy!” three lemons; mix and boil well. Drink as dexterous folding of it forms a pouch upo». of the shij) were giving their orders, tho “I don’t think it is. It won Id be less than “Listen, my Lucius,” cried the youth, hot as possible. the back and in this the pupooso rides, peer­ donkey engine was puffing away turning the I that, though there are men who make a point ‘and thou shalt know my secret. It is my always giving half a dollar. The great purpose to espouse the maiden whom thou To clean carpets, go over them once a week ing beside its mother’s head as she trots along. windlass, which rattled like a dozen heavy I with a broom dipped in hot water, to which “The earth is our mother; to plow the log chains. Twenty or thirty natives were 1 majority of men make the fee ten cents, and hast named. It, therefore, behooveth me to a little turpentine has t»een added. Wring a ground is to scratch her skin, to dig ditches yelling like fiends. Huge sheets of blubber ! where three or four come together they fre­ guard well the goods which the gods have quently chip in five cento apiece for the bestowed upon me. Were 1 to visit the fair cloth in the hot water and wipe under pieces is to wound her bosom, to open mines is to were Iteing hauled in ; t the gangway. Everything was excitement and noise. The ' waiter. Few customers neglect the tip en­ I should be despoiled cf al), and my hope of of furniture to be moved. crack her bones, and she will receive no tirely, but some of them let it go for a few To test cake in the oven, never insert a Indian* when they die if they so abuse her.” sea all about the ship was red with blood, and days and then give a fee of fifty cents. They wedding Tullia put fore-er to flight.’’ “Nay, Servius, thou wrongest them, and broom splinter, but draw it gently forward This is the explanation the Indian gives of natives were crawling all along the whale’s are the men who really ge* the beat service, and put the ear close to the loaf; if it is not his disinclination to work. That is the jxjetry carcass, holding big sheath knives in their i for, although at the end of the week they by tho gods I will prove it too thee, if thou done there will be a little sputtering sound. of it; the fact is that the Indian, like his teeth, cutting off a pie<*e of meat when oppor­ I will have paid less than ten cents on the wilt but go with me to the temple. Why, When it is thoroughly baked there will be no white brother, is lazy and only works when he tunity offered, and jabbering away like so average for their dinner fees, the waiter who boy, a golden lyre of the most exquisite work­ manship and worth 100 scrupuli is to be drawn sound cannot help it. But the Indian is learning many monkeys. When they were through to labor. His native food, the wild with the skeleton, it seemed as if they could gets the silver may have served the customer for, and the tickets are but a sestertius each. GASTRONOMICAL TIDBITS. game of the forest and plain, is gone; not have removed any more meat even with but once during that time. The effect of Who knows but the gods will bestow this the government issue of beef and ba­ a piece of sandpaper. All their canoes were that plan is to make every waiter hope by treasure upon thee?” A very palatable imitation of mock turtle con is scanty, and, like tho improv­ loaded down as full as they could carry with ' special attention to induce the customer to “Enough, O Lucius,” said the youth. “1 soup is made out of the ordinary black bean. ident negro, He often eats the rations meat. Now that the work was over, the pay a tip on that particular occasion when will visit tho fair, but I shall remain only a he serves. ■hort time.” Epicures rise in meeting and declare the for the week in two or three days. The V/.tw feast foliowee given to the priest whe receive* tho “In the following spring I went to New Foolish men continue to get into disputes have raised corn, potatoes, grain, melons and York and put up at a boarding house. I was largest nnml>er of votes. How many shall I “ Yes, indeed, and mighty good once, too. as to the alleged superiority of different vegetables, the government furnishing all without a dollar. I did not have two shirts Men who find it agreeable to tip the head put you down for?” kinds of oysters. seed and tools. “Five,” replied tho youth, with a Sinking It was unkind to call thorn Crows. There in the world. My clothes had been seized for waiter seldom give him leas than $1. His Philadelphians long ago ceased to deny the in Albany. I was thoroughly disgusted richest opportunity lies in a private dinner heart. “What is the costF allegation that they eat sparrows “as a regu­ is little enough poetry in the real Indian, board “Ten sestertii each.” how noble soever his red brother of romance with the world and resolved to kill myself. party. Those who dine in a separate room lar thing” for game. Tho youth handed her a treble scrupulum may be, and surely it is unkind to take from I went to a drug store and bought some arse­ : imagine that they get better attention than Only the brave deserve tho fair, and only him that little he has. The Ataaraca, their nic. I told the apothecary I wanted to kill th« people in the main dining room, and they and waited for his change. When he got homo made mince pies are over made os the own name for themselves, is quite different rats. I went to my room and mixed it, and ■ fee the waiter accordingly.” tired of waiting ho walked moodily away gastronomic law directs. “Do ladies tip the waiters?” and wa.< immediately captured by a nobl* from the ill famed bird wo call a crow. R *» was on the point of taking it, when, just as “Well, now, it seems hardly gnllant to say Roman matron, who did not release him Tho government nas put a duty on im­ a small blue hawk, of graceful poise and »wifi such things happen on tho stage, I heard a gentle rap on the door. A man came in and bo , but few waiters like to serve a lady who until she had sold him an embroidered toga ported jilum pudding, and there is a great flight, common upon the prairie. howl from the Anglomaniacs. The Crow reservation is perhaps the largest said he was an actor, and that his name was ! dines alone, or two of them together. A three sizes too large for him, and various gpThe fashionable buckwheat cake is about and most valuable possessed by any tribe. Woodhull. The object of his visit was to get I waiter thinks himself lucky to get a dime other more or loss useful articles. And so xne size of a trade dollar, and, to lie facetious, Lying 200 miles along the Northern Pacific me to play for his benefit. He said he had from a lady, and if there are two of them, It went, nutil at Inst Servins had spent all hte railroad in Montana, and extending south­ never seen me act, but he had heard Ogden the dime answers for Im th, if, indeed, they ready money and given notes for what h* coutains more of the wheat than the buck. Hoffman, a ineml>er of the legislature, and give any fee ut all. Tn the up town hotels at home. But oqo hope sustained him: Thousands of people at this season are not ward to the Wyoming line, it is traversed by others cajiable of judging, say that I was very j and restaurant» In the shopping district it hail happy at a dinner at which there is turkey many flear mountain streams with fertile fine. I told him hastily that I had done with may be that half the lady customers give a he might draw the golden lyre, which he sell for 100 scrupuli. Ills ticket was unless they get.tlie delicacy of the bird, which bottoms, and bordered on the south and west acting, and that I did not know anything tip. Now and then one appears who leaves a could numbered cxviii, and he fancied that it had by mountains rich in minerals. The Crows is a wing. have ever been friends of the whites, abetting about him or his benefit. The actor looked quarter on the plate just like a man, but, a lucky look. Between some hotels’ cranlierry sauce and them in their long wars with tho Sioux, the downcast and said: ‘I ani a poor man, and alas! they are very rare. We have one cus­ Finally the hour of the drawing arrived. ordinary red ink there is very little differ­ Nez Perces and other northwestern tribe». have a long summer to run through. I had tomer who is a shrewd business woman and Tho tickets wore all placed in a helmet, and ence, and anti slang diners may well say to They are rich in land, |>onies and fattie. takes much pride in her capacity for bar ­ hoped you would coma to my aiark in order 4 years old furiously racing the half broken theatre. From that time till now my course that’s yours if you serve me tip top.’ Then not to do so." to avoid tho expense of keeping a watch dog. {Kinies. has been upward and onward.”—Dr. Kane in she looks at him sharply and proceeds to give “Take it, then,” exclaimed Servius, as with her order. You may depend upon it she gets a gesture of dosjiair he rushed from th* Though there are many aged people in the Baltimore American. An Atchison (Kan.) man recently acted as served well, but if anything goes amiss that pall bearer at a funeral and usher at a wed­ Absaraca tribe, I have never seen one whoso • temple. Frozen in Mhlsninmer. quarter gn*‘S back into her pocket.”—F. R. ding the same day. hair was perfectly white. It is often streaked A few minute* later he was found lying Burton in Louisville Courier Journal. In sneaking of the large miml>er of deaths with gray and sometimes quite grizzly in the dead just outside the door. Tie had fallen James Judge, of Kenosha, Wis., although ' of English sparrows during the late rain ­ very old. When it becomes gray It is often upon his own sword, and hail {»erishod in- totally blind, is one of the most skillful Bnrlal in Ainu*. a fancy with them to paint it red. The hair storms, Professor Otto Lugger, of Baltimore, ■tantly. Th© next week his goods were sold plumbers in the town. When any one of their number dies, friends grows long upon the heads of the men as says that, instead of having been dashed to Mrs. Crobar is a powerful lever in a Sag well as the women, and is never cut save as death, he believed they had been frozen in ' and neighbors hasten to the mountains, hew to dischargo his indebtedness to the Ladies* inaw, Mich., church society, v.hero tlio Rev. an evidence of mourn inf. They wear no midsummer. One day last week he counted down a tree, hollow it out, and, after having Aid society.— Tid Bits. Mr. Bioadax hews a branch from the tree of beard, plucking out each hair as it comes forty sparrow lying stiff and cold within a 1 washed and dressed the Imdy, pnt sugar cane Gaine»borough huts are as Fashionable as t-vil every Sunday. upon the face. They carry suspended from distance of three squares. He carried eight into its mouth and invoked the »hades of the they were two seasons ago, and, if anything, Charles Miller attempt ! i i:ias<;rerado at the neck by a string a pair of broad tweezers home, examined all of them and found no dead, piuce it in this rude coffin, open the a triflo larger. Columbus dressed in a conv n f,; stiT.xxl suit. of their own construction for this purpose, bones broken. Four of them ho warmed and eyes so as to look heavenward, and then care­ The latest nonsense recommended for a A policeman arrested 1 on su picion, and the young buck in arranging his toilet they revived. The other four never again fully seal it up. On the day of burial sacri­ beautiful complexion is to rub the face night locked him up, and lie was i ciused bail. examines his chin carefully in the mirror to showed signs of life. Professor Lugger gave fices are indulged in, according to the means and morning with olive oil. A citizen of Freeniont, Nob., who got tie sure no offending capilla is there. Prob the following explanation of the apparent of tlje relatives of the deceased. The grave Picturesque garden |>arty hats are of cream drunk and froze his feet so that they had to | ably from generations of such rough usage lifelessness, after the storm, of the birds, is usually made in a forest, and the hewing colored India muslin shirred upon fine wires the lieard grows sparsely when undisturbed. most of which were young ones: In migrating of trees therein is superstitiously avoided. A and trimmed with garlands of pale yellow bo amputated, has just recovered damages from the man who sold him the There is an imbecile in the tribe who has birds fly against the wind. Khould the wind soothsayer, or priest, plants two reeds at the daisies with hearts of golden brown. lacked either vanity or brains to pluck his. suddenly change and blow in the same direc­ border of a stream in such a manner that the liquor. Floyd Tufts, of Westmore, V't., is but 7 and after a growth of forty years it is but a tion as the bii ds are flying, and at a greater parents of the dead can pass underneath; rate of speed, the birds’ feathers aro blown while doing this he sprinkles water upon them years old, ansaraca maidens, with coal poking their vicious jaws out of the water as toothpicks Amelia B. Edwards, tflle novelist, writes black eyes and hair of jet.—Crow Agency if in expectation of a feast. The dog knows dents,” as they are described In the invoice, healthy Liver. When the come in natty little boxes containing 1,000 “Ph. D.” and “LL. D.” after her name. (Mon.) Cor. New Orleans Times-Democrat. by instinct when be Ims gathered all the ya- [ ea< h, in bundles tied round with green silk. Liver is torpid the Bow­ cores in the vicinity in one spot, and tierom- They are cut from hard wood and have a The queen of Roumania has written a els are si tigrish and con­ ing satisfied of this fact he scampers off at point at only one end. As a matter of prao-1 Value of Fant Walking Borses. Christmas story for one of the new.spajiers stipated, the food lies published in her capital. At the fair many thousand dollars tn pre­ breakneck speed up or down the stream and tical economy they could not compete with H in the stomach undi­ Elizabeth Stuart Phelps is Ruffering from miums wiii lie given for fine blooded horses. swims across in safety. It is only the Han the double {»ointed domestic article in yellow an affection of the eye» and is obliged to do I There will 1« trotting ami paring to every­ Domingan dog, however, who p<»ssosscs this ; pine. gested, poisoning the instinct. An ini|M>rtc«l dog would, plunge her literary work by the aid of an arnamien- | thing from a suikly to a slake wagon, and The Japanese article costs thirty five Mexi­ hloed; frequent headache sis. She is living quietly at Andover, Mass. I everything from a Kentucky thoroughbred recklessly into the water and soon become can cents per 1,000. To this is added 35 per the prey of the yacore.—New York Mail and cent, duty on manufactures of wood. Then, to a Clydesdale or Percheron stallion will be ensues; a feeling of lassi­ The queen regent of Sjiain is gaining a ■ Express. above that, the appraiser has advanced them tude, despondency and great hold on the affection of her subjects, put around the amphitheatre in all the gaits, 125 per cent., which carries a penalty of Death of Gew. Phil Kearny. and is said to l>e a wonderful woman, charm­ bqt there will not lie a dollar offered for the nervousnoia indicate how faatolt wa Iking horse. No accomplishment ing > manner and j»o.-sc sing pmit odmini»- i The death of Gen. Phil Kearny at Chan­ double the val”e. Added to these hn{>oats that can be bred in a draft horse, whether he tilly has always l»een shrouded in mys­ are the charges, which come to more than the whole system is de­ trativ ability. be intended for dray, stake wagon or plow, ranged. Simmons Liver There is a lady in Jackson, Miss., so deeply is so valuable. Oxen are always judged by tery. He was killed instantly, but the the value of the goods, bringing the cost of affected by the loss of her huslmnd, whose their walk.—Stock Dealer in Globe-Democrat. circumstances which led to his death have the Japs to al »out $1.75 per 1,000. The do­ Regulator has been the mestic article costa a few cento per 1,000, and hitherto lieen ke|»t very quiet. Gen. Pierce death occurred recently, that every