J. F. Allison was in tho city Saturday. Sonth Precinct. Tacoma and Seattle are both ou ths boom. Sample rooms in connection. The fall grain is growiug fins since the The attitude of Heppner, Or., is 1950 TELEPHONE WHISPERINGS. Just one more drop of rain mother. rain. o------ ■o < fset. - -- - - —— • Get out. Tilt oveiflow done no particular dam­ It now fitted up in first clast ardor. How to surprise a printer. Tay up a age. [ Sheriff Harris was in tlie city Monday, The Crewn Prince of Gorniaay is Im­ Accommodations us good as can be proving. j T. II. Draper leaves for California in back subscription. Last week the young poople en|oved foun din tha city. The Odd Fellows’now brick was fin­ a jolly dance at the residence of Mr. Jel­ a week or two. The average life of an iron bridge is ished up tha other day. 8. E. MESSINGER, Manager. ly- An ttniiHual number ef people on our from 20 to 25 years. The Yamhill Rod and Gun club had ■troetB Saturday. C. A. Wallace lias built a new addition a club shoot Wednesday. to his barn. The stranded steamer Yaquina, broke Notice for Publication. 1 Largo numbers of fat hogs are being I’rof. McDonald, ths phrenologist is •old in this place. Mina Heater is teaching 6chool in the up on Suuday morning at 2 o’clock. L and O fficii at Oregon City, Or., ) lecturing in Salem at present. Nov. 26,1887.1 Geo. Olds school house. ( The hotel subsidy in 1'orilanA has Tho Republican Convention will bo Notice is hereby iriven that the following- Benj. Dow, of Mmkegan, Mich., is Mr. Jolly is Buffeting with tho rb«u- held in Chicago, Tuesday, Jutta, 19. named settler has filed notice of his intern reached $61,400. visiting liis old friend L. 11. Cook of this mat ism. tion to make final proof in support of ids l The duck knaters Sunday averaged 7 city. There are 500,000 bushel» of wheat claim, and that said proof will be made be­ Frank Rhodes is teaching school in stored ducks to tlie gaag. in Kendleton awaiting shipment. fore tne county clerk of Clatsop county. Or­ When you want a stove trot into S. A. the Muddy district. egon, at Astoria, Oregon, on Friday, Janu­ I For your tine Christmas presents go Mannings and look at his tine assort­ 13, 1888, viz: Wm. Tubbesing, pre em- Elsia Wright’s new house helps the 45,000.000 acres of land have reverted ary to Rogers A Todd'». ment. ption D. L No, 4893, for the W ’ > of S W appearance of things in this neigh bor- to the Government si neo March 4,1885. and W S of N \V of sec. 27, T 3 N R 10 W. ! Mr Stinnit who has been sick at tlie H. Edwards has moved into his prop- hood. He names the following witnesses to Central is able to be up. erly recently purchased from Jouas Herr Most the Anarchist lias been prove bis continuous residence upon, and John Jolly wont to Portland last week sentenced Howell. cultivation of, said land, viz: Wm Scholl- to one year ’ s imprisonment ! Ban«l practice every Tuesday and on business. Ho reports times lively at in the penitentiary. ineyer, II, 11. Schollmeyer, Henry Ober and |*hursday at Grange hall. Uncle Tommy Shadden left for Eu- the metropolis. O bskhvek . F. J. Lange, ail of Kchirieiu, Tillamook Oregon. [ Di«l you notice the commission auction gene city Tuesday, where he will stay Henry George has said that he will county, for some time. 32 W T. BURNEY, Register. home ad. in another column? not be a candidate for President next A BOLD ROBBERY. L. II. Cook is indefatigable in his ef­ Special Offer on the Century Magazine. year on tlie Labor ticket. ! Reuben Shuck was in the city Satur­ forts to keep the mud off the cross walk day, looking hale and hearty. A Man “Held Up” and $180-00 A whole family consisting of fattier New subscribers beginning with Novem­ near his placo. ber, 1887, can have the twelve back num­ [ For fancy toilet a: tides g«r to Roger’s and mother and two cbiidiec committed Taken Ont of His Boot- S. A. Manning has received an invoice bers from November. 1886. (in which the B Todd’s they have many styles. suicide in Paris, recently. of stoves. They are direct from Chicago Lincoln library was begun, ) a years sub- scription for $i>. or a years subscription and , Run every tramp out of tho county or and are the weil known Acorn stove. Sunday evening between the Lours of Mr. Ferry was shot by a crank by tbc the twelve back numbers bound in two gnake them break reek on ths roads. John Henderson has about 400 acres 8 and 9 as Harry Hembree of East Port, name of Aubertine, who says that he is handsome volumes for $8, » I Large numbers of geese are reported of as fine wheat as will be soon in sever­ land was coming back to this city from sorry lie did not kill Ferry. C OinssEN, Agent. TIETZES DHVGG-ISTS. In the wheat fields around this city. al days ride. It is all up and looks nice. a visit in Lafayette, two men jutnied A stock company is going to erec t iron I J. Ù. Cooper is doing «emo very neat Miss Fannie Musgrove nnJ Marion out from the ditch oil the sido of the roller flour mills near Riverside, Califor­ inding tor several parties around town. Carter were joined in tlie holy bonds of railroad as Hembree was crossing it. nia, the mills to cost $.«50,000. matrimony last Wednesday,' at Lafa ­ ! Mr. Steward has the contract for lath- yette. One of the mon caught the herse by the O-TTITSMITH. ng and plastering Dr. Tucker’s new The visible supply of grain is: Wheat bit and the other pointed a revolver at ¡rick. Mr. Crimmins, who took a doso of 41,030,000 bushels; corn, 49,508,000; Next door to the Post ottico Rtrychine with suicidal iutont, fovoral Hembree’s head and ordered him to oats 6,233,000; barley, 3,599,000. >Tbe question on every tongue, is, days ago, is progressing slowly towards stop out of the buggy, Mr. Hembree flier« are the county buildings to bo lo- recovery. Adolina Patti, it is rumored is »uffei- M c M ixnvillb , done as requested aud was searched but Med? no money was found. Hembreo had tng from an affection of the stomach At the fisrt club shoot of the Yamhill [ There is some talk of starting a and Gun club, Wirocarver and shown during the afternoou a purse which take« the form of a cancer. FOR TT-IJS HOLIDAYS. Lndrews society in this city. Coûte on Rod Hibbs broke 8 out of 10, S. A. Manning, containing considerable coin and the A gas well at Fairmont, Indiana, to BadenocliB. 7 out of 10. men undoubtedly knew of this as the flows 12,000,000 cubic feet per day It Physician and Surgeon, As Christmas is drawing near it will “Yaquina” is fast going to pieces; other one Baid “pull off his boots” which is the largest well in tlie world. toy yon to look at the advertisements in so Tlie M c M innville , - - oiiegon is C. Grissen’a large stock of holiday be T elkphonk . The mint authorities at San Francisco goods because tlio sea of low prices is was done, and $180 was found. Mr. H. ---- [o]----- wanted his boots but was told to “ go to have received orders to coin no >uoie ¡Born to the wife of Dorris Hutchins, bearing it away. OiTJpe two doors south of nostofBcc. Res­ -------- (o)--------- idence two doors from railroad on Third ■onday, Dec. 12th, a ten pound boy. The snorts around town are talking of h—1” and tho boots thrown away. Up­ silver dollars until further notice. street All calls promptly attended to, day pth doing finoly. buying Charley Cock’s coyote and have on his arrival at this city the Marshal Special reduction of 25 per cent, on all cloaks and wraps in tho John Myers has boon appointed Uni­ or night I You can get four of tho finest combs, a coyote chase Christmas. A little ex- was informed of tho occurrence, but ted States Marshall. He is at present house. In neat little case, for 50 cents, at citement, whoop it up. nothing could bo dor.o until morning, in Portland looking over the situation. Special reduction in clothing department of 10 per cent. Wiins revolutionized the world Rogers A Todd’s, tf A question. When will the Oregon­ when the boots were found but no clew INduring the last half century Umbrellas for everybody in prices ranging from 50 cents to $5erch. ¡Geo. W. Burt has tho largest stock ian let up on tho Rev. T. L. Jones of Tho police recently raided a Chinese '-'Not least among the wonders of tlie robbers. Ladies’ gossamers, gent’s rubber und oil clothing, boots and shoes, lottery dive in San Francisco and fifteen of inventive progress is a method ajel sys­ I Holiday goods in Yamhill Co. Go see Drain? The editor is in his glory when white men and two Chinese gubbled up. tem of work that can be performed all over hats, caps, etc. he can make a personal fight. ho bargains he has. tlie country without separating the workers .Tack Cooper Caught. Ladies’ dress goods’ trimming a specialy, both in quality and price. Charley Cook has a queer pet. While ¡“Uncle” Andy Shuck has been quite Tho East Oregon Real Estate and from their homes. Pay liberal; any one Full lino of gents furnishing goods. lek with erysipelas, but is now able to in eastern Oregon he purchased a coyote can do the work, cither sex, young or old ; Sunday morning, Sheriff Harris, sc Loan Company has been organized at no special ability required Capital not which had been caught while young. to around once more. Fresh groceries of all kinds by the small or large quantity. .Fine LaGrand, with a capital stock of $100,- needed, you are started free Cut this out When ho came down ho brought the companied by Toni Nolsan and J ob 000. Will Price anti Charley Talmage brute with him. and return to us and we will send you free teas, coffees and spices. Special prize tea and prize baking powder for Houston went to tho houso of Anzol lunched their new boat last Saturday. something of great value ami importance the holiday trade. The Inland Empire Woolen Tom Turner left Thursday for Tort ­ Odell and routed out Jack Cooper, tho Manufac- to von, that will sturl you in busines which Beks want to look out. Fine lino of crockery, both plain and decorated. land where he is serving as juror in the escaped sheep thief. It has been sus. luring company of Union, baa been in- wifi bring you in more money right away Mr. Braman Clark will soon open a United States court, under Judge Dearly. than anything else in the world Grand Call and examine these goods before purchasing elsewhere. corporatcd with a capital stock of $125,- ■miture factory in his building on the Ho says there is no hope for him until peeled that Jack has been hiding in that, 000. outfit free. ^Address True A Co , Augusta ---------- <>—.... Maine, toner of E and 5th streets. neighborhood. Sheriff Harris broke about the first of February. All those owing accounts will settle same beforo the close of the Three bol l robbers succeeded in hold­ VrÎ) À large amount of damago was done WONDERS exist in thousands Old Year and take an even start with the IIAl’l’Y NEW YEAR. Capt. U. Sebree, lighthouse inspector open a bedroom door and looking uuder [over the country by the storm. As- is making a tour of inspection of the the bod saw a couple of feet; sliding tbe ing up a train on the St. Louis, Arkansas LitiK of forms, but are surpassed by the ...... ........... —................. ... .............. . ..................... — —., i ii — and Texas Road, and getting away with ria suffered quite severely. marvels of invention. Those who light stations and buoys on Puget sound bed back, Jack was scon snugly enscon­ about $10,000. arc in need of profitable work that can be If you want any Holiday goods you and adjacent waters, and is establishing ced behind tho bead of tho bed with a done while living at home should at once He will return about sheet over him. Perspiration was ooz- ill lose money if you don’t call on Geo. stake lights. ('onscauently PusinobH is Dooming at the Co , Port­ Edward L. Harper, tho head of tho send their address to Hallett Christmas. f? I‘l< ¡N LEK Boot and Bhoe store. lam now I. Burt and learn his prices. Maine, and receive free full informa­ ing out of every pore and his face WBS Fidelity bank failure was senteticeil to land. -^prepared to meet my old friends andpatrons tion how cither sex, of all ages, can earn John Knight will sell at auction, on white, no doubt from thinking ot tlie 10 years in the penitentiary, last Mon­ from ffh« weighing of the T elephone stove saiiii treat them with the best quality of $5 to $25 per day and upwards wlicre- day at Cincinatti. Ml take placo in S. A. Manning’s on Doc. 24, two Wheeler Wilsons, one Sing­ Boots and Mioes in the market, at the low- ever they live You are started free er, folding top, and one Howe sewing seven yaars which is liable to get. est possible living prices, and made out of hturday, tlie 31st of December, Capital iiot required, Some have made ^thebest material I will not sell von boots At an anarchist.,’ meeting in Chicago, over $50 in a single day at this work, All machine, will be sold tef the highest bid ­ 'From the Courier we learn that Grants der, at tho stand of Booth A Fletcher, and shoes that are tanned by the hot liquor a Bpeaker by the nameof Gloy, ailmitted succeed. For Sale. toss in having a real estate boom. One McMinnville, Oregon. All guaranteed process. Have your money and buy your that tho present social system emmet be l Boots and Shoes where you will not be im- ly last week 24 lots changed hands. REWARDED are those who read to be in good running order. A well established Millinery business destroyed with dynamite. ¡1 posed upon No charge made for sewing this and then act; they will find [Williams A Hibbs arc making pant:) Take uis to tlio skating rink, won't you, in the thriving city of McMinnville, rea­ IBrips on goo cents. [ thus electing him director to fill the ashoro on the sands near the entrance of j Oats, per bu ....................... I)r. J. II. NELSON, Dentist Genuine Meersliaum Good« direct Booms I Yaquina bay, and is now a total wreck, | L uther E lkins D ying .—Tho Albany Flour, per bar. ................ over Firat National Bank, in Mo- Eggs, | kt doz. .. ............ . J.W. BRIEDWELL, - - - PROP. from Mftr. Jcrofuieus humors, erysipelas, canker was owned by the Oregon Development M innvillo, Oregon. Herald states that Luther Elkins, one of Butter, per lb ............... d catarrh, can be cured by taking company and had been on the Pacific ' Red Line Pocta (cloth), 75 cents i <'bärge* Mod. rate and CoiisiMent (Formerly Baxter tatest Discovery f«»r the l’idrdeaa My Goods are New and Fresh and will dicine in mv family, for scrofula, and early settler, is dying at the home of his Apjtles, ( Ti-etli. dw , if it is taken persistently, it will John Roach A Sons, at Chester. Pa., in son at Labanon. Mr Elkins was presi- Potatoes, per bu.............. BE SOLD AT LOW FIGURES giicate this terrible disease.”—Mi. F. 1877, and was christened the Western ■lent of tlie senate in 1862, and. though Bacon, sides ........ For CASH. A share of the public pat­ *• shoulder .................. trier, M. D., Greenville, Tenn. II KrcLKfttOJI Texas, being intende«! tor a Galveston o. Msurina. ronage respectfully solicitsd. All kinds “ barn, sugar cured.. It a meeting of the McMinnville packet She was an iron ship, 231 feet a democrat, cast the deciding vote which Chickens, TOYS per doz .................. of Produce taken in exchange for goods, elected Col. E. D. Baker, and James W. Ducks, per do®. ass band the following officers were City Market. Bted for the eoming year: Pres., J. leng, 24 feet broad, and 16.2 feet depth Nasmith, United Stales senators, defeat­ Turkeys, ¡»er lb.......... \ . ■c ftielson; Sec., M. Bean; Leader, N. of hold. Her tonnage was 1210.98 gross ing Delazon Smith and Gen. Joseph ECCLESTON&. MAGUIRE. COMMISSION AUCTION Candy and Nuts, Choice F resit Rowland. The band has mads some and 934.11 net. Her draught was 12.6 Home Testimony. Lane. A sequence of political events The hest market In tliecitv knges in their instruments, also in feet. She lia l on but sixty tons of A line line of meats, iiiehn'llng Lard. Tal­ Acker's English Remedy forCouglu. tor by-laws, and bv a little practice freight and 300 tons of rock ballast made it necessary for the legislature to Block. low, Mini t'ineiit. Bacon, llologuaa. Snu-ago Forest (trove Nov. 16th. iv will ba the best band in the state. when she went ashore. Her leas will ha , elect two Unite«! States senators at that .«ml Fi.-h in season Ul«l Barrgasscr build- ► wing to the fine (?) mail service on quite severely felt by her owner». The term. For this act Elkins was never I We wse Ackers English Remedy in our lug. I family whenever wo are troubled with I Narrow Gnage, letters posted at Yaquina came to the Pacific coast in i forgiven by his party, although time has coughs, sore throats, and we consider it CALL nridan, Grand Ronde, Lincoln and the summer of 1884. and ha« made S W «n I rclia'olo Moùlclni-sare the beak [Coy for this office on th« 1st inst., about one hundred voyages between « shown that he acted conscientiously at the best and most reliablecoug medicine todependnpon. AckoKa Blood BL.' IS. Mr. Elkins was the hea«l we have ever used. I not reach ns until the 5th. Onr cor- Yaquina atnl San Frarv iaco without any that time. izlrliaslx't n prescribed fcryccrs for alitato, E. C. Hughes, .1 po .dents will please to send their serious accident happening heretofore. and front of the Albany ditch enterpiite pnritleeofth«'Flood. lueverytormofScrof. Hardware Merchant. The vessel is valneil at about $200,000 lers via the O. & C. whenever possi- ulot:«, F . ; l.Hil«c«'r Mercuri:;! dlaeatxa, iti^ - and was also "onnseted with utbrr im- | Acker’s preparation for eale by Geo. W. I Uotherwise outside tho mail.—Itemi- It ia understood that ti.e insurance was Evid tu bio. I or l.'.teuuialUzi, L—; 30 cqux^ 1 Burt | poitant improvements. $10” .«>4 Garrißjn Block. Mei WEST SIDE TELEPHONE. I NEWS IN GENERAL. The St. Charles Hotel OUR NEW “AD.” We guarantee, our goods to be First Class, and the prices as low as tlie lowest. When you come to our store you will not be disappointed fqr we advertise nothing but what we can fulfill. We are not winding up our business but intend to keep right on soiling Drugs Pat­ ent Medicines, Stationery, School Books, etc., as long as the people of Yamhill county hon­ or us with their patronage. When you come to our store we guarantee to give you prompt and courteous attention and the lowest price possible. Very Respect- ROGERS & TODD, W. F. Collard, SPECIAL REDUCTION SALE w. FI. Boyd, M. I). —-AT..... APl’ERSON'S. D The County Seat Question is now a Settled Fact, B SANTA CLAUS’ Oregon Railway Navigation Co. ARE YOU GOING EAST? ' C.GRISSEN’S, The Royal Route G. E. DETMERING. The Leading Dry Goods House HOUSE. C. GRiSSEN, invili