The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, January 20, 1888, Image 1

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O b , Door North of cor *r Third and 1 Bu,
M c M innville ,
or .
(tx ADvaxc«.)
On. year.............................................................................00
Sii muulix................................................................. 1 00
i'bre. month* ............................
IldHi Jmliy Sion,
Up Stairs in Adams' Building,
Sharing, Hair Cutting and- - - -
- - - - Shampoing Parlors.
New Blacksmith Shop!
Livery Feed and Sale Ms,
The Best Rigs in the City. Orders
Promptly attended to Day or
Henderson Bros. Prop?.
Job Printing
Book and Card Printing.
Mrs. H. P. Stuart,
Hair weaving and Stamping.
Lyle Wright
NO. 39.
taken on board one cf tho fleet, tfie ffsÜYng
forgotten, and the expedition early on the ¡
Proprietor of the
morning after the storm started for New Or- |
Behind Helm Crag and Silver Howe tho sheen
leans. Reaching here, tho infant was put in
Of the retreating aay is less and less.
charge of a competent nurse and regular PLOT OF LIBBY PRISON’S INMATES
Soon will the lordlier summits, hero unseen.
monthly meetings of its fathers took place, I
Gather the night about their nakedness.
at which its futuro was earnestly discussed.
The half heard bleat of sheep conies from thehilL Constant inquiry had failed to discover even 1
The leading
Faint sounds of childish play are in the air.
tho name ot the schooner, and there re­ Help from a Brave Union Woman—Co-
The river murmurs past. All else is st ill.
Washington — The
main«! no clew to identify the little one save
The vei y graves seem stiller than they were.
the blanket in which it was sleeping when
Plans Well Laid—How the Scheme
dashed on the sand. In ono corner of this,
tfar though nation be on nation hurled,
Was Defeated at Lust.
And life with toil and aurient pain depressed,
exquisitely embroidered, was the word
iere one may scarce belie» etho whole wide world “Delice.” Advertisement was made in th a
Wo opened correspondence with the notori­
Is not at peace, and all man's heart at rest.
papéis, anxious investigation made every-, ous Abbey Green, a brave Union woman
test! 'twas the gift he gave; and peace! the shade where, but the schooner and her crew were living in tho city, noted for her outspoken
Third Street. McMinnviPe Or.
never known in the old Crescent City.
He spread, for spiri s fevered with the sun.
patriotism and the bravery with which she
To him his bounties are como back—here laid
If ever there was a little girl that had
In rest, in peace, his labor nobly done.
everything lier heart could wish for, Dalit e approached the columns of Federal prisoners,
—William Watson in The National Review.
was girl. When she was a year old she where, despite the bayonets of the guards,
¡•ossessed thirteen rattles, six alligator's teeth she gave what relief she could, often tossing
set in silver, five coral necklaces, half a dozen . loaves of bread to them at the peril of life.
little gold shawl pins, four swinging cradles, | The noble woman gave relief and cheering
a beautiful altar at the end cf her little room, words to thousands, and bravely staid in
The crowd of mer Handing around the with a Madonna looking down upon her bed. Richmond, known to and feared by the re­
bels, whom she defied. If there was a plot to
McMinnville. Oregon
little cafe on Rue Conde appeared to be cu­ Over the mantelpiece, gloomy in its depth of execute,
she was the one to co-operate. So
riously affected, for, contrary to the habit of shadow, was un oil painting from ono of we opened coireepondeiice with her through
Delice’s new fathers, representing the wave
the twenty-five or thirty individuals thereof, whipped beach of the Chandeleur», with a a faithful colored boy oil menial duty at tho
not a single one was gesticulating, and as an­ wreck going to pieces half u mile off shore prison. We carefully stated our desires, aud
in return received a plan of the city and lo­
other evidence ot their abnormal condition und a tub rising on the crest of a great sea.
not a single whiff of cigarette smoke rose
It was not a liltle amusing to see bow jeal- j cation of the arsenal, a correct statement of
from the assemblage.
3U3 of feminine attentions to their charge the number of troops in tho city, the strength
Old Miguel, the affable host, with his short these Poissons Rouges were. They told their of the home guard und all other information
cut white hair, round head, and smiling listers and mothers that tho little ono was needed.
Spanish face, himself seem«! to have lost well eared for and needed none of their time. | After the plans were matured all prisoners
C. H. FLEMING, Prop.
something of bis vivacity; and contrary to The old nurse, they said, was experienced, I willing to co-operate were formed into bat­
his custom, failed to hum sotto voce a favor­ And they themselves know a thing or two 1 talions and companies, ami drilled as care­
AU kinds of fancy hair cutting done in ite madrigal as be mixed the orgeat and water now about babies.
fully and frequently as possible. Everything
th* latest and neatest style
tor some thirsty customer.
Thus tho months had crept away, and dolls that could be was Converted into a weapon,
All kinds of fancy hair dressing and hair
and several pistols and bowie knives had been
The assemblage on the banquette gradually
dying, a specialty Special attention given drifted into the cafe, by twos and threes, Mid spelling blocks had taken the place of received among tho contents of the boxes first
rattles. Delice could tell the names of all
their conversation being still carried on in ner fathers, some twenty-two now, for some delivered to us before an examination was
Lad!«*' and Children*' Work
an undertone. The movement of feet oil the >f them had dropped off and were carried required, aud these we had kept well con­
I also have for sale a very fine assort­ sanded floor gave out more sound than the mt upon that road which tho average dead cealed, and they would help greatly in our
ment of hair oils, hair tonics, cosmetics, etc voices of the speakers, and when Miguel □rleanian must travel When she was4years strike for freedom. A fow weapons in the
I have in connection withniy parlor. popped the cork out of a bottle of porter the rid she could command at least five carriages hands of desperate leaders would do bloody
• the largest and finest stock of
report seemed almost startling. Ai xiety was >f one afternoon, and it was no uncommon I work.
written on the faces of the men. They looked ;hing to see lier out driving with some six or ' In order to make our plot a success, it was
at one another as if some common misery had right young gentlemen, superbly mounted, deemed neco-sary to inform tho government
woven a fraternal bond between them, and •iding in attendance. L s Poissons Rouges at Washington, and get, if possible, its aid.
Ever in the city.
KS~T hihd S trkkt M c M innvilli . Oattoox where always there had been extreme polite­ vero proud of their little beauty, and great) A flno opportunity of doing this occurred
ness and courtesy, now was exhibited the turdy fellows, with mustaches that were tho when tho surgeons wero released. State­
most absolute self sacrifice and a wish to show ibserved on opera night«, would hand tho ments of our plans were written on very fine
bow true bad been the protestations of fellow­ iny fairy to the carriage with the grace of a paper, and this folded up tightly was con­
ship before. They were all young gentlemen »urtier, and when sue smile«! sweetly an t cealed in the staff buttons of their uniforms,
of social standing, the eldest being not more aid, “Merci, Papa Raoul,” or “Yseult,” they which wero constructed so that tho heads of
the buttons could be removed, showing quite
than 28 years <>f age. To Miguel they were vould blush like big boys. Her ex-
known as Los Poissons Rouges, the Red Fish. lenses were so trifling in comparison a space capable of holding a large piece of
About five years before this gathering at vith
the funds in the
exchequer fine paper. Tho button heads on being re­
Cafe do Bienvenu three large schooners if the paternal organization that it placed gave no evidence of the valuable de­
SAM LIKENS, Proprietor. the
in a cloud of sails disappeared around Point vas resolved to invest a certain sum annually, posits beneath. Thus wo succeeded in in­
Aux Herbes, in Lake Pontchartrain, bound md so on her fifth birthday, for they had forming Mr. Lincoln and the secretary of
Blacksmithing and carriage ironing of out for the Chandeleur Islands. Each vessel elect«! a birthday for her, s:ro was as well war of’our intentions.
every description.
had on board ten or twelve young men, all •ared for a little girl as any in the state; and ' A cabinet meeting decided the plans so
members of a pleasure organization that is for beauty, why to ask the question was to submitted perfectly feasible, ajid preparations
Horse Shoeing
yearly cruised among the islands of the gulf devate to the zenith the eyes of her twenty­ were at once made to aid us, and an officer
after redfish and Spanish mackerel. They mo fathers and to bring to their mouth was sent down to the peninsula to draw the
And plow work a specialty.
carried their negro servants with them, and .wenty-two right hands with finger tips* Confederate forces all out of the city to re­
all the paraphernalia for capturing the deni­ lunched together, which they would kiss as pel him in his supposed attempt to enter
zens of the bright, green water along the f the flavor were divine, and simultaneously Richmond. He did so, and wo saw from tho
Louisiana coast. After a delightful run an­ •jacúlate: “Comme cal” 'J he truth is that windows of Libby tho Confederates march
Also manufacture the
chors were dropped in a snug harbor behind 1er big black eyes, delicately chiseled face, by to meet him. There wero loft only about
Celebrated Oregon Iron Harrow, one of the Cbandeleurs, and. for variety, yinmetrical limbs and dignified bearing made 300 home guards. Our plan was to assemble
large tents made from spare sails were 1er app ar as of royal rather than plebeian on a certain evening in the lower middle
pitched on the sandy beach. About 200 yards i flood, and she led her followers by silken room, burst open the front doors, seize tho
guards in front, disarm thorn, and with tho
on the other side of the island the rollers •ords, young as she was.
from the gulf came in, pounding the sand
Then came the day hereinbefore men- arms so gained intimidate and take prison­
M c M innville
with a dull, sullen roar. After a bountepus ioned, the assemblage at the Cafe Bien- ers the officials of Libby, then march to tho
supper and some story telling around the zenu, the silence and th® anxiety. Four arsenal, fighting tho homo guard if encoun­
camp fires all rolled themselves up on the lays before Delice had complained of feeling tered on the way, and, with the arms in the
sand, sheltered by the tents from the dew, for 11—her head ached and her eyes were in- arsenal, wo would march to Belle Isle, and,
a gppd night’s lest. About 11 o’clock it began lanied. Four doctors were at once sent for, arming the prisoners there, march back, an
to rain, aud this was followed by heavy gusts md after a consultation it was announced army of 6,000 strong. We could then easily
oi wind.
. liât Delice had the scarlet fever. Iler nurse» have taken possession of and held Richmond
Cor Third and D streets, McMinnville
The improvised tents were soon leveled and md guardian occupied a large private resi­ against any force until Gen. Butler, march­
the drenched inmates hurried on board their lence near Miguel’s, and so it was that the ing up, would have re-enforced us, and the
respective schooners that lay only ten or ;afe was made tho headquarters of Les Pois- city would have been ours.
Our plans, as we supposed, were well laid,
twenty yards from the beach. The wind in­ ions Rouges, that news might be received
creased every moment. The vessels’ awnings, >very few minutes. At first there were no and everything in regard to their sucoessful
that bad been spread to shelter the voyagers, »rious symptoms, but on the third night she completion progressed as favorably as we
were ripped from their fasten ngs and bad to ;rew worse. She asked for Théophile, R «oui, could desire up to tho very evening of the
■ be hurriedly furled. Then, as the schooners fules, Henri and the rest of her beloved night on which we deteryiined to make our
I began to drag, extra anchors were put out. jupas. These big bronze fellows would close *xit. From the windows we observed, about
Overhead the sky was inky and the wind car­ .ho gate gviitly, walk on tiptoe down the gar­ 4 o’clock p. m., a “jackass battery,” as it was
ried the spray across die island with such len walk between the camellias and cross the derisively styled, being located in front of
force the drops stung sharply as they struck «rauda so quietly the cat could not hear Libby, and a greatly increased guard put on
duty, while a company of the home guards
the face. Where the schooners lay there was .hem.
in front.
no sea, but the wind made them jerk at their
in the little room an angel face looked stood
Presently Maj. Turner, with a squad, as­
cables venomously. The whole party was on ip from its nest of soft pillows and a
deck looking at the sublime spectacle. Moun­ ¡nqle played about the crimson, feverish cended ths staii*s, and in a loud tone an­
tains of waves came tumbling in to shatter ips. She held out her hand, spoke a few nounced the order that nil prisoners were to
themselves on the now phosphorescent sands. ample words, and the silent figure would descend to the lower middle room. Not
Their deep boom filled the air with sound. withdraw and go across the street to dreaming of the trap about to be sprung on
Third Street, between E and F
Then there was a small flash and tho artillery I Miguel’s with a lump in bis throat us, and thinking there was to be an inspec­
tion of some kind, we obeyed the order with­
of the skies opened, drowning with crash and ; md his eyes much inflamed.
McMinnville, Oregon.
roar the lashing of the waves. Over the I natters began to grow more serious. No out reluctance, there being no necessity for
waste of waters there gleamed a pale yellow I rehicles must pass that. way. There should guards to enforce it with the ¡mints of their
light that appeared almost supernatural, and ! io more quiet over at Miguel’s, ¿nd bulletins bayonets, as they seemed inclined to do at
each crest burned w th its millions of luminous vould be sent to the cafe every hour, so that tho least hesitancy to march forward quickly.
animalculse. Seaward, beyond, there was a .bey might know how Delice was progressing. When all were lielow guards were stationed
at the head of tho stairs, and we were told it
wail of ebony, against which the vision beat
About 2 o’clock that afternoon the young
First-class accommodations for Cciume - itself vainly. Suddenly, from out the black­ çentleinen were startled by the slamming of would bo perilous to attempt to come up until
cial men and general travel.
ness, two rockets rose together, and diverging vindow shutters over at Mlle. Delice’s. They I ordered to do bo .
as they ascended, like thin skeleton arms, •oso from their tables, leaving their orgeat ' Hour succeeded hour, and darkness set in;
Transient stock well cared for.
we received no intimation of release, and
they stretched over the island, their explosion intasted and started for the sidewalk. They still
at last tho truth began to dawn upon our be­
Everything new and in First-Class Order sending out long attenuated fingers of light, ¡tared over. OI»I Latiche was opening all the wildered understandings.
Wo were pris­
as if appealing for help or giving a benediction. vindows up stairs. Why was this? Then a oners in a twofold sense in Libby,
and under
Some exclaimed they could see lights, ittle negro girl came running toward
Patronage respectfully solicited
of the rooms.
others excitedly declared they could distin­ fliguel’s. Theophile Latrere met her and lx>
guish a large ship driving in. A flash of ’ore she con hi sjæak commanded her silence. traitor and disclosed our plot? If such
lightning showed a small schooner pounding ‘Mes amis,” said ho, “tho news need not bo one had l>een known he would have been a
on the reef outside. There was a wild shout xfld. We know what, it is. There is i o longer thrown a corpse from the windows
when the ghastly white sails, torn to ribbons, leed of silence. We are ohildless.” There or torn to pieces, but we could not fully re­
You want any tiling in the line of
wero discerned, and the pleasure seekers rowed vere sobs in the cafe and many wet eyes, alize
that 6uch had been the case. Our plan
to the island, the little harbor being still [’he parrot, as if recognizing that it was no was nipped, but wo ciMild try it again. We
quite smooth. They were without means to nore under restraint, gave an experimental were
kept in the room described several
succor, however, and could only look for such I ‘caramba,” and finding that it produced no hours and then released and permitted to oc­
swimmers as might make for land. It was i sensation repeated it.
cupy our accustomed places, but we found
not long before tho masts went by the »board
Two by two they marched across to the our rooms had been thoroughly ransacked
Call at the office of the WEST
and the wreck commenced to break up. The ! louse, with bat ill hand. Up the gravelly and everything in the shape of a weapon
young fishermen distributed themselves along , valks the little procession came and on into taken. Evidently our plot had been disclosed
will guarantee you
the beach, ready to render assistance to those .he large chamber. They gathered about tbs and frustrated. Our privileges were fewer
might reach the surf. After half an bedside and, almost unconsciously, they afterwards, and a closer wa&ch was had over
best work lowest prices I that
hour’s waiting in the stinging rain, without nossetl themselves as if in tho presence of au our actions. The outside guards were in­
anything coming ashore, they were about re­ mgel. The little bed became a shrine, and creased, aud so much vigilance manifested
We make a specialty ol Fine
turning to their land locked vess**h when one their waxen beauty with a smile on lier white that we concluded not to make our attempt
of the party, Theophile Letrere, descried, rid­ I ’ace, their Delice, a raint.
for a time at least
ing on the huge billows as lightly os a cork, i °erba|)s a mothers face had welcomed
The manner in which the prison officials
what appeared to be a tub. Each flash of ; ¡he wect child beyond the breakers, and a were made cognizant of our plans was for a
lightning showed that it was approaching the mother’s band had led her up a strand long timo a mystery. The generally accepted
shore fast. Theophile, tying a rope around whiter than the snowy beach of the Chanda* solution of the problem was that some one of
his body, stood ready to rush into the surf ■ leurs.
our number bad sold ns out I never knew
“She came from very far,” whispered the true cause until after the war. I met one
when it should reach it. It was not long be­
fore h saw it mount on a high roller that I Henri Xavier from the foot of the bed. The day in Washington city Capt. Jackson War­
threatened to swamp it. He dashed in, seized Creoles thus beautifully express the idea that ner, described before as the quarter master
it, and, although lifted high upon the sands, jne has narrowly escaped death in in­ who furnished us beef and bread. I asked
-----THE LEADER IN-----
be clung to the object with the tenacity of fancy.
Capt Warner the question. Ho said be re­
“So very, very far,” responded Jules membered he occasion well and what excite­
life itself, and saved it from being washed
ment it caused* When a spy, who bad for a
It was an ordinary deck tub, such as ar^ The sunlight wrought in rare design, with long time been among us, dressed in similar
seen around the decks of sailing vessels, but jasmin« aves, a tapestry of shadow on the uniform, to report our sayings and doings
it was covered with a piece of canvas which wall beside the bed. The little clock on the daily or weekly, as was deemed fit, an­
bad been tightly fastened like a drum bend mantel beat its tic-tac, tic-tac so loudly that nounced that we hail formed a plan to escape,
over its top. While the eag*r crowd was each stroke touched the beflrt* The wil d he was instructed to watch closely and re­
from the garden below came softly in, its lap
Opposite Grange Store McMinnville. Or. looking with curiosity at this bit of flotaom filled with the perfume of flowers, and a port progress, which he could easily do, for
from the wreck one of the party rut open the
we talked and planned witboat secrecy. Like
canvas top, and to their astonishment, rest­ mockingbird on the chimney over the way a caw playing with tbe mouse, they played
dropped some tender notes that, were so ex­
with us, and when ti.od, and just at the
S, A. YOUNG, M. 0.
months old. A cry of rirprise broke from quisitely sweet that the men looked at one proper time, came down in force.—Dr. John
mother as they stood around the bed, as if a
the now excited excursionists.
Henry, Fifth Ohio cavalry.
Physician A Surgeon.
Day was beginning to dawn, and a leaden voice from another world liad spoken. Les
Poissons Rouges had now no mission left.
O bboob .
A Big New York Restaurant.
the east ward. Every eye was directed to the The bond that hail held them together was
I There h a cheap restaurant in Now York
Office and residence on D street. All wreck. Only the bowsj»rit remained visible, severed.
“We will always remember and love her,” chat feeds 8,000 people a day I It is never
i The crew and passengers, if passengers tliere
call* promptly answered day or night.
were, had perished Theophile Lntrere was said Theophile, as he laid Iter little hand back closed, night nor day, and has three different
the first tn speak. He beckoned them all tn serose bar breast and placed a bud between relays of waiters,-cooks, cleaners, cashiers
and other hands. It is not noted in the city,
come near, and in a voice that could be heard I the dead fingers.
“Ami remember all orphaned children, but is famous in all tbe country towns and
even in ’be tumult of wave», be said: “Les
! villages In this state, New Jersey and Con-
Poissons Rouge» have now a duty given to too,” said Raoul Du vergne.
I necticut, which are its chief source of patron­
Dealer in
Twenty-two voices said, “Amen.”
We came here for pleasure, and
“Les Poissons Rouges” never came together age. How many reservoirs of soup and how
Providence has given us the greatest prise of
earth—a life. Sb-di we adopt this little oneT again, but each had sown a seed of charity many tons of beef it consumes daily are mat­
Harness. Saddles, Etc. Etc,
The idea was novel to these young gallants m the little grave in the BL I zmiis cemetery, ters for the consideration of metropolitan
I ana there was connected with it a sort of dis on which is inscribed “Delice,’’ that Las coiTespondenta of ccsntry newwpapera. But
Repairing needy done at re*»on*bl- tribute*! parental responsibility winch wai grown through all the years, and until this th® figures are astounding and interesting
kday bears fruit.—Charles & Whitney in without wnwationai eiaboraUoa. — Good
Wright * D»w building Corn*r Third | exceeding y flattering to each of them. The
1 House keeping.
TU mb D woo M
Ml Fttraeto, MaMiaaviU*. Or.
Its Transmutation into California Gold •
at tho "Long Branch."
After the war of 1861 was over these peaoa> l INVESTIGATION INTO THE HEALTH­
ful villagel's, who, huving contributed their ,
part toward it, wore just settling down again
for another fifty y ears’ nap, were awakened 1
again by certain capitalists, who bought up i
all the cheap land they could find within \
sight, smell or sound of the ocean, and pro­
ceeded to invest money in it. Our old school
speakers contained an affecting poem about
little Alfred, or Charley, or some similarly
named child, who found a shilling coming •
home from school one day, and exclaimed, 1
“I’ll have a fortune, for 1’11 plant it right
away.” These capitalists imitated little Al­
fred or Charley, with much better luck.
They planted not a shilling, but thousands of :
dollars here in tho sand; they seeded these
acres of tho shore with more money than ,
Capt. Kidd has ever been proved to have
buried anywhere, and they finally havo har­
vested a large area of golden financial v heat, j
Ono of their first shrewd methods of tillage
was to mako their new, straggling, one ,
streeted town the summer capital of tho
United States. They built a miniature White
House near the edge of the sea and invited
President Grant to live there two months in
the year. He camo, with that simplicity of
greatness which never enjoys pleasure any
!}he less because it happens to be a source of
profit to others. Tho “long branch” of
Shrewsbury river, which gave nunio to tho
whole locality because it had its aim half
way round the older town, leaped in one sea­
son into world wide fame.
The old war chief of a hemisphere settled
down here with as little ostentation ns ho now
rests in Riverside park; but there were plenty
of commonplace people, with commonplace
wealth, willing to furnish all the style neces-
saiy for such a village, and to sue that tho
new town was well painted with gorgeous
colei's. Many of the dollars that had been
planted in tho pulverized gravel of tho shore
grew into gold beariug roof trees. The cities
brought here their hotel luxuries for sale;
money drawers were opened wide for sum­
mer snow storms of bank notes, and fortunes
were made here between spring and autumn.
Hundreds of acres of Now Jersey sand had
been transmuted into California gold!—Will
Carlton in Now York Star.
Scientists Have Discovered That There
Is Danger in the Milk Can—Contagion
at the Dairy—Alarming Aspect of the
One sanare or lees. one insertion............... fl 00
One square, each subsequent insertion.... 50
Noticeeof appointment and final settlement 5 00
Other legal advertisements, 75 < ents for first
insertion and 40 cents per square for each sub*
sequent insertion.
Special business notices in business columns.
10 cents per line. Regular business notices* 5
cents per line.
Professional carda IU per year.
Special rates for large display “ads."
Or. Banting on Obesity—Critical Hours iw
the Sick Room—One Cure for Earache.
Dr. Banting gives, in Popular Science
News, directions for tho treatment, without
medicine, of obesity* of which the following
are in substance the principal points: People
inclined to corpulence must diminish th®
quantity of their food. They must also take
tbe sort of food that will produce the least
amount of fat, but will give strength; they
should therefore take more of nitrogenous
and less of carbonaceous food. Of beet, veal,
mutton, lamb and pork, the first is the least
and the last the most heat producing. Pork,
therefore, should not be eaten. White bread
makes heat and fat; rye is loss heating; oat­
meal is good for strength aud is very suitable;
rice makes fat; potatoes contain a great deal
of starch and are not to be eaten; milk is too
fattening; fruits may be eaten; coffee and
tea can lie taken, but without milk or sugar.
Water must bo taken very sparingly—one
glassful in twenty-four hours, if possible.
Exerciso must not be violent, as that pro­
duces an appetite; yet, if it be walking, if
perspiration is produced to a slight degree, it
is an advantage.
hours’ sleep is
enough as a rule, and seven will be generally
As there are more thin people in tho world
than fat people, Dr. Banting adds a word of
advice to tho former. They must sleep all
they can: keep early hours for retiring; lie
down in the middle of the day; drink a great
deal of water; oat heartily, especially of far­
inaceous food; take plenty of excercise, but
in moderation. Tbe value of cheerfulness is
emphasized. Follow the old adage, “Laugh
and grow fat.”
Tho subject of purity and bealthfulneea of
milk and its products has received much at­
tention from medical and sanitary authorities
during the past year, and some very remark­
able results of investigations are now being
made public. A lecture on the etiology of
scarlet fever was recently delivered by Dr.
E. Klein, F.C. S., before the Royal institu­
tion in London The princi|»al theme of tho
paper was the relation of scarlet fever to
milk supply. The possibility of the dissemina­
tion, and even origin, of the disease from this
source was considered at length. Recorded
cases are quoted to prove its possibility. Tho
lecturer treats it as a certainty that milk has
thus caused the spread of scarlet fever. Ex­
periments by N. Galthier, a French scientist,
have been published. These were directed to
tubercular sickness. Dairy produce from
cows affected with tubercular disease was the
subject ot the investigations. Professor Gal­
thier found that such articles of diet could
communicate phthisis or consumption to
poultry and swine, and could become thus
directly or indirectly a serious menace to man.
Within the last few years a number of out­
breaks of disease have been traced with great
certainty to dairies as tbe*center of contagion.
So well proved have these cases seemed, that
they have originated special popular names
Lomnn Juice.
for tho sicknesses thus occasioned. Thus
The lemon is a fruit much used in tho siok
milk typhoid, milk scarlatina, and milk diph­ room and, in the opinion of Herald of Health,
theria have ooin® to be recognized. In a in many instances unwisely. Lemonade
number of accurately recorded cases, ail out­ being a very refreshing and agreeable drink,
break of some specific disease ha* been noted. is easily taken in excess by persons suffering
The general history in all was identical. The from fevers, a fact which should not tie for­
spread was limit«! to a certain number of gotten. In typhied fever, for instance, its
families. The medical officers found that all immoderate use would be attended with dan­
the families thus affected were supplied with ger, inducing, as it might, additional de­
milk from the same dealer. Then, on exam­ rangement in an already inflamed Intestinal
ining the stables or dairy whence the milk mucous membrane. In all inflammatory
came, the source of contagion was manifest. diseases of tlie stomach and bowels lemonade
A case of scarlet fever would be found in the should only be given after the attending
family or among tbe employes, or some of the physician lias sanctioned its use. During the
residents poasilfly had diphtheria. In a num­ past few years lemon juice has become quite
The BoNton Mending Bureau.
Tbe Boston Mending Bureau and Laundry ber of instances such conditions were estab­ popular in the management of diphtlieria
company is a new thing in our city, though lished. At the present time the English from the supi>oeed action on the inembraueous
a similar establishment has been in successful health authorities consider these cases proved. deposit in th® throat. There have also been
operation in New York for some time. Their They form the txasis for a somewhat disquiet­ attributed to tho juice marked virtues in Che
plan of work and object ran be told in a fow ing suspicion affecting our milk supply.
functional derangement of tbe liver, com­
But there is a more alarming aspect of the monly called “bilious disorders.” Some per­
words, and the whole thing is so extremely
sensible anil feasible that the only wonder is
sons so affected have found benefit from its
that it was not thought of years ago. The cent observations is that cows may them­ persistent use; the symptoms of otbors, how­
bureau comprises a laundry, a dyo house and selves become infected with a sickness re­ ever, have been aggravated by it.
a repair shop, in tbe last of which experi­ sembling scarlet fever, and that such cows
enced tailors and skillful needlewomen are may, by their milk, can** tlie true scarlet
Purifying Water by Bolling.
constantly employ«! in putting into order fever to be developed in human beings.
In some parts of Germany no wnter is
This conclusion has been led to by an ex­
every sort of wearing apparel
to children until it has been boiled to
Work is done here for both men and amination of data in recorded oases. In some given
tbe germs of any disease present Dr.
women, though it is especially useful, of instances where the origin of the sickness kill
M. L. Holbrook points out certain advan­
course, to bachelors and other lonely men was traced to milk, and where also a scarlet tages
disadvantages of this practice
who have no one to keep their clothing in fever case had exist«! in some person con­ among and
pool, with whom food is notabun-
order for them. Wearing apparel when nect«! with the dairy, too long a period dant, as tho follows:
The boiled water deposits
soiled or worn may bo taken to t he bureau or elapsed before the breaking out of the epi­ on tbe kettle its limo,
Is a loss of so
called for on postal card order, und put into demic to allow it to l>e attributed to direct much mineral matter. and It this
kills the germs,
thoroughly good condition again. The Lneu conveyance by the milk. Another class of which is lieneflcial. If the child
is suitably
is washed and done up, missing buttons are coses is cited in which a human origin, proxi­
replaced, stretched out buttonholes reduced mate or ultimate, could in no way tie traced. fed no liarin is done, but a positive benefit;
to their proper proportions, worn tapes and In one such instance an outbreak of scarlet but if not well fed it is a direct loss to the bones
strings renewed, gaping holes in the stockings fever was associated with a certain dairy. to lo<»e the lime in the water. Pure fresh
filled up, while t ¡e outer clothing is cleansed, No human being could in any way be fixed water from springs does not contaiu germs,
dyed, pressed, darned, patched or otherwise upon as tbe originator. Even the sanitary and if it is used there is no use in boiling it.
attended to as it may need. These things are conditions were examined, with negative re­ Germs, however, may develop in standing
all done at a very moderate price—a pair of sults. The disease was finally attributed to water in a few hours’ exposure to the air.
socks darned for live cents, unless too far i certain cows. Examination of them showed
Th® Ice Bag In Sea Sickness.
gone—and other things in proportion, the the presence cf disease, whose symptoms in­
the price being fixed in most instances by the cluded so res upm the body, ulcerations and a
In a recent letter to a daily paper, says
viscerul complaint resembling that occurring Science, a correspondent states that he has
length of time which tho task requires.
Frequently also tho bureau makes a con- | in scarlet fever in the human being. The made twenty-six tripe across the Atlantic,
had, from other data, been limited and has in every instance, except tbe Jast,
tract with gentlemen to press, repair and
keep in order their clothing by tho year or . to these cows ns a source. Their disease so suffered very much from sea afc’isees. On
month, tho principle being tho same as that similar to the human scarlet fever made it his Inst trip he had with him a rubber bag,
by which tho Chinese pay their physicians to almost a certainty that they were the origin twelve inches long and four inches wide, tht
keep them well. Tho bureau has a dozen of the trouble.
mouth of which was closed by an iron clamp.
The examination by bacterial analysis was This be filled with small pieces of ice and ap­
branch offices in tho suburbs and different
portions of the city, so that patrons living at enter«! into and confirmed these suspicions. plied to tho spine at the base of tbe brain from
a distance may bo easily aceonmiodated. The same micrococcus was found in the blood half to three-quartere of an hour every morn­
There are numberless busy men and women of scarlot fever patients and in the affected ing. It bud a most soothing effect, and he
for whom the bureau will save many dollars cows. The action of the human microbe on enjoyed every hour and every meal.
in the course of a year. “A stitch in time animals was identical with that of the vac­
saves nine,” according to the proverb, and cine on®. This investigation, a full outline of
Tli. Hour, ot Fat«.
mending tho ravages of wear and tear upoy which it is ne«lless to give, clinched the
According to Dr. llic.hardaoii the animal
one’s clothing saves a good deal else at tbe
in the same general way gave identical re­ vital proct-Mc. are at their lowest ebb in th*
same time.—Boston Globe.
period between midnight and 0 o’clock in th*
morning. It i* at theae times that those who
Famous Generals as Cadets.
are enfeebled from any cause moat frequently
Charles Ward, a buck man at West Point,
or life. The remedy is a simple one. die. Physicians often consider theso hours aa
has a fund of information about tho military health
tho micrococci are destroyed. If the critical, and forewarn anxious friend* in re-
academy and sorno of the now famous gen­ milk is heated
to 185 deg. F., it will be ren­ ■jiect to them. From time immemorial those
erals who wore once cadets. A reporter dered safe. Any infectious inicrolies present who have been accustomed to wait aud at­
visited West Point tho other day and wus will lie killed. But while this disposes of the tend on the sick have noted the haul's moss
driven through the grounds of the college by milk
if does not touch the disposal of milk anxiously, so that they have been called by
Ward. Ho appears to bo 51 or 52 years old, products.
cream and cheese are all our old writers “the hour* of fate.”
is a large, broad shouldered man, with a full uncooked. Butter,
Butter represents raw fat, or un­
beard, streaked with gray, and an honest cooked oleaginous
Useful Suggestions.
matter. It cannot be
countenance. He was born in the town aud
Beef suet, salted, is as good as lard for fry­
heated to a high degree without injury. On®
has been there ever since.
the methods of freeing it from casein was ing.
“You knew them all, then—Lee, Sheridan of
to melt it, but tho process was found to cause
Tie or skewer fowls and joints into shape
and Grant?” asked the reporter.
“I know tho first two—that is, I saw them deterioration. Butter must be uncooked.— l»efore boiling.
The gridiron should be well greased and
when a boy and remember how they looked i Scientific American.
hot before placing meat on it
and acted. Gen. Lee was < aptain of the post i
Belief of tli® Metlokalitla Indians.
here in 1853, and my father u;->ed to sell bftn
Canton flannel makes an excellent dusting
The wild Indians ot the northwest had
milk every day. I can remember how Gen.
cloth for highly polished furniture.
Lee would say, with a smile, to my father: I some beliefs that paved the way for the re­
Wa h gilding with warm water in which
‘Now, I desire you to bo careful and Tiot get ception of Christianity. In their legends they an onion has been boiled aud dry with a soft
too much water in your milk. The imlk you made frequent mention of the “Hon of God,” cloth.
gave me the other day had a suspicious taste.’ and ho was al ways spoken of as a lienefartor.
He said it, though, in such a kindly, nice way They had also many remarkable legends
my father never took any offense. Capt. about Satan, and his name in tlioir language
Lee was the most soldierly looking of any of means “The Father of Liars.” They believed
tbe cadets. Why, sir, when started to walk him to be an avaricious l>eing, always prowl­
on the parade ground or from one quarter to ing around seeking something to satisfy his
another be went as straight as a bee line, and appetite, and full of deceit.
They hail a firm l»elief in a future existence.
never looked back, it made no difference how
warranted not to contain a tingle par-
much noise tho other cadets made in his rear. The Indian word for “death” does not convey
________ tide of Mercury or any injurious sub­
it a nee, but la purely vegetable.
Ho was straight, too, as an arrow, and not the same idea as it does in English. It is the
very stout. I shall never forget him p . s he equivalent of “separated,” or parted into two,
It will Curt all Diseases caused
looked in those days.”—New York Mail and
by Derangement of the Liver,
jected to too much strain. They said of an
Kidneys and Stomach.
Indian who had just died that lie “bad
If your Liver is out of order, then your
is deranged The blood is
Manufacture of Tin Cans.
impure, the breath offensive ; you have
A striking instance of labor saving machin­ tion, also, that earth and heaven were in
languid, dispirited and
ery ia that which makes tin cans. One of the close proximity to each other, so that every
nervous. To prevent a more serious con­
machines used in tbe process solders the lon­
REGULATOR. If you lead a
gitudinal seams of the cans at tbe rate of fifty upon tbe earth, and al) tbe noises of th® earth
IL I V r. K *«<!entary life, or suffer with
u minute, tlio cans rushing along in a contin­ were distinctly heard in heaven. Finally the
U* W
Affections, avoid
uous stream; of course a drop or two of children of men on earth became so turbulent
stimulants and take Simmons Liver Regulator.
solder is left on tho can. The drop on ths and caused such a racket that tbe chief in
Sure to relieve.
outside m easily wiped off, but it is notsoeMp heaven could not sleep, and so he just took
If you have eaten anything hard of
digestion, or feel heavy after meals or
to secure tbe drop ¡eft on tbe insido. An in­ tho earth and pitch«! it as far as it now is
sleepless at right, take a dose and rou
genious workman bos patented an arrange­
will feel rebeved and deep pleasan Uy.
ment for wiping the inrido of the can without Magazine.
If you are a miserable sufferer with
stopping tbe machinery. Result, several
A Queen’s “Black Art."
Biliousness, seek relief at once in
thousand dollars in royalties in his own
pocket and a saving of lift worth of solder
require continual dosing, and costs but a
ever having b**en initiated by the late
per day to tbe firm that uses it. Thirty thou­ of
sand cans is a day’s work for this machine— magician, Hermann, into some of the mys­
If you wales up » in the morning with a
teries of ids profession, is none other than the
bitter* bad taste in your mouth*
Boston Transcript.
queen of tbe Belgians, to whom he taught
Simmons Liver Regulator. It cor­
privately a few of his wonderful legerdemain
rects the Bilious Stomach, sweetens
A Marketable Husband.
performances during a brief season at Ostend,
____________ the Breath, and cleanses the Furred
In Riam a man who has sold himself at and who occasionally de gns to amuse her in­
l ongue. Children often need some safe Cathar­
tic and Tonic to avert approaching sickness
gambling can compel his wife, if sho has th® timates with an exhibition of her remarkable
'ummons Liver Regulator will relieve Colic, Head-
money, to redeem ¡dm, but he thereupon be­ tu.ent for th® “block art.”—Home Journal
iche. Sick Stomach. Indigestion. Dysentery, and
comes her property and chattel This is a
the Complaints incident to Childhood.
very equitable arrangement. The wife, if
More Necesunry Than Love.
At any time you feel your system needs
cleansing, toning, regulating withortt violent
she desire*, can sell her busband off, along
“I love you,” he protested, “better than my
purging, or stimulating without intoxi­
with his sum mW peh’iien, for a plaster of life. I would <lie for yon if necessary.”
cating, inks
paris image of Bi->marrlc or a spotted dog.
“Ob, nonsense,” replied the practical girl
And we are not surpi-toed a woman with such “fiwrar to me that you will g»*t up and make
a husband should so desire, as was proved the th® fire®, and Pil consider your proposition.”
other day when Ma Bamut exchanged her —Tbe Ju<ig®._________________
IwUrr half for a share in a bouae near Wat
Pickles should never be kept In glazed
Chang, a cow and twenty tkais in silver.—
ware, as the vinegar forme a poisonous oom-
1 Bangkok Tunes.
J. H. Z£IUt A CO.,
PQUkd with Die rUamg.
To Regniate
hfflois liver Rigiihlor.