E TELEPHONE THE TELEPHONE. DEMOCRATIC PUBLISHED RY FRIDAY RATES OF ADVERTISING. MORNING. PUBLICATION OFFICE: ;or North of cor or Third and E 6u, M c M innville , or . SUBSCRIPTION RATES: WEST SIDE TELEPHONE (IN ADVANCE.) I? 00 I 00 00 iths.. ion ths VOL. II. STOVES! S. A. MANNING CABBIES THE FIKEST LIWE OF ’OVES Ill the county, the new acorn . >se stoves, without doubt, are the best re manufactured. One of these stoves will jiven to the new cash subscriber to the uEPHONE who guesses nearest its weight. R Hi) Stove sriven away. VaUU COME AND SUBSCRIbt $1,50 A YEAR. NSORIAL PARLOR, ng, Hair Cutting and- - - - - - - - Shampoing Parlors. WM. HOLL, Proprietor of the NcNHli Jm'i7 Store, C. H. FLEMING, Prop. The leading kinds of fancy liair cutting done in est and neatest style finds of fancy hair dressing and hair a specialty Special attention given Ladies’ and Childrens’ Work bo have for sule a very fine assort- if hair oils, hair tonics, co.metics, etc I have in connection with my parlor, 'the largest and flneat stock of [CIGARS Ever in the city. USD S treet M c M inxvillk . O regon JEWELRY ESTABLISHMENT. —OF- YAMHILL COUNTY, Third Street. McMinnville Or. w. V. PRICE, PHOTOGRAPHER. Up Stairs in Adams’ Building, MeMinnvill., Oregon Blacksmith Shop! RESTORING BREATH. 1 AMITY, OREGON. A Discovery That Will Be of Great Use to the ¡Scientific World. LIKENS, Proprietor. A miraculous surgical experiment has been performed at Buffalo by Dr. George E. Fell, professor of physiology at the University of Niagara. Dr. Fell is an enthusiastic viviseetionist, and has made a number of experiments whereby he olaims ho has discovered a means of saving human life after the patient has taken poison. Several weeks ago a man namod Patrick Burns, who had been on a debauch, took a large dose of morphia, and was given up as dead. After Burns had been unconscious for five hours, Dr. Fell was called in. It had occurred to him that if he had an artificial respiratory appar­ atus he would be able to bring back tho patient to life. He had often applied artificial respiration to dogs and cats at college during his lectures, to show the action of their hearts and lungs. Burns was a poor patient, and the physician had very little hope of being successful. There was no pulse, and only a slight flutter around the region of the heart, which showed that it had not ceased to beat. There were a num­ ber of physicians present, and the experiment was considered achimerica one as far as success was concerned A h incision was made in tho throat, and a respiratory tube was placed in the trachea. The blood which oozed from the wound was a dark coffee color. The lungs of the patient were useless, and when air was blown into them they wet» so stiff that they could not con­ tract. Artificial means were used, press­ ure on the chest to expel tho air and cause the expirations.’ This was kept up for fifteen minutes before any change was noticed. The blood soon became more arterial in color as it camo from tho wound, and the face assumed a life-like expression, The muscles of the eyes twitched when pressed by the finger. After a time the eyes opened, and tlie legs and arms began to move. Water was placed to the patient's lips and lie drank greedily. For two hours the artificial breathing was kept up. The tube was removed, and tho wound was closed with antisep­ tic licensing. The patient, an hour after breathing was restored, had an attack of delirium tremens, the result of drinking. It took five men to hold him, and the wound commenced to bleed afresh. , This was stopped, and when the poison passed from the system, after three days the respiration in­ creased, and it was evident that the patient would recover. In two weeks he was able to go out and attend to his business. Dr. Fell used a very crude apparatus which lie employs in vivi­ section. He is now perfecting an in­ strument which can be used by an operator in such cases as the one de­ scribed. The discovery is a valuable one, anil will be of great use to the Scientific world.— Deniorent's Monthly. ¡tnithing and carriage ironing of every description. Horse Shoeing f And plow work a specially. Also manufacture tbe Celebrated Oregon Iron Harrow, GIVE ME A CALL. 50tf M c M innville Feed and Sale M, iird and D streets, McMinnville Proprietors. ist Rigs in the City. Orders imptly attended to Day or Ï STABLES, ird Street, between E and F McMinnville, Oregon. (son Bros. Props. Hass accommodations for Ccmnier- i and general travel. lent stock well cared for. ling new and in First-Class Order iage respectfully solicited ltf “WHEN” want any thing, in the line of ib Printing Ball at the office of the WEST I SIDE TELEPHONE. We will guarantee you r WORK, LOWEST PRICES We make a specialty of Fine k and Card Printing. . H. P. Stuart, Home-Made Sawing Machine. -----THE LEADER IN----- A New York correspondent of an Eastern paper tells how a cross-cut saw may be used to good advantage by one man: One end of the saw—the handle being taken off—is hung by a swinging bar several f.-ot long to the side of the wood house. Tlie swinging bar should bite Grange Store McMinnville, Or. run between two horizontal strips, which will make it run steady. To support the stick which is to be tawed, a heavy S, A. YOUNG, M. D. ?lec* is fastened on the corner of the •bed. and a crooked piece js fastened to Physician & Surgeon, •he side of the shed, either by nailing ■IN VILLE, ... OSMO*. from the inside or bolts, or by setting it Ice and residence on D street. All •n the ground. The saw should have a good set so it will go through the wood promptly answered day or night. without cramping. The longer the winging bar is the less rocking motion \he saw will have.--rruirea rance. Many women, in washing a white, un­ stained soft wood floor, use the hot suds from tbe boiler that is left after getting through tho family washing, which is a very poor plan, indeed, for the tendency of suds is to darken tho floor if the boards are not thor­ oughly rinse I with clear water afterward. As these women seldom think of rinsing the boards, the floors of their kitchens always have a dark, uncared for appearance. To keep a floor nice and clean is not such very hard work if one goes about it properly. Be sure to have a clean flannel cloth to begin wilh, for there is nothing like flannel for this purpose, and old flannel underwear is just the thing. Hot water has long been the standing rule for washing floors, and with plenty of soap and energetic use of the scrubbing brush has often succeeded in whitening the floors; but tbe best authorities now say cold water is the best. Into a pail of clean, cold water put two tablespoonfuIs of ammonia. Sweep thor­ oughly before commencing to wash the floor. If the floor is very dirty some good soap can l>e used, but usually the ammonia is sufficient. No «Tubbing brush is needed, for the am­ monia more than takes its place; and really, if this liquid never did anything but banish the «rubbing brush, it has accomplished something for which all womankind should l>e thankful, for of all the articles in the household for wasting strength, the scrubling brush stands at the head. Tbe zinc under the stove should he thor­ oughly cleaned before the rest of tbe floor is touched. Be .jin the floor at one corner of tbe room, and, if convenient, work toward the door. Use plenty of water, and only wash us small a piece of tbe flocr ata time as you can conveniently without doing much reaching. Have a dry, clean cloth especially fop wiping, and always wipe down the length and with tbe grain of tbe boards. If wiped across the boards the floor is apt to be streaky. In washing each piece wash be- yend tho joining line, so that when done ‘ibere will not be a dark mark between them, which there surely will be if this is not done xftrefully. Some women prefer using a mop for this work, while others declare they cannot use one, and would much rather go down on their knees to do it. For a woman who uses it properly a mop is the best thing for wash­ ing tbe kitchen floor, or, in fact, any floor. Any woman who uses clean, soft cloths and plenty of ammonia water, and good soap if desired, in mopping the floor, will have just as nice, clean floor as her next door neighbor, who does it in the old way, besides saving a great deal of strength and time.—Boston Budget. Good Cooking and Temperance. The condition of the poor in so celled civ­ ilized countries is for the most part wretched ehuifly because the masses knew nothing of the proper methods of preparing food, or of tbe selection of it. They, as a rule, waste their food fund in extravagant and injudici­ ous purchases, and then they spoil half they buy through their culinary incapacity. Out of thesaspoiled meals—out of all this indigest­ ible, unpalatable food; out of the disgust jvbich such barbarous cooking breeds—arises the craving for drink which drives thousands and tens of thousands to the saloon for com­ fort and compensation. It may confidently be asserted that not 10 per cent, of the men who drink do so solely because they relish liquor. When such a positive love of dri ik exists it is generally a symptom of disease. Men are led to drink or driven to it by external conditions most often, and nothing is more conducive to this end than tlie miserable dieting which is the com­ mon lot of the poor. The man who knows that he has a wholesome, savory meal await­ ing him at home is not hkely to linger at the saloon. The life which grows up about the latter place is not a natural one. The customer of the bar seek that place as an alternative quite as rften as because they like it. They are fugi­ tives from discomfort, from bad and repul- iive food, from dirt and evil smells; not sel­ dom from the foul moods bred in their wontenkind by misery and rum and beer. Women are driven to drink by the hopeless­ ness of making homes for their husbands and children. Their ignorance of cooking and housekeeping thwarts all their efforts, and they attribute tbe squalor in which they veg­ etate to their poverty, and fall back on the saloon as a source of forgetfulness. Teach them or their daughters to cook, and at once light is let in on tbeir darkened lives. They then hold a talisman which will bring their husbands from the rum shop, and keep them at home, which is more. They can then establish something like a family circle, and the nucleus fixed, new means of extending the wholesome influence will develop of them­ selves. The whole character of the average workingman can be improved, elevated, sweetened, by this one instrumentality. Teach the girls to cook, and an immensed -al of fric­ tion will l>e eliminated from modern life. Temperance and wholesome food are natural allies ami partners, and bad food is the great­ est incentive to drink that can be named. By all means, therefore, let the cooking schools be heartily approved and supported.—New York Tribune. by band and arrange to set well. The horns on the apron and the upper edge and side« of the bib can be trimmed with work or lace, or tucks, insertions, feather stitch, etc., cun oa employed to decorate. X. neat way to fasteu the bibs is to stitch two narrow bands about an inch wide, and fasten them at the back o? the two upper corners of ihe bib, pass them m V ar the shoulder, and Ln-ten to a button of tae dress about halt down the back W hen the dress is not lastn.ed behind, cut th» bands longer, cross like braces, and fasten on two buttons, placed one each side of the button that fastens the waist of the apron. This apron looks very pretty when made in ecru ¿prigged muslin, trimmed with luce; the bib edged with lace and the lower edge gath­ ered and sewed outside the band, so that a frill of lace fails below the waist. Bows of ribbon or ribbon waistbands are added. With an apron to match a morning gown, the lai ier will last clean half as long again.—Phila delphia Times. Lives of Married Women. American women marry too early and live too secluded. Many are scarcely out of school before they have settled down as wives and housekeepers. The cares of a family are devolving on them before they have the strength and nerve to perform them. One reason that our female aueestois lasted longer and had better health was that their minds were not so much taxed nor the nerves so highly strung. They had the full use of their powers. Their physic 1 health was better; their constitutions stronger. Those that had much mental activity generally had sufficient physical exertion to counterbalance it. Most women know not enough of the laws Chat govern health and of ihe diseases inci­ dent to their sex and children. How often do \ve see peevishness manifested by a sickly wife and mother that, by a knowledge of the laws of health and strict observance of them, might l)e strong and healthy, and lilted for her responsible and arduous duties! The majority of married women, with families of small children, need more relaxation and a greater variety of innocent recreation. Many of them become so chained down in body and mind by the mention of household cares and labor that their health and spirits sink lieneath the load, and in ap­ pearance, strength and spirits they grow pre­ maturely old. Some housewives suffer much annoyance from bad servants, and some per­ form drudgery for which they are unfitted. The indoor labor performed by many Amer­ ican women is astonishing. What affects the body influences the mind. When one is worn and irritated it acts on the other. English women usually have better servants and more of them. They are trained thoroughly for the special departments of house and kitchen work. English women walk and ride more, marry later, and have by nature better con­ stitutions.—Virginia Penny in Courier-Jour­ nal. Young Housekeepers Should Know That buttermilk will take out mildew stains. That bottles are easily cleaned with hot water and fine coals. That old napkins and old tablecloths make the very best of glass cloths. That it is well to keep largo pieces of char coal in damp corners and in dark places. That three teaspoonfu's of kerosene put in the wush boiler will greatly assist in the last rubbing. That if the hands are rubbed on a stick of celery after peeling onions, the smell will be entirely removed. That tubs will not warp or crack open if tl»e precaution is taken to put a pail of water into each, directly after use. That chloride of lime should be scattered, at least once a week, under sinks and in all places where sewer gas is liable to lurk. Th t it is an excellent plan to have a penny bank, to be opened once a year, when a book may be purchased or the contents may be used in any way desired. That one pound of* fine tobaceo put into a pail of boiling water and allowed to partially cool, when put upon a carpet with a »oft brush, will brighten the colors and remove surface dirt. That turpentine and black varnish put into any good stove polish, is the blacking used by hardware dealers for polishing heating stove*. If properly put on it will last throughout a season. That table linens should always be hemmed by hand. Not only do they look more dainty, but there is never a streak of dirt under the edge after being laundried as with machine jewing.—Mi’s. W. H. Maher in Good House­ keeping. _________ Some Simple Remedies. For a sore throat, cut slices of fat, boneless bacon, pepper thickly and ti© around the throat with a flannel cloth. When stung by a bee or a wasp, make a }>a.st» of common earth and water, put on the place at once and cover with a cloth. For a cold on the chest, a flannel rag rung out in boiling water and sprinkled with tur­ pentine, laid on th© chest, gives the greatest relief. When a felon first begins to make its ap­ pearance, take a lemon, cut off one end, put the finger in, and the longer it is kept there the better. For a cough, boil one ounce of flaxseed in a pint of water, strain and add a little honey, one ounce of rock candy, and the juice of three lemons; mix and boil well. Drink as hot as ¡»ossible. Often aiter cooking a meal a person will feel tired and have no appetite; for this beat a raw egg until light, stir in a little milk and sugar, and season with nutmeg. Drink half an hour before eating. For a burn or scald, make a paste of com­ mon baking soda and water, apply at once and cover with a linen cloth. When the skin is broken, apply the white of an egg with a feather; this gives instant relief, as it keeps tbe air from the flesh. At tbe first signs of a ring round, take a cupful of wood ashes, put in a pan with a quart of cold water, put the pan on tbe stove, put your finger in the pan, keep it there un­ til tbe water begins to boil, or as long as it can be borne. Ibqieat once or twice if necee ary.—“L L” In Good Housekeeping. A Useful Garment. Selfish Parent» to Blame. A pretty apron is one of usual shape, pleated into a waistband, with a full bib or plastron front, gathered at the top or bottom, ihe apron is left the whole width of the goods nt tbe lower part, and a small slope cut off gradually a few inches from the lower edge, until at the waist the g< re cutting is about three inches wide. A few pleats are fixed in tbe waist of the apron Mt each side, making a ‘light hollowing in the center. Stitch on a two ami one-half inch ban l for the waist; sow first ou one side and then on th* other.*» that no rough edges are left Cut a piece for tbe bib; turn up the lower edge on tbe right side and run In two gather­ ing threads. Draw up to about six inches in length, and tbe lower edge to tbe lower edge of the apron bend at tins back, stitching tbe upper edge of tbe band to tbe bib, so as to , hide tbe upp^r row of gathering thread. Turn down tbe upper edge of the bib two inches on tbe wrong side and make two rows of gathering about one-half inch below tbe top edge, so as to leave a little frill above. F 4d a little Ixnd of stuff, six inches long and one inch deep; fix it at tbe back, and i neatly arrange ti*e gatherings on lUi«, draw mg t Lem up to fit tbe baud in length, bew A generation or two ago plain American fathers and mothers did not entertain the fanciful ilea that the state should take charge of everyl>ody s education, inorals and habits. They believed that it was tbeir duty to keep an eye on tbeir boys, and in cases of I misbehavior they resorted without compunc­ tion to a tough hickory or a barrel stave. Thirty or forty years ago, if a Georgia father bad been to hl that his sixteen year-old boy was in danger of having a congested brain from the smoking of cigarettes, he would have rushed the youngster out into the back yard and sailed into him with a stick. In those days jieople didn’t appeal to societies or a Woman's Christian Temperance Union or the legislature when their boys went wrong They simply made a family affair of it and straightened it out satisfactorily. The other day we said that there could be no great improvement iu morals until we re­ stored the thorough and efficient system of family education and government which formerly prevailed. What we said applies directly to this cigarette evil. If boys are to Ije allowed to be tbeir own masters, chooae their companions and dispose of tbeir time, we may reat assured that tbs majority wfij NO. . 5. o ck up many vices that will injure them Tn .he future. Do you want your boy to grow up pure, honest, sober and industrious! Begin your work on him at home, and keep at it. Good laws and good schools can never take SENTIMENT CONCERNING PERSONS the place of the old-fashioned family train­ WHO MARRY A SECOND TIME. ing. We cannot afford to have a lot of tobacco hearts and congested brains pushed into so­ A Memoruble Series of Sermons—Rule? ciety and business circles. The great prob­ of Good Taste and Etiquette—Simple lems and gigantic concerns of this age de­ Attire of the Bride—Silver and Golden mand men who enjoy the largest measure of Weddings. physical and mental health. We must have them at any cost. If they cannot be pro­ French marriage customs are now well duced under our present system, let us go known, so far as they relate to first mar­ back in some degree to the common sense riages, but as regards second marriages very simplicity of our fathers. It will not hurt little has yet been written. Perhaps these the youngsters; it will be their salvation in marriages lack the romantic element which more ways than one.—Atlanta Constitution. in all human affairsis the sauce piquant© that “lifts the flavor.” This may explain why so The Knowledge of Sewing. little notice is taken of them. There is a de­ A generation ago it was thought, shocking cided disposition in France to regard those if a girl married having no knowledge of who marry en secondes uoom as hardened sewing. Instruction in how to cut and make sinners or as imbeciles undeserving of sym­ her own underclothing, and to do plain and pathy. The popular sentiment on the subject fine mending of all kinds, was esteemed an is to the effect that a person has only the important part of a young woman’s educa­ right to be born once, to niirry once and to tion. Although sewinr machines were prac­ die once. Those who show a wish to undergo tically unknown must mothers made all their any of these operations twioe are suspected of own and tbeir children’s and husbands’under­ gourmandize. It must be udmitted, however, wear. Now that shop work has to a great ex­ that public opinion re jiecting second mar­ tent superseded home sewing, it is probably riages is much more generous with regard to cheaper for a woman to buy garments ready­ the man than with regard to tbe woman. made than to spend her time in fashioning There is a social and religious prejudice them herself. Still, she ought to possess the against the second marriage of women, ability to do the work should an emergency especially when these have reached middle arise that would compel her to attempt it. age and have children. The religious prejudice was remarkably Many a girl has married in utter ignorance of any sort of sewing beyond the merest rudi­ illustrated a few years ago by Pere Didon, ments, and has been forced to teach herself who, in the course of the memorable series of with infinite pains to fashion the tiny gar­ sermons that he preached in Paris, and which obtained for him the severe censure of the ments she could not afford to buy. Even if one has no skill in cutting and fit­ general of the Dominicans and temporary ting, she should at least perfect herself in all relegation to a little island in the Mediterra­ branches of mending, from laying a patch by nean as his |H)nance, attacked the practice of tho thread to darning stockings well. The the second marriage of women with a vehe­ last is an accomplishment owned by few. mence that profoundly astonished the congre­ Nearly any nursery maid will profess herself gation, among whom were some people who fully competent to mend stockings, whose considered the sermon a grossly personal at­ labors in the shape of cobbled holes, knotted tack. The eloquent Dominican had not done thread, and pulled fabio would disgrace the vhat the Latin proverb advises the discreet merest tyro in tbe art.—Christine Terhune cobbler to do—-he had gone lieyond his last. He bad no authority to use a pulpit for abus­ Herrick in Harper’s Bazar. ing women who entered for tho second time (he matrimonial state. The sermon was Buying t:» Good Advantage. printed in extenso in some of tho papers, and “Never buy anything because it is cheap,” made a prodigious commotion. Peoplo asked was one of Poor Richard’s maxims, and a why tho Dominican father was so hard upon good one, too. This does not forbid that fore­ women and so lenient toward men. Tho dis­ thought that looks forward into the future, cussion took a turn that was not exactly and selects what one knows can soon be used ‘heological. Now, although Pere Didon was to good advantage. At the end of a season very imprudent in expressing his opinions so there are always times when remnants and strongly, he nevertheless caught up and broken lots of standard goods may be ob­ into words a floating religious idea, and put one tained for a very low price, becauso the mer­ that is by no means of recent date. chants would rather sell them thus than to GOOD TASTE AND ETIQUETTE. “carry them over” to the next season, involv­ There are certain rules of good taste and ing the trouble of packing and unpacking, and of keeping capital locked up which might etiquette with regard to second marriages in be at work and earning something. Thus France which are usually observed by the white summer goods, ginghams, chambrays •ducated classes. The w hole ceremonial must and various things of that sort may be gotten ’>e quiet and unostentatious. The festive pre­ in the fall at a very low figure often, and if parations must be on a modest scale. It is one has children or can forecast her own not considered becoming for the bridegroom needs for the») materials she may often buy md bride to appear very happy. They must to great advantage. Care should always be Ije seriate and calm, with an expression of re- taken, however, to purchase standard goods, •ueillament in their faces. Something is due io the memory of the dear departed. This is and not those passing fancies of one season, rcaauu, which will be sure to look very much out of ‘specially the case if a lady is a widow. She ioes not take from her flag«*’ the ring placed place th© next.—Boston Globe. here by her first husband. Her second sjxjuse vould bo considered a man of bad feeling and Need of Hygiene. Mid taste if he objected to this mark of re­ Besides being well ventilated, our houses flect paid to his predecessor. Moreover, if should be full of light and sunshine, Floors ihe lady has children the first ring must be re- should be kept clean,and walls and ceilings fre­ ainoil out of regard for the memory of their quently freshened. Bleeping rooms should be father, and she would be passing a slight upon furnished with rugs instead of carpets, that .hem by taking it off. If these children they may be thoroughly cleaned each week. ire grown up they must not keep aloof from Chamber utensils and crockery should bo kept he wedding party, but must bo present at jcrupulously clean, and when possible the he ceremony. They are not expected to windows of sleeping rooms should be left •>ok joyful, but their absence would give open during the day and nearly or quite ise to scandal. Tho religious services must closed at night. In cold weather an opening >e very simple—without floral decorations or of an inch at the top and bottom of a window imring. Tbe widow at LOT second marriage is sufficient. Persons should never sit or sleep uust not wear gray or mauve, for such 00101*8 in a draught of air. vould l>e suggestive of half mourning, which Every sleeping room should have outside lor second busband might not take to be a windows, opening at top and bottom, and Lelicate allusion to himself. Rose color is sunshine at some part of the day; also means Iso forbidden, on the ground that it is too of ventilation. It would be better for people to /»y. Tho headdress should be a black or live in tents the whole year round than in some '/!«ite mantilla, with a few flowers scattered of tho damp, dark places in which they ere »ver it—certainly not orange flowers, which huddled : 1 our cities, where are no possibili­ an only l»e worn once on such occasions, nor ties of cleanliness or pure air.—Mrs. E. G. h»ysantheinums and scabiouses, which are Cook, M. D., in Demorest’s. -rin«l “widows’ flowers.” A breakfast or dinner follows the religious ceremony, but Gardening Tor Women. o bull is given in the case of a second mar- That unhappy divorce between Eve and iage. Eden has surely not been handed down to her Silver marriages are very plowing festi- daughters, for they are today tho most en­ als in France. When a couple have oom* thusiastic gardeners In the world. It is de­ deted twenty-five years of married life the lightfully frequent lrereatouts to see city vent is celebrated with all the show of joy women in wide sunshades and gauntlet gloves nd festivity possible. In the first place, bending over their garden plots, digging, hero is a religious ceremony in church, pruning and clipping away energetically at rhich has a good deal of the outward form outdoor plants. “It is a joy without canker •f a genuine wedding. The lady is again or cark, a pleasure eternally new.” Day by •ailed the bride, and her toilet is superb, sup­ day tho lovely living things grow gladly posing her position in the world justifies it. under cars and attention. If one be puzzled, .’he flowers which she is expected to wear are fretted, crow or sorrowful, there is no ¡»anacea *rge white ox eyes—known in France as like a bit of homely gardening. Just try -olnes marguerites. The bridegroom weurs a picking off the dry leave», loosening the tress coat. The pair are surrounded by their packed earth, hunting for blighting insects hildren and grandchildren—if there are any. and generally doctoring tho ailing shrub, os All relations are invited, for a grand family well as feeding and petting tbe healthy plants; nuster is considered eceential. A dinnor is it is liko being good to children, they are so ;iven, followed by a bail, which is opened by grateful too in their perfumed gratitude.— he newly remarried couple, tbe lady dancing New Orleans Times-Democrat. vith her eldest son and her husband with his Idest daughter. Golden weddings are much arer than silver weddings. Death only al* Girl» on ITorteback. The wisdom of making young girls ride on .owi a very small proportion of married peo­ the right as well as the kft side is very ob­ ple to live fifty years together. Tbe cere- vious. Tbe crookedness which accompanies nony is the same as in the case of silver all ons sided exercise is avoided, and they be* veddings. There are i¥»w great grandchild- com« better horsewomen. Of course, differ» on as well as grand chi dren present, and the ent saddles are provided, and the old fash­ »Id people open the ball with the eldest of the ioned »addle with its two upright pommels is ¿st generation of their decendants.—Paris quite discarded. The Princes» of Wales in­ Jor. Boston Transcript. variably rides on the right side, owing to the Oldest of the Sciences. stiffness in her right knee, which prevents her Me tallurgy Is tho oldest of the sciences. It from bending it all. She no longer rides in ihe Row, however, nor dare the young prin­ vns bom In the efforts of the alchemists to ransmute metals into gold, and has come cesses rid) there.—Home Journal. town through the centuries less changed han any other science. While the earliest To Have Pretty Teeth. The Paris Figaro says that if you want ••cords are not full and complete, the idloys your children to have pretty teeth you must nade in those old ages, and the slugs found l»egin with tbe second dentition to press back About somo of the oldest workshops discov- with the finger every morning tbe taeth red, some of them dating bark to the age of which have a tendency to project forward loses, show pretty clearly what the metal irgical methods of those days were, and I and to pull forward those which tend back­ ward. As a wash, boil in a tumblerful of bow that they were much tbe same as tbe ictbods now In use. The slags give proof water a pinch of quassia wood with a pinch of pulverized cacoa. It etrengthens tbe guuis natlime was used as it is used now, and that ulpbur was a bugbear as it is now. What and whitens tbe teeth without injuring tbe enamel which covers the l»one. Wash tbe advances have been made have been more of moutb after each meal with lukewarm boiled t mechanical nature tbae in tho way of dis- ■ovuring new laws or principles of chemistry. water.—New York Sun. -Public Opinion. FRENCH MARRIAGES. The Uprlgtit Plano. Don’t place an upright piano with If« be-k to tbe wall. Het it aci OM * corner, t bo liark to the room. Place a miivor In the hack, draped on either «ide with embroidered Oriental muelin. Oroup a collection of band- •oniely po ted Oriental plants in front of this. Slid you will bars couvsrtsd an eaasntially ugly pics of furniture into a -thing of bssuty and a Joy forevar" to everybody but youi parlor maid.—New York Commercial Adrar tiasr. A Window of Shell». Its window» were a curiosity, the first I iad ever seen in India where the panes were if the ¡»earl oyster shell, cut thin, and about in inch and a half square. This was the Por­ tuguese window. Tue labor of making great windows of such small pieces of ».hell neatly *ut and smoothed must have Ijeen immense, •ven for onp building, At leant one half the light was obstructed by the shell strata, and when one aids to this the wooden framing for tbe »bells, there must have been a consid­ erable addition to the semi opaqueness. But Napoleon's Trlf«ta. Perfect love is ideal happO-ee»; both are then this is India, and it is always a study to squady visionary, fugitive, mysterious, Inez keep out tbe glare of tbe sun.—Harper1» plicabla. I»ve should ba the occupation of Magazine. fbe idle man, the distraction of tbe warrior, The electric light is now being used in U m the rock of tbesovereign.— Napoleon. Scotch tLbvruw with great succag| One square or less, one insertion. ......... |1 00 One square, each subsequent insertion.... 50 Notices of appointment und final settlement 5 00 Other legal advertisements. 75 cents for first insertion and 40 cents per square for each sub­ sequent insertion. Special business notices in business columns, 10 cents per line. Regular business notices, 5 cents per line. Professional cards. > 1X per year. Special rates for large display “ads.” THE CHRISTMAS STOCKING. Fram tbe shelf I hang, suspended Iu the firelight's glow, distended Till niy sides are almost split wilh everything that's good; I'm so full that it's a question If I don't have indigesiion— Never yet was I so stuffed with such peculiar food. In my toe (oh. goodness gracious! 1 declare it is vexatious) Some one's put a big potato and it makes me feel so strange; I wonder, now, what made them do it. Do you know that right next to it They have put a lot of candy—something sweeter for a change? Then a bank to save up money, Aud a man that acta so funny When you ¡mil himsharply by his stringy hempen tail; A picture» book, some small tin fishes And a set of little dishes; Pair of mittens, popcorn und a little wooden pail. Then on top a piece of paper, Isn't this a funny caper? Perhaps they want to burden me with some new fangled dish. Lot me try my best to con it Why, this is what they've wilt en on it: May you have a merry Christmas is my hearty v feh.” Masson. A CALIFORNIA CHRISTMAS» 1852.“ BY KATE VAN NORMA GIBSON. Wo reached California late in the fall of 1852, and before we knew it could be winter Ln a country where the grass was freshly sprouting aud th© trees bright and green, Christmas was upon us, and no turkey in the state. The children held a solemn conclave and concluded that Santa Claus could never get so far, liesides there was no snow for his sleigh to travel on. A' I said, there was probably not one turkey in tho whole state, and though there were a few chickens, no ono would have con­ sented for a moment to kill them when eggs were worth $1 apiece. So our hopes for an old fashioned Christmas fell far below zero, and in spite of our best endeavors we felt a little blue and homesick. There was plenty of the poor Spanish beef to be obtained, and also veal, but a sucking pig would have beeu an impossibility, and there was absolutely no fruit in the country except such as grew wild, and, of course, there was none nt this season, but the genius of women lor making something out of noth­ ing is proverbial, and tho men of tho family thought the women would pull through some­ how, though how was that to bo without fruit, 0SS9» milk or cream, or, indeed, anything ex­ cept bayou beans, »Spanish beef aud a very fow potatoes, and no onions to season any­ thing with, nor knives? This was in what is Oakland now, but at that time there w ere but three wooden houses and a fow touts there. Tho two women put their heads together and finally decided that they could at least make a plum pudding, but in the little “store” there were no raisins, nothing but dried apples. They bought six eggs, paying $8 for them, considering the season, and took somo dried apples. These were put to soak over night and on Christmas morning they were chopped into small bits, and with the eggs and a plentiful supply of molaam, flour and suet, a big pudding was put into a bag and over tho fire to boil. This success stimo lated the women to try an apple pie or so. In the meantime a big rib of beef was duly salted and peppered and surrounded with potatoes, and was made ready to put in the oven when Uncle Charlie, w ho was a mighty hunter, suddenly made his appearance with a big fat gooso in one hand and a fine big turkey, as wo thought, in the other, botii plucked and dressed, ready for the oven. Some one was sent to buy an onion, as the grandmother said the goose really must have onion in tho stuffing, and for that one little oaion, no larger than an egg, wo paid $1 aud were glad to get it at tliat price. Grand­ mother brought out her wonderful bag of herbs und a little of very precious sage, aud summer savory was sifted into the dressing and the two fine birds were put down to cook, and we all began to rejoice that even in fur off California Christmas was not quito lost. The two birds now cooking had been shot early that morning. One was a honker goose and the other was an enormous sand hill crane, or, as they woro then called, Cali­ fornia turkey. These immense birds grow vory fat and are really delicious eating, as we found at dinner timo. And whOn the table was laid out with the finest linen and choice dishes that had followed tho family fortunos “around tho Horn,” that dinner was voted a success, but the pudding, covered with blazing brandy, looked just as Christ­ mas liko as if it had lieen a roal plum one, though it had a sprig of “live oak” instead of holly in it, and although it did not taku quito as good. After dinner we had games, and though the children missod the hanging up of the stockings, they wont to lied happy in the hope, afterward fulfilled, that Santa Claus might got there by Now Year’s, seeing that they lived too far away for him to reach them on Cliristmas. First Beer Garden Waiter—Mrs. lie 'tirouuw is off for the summer again. Second Waiter—How do you know any­ thing al»out that fine holy’s movements! “Mr. De Good© has just come in.”—ntnaha BILIOUSNESS la an afftotl.n of tho liver, and can bo thoroughly cured by that Gkrand Regulator of the Liver and Biliary Organa, SIMHONS UVER REOULATOR MAKVrAOrVRBD BT J. H. XKELIH E CO., Phlladelphi*, P». I waa aflllcted (or wvrral yran vlth ■MWM llvw. Whk'h ramlted In a ■rvm ntu.k nr laundlre. I kad m »*•*>4 ld hcaltn I Ihcn tried th. Brertl. ycMbrlptlnn nt on. of Ih. m«il rm.wnM phyoiclan. .f Lout»- vnla Ky . bnt lo n" .urpow : «bere- uaea I w.a Indnced la try niMmon. 1,1 ver Weanlator. 1 fonati barn.-- dia*. ten«4t frt>m IM u*>. and lt nin­ ni atei y r «"w.d M Ih. full .ntoy- MBt .f hMlth. A. H 8HIRIXT, hlchm.ad, Ky. HEADACHE Froceed» ftoan a Torpld Liver and Im- pnrltte» thè Mtomach. li «an b« invarfably «nrad by taklng IIMM0K8UVEBBBCTUT0R Iot all *be «ulkr r w kw that sia uro ìmretn nmons Cs» bo pr*v»nUd by Uklng a *•* a» anco thait ■ynpUtn» Indicato thè cJmfng of an atWRk.