WEST SIDE TELEPHONE,! BISHOP & KAY Among the expenditures on ac- But hold a moment. Mr. Blaine, after all, is not bo black as he is count of the Panama canal is the We hasten to his defense. suin of $11,000,000 for quinine. Ayer’s Hair Vigor keeps tho hair soft The Official Democratic Paper. painted. and pliant, imparts to it the lustre and He is the poor man’s friend, in Ex-Secretary Holcomb, of the freshness of youth, causes it to grow u.£. L.HEATH------- ruMlalmv. spite of appearances. He has no­ luxuriantly, eradicates Dandruff, cures American legation 'at Pekin, says ticed that miners, carpenters, iron all scalp diseases, and is the most clean­ that out of the 400,000,000 inhabi ­ of riiool I’“,1-’.’ " j?.. ( ,;11. s . i:u M, and ust-l workers, and other brow sweaters, I ly of all hair preparations. wiusinau-t I... /‘ ‘J ; llt veceivi 1 no E h » AVCD’C Hair Vigor has given ino that they all—but why do we hesi­ tants of the Chinese empire, fully The Best Qualities & Substantialy Made, Ml Illi O perfect satisfaction. I was OREGON FIRST. tate at such marvelous news?— 300,000,000 spend less than $1.50 a nearlv bald for six years, during which time I used many hair preparations, but month for food. without success. Indeed, what little Our new Fall and Winter stock of Qo Oregon will have a prominent that they all “chew." He honors hair I had was growing thinner, until the act of chewing. He thinks President Cleveland will give to I tried Ayer’s Hair Vigor. I used two part to play in the nextjpresiden- bottles of tho Vigor, and my head is now in«- is now on exhibition. iial campaign. Her state election that mortals never touch the pro- congress after the holidays a gener­ well covered with a new growth of hair. foundest enjoyment unless they do vear.,1 o iu-’ J I 'voi“,?2'.,‘Sin * I — Judson B. Chapel, Peabody, Mass. al messago, embracing such sub- , cocuring in June will be the first Our Qualities. that has become weak, gray, gun fired for the party who wins it. chew. Watch the poor fellow at jects as have come before the exe­ IJAIP laMi.il and faded, may have new life Wo aro prepared to offer the very highesr grades of texture to U the plow, and note the eagerness aeven i.db-« ni.4 !. avj h vvr Hit any.*ct“f2 cutive departments during the sum­ and color restored to it by the use of She is considered a very doubtful of iJcItl .D-tuly. After expertenviiyf tho Ayer’s Hair Vigor. •* My hair was thin, forded at the price and we confidently believe that on this point Sod effect; I bay-1 »«:. ^<1 “I with with which he sometimes bites off mer that require action by congress. faded, and dry, and fell out in large ,tate and it behooves every demo­ t. ’i.i result. 1 1 »fi i,t •>’ ' ? without competition, we urge a critical examination of these good, quantities. Ayer’s Hair Vigor stopped » I . ,;-v like u*• ’• and <•'•*** .se when n '<■ s • y a d M c up fnda six crat to put his shoulder to the even “more than he can chaw."and the falling, and restored my hair to its •ot ’ l ir. U iju ai d ti-.N wkho'.it u.y hi«<»a- The Italian government, when Our Styles. original color. As a dressing for the v.uteuvo. 1 ssu-l you 11:1.-, Wllhout 8OU-.W wheel and push it out from the then expectorates his foul along the setting out the great money value hair, this preparation has no eoual.— Thev show for themselve that they are the latest and noblest. Evt ’'jir. xw.» Forth A’envn, Cblenss, opening furrow. With that picture Mary N. Hammond, Stillwater, Minn. mire of republicanism. Hot times UD 1< ru.tevl Ju.f ¡2, ' .‘i? * • ,„ j’i> body wants Fashionable Clothing to keep abreast with the mod^ of its citrii3 crop and exports there­ Ji my youth, and beauty, in tho eKvedii..m»wrt.b’ui.i.tKt • - 1 c ;* are expected and Oregon is a vast before him, Mr. Blaine, the magnet­ of (lemons, oranges, etc.,) passes VcPnP v IVIU 21, appearance of the hair, may costs our patrons nothing to do so. t? tci< «1 a very sc V»; rt < wo < f P • • .» ic and magnanimous statesman, inz u H»ut l’.vo yea. j i.yo. ‘ r J be preserved for an indefinite period by field to work in, our republican u. i.. U..I W. 1:1 < » M«*re, th P“>- over Florida as a serious competi­ the use of Ayer’s Ilair Vigor. *♦ A dis­ Our Prices friends arc at work now, why not I trembles with generosity way down tor, but views California with con­ ease of the scalp caused my hair to be­ prep&ratn n o’ ids c1- a, ’•‘•G’-h h‘* We are determined not to be undersold and we are equaly detert *: -.lire e «ire. Ill e! six bolt kb or Lis to his boots and whistles through come harsh and dry, and to fall out fin»' urevz wnrs»» rtlr'io C'uue. At L- - I i all work? Nothing I tried seemed to do cd that no such bargains shall be obtained elsewhere as we offer, i|. t •i-.fc.l ai»d : of ft enre. I nut a three thousand miles of cable, siderable anxiety as Italy’s coming freely. me any good until I commenced using f .e'ml wkotvld HR your ¿‘‘'J means low prices to all who come. ctm»l i.G-.i. 1 went to t this for l.e give the laborer a free chaw!" Will New England is deeply interest­ and pliant. My scalp is cured, and it bone: t of sutVr. «*, io prevent < ii to humanity. The nie th ? u»e of S. s. 8. In cases uf Inoud dis- GOOD.S FOR TIIE LEAST MONEY.]— or Monday.. . Dec 5 December 11. 1887.) 600 become duo and payable at galleries and staircases are cut in al pains were taken to prevent an Saturday Dec 10 Fri lav... .. Dec 9 Fotice is hereby given that the following- Dde. 13 Wednesday Dee 11 Tuesday their face, and 1907, when u$732,- these figures, by which access can accident, as a loss of $50,000 would Sunday .... . Dec 18 Sat u rd-tv . Dec 17 named settler has tiled notice of his inten tion to mase final proof in support of his Wednesda v Dec 24 Dee 22 be gained, to the heads, the same as 440,870 become due and payable at have been entailed by the falling of Thursday Monday Dee 20 Alondav Dee 2G claim, and that said proof will be made be­ in our modern colossal statues. fore the clerk of Tillamook county. their face. the piece. It was hoped a short Saturday . Dec 31 i’h urst fay Doc 2i‘ Oregon, county at Tillamook, Oregon, on Friday, Some time after the completion of P roposals : time since that the work would be T!ie company reserve ilia right to February 10, 1888, viz. James S Gray,pre­ steamers or sailing days, emption declaratory statement, No 4714, 1. The democratic policy.—Off the statue its draperies were form­ so far advanced as to try the big change TO ASTORIA,-Str. R R Thompson for the 8 ’J of S E 1-4, N E 1-4 of 8 E 1-1 and and 9 of see 6, T 3 N R 9 W. with the needless taxes on clothing, ed by masses of stucco molded into lens this evening, but it would be leaves Ash st wharf every Monday Wed lots He 8 names t>ie following witnesses toprove Saturday at 11:30 p. m. U S Mail his continuous residence upon, and cultiva­ THE ONLY NATIONAL STANDARD ‘uel, shelter, food. Let alone the their proper shape and fastenod to out of the question to make a test and steamer leaves Ash st. daily, except Sun­ tion of, said land, viz: Il M. Scovell, E it. Numerous holes, still visible, before next week. The third lens day, at 6 a. m., for Astoria. ¿axes on whisky, beer, tobacco. G. Scovell, J M Aliev, of Union Peak, Or­ ’ TO DALLES AND CASCADES, egon, and G W. Stimbour, of Nehalem,Or­ Containing Over Twenty Thousand 2. Tho republican policy.—Off are said to have been made for the has arrived safely and fits the cell Leave Ash st. at 6 a. m., except Sun­ egon 33t6 W T. B i rney , Register. Articles on Prominent People. purpose of holding the stucco in 'with taxes on whisky, beer, tobac­ exactly Alvin Clark, who accom­ day. TO OREGON CITY, Dayton and Al place. The general appearance of co, so as to keep the war taxes on panied the lens, and feels assured bany.—Str. leaves Portland at 7 a. in. Notice for Publication. This standard work is the only these statues indicates that they that very little grinding will be Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays, for clothing, fuel, shelter, food. L and O ffice at Oregon City, Or., ) National Cyclopaedia of Biography were the work of tho Buddhist necessary. Nothing could be done Dayton and way points. Returning leave Nov. 26. 1887.1 in this country, and worthy to rank Dayton as 6 a. in., Tuesdays, Thursdays Notice is hereby eriven that tho following- A BIG POLITICAL SHAKE UP. A. DIELSCHNEI monks, who were very numerous in until the tube was put up and star and Saturdays. For Albany and way­ named settler has tiled notice of his inten with the great national works of its tion to make final proof in support of his kind in the Old World, now being this region about the time of the tests made and photographs taken. points at 6 a. in., Mondays and Thurs­ claim, and that said proof will nc made be­ days. Returning, leave Albany Wednes­ The president’s messago is able Christian era. The largest one at prepared in England, Germany and days and Saturdays. TICKS f OFFICE fore the county clerk of Tillamookcounty.Or and statesman-like, business-like least was doubtless meant to be rep­ The observatory will, in all prob- FIRST A OAK STS. A. L. MAXWELL, egon, al Tillamook.Oregon.on Friday,.Janu­ Belgium. No name eminent in lit­ ary 13. 1888, viz: Win. Tubbesing, pre cm- erature, art, music, science or in­ Gen. Pass. A Ticket Agent. in style, perspicuous in statement, resentation of Buddha. They were obility, be complete, and turned ption D. L No,480S, for the W ’. of 8 W over to the regents of the univer ­ vention will be omitted. Sold only and W % of N W of sec. 27, T 3 N R 10 W. clear in its reasoning and irrefu­ probably made about nineteen hun­ lie names the following witnesses to by subscription. sity by the last of February or the prove his continuous residence upon, and table in its conclusions. COMMISSION AUCTION cultivation W. W. BECK, Agent. dred years ago. Alexander the first of March. of, said land, viz: Wm Scholl- Tho message rises above party meyer, II, II. Schollmcyer, Henry Ober and —But Drop Into— Great passed through this valley in F. J. Lange, ail of Nehalem, ‘Tillamook HOUSE. lines, and presents a common basis The United States geological sur­ county, Oregon. the fourth century before Christ, but 32 W T. BURNEY. Register. of patriot statesmanship on which The undersigned will open a Commission thousands suffering from Asthma, Con­ the historians of lqs expedition vey, Maj. J. W. l’owcll, director, Auction liouec in the rooms lately occupied sumption, Coughs, etc. ' Did you ever try republicans and democrats are ---- NEW AND ATTRACTIVE ---- lias issued statistics of the produc ­ by II. II Welch in W. T. Booth ’ s building make no mention of them. A Chi­ Acker’s English Remedy? It is the best (’ street between 3d and 4th, where we bound by every consideration of nese pilgrim, linen Tsang, visited tion of minerals during 1886. The on preparation known for all Lung Troubles, will sell, at auction, any thing from a jack­ sold on a positivo guarantee at 10c., .60c, knife to a threshing machine or from n the public welfare and of political Bamian about 630 A. D., and gave report gives primarily, the produc­ bushel of mud to a section of land. Sales Geo. W. Hurt Druggist. expediency to stand together. The every Saturday, Apply at the auction tho first description of which we tion and value of every prominent rooms. U.S B ooth , Business manager. J. W. BRIEDWELL, - - - PROP. Bakery and Grocery. position taken in the previous con­ J as , F lktcaer , Auctioneer. (Formerly Baxter & Rogers.) OVEBLAND TO CALIFORNIA have any knowledge; but even then mineral substance mined in the gress by the Minnesota delegation My Goods are New and Fresh and will VIA the statues were very old, and the United States, with a compact WHEN and some other republicans must BE SOLD AT LOW FIGURES statement of the prices, sources of AV. U. Collardx Oregon & California R. R. handful of monks remaining would be stoutly maintained by the repub­ For CASH. A share of the public pat­ And Connections. have been utterly incapable of per­ supply and technical matters, Hungry and Thirsty. C: G-LTJNTS1ÆITII. ronage respectfully solicited. All kinds THE MT, SHASTA ROUTE. lican side of the house at this ses­ which prove important. During forming such an immense work. It of Produce taken in exchange for goods, sion, or they, and perhaps the party and Glassware incl Close connections made at Ashland with Next door to the Post office. is to the modern English and Rus­ the year the total value of mineral stages of the California, Oregon and Idaho Home Produce Market. which they represent, will be over­ btage Company products taken, as nearly as possi ­ sian explorers that we arc indebted O regon Corrected for the T elephone by Baxter A whelmed. Tho message is simply for.the rediscovery of these remark­ ble, at points of production, was Rogers, Only 13 Miles Staging, the tariff reduction plank of the re­ able monuments, which are cer­ more than $495,000,000, the largest Time between Wheat, per bu .......... ■has revolutionized the world publican party, adopted in 1884, tainly worthy of being ranked mineral production yet recorded in ! per bu ............... ¡during the Iasi half century Oats, Portland anil San Francisco, per bar. ....................... Not least among the wonders Flour, per expanded. It is neither moro nor among the ancient wonders of the any country. In 1885 the value! doz.......................... 39 Hours. of inventive progress is a method ami sys­ Eggs, ----- When I say that- Butter, tier lb less than a textual sermon on that world.—Popular Science News. E’Pre’S trains run daily was about 429,000,000. Many sub-' tem of work that can be performed all over Cheese, best, ¡»erlb................ IIETW FJ.N l ’ OKTLANI) ’ORTLAND and and ASHLAND. ASHLAND, the country without separating the workers passage of the resolutions which A ¡»¡»les. ver box ............... LEAVE. stances shares in this increase, but ( from their homes. Pay liberal; any one Apples, n xi 5 —ARRIVE. per lb.......... Portland 4:1» P. M.IAsliland . 8:30 A. M. do the work, either sex, young or old; Potatoes. dried promise to “reduce the surplus by It. D. Watson was fatally injured particularity iron and steel, which can per bu ........ Ashland. Ashland .5:40 I*. P. M. M.lportlahd I Portland 10.40 10 40 A. A M. M no special ability required Capital not Bacon, sides ............. correcting the unoqualities of the by being run over by cars at Knapu, alone showed an increase of $30,- neotied, you are^ started free Cut this out “ Local l-a.senger Daily, Except Sunday: shoulder..................... Have the most complete tailor d and return to us and we will send you free LEAVE. ARRIVE. tariff," and it is certainly none the Cal., Saturday. “ ham. sugar cured (XX). In 1885 bituminous coal was something of great value and* importance Chickens, Portland.. 8:00 A M.|Engene\ ‘’2 2:40 :40 P P M M. per doz .................. you. that will start you in busines which I.ugene . 9:00 A. M.ll’orltand 3:45 P M. less binding on tho republicans for West Side- the most valuable mineral product to wiil bring vou in more money right away Ducks, per doz.................. All coal trains on tne Philadel­ but in 1886 it was passed by pig than anything else in the world (¡rand Turkeys, ¡»er lb ... . being now so endorsed by a demo­ I ullman Buffet »Sleepers. free. ‘Address True & Co , Augusta Daily between Portland and Ashland, lil-.U ARDED arc these whoread cratic president.—Chicago Tribune phia and Reading railroad are stop­ iron, which had a higher total value outfit Maine, this and then act; they will find • iskiyous and San Francisco. ped on account of the strike. —Rep. than gold and silver combined. honorable employment that will SEA WONDERS exist in thousands -------NONE BUT----- - Emigrant Sleeping Cars Between not take them from their home ami famil­ of forms, but are surpassed by the Wondeful progress is shown in the ies rhe profits are large and sure for marvels of invention. Those who Ed. Kareher, son of the chief of The superintendent of dead let­ Portland and Ashland, Siskiyou ’ s person, may have medi­ use of natural gas, the consump­ ! arc in not’d of profitable work that can be every are industrious new making several hundred dol­ and San Francisco, Free of Charge. First-Class Workmen ter bureau, with the approval of the police of San Francisco, died from tion being more than double that I done while living at home should at once ami lars a month It is easy for any one to send their address to Hallett A Uo . Port- niaxe and upwards per dav, who is will- postmaster general has prepared a blood poisoning Saturday. i land, Maine, and receive free full informs* of 1885, and twenty times that of tion how either sex. of all ages, can earn in to work. E.tlier sex. ol.l or voting- cap­ «¡th alHlm r’LJl' F."r’V n,akc" connecti<>n nun all tne regular trains on the l ast Si.i,. circular letter, which will lie sent frvm to |25 per dav and upwards wliere- ital notneede, we start you. Evertiring Division from foot of F Street Eight persons were frozen to death 1883. It is estimated that the I ev< r they live You are started free new Nostre.-,,! ability required; vota shortly to all postmasters, directing W«.t SMe Dlvl.lon. in Carson county, Texas, during the value of coal displaced by natural Capital not required, 8ome have made reader, can do it a< will as anvone Write !’ar,i"1|ars. which we BETWEEN PORTLAND* CORVALLIS. enforcement of section 590 of the 980in a single day at this work. All m.ììhlLO,K7 -------IN THE----- - gas in 1886 was more than $9,000,- over cold spell there last week. «•locoed. ¡»nd. Maine * Vo ' Por‘' Mall Train. postal laws and regulation*. This (IX). Thia is slightly less than ( daily except svndays ) section makes it imperative upon As a Christmas offering New- half the value of the petroleum. Cmva"?1'^ I P. M. the postmaster to advartise, in a York Catholics sent to the Pope of w. I r. Boyd. N LID. t» 4 tn . 1 •? , .' Ior,,i ’ n< l fi:15P M Small pox still exists in San Sample room* in connection. newspaper or post manuscript, a Rome lit!,665.07 for the papal jubi­ Physician and Surgeon. trains of the Or"cgnn Ihcific’ R^ r "”* * i U* F rancisco. list of non-delivered letters, It al- lee fund. MeMlNNVlLLE, - . OKEGOX F-xprc Train Dally K„,p, g„d Cheaper Tl-an ihc < Is now fitted ui> in first class «nier. so requires tho “charge and collcc- LEAVE There was a $20,000 tire at Spo­ The Union Pacific railroad will kane Falls last Thursday. Accommodations as good as can be tion of one cent in all cases where WILLIAMS & IHBtt foundin the city. a letter has lieen advertised in a | build a line from Beloit. Kansas, to Mercb*» ’ _______ Manager___ (; F A_ r,s, Agt 8. E. MESSINGER, Manager. newspaper, cither gratuitously or the state line in Iuwel or Smith at one cent for each letter, or less counties. It will cost $100,000. TrXrwwv'Y tril,e wi,lt any Throat or Thpy »«• «>■; VCAVWOW SMS."? * Lung Disease. If vou have sum, or whether publication was H . f .. ™ Colds Con^l^r 7 «Ve *” snJ'l’n BloZiar?^nte u Iiurt. druinrist. // vm pain. Price 25 ce»* Geo. W. Burt, drurgist.