The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, December 09, 1887, Image 1

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¡or North of cor er Third end E Sts,
M c M innville , ok .
92 00
hi ths ■ ■■
in on ths
1 00
county, the new acorn .
?se stoves, without doubt, are the best
re manufactured. One of these stoves will
given to the new cash subscriber to the
LEPHONE who guesses nearest its w eight.
E nA Stove eriven away.
Proprietor of the
ng, Hair Cntting and-----
----- ShanijMiing Parlors.
( C. H. FLEMING, Prop.
The leading
kinds of fanry hair cutting done in
lest and neatest style
finds of fancy liair dressing and lialr
a specialty Special attention given
Ladies’ and Childrens’ Work
B<> have for sale a very fine assort-
tf hair oils, hair tonics, cosmetics, etc
I have in connection with my parlor,
|he largest and finest stock of
[ cigars
Ever in the city.
[ rd S treet M c M inn ville , O regon
Third Street. McMinnville Or.
Ip Stairs in Adams’ Building,
McMinnville, Oregon
Blacksmith Shop!
LIKENS, Proprietor.
pithing and carriage
every description.
ironing of
Horse Shoeing
¡And plow work a specialty.
Also manufacture the
lebrated Oregon Iron Harrow,
M c M innville
M mí Sale Stahles,
'bird and D streets, McMinnville
' m
Ird Street, between E and F
McMinnville, Oregon.
irson Bros. Props,
lass accommodations for Ccmmer-
and general travel.
snt stock well cared for.
ing new and in First-Class Order
inge respectfully solicited
want any thing in the line of
JI at the office of the WEST
will guarantee you
7c make a specialty ol Fine
and Card Printing.
1. II. P. Stuart,
ir weaving and Stamping.
Grange Store McMinnville. Or.
—The violinist. August Wilhelmj,
has rented his much-admired villa on
the Rhine for a number of years, and
will take up hii permanent residence
in Berlin.
—Dr. Jessup, of the British Medical
Association, says that the wearing of
high-heeled shoes so alters the center
of gravity as to cause a return to the
habit of “tailless apes, who walk on
their toes.”
—Dr. Alfred, of Ocala, Fla., has a
copy of the Baltimore Advertiser and
Journal dated August 23, 1773. In it
is a graphic land advertisement by
George Washington, offering twenty
thousand acres of the finest and rich-
sst land in the world and situated in
the Kanawha Valley, W. Va.
—Recent measurements of their cof­
fins show that the average ancient
Roman could not have been more than
five feet five inches tall. The mummy
of Cleopatra measures four feet six
inches. Within the last five hundred
years the height of the English aristoc­
racy has considerably increased.
—Chauncey M. Depew recently re­
ceived a couple of handsome blue China
vases from the French Government in
recognition of his connection with the
Bartholdi statue celebration, and as a
graceful complimont for his services as
orator on that occasion. They are ex­
quisite specimens of workmanship.
—“One of the drollest of recent
things,” writes a London correspond­
ent, “is a statement by G. F. Watts
that many years ago he lent one of his
paintings seven feet high with two life­
size figures of young Saxons doing
sentry duty on a cliff, and not only had
it not been returned, but he is un­
able to remember whom he lent it to.”
—While Mrs. Shepherd, daughter of
William H. Vanderbilt, was in San
Francisco she dined at a fancy Chinese
restaurant Birds’ nest soup, sharks’
fins and emperor's tea were some of
the high-priced dainties which were
especially relished. She bought all the
tea of that brand the restauranteur
had, the price being seven dollars a
—The famous English “bone-setter,”
Mr. Hutton, who died recently, had no
Ho neither "walked the
hospitals” nor ever learned the names
of all the crevices in the human skele­
ton. If he had had all the bones of
the human body thrown down before
him he would have been at great pains
to arrange them in order. Yet trained
men sent patients with dislocations to
—C. N. Fain, of Carrollton, Ga.. has
in his possession the inaugural address
delivered by ex-President Polk. Novem­
ber 14, 1839, after his election to the
gubernatorial chair of Tennessee. The
address is handsomely printed on a
piece of white silk, eighteen by eight­
een inches, and was presented to
Captain Fain’s grandfather, and will
no doubt pass through the hands of
many generations to conic, as it is a
relic worth preserving. The address
is considered as one of the ablest ever
delivered by the distinguished ex-Presi-
—In the front parlor—Midnight—He
(weight 300, sentimentally) — "What
S, A. YOUNG, M. 0.
will you call me. darling,
when we are
. .
married?” She (absently looking
bysician & surgeon,
the clock)—“I don't know. Fatty, 1
O b EGON. suppose."— Town Topics.
—Supplying Nature's Defects.—
• and residence on D street. All
tmptly answered day or night.
y le AVri^ht
A slender Lieutenant from Skye,
Was m thin a. a capital I,
He »aid. ‘If. too bad.
But then. I can pad."
Which »how. that figures do lie.
Dealer in
—Englishman—“Great many Ameri­
cans in London this yeah.” Yankee—
less. Saddles. Etc. Etc. “Yes. indeed." Englishman—“Vewy
few left at home, I suppose?” Yankee
ing neatly done at reasonable —“Only two families left in New
York.” Englishman — “Fauncy.” —
I’s new building. Corner Third
eets, McMinnville. Or.
Hint« for the Hounehold—Aii Undesirable
Habit—Care of Lamp«****Woman's Friend­
ship—Her Specialty— Good Breeding.
Bostonian Dessert»*—Stray Items.
“The one or two literary friends I had ad­
vised me to write a novel, and give up all
other duties to do it. I had not sufficient
faith in myself for that, but wus persuaded
by an experienced friend to write a serial
story of a melodramatic character, merely as
a pot boiler, for to make money bad become
a stern necessity. As the story had to l>e full
of moral purpose, and would do good rather
than harm, I swallowed my instincts and be­
gan it without the smallest belief in my own
powers for writing sensational work. Never­
theless, I was determined to finish it; if not
good of its kind, at least 1 had not neglected
to make the effort.
“Just as it was finished there was a great
stagnation in the periodical trade, and I re­
ceived the manuscript back, saying that it
bad not been read because, in consequence of
‘.he dull times, no manuscripts were being
purchased. I then gave up the idea of sensa­
tional literature and returned to Plainfield,
N. J., where I had formerly resided. The
friend w’ith whom I stayed, like myself, was
short of ready money. In considering the
means of making it, she suggested if I could
make certain articles she bad eaten at my
bouse during tho days I was studying Gouffe,
¿he could find a ready sale among her friends,
□f whom she had a very large circle.
“We devoted $1 worth of material to the
experiment.. Our though s turned only to
candy and candied fruits. Gouffe gave one
form of candy, which I bad tried in former
days, because I could not realize that sugar
and water, boiled, could ever be rolled out
like dough. I satisfied myself that it was so
and went no further into the matter and
thought no more of it until reminded of it by
my friend. I experimented and succeeded in
making little squares, or tablets of cream
candy, which seemed quite wonderful nt the
limo. After many experiments and failures
I succeeded in candying some fruit.
“These were sent out as samples by my
friend, and during the interval I went on ex­
perimenting and succeeded in making candies
that made me ashamed of the sample. It was
luggested, also, that English plum puddings,
for tho making of which I had some reputa-
non, on account of their keeping qualities,
would lie very likely to sell. My hostess at­
tended to the sale, took the improved samples
jf candies to New York, and found her friends
ielighted with them. The Woman’s ex­
change also took them. She returned homo
with ordere for Thanksgiving, to be all filled
within a week, which, considering that I was
>nly in tho experimental stage, that we had
not a convenience and were on the top of a
hill three miles from town, knew nothing of
waxed paper or almond paste, or anything of
the kind, was simply appalling, for the orders
were for many pounns of candies and many
)thers for Christmas puddings and cakes.
Wo knew not one must lie refused. We had
io servant and could get none, but did got a
woman at odd times during the week to wash
up. Myself and friend worked far into the
(light from very early morning. For hours I
itood boiling sugar, pot after pot, while as it
cooled sho worked it, then during any interval
we washed currants, stoned a few raisins or
Blanched almonds, in short, working inces­
santly, not stopping even for meals.
“Every order was filled, and before we had
time to look around, orders began coming in
again, and then they came not only for arti­
cles we professed to make, but for many
Bthers. One lady wanted macaroons, if she
could have them. I had made macaroons
years before, and as it becamo our business
to refuse no order whatever, the macaroons
were experimented with, until such as would
compare with the liest wore produced. Many
of these were sold at the Woman’s exchange,
is was our candy also. But before Christ­
mas, private orders camo so thick that noth­
ing could be sent to the exchange. For
Christmas and New Years, over sixty pounds
of French candy, one hundred and odd plum
puddings, besides sponge cake, macaroons,
pound cake and jumbles, were ordered, and
ivery order filled; we worked for weeks, be­
fore and after Christmas, eighteen hours a
lay, for the demand continued all through
the holiday season. And we candied our own
orange and lemon ¡»eel, and had none of the
lids to labor we might have procured had we
Anticipated such success.
“During Lent, when there was a lull, I went
!or a few weeks to New York, and rend and
<nade notes on everything I could find on
confectionery in the Astor library. There
were few modern books of much service, and
ibón, for the first time, I found my acquire­
ment of Italian and French stand me in good
itead, for I was able to glean some valuable
Ideas from old Italian and French confection­
ers. During this interval I was asked, by
the owner of one of Sardou’s plays, to trans­
late it tor her, as she wax not satisfied with
;he translation she had. I agreed to do it in
the summer, and went back to my friend to
experiment on the contents of my note book.
“A few weeks later I took a cottage much
aearer the depot, with the intention of carry­
ing on the business of making plum pudding,
cakes, etc., the next winter. But, mean­
while, I translated the play and turned some
lotes that I had ready for a lecture, which I
íound I Ivtfl not the courage to deliver, into
•ome articles, afterward printed in Scribner’s
Monthly. I then wrote ‘Cultpre and Cook­
ing,’ and sent my sensational story again on
its travels, as times had become more pros­
perous. This time it did not come l>ack, but
with the acceptance and a liberal check came
in offer of steady work on a weekly journal,
provided I agreed to write only for that one
periodical. This agreement was made, with
rhe privilege of writing for Cassell’s Maga­
zine, in London, to which I had been some
time a contributor, and the engagement jus­
tified me in giving up for the time being the
business of candy and pudding making en­
tirely to my former hostess and friend, who,
by her energy and business ability, had helped
io largely to make it a success."—Catherine
Owen in Good Housekeeping.
An Undesirable Habit.
A habit very common with a nu ml »er of our
thoughtless young ladi* s, who do a great
many things quietly whP h they would not
like to have known of at home—a habit de­
serving of the strongest condemnation—is
that of promiscuous correspondence with gen­
tlemen, whether the gentlemen be married or
single. The young todies who find pleasure
in this habit use their pens on any pretext
that turns up, and sometimes on no pretext
at all. We are not really «ure that this <!<*•
not come less under the bead of an undesira­
ble habit than a sin, for there is an Indelicacy
about it quite amounting to immodesty, of
which no girl who respects herself or who de­
tires the re«|*ct of other« will t«e guilty.
Three young letter writers, however, gen­
erally g*t a fit reward for their thoughtless­
ness or their culpability in the end. For if
their correspondent to a man of systematic
habits, their letters are>
and tick­
of a laugh
eted, and his clarite
Qvsr U mmu as they
b» W **•
systematic nifm, then those letters are at the
mercy of any and every one who chooses to
waste time in reading them. And if their
corresi»oudeiit is a married man, then his
possession of their letters, even of the most
trivia) kind, places the writers at a disad­
vantage. Sooner or later, too, in that case,
tho letters fall into the bands of his wifo; his
wife, who, long after the briof correspond­
ence has been done with, usually remains
mistress of the situation, reads the folly or
the wickedness with clear eyes, and holds the
writer not only in contempt, but in her
power. No young girl cun be sure that her
correspondent is not merely amusing himself
with her; and it is often the case that her let­
ters are unwelcome and a nuisance, and he
does not check them and does reply to them,
not from interest in her, but mere manly
And when the writer lias recovered from
her folly, or forgotten about her idleness,
there is the letter, in all probability still ex­
tant, in the possession of somebody, she knows
not whom, ready to rise like an awful l»e-
traying ghost after she herself has possibly
undergone a change that will make her face
burn, branded with shame, should the letter
ever chance to confront her, or perhaps even
the memory of it Her motive may hav<
been all innocence at the time, but it is left
forever under doubt; and, in fact, exdept in
the baldest business affair, there can be no
excuse, and therefore no innocence, in the
matter of a young girl’s writing letters to any
man not her personal relative or guardian,
for about most of these letters there is an un-
maidenliness almost amounting to indecency,
and in the end her correspondent himsen
never thinks other than lightly of her on ao
count of them.—Harper’s Bazar.
Hints for the Household.
Salt and water cleaiuwillow furniture.
For scraping kettles u large clam shell is
To save table scrubbing have your dish
table covered with zinc.
Clean stoves when cold with any stove pol­
ish mixed with alum water.
The foot of a coarse cotton stocking is su­
perior to a sponge for bathing purposes.
Fry some apples occasionally. Fried upples
will remove the edge from many a bard meal.
New tins should be set over the fire with
boiling water in them for several hours be­
fore food is put into them.
Lemon juice and sugar, mixed vary thloY,
is useful to relieve coughs and sore throatt.
It must be very acid as well as sweet.
Spots may be taken from gilding by im­
mersing the article in a solution of alum in
pure soft water. Dry with sawdust.
A little borax added to the water in which
scarlet napkins and red bordered towels are
washed will prevent them from fading.
Plaster busts may be cleaned by dipping
them into thick liquid cold starch—clear
starch mixed with cold water—and brushing
them when dry.
The latest wrinkle for luncheons in New
York is to serve the soup in cups instead of
plates, and the china stores are selling two
handled cuj>s for the purpose.
Piaster of paris mixed with water about
like paste is good for closing cracks in stove
ovens, firebricks, old coal scuttles, water pots
and a great many other things.
When the nose threatens to bleed exce sive-
ly, it can sometimes be arrested by putting
the feet into hot water, or by applying a
mustard plaster between the shoulders.
For making hair oil that is not injurious to
the hair: Castor oil, X pint; 95 per cent, al­
cohol, % pint; tincture cantharides, ¿¿ounce;
oil of bergamot, 2 drachms. Color the mix­
ture a pale pink with alkanet root.
The bottom of an old keg or butter firkin
makes a good mat to set your kettle on. Have
one or two hanging near the dish table.
Make a hole and put a siring through to hang
It by.
Finger marks may be removed from var­
nished furniture by the use of a little sweet
oil u|x)ii a soft rag. Patient rubbing with
chloroform will remove paint from black silk
or any other material.
Steel knives which are not in general use
may be kept from rusting if they are dip{>ed
in a strong solution of soda, one part water to
four of soda; then wipe dry, roll in fViuuel
and keep in a dry place.
Tea stains are very difficult to get out if
neglected. They should be soaked in either
milk or warm water as soon os oossible, an*
then soaped and rubbed out. The next wash
ing will efface them wholly.
One of the most common causes of stomach
ami bowel troubles in children is the common
custom of feeding very young children pota­
toes, rice and bread before their digestive ap­
paratus is capable of digesting these starchy
To take creases out of drawing paper <x
engravings lay the paper or engraving face
downward on a sheet of smooth, unsized
white paper, cover it with another sheet of
the same very «lightly damp and iron with a
moderately warm flatiron.
wood; biA the son of a long line of car}*-li­
ters, whose male ancestors on his mother’s
side were also carpenters, would be sure to
This ease never occurs. Muse«lino specialties
are numerous. Their specialties are not one,
but many. Now, if it happens that one of
those ancestors had a specialty particularly
adapted to transmission, which had become a
part of his nature before his children were
born, bis posterity may have inherited his
special aptitude regardless of the occupations
of their immediate male parents. But, of
course, it would all the time be diluted by its
mixture with aptitudes inherited through
other strains.
In the case of woman, every circumstance
conspires to make the special aptitude in­
tensely hereditary. It is acquired before the
birth of children, hence it is always trans­
mitted. It has been transmitted, undiluted,
from the female side through countless gen­
erations. In a certain sense woman inherits
masculine aptitudes from her male ancestors,
but ulmost her only use of them is to trans­
mit them to her sons.—Henry J. Philpott in
Popular Science Monthly.
Light« of the Home.
If you burn your lamps all night cleanse
them daily; otherwise every other day will
be sufficient.
Sweeping days remove the lamps from the
room, and do not return until tho dust set­
Be sure to handle the chimney by the bot­
tom; it is always cool there and the finger
marks will not disfigure.
In fly timo make some neat paper caps for
tho chimneys.
Keep your burners bright. If boiling thorn
once in six months in sal soda will notj|o it
cast them aside and buy new ones. *lwow
away defective ones as quickly as a piece of
Remember that wicks often become can­
died, work badly and emit an offensive odor.
To remedy this wash th *in once in six or
eight months in suds, rinse and dry.
Sow to tho wick a strip of red or blue flan­
nel just its width and length; it looks pretty
and enables you to use all of the wick when
quite short.
In purchasing lamps be sure they are well
put together if of different materials. Those
with transparent reservoirs are more agreea­
ble and easier to fill.
Learn how to blow out a light and teach
your children, thus avoiding danger, a disa­
greeable odor and a smoky chimney. Turn
the light down quite low, when a slight
breath from the top of the chimney puts it
out. then turn up the wick a tritìo, leaving it
ready to light.—Estelle Mendell in Good
Essence of Good Breeding.
W hen you enter a room and are presented
to the hostess, her reception of you proves
k>r good breeding or her bad. Tho way in
ehich her children meet you—the way in
which at any age beyond the merest baby­
hood they speak and hold themselves—is as
eloquent of their gentle training or ungentle
as is a correct accent or a provincial. No
idiosyncrasy mars tho real essence of good
breeding, and all excuses made for lapses and
lesions are futile. A well bred person may
be as shy as a hawk, and her limbs may be
as awkwardly bung together as so many
crooked sticks badly pinned. All the name
her good breeding will be evident, and nei­
ther her shyness nor her awkwardness will
tell against it Though it costs her the well
known agonies to sustain a connected conver­
sation, and though by the very fact of her
shyness her brain will run dry, she will sus­
tain it with the most consummate politeness
if not always with the most flawless fluency.
She will put a restraint on herself and talk
her l>est, bad as that best may be, because
she is versed in the art and mystery of good
breeding and thinks of othere rather than
herself. <
But an ill bred person, if shy, is simply
boorish, and takes no trouble to conquer the
dumb demon within him. but gives way to
it and lota it conquer him at pleasure. You
feel that the excuse made for him or her by
those who want to smooth over asperities
with varnish—that excuse of being so “dread­
fully shy” is no excuse at all. For you know
by experience how sweet and anxious to be
supple and at ease—for all the |>ain it costs
her—can be that well bred bundle of nerves
and fears, who is as timid as a hare and as
sensitive as a mimosa, but also who Is
thoughtful for others as the boor is disre­
garding.—Home Journal.
Favorite Bostonian Desserts.
The Bostonians are fond of odd novelties of
the table. A favorite dessert of theirs is to
hollow out a block of ice and place within
cubes of muskmelon. It is cut up in the
morning, placed in the ice, covered with a
block of ice and served at 6 o’clock dinner.
Over this frozen melon is sprinkled sherry
and powdered sugar. Brown bread ice cream
Is a favorite Boston dish. The brown bread
is permitted to become stale; it is then grated
into the usual ingredients for ice cream and
is delicious. Huckleberry ice cream is also
appetizing and looks pretty. It makes an
ice cream almost as black, and is a novelty.
Huckleberry griddle cakes for breakfast and
fried sliced bananas are favorite dishes with
the wealthy Bostonians, as ure also stewed
Woman’« friendship for Woman.
In spite of wliat satirists and sciolists may red currants. Almost all fresh fruits are
have to say on the matter, so f ir as our vv-n cooked as breakfast dishes, and stewed cu­
view has extended we have always seen on? cumbers never prove injurious, while they
woman ready to be the friend of another are an attractive dish. There is also at hand
when she has once been plainly given to un­ to sip all day an ice pitcher filled with cream
derstand that her friendship is required and of tartar water sweetened. This not only
will be of service, and we should advise no cools the blood, but is a wonderful nervine,
young girl, no young wife, nor woman of as the French know, who invariably sip
maturer years, to seek «»id and friendship, on sweetened water.—Boston Cor. Washington
any occasion when she finds real need of those Post.
commodities, from the other sex if there is a
Lady Graduate«.
good and gentle woman within her reach.
Tho ladies have done well nt Cambridge
The mother that is in every woman, that is
with her from the day l>efore her first doll and Dublin. At the English university eleven
same, and will be with her after her last of the sujieiior sex have succeeded in taking
grandbaby has done with dolls, rises at ap­ mathematical honors, while in Ireland the
peal, brings her emotions into play’, and all degree of bachelor of arts has been conferred
her resources with them, enlists all her ener­ on nine women, of whom four took honors.
gies, and makes htr ready to use every effort One lady was rap|*ed master of arts, and an­
for the other woman, whether in sore distress other lady, who obtained the first place in
the honors list in modern literature, was
or just in teasing trouble.
If she feels that vice must not be smiled awarded a valuable scholarship. He verity­
on, that malice must be checked, that paths eight women presented themselves for the
which lead to death must be made hard to matriculation examination, and of these
tread, shall she be kinder than or superior t< seventy one passed, twenty seven obtaining
that nature which, in visiting the sins of tbs honors.—New Orleans Times-Democrat.
fathers upon the children as a law of heredity,
The Baby's Album.
does the same thing? Yet where this mother
of pity is not to l>e found in a woman or
An acrompltslied amateur photographer
righteous call, and she neither feels nor re has a set of rough Manila albums, each one
spends to the cry of trouble in another, the* devoted to one of his children. Tho first page
that fierson may tie a woman fair enough ia shows the baby a day old, and not a month
outward seeming, but in her heart she to no 'tasses without a picture of that child or some
woman at all.—Harper’s B-izar.
of its surroundings—the nursery, the house,
its Itooks and playthings. On »me I »ago« are
family groups in which the child figures.
Woman's Specialty.
We often speak of the various differences, Beneath each picture is written the date, and
album will constitute a curious record for
mental and otherwise, between man and
woman. Among them all there is none more tiie future.—Harper’« Basar.
striking than this, that man's work has l»een
Neglect of Women's Interests.
highly specialised, while woman's has not.
True, several specialties have been evolved
The neglect of women’s interests by work­
out of her original specialty—as weaving, men and their organizations is clearly a nito-
«pinning, baking, etc. But these new special­ take, even if looked at from the most uncom­
ties have mostly Ijeen given to men, not promisingly selfish point of view, and the
women. To all intents and purposes woro*e selfish instinct of the labor organizations
has now, as always, one specialty—house­ should prompt them to aid an effort for the
protection of women from underpay, al­
Hen«*e the intense heredity of It It is bred though those who make that effort are moved
in tl»e bone. The carpenter’s son may fail to by iiiucli higher and more generous consider«
«avak* • vacuj
I* WU«B i* aUuns. —New Yoik Commercial Adverttoer.
NO. 33,
One square or less, one insertion............... «1 00
One square, each subsequent insertion.... aO
Noticesof uppoinlnientaiiU final settlement 5 00
Other legal advertisements, 75 cents for first
insertion and W cents per square for each sub­
sequent insertion.
Special business notices in business columns,
10 cents per line. Regular business notices, 5
cents |»er line.
Professional cards, |12 per yoar.
Special rates for largo display “ads."
Brer Gardner's Able Address ou Women's
Why It Will Be the Most Permament
Record of Her Jubilee,
It was two minutes after the triangle
souuded before the smoko in Paradise h 11
would permit tho members to see each other.
When it hod at last thinned out Brother
Gardner said:
“Nicodemus Pembroke Scott, a local mem­
ber of dis lodge, has crossed into Canady an*
will not reappear among us. Fur de las’ three
months I have bin expectin’ some sich climax,
an’ dis mawnin’, when a messenger informed
mo dat he bad disappearod arter failin’ in an
attempt to shoot hisself wid an ole boss pistol,
I war not a bit surprised. He leaves a wife
an’ two ehill’en an’ about fifty creditors.
“What sent him off? De same reasousdat
am daily workin’ to bring about anodder
panic—do same reasons dat explain de hun­
dreds ob bizness failures—do same reasons dat
am cripplin’ de efforts of thousands of hard
workin’ men to secure homes of deir own—
family extravagance. No, you can’t call It
extravagance; foolery am a better name for
it. Up to a y’ar ago Brudder Scott was job­
bin* aroun’ and makin’ $1 a day. Den he got
a situ&’hun by which he aimed $14 per week.
He was poo’ off in de house an’ had debts
hangin* ober him, but heah was a chance to
get eben. How was it improved? In loa
dan one month his wife was rigged out wid
a $20 dress, twelve shillin’ kids, a $5 bat and
an opera fan. Ho had no peace ob min’ on-
less ho obeyed her. In six weeks sho became
too high toned to wash an’ iron fur oder
folkses. In two months she wanted a better
bouse, wid a red parlor carpet an’ cano seat
cha’rs all aroun’ de room. In three months
she had to have a black silk dress, gold brace­
lets, a tony bunnet, kid shoes an’ gold fillin’
in her teef.
“Dat foolery has reaped its harvest. De
busband found dat he was runuln* behind, his
home was bein’ neglected, his wife was beln
gossiped about, an’ in despair be has p eked
up his feet an’ slid out. It was de natural
result I tell you, my frens, de tomfoolery
of de women of dis kentry am strainin’ on do
chalk line till t’e cord can’t stan* much mo’,
an’ it am high time dat somebody sots his
foot down. De man who airns $25 per week
has somehow got de ideah into his bead dat
de world expects him to dress his wife as if
he aimed a banker’s profits. Wives of men
who can’t keep up wid deir house rent am
canterin’ up an’ down wid sealskin sacques
an’ $6 shoes. Wives of men who have to
dodge de butcher an’ grocer an’ tailor am
now selectin’ fall carpets an’ orderin’ $30
lambrequins. Wives of men who couldn’t
raise $50 at de bank to save der necks am
rushin’ to bails an’ parties an’ havin’ deir
expensive dresses described fur de benefit of
de public.
“De so called society of de aige am com­
posed of false hair, false pretenses, debt dodg­
ing an’ base decepshun. Our rich people am
distinguished by deir plain dress an’ quiet
manners. De snides an’ dudes an’ dodos do
all de swaggerin’, rush on all de colors an’
monopolize de biggest sheer of de street. You
wait I De man who lives fur anoder ten
y’ar« will h’ar sunthin’ drap, an’ arter de
drap takes place do thousands of idiots who
now feel ashamed to admit dat dey doan
keep but two servant gals in de house will go
»ack to deir cook stoves an’ wash tubs an’
rake deir proper places in de purceshun.”—
Detroit Free Press.
Australian “Helps."
The effigy of Quoen Victoria found
on all the coins struck during her
Majesty’s reign represents her as she
appeared when fifty years younger
than at present Advantage has been
taken of the present jubilee year to is­
sue an entirely new coinage, with an
effigy of the Queen as the people uow
know her. The Queen appears wear­
ing the star and riband of tho orders
of the Garter and the Victoria and Al­
bert. The words “ Victoria Dei Gra­
tia Britanniaruni Regina, Fidoi Defen­
sor,” appear on all the new coins, ar­
ranged so as to suit the size aad re­
quirements of each ono. In the now
effigy her Majesty appears crowned,
with a vail depending from the back
of the head.
The new figure is a
life-like portait, and the whole coin­
age must be regarded as very satisfac­
tory from a numismatic standpoint.
Tho reverses of tho new coins vary
greatly. Some, as the sovereign and
crown pieoe, continue to bear the very
noblo figure of St. George and the
Dragon, as originally designed by Pis-
truccL This design it is interesting
to trace from the date of Henry VIII.,
when it appeared in a very Gothio
form, to its present classic rendering,
due to Pistrucci. The reverso of th«
modern English shillings and smaller
coins usually bears words or figures
lignifying the value of the coin.
These arc surrounded by a wreath
and surmounted by a crown. In the
new coinago this design is replaced
by the royal arms.
The new
half-crown bears the original reverse,
which has been retained as being one
of considerable merit. It consists of
the royal arms, with the elegant
arched crown surrounded by the gar­
ter, which is again inclosed in the deli­
cate network of the collar of the or­
der. Tho florin and the double florin,
new coins, bear on the reverse an ex­
ceedingly effective design, composed
of four crowned shields bearing the
arms of the United Kingdom arranged
in a manner somewhat similar to
those on tho present florin. The
shields are separated from each other
by four scepters radiating from ths
■tar of tho Order of the Garter, which
occupies the center of the coins. Th«
device has been traced back to th«
time of the Saxon Kings, and its
beauty attracted the notice of Thomas
Simon, who modified it for the coin-
age of Charles 11.
The issue of an entirely new gold
and silver coinage by a monarch after
a reign of fifty years is believed to be
unexampled. Medals have been struck
under similar conditions, but new
coinage has not been issued
more permanent record of
Majesty’s jubilee than this now coin­
age can be conceived. As we hav«
vivid representations of Alexander the
Great and of the long line of the
Roman Emperors on their coins, which
are common at tho present time, long
after the majority of their edifices and
other works have passed away, so
future generations may trace the prog­
ress of the reign of Queen Victoria in
the two distinct issues of the imperial
coinage. — Chieago Tribun»..
(Alleged ads in Victoria paper.;
Wanted—An amiablo and high toned
family consisting of a delicate and shrinking
elderly widow who is a small eater any w.*<y
and has her meals sent in from a restaurant,
can secure a comfortable home with a supe­
rior cook. No notice taken of families who
give dinners or who fail to take nicked china
in a trüb’ Christian spirit. Address “Earnest
Worker,” forwarding credentials authenticar
ted by a clergyman.
Wanted—An industrious and hard working
family who do their own cooking, washing,
ironing, ashes sifting, dressmaking, mending,
dusting, sweeping, nursing, whitewashing,
housecleaning, carpet beating, fancy work,
chamberwork, preserving, knitting, painting
in oils, scrubbing, wax fruit and care of the
cow, and who have an agile hired man to make 000,000 towards a 16,000,000 cathedral
fires, fill lamps, snuff candles, exercise the in New York, to be called the Cath»*
pugs, clean the silver, run for the doctor, di al of St. John the Divine.
wind the clocks, tend door and shoo noctur­
—Fifty-one young men are anid to
nal cats off the back fence, can hear of a good
opening with a lady whose socialty is gen­ have applied for admission to Prince-
ton Seminary next falL There are
eral housework. Address “Overtasked."
Wanted—A winning and modest appearing 1,359 boys in Girard College, th«
male baby, 3 months old, of unexceptionable largest number ever reported.— Con-
inoral character, would like to avail himself greqahonalist.
of the advantages of a nurse. Baby’s name
—Mrs. Hopkins has endowed a chair
to mostly “Tooteey-Wooteey-Mamma’s Pet,”
but it can be changed to “Bub,” if that seems of mental and moral philosophy at
to come handier. Can refer to seventeen Mills College, California, in honor of
nurses now in the lunatic asylum with whom Mark Hopkins, the venerable ex-Presi-
he has lived during the past four weeks. Ad­ dent of Williams College. The endow­
dress “Little Angel.”
Wanted—A graceful and accomplished ment fund is «50,000.
—It is stated that the money given
family that moves in the best circles and has
no poor relations that come to the bouse will by the women of the Presbyterian
be ¡»ermitted to allay itself with a se'.ect Church in the United States during ths
waitress; must furnish satisfactory pedigree. past sixteen years foots up to «2,150,-
Apply in applicant’s own hand writ! <g. No
notice taken of letters not stamped with a 000—representing the entire support
“crest.” Families that did not come over of more than two hundred women
with William the Conqueror will bo repulsed missionaries, two hundred native Bi­
with scorn. Address “Deportment”
ble readers, and more than one hun-
Wanted—A chambermaid who to about to dro<^^n<^ift^jc|iool^^i>>^^^*^'
form matrimonial relations would like to
procure a situation for a really deserving and
well behaved family, which has lived with
her for the last twelve years. This is a rare
chance for a chambermaid in search of a
family that keep« its p'aco and never gives
impudence. Salient sketch of family and im-
fierial group picture furnished on application.
Vidress “Orange Blossoms.” — Cor. New
York Tribune.
Not So Easy—Sometimes.
IT»» was rather sentimental, and so was she
as they strolled along. Hhe knew she had
him, but he did not know bow far be bad
progressed with her.
“Do you like sentiment?" he said.
“Not too much of It,” said she.
“How happy a fellow mast feel when he
has the girl he loves in his arms, and holds
her close to his breast, and presses his lips to
hers, and"----
“And—an 1—it’s so easily done,” said she.—
San Francisco Chronicle.
Your Liver?
asked the teacher of the class in history.
“Playin’ the fl-Idle,” was the prompt re-
iponse; and the teacher tot it go at that—
Washington Critic.
1» the Oriental salutation,
knowing that good health
cannot exist without a
healthy Liver. When the
Liver is torpid the Bow­
els are sluggish and con­
stipated, tne food lies
in the stomach undi­
gested, poisoning the
blood; frequent headache
ensues; a feeling of lassi­
tude, despondency and
nervousness indicate how
the whole system is de­
ranged. Simmons Liver
Regulator has been the
means of restoring more
people to health and
Happiness by giving them
a healthy Liver than any
agency known on earth.
It a«ts with extraor­
dinary power anti efficacy.
One of the lll«ing Ones.
“My son,” inquire» I tl»e min inter, “can yoa
repeat the Ten Command mente F
“No, air, bot I ran light a cigarette In the
wind the first triai."— Detroit Free Presa
A« a general family remedy for Dyspepsia
Torpid 14ver, OoMtlpatlon, etc.. I hardly
ever u«e anything elwe, and have never
been diaappointefl In the effect produced:
It meema to he almoat a perfect cure for all
diaraeee of the Htomarh and Rowela.
W. J. M c E lmqy , Mao^u, Ga«
Regardlc«« of Co«t.
“Young man, ’ be asked, “what Is your am­
bition in lifeF
“To get rich, sir." replied the young man,
lighting a fresh cigar.
“Not a very high aim But while you are
trying to get rich aren’t you spending a good
deal of money F
“Oh, I don’t mind the expense, sir. I’m
willing to get rich regard lees of coat."—New
York Hun.
That 1«, If Ha Was Jost Learning.
“What was Nero’s greatest act of crueltyF