Image provided by: Yamhill County Historical Society; McMinnville, OR
About The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1887)
I AN Now INTEREST IN LIFE. Existence Can Be Made Attractive In Spite of Ikleeouraiceiuerit*. TRICKS ON THE STAGE. A Thrilling Life «nd Death Straggle. SUMNER’S STRENGTH. Th. K«markabl. Physical Power, of th« Famous Senator. CHEAP GUNS Paper ’u now lined in the manufacture of Cifflnb, the new material being and polish© t tore emble rosewood. Ine coffins are very handsome and compara tively inexpensive. SPOT CAS Will «ecure the beet goU(jw at value. Wo offer at present; » * vw*ta Some time ago there was on exhibi Fine Roller Flour; «uit any On« a Half lit« illnesses and more tha.i tion, in New York, what was called 24 ,,uw Mr. Sumner stood six feet two inch- s Faney Brand« Roller Flour.. .......... ’ | THE WEfcTERK SETTLER'S CH08EM half the unhappiness in life come from high without his shoes, and he was so Breakfast Mueh, 12 l.ind^ aj| SPICJFIC. tlie want of some active outside inter the “ wonderful electrical man 1 ” well built that his height was only no flSYAL White or Yellow Corn Meal, for uw. I That “wonder ” now says that he was ticeable when he was near a person of With every advance of emigration into the est—something to take the person out (X) pounds for ................. k West, a new demand i» created for Hostet of himself: chiefly though out of her always secretly connected with a battery ordinary size. But there was a inari- far ...... 1 u 7 ‘ 1 L ter’« Stomach Bitter«. Newly puouled region« 12 00 Buckwheat Flour, ; rut a:vd f.,r self; and give tier tilings to think ot so arrauged as to defeat discovery I uer about him, a free swing of the arm. are frequently less salubrious than older set »ÄÄSÄ'tÄe,,;:« beyond her own sensations—things to 30 Potatoes, Ix-’st kind«; k«o? all «lnur "ii J Many “freaks of nature” are only a stride, a pose of his shaggy head, a tled localities, on account oi lhe iniasina which sympathize w ith boyond her own vague OU Potatoes, good table varieties! sway of bh broad shoulders that give rise« from recently cleared land, particularly a SpilttgffldAruiyKiflw. prosai freaks of clever deceptive skill. disappointments anil shadowy desires. pound........................ “ to those who knew him best the idea along the bunks of rivers that are subject to Write for further partieulai s. Bishop, the mind-reader, so called, that ho was of heroic size. Then, too, fresh ti». The agricultural or mining emigrant Butter, finest grade» fwr t .ble u e; Tlie spiritual barreness of egotism and Hj lea ms, when he does not already know, H. T. HUDSON, Butter, fair quality for table usa; perrti ¿J of idleness niakos life a very dosiirt, was shown to lie only a shrewd student there was something in the intent look «(on that the Bitter« afford the only sure protection Pi rtlaud, Oiegon. We have many good buy» |n ch.,1^ J where no green tiling flourished, which of human nature, whose reading of of his deep-set eye, his corrugated against malatia, and those disorders of the 93 First street. (’aniie I Gooda, Ham», Bacon, LaN.twM stomach, liver and bowels, to winch climate no dew from Heaven refreshes, nor thought was not phenomena). brow, the frown born of intense changes, exposure, and unaccustomed or un ware, Dry G xois, W d| paIMir| j living water rejoicos. Solf-cen terod mid healthy water or diet subject him. Uonas- and Medloines. Everything at Lo i Even so intelligent a man as Roliert thought, and bis large head, made to quei tly, he places an estimate upon this great uninterested, life to such an one is lull Prices. We aim to use «'erybody 51 seem yet larger by its crown of thick, household specific and preventive commensu Cau foe Orix-cd. though they were I Hiking on. a poor entertainment for tho souses; Dale Owen was for many years fully heavy, longish gray hair, all of which rate w ith its intrinsic merits, and is careful to a guide, whither you i »tnuiizu u«ornJ 1 keeo on baud a restorative and promoter of --------THE-------- mid tlie <b eper amotions and affections persuaded that certain alleged spiritual gave the idea of physical greatness; health so implicitly to be relied upon in time of SMITH'S C ASH MTOHP t., 117 < lny Street. Sau F iuuh ^11 1 have > uo share therein, Tlie ordor oi manifestations were genuine, lint, in but with his frequent smile the set need. the day, witli nil its necessary circum the Katie King case, he eventually frown passed, his wholo appearance The dis'overy that thousands of school found that he had been remorselessly Tho Best are the Ch-J stances of fmal. and gradual wear deceived. Tlio market is nt th, changed, and his face beamed like a chi dn 11 in V'euna are starving lias caused ing of tlie morning through tlie noon fl'»»l">l with poor co«l His a »ensaticn. When to natural credulity is added a dark lantern suddenly lighted. that are dear at tiny pnt^ 1 to evening, and tlie sleep, which is somewhat easily-fired imaginations, suiile effected a wonderful transforma THE SPECIAL OFFER only the culminatimi of tlio luthargv spectres becomes facts, and clever tricks tion in his wholo appearance, and it Of T he Y outh ’ s C ompanion , which we GRAFF’S DIAMOND luJ of tho waking hours—is one long round realities. published, includes the admirab’e 1» INFALLIBLE! set up a peculiar sympathy between have of weariness and dissatisfaction. Like Double Holiday Numbers for Thank-giving «n<l “Hfe'y. , Tho Burew!3 “That man,” remarked a prominent himself and its reeip ent. For It! «2W-5SLS5 m SS Ask Your Druggist and Christinas, witli colored covers and fitted to any lamp. “ withered boughs wh ch bear no loses, physician the other day to our reporter, For one of his sedentary habits, he AMTHM 1 full-page pictures, twenty pages each. 47 Second Street, ¿anYri? not mi hour lias its moment of delight, “ thinks he is sit k. He is a * hy[>o.’ > j * Relieved In Five Minute«. These, with the other week !v issues to Jan the ordinary kinds, and cannot be had extraordinary strength, and yet he not an action lias its hope of j >y or He comes here regularly three times a uary I, 18-d, will be sent free to all new ti<>n with tho multitude of low tod, sh >rt L hay fkvkk . or phosphate »«owdow. ¿"'{ ax ? fulflllinent of pleasure. Tint dull day week for treatment. There is absolutely was not an athlete. While in Wash subscrib rs who send $1.75 for a year’s »uh- alum, IU a ai » B aking Fowl®» struct, N. x. VuraGuviuiteeil if Taken lu Tint x 0 BALL ’on to January 188W. T he C om creeps sluggishly from dawn to close, nothing the matter with him, but of course ington his only exercise was walking, script < ŸRAbE MARK panion has been greatly en arged, is finely bronchitin . and not a new thought lias been every time he comes I fix him up and as he believed it was the pace il ustrated, and no other weekly literary You will save ! 1-4 PoatStTsN com3 Cure W arrautciL atarrh rather than the distance that tell», n wakened nor a new sensation aroused. something.” paper gives so much for so Iowa price. DEAFXEON Money. when opportunity ottered he would go Marion in the “Moated (.range" was Cured iu Three to Six Mouth., “ And he payB for it ? ” Shorthand, Type-writing. Penmanahh at a rate that amazed beholders. Some The prettiest girl in Chicago weighs 300 and Telegiaphy all fur not morn dreary than tlie man or “ Yes, |3.00 a visit. But what I give persons attempting to join and keep up pounds and has a hair lip. She is wo th Time, Ulublhrrla. < roup.Xeural- woman who lias no outside interest, him has ne remedial power whatever. ala, lleailacl.e, Sure Pain, <32,00,000._________ _________ Throat anti whose life is bound up in self; and I have to cater to his imaginary ills. with him only succeeded by taking an SrKKOll.X CUKSD. Trouble, DON’T YOU KNOW no prisoner over hailed tlie free air of He is one of my best friends, and I dare occasional hop, skip and jump, such as Invaluable Remedy t In«. BANCROFT BUILDING. children practice when walking with That jou cannot afford to neglect that ca AND WILL CURE Heaven witli nuire rapturous gratitude not disappoint his fears.” Patented April, 1886. tarrh/ Don’t you know that it mav lead 723 Market St., San Francisco J their parents. Up to the time of his in than would such an one if set in tlie An even more striking case of pro /rice of Treatment $100 ■ (Smoke BH1. $2.00 to consumption, to insanity, to death? CATARRH t^Send for circular. juries he walked much in Washington, Debellator, for Internal I Re, fl.IMM way to niako that interest and enlarge fessional delusion is related by W. H. D n’t you know that it can be easily cured ? A. VANDER NAILLEN.h^ those boundaries. For wo must never Winton, business manager of the King for, as he said, ho could outwalk Don’t you know that while the thousand By I»1 iik SURE CURE DiSCOVERËÙjj and rne nostrums you have tried have ut omnibuses, and give them long odds. forget that many things which look ston (N. Y.) t'reeman: ELY’ ter y failed that Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Rem 652 Market St, San Francisco, Cal. He was hardly aware ot his enormous edy “In 1883, Mr. R. R„ of New York, like faults, and pass under tlie name is a certain cure? It ha- stood ‘he test ^^Lauderbach'i German CatarrhRtn«, of faults, are in reality misfortunes— ( a relative of a late vice-president of strength, it was so seldom called into of years, and there are hundred < f th’ u- HAY-FEVER St^'Bowaro of Hurtful Imitations, Price sands of grateful men and women in all exercise. His books wore packed in tl. Sample« free at Druggists Mailed for ¡Or tlie result of conditions iiindo for us the United States) was seriously ill of THOUSANDS IT HKD since the discover A particle 1« applied into each nostril and 1« agreeable. parts of the country who < an testify to its large boxes at tlie end of each session treatment. Every mail bring« letter« fi and not by us, and not to bo broken a very fatal disorder. The best physi Price 50 ct« »t druggist.«; by mail, registered, 60 ct«. etHcacy. All dru g sts. CURED B. 8. L ai DKHHACH A CO.. N ELY BR< THERS, /3j (¡redtwich St , New York. cians attended him, but until the last and sent from his rooms to the Capitol, by sucii energy as wo possess. One Agent (Men limit onlv) wintrd in every town fol Ind'ana ha« Hued Kentucky for posses In this olio word indeed lies tlie one was tried, he constantly grew only to lie returned at the beginning of e_ eJJf^o/iTlAND^Z^oRfGON lieart of the matter. With energy we worse. This doctor gave him some the next session. These boxes weighed sion of Green Hiver Island. In successful operados since 186«, patronised Irom medicine in a twtfounce bottle. Im nearly live hundred pounds each, and make an interest for ourselves, in spite all sections of the Northwest, endorsed by OUR LITTLE WORRIES AND ILLS of the poverty of our circnmstanees. proving, he got another bottle, paying were difficult to handle in passages and business tnen and leading educators, It is the little things of lfe, the worries OFFER NO. 178. Without it, opportunities of rich en $2 for each. He was getting relief after stairways, and so were accompanie I of to-day and to morrow, that make the T1IK MOST PEBFECTLT EQCHTED SCHOOL FREE!—To M erchants O ni . v : One of its class on the Coast, it offers private or class joyment puss by unutilized, and we using several of th< se mysterious small by four men. Once when he was liv crow’s feet around our eyes. So the little Williams ’ ‘ Perfection’’ E ectro-Magnetic instruction, day and evening throughout the year, in ing at Rev. Dr. Sampson's, one of these let slip all chances for bettering our bottles. Battery. Address at once, R. W. T an - Arithmetic, Writing, Correspondence, Book keeping One day he laid one on his desk in heavy boxes got stuck in the stairway. pains of an hour or a minute break down sill & Co.. Chicago. Banking,Shorthand.Type-wdting. Business «nd Legal fate. It is a misfortune to lie born constitution. Look after the little ills Forms and all Common Scltool Branches. Students CVREB ALL HVMOkkJ one of lhe passive, tlie negative, un- his New York office. In the same of It could be extricated without damage the a Day. Samples worth »1.60, FKEE. ot all ages and both sexes admitted -• any time. B randreth ' s P ills cure dyspepsia, or in LtllflS not mi ler tile tioiai- t» <-•. Write Ihti w. from 11 common tlloteh, or Erupi^B Catalogue free. Armstrong and V. esco. Proprietors. energetic, who divide tlie world witli fice a friend was using a remedy put to the walls only by lifting it over the digestion, headache, pain in the shoulders, JK-A WgTitK'MS*ntTVKKIsHoi.DKK<'O.,H<>lly.yilch. to the worst Scrofula. Salt-rkiM tlie active and energetic. Must tilings up in a large bottle. By pure acci banister. The four men failed to apply coughs tightness of the chest, dizziness, “ Fever - sores,” Scaly or KiM Skin, in short, all discuses oiusui I t M in life tlia' are worth having at all dent it was found out tiiat these two their strength to the most advantage, sour stomach, bad taste in the mouth, bil The Oregon National Bank, blood lire conquered by this powerful« ious attacks, palpitation of the heart, in have to he sought and pursued, if they bottles contained exactly the same for they got in each other’s way, and Humiliation OF PORTLAND. fvinir. mid invigorating medicine. R of the lungs. Pain in the re Eating Ulcer« rupidlv licul uniirriM are to lie captured and lield fast medicine, the two-ounce vial costing thus failed to move tlie box. The Sen gion of the kidneys, and a hun <red o her (Successors to Metropolitan Saving! Bank.) nign influence. Especially inis it nimQi the doctor ’ s patient $2, while his friend CAPITAL PAID IN. $100,000 painful symptoms are > he offspring of dys ator, hatted and gloved, ready to go Neither fortune nor pleasure knocks its potency In eiu ing Teller, Hose lfl| Transacts a General Bankn g Business. paid but $1.25 for a bottle holding over pepsia. One or two pills every night is ACCOUNTST’kept subject to check. ■loti«, Carbuncles, Sore i )c«,i» Wo arc authorized to giye each applicant free and persistently at any man’s door, but sixteen ounces of Warner’s safe cure. out. came down the stairs. SELLS EXCHANGE on San Francisco and New York. unconditionally, one lift 25x95 in the beautiful town uloiis Sores and Swellings, M suHluient. MAKES COLLECTIONS on favorable terms. each lias to bo at tlie least looked for The doc-tor’s services were stopped at “Why don’t you liftit over the rail?" fl teof Lake View, Tulare County, applicant to pay for joint »IseeHC, Millie NwclIM VAN B. D f LASHMUTT, GEO. B. MARKLE, J k ., the deed and notary's foes the stun of two dollars; map Uoltrc, or Thick Neck, and EuliM IF 8UFFERERS FROM CONSUMPTION, up and down tho street, and invited in once, the man continued treating him said he. President. Vice-President. of town site allowing the location of lota Bent with Glands. Send ten cents in stmu|»M D F. SHERMAN. Cashier each deed, purchaser to have tlie privilt ge of buying if it Is desired to entertain either. self with what his doctor secretly pre “How can we?” answered one. "You Scrofula, Bronchitis, and General Debility, will lurge trentlw, witli colored plat«, the adjoining lot for 810, or corner lots for 875; Deeda try Scott i FiuiilMion of Cod Liver Oil with Diseases, or tlie mime amount for u trFJ But tlie unenergetic take no pains to scribed—Warner's safe cure, whish have no idea of its weight.” ae iton receipt of Postal Order, or we will send them Hypophospliites, they will find immediate re WILLIAM BECK & SON, AITivttous. , JH by Express 0. O. D. Title perfect to every lot sold. We on “ Scrofulous Tin: BI.OOI» is THE I.tfl tind those radiant guests. If they do not finally restored him to health from an “Let me try,” said the Senator.and, lief and perminate benefit. The Medical Pro Wholesale and Retail Dealers in have at’eptvd thia method of exciting an interest iu fession universally declare it a remedy of the Thoroughly cleanse it by using Br. Pie« the coining Chicago of the Golden went. comb unbidden they do not come at nil; attack of what his doctors called bright’« leaning over the rail, he seized the greatest Guns and Sporting Coods. value and very palatable. Head: “1 Golden Medical Discovery,»«« J. H. B right & Co., 34 Kearny at., San Francisco. and tho flowers a id gems borne by the disease.” rope becket at the cud of the box and have toed Scott’s Emulsion in several cases of digestion, a fair t>kin, biiojaiii« Scrofula and Dehilitv in children. Results Ils,mid vital ntrcngili,willbecstdM sluggish steam on its bosom are left to If the leading physicians in the land, lifted the latter clear of its entangle most gratifying. My little patients take it with drift into the great ocean of thingsnow through fear of the cede, will secretly ments by one sure pull, splitting his pleasure.”— \V. A. H ulbert , M. D., Salisbury, CONSVMPTIO» which Is Scrofula of the Lunnfl impossible, because of tho want of en prescribe Warner’s safe cure in all cases glove, however, across the back. The in. rested and cured by tliia remedy, if Sunday schools were founded in England ergy to selzo them as they passed. Tlie of kidney, liver and general disorder, men were amazed; and he, a little fore the last Rtiiges of the direaw ore ? j energetic, on tlie contrary, are of those do they not thereby confess their own embarrassed, said: "I didn’t mean to about the year 1780, by a printer of Glou From its marvelous power over this ™ cester named John Backes. fatal disease, when first oH< ring^ thii J who improve their holding. No mat inability to cure it, and, by the strong lift it, only to try its weight;” and then celebrated remedy to the public, Dr.rfl FISHINC TACKLE. ter how poor liio soil—how nil propi est sort of endorsement, commend that went back for fresh gloves. -Cosmopol thought seriously of calling it Ins (■ THEY WILL NOT DO IT. Manufacturer«’ Agent« for mi 111 pl ion Cure,” but tibnnuon«B tious tlio surroundings—they know preparation to the public ? itan. Those who once take Dr. Pierce’s “Ple's- name ns too limited for a mt dicipe C. Smlih’s, Colt's, Kcnilngton. Qhni flnnit whence to gather rich material and We hear it warmly s|M>ken of in aut Purgative Pellets” will never consent L from its wonderful combination .of Ubica, Parker's anil Manhattan ullOl llllilS. strengthening, alterative, or blood-cleiiM DRESS WELL, NOT GAUDY. to use a- y othercatliartic. They are pleas fertile seed for the better harvest every direction, and we have no doubt Winchester, Martin. Ballard, Colt's Difloo anti-bilious, pectoral, and nutritive pnl ant to take and mid in their opera-ion. and tlie heavier crop. If whatever, that it is, all things consid Lightning Magazine ItluuSi tit's, is unequaled, not only ns n rein^H Smaller than ordinary pills and inclosed in consumption, but for all Chrome« tlmy are of those whose circuin- ered, the very best article of the kind Wlty Every Woman Nhuuld Array Uerself glass vials; virtues unimpaired. By drug Colt's and Smith & Wesson RSVOlVOlS in Neat and Tasty Garments. caws of the stances precl title the noed of oxer- ever known. gists. Send for Catalogue No. 5. “ The day will soou come, ” »ays a tion, they mnke some extraneous iii- 1O.Ï & 107 Hccouit Mt.. Portland. Or. Liver, Bioed, and Luna No’th Carolina has 18,000/00 acres cov well-known leader of fashion, “when it branch storks ; terost for which they have to work and If you feel dull, drowsy, debilitate*! ered by forests. RiverBideAv.. Spokane Falls, W.T. 94 State St..8alem.Or will no longer be a slur on a good wo GREAT TELESCOPES. sallow color of skin, or yellow ish-brown« think, and in a manner sneritiee their on face or body, frequent headache orO man. old or young, to say she thinks a CONSUMPTION SURELY CURED. comforts, and break up tlie deadly Why They Ar. of Mur. Mervlo. to Sot.n«« nesR, bad taste in mouth, internal befl good deal of dress; she attaches enor To the Editor : — —Mrs. Ole Bull has takon Mr. Inntruinnnta chills, alternating with hot flushes, lov <1 monotony of their self-indulgence— and gloomy forebodings, irregular aril Please inform your readers that 1 have a pos Kthvin Booth's house on mous importance to aesthetics." While Chestnut It is frankly to be admitted that for th it monotony which kills the liner and coated tongue, you are snileringi itive remedy for the above named disease. By it remains a good motive to give others The Van Monciscar street, Boston, for next winter. I Indigestion, Dyspepsia, and To fl ordinary work enormous instruments its timely use thousands of hopeless casus have nature when indulged in without a Liver, or “ 1211 iousncMu” In J been permanently cured. I shall be glad to pleasure and spare them disagreeable —Senator Sabin, of Minnesota, has break, and which makes tho very are not advantageous; those of moder cases only part of these symptoms nrt] tend two bottles of my remedy FRKI to any of DYSPENSARY, rienced. As a remedy for all such i ate dimensions will do far more easily shocks, the rule must hold good hi your readers who have consumption if they will no children of his own, but gives misery of tlie rich. PORTLAND, OB l>r. Pierce’s Golden Medical I send me their Express and P. 0. address. paternal care to nine friendless No matter whnt the interest so long and rapidly the work for which they every department of life. “The day Respectfully. . , 1 Young, middle-aged and co very is unsurpassed. will soon come when it shall be a recog For Weak Luiigfl« T. A. SLOCUM, M. U., 1»1 Pearl St., New Yorn are capable. It would be poor econo orphans. old. single or marned men as wo make one for ourselves. From Blood, Shortnca» of Breath, Bl ana all who suffer with nized duty to conceal what is offensive, art to religion, and from philanthropy my to shoot squirrels with fifteen-inch LOST MANHOOD! chitis, Asthma, Severe CoagnM —In the garden of the old MClcllan GIVING THEM AWAY. kindred affections, it is an efficient renMl Nervous Debility, Sperms to needle-work, all Is useful, if somo cannon. Observers with smaller in when slight deformities of limb and house, in Gorham, Mo., tlio lirst brink torrhea. Seminal Losse» S old by D ruggists , at $1.00, or l randest offer yet in our advertising columns Sexual Decay .Failing Mem forms are purer anti nobler than strument. if they have sharp eyes ami skin shall be avowedly disguised by art Will be found BOTTLES for $5.00. a very liberal offer of Mesera. J. IL building erected in that county, a lady iory, Weak Eyes, Lack oi Send ten cents in stamp« for Dr. PH and great and startling deformities use them faithfully, can always find others. Many people do very bail art Bright A Co., the Beal Estate Agents ef 34 Kearny recently found J Energy, also Blood and book on Consumption. a venerable-looking Address, * Skin Diseases, Syphillis ■treet San Francisco. They Deed Free and uncondi- But the shall eease to disgrace our public tieuallv World’s Dispensary Itledical 4’ —paint pictures that lira caricature«; onough to do and do it well. gold ring, with this inscription still Eruptions, Hair Fallin* ; one lot 26x95 in the beautiful town-site of elation» 063 Main Street, B uffai M streets, it is one of the duties of life Bone Pains, 8 welling sing in voices to which tin kettles are great telescope has two advantages Lake View, Tulare County, to every person that legible on the inside: “You are the Sore Throat, Ulcers, El or sends their name by letter to their office, us silver bells; write books, innocent which are decisive. In the tii>t place, to grease the wheels on which we drive call« fects of Mercury, Kidney they send jdung with the Deed a Map of the rose that I have chose." and Bladder Trouble! of the very olemants of composition— it collects more light, and oo makes it as far as ever that is consistent with .^ith numbtr marked thereon. Back, Burning Urine. Gonorrhea, Gleet Btrio’ $500 REWAI Among the new members of Con Weak Doubtless they ex|>ect each person will return and other duties, and most people must we—prompt relief and cure for life. but all tho same tlioy have an interest possible to use higher magnifying pow is offered by the propfl buy more lots, but there is nothing obligatory in gress it is said that only Mr. Granger, *oCh Hexes Consult Coafldentiall» judge for themselves how far that is. OWPI6K.1M A 1H4 THIRD ST. of Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Bl thunwp.rt; oi courue, the purchaser pas slurtie wli'cli has lifted them out of the dead« ers, and thus virtually to draw nearer for a case of catarrhi “It is as easy to dress well as ill, deoil, but the land ia a free and unincumbered gift of Connecticut, bears the honorary de lv dullness of tho pa«», If lltoy have to tlie object studied than we can with / l AA AAA Ladies Wanted to use our they cannot cure. If given unconditionally; this offer is being taken gree of LL. D. Mr. Phelan, of Tennes ‘’Magnetic Hairpins.’’ They have a discharge iron no higher vocation, and their powers tlie smaller one; and, in tlie next place, «ince dress we must Absolute uncon ».lvantago of by hundreds in the Immediate vicinity see, one of the youngest members of 1 3W,VvV Relieve Nervous Headache and the discomfort nose, offensive or otherwise, partial Jfl th’rti?wn . • f thîy haVB ,aith “> Uie are not capable of attaining greater in consequence of what is known as sciousness as to how she looks is im future Chicago of the Golden West, and expect ere tlie House, bears that of Ph. D., con often caused by all other hairpins. Sample smell, taste, or hearing, weak eyes, dull or treasure in head, you have Catarrh. 1 Box IOr. results, it is better lor them to use "diffraction,” the image of a luminous possible to any woman, since every eye ti.nLtOir*i“i ,hand8‘?"’“1.'- 0» the Investment Addreae, G. E. M. Co., Vineland, New Jersey sands of cases terminate in consurnptlfl deelriug lote should not delay but take ferred by the University of Leipsic. tliom on these lower levels tliau not at point made by a large lens is smaller tells her unbidden; therefore, indiffer Those ad \ antago of this offer at once. ’ 1 Dr. Sage’s C atarrh R emedy cures the’ The beauty of American women cases of Catarrhs “Cold in the Hei nil; and tho world lien, tit.«, at least in and shar|wr than that made by a small ence to appearance is inculcated. It is SELBY SMELTING AND LEAD CO., and Catarrhal Headache. 50 ccntt Wakele’s Squlrr 1 and Gopher Extermi often puzzles foreigners, who can not natural to wish to please in all ways by so far that they arc thereby rendered one. The smaller the telescope tho Ban Francisco, nator. lry ir, and pro-e the best is the account for it. QAA caNes or Kectal »taeane, I One ingenious lady of kindness and a pleasant manner — or, happier—with the consequent result of larger are tlie so-enlled "spurious cheapest. W akelee & Co., Sm Francisco. OVV FiHHureH. Ftatulax and » foreign birth has produced the theory Ulcers treated HncceHsmily, wit greater happiness radiated on to disks” of a star, so that in lhe case of at least, not to displease. How deli that the reason that Americans havo use of knife, within pant twap ethers. If they are well endowed they a close double star, fur instance, where cately Goldsmith distinguishes his two “ llroww*» Bronchial Troches“ Vinita several interior towns. I simple and convenient for Bron hhrl I such good forms is that their restless do good Work in itself, and the world our nine-inch telescope shows only an types of innocent and admirable wo are for clrcnlarn. J. B. •'Ilkingtos.! No.M Deknm'n building. Portlaai ness and nervousness prevent their is the richer by the achievement. — oval disk, the twenty-three inch shows manhood! Differently lovely, Olivia Affections and Coughs. SHOTGUN CARTRIDGES being long in one position, so that any Chicago Standard. Best, easiest to use and cheapest. Piso’s two tine distinctly separated points, it was often affected from too great a de BUELL LAMBERSON, Cen’l Agent. is true that tho atmospheric disturb sire to please; Sophie even repressed Remedy for Catarrh. By drugglhts. 60c defect is not likely to become fixed. 7 Ntark Ht Portland. Or. B Igiiini is tlio groat home of ances, which always prevail to a great excellence from her fears to offend'— —In Yorkshire when the clergyman "CHICHESTER’S ENGLISH.’ ThL a ,^ lct *. d u. ’ ' l, w. 8or ® , E ^ e * use Dr - l8a « pigeon fancier», containing, ns it does, er or less extent, very seriously affect ‘one vanquished by a single blow, the Thompson b Kye Water. Druggists sell it. 25c. asks the bridegroom if he will have The Original and Only OcnuiM Tlie BUYERS’ GUIDK la moi*» than it lion.ami pigeon soeiclies, tlie "seeing” with large instruments. other by efforts successfully repeated.’ S.N u4 u«>n R.U.M.. R. «.rr or worth lr~i tml»» the woman to be his wedded wife the tasurd Sept, and March, b* m-s ut-L’oX.« A man who tried to blackmail Mrs. which send awny from alm mt red thou Tlie "power of tlie prince of tlie air,” each year. 4^* 312 pages, man will not unfrcquently turn to tlie ••Vi ry beautiful women are seldom 8 z ^ xliy, inches,with over Mackay has been sent to uri on for two sand io one hundred ami liftv thon- which is to ail astronomer the very vain. They are so used to their own woman and say, “Wilt tha’ black my years. 3,500 illustrations — a £818 Mudiaun Square, 1'biladAt^ sa id homing birds every summer to type of the | boots?” and the woman will invariably w hole Picture Gallery« every where. A«k for “Cbktai “total ' depravity beauty that they do not think much tert English” Pennyroyal Pills. Take nooUft All sufferers with such chronic ailments 1 say, "I wilt," and tlio man then rc- different parts of Europe (mostly of an inanimate things," on nine about it. any more than a man thinks GIVES Wholesale Price« as liver disease, dyspepsia, blood diseases direct to contiumcra on all goods foi France mid Spniu). there to ls> let go i joins: "Now, tha'st stud it,” and he much about his rank or profession when consumption tscrofula of the lungM, personal or family use. Tells how to mid tlml their way buck again. Races clear nights out of ten deprives a great not engaged in Ids duties. The vain cough, and kindred di eases should know ilia’ holds her to her word__ St. Louis Re order, and gives exact cost of every telescope of much of its just superior have sometimes been flown from Romo, t'r. Pierce’s ‘ Golden Medical Discovery” publican. thing yon use, eat, drink, wear, or woman is the one who has been un- Worn I say cure I do not mean merely to st"t> nine hundred miles distant, but the ity, so that on an ordinary night a good airly disparaged. Undue self-con- Is their best friend In such deep affliction, have faa with. These INVALUABLE —San Francisco has a most com fora tiiueand tlien have them return again. ¡®*J oliserver with an apertui-e of twelve it comes to soothe, alleviate and cure. BOOKS contain information gleaned cur?i. J have made the disease or FITS, Jlioatiini san that this long Hight EPhY .,r FALLING HICKNE8S a life Ion»«?* mendable club, called the “Sight «eiousness is the revolt against injustice from the markets of the world. We has proved too destructive to valuable or tiftveu inches can make out all that md like all revolts is disagreeable. WArranu my remedy to cure the worst cases. will mail a copy FREE to any ad Secretary Bayard and Ml«» Sophie Mar Seers.” It is a walking club, with no other» have failed is no reason for not now receipt bird», owing to the difficulty of pass can be fairly seen with twenty-four or Were all women acknowledged to have kle will l>e married early in the winter. cure. Send at once for a treatise and a FreeBJ dress upon receipt of 10 cts. to defray j initiation fees and no dues, the only of niy infallible remedy. Give Express arid P<*t OJ thirty inches at the same time. And expense of mailing. Let us heal from ing the A'pa. IL G. HOOT, «U. I ., 183 Pearl St. requisite being that each member bring you. Respectfully, vet the writer has continually verified •ach her points, personal as well as T rt G krmkk for breakfast. G has taken the 2 | his lunch on the regular-weekly tramps. nental, and allow eil to cultivate them in liis experience tho observation of the sales of that tl*»* A Medical Socrates. MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. remedies »nd has The club recently ascended Mount Cure«in in a sensible and simple spirit, there I'.nirlUiit inipro.«« »id prrtrtrte. th. cnmpklhm. Mr. ('lark, who said: "You can always «t» A »2» WahMli *««■■«. Cblea«» 111. almost universal 1 TO 5 DAYS. A quack doctor recenrl.v removed to see with a large telescope every thing could be les» envy and malice, less ti«o, _ | Tamalpais, from which one may over- KVRPHYJJJd eauie Stricture. Austin. T«-x., anti is doing a flourish shown by a smaller one—a little better unity and wasted time, ami more in ■ look San Francisco and the surround- Clnswnn the/»rnf Mrd only by th. |dow to Cure I ing country for fifty mnes. ing business. II ■ was employed to at if the seeing is bad; immensely better loeent pleasure throughout life. But the public and TbiEiaiSa. unong the leading"* tend «>id Mr. McGinnis, who is in a if it is good. ’’ But when a really good pretty woman who leaves her mind cine. < f the o Idol»«. SkmfcScalp —"Taking him down a peg.” This Cincinnati, pretty bad Muy with typhoid fever. is said to have been derived from the night comes, as once in a while it does, mcultivated her ntind and heart for I Diseases “Woll, doctor, how is he coming then to a groat telescope heaven opens, he sake of her body, that is the illus- custom ordained by King Rigar. that suitable fw Oranges, Lento««, Olives, Pineapples. Bananas,. Strav lorries and early v, retable* Fot on?” asked a member of tho family, with th? new world» appear, old illusions are ration of the ‘jewel of gold in the pegs should be fastened in the drink sal« on I to« credit »1.25 to S8.00 per acre. TM. BELT r "’1 here 1« still hope to save him if llssipated. and observations and meas wine'» snout?-Dry Goods Chroni- made exprewly for ing horns at interval«, that who ever AddrewiM. SOLOMON, Gen. N. W. Ag‘t derangements of the I** C utic U fv \ he 1 vos until to-morrow, but if he dies urements before beyond the reach of ■•’< M No. < tart tkf., Chiengo, nj,. organs. The drank beyond these marks at one or KLECTRI i ITT In tlio meantime lie is a gone case.” — human skill become possible, easy and draught should be liable to punish through the parts R medy for Catarrh in the R emedie s. Tejtas Siftings.. them to h-althractva/T “A LITTLE NONSENSE. Best, Æoatewi to fee, and Cheapest. accurate. In fact, the reasonable»» of mORTCRIXO, •onfoond tbia with ment The custom was called Din taxing advertised U> cur« «Il I»g pimply ¿i disea«e»of *ln . dunking, or pin-nicking, and hence the ’— ï; the ' »kln.k —“Gentlemen ot the jury.'*' once wanting still larger telescopes is iden- — Folks going oil to the springs should aa/Stelfc head to toe. D h low ot hair, from R ■pec ! De P o rpe««. t M, •aid an old tinie judge in Mobile, “tho, , ically the same as that of wanting a remember that a promise of fifty cents '’,',,red •’i’«»>• Certera* Kaê"/.™ origin of the phrase, "He is a merry For circular« t t TI* i a* BKHOi.vsxT.the nee bkxst pun,ter forwaüon, a idre» Cb*** lawyers have been here two whole days telescope at all. Of course, it is im will get more out of a waiter than one ctauM °l ,he MPresswn, Sold hr <trn»yirtB or sent hr maiL tr'.n F.«1t Co . 1<» th. blood and perspiratioo ot div««/ "Tifoh°d /,S° Btreet. Chicago, 111. discussing the constitutionality of the possible to predict what discoveries dollar cash.— Macon Telegraph. 50c. E. T. Basettino, Werren, Pa. lake hun down a pc^.’’ law under which this suit was brought. will be made with the groat Lick tele- —Some Washington ladie» have in .œxÿ a —Savs c„~ Ss-T’ » letter from Richfield You have nothing to do with that. All «••ope when it is erected on its moun troducisi the fashion of wearing rings PEOPLE’S DISPENSAB’ P ngs, . . Y.: The band here, an ex- you have to ascertain. Is w hetlier the tain of privilege—very likely none. It oi their thumbs, and each, of course, —AND— a w n t ’ V Under t!ie ^ ‘ ^»ion of a man got tho money. If ho did he ought is not possible now to go out at night, thinks herself thuniliody, in conse PixTf I T’Ted little F‘’’ncl’nisn. to pay it. Take the case.” as some seem to think, and pick up quence. R S £imb8ni Lombanl did noi AKO CHILDREN. —Miss Ho«d -"Three In the gold. "discoveries” as one would gather —Old Lady (in drug »tore, to »mall “ifo Zi7 “nL'‘n,, t0 be * "”>’ician. WMhmgtnn. Cleveland, Detroit, Chicago. I j IB Fourth St., bet. Morrison and T*B,J Captain! I've outshnl you this time." flowers in a forest But we may be boy)—“What am I to take this medi Sold «verTwhere. rnt-^ Crnrr». wu. My fader, he said ye«teniav, “y*» a Portland. Oregon. ISc.: Rnotvr r «| pr.._-JJ*L Captain Angus—"Yes, but what ha« «tire of thi«, that it will collect data, ine In. sonny?’’ Sonny—“Take it in So*r. PoTTanliat a » xo C hkuic *! Co £»„*„he Psreesmn wix g,.rt „Imirar^ne fer ze rrsend for Ho« toTÒA-ik7n ADVICE AND MEDICINE • I-<* become of my other arrow? I shot with micrometer, camera and spectro- vour mouth, mum. ’Taint to be rubbed ---------------- -- Jkin reT "n Ven 1 ™ boy he three." Voice of tramp in bit «lira— < o | m >, which will remove many old •n."—A’. Y. Snn. INSTRUMENT. All Dlwaiw weceramily treated. ChranBJSc Ue a^i. T°‘ 16 ?,p°,eon "When you folks git through countin' difficulties, will clear up doubt«, will —A two-story brick house fell on a Fren h ** V. *er* ™ *• nob>® TOua Trvnb ea a ,pee<alty Kbeum-Ulwn, SOT actually advance our knowledge, and. Chicago reporter, and when they dug STEINWAY,ÎÎSÎHÊ2 * •*<••. ta7 vTl’ '1Tel El«Prreur!’ Zen I ap I wish you’d jest come hi ao' unpin General .nd Merrotls Iteh Hty, Srudnal Lnrt Manhood .ncenafully treated «Uh e»y ear from this hickory ires; '(ain't whnt is still more important, will pre him out of the debris he had a two-col- < «t.ttBRATan Ac«« El l.TRIO BrlT ant «««- t?-’ , n 1 rone up I ril be like ze •PpHance, Neinal !>!.«..<-. taken by th. a— J. Cd, but it s got fovUu' iii it."— JW- pare the way and hew the stepe for mun article written about the .teeidenL BiT?h'“h>wd fi*b‘ »onabl« rate«. A eompelenl Plnida* stiy higher climbing toward the stars A ________ tneian In attendant« dally Geintrr pauen^^j — yewman Indtpendtnl. unaon«. Saa Fra srj .es •mipp.m« •tacenralea. I--« Id- V' " ;°deU«d T.rm. ttrtetly wh _ ______ ----------- a a a u J ^KlHC POWDER TOUR CATARRH CaMcM Absolutely Pure. »• BLD’S C BUSUM SCHOOLsä CARBOLIC SMOKE BALL CO. CREAM BALM. TOWN LOTS Given Away. PENNYROYAL FILL! O I CURE FITS ■ ■ PENSIONS™“ Acme Electric Belt AgeW SELF-PI AYINC SÜE ls LJ“?' musical X. P. N. U. No. 20» S. F. N. V. >'•