WILLIAM BECK I I POULTRY VERMIN. How to Prevent Lice »nd Other Parsattlo Insects on Fowls. CARE OF THE SKIN. When and How to Balk. ami What Kind of Heap to Use, BARGAINING BY SIGNS. PERSONAL The Queer Lantuat« t acit by Trader» lu All Oriental Countries. AND IMPERSONAL. Wholesale and Retail l)tt]. The number of trade «¿Mon"1 of bv the treasury umier t>£J The the act of Mart h3. DW. «a» <« ■ of t(ie number import««!, from 1 The act to September 4, >re7, » .•« uaj Io»» by abrasion was equivalent to , trade dollars. Toys. Carnes and n < -—George Westinghouse, Jr., the in­ Another of the series of popular Frequently the most difficult work of In the cu.“tomary open-air markets ventor of the Westinghouse aif-brako, the poultry man ia that of ridding the lectures to nurses was delivered recent­ of Eastern countries especially those is rated at seven million dollars. premises of vermin. Most persons do ly in the University Hospital by Dr. devoted to transactions in hides, leather, —Mr. Powderly has received nearly A VALUABLE MEDICAL TREATISE. not become aware of the presence of Henry W. Stellwagon, tlie subject 1» -i’tg wool, grain mid fruit—it is no uncom­ eighteen thousand letters, and has an­ Thteditiou for 1888 of the .terling Medtad vermin until the little red mites are “The Care of tlie Skin.” The delivery mon thing to see a couple of sedate- swered ten thousand of them within Annual known as Hostettert Almanac, to no« First Stroke of Pain ready, and may be obtained, free o o seen In myraids. These can easily be of the lecture occupied an hour, and looking traders seated on the ground, the past year. every yearto thousands . destroyed by using proper methods. the greater part of the time was devot­ each with his right hand concealed in —M. Dibler, the executioner of Paris, The Class.-Fifiy 1'1illi,^,V17i1|1Uev.nrv’t»"’ The great scourge of poultry is not ed to an explanation of the resjiective his neighbor’s capacious sleeve, anil is fond of birds and music He lias a the mites, but the large body-louse functions of tlie epidermis, dermis, engaged, to all nppearances, in squeez­ large and well-stocked aviary, and is a 4^1» BOUXk ltrb {IfthTlTentm} B cSmbYne^wtth that hides at the base of the feathers, papillary layers and subcutaneous ing each other’s fingers. For a few capital performer on the violin. th«riunpa.t)£Lir“m Drlol). Ths Merlts.-Eynn>|.le'.-Take 105 A 107 Mt*rou«', ai, THE LEADING FEATURES business men and leading educatoj^ If we go to bed at two o ’ clock in the ifiin (>. It cures in all cases usea a the large lice, and often the cause will the pair will begin to clasp hands mid contempt of court. He didn’t mind tlie of the Y outh ’ s C ompanion Announce­ cording to directions. ”■ [j1 Sv' r^ J'.L.f THE MOST PERFECTLY EQüIPPl>|tt morning and cat late suppers tlie sys­ fingers as before. Tlie spectacle is ex­ be ascribed hi something else. ment for 18S8 just published are its six there's a cure, iu every application a rein confinement, but the fine nearly broke illustrated Serial Stories, by Trowbridge, of its class on the Coastt it offers print* To prevent lice on fowls, the best tem is affected and a diseased skin is tremely funny to the Western traveler hie lieart. instruction, day and evening throughout the Stephens and others, and its two hundred Arithmetic, Writing, Correspondence, Book?' thing is the dust-bath, which must con­ lhe result. We should also lie careful who does not understand what is going —It is definitely known that Vit­ Short Stories and Tales of Adventure, its rhe Proof. -1. The testimony <’nnn.<* Banking,Shorthand,Type-writing, BusInessjttS1 of our food and eat only that which is sist of fine clay or coal ashes. If the on; but in point of fact tlie trailers are toria Colonna was buried in a small and articles by eminent writers, inclu ing the Forms and all Common S< hot 1 i'.ranche», C, disputed. 2. It has hull not prejudicial to the action and func ­ lai'U of years. 3. No return ot juun it of all ages and both sexes admitted i?1 Right Hon. Win. H. Gladstone, Professor quarters are kept clean, the hens will simply engaged in what they call “fix­ j Jim. 4?ìi has cured in all ages «nd «m- Catalogue free. Armstrong and Weaco’ftJ prevent tlie attacks of liee by dusting, tions of the component parts of the ing the price,” or bargaining, by obscure church in Rome, now being de­ Tyndall, Gen. Lord Wolseley, Louisa M. Jitions. 5. It has Hired all tonus ofAl «< r Gen. George Crook, and one hun­ but when once the lice put in an ap­ skin. Some people cannot eat shell­ means of a code of manual signs al­ molished. Sant’ Anna del Falegnami Alcott, in« 6. It lias cured all stages ot pa nfu dred other popular authors. The C om ­ pearance, tlie poultryman is compelled fish without inducing what are known most universally used by Eastern mer­ and tlie arelueologists and literary peo­ panion has t wo Million Readers a week. niliuents. 7. It has cund iwses ple ot that city are anxiously expecting hopeless. 8. It has caused ‘¿"h'1'““ as hives, and in other cases some kinds Every family should take it. By sending to take active measures, as tlie lice chants, wlio are compelled to do much tlie discovery of the “cypress wood canes to be thrown away 9- Iu best cures jour subscription now, with #1.75. you of animal food will react injuriously in must be fought until not a single one of their business in tlie open air, sur­ coffin, lined witli embroidered velvet,” will receive it free to Jan. 1, 1888, and a are chronic cases. remains. Kerosene must not be used this respect also. Bathing is an essen­ rounded by people who are quite as full year’s subscription from that date. on tho bodies of tlie hens, as it will tial feature in the proper treatment of curious about every affair in progress placed in tlie grave.— N. Y. Independ­ The Price.— 1. The best alw«y> first The English walnut crop of Los Nietas sometimes kill them. For the large of the skin. The human body exhales as tlie principals themselves. This sys­ ent. cbmi«>t. 2. Tlie best is the promptest. valley. Cal., is estimated at $luu,000. — Lord Roseberry, speaking of “ Vol- by perspiration from two to three Mfrtt. surest, most permimeiit. 3. lb« body lice, first grease the heads, necks tem of dealing lias been adopted for apuk, ” says that he regards with awe bem-tits derived ere lieyond price. 4. r.x- pints daily, and this, together witli and vents with a mixture made by ad­ a very simple reason. Most ordinary “BLOOD WILL TELL.” aniples show that no compeUtion can sliov CORE* *[-L HVMORg, ding a teaspoonful of crude petroleum the dust that settles upon the skin, is transactions between buyer mid seller the scheme for elaborating a language Yes, tlie old adage is right, but if tlie like resulto. 6. It is the best. from ii common niotcli, or F.ru»n to every gill of lard. Use it warm, so calculated to have an injurious effect in Eastern markets are carried on witli for international correspondence; but liver is disordered and the blood becomes to tho worst Scrofulu. Sall-rL corrupted, the bad “blood will “ Fever - «orc«,” Scaly or it will spread well.- Then dust the by stopping up tlie pores. Wo have a vast amount of noise, swearing and he does firmly believe that within a thereby Sold by Drwjgult and Dealers Everywhere. tell” in diseases of the skin and throat, in Skin, in short, nil discus« s mused 1» hens well with California or Persian several kinds of baths, among wliieh gesticulation; but yet more remarkable century correspondence in tlie same tumors and ulcers, and in tubercles in the The Chart.» A. Vogoler Co.. Balto.. M blooil nre eimquered by thia iwworfui lying, mid Invigorating iiuaMiie. s insect powder. Repeat this every third are the sponge, tlie tub, the hot air and is the active part taken in the negotia­ tongue will be carried on in some form lungs (first stages of consumption) even Cat lug Fleer« i-ajiiilly lieu.1 uiukti day, and dust every portion of the the vapor. Taking it for granted, as tion by the spectators—the idlers, loaf­ of shorthand, and that the stress and although the subject be descended ill a nlgn innucnoe. Itopeclnlly Inis It n straight line from Richard Cœur de Lion, we must, that battling promotes a pressure of public life will make it a Its poteiiL'y In curing Tetter, Roue _ body, but do not grease tlie body— ers and busybodies, who abound in all or the noblest Roman of them all. For Holl«, Carbuncle«, Sore Eye»,k healthy and invigorated action of the necessity. only tho head, neck mid vent. setting lhe liver in order no other medi­ oriental markets. Every one lias some­ ii I oiih Sore« and Swelling», —A bachelor in Frankfort, Germany, cine in the world equals Dr. Pierce’s AND CHILDREN, ^ilo B. StOVeilS & Co., joint Dlsense, White Swell To clean tlie poultry house, every skin, the question arises: How often thing to say, some advice to give or (joitre, or Thick Nc«'k,snd En “ Golden Medical Discovery. ” Try it and crack and crevice must bo reached. is it necessary to bathe? This depends suggestion to make. And as the un­ advertised for “a helpmate of agree­ your “blood will tell” the story of its won­ Washington, Cleveland, Detroit, Chicago. Gland«. Send ten cents In etam,« both on the individual and the nature large treatise, with colored plutea, ot able exterior and good education; The roosts mid, nests should be move­ written coile of tlie East does not per­ derful efficacy. Diseases, or the same amount tor . able, and outside. Sponge the roosts of the bath. Some' people, who per­ mit the parties to resent tlie meddling money a secondary consideration." on Scrofulous AIToctlons. «‘Till: BI.<><»•» IS THE L A Chinaman in New York has gradu­ with kerosene, apply a lighted match, spire freely, find it necessary to bathe of the crowd, it is impossible, under He received 3,643 offers. Of these, Thoroughly eletiuBe It by using Dr. Pie daily, others reqtire a bath only three ated as a lawyer._______ 2,137 came from Germany and 237 Golden Medical I»i«<<»vcry,and, and let the nre run over 1C or four times a week. Taken indis­ ordinary circumstances, to arrange any tligeHlIon, a fair «kin, biioyuutql IXFERIENCE OF AN EX-CHAMPION. Empty the nests, (burn the de- criminately, tlie Turkiah and Russian matter of businees witiiout tlie knowl­ from Frankfort. There were 1,827 who It«, and vital strength, will bet Athletes and men who take ordinary bris,) and sponge them with kero­ baths are unsafe, mid may in certain edge of half the market. And so it is said nothing about their fortune, nnd CONSUMPTION, sene, applying lighted match, the conditions be positively dangerous. In that Moslem merchants avail themselves 1,816 gave their wealth at various out door exercisesuch as walking, running, which Is Scrofula of the Lunn.) same as with tho roosts, Now thor- cases of heart disoaso, a tendency to of a code of manual signs, expressed figures from $2.50 to $.50,000. Photo­ bicycle riding, jumping, swimming, ten­ rested mid cured by tins remedy, if tain oughly mix ono quart of kerosene oil by pressure of tho hand or finger in graphs accompanied 3,112 of the offers nis, etc., are often the subjects of acute fore the last stages of the dlrenee lire reai apoplexy or congestion of the brain, From its murvclous power over thia tint troubles. The experience of an ex-cham ­ and it cost tlie advertiser nearly $250 to four quarts of strong soapsuds or concealment. fatal disease, when first offrrlng this pion walker will lie of interest to all who skim-milk, churn them to mi emulsion, Russian or Turkish baths are exceed­ Tliis cede of mercantile signs is ill for return postage on them. He picked are eclcbrateil rctm-dy to the public. Dr. Pt aitlicted. Head lhe following letter: thought seriously of calling It big “f nu'd sprinkle it, from a watering can, ingly unsafe, and as a general rule it general use throughout tlie southern out a poor Hanoverian maiden and No. 321 East 19th St., N ew Y ork , April sumption Fiirc,” but abolition«; may be stated that this class of bath married her. name as too limited for n nii-dieine it over every part of tlie house—floor, 2, 1880.— parts of western Asia, as well as in tlie should nover bo indulged in without lioin Its wonderful eomblnalion of tout — German papers relate that the Numerous statements relative to the walls, and even tile roof. Saturate harbors and trailing stations of Ara­ strengthening, nlterntive, or blood-clet HALL'S PULMONARY merits of different plasters having been the advice of a physician. Tlie tub nntl-bllious, pectoral, and nutrltlvo pre them well, then open tlie doors mid bia, the Red Sea, tlie Persian Gulf singer, Marie Fullo, who recently died brought to my attention, I take this op­ BALSAM. ties, is unequaled, not only na a remertf allow tho house to dry. Next, thor­ batli suits most of us, but tlie tempera­ and Eastern Africa. Apart from tlie in St. Petersburg, left diamonds valued portunity to state that I have used All­ consumption, but for all Chronic A superior remedy for Coughs, Colds, ture in every case should be high at 150, OOOf. to tlie eldest son of tlie cock ’ s Porous Plasters for over 20 years ease« of tlie oughly dust every part of tlie house secrecy it ensures, it lias tlie advan­ incipient Consumption, and all prefer them to any other kind. I Tiroat and Lung Troubles. with a mixture of tlie following: Fine enough to prevent chills, and this re­ tage—since tlie signs are everywhere Czar. She stated in her will that she and would furthermore state that 1 was very mark applies also to sponge baths Sold by all Druggists for 60 Cents. dry lime, ono peck; carbolate of lime, tlie same—of enabling traders of dif­ selected hint as her heir because slie sick with catarrli of the kidneys, and If 1 feel dull, drowsy, debilitated, one pound ; Persian insect powder, one which are the safest, and may, with ferent nationalities, to whom tlie bazar had received the diamonds from a near attribute my recovery entirely to Allcock's sallow color of skin, or yellowish-brown advantage, be taken every day. Porous Plasters. H arry B rooks . relative of his, and knew of no one bet ­ on face or body, frequent headache ord pound. These materials should be fine vernacular is unknown to buy mid sell DC8R, bad taste In mouth, internal heat “Another question of importance is without tlie aid of intermediaries. The ter entitled to them than tlie heir pre­ and dry, and should be blown into THE “OLD RELIABLE.” chills, alternating with hot. Hushes, low and gloomy forebodings, irregular fl|> Silverton Appea « October 8, 1887. every crack and crevice, mid not a that of soap. There are several essen­ practice lias occasionally been referred sumptive of the Russian crown. Jt is and coated tongue, you are suffering tials to a gooil soap, one of which is si|iiartf inch of space be overlooked. to by observant travelers, though the said that tlie young Grand Duke Nich­ Last spring iliia office purchased a bran Ind igONtion, Ilyspepsia, and To that it have sufficient alkali and anoth ­ new 10x15 “ Old Reliable ” job press of olas intends to turn the diamonds over Elver, or “ BilioiisiieKM. ” In Put kerosene on the roosts—every part, signs themselves have never yet been Messrs. Palmer & Rey, the well-known cases only part of these symptoms are SEND IN YOUR NAMES FOR OUR and then replace them. Put fresh eartli er that it bo made of tlie purest fat It described. They are extremely simple, to several religious institutions.— Bos- printers’ supply house of Portland and rienccd. As a remedy for all such hr, Pierce’s Golden Medical San Francisco. After seven months’ trial mid clean chopped hay in the nest boxes there be an excess of alkali tho effect few in number and easily learned. To ‘on Tranr. ript. covery is unsurpassed. on tlie skin must bo injurious by caus ­ we heartily recommend it to the primers i-ASHiurus V uk AUTUMN. mid set them in position. Dust tlie make a beginning, tlie would-be buyer For Wenk laing", Spittln of this coast as the cheapest, strongest Blood, Shortness of Brentli, bi neats thickly witli the powder suggest­ ing mi irritation of the cuticle. A opens the business with an offer to and best press in use. Printers may brag cliitis, Asthma, Severe C’opgh#, the New Styles lu Jack­ on their fancy presses, but give us the ed, mid mid a quart of tlie powder goneral principle may lie applied witli purchase, expressed by passing the Something About kindred affections, it is an efficient rant ets and Millinery. advantage in this matter of soap, ami 8 old by D ruggists , at $1.00, or “ Old Reliable ’ for all kinds of work. to tlie dust bath. Saturate tlie yards that is to avoid purchasing a cheap palm of tho hand sideways over the A warm jacket is one of the first ad­ BOTTLES for $5.00. Yours truly, witli n solution of one pint carbolic Send ten cents in stamps for Dr. vender's knuckles. If he grasp the H. G. G uild . ditions to tlie wardroUe when prepar­ article. Do not buy cheap soap, for book on Consumption. Address, acid to ten gallons of water, mid if the chances are you will get a bad one, first or index linger of tlie seller fully ing for the cool autumn and winter World’s Dispensary Medical D Two female burglars were recently ar­ C ontaining 150 I llustrations of A ll K inds of t elation, 663 Main Street, B uffalo ,N. necessary spade them. Before clean­ while if, on tlie other han I, you pur­ extended, the price offered is one, of days. Braided cloth coats are im­ rested in New York. ing tlie house remove tlie droppings, whatever the coin may be in wliieh ported for autumn in dark shades that chase mi expensive soap, you may mid as they will contain mites, pour the reasonably expect that it will be tender is customary in tlie market. A may be' worn with various dresses, Fancy Goods, Wools & “Men must work and women weep, So runs the world away”! aojipsud mixture over them, and apply good.”— Philadelphia Times. single pressure underneath with tlie such as navy blue, gray-blue, brown, they need not weep so much if they Is ottered by tho pro' ’airi» Embroidery Material. them on the field, at n distance from thumb makes this ten; a double pre« greou and dark steel gray. The Iiut of l)r. Sage’s Catarrh 1 use I)r. Fierce’s “Favorite Prescription, the house. Tliedroppings are valuable lor a case of catarrh sure, distinctly given, 100. The first which cures all the painful maladies pe ­ materials used for those tailor-made ANCIENT MEGALITHS. Mailed free on application by they cannot cure. It !" two fingers taken together signify two; garments are fine corkscrews, diago- culiar to women. Sold bv druggists. as manure. have a discharge from a The Univemal Distribution of Theae Ku Drawer 60. Portland <> Cordoba (Argentine Republic) lias uments of North America, In Spain made to indicate any numbers. Foi bone buttons are used on the coats. W wahingiuu correapotnleut« add Mis« M DeVue, Seattle DYSPENSARY. Openings of millinery at the whole­ established a meteorological service, of and Denmark, in the Oivades and the instance, to express 3,640 it is only nec­ POBTLANU islands of the Mediterranean, on T rt G krmka for breakfast. essary to grasp the vender ’ s thuml sale houses show the various materials wliieh Professor Oscar D >ering will lie Young middl&sMl the shores of tho Black Sea mid three tinn-s, tho hand once mid then already noted made up into bonnets old. single or marrwd in charge. The new institute will lie Camelline Improve« and praaarrea the ormplexlon. of the Baltic, nt the foot of Mount and all who suffer wtt tlie four fingers together with a distinct and round hats for the early autumn */T hotgun “ cartridges / independent of tho meteorological office LOST MANH Nervous Debility, I which was founded by Mr. Gould. Tho Sinai, mid in leelnnd at the edge of tlie single pressure. The sign for 96 i> and for winter. Soft felt bonnets of ELY’S BUEL_L J-AMBERSON, Cen’l A «ent. torrhea, Hern in al eternal glacii-rs. The dolmens raised made by taking hold of the seller's in ­ atarrh the pliable felt made up in folds and officers of telegraph mid telephone Sexual Decay, Fail T Wtark Kt, Portland. Or. ;ory, Weak Eyes, stations will bo obliged to make obser­ upon tlie top of a tumulus in Algeria dex finger, bending it in so doing, and plaits on a frame precisely as cloth Energy, also Bl - LYS , Skin Dinettes, vations in conformity with tho instruc­ may bo compared with those standing then seizing the little linger. The sign would be used aro shown for general I was so much FAMBAV Eruptions, Hair in the department of the Aveyron or for7j would be given by grasping th« wear. There are also stiff felt bonnets troubled with ca­ tions. The work will be begun next Bone Pains, 8 Sore Throat, Ulosn year on forty stations.— Public Opinion. with those in Kintyre, Scotland, ami littli- finger, then moving the thuml with rows of pinking all over them, or tarrh it seriously fecte of Mercury, frm . i < . uo nor menn men Itoskihle in Semiilimivin; the cromlech sideways across the middle joint of th- for »time and then have them return wMk.D . : »nd Bladder Tro else merely pinked edges for those who affected my voice —It is well understood that, a cold rJUlleal >« * I __ s . < , Rac \ Hurnhjg Urine. Gonorrhea. Glee» FPSV V » V I‘nx,"1"’*** 'llR unease of '»«--pronwt relief and cure /or life. FXLUNG SICKNEJWalife-b sensation reaches consciousness more of Mavtura, in Iceland, with that at first finger. To express the fraction prefer them. The square of felt which One bottle of Ely's It Con fl dr ■tlaB’ rapidly than one of warmth. Tim ex­ Halskov, in Denmark ; the circle at j it would only be necessary to give forms the soft folded crown sometimes Cream Balm did OFffIOB_i8a A 184 THIRD 8T. act time requirisl to perceive each has Ih'shawur, in Afghanistan, with the tho sign for 1 (grasping the index fin­ furnishes the twist or corrugated folds the work. My voice 3ffff or Rectal IHseawe. lately been measured by Dr. Gold- circle of Stennis, in one of the Oread«*; ger) and tlu'ti that of J less by taking that edge the front of the brim, also is fully restored. «r. W » •"■«»rea, Fintala» and •cheider, of Berlin. Contact with a th«1 tombs of tho Neilgherries with tin- hold of the tip of tlie nail. Of eoursi some pointed ends that are tied in a B. F. /.icpsner, A. .. ,*’’*■**’• "uecenarutly, w ttî»îr kn,r*- within pant twa colil point was felt on the face after ehondels that am found in Africa; th«1 the buyer, by this means, indicates tin bow on top, or else made to stand M , Pastor o f the • ■•K" "eversi Interior town* _ Baptist 18.6, on tho arm after 18, on the abdo­ cromlechs of Algona with those of highest price he is disposed to offer ; erect. The embroidered felts showing Olivet Church, Phila. neknm'n hnlldl’x. Portland.* Aschenrade, on the Dwina ; th«* triliths while the seller, through tlie same me ­ small flowers done in the shade of the men after 22, and on tho knee after 26 i7Tu'up.0'.£J;<:’lu,,A south . I 1 Thia BELT or hundredths of a second. From a hot of Stonehenge with those of T'ri|«>li, or dium. make« known the lowest terms felt, or else with beaded wheat or leaf E> V UK..THERS IS** «uiuble 'l .r^oií'^ D’?’ Bade expressly f those mentioned by Palgrave as in h«' is disposed to accept. Equipi«e«i derangementa of the stra .^ ^;¡£pp}a pattern in borders, are considered most point tlie sensation was felt on tho organs. The conttaawfl»**^ of ELECTRICITY P*»"* same surfaces after 19, 27, 26 ami 79 Arabia. Even a superficial study will with these signs the Iranian tradei dressy. A twist in front and pointed through the parta dre“ M‘ Gen- F W. Ag«t. them to healthy actioiL_P*y hundreiiths of a second respectively. disclose tho relations that exist I m >- from the Persian Gulf lias no difficult! pinked ends of rich repped faille are ______ X «•»« *»'11|irk 8c„ Oleato‘rii.. eon found this with S*eC,r’,A- -Ì advertised to cure *1111,1 This grsat time difference has an im- twi*en the cover«*«l passages of Proven«'«* in exchanging commodities with tin sufficient trimming for full-crowned bead to 10«. Ill« T"rt'1 •I-r’°- FREE. portart bearing on the theory of skin and tin* megaliths of Brittany, mid 1 h »- negro dealer from Cordofan and Sen- felt bonnets, though a tuft of quills or OfFiR NO. 171. tween these mid analogous construe- nar, mid an Englishman, though igno ­ of curved cocks’ plumes may be added. sensations.— Arkansaw Trarehr. formation, addreee CM***« trio Belt Co., 103 —Some remarkable atmospheric bub­ tlons in Spain and Algeria. A common rant of any Eastern tongue, could The newest bonnets have longer «<-EMÄXn^e°ÄA^ A'-LEN S IRON TONIC BITTERS. Street. Chicago. W- thought ami an Identical funeral rite enter an Oriental market to-morrow crowns, not indented at the ends, and ■ L_2—1 ~ ' » n . , ■ , - . bles seen at Remenham, England, were descrilied by Rev. A. Bonney at a meet­ are revealed. Marguis de Xadatllw, in and bargain witli as much ease as s many have long pointed poke fronts sn^,?c5^TAS”,L * Co> 86 St«'” native of the country.— Philadelphia tilledi n with a slight face trimming. I ing of the Royal Meteorological Society. Popular Srivnce M' rihlu. —London has a great pn>bl«*m. It Telegraph. Small air bubbles aro not infrequently The coronet fronts of beads, of feath- j observed in hot weather, but these has 2,600,000 people unable to g«*t Into ers and of velvet are also largely im­ The Oregdn National Bank. —Jam of a «tmcrent kina.— rORTLAN». were seen rising from the snow in Jan­ a place of worship, In Central Lon­ ported. Trimmed bonnets of velvet ’ cAPiT7Lrï' O»' 17>‘,i\’'rt'u*^““ *•’*■■«■ «“‘i nnifers were deep in the Jam. uary and were of the same size and don, with 2,000,000, there is only ae- John.tr'» from many of the heal French millinery And a »weet peaceful »mil« «pread him o'er; shape as the toy balloons so commonly commodations for 600,000. houses retain the same close shapes so | AfforSTO Yet he didn't •o'em ower milliner, week days, Jenkin« aver» — “U hat a lovely cow. Uncle James!-' other, some ascending and some de­ against evil. — George Eliot. that she sang on Sunday a certain lint- scending. ” The first flight lasted about *T*'" Fi*» —Queen Carola of Saxony has estab­ id a familiar hymn—•‘Praise the mount, exclaimed a Boston girl the morning after her arrival, “and how comically bamba, two minutes, when it was followed by lish«*«! a free kindergarten for the ben­ '’•’“b l'n fixed upon it”—a.« follows: she shakes her head.” “Yes, but don’t another of similar character. All the efit of children of poor laborers on her ft eld«. ui.l , i |j-,_t2Srr „ ? «li Inni Ralae th amount. I've fixed a bonnet! Ceeatry Orders Mel felted. bubble« floated off in an easterly direo- estate where ehe annually spends part But Jenkins* hearing is notoriously you get too near that cow," continued Geode neat Mahjeet M I««I**,W* her uncle, “ he's an ugly critter. ’ ’ — Fic/d -X. F. Ledger, al the summer.— Chicago Advance. unreliable. - -Sorina Arid Cnion. PENSIONS™ Liver, Blood, and Lun LADIES, NEW CATALOGUE $500 REW ■ .CATARRH 1 1 r PENNYROYAL PI vyY“ CREAM BALM. C LCURE FITS! o v a iS I Jiooo and Farm REWARD! WATCHES REPAIRED and JEWfl*’ MANUFACTURED.