The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, November 18, 1887, Image 5

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W est side telephone .
P hotographs —W. P. Johnson, the
substance of the conversation between
'iiyself and 11. E. Marple the day before
artist will again l»e ill McMinnville for
he Wai executed in relation to the mur
three days only, Dec. 8, 9,10. Thursday,
der of D. I Corker.
W m . H. H ubs .
TÉLÉPHONÉ WHISPERINGS. Friday, and Saturday. If you want
Subscribed and swoin to before me
First Class photographs taken be suie
Story of the Murder of Corker this 14th day of November, 1887.
Nov. 14, 1887.
(¡EG. W. E kiedwe I.L.
to give him a call al the old gallerygiear
Tho Weather is improving.
Every tiling quiet since the election.
County Cle.k.
the Cook hotel. Cabinet’s only (4. per
Bring in your Christmas “ad.”
dozen. Come early. “Good work done
He Implicate* hi* Mother and Wife.
Reverend J. A. Campliell preached
James Newman is in California.
to a larjj;) congregation yesterday at this
Monday Win. 11. Hess, a prisoner con-
Astoria is to have a street car line.
E ditorially D one .—Walier Sutton,
Mr. I.. II. Rimer and family of this fineJ in the county jail made a conf»»«-
■A bargain to be bad at Mrs. Stuart’s. editor of tho Gold Beach Gazette, at
It costs $5,125 an hour te run the city
place started for Ohio tLis morning on ion which Marple, tho inurde er, made
o' New York
Geo. Dorsey was in this city Tuesday. Ellensburg, Oregon, shot and killed the 6:10 train.
to him last Thursday, the 1 Jtb ins ant.
The site for the new court house in
Fresh roasted peanuts at II. H. Thomas Cunningham Monday, at Cros-
Mr. an I Mrs. Newman and daughter Hess, m id* affidavit to the statement»
ent City, Cal. Cunningham tired one of Lafayette, were visiting with Mr. and
before the county clerk. Following is a I Boston cost $900,000.
An occasional "Honk” of wild geese shot at his wife, who ran, and th n Mr*. Collins, Sunday,
Seattle is to have a big Democratic
verbatim copy of what Hess testified to:
pointed the pistol at Sutton, but the
is heard.
Our M. D. started for the sunny South
Statement of Richard I'. Marple in re ! daily morning newspaper.
¡alter killed him instantly. The enroll ' last week, to look after tlq»t la*ge cattle
gard to the murder of 1). 1. Corker to
A now pest house is to be built in e,’s jury brought in a verdict of jusifi- ranch.
The number of deaths in SanFia- cisco
Win. Henry Hess the day before Marple
able hsuiu-ide. Family trouble was the-
i during the month of October wae 1040.
is an Un-1 , ”r' M. Redding, was on our streets to
Souvenir Tea at Baxter & Rogers 75
1 was in jail with Marple some three
Consul General Bonhatu. formerly of
cle of Cunningham’s wife.
i da-v-
cents a jar.
or four week* before he was execute.I.
We understand that Mr. Howe of Ils always told about the wame story i Salem, has been very ill with a native
Duck shooting has commenced at Sau
E ast O f T he M ountains .—John I North Yamhill will put in a stock ot about the murder, an I in substance tliat fever at Calcutta, but now is improving,
I Vie* Island.
Kirkwood, accompanied by his family,
it was Eastman and Claik an 1 quite a
John H. Mitchell, Jr., h«s been ap-
See ad in another column ol Mis. left Tuesday morning for Idaho where
eltizeim of Lalayetto, to­ j pointed attorney fur the N. 1*. It. K. Co.,
G. R. Bodie has returned home from number
> Hfuart’s sail
gether with the Masons,that committed
they intend to go into the sheep business. Portland for the winter.
the murder, till the day before he was i in place of James Me.Naught, promoted.
Mrs. Patty accompanied her husband Their intended ranch is in a rough un­
Any one wanting a receipt for the de- hanged, at which time I said to hiiu that
The official report of the catch ol whal­
I to Tennessee.
civilized part of Idaho. Mr. Kirkwood J struction of chicken lice would do well I did not believe these statements hs had ing vessels for the season show a total
i McMinnville, Yamhill County, Oregon.
Will Ionov left for Eugene City Mon . has heretofore been over that section and to cull on or address, J. E. Swanson of been talking to me about those men
this place as his remedy nevei fails.
day morning.
murdering Corker and that tho time of 300 whalea. The value of the total is
hirst Term begins bcpleinlier 7th, 1887 Tuition in Preparatory Department $5 00 per
says it is the best sheep country to his
Messrs. McKaskey & Reid had a wax near at hand for bis execution, and nearly $2,000,000.
term; in Academic, $7 00; In Collegiate, $10.00 Instructions thorough and tiractical.
Dr. Tucker -■ new building is fast n«at- mind that he has ever seen. It is their
l ing completion.
intontion to stay there about three years good trade in cigars election day. Had I would like to know all about it. Then, i An over dose of some powerful medi­ A boarding hall w ill be conducted in the I ollege building under the management of •
' plenty of McMinnville cigar*.
Dr. Haines, of North Ysmbill ran in beh.-ru returning to this valley. With
would enter into a vow to never tell any j cine, carelessly administered bv lier steward where good board can be had at $2.75 per week. Those who prefer board in
many regiets from their friends they ! Some of the boys got left to the tune one in ease he should be executed, he j mother, is said to have robbed Clara private families can secure board from $2 75 to $4 00 i'or further information, address
the city Tuesday.
-a. J good bye.
I of a few dollars on the election. Better would tell inn the straight of it. 1 took . Louisu Kellogg of her voiie forever.
AT if 1 dzAT» r ’* I
I 1 ZV1 rl 1
-^* t’. t'HAX', «<»<-. of Hear*.
Mrs. Judge Doady ol Portland arrived
k ’ll 1'L 1OL V ct. ( < I 1OJ4 I It?.
MsMluavlllo Ursgoa.
uiakevour bets on McMinnville after all the vows he requested me to take. I
hero on Wednesday.
Then he told me he bad cornu to actual !
S keleton M ounted .—There is now
Roy Wiles has painted a very neat being mounted in the Chicago academy
N. B. Stevenson has moved into the want, und having knowledge that Corker j llsiHondo, Irish members of the British
sign for Mrs. A. E. Tucker.
had money, he proceeded to make these ■ parliament who have been in San Fran­
of sciences, the skeleton of the mas­ Lindberg property.
plans for lobbing bitn ; Said his mother i
Al St. Clair and (Ins Detmering went todon discovered in 1878 on Hangman
n.‘< (|Ueni!y B uhii . vhh is Booming at the-*
That job of painting at the chi’rch was intimate with Mr. Corker and had I cisco lor some lime, leit for the east last
1 1< Nkl R Foot and 81»oe stole, lam now
duck shooting last Wednesday.
visited him privately ; that oil the night Monday.
creek, in the Southwestern part of Spo.
pared to meet my oh! fl ivnds andpatron»
Where are the sportsmen of this town, kane county. The measurements of the rapidly. It don’t always pay to import of tlio murder liis mother was in Mr.
Owing to the high freights and scare ity
and treat them with the best quality of
your workmen.
•bout time for another pigeon shoot.'
Coi ket’» bediooin when he was mur­ of vesBsels, several vessels have nearly
Boots and ^lioes in the market, at the low­
keleton are as follows: Height, 13
est possible living prices, and made out of
Mr. J. W. Reid of this place will ship dered and drugged him; that I itnself foundered from overloading. Some of
Another coon hunt should bo consid- feet; length of tusks, 9 feet 10 inches;
best material
I will not sell you boots
a nice lot of dressed ltQgs to Portland
tlie coon hunters of tfiis viein-
’ct%d ;
ami shoes that are tunned by the not liquor
the robbery before that night, and that Lliem have carried double their register­
eircumferance of tusk at base, 21 inches; tomorrow.
money and buy your
they did not intend to murder him. but ed tonnage.
length of molars in mandible, 10 inches;
Boots and Shoes where you will not be’ im­
Our school is so crowded that all of f I to rob him ; said lie hadstudied Medicine
J C. t >oper left Wednesday to survey length of lower jaw or mandible, 22
posed upon
No charge made for bew’tng
The sale of the Evening Beo of San
• new i . ’. in the neighborhood of New- inches; height of pelvis. 34 inches; the out side pupils had to be excluded and knew tho effects of ihngs.
rips on goods that 1 sell. Sign of the BIG
I breadth of pelvis, 62 inches; length of in order to dojustice to those withiu the After waiting long enough tor the drug Diego, Mrs. Clara Foltz’s paper, is con­
r”, BOOT opposite the Grange Store. McMinn- -
villc, (Jr* '
given bv liis mother to take < ff'eet, he firmed. It was purchased by A. H.
Frank Rogerc dropped into the town humerus, 45 inches.
Mr. W. E. Kutcli and S. M. Kelsev went to tho door to get in, but found it Howard and Tliouias Fitch. Tho price
Ttissduy, he returned Wednesday to
E astern F isherman .—Captain Ilawn returned home from the Grand Rondel fastened. Than went around by the side was $15.Odd.
of the bouse and crept through the win­
Joyce, of Portland, Me., who owns a on Tuesday last they have been work­ I dow, and after he got in Mr. Corker
Wanted.—Ail kinds of wrought and
ing for survevar Fenton for some time.1
The governor of California has offered
cast irofi
Cash on delivery. Apply to fleet of fEhing vessels on the Atlantic The boys, look as though their camp life was in an uneasy stupor. Then his a reward ot $250 for the arrjst and con­
mother suggested that if they robbed I
Carl Your.g.
coast, l ift there for Tacoma last Tues­ had done them good.
him he might wake up and she would he I viction of tho murderers of Erank Har­
You can get four ol the finest combs, day. He has secured all the inlomia-
Our weather prophet from Tanther arrested for the robbery. Then he advane- , land, found dead at American Hill, in
in a neat little case, for 50 cents, at tion possible in the east on the fisheries creek was in town today, he says we will eil the idea that they would kill him and [
•Sierra county, Oct. 22.
“Kogers & Todd’s, tf
ot Alaska and lias started for the pur- have 30 snow storms tiiis winter. Bet­ fire tho building. Ilin mother then took j
John C. Davis a prominent Odd Fel­
A new ]>oBtoflice lias been established jHise of looking the grounds over. If he
D utchy .
and struck him a glancing blow with I low living near Oakville, died Monday
it Klickitat comity. W. T., under the repoi ts favorably, a large fleet of Port­
the pole or back of the axon t’.c forehead, last from the result of having a tooth ex­
a me of Haulwater.
land vessels wilt try their foitune on the
which brought him out of j,j4 stupor
Roll of Honor.
Tho toboggans for use on the slide al Pacific coast. It is also reported that
into a struggling position. Then 1 e tracted. A great flow of blood choked
'he Dalles have arrived and all that is several other men largely interested in
(Marple) ga'.be-cd tne ax ont of the old him, suffocation ensuing.
Fairview School.
the fisheries of the east will start soon
»«led now is snow.
lady’e hand and commencedenttinghim
Major Saulsbury and his famous Ken­
for a lark around this northwest coast.
Yamhill Co., Or.
with the edge. But as lie lay in a wrong
Roy Wiles began to paper the Odd
position for a left-handed man, it was tucky horse Director, have arrived Pleas­
'allows hall . ticsday.
G ri . at C elebration .—Saturday night No. 24 of Yamhill county Oregon, having some time befote he got * satisfactory anton Cal. Mr. Saulsbury paid $30,000
lice alter finishing.
Frank Klotlchek hired the band to help received oue bundled percent indspart- blow in on him. But finally lie ga-ve for tho horse, be will be wintered over
AV here are all the i.iigldy nimrods
him a center blow which brought Lun
iho usually are telling hunting stories him celebrate the defeat of the prohibi­ ment and attained an average of 90 per dead, after which they obtained the and entered in tho coming races.
tionists in Oregon. Mr. Klouckek ac­ cent and above in their studies are en­
t this time of the year.
The citizens ef Souttlo, W. “T., have
money,$206.75, which was to bo divided,
The dance Friday night was a complete companied by a good sized ksg of brandy titled to have their names placed on th« one-hall to liis mother and one-half to asked the revenue marine bureau to send
uccess. Dancing was kept up until and several sub kegs went to tba block roll of honor for tho school month be­ him. liis mother took the money.
tli« revenue cutter Bear to the Sound to
After lie was murdered they straight­ assist the cutter Wolcott in protecting
I o’clock in the morning.
near the public school ami ventej tliei» ginning Oct. 17th and closing Nov. 11th
S. Messenger and wife have rented feeling« and th« brandy keg. lie had a 1887.
unurder had been committed by the commerce and so foith in tho Straits
he old St. Charles betel and arc furnish- large banner on wliicfi was emblazoned Cora Kaufman........................................ 150 Masonic order. After tho nurdor they of Fuca.
ag it and will open it this week.
the following device “Prohibition! Good Eva Fletcher............................................ 96 thought they heard a noise on the out­
Louis Hitrmanson who was sentenced
Born.—Sunday morning, Nov. 13th., bye Oregon” It seems that the powder Ida Fletcher............................................ 98 side, and then Marple helped his mother
887, to the wife of Geo. Jones of this on which tbe event was to bo celebrated Yitol Reid................................................ 95 out of the building and then he went | on Saturday last at Ilalena, Montana
had become wet with the brandy ana Lottie Reid ............................................. 94 out, and himself and inothur returned i to two years in the penitentiary for burg­
ity a boy. Every one doing well.
would not burn, gome more was sent for Lizzie Ross............................................... 05 homo as fast as they could. Said the
It is stated on good authority that a and after several attempts a nqiso wa» Emma Ross.............................................. 9J murder was committed between 9 lary, triad to commit suicide Monday by
, large roller pro*_ bh flouring mill will heard, The baud played several air» Clark Allison........................................ 100 and 10 o'cl ock in il.o evening. He said I opening tba arteries in his wrist with a
io built infuiscity
in t’.ds city during the coming and dispersed. A number ol them had Tl!"t
:!:---:ln2 mat uoi uer was a man wno ucca»iunaiiy ~?n k»i;i<>. It was discovered anJ the
a “nmiie” wo should judge, by the grin Earnest Bingham...................................... 90 took a drink, and in that w.iy liis moth­
their faces »» they oatne back from Duncan Ross.......................................... 98 er druggod him. That his mother Lad flow of blood stopped and hie recovery
Clarence Turnar returned from The on
Howard Kaufman.....................
97 acted a hog and had not givon hi* wife is possible.
Jallas last Frida v. He has been, work-
onc-lialf tho money. Said he hud in­
A desperate conflict between a mob
ng in a saw mill 13 miles southwest of
W heat M oving .A-It is seen by th? Maurice Roof............................................ 95 tended to leave town that night after the and tho police occurod iu London last
.'he Dalles.
following from the News that wheat is Colon Eberhard...................................... 90 murder, to throw suspicion off'from him Sunday, in the encounter 2u0 ol the peo­
If you are in McMinnville, and want
but found his wife in such a state of
out of the country, when it *11
i good meal or a good bed, go to the
health that he did not think it safe to ple were severely injured and a large
ulentral hotel; only two blocks from the goes, that is, the amount stored in Port­
leave her.
number of the police hurt badly. The
I said something to him about it be­ cans« cftb« affray was the forbidding
main business street.
land, the chances arc that wheat will
ing such a horrible thing to kill a man
£0P*'Farmers and their families will raise in price. “The British bark An-
Business is business. The time has in that way for money. He said that in chief of police.
find Mrs Stuart’s restaurant, opposite drosea cleared yesterday for Queens­
case of actual want it wit* nothing more
the Grange store, just the place to take town with 92,800 bushels of wheat on come for you to think about buying your to kill a man than to kill a hog. He told
Among tho mon working in the Mon­
• meal, when in town.
board, valued at $64,000. The British millinery goods for tho winter. There me that be helped to kill an old lady at
A grand mnsquerado ball will bo given ship Netherby cleared for the same port are plenty inviting you to come. You Oregon City; I think the name wa* tana central tunnel uear Wickes was a
at North 5’amliill on Thanksgiving night with 80,455 bu.-iheia Of wheat, valued at intend getting as much as you can, and Huger. Said she was killed with a Finnish workman whose name cannot be
i hatchet; that she was a tiger, and fought learned, on last Monday he jumped
and a general good time is predicted for
The British siiip Charlotte the best you can for the money. Lt will desperately.
That the first ono that
•11 who wish to participate.
Croom, also cleared for Queenstown j pay you to bo sharp and look for the tackcled her sho got tiie best of, and from his bunk*with a SScalibro revolver
Mrs. Henry Warren and Mis. Mary wirh 65,433 bushels ot wheat, valued at !
Williams, wife of Senator William» of $57,000.” The total number of bushels store w here you will get your money’s ! that he (Marple) caught the hatchet and in his hand and without a word shot
worth, and that is at Mrs. II. I*. .Stirart’s > struck her and she pushed iiim back John Eid, dead.
The murderer then
Clackamas county, me visiting Mrs. and being 237,488.
" The total value being i niilj
' inèrv
j store, opposite the Grange ■ and the hatchet was dropped, and the cooly turned and shot John Fenberg an­
dr. J. E. Magers of this city.
tnninit /■.>,,
»za z»z-»»i_
$176.000. This amount
can noto
now 1 be
con- I store, - McMinnville, Or.
' third man caught it and dealt her a fatal
Just as we expacted. ’ The Reporter sidered as being in circulation in this
I blow and finished her; said one ot the other fellow workman, then to mnko e
s the only paper in Yamhill county. country.
men lost his shirt collar in the struggle; suitablo ending he killed himself.
This paper is hilarious from tho fatt
! that they did not get much money; that
liat it does not resemble it in any man­
A prize fight, McAu'iff champion light
F or the S outh .—Mr. Tim Patty,
A well established Millinery business ' be was wearing a ring that be got from weight of America and Carney champion
I from M ik , Hager, and that he took It off
southern passenger agent of the North­
in the thriving city of McMinnville, rea­ her finger after she was killed; that of England took place in a barn at Ro-
The wheat swindlers who worked the
am.»rii in the vicinity of Eugene City ern Pacific, w ho has liis headquarters at sons for selling out fixtures and goods, they had heard that she hud got a check
isve bean arrested in San Francisco at Johnson City, Tennesae, left yesterday loo much business, having charge of a fora considerable amount of money and vere beach, near Boston, Wednesday
ho request of Sheriff Sloan of Lane for that section with a party which,
she ha I tho money, but they morning at 1 o’clock. Seventv-four ter­
restaurant. For patticulars call on or supposed
rific rounds were fought, in which both
find it.
with several additions to be picked up address,
M rs . H. P. S tuart ,
Said he wa’ one ot tho parties that men received terrible punishment The
The Multnomah typogiapliical union at Winlock and Spokane Falls, will
Opposite Grange store.
helped to kill a French woman in Port­ fight lasted four hours and fifty-five
lave declared all the
land and that they got quite a sum of
ha employing printers
st ion, ¡ii- number seventeen. Among them arc
For Sale.
money; that she was killo l by being minutes. On the savonty-fourth round
air offices and forbid a.uv union mar, three young men going back to get mar­
chopped to death ; that there were four the meeting broke up in a general row.
rorking in them.
ried, two in old Tennesse and one in the
Two lots with good house, well, and persons connected with it—three inside ' The referee called the fight a draw.
It is said that Marple mads a conie.-- Carolinas. It seems like going to New­
liou to a jail bird.
No one beileved castle alter coals to leave Oregon to ! barn, situated in a desirable part of the that done the work and ono outside I
John Hogan of Dufur Or. died Wed­
j city of McMinhville Or. A good war­ watching.
ifarple before he was executed, no mat­
11« said that ho had manufactured the i nesday from wounds inflicted by his own
er what lie said, and why s.muld this hunt for a girl to wed. But these young rardoe deed will be given to purchaser.
men have only lived in Otegon for a The terms are cash. For information I story implicating the sheriff and otbe- ’ hand. Sunday morning he had a quar­
tatement be taker, for the truth.
or so, in Yamhill, and have not concerning tiiis property call at tho T el ­ I citizens of I<ufayette. and the Miisens, i rel with Lis wife and shot five times at
North Yamhill is to have a turkey
with the mindsr of Corker to throw the ’
out thal the rosy-cheeked ephone office, McMinnville, Or.
hoot on Thanksgiving.
There are as
suspicion off fioin himself, and to get her, ths ball taking effect in her arm
ood turkeys laying around this town as girls of Oregon beat the belles of Tenn-
even on tlmse who i,ud b-en active ini and one in her band. He then shot
here are in the vicinity of North Yam- ease, and so are going hack after the
; convicting him. That he had w ritten |
girls they left behind thpm. It is to be
The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, out thisstory and committed it to mem- ' himself in the breast tho ball coming out
liil, bo why not have a shoot here.
hoped that tho young fellows may get Bruises. Sores, Ulcers. Salt Rheum,
under the shoulder, ft was a very un­
J. E. Ross, of Astoria, is working at married for good, and have the knot Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, > ory, so he could toll it just alike every!
the shop of Williams & Hibbs', merch- tied securely, so that they may nevor ! Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erupt­ time. That they thought him a fool, , fortunate affair. Hogan was a well-to-do
¡••it tail« s. Mr. Ross is one of the best join the cndieBs throng which is con­ ions, and positively cures Piles, or no !>ut tliev were badly left on that. Tliat farmer, and an old settler, II« leaves
feuUers n the Pacific coast. Mr. Ross stantly keeping tho divorce courts here pay required. It is guaranteed to give lie had an extraordinary memoiy. If he I a wife and four children, Ho was quar-
was reprieved I was never to mention j
inte:: ’■
bring his family to this city busy.—Oregonian 14th.
perfect satisfaction, cr monev refunded. this. lie did not want ms to ever men- ! relsome when drunk, but gonerally eon-
»Ke this his permanent residence.
Price 25 cents per box. Rogere<kTodd. tion anything alomt hi* mother being aidered a good ctizeu.
F ine V egetables —Last week James ,
'. IL & N. have, concluded to put
I connected with this murder. He said I
tthe steamer R, R. Thompson on the Sparks who has been tip in the Big (J oins A head .—The Astoria railroad the reason li« implicated T. J. Harris,
A gold strike has been made on th«
route between Portland and Astoria, Bend country, in Washington Territory, subsidy goes right ahead, according to the sheriff, was because ho had been j Hos.sayampa river ten miles from Pres­
fhe will run in the night, leaving Poit-
overbearing to him in jail and had not
land at 8 or 9 p. m., arriving in Astoria brought into this office several epeci- the Astorian. J. O. Ilanthorn gives in I treated him right, ami lie wanted to kill cott, Arizona, which is by far richer than
•t 6 a. m.. leave Astoria at 6 p. m , and mens of farm produce from that section, th* latest additions to his list as follows : him in tho eves of the jieople. At the anything ever discovered in the known
arrive in Portland at 4 a. m.
They were grown in what is known as Ben Young, $500; W. F. McGregor, $200; timo 1 was talking to him I was in the) world. The averages ate $1000 per ton,
X psrty of hunters left Wednesday the Badger mountain country. Potatoes Gnat. Holmes, $100; W. II. Lewis, $50; ; north corridor ot ilie jail alone, and lie I ami 1000 tons in sight. Last Sunday M c M innville , hcf . unkvh . le crossing ami caplton , orecgn .
morning for the neighborhood of Bald of the average size are way ahead of the : J. 11. Langworthy, $25; David Airth, iva’in liis cell and the ottier prisoners two men with acoinmari mortar |>ouiided
mountain, after deer. Al St.Clair, A.
$20. Frank Sweeny, $10. Bv getting up were in tho south corridor. Theconver- j
Arthur, Hoover, Fred Keller and one average in this valley. Corn can be on ’tiptoe you can see clean over the Ration was interrupted by the other nris out $800 in less than one hour. A man
other made the crowd. This is fine grown there as good as any place in the hundred and fifty thousand dollars. The oners coining around to where we were. I | with a knife cau scale off a handful in a
Weather for deer to be moving and the east, specimens show. Onions which money is about ready; now for the man. I did not have Inns to got a fall state- ' few minutes. Thors is considerable of
party are confident of making a big kill­ measured over eighteen inches in cir­ I
meiit from him, as wo could only talk ! tli« rock in sight which will go $75,000
P rize E ssays W ajixed .—The Amer­ w hen thi! other prisoners were on the to the ton, people are flocking there in
cumference. In all the specimens were
other aide ol the cells. We had to talk
Jeff Fenton and his crew left Tuesday
for the Grand Itotide Reservation to fin­ a fine lot, and persons wishing to see ican Protective Tariff League offer« to in a low voice to keep tho other prisoners great numbers. This river heretofore
from hearing ns. 1 bad no opportunity has produced millions in placer mining*
ish surveying and alloting. Only one
crew will work, as Mr. Malonv owing to etables can call around at this office and and univegsitie of the United States the to talk with him after that time on on one occasion a pocket was found that
kickness in his family will not he able to see the specimens, Mr. Sparks has following prizes for es«avs favoring a Thursday. I knew nothing about these produced $100,000 in a few weeks.
help finish. It will take at least six taken up sonic land and will move there protective tariff: For the best e“say,$250 things except what he told t.w. Marple
11« intends to raise for the second best, $100; for the third also told me that his mother would
reeks to finish the survey under these in the spring.
stock and will take up about ono hun­ best, $50, and for other essay.’, deemed have given the whole thing away if she
dred head <>f young cattle, and is well especially meritorious, silver medals of
Miss Minnie Falk, who attends the pleased with the country as a stock original and approved design, with a had been kept in prison a week longer. 1
; He said that the man that was tried and
by Baxter A
he general delivery window in the country.
favorable mention of the authors in a convicted for llje murder of old Mrs
Portland |>ostoffice, attempted avicide
public notice ot the awards. W. G. Hagor, and now in the p ntilentiary,
londav, by taking laudanum.
P ostponed R ace .—I-ast Saturday. Steel of Portlan, is secretary for Oregon, ha<l nothing to do with the murder of; .
ras saved by the prompt action of a
Ho said lie saw ( lark
•ctor with a atomach pump. The rea- Van De Lashmutt's 4 year old mare andwiil accomodate those desiring fur­ Mr*. Ilagcr.
talking to Mr. Corker and lie thoudit it '
on, that her conduct toward the public Palatina won the postponed race with ther information on the subject.
was about money. That he asked Clark
ran criticized by a Sunday paper.
Penniman's I-ester, trotted the heat in
Book* For Kvarybody.
what they were talking about, but lie
It is reported in the columned eastern 9 2434, beating the coast 4-vear-record. j At 10. 15, 3), 25 cents per copy, in handsome gavs him a Muff answer. That Clark j Apdi ». ;
Appi« ’. <1
aperg that Miss Mattie Mitchell, daugh-
paper Moding by all the popular autnors. had don« all be coul I to convict him, Put at icr .
»r of Senator Mitchell, refused the hand
Rev. A. A. Thayer of the Universalis! Handsome cloth bound gilt eilgr volumes and he wanted to get even with him.
t on. -i<
f a distinguished French suitor,the Due church at Osage, Iowa, will preach st
» itatb or O regon .
by the same authors, at the nstonishing
• la Rochfoucald
No wonder she the Opera house, Sunday at 11 a. m.
i low price of 35 cents ¡»or ropy 'These
rould have to Lave a calling card at
books are a job lot. and can n«»t again lie
I, II. lisss, being duly sworn < i i. ken*.
A social party was given at the resi­ ! bonffht for the same pri<-e. now is vour depose and say that tho above statement D.v k«. pc
saat 10 inches long,
Mie» Mitchell
nd her mo‘ ber
are ip Paris it present. dent* of IVm. Logan’s Monday night.
chance tn bnv At <’has Grisscns
is a true .»nd correct statement of the T
The County Seat Question is now a
Settled Fact,
Wo guarantee our goods to be First Class,,
and the prices as low as the lowest
When you come to our store you will not
be disappointed for we advertise nothing but
what we can fulfill.
We are not winding up our business but
intend to keep right on selling Drugs Pat­
ent Medicines, Stationery, School Books, etc.,
as long as the people of Yamhill ccunty hon-
or us with their patronage.
When you come to our store we guarantee
to give you prompt and courteous attention
and tho lowest price possible, Very Respect-
2d Great Annual Clear
ance Sale
For the Next Twenty Days
Gome early if you want
the Best Bargains.
are now prepared to receive for storage, ail
Warehouse .. They also offer to sell or lend
sacks at a low price. They bought their
sacks <‘arly in the season and it will be to tho
farmer’s advantage to call and see them be­
fore making arrangements for storing their
grain of this season.*
Long expcriciiee in buying grain gives
solid assurance' that the fnrnicv’sinterests will
be carefully guarded.
Thoir warehouse has been fitted up with
new machinery and is now iu a good con­
dition for saving grain.
t -'
v —. %
•- «a-VWl.