II' WESTSIDE TELEPHONE. The Official Democratic Paper. K.L.HEzVTH.......... ... A QUESTION. What has beeom • of the inten- tions of the W. C. T. U. in regard to est tblishittg a reading room, for which they were soliciting subscrip­ tions four or five months ago? A reading room is just what the youth of this city need, it will keep them from destruction, A nice little reading room in that liice little room in Braly’s building would be awful fine. Could that Toom he rente 1 f ir that purp >se, do you suppose? Wc mean tho room which the Y. W. C. T. U. have ren­ ted for the past four niontlu. DOES IT TERRIFY? NOI We have been trying to confirm republicans and terrify democrats and shall keep it up.—Reporter. The poor little thing! “it has been trying,” yes it has, but has Hot succeeded in c infirming one re­ publican anil as for terrifying a democrat, you are too small. As you do not succeed in your endeav­ ors the best thing to do, is to take a tumble and let up. Say E. L. E. W. did you try and terrify a demo- erat with“A Sunbeam’s Christinas?” We wonder if one of those “sun­ beams” would light the city of Mc­ Minnville on a foggy night. John L. Sullivan has issued a The following is from the report of the recrcthry of the navy, juttt challenge to Smith or Ivilrain for _____ published: “The British govern­ ♦5,000 a side. ment and Canada together are pro- ! Russia endeavored to raise a loan posing for the establishment of a at Brussels and Amsterdam, but line of firwt class steamers from failed. Ibis goes to show that her Vancouver to Japan. The subsidy credit is not good. is likely to be ♦300,(MK) annually— £45,000 from England and £15,000; Tbe republican clubs throughout from Canada. There will also be the United States favor the nomin­ I contributed from the naval reserve I ation of Blaine for president, and so fund probably Î5 per ton annually do the democrats. for each ship constructed for the i Oao of the finest calendars we route, which will increase the sum have seen this season is the one is­ by ♦125,000. Under such compe­ sued by the I’cpe Manufacturing tition it is quite easy to conjecture company. It should be in every what will become of the American office and counting room. Hag and our resources in the way of a naval reserve in the north Pa­ Irwin, who, with John S. Prewitt cific.” Better squander some of the and fourteen others, conspired to money which under a republican kill I)r. A. W. Powers,was sentenced administration has boon pouring at Hollister, Cal., to life imprison­ into the coffers of this government ment in San Quentin. Prewitt will from war taxes. The beans eaten be tried shortly, but the others es­ in the rebellion have been paid for caped. by this time, so squander some for protection, coast protection. Four million dollars per annum has been offered the government of The Herald is the only democra­ Peru by a strong Chinese merehan- tic newspaper in Grant county; tile house in San Francisco, in re­ another stirring reason for some re­ turn for the exclusive right to im- publican papers to long and loudly port opium iuto Peru. cry against its establishment. Ilav- bcen accustomed feom early infancy to governmental patronage, they s» hate to give it up, that in democra­ tic counties they have resort to the familiar, old “neutral”—“independ­ ent” political trick—“we don’t need any political papers,” “party lines are so loosely drawn,’’ [an ad­ mission that the lines are drawn, just a little], “old issues being dead,” [“still harping on my daugh­ ter”], etc.—but the old dodge don’t work as heretofore; it is so trans­ parent that most any weakened democrat can see through it, and even they cry out when they see the deceptive words, neutral and in­ dependent, “ah, that’s too stale, when you stick such ears out from the lion’s skin, we know you, and don’t yon forget it.”—Burns Her­ ald. The discovery was made at the custom house in New York Satur- day that four packages of silks and other rich fabrics were obtained Thursday from the public stores on a forged order. The contents of the packages are officially estima­ ted to be worth ♦40,000. Indica­ tions are that the fraud was concoc­ ted, if not wholly carried out, by clerks in the apprisers’ department. BISHOP & KAY A Common Cold Uv v Cirnnt), H amii tos C o .. B o .. Sept, 19. 's'v7.— Tee followtiu’ 14 a era»» accmat of what your 8. S. s. hvdonefir our Ilf tl<-«laughter. Hai< I, n< w four yi am old. When 12 months old a lun’p.ippearp'lcn ner h> el,which *l>»wly grew invg. r. 1hr family i»hy< cia!i ch light It wae caused by a piece nt broken glass or needl'*, but fa'lcd to brh>ganything to light. Tiie child became feebler ail (he time, seeming to lose the use of her «c and ¡1 r.iliy q.ilt walk­ ing entirely. T c m ddle r an I thumb of either hand Dec nil • enlarge I, (he ile h bo- comlnx hard. The hip Jo.ut b • ’a no involv­ ed, so that when wv.-uicea m -nth* oil she could not sta:i‘l, having Dot th»» me of lof audnrrn P-rtial curvi.tureof the-pine also follo wed. The nr. v ns xys em was wircked, DiUscies c n-rafted, on4 there wa* general wasting of t!(‘-i anl murde. At eighteen moighs of are xhe wa* placed under tho treat’.»ent -f a pro n nant physician of B >*- ton, Mass., but at the end of ten m >nths.-h3 bad declined to such adegr e that she wa« in t dying con lition. Tr.i* was in April, 1SC4. Wetookihe elnhl away not knowing whit to do. In this dreadful dilemma we were over per-u.u'rvl by frfn is t » try “one b"t th ” of S wift s S ign if ; ■. which we did, and before ¡1 had ail been taken we saw a chan 'm<. Wa kept it up, anught o.ir dying II i*.:l to life, to vigor, t-» strength and health again. The ashen hue of her cheeks h’«s changed to a rosy tint. She is able to walk anywhere, her languor and nielancho’y have passed away, an l she I* now a blithe, cheerful, hap­ py romping child. Should you wlsii to in­ crease your testimonials of proof of the virtue of S. S. 8., our names and what we have raid Is but a portion of what we owe to you, sliould you wish to u^e them. Kindly yours, B km . F. S wift .. G ertrude E. S wift . P. O. Box ce. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. T he S wift Si «< rrrc Co., Drawer T.Atlanta.Gx For Sit Its by Rogers & Todd Sheriffs Sale. Is often tbe beginning of serious affec­ tions of the Throat, Bronchial Tubes, and Lungs. Therefore, tiie importance of early and effective treatment cannot tie overestimated. Ayer’s Cherry Pec­ toral may always bo relied upon for the speedy cure of a Cold or Cough. Last January I was attacked with a severe Cold, which, by neglect and fie- (luent exposures, betaine worse, Lnaii settling on my lungs. A ‘ soon followed, a...... npanied b. pat.is in the chest, from which I suffered intense­ ly. After trying various remedies, with­ out obtaining relief, I commenced taking Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, aud was The Best Qualities & Substantial Made, Our new Fall and Winter stock of Cloth« in(r is now on exhibition. I Our Qualities. Speedily Cured. I am satisfied that this remedy oavod my life. —Jno. Webster, I’awtucket, I.. 1. I contra-ted a severe cold, which suddenly developed into Puenmoti:;., presenting dangerous nud o.e.tina.o symptoms. My physician ordered tuo use of Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral. His tn- structions were followed, and the result was a rapid and permanent cure. —• II. E. Stimpson, Rogers Prairie, lex. Two years ago I suffered from a severe Cold, which settled on my Lun-s. 1 con­ sulted various physicians, and took the medicines they prescribed, but re civeil only temporary relief. A friend induced me to try Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral. After taking two bottles of this medicine 1 wai cured. Since then I have given the Pec­ toral to my children, aud consider it The Best Remedy for Colds, Coughs, and all Throat and Lung diseases, ever used in my family. — Robert Vanderpool, Meadville, Pa. Some time ago I took a slight Cold, which, being neglected, grew worse, and settled on my Lungs. I had a hacking cough, aud was very weak. Those who knew me best considered my life to Ito in great danger. I continued to suffer until I commenced using Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral. Less than one bottle of this valuable medicine cured me, aud I feel that I owe the preservation of my life to its curative powers. — Mrs. Anu Lockwood, Akron, New York. Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral is considered, here, tho one great remedy for all diseases of the throat and lungs, aud is more in demand titan any other medicine of its class.— J. F. Roberts, Magnolia, Ark. tt Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, | We are pre pt re I to offer the very highesr grades of texture to bo »f.'i ¡o"tled , Oregon. 50 to 75 barrels per day capacity. cree twenty-nine hundred and ninety-four dol- and never was.” We would advise Notice For Publication. It is to be ready for work May 15, dollars and thirtv-three cents, together with interest thereon from October 1,1887«t Seven cars were overloaded hiring a small boy to every lamp­ L\xti O ffice at Oregon Citv. Or , [ 1888. 0 per cent.per annum, and ($250) two hun­ Nov,’ll. 1.887.1 post to shovel the fog away so that with excursionists from California dred and fifty dollars special attorneys fees, —Having bought the— Notice is hereby given that the following- and ($91 98) ninety-one dollars and ninety­ named settler has filed notice of his inten­ who attended the List spike cele ­ the feeble rays of the occasional The assessor of this county, has eight cents, costs and disbursements. J, tion to make final proof in support of iiis have levied upon the premises in said de­ claim, and that said proof will be made be­ lamp can be released from its pris­ bration. Every kind of business filed his assessment roll with the cree specified and herein after described, the County Judge or Clerk of Yamhill on and spread themselves out over was represented from San Francis­ county clerk, for the year 1887. and will, nn Saturday, December 24. 1887, fore county. Oregon, at I.iifavette. Oregon, on at the hourof two o’clock p. in., of said day, Thursday, January 5, 18.88, viz: Jacob Will keep a choice line of meats, and do a passerby oceasionell.y by way co. Nearly every man in the ex­ The gross assessed value of all at and in front of the court house door, at Hailes, homestead entry No; (1621, for lot respectfully request a share of the public’s Lafayette, Yamhill county, Oregon, at pub­ No 4 of see 31 T58 R3 W patronage of exercise. Anything confined cursion was doing his best to shove property of the county is shown to lic auction, for cash in hand to the highest lie names the following witnesses« to duly sell in the order hereinafter prove his continuous residence upon, and will grow weak. Our lamps around the trade of southern Oregon into be near six millions of dollars—The bidder, named, said premises to satisfy said sums of, said land, viz : G C. Dav­ It will not be deductions for indebtedness and so due plaintiff, costs and accruing costs, cultivation the streets of McMinnville have San Francisco. idson. Win, Fowler. J. T Asliam and 1’ and the several sums, in said decree speci H. Fowler, all of Wheatland P. O, Yam­ strange if San Francisco captures been confined too much. Mr. Mar­ exemptions allowed bylaw, amount lied due, said several co-defendants of said hill comity, Oregon shall exercise them or some poor the trade of Oregon as far north as to about two millions of dollars, Abraham Blackburn, 1st. to-wit: 30 W T. B vrxey , Register. wayfarer will fall down and break Eugene or Albany. Great efforts and the total taxable value amounts All the following parts of the donation Notice For Publication. land claim of A. R Elder and wife, claim the crystal on his watch, and then will be made as can be seen by the to about four millions of dollars. ■ No (Min township 3, south of range 4 west I. axd O ffice at Oregon City, Or., I of the Willamette meridian, and in the Nov.’10. 1,887.1 tho city will have to pay damages. business men who were represented This is a very good showing. An county of Yamhill, state of Oregon, to-wit: Notice is hereby given that tiie following- THE ONLY NATIONAL STANDARD in the first train over the new road. extract from the assessment roll in I Beginning at the soul h east corner of said named settler lias tiled notice of ins inten­ claim, thence north 10 chains and 85 links, tion to make final proof in support of his THE TWO ISSUES. east 2 chains and 39 links, thence claim, atul that said proof will l>e made lie- tabular form will be found in an­ thence north 81 chains ami 33 links, thence west 17 fore the County Judge or Clerk of Tilla­ At the completion of the O. 4 C. other column. chains and 31 links to center of county mook county. Oregon, at Tillamook, Ore­ The representative democrat, ia R. R., speeches were made by Pix­ road, thence south I degree and 30 minutes, gon, on Wednesday, January 4, 18S8, viz: east 28 chains and 45 links, thence west- 36 Jolie, T. Turner, homestead entrv, No. 4572 Grover Cleveland, James G. Blai ne, ley, Irish an l Charles Cr oeker of Iowa republicans are trying to chains and 50 links to west bpundary of claim for tii- N E ofS E I, .,f >rr 32. and N This standard work is the only is admitted by all tube the repre- California ' in which they all paid thence south 13 chains amla.J links, thence 8 W >, .md 8 W 1, of 8 W of sec, 33, look forward to 1888 without a east 30 chains and 70 links to stake in cen­ of National Cyclopedia of Biography T 2 8 R 110 ton Dakotaand Montana toenter the the democracy. What is true of section of said road with the south line of W.He names the following witnesses to sold ou a positive guarantee at 10c., 50c. is a reduction of tho tariff, which Union as states.it is almost certain the said Janies Johnson’s donation claim, Iowa is true of other states.—Oma­ thence south 89 and one-half degrees, west prove his continuous residence upon and Geo. \V. Burt Druggist. will give the laboring classes great that they will be admitted to the .36 chains and 65 links, thence north .31 cultivation of, said land, viz: H. B. Moore. ha Herald. chains and 75 links, thence east 13 chains J T Turner, B. W. Turner, and (». Mun­ benefit. They will know that the Union. We will now listen for a OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA ami 17 links, thence south 5 chains ami 15 sow, all of Nestor ton, 1*. O., Tillamook VTA links, thence east 22 chains and 16 links, county. Oregon coat which they wear is their own, change of base and a kick front the We are a nation of pools and the thence south 1 ilegree east with center of 30 »V T B urney , Register. and that they paid for the labor and go psayinlf that it is from policy poor printer sutlers from pool prices county road to place of beginning contain­ 110 acres, excepting therefrom and Executors’ Sale of Real Estate. And Connections. material in it alone. They will they are admitted; that the demo­ fully as much if not more tnan any ing from both of said tracts, the following parts Notice is hereby given that pursuant to T1IE MT, SHASTA ROUTE. thereof conveyed by Abraham Blackburn have the satisfaction of knowing cratic party wants their electoral class of people doing a small busi­ an order of the County Court of Yaniliill on June 22, 1885, to William L<»y(| by Local Passenger Dally, Except Sunilayi where the said •» track crosses no reduction of the tariff laws, but ing been delayed four hours, Un­ fixed by co-operative unions. Every a the point Have the most complete tailor shop on th® west f boundary of said donation LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland < „1 M 'Em.-ene'.7’2:40 r M. M that the people should still ¡tour in­ doubtedly the trip will be made pound of type from which it is land claim of said Alfred R Elder, Don't Experiment 2:40 P ithence south on said west boundry line Eugene . .9:00 A. M.IPorltand 3:45 P M. to the coffers of our government overland in thirty-six hours before printed was kiught at combination of said claim to a point 23 chains and You cannot afford to waste time in ex­ .38 links south of tlie north boundrv line of perimenting when your lungs are in danger Pullman Buffet Sleepers. and into the hands of trusts, mon­ another season passes. onsuption always «cents, at first only a prices, even of the setting of the this tract and 12 chains and 78 links south < cold _ Daily between Portland and AshianJ, Do not permit any dealer to impose of the point w here said track crosses said , opolies, etc., an amount more than type when done by a regular print­ I west boundary ’“"te cheap imitation of Dr »isktyous and San Francisco. tlicncc cast 53 5.3 chains line, thence enough to run our government and and 22 links Isnmdarv line of said King s New Discovery for consumption link« to cast east boundary Brother Harding says in relation er must be paid at rates established I i am! ----- NONE BUT------ claim, thence north 23 chains and 38 links cough« and col is, hut lie sure you get tile Emigrant Sleeping Cara Between enough to make 10,(MM) men com­ to the tax list not footing up as by the printer’s union. The same to tbe place of beginning containing 136 genuine. Because he can make more profit he may tell you he lias something just as I ort land and Ashland, Siskiyou’s acres more or less Baid tract first to l>e paratively rich by the amount much this year as last: “I told state of facts exist in the job de­ sol i to contain 122 acres more or less giasl. or just the same Don't l>e deceived but tnsut on getting Dr. King's New Di«: and San Francisco, Free of Charge. •Al given to these vast festering sores you so.” Did we hear you say “ I partment. Paper, envelopes, in The donation land claim of Wm. D. Chirk yoverv, which is guaranteed to give relief lerry m«kes connection m all throat, lung and chc«t affeefions wlth?iutC'R’ of our country, which are support­ told you so” when the majority of fact everything, directly or indirect­ and I'hebe Clark his wife, claim No M w th all the regular train« on the East 8i Division front foot of F Street ed by the people and which arc the the people wanted the county seat ly through one or more of the arti­ ing 4 \\ of Willamette meridian in Yamhill Oregon, and bounded and deserilwd bulwarks of the republican platform removed to McMinnville. A Sonnd Legal Opinion XVe.t Side Divialon. cles entering into its manufacture eonntv. as follows: Beginning at a point 13 chains •------ IN THE------- E. Bainbridge Munday Esq. Conntv Attv. BETWEEN l OItTLAM»* CORVALLIS. for the coming year. These issues and 35 links south and 8 chains and 7 link­ is paid for, not at a price fixed up­ west of the northeast Mail Train. II?? ! ” Tex. say«: • Have used Electric corner of «aid said section Mv have been brought about by Cleve­ It is nbout time for |>cople to on by the buyer and seller, but at !», tlicncc north 8!» degrees and 30 minutes Hitt, rs with mo«t hanpv results (DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS) •*» to chain« chains ami and SftTinks. 35 links, thence them e north'sti north 8» brother also was very low with Malaria LtAVK. ARRIVF land’s message to congress forc­ know that it is sure death to blow an arbitary price usually found­ east degrees and 45 minutes, east 7ti chains and ten r and Jaundice, but was cured bv litue- I ort arni . :30 A. M I McMinn .12 '25 P M .»• ” "“^iicine Am satisfied that c”ry»ll.« 1:30 P M tPortland 6:15 I*: if ing the tariff issue, which the out the gas. Two ladies were found ed upon fietitiovs values. Next to TH links, thence south 21 chains and 31 t,"?' link«, tnence link« tnenisr north KI 811 degree« degrees and 45 niin- min­ Electric Bitters saved his life " trn'I A!o?n-V an'1 ( orv-iliis connect with of Horse Cave Kv republican party, by force of its dead in bed the other morning, in the anarchists the poolers and utes. west .33 chains and 3» links, thence ?!r Hl.1' trains of the Oregon PaciAc R R “ aild« a like testimony, saving: He positive­ nortii K* degree« and : » minutes, west . ’ >7 pledge to manufacturing monopol-1 a hotel in San Francisco. They plunderers are the greatest enemies chain« ami it link: is. thence south chairs ly believes he would have did. had it not I .pre., Train Daily Exrr,,. Snnday. | i and 7n links, then _______ ARRtVR. lee rmrtli ___ degrees and been for Electric Bitters iea, is bound to oppose. When, for had blown out the gas. This great remedy will ward off as well of this people. 45 minutes. wc«t etichain« and 84 linlts.'thcn'c« D0P.M ascureaH Malaria diseases and for all the sake of a little gain ; not in ■haitis an.l no th 2 chain« and 71 links, thence tlicncc north I 8H degrees and 45 minutes, cast 21 chains kidney, liver and stomachedisorders stands E 1’. iKMiERs fame or principal; a party takes a Gov. Bodwell of Maine, died last Manager 1«^ 15 links, ¡inks, thence nofrth nofth 15 derree degree« west nne.|iiale* number it should be violently oppos­ congestion of the lungs, which was Thoma.«, April ti» (Vids, Ct W *n'! containing ,1 Preparation known. It will no«i' Strother at Laud. It is the only »*(• i!2 hl» acreti in Yamhill < •ountv. Oregon ed by every ti liking brought on by Hire and over for your 211 B1°T1 rnrifiesthe medicine yet made that will remove all Tj II i sits amhi'l County .en»,and thoroughly builds up the '»'«ntile disorders. It contains no Opinin tilis tot, THE OPPOSITION SI-IOE STORE Containing Over Twenty Tliousa Articles on Prominent People. Don’t Read This Cww’X C, GRISSEN’S Bakery and Grocery, Oregon & California R. R. WHEN Hungry and Thirsty. Crockery and Glassware included. Portland and San Francisco. Williams & Hibbs, AVest Side. Fine Suits a Specialty! First-Class Workmen Employed!! All New Goods LATEST STYLES! Cheaper Than the Cheapest ! VSctv-e, tho. tutu». Itemember, '■ " Hurt, .inisgist or -V'rp’an«, but gives the child nat'irol tat* flvm pain. Price 25 cents. SoW bt Gro. W Ihirt dnirgist.