« THE LAST LAUGH. Csastsnatisa sf th« C*ngr«f ation. Th« Wis­ dom st tho Ianoooau. Adjoining an out-of-the way, but favorite summer retort, is a little Chapel in which religious services are held occasionally, aa clergymen can be obtained, during the pleasure season. A visiting divine consented to preach one sabbath last summer, and, notice being given, quite a congregation of hotel guests and resident neighbors assemblod. In opening the services the preacher suggested that, as the chapel was provided with no musical instrument, perhaps some one present would start a hymn, in which the con­ gregation could join. A brief pause ensued, and then the congregrtion was convulsed at hearing an old lady strike up, in a cracked voice, "Believing we rejoice To see the cuss removed." As no one ‘‘joined in,’ the old la»ly did not proceed far with the hymn, and an awkward contretemps seemed imminent. The clergyman was quick­ witted, however, and turned the ludi- crons incident to good account. He xuietly arose and announced as his text the words, “Believing we rejoice,” from which he preached an excellent sermon, one that under the peculiar circumstances, made a deep impression. The old lsdy will probably never know why she caused such a sensa­ tion. She lived in the neighborhood, and being accustomed to the pronun­ ciation '‘ cubs ’’ for “curse,” sang it that WOOD PULP PAILS, As Tnt.reatlnx Description of th. of Their Manufacture. WOMEN P tocsm Ao TALKERS.* Sensible Advice ou me secret of the Art oi Conversation. A LIFE. A Young Man Tell. Wlw He I. No Longer In the Hero H'l.lne,«. vümtwk / HH PHOTO. “VP FoMtanr“ live'c'hick^rûillng SAVING The venerable lieno- factor of mankind, intent upon hi» good pund»,6whl'hkad grabbed* the works, i» known as leg in iuch a way that it could not 1st go. re him hero. Hi. tuniliar fa.vaud BEAD IHE DEATH BOLL Vfollow- Which the bills of mortality of «ny large city form have become a may be fitly deBignaled, and you will find tha renal and vesical maladies, that is to s«J. Ihoae that affect the kidney« or bladder, hav ““»C ' ■ ’■’.■’¿■‘¿ii. 1» a remarkable promineuce-we had almost Maw., wrote: Mr. said-preponderance. Brights disease an M.^dv st »icsiri” 10 SL J' diabetes in the chronic atage are ra'-eb oil t.. imv ullliete»l with rheumatism, and cured, ami gravel, catarrh of the bladde 0*' ' W|T t0 «tv that Orrin Rohtawm. Slid enuresis elay many. Yet at tm outset, when the trouble iu<-rely Inactivity of the organa involved the danger to his ho.t- inti, tuinmer may be nu lilted by that iJeaaan ' “ h< ami diuretic, Hostetmr . 8to»uaeli Bitter», watch upon crutches, bis left leg imparts the requisiie a»» omit of “no to tie nt the knee for over two mouth» and could organa without over-exciting them, and the “Xbenthnek He »v.ul.l not w»t k upon use of which b convenient, and in wives no elaborate preparation. Ityspep ia, a usual < on- it Mr. Dennis had some St. Jacobs Oil in o»-nutant of renal complaints, and debtlify, thehod “"** f“, by it. Ho also are constipation, malaiial, rneu knee. In six day* •>« l'“'1 iuaiic and nervous ailments. cnitcl»« ami went home weir and lie has Is’en well since8t. Ja.-ot»-» < m «rou The color of the jel y is spoiled by being him ” InJulv, 1887. inquiry wasmadeof the «Itoa-vrlain the comlition of boiled too long. ________ tl Hiuie » ripple, «lti. li brought the foUow- OVAB-WOBKED WOMEN i c nromse - "Lowell, Mie-».. July 0. 1887.- For “worn-out,” “run duwu,” debilitated The wor cripple on i riit. lies. Orrin Robin- school teachers, milliner«, spam trease , Ln »'mrL lTst. Jacobs Oil in 1881, has ra- housekeepers and over worker! women mai’nees . Wakelee & Co.. S»n r rancisco -iebility and sleepl ssness in either sex Fav»»rite Pre.crl tion i sold by drugg'st- under our posilirr guardntie. See »'tap­ per around l otlie. 1*1.00 n bot­ PU R K, P?PR1 CREAM I am a good swimmer, and. I am The pail is entirely in one piece and In spite of the reputation that women, without hoops, so it never leaks or falls as a sex, enjoy of being great talkers, totd, noted for my fests of skill an»' to pieces, besides being lighter by far comparatively few of them cultivate to endurance in the water. If I wasn’t -■ than any other material from which any decided degree the art of conver­ wonbl not be alive now to tell my such vessels could be made. The pro­ sation. They are apt to become so ac­ story. My knowledge of the arL combine»’ cess of their manufacture is thus de­ customed to their daily houshold life hs scribed: The wood, preferably spruce, to consider it the whole, not a part, of with a perfect confidence in myself, although any soft, fibrous wood will their existence, and they lose, as it have, on three different occasions, answer, is first eleured of its bark and were, their own identity and merge saved my life, when others, giving m» out to a length uniform with the grind­ themselves into a housekeeper, or up for lost have stood bv. watching stone to be used, generally sixteen to nurse, without any individuality of their me nearly drown, without an attempt twenty-four inches. It is then placed own remaining. By many the tine arts at rescue, although some of them were against tho face of a rapidly revolving of which they have previously made capital swimmers. Of course, they yelled and rushed grindstone, the grain of tho wood be­ themselves masters are neglected and ing in a line with or parallel with the gradually fall into ignoble disuse. madly about, and threw things in the axis of the stone, and a hydraulic or Why is it that so many as soon as they water, and shouted crazy cotumamls. worm screw piston keeping the wood begin their married life discard their but not one of them would risk his constantly pressed against the stone. music or singing and never bestow a pr» clous life for mine. I thoroughly The result, which is washed off tho thought upon those accomplishments detest such cowardice. ÎÎ5 PERFECT MAOß Though I have always burned to dis­ stone by a shower of water, after being which soothe and elevate us and seem screened of slivers and sawdust is a to rest a spirit fretted by the ceaseless tinguish myself in saving life, ami milky-white liquid. With the water turmoil of life? It is on this account hare often purposely gore where my Tts su peri' r excel! ence pro ven- la mPHom r sufficiently extracted this is tho wood that some women are apt to be tire­ services in that line might be noedeil. mure than aqua ter of aceutury. J- Ia U ni te J H tute» • ver mu en t. I ud .raed by t he 1^ pulp used in the manufacturo of paper some when talking, for they rarely al­ it was only recently that the longed- Gr (Jniver tho worst Scrofula. Salt.rhr, chance to rescue him. or rather her, and numerous wood cuts, sent for ten this hat is placed a flexible rubber bag. constant repetition of nothing. “ Fever - sores,” Scaly or Bo, wav. from the breakers before all the people cents in stamp«. Skin, in short, all dlseuw s enua-d by and between this and the inner form Of course it is not to be denied that a »quered by this powerful , Address W orld ’ s D ispensary M edicai Homespun people often run counter first mentioned is admitted tho pulp, there and be crownoil a hero, with my ívlgoratiiig medicine. I.r woman ’ s proper sphere is her home; A ssociation 6 3 Main St., Buffalo, N. 1. I to some of the common customs, or ■till in a liquid state. The pulp being •ers rapidly hen! uniteriu name conspicuously printed in all the c. Especially has It inanif« time-worn prejudices of society, and pumped in under pressure, the water that tlie better she performs iter duties panel’s. T ut very little lard in your_bread if you curing Tetter, Hose Bi to her family ami friends the truer is are laughed at. Sometimes they are immediately begins to drain off through __ »uncles, Sore Eye«,Srt O io beautiful girl in particular I wish it to be white. site to her vocation in life. But it nloii» Sores and Swelling«, u right, and society is wrong. joint Disenso, White Swellli the wire cloth and perforations, ami I ought not to follow as a matter of noticod, ami each lime she losscil her When new and valuable ideas are CHRONIC CrUGH8 AXD C'LDS. Goitre, or Thick Neck, nuil Fula» the rubber bag wells until it fills the | »»our.se that because a woman is a good shapely bare arms from tho water my Glands. Send ten cents in »taui|a f, evolved in the progress of the world'» All diseases of the Throat and Linars can b HALL’S PULMONARY large treatise, with colored plates, ot. hat Tho supply of pulp is then shut ’ wife and mother that her whole eon- heart leaped in my throat, for I thought cured by th»- use of Ncoit'fo EniuiMion. as ' thought, those who fir«t believe in Diseases, or tho same amount lor a tin my dream of rescuing a lovely heiress co tains the healing virtues of Cod Liver Oil on Scrofulous Affoctions. them are often subjected to ridicule. off. and water under high pressure is ' versation should savor of the meat that and then marrying her was about to a..d Hypophosphites in thei fullest form. Is t> "THE BLOOD IS THE LIF admitted within the hat and outside A superior remedy for Coughs, Colds. b autiful creamy Emulsion, p datable an milk, forms her iliiily diet. Women are apt But it is those who believe who have Thoroughly cleanse it by using Dr. Pkri Incipient Consumption, and alt easilv dige ted, and can bt taken by th»* mo»i be rea ized. the rubber bag, thus squeezing much Golden Medical Discovery,and«, to talk “ sltop. ” mid the shop general'y Throat and Lung Troubles. occasion to rej ice. Please read: "1 c insider Scott? As her handsome f rm floated grace­ delicate. digestion, a fair skin, hnoyaiil «i Emulsion the remedy par-excellence in Talar Mr. A. Way is a prominent farmer of the water from the pulp. After i consist.») of their domestic concerns. As Sold by all Druggists for 50 Ceuta. Its,and vital strength, will Ix-iotabln fully on the crest of the waves farther cnlou8 nd Strumous Affections, to ssy nothng standing some eight to ten minutes the at Navastno, N. Y., who was pn-strated . a consequence tliero are a great many of ordinary colds and throat troubles. ’ — W. II. 8. and farther from tho shore. I grew C onnell . M. D., Manencster, O. pressure is shut off, the inner form with kidney diaeaae, and reached a needles.« bores in the world; needless, I more excited over the glorious pros­ which Is Scrofuln of the I.iingt,, point where “the doctor »»id he had lowered, and the pulp pail removed. «ay, (»ecati.se unless there were some we rested nn»l cured by this rcinody, if tai»« THE “OLD RELIABLY.” done all he could.” Feb. 23d, 1883, he At this stage the pail is still nearly fifty could not appreciate persons who aro pect of heroism before mo. foro the last stages of the dteense ere r»»» Wallowa Chieftain. Jo-epli, Or.. Oct. 17. '87. 'l'iie thundering surf was very high Prom its marvelous power over this t--» writes, “A b a last resort I t»egan the per cent water, but is sufficiently really entertaining. Of the different fatal disease, when first off» ring tin» We have us- d in this office for the pas une of Warner’s s.«fe cure, and t*day strong to allow handling. This water specimens of tho genus ‘-bore” there ami filled with sand, allowing tho ebb­ eighteen month« oi e of y ur I »1.1 lleliabh celcbiuti-'l remedy to the public. Dr. Ir thought seriously of calling it his “( I am h »le, hearty and h »ppy.” Octo­ is first all dried out in dry kilns, and is none more distinctly marked (han ing tide was making a strong undor- »1x15 job presses. For strength, motion sumption Cure,” but iibiinilono! ease of running and for g-ne al good worl ber 13th, 1887, lie again writes, “If it then the pail is turned off on tho out­ v. name as too limited for a medicine «I Recklessly or ignorant of danger we have never seen a press superior to ii from Its wonderful combination of turn had not been for your wonderful dis side with a gang of saws. After sand­ quent. The small animals of lite same Can cheerfully recommend it to the trade strengthening, alterative, or blood-»-I»»it-, covery of Warner’s safe cure, I should papering inside and out tho pail is kind, even the inevitable ntul long- niy angel continued to increase the antl-billous, pectoral, mid nutritive pr» Your- trulv, ties, is unequolcd, not only as a r»-mo¡» have been in my grave to-day. I am, ready for the treatment house, whore winded gossip, pale into insignificance dis a'tco between lierself amt safety. F. M. M c C ully . consumption, but for all Chronic! I would have hallooed to her but for to all appearances as free from any it is charged witli a water-proofing com­ beside her. She is generally known as oases of the Soft butter the size of an egg weigh trouble of the kidneys as any man pound which permeates thoroughly tho dealing largely in tlie flowers of rliet- the grand feeling within me that I was one ounce. there able and anxious to save her. living. The doctor who doctored me material of which the pail is made. , uric, lavishing metaphor and simile Ju»jt then a femalo’s agonized shriek If 1 feel dull, drowsy, d< bilitated, and said I must die, lias since died Baking in ovens at a high temperature Dr. Pierce's “Favorite Prescription” 1» ! witli a prodigal hand, abounding in «»allow color of skin, or yellow ish-browni not extolled as a ‘ cure-all,” but adnil abli with Bright’s disesse!” succeeds er.ch dip or treatment. The inohitiotis anil having a glowing look from the direction of the hotel brought fulfills on face or body, frequent ticudnchr or t a singleness of purpose, lie ng ; me to my senses. Moro shrieks and a The hottest old farmer was doubtl- ss polish which the goods present is de­ ness, bad taste in mouth, internal tai most potent specific in those chronic weak in the eves, a.s if she wished to be con ­ chills, alternating with hot flushes, lowed hurrying crowd ton nnl the cistern told nesses peculiar to women. derided and laughed at by the medica. scribed as being tho result of the final and gloomy forebodings, irregular and man, and many of his friends, when treatment. After this the handles are sidered the inspired Pythia of ¿Apollo’s mo th:it my hour of triumph had and coated tongue, you are suffers !i IndigoNtion, Dy*|»<‘P*in, nnd Tori one pint of coffee A sogar wei hs twelv» he announced hie determination to riveted on the goods, which are then temple, or a bare-back rider on the arrived. My nerves suddenly seemed Liver, or “ 111 II on Mie*»».” Inn try Warner’s e .fe cure, a proprietary ready for the market__ ’llailway Review, winged Pegasus. For a good, old- as iron, my head grow cool, and I felt, ounces. cases only part of these symptoms arc ei fashiotied, death-dealing, wotind-tip- now nt last on trial, that I was more rienced. As a remedy lor all such o medicine; but he is alive and well to- Dr. Pierce9« Golden Medical I fivr-a-whole-week and