hie TELEPHONE. THE TELEPHONE. DEMOCRATIC publihhkd every MORNING. FRIDAY PUBLICATION OFFICE: WEST SIDE TELEPHONE. Ona Dear Forth of oor er Third and K Su, M c M innville , or . SUBSCRIPTION RATES: (IN ADVANCKJ >ne year ............ jx moullui...... lire, uiuutha. ■ $2 00 I 00 ÔÜ VOL. II. MCMINNVILLE, OREGON, DECEMBER 30, 1887. STOVES! S. A. MANNING CAZEô-RJ--ÆiS TZEïiK FINEST t . t - nttp OF Ml ■«Vi Fi« í iitaniiiiR'Äl /f ZB" ' "M . 'i /; SEA SOMGS. Aloft and alow in the glimmer and glow of sturs^ Across and aloug the path of the new moon creeping, ?*he dawn of the crescent sails on the dusk ol spars L acs over to kiss the lips of the ocean sleep­ ing. The wind that touches the secret pulsing places Aloft and alow on those perfect breasts of snow. Is crooning across the midnight's peaceful spaces A song that came out of chaos through time to grow. And under the bow the lucent ripples break In shapes that are fair, iu rhythm that is sweet beyond measure; Till the heart is full and no more its thirst ca» slake In the fathomless fountains of joy where the sea makes pleasure. UQR nA Stove eri ven away. pO JallU COME AND SUBSCRIBE $1,50 M’MINNVILLE A YEAR. tonsorial parlor , WM. HOLL, Raring, Hair Cutting and- - - - - - - - Shampoing Parlors. MtJfatilli My Sta, Proprietor of the C. H. FLEMING, Prop. The leading All kinds of fancy liair cutting done in he lutest »nd neatest style All kind, of fancy hair dressing ami hair lying. * specialty Special attention given t) Ladi.»’ and Children,’ Work I also have for sale a very tine assort­ ment of hair oils, liair tonic,, cosmetics, etc Ail have in connection with my parlor, ‘ . the largest and finest stock of CIGARS Ever in the city. sw Blacksmith Shop! AMITY, OREGON. SAM LIKENS, Proprietor. lacksmithing and carriage ironing of every description. Horse Shoeing And plow work a specialty. o---- Also manufacture the Celebrated Oregon Iron Harrow, GIVE ME A CALL. 50tf M c M innville lita M ni w Cor Third and D streets, McMinnville LOGAV BROS., & IIE1DERS0I, Proprietors. lie Best Rigs in the City. Orders Promptly attended to Day or CITI STABLES, Third Street, between E and F McMinnville, Oregon. taderson Bros. Prop?. First-class accommodations for Collimer­ ai men and general travel. Transient stock well cared for. verything new and in First-Class Order Patronage respectfully solicited Ilf “WHEN” Yon want any thing in the line of ob Printing Call at the office of the WEST SIDE TELEPHONE. We will guarantee you EST WORK, LOWEST PRICES. We make a specialty ol Fine ’ook and Card Printing. MILLINERY, Hair wearing and Stamping. Opposite Orange Store McMinnville. Or. s, A. YOUNG, M. D. Physician 4 JEWELRY ESTABLISHMENT, —OF— YAMHILL COUNTY, Third Street. McMinnville Or. w. V. PRICE, PHOTOGRAPHER. FTnitv S treet M c M innville , O regon Surgeon. F c M ixxville , ... O rkoox . [Office and residence on D street. All * 9 promptly answered day or night. Ly le AV ri trli t Dealer in Harness. Saddles. Etc. Etc. J^PEiring neatly done al reasonable nJ i-*’11 • new building. Corner Third M t «recta, McMinnville. Or. RATWS OF ADVERTISING. Up Stairs in Adams’ Building, McMinnville, Oregon OF GENERAL INTEREST. —Nelson Reed, of Stanhope, N. J., has raised several pumpkins aggregat­ ing four hundred and fifty pounds in weight. The largest one weighs eighty- six pounds. —Sundown is the name of a quaint little place near Big Indian, in the Catskills, where the people witness the setting of the sun nt three p. in. and the rising at nine a. m. Four mount­ ains nearly surround the settlement. The people are generally healthy, and those who have lived there for a long time have an owl-like faculty of seeing in the gloom. —Eighteen years ago a carpenter lost his plane while working on a house at Oswego, N. Y. He hunted high and low, but found no trace of it. The other night he dreamed that tho plane was behind the laths at a certain point in the house. He went there, took up a clapboard, and found his tool. Like Rip Van Winkle’s gun, the plane fell to pieces when he took it up. —Among other relics of the mound­ builders discovered near Devil’s Lake, D. T., by Prof. Montgomery, of the North Dakota University, is what he calls a sacrificial mound, in which, seventeen inches from the surface, are wells easily found because of a lining of lime about the sides and layers of bark on the bottom. These are deep enough to hold bodies in a sitting pos­ ture. —Of a strange freak of nature the Steuben Republican says that “Henry Zimmerman, of Scott township, has a freak of nature in the form of a pig with only two legs, both in front Strange to say, it runs about with per­ fect ease with its body clear from the ground. There is not a sign of a hip or a leg behind. The pig is four weeks old and is as fat and healthy as any in the litter.” —The Columbia Sentinel, of Georgia, publishes this death notice: “On Fri­ day last, just after the sun had kissed this world good night, and passed into its bed of crimson and gold, the spirit of A. G. Sturgis vacated its habitation of clay, and wended its way to the Father who gave it, and to-day is walking the glory-lit hills of immortal­ ity in the New Jerusalem, where there is no night.” —The latest “fad” is the interest at­ tached to the finding of an old button­ shoe. We are told with great sincer­ ity that a young girl on finding one would count the buttons remaining on it she would be able to tell exactly the number of years which would elapse before her marriage, each button repre­ senting one year. It is looked upon as a great piece of misfortune (by the credulous) to find a shoe minus but­ tons. —The want of accuracy in shooting, owing to the imperfect construction of lhe cannon in early times, is well illus­ trated by the fact that in 1812, at the battle of Salamanca, 3,500,000 car­ tridges and 3,000 cannon balls were tired, with the result of only 8,000 men lieing put hors de combat. And as late ns 1857, during the Kaffir war, 80,000 cartridges were fired in a single engaffe- ment in which only twenty-five of the enemy were killed. —From all accounts of the “silver snake” of Honduras it most resembles quicksilver in its movements. One traveler tells of a specimen four inches long and about the size of a fence wire which it was impossible to hold when taken in the hands. The statement is repeated« w hich is saie room for you; perhaps you’ll find an Alden there! 1 give yrM just three days’ grace, If you do not jo Lome volun- tarily I will compel you U jvave. Ali, you sneer! You think 'tis h weak woman's threat! Sir Rufus, when you dwelt in this colony priests were below par; in fact I doubt if there was even one in this most Pu­ ritan of commonwealths. Now, however, the pendulum of time has traversed its arc and reached the other extreme. If you appear here even once next week I will have yoii— exorcised I Ab, that startles you! Yes, I know a young man, enthu iastic in all mediaeval lore, who had just entered holy orders; nothing will more delight him than to come here, laden with all legendary lMe, and at the sM«*mn hour of midnight, «^itk bell, book and candle, he will not only curse you and lay you, but summon up the shade of your dead­ liest foeund send him after you!” At that instant, to my vexation, a tiny ray of daylight shot up in the east, and every rooster on the place began to crow his loudest. Of course the ghost disappeared. While we were taking our breakfast the next morning, I told M.aria all about my in­ terview with Sir Rufus: her opinion of it I have already told you . I never saw Sir Rufus again, and perhaps would have forgotten all about my adven­ ture had not my favorite nephew, Sprague Pemberton, been so ridiculously in love with •ittle Olive Thayer. It seems that up to the time he went to Scotland that summer Olive bad been half engaged to him, waiting the approval of her father, who, being in the navy, was not easily consulted. Before Capt. Thayer reached home Olivo had written to Sprague that on no account could she again hold uny intercourse with him; that, having discovered his true character, she was glad tha‘ her eyes were opened before marriage, instead of after. Of course Sprague came at once to us with bis sorrow; to his Aunt Maria because she was sentimental and could sympathize; to me, because I am level headed and always ready to give sound, practical advice. He arrived in the morning; ut night, just as the so called “line storm” had risen in all its fury, who should drive up to our doors but Mi-s. Thayer (who was an old schoolmate of mine) and Olive! Neither party could Lieat an instant retreat, not only because of the storm, but because there was literally no plaut be didn’t see him. and he hinted thut it was a case of ‘snakes? that I had been drink- .ug too bard, and he left me and went in with mother chap; but I swear I hadn’t. 1 stood the old gentleman’s company for three nights, md then I got s «> im « morphine from a fellow on board, and I slept after that.” A movement on Olive’s part made me ,lance at her; her pretty cheeks were fiushed, her eyes sparkled, her rosy lips were parted with a smile. I saw through the whole thing at once; some one had told Mrs. I'bayer that my boy was a drunkard and an «>piuin eater! “Your grandmother, also Lucy’s, was an Alden, and that is why be went into your stateroom, Sprague,” said I. “I told him to go liome; when diot, where re­ porters could not find me, and where a hasty summons to lecture in some distant town would be very sure to come to hand just about twenty-four hours too late. Oh, 1 was sure I could rest there! As I have said, it was an old house—an an­ te-colonial house one might almost say, for its foundations were laid soon after the Speed­ well landed her first living cargo on these shores; and it was only right and proper that it should be “haunted”—yes, haunted by many memories. Could its walls have owned a tongue as well as ears, what a story I might bo able to relate! We were very, very tired the first night of our stay in our new borne, and if there were any nocturnal visitors, we knew it not; any such as rats or mice, Rags always attended to most faithfully. Tho second night, however, I was not able to sleep as well as usual, though I had re­ tired at my customary hour, so I lav calmly awake rounding off certain periods iu my new lecture, “Woman’s Prior Existence,” in which I ably proved th.at Eve really was created lief ore Adam, even accepting the Genesaic account of creation; there she lay, perdu, in Adam’s rib; that rib was formed before he breathed ¡«therefore, she must have preceded him; however, you are not in­ terested m that. I merely mention it to prove ihat I was wide awake; how could one go to sleep when meditating upon so important and soul stirring a matter? A movement, an inaudible rustle, if 1 may use the term, in the big chintz covered easy chair near the fireplace attracted my atten­ tion. I glanced in that direction. Then I looked again. The room was flooded with the full glory of the midsummer moon, and I could distinctly see that my unexpected visitor wns the : emblance of a man—of a man in the prime of life, clad in the costume of 250 years ago. That he was not a man I was instantly assured by perceiving that, though his lips moved, no sound issued therefrom; the bluo rose« and yellow parrots depicted on th-» chintz were plainly discernible through h!*» figure. Now 1, Eustasia Pemberton, have faced far too many audiences to experience any stage fright at the mere Right of a ghost. Therefore, drawing the counterpane decor­ ously around me, I propped myself more securely up among the pillows, and then ad­ dressed him—it—well, let us simplify matters and say “him.” “8ir Rufus Lounsberry, I presumeF Raid I, interrogatively. He rose to his full height, lai«l his sliadowy hand over where bis heart used to be, and bowed profoundly. “Pray resumo your seat, sir; I am comfort­ able; please make ) ourself so, for our chat may be a prolonged one.” With another courteous inclination be re­ sumed bis former position. “I beard.” I continued, “when I l>ought rtiis house, that it was said to have unearthly visi­ tors_ ‘haunted? the bucolic mind deeineth it; •o I have been expecting to seo someth—»ome one. I have been told that until it i«iw d into inj poesC’-skrti this maiwiiott I; i* n vb so boujl M ake money , NO. 36 One square or lees, one insertion............... $1 00 One square. each subsequent insertion. . 50 Noticeeof appointment and flual settlement 5 00 Other legal advertisements. 75 rents for first insertion and 40 cents per square for each sub­ sequent insertion. Special business notices in business columns. 10 cents per line. Regular business notices; 5 cents perline. Professional cards, $12 per year. Special rates for large display “ads.** SHAPELY AND EASILY FITTED. DAUGHTERS OP eve . Steplien V. White, the Well Known Wall Street Operator, on Financiering. Hands of Country Girls anil the Kind ol Gioves 1 hey Wear—Glov«» for Men. “Success in Wall street dependis a good deal upon a man’s environment. If he gets into a broker’s office where there arc live and stir­ ring men, and be has gooti staying qualities, he will probabiy rise from the humbler du­ ties of a clerk to a wider field of operation. But there are offices within a stone’s throw where old fogyism prevails, and a man might as well be paving the streets for a fortune as to enter one of them. There arc employers who seem to think that nobody connected with them ought to rise. A niu|i seeking to make Wall street the scene of his life work should exercise great care and discrimination to avoid such men. Does it require a special aptitude to secure success in Wall street? Well, yes; it requires a special aptitude to succeed in any business. 4 “Some men,” ho continued, “are Tim Lin­ kin waters; you remember Cheeryble Broth ers in Dickens? Tim knew every pigeonhole iu their desks and was as familiar and slow as possible. These men do not rise a flight above a pigeonhole and they never make any­ thing better than highly prized confidential clerks who a^ a great comfort to their em­ ployers. That is an aptitude that has its manifest use in the financial world, but it is not that that develops a man’s fortunes be yond the point of a decent living. On the other hand, there are men who are the exact opposite of the Tim Linkinwaters, men who are all dash and bravado, who attempt a big coup—that word I use because it expresses the idea better than anything I happen to know iu the English language—such men arc always sure to make worse failures in the street than the slow, methodical plodders. Yet most outsiders, I imagine, take all brokers for just such men, because the magnitude of operations is oft time« blinding and the public cannot see the real circumstances at the back of them. “The essential di/Terence between our busi­ ness and that of any other man is that a broker has to square bis books every day and see where he stands. A dry goods man could fail and not find it out for month»; but if a broker has not the capital to work with be finds it out in double quick order. Commer cial paper is of little account; he must have collateral. “The great point to liear in mind about Wull street business is this: If a man starts in and wants to make a fortune at once he will barely make a living; if he starts out with the purpose of making a living be will end in most cases by making a fortune. It will take about twenty years on the aver* age.” “But does not the record show that S. V. White made a million in cue day on the oc­ casion of a certain series of transactions in Lackawanna?” Mr. White (he is not a deacon at all, by the way) smiled all over his face as he re­ called that pleasant incident in his career. “That is about the figure,” he admitted, “but you must bear in mind that I haC been on the street almost twenty years at tin.« time, and had accumulated by conservative management, avoiding sensational coups, enough capital to justify the great risks I took ou that Lackawanna operation. But, sir, that episode should be no false encour­ agement to young fellows. It was the oppor­ tunity of a lifetime, and if I had been a Linkinwater it would have passed undevel oped, and if I had lieen from the start a plunger I should not have had the capital to stand the strain it involved.”—Louisvi)]< Courier-J ournal. * uIIow do you iliffl New York ladies’ hands?’ “Comparatively small,” said the girl at the glove counter. “They average between 5^ and 6}^, but of course there are exceptions. Why, just before you came in I spent nearly three-quarters of an hour tugging and pull­ ing at a No. 6 glove trying to get it on a land that needed a 7*>^. The woman was a society leader, and her diamonds would make me happy enough to leave here and get----- well, never mind what,” and she blushed. “She may have worn a 6 five years ago, but she has no use for 6s now. What she wanted was T^s.” “And what was the other class?” “Oh, yes. They are the country girls. You smile, because you think of large, course, red hands, smelling of butter and milk. The girls do have a refreshing look, and smell of the country, and I’d rather wait on 100 of them, saturated as they are with nature’s jierfutiies, than on one society woman washed iu lily of the valley. Honest, I would. Country girls’ hands are small and white as any society girl’s who never did a stroke of work in her life. I cannot aaplain it, and I am not going tc try, only it is a fact. There’s a funny thing iitiout them, too. Their hands are al­ ways shapely and easily fitted with gloves. As a usual thing they want plain, bright colors, such as tan, yellow, blue or dark green; the brighter the better for them. The society girl wants something recherche like mignonette,’ ‘putty,’ ‘ashes of roses,’ 'wood tints,' ‘iiKMinbeain' and all neutral tints. They must have a glove to match every one of their dresses.” “And how al>out men?” “Well, they are charming. I don’t say that because I’m a woman. Men always come in and give their number, say what color they want and don’t take up any time at all. Usu­ ally they take some shade of tan or plain black. A great many iron who are fastidious without it being known always wear black gloves. They know the secret that a black glove always makes the hand look smaller. S|>eakiiigof black reminds ine that mourning styles in gloves change as often, almost, as it does in dresses. Some years ago it was the style to wear a black dressed kid for deep mourning, and now the sorrow is softened by wearing undressed kids in black. A society lady whom 1 know very well, because she buys all her gloves here, bought six pairs of undressed mourning gloves wlien her pet dog died, last spring. That may sound nonsensical, but it is the truth never­ theless. For full dress, chalk white and cream and pearl arc the real tony slm les, and—ah, yes I came near forgetting the dudes. I don’t mean athletic society young nieu, but real dudes, who talk like babies and lisp. They arc just too funny anything. They come in and look over a box or two of gloves, stretch them to see how light the kid is when on the hand, and I have had them ask me to let them see the glove by gas light. Oh, they’re up to all sorts of tricks, the dudes arc.” The pretty, tired looking shop girl sighed, brushed back her brown Langtry bang, and went to lunch. Like the policeman’s, the glove clerk’s lot is not a happy one.—Belle Archer in New York Star. Mrs. M. Izmise Thomas, president of Soro­ s’s, is a bee keejier, and gathers 10,000 pounds of honey a year. Little Miss Lizzie Bell Sinclair, of Everitts- town, N. J., celebrated her twelfth birthday recently by completing a bed quilt that con­ tains 11,210 pieces. Belva Lockwood has annexed to her law office at Washington a bureau for finding wives for men who are too busy to spend their time in courting. Queen Victoria keeps always in her private apartment a statuette of the lamented John Brown, which goes wherever the queen her­ self travels. Its usual place is on her private writing desk. On Jenny Lind's coffin was placed by Mr. Goldschmidt a wreath of myrtle made from a tree planted years ago by the great singer herself in the sliape of a tiny twig plucked from her wedding w'reath. Before going to Oak View to dine Thanks­ giving Day Mrs. Cleveland directed the send­ ing of flowers from the White House conser­ vatory to the Central Union mission and to several churches and charitable institutions. Miss Susan B. Anthony is engaged in organ­ izing woman suffrage clubs at various points in Indiana, and her appeals and ]>ersonal ef­ forts have resulted in many accessions to the army of women who believe they have a right to vote. Milwaukee has a bowling club of eighteen fair damsels who practice religiously seven times a week and have become strong and robust from the exercise. They are very ex- >ert at the game and confidently expect to • anquish any club of gentlemen that may ■hallenge them. When the principal for a seminary for girls in Washington, Pa., started to take her scholars home from church the other Hun- lay evening she found the usual crowd of voung men waiting outside the doors. She nade the girls go back, much against their •vill, and would not budge until a policeman, whom she sent for, made the boys go away. how TO’ Colored People*« Association«. N« groes are exceedingly partial to socie­ ties, ai’d are never so happy os when making n sfieech or when inarching in a parade. The names of the offices in these associations are note«I for their bigness They have supreme royal kings and other verliose titles that even when abbreviated into initials sadly fatigue the alphabet. Not long ago the subjects in one of these societies relielled ngaiust the king and deposed him. One of the proudest moments in a colored man’s life is when he can arise iu the progress of a discussion and say “Mister Churmau!” The negro«« generally are very gregarious. They liko to come together in open meeting. They are good churchgoer«, especially when there are “protracted” meetings—that is, re­ vivals, on hand. Of course, they are de voted to camp meetings. This year they have l»een especially so. There have been camps in a.l parts of the state, of all sizes and ex cent. The one near Baltimore is really a very large affair, with excellent tents and a big attendance. At some of the smaller ones in the lower part of the peninsula the tents are either squatty structures or covered wagons with their wheels sunk into the ground. A special exhorter of large local reputation down that way goes by the name of “The Swamp Angel.” If you have never attended one of these backwoods camps you have missed a treat.—Maryland Cor. New York Time«. A Musty Medical Tradition. Among the unwritten laws of the medical profession is a provision that none of its mem­ bers shall give any newspa|>er advertisement of their calling. Beyond mock modesty the reason for this rule is hard to find. Lt a phy­ sician have confidence in is art as a healer of men’s physical ailments, it is no less his own than the interest of sufferers that his /kill be made known. How this shall be done, whether by direct or indirect advertisement, is a matter of business. Advertisement in «oine form or other is necessary. Like the li y (roods man’« wares, the physician’s art is tor sale. Like the merchant, the doctor will put up a sign indicating his whereabouts, but he doctor, while glad to have his patients xtol and thus advertise his capacity, hesi ates because of a musty tradition of his pro ession to emulate the merchant, who has found direct announcement through newspa­ pers the best possible method of attracting the custom which, If he would lie successful, the doctor no less than the merchant needs. To assume that because a licensed physl* •ian chooses to advertise he is an em- iric would be as unwarranted as the as- umption that because through failure to ad­ vertise he gained no patients he liad no knowledge.—Chicago Herald. A Niglit at Mnglnni«*. Deputy Coroner Johnston was sworn and deposed: “L ist night about 11 o’clock, your honor, I was standing in the door of the morgue when a man camo through Dunbar alley. He was bare headed, his nose was bleeding, and he was all covered with sawdust. “ ‘Hello!’ I said; ‘you’re in pretty bad luck. What’s the matter with you/’ “ ‘Oh, nothin’,’ be said; ‘I’ve just been over to Maginnis’.’ •‘About three minutes later another man <‘jjine into tho alley limping badly. One of his eyes was swollen dreadfully an«l bis cheek was bloody. “‘Well,’ 1 asked, ‘what policeman clubbed youf “ ‘No (Milirctnan, youn j feller.’ he answered; I've just bjen over to Maginnis’.’ “A third man appeared prctty soon, looking like a total wreck. Homebody had btep|>ed on the lingers of his left hand. They were all broken and dmigling like so many sausages. “‘Ah,’ said I, ’what’s happened to youf “ ‘Not much in particular. I’ve just been >ver to Maginnis'? “I went inside, your honor, ami presently I perceived a fuce ¡leering through the window of the morgue from the outside. It was the worst bunged up face I ever saw. The fore­ head was skinned and gory, the eyes were mere lines oy mounds of discolored flesh, and the iips were like two slices of cantaloupe. All his front teeth were knocked out and blood was dripping down on lite shirt front. “ ‘Well,’ I said, going to the door, ‘what do vou want, my friend f “‘I’m looking for the receiving hospital? “ ‘Been over to Maginnis'f I inquired. “ ‘Maginnis’ be dashed,’said be;‘I’m Ma­ ginnis hints If? “Yes,” affirined Mr. Johnson, “I recognize the prisoners in the dock os the four men. I presume the gentlemen met later and resumed the discussion?’ Dec'ision reserved.—Han Francisco Exam­ iner. A Baby at a Matinee. A baby entertained « Wednesday matinee mdience at a Broadway theatre. The play had failed, and fewer than a hunacitated by illnes!«, and had to lie omitted much of the time. It was a dole ul occasion. A farce with hardly any audience to laugh at it is exceeded in gloom only by one which <*annot provoke a smile on one out of a hundred face«. No mental baiometer could have measured the depression of spirits in the luditorium, but it was, never! betels, much less there than on the stage. When it was at its worst an infant escaped from its possibly Numbering toother, toddled lonesotnely down the able, steadied itself at the otHieetra rail, .jot its first impression of thunder right from the blaring mouth of a big bugle, and fell Iaick ward with a wail of horror. The roar of laughter astounded the actor who happened to tie at the footlights. Nothing like that bad Bemedy Worse Than the DIseMse. That merry little joker, Marshall P. Wil­ been heard that week in the house. He ier, tells a story of a gentleman who had a looked down and saw the cause of the merri­ log of which be was very proud. Th», animal ment. “Como up here, little one,” he said, was troubled with fleas. To rid the dog of “we need you.”—New York Sun. the fleas a friend advised the use of kerosene. The Bnlmon Halil In Aversion. Af.er using it on the dog the gentleman re­ The fishermen in Scotland declare that the turned home and found seven fleas on hi* doorstep, and they all looked up in his face as «almon’« tail is pointe<| “since Loki became a if to say, “Well, when are you going to get salmon, and was caught by that appendage while slipping through a net set for him by □s another dogF—New York Tribune. the gods.” Curious to sav, in some |>aru of Scotland the salmon is held in great aversion, A Bed In Japan. its name not even Is-ing mentioned Thus in A bed In Nikko, Japan, Is eight or more certain district« it to known «« llw “wo-and- thick silk wad«ied comforters piled U[>on the o's finh,” and in others as “tho beast.”—Chi­ floor ; upon this a very ample WMdded coat is cago News. placed. You slip into this great coat, put your arms into the long sleeves, draw it over Is Walking fnJurlonsT you and sleep. The pillow is a block of wood. Fart walking, it is claimed, is injurious tc A [>aper lantern is lighted all night, for tiie the complexion. It pumfii the Blood into the licopie are iuwb afraid of the dark —Boston head, an«I does m -re to ruin the Knglhh and Uu«lget. Scotch complexions than all other influence In Mexico laborers get eighteen to twenty- combined, for the English and Scotch worn«« Ire cents a day and are often paid in fam walk more “rust graduate course at the University of Pennsylvania. Bendigo, tlie great English race horse for whom an offer of $100,000 was refused two years ago by his owner, a wealthy brewer, now has nearly that amount to his credit in stakes won, and is still sound and Useful. California now has the honor of having the best trotting records at 1, 2, 8 and 4-year- old, vix.: Yearling, Norlaine, 2:31}^; 2-year- old, Wildflower, 2:21; 8-year-old, Hable Wilke«, 2:18; 4-year-old, Manzanita, 2:16. “Reddy” Gallagher, of Cleveland, and Con Riley, of Franklin, O., met in Dayton, O., Nov. 22, and signed article« of agreement for a six round glove fight on Dec. 10. Galla­ gher’s weight is 155, pounds and Riley’s 170. A L*J FAULTLLSSFIIMILÏMEDIGI1E •*t have used Simmons Liver Regulator for mtuiy year., hav­ ing made It my only Family Medicine. My mother before m. was very partial t* it. It 1. a safe, good and reliable medi­ cine for any disorder of the system, and If used tn time Is ■ greet prrwnflw of oMneoo. I often recommend It to my friends, and shall continue to de m >. "Rev. James M. Rollins, " Pastor M. E.Church,8o. Fairfield,Va. ’ TIMt AMO MCT0AI BILI4 MVtB A« «Utrwve JkeejsJn« Mmmana Urer Acfrufoter IM thr hewM. “I have found Simmons Liver Regulator the best family med- lelae I ever used for anything that may happen, have used It In ImUfffttlon, C«l«.r T »>e., BUUtt.no.., and found it to re­ lieve immediately.' After eat­ ing a hearty supper, If, on going to bed, I take altont a te.&poon- fnl, I never feel the emeta of the supper eaten. "OVID S. SPARKS, "Ex-Mayor Macon, Ga.”