The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, November 18, 1887, Image 3

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I Door North of cor er Third aod E Sta ,
rear ........
í months
9'2 (XI
. 1 00
In the county, the new acorn .
ese stoves, without doubt, are the best
ve manufactured. One of these stoves will
given to the new cash subscriber to the
iLEPHONE who guesses nearest its weight.
f|n Stove tri ven away.
5 lUU
Schofield & Morgan,
87 Washington St.,
Portland, Oregon.
all and Ceiling Papers
Of all Grades and the Latest Eastern Styles------
king, Hair Cutting and- - - -
- - - - Slmmpoing Parlors.
C. H. FLEMING, Prop.
11 kinds of fancy hair cutting done In
latest and neatest style
)1 kind« of funcy hair dressing and hair
jg a specialty Special attention given
Ladies’ and Childrens* Work
also have for sale a very fine assort­
it of hair oils, hair tonics, cosmetics, etc
• I have in connection with my parlor,
> • the largest and finest stock of
. Evdl in the city.
S trest M c M innvilh . O bbooh
Tall Oaks From Little Acorns
With brains and skill and patient will.
Which shows them great painstakers!
The Wagon that has pleased the world.
Was made by S tudebakers
The Country grew with rapid strides;
The West with teeming acres,
Was in a quandry what to do!
Till relieved by S tudebakers .
S o , with Iron and Wood and labor good,
Though they have many Imitators ;
If you want the Wagon that’s best on earth !
Just buy of S tudebakers .
The^moral is plain, which you may know*
And if you look, you may see also*
That the largest daks from Acorns grow;
The same as the S tudebakers .
New Blacksmith Shop!
SAM LIKENS, Proprietor.
Blacksmithing and carriage ironing of
every description.
RANK BRO'S. Implement Co.
Horse Shoeing
And plow work a specialty.
ITH’S Machine Works
Also manufacture the
Fill be found a complete stock of U^nCelabrated Oregon Iron Harrow,
FORD plows, including the Carbon-
I Steel plow, and SMITH’S Patent
Iking Gang. These plows are some-
ig new and useful and it coats
c M innville
king to try them. Also the new HA­
NA Press Drill, call and look before
rfng elsewhere. I am also prepared
furnish castings and steam fixtures
ihort notice.
Cor Third and D streets, McMinnville
ffl 1 STOTT WB!
warehouse has been thoroughly reno­
ted and overhauled, and new accom­
modations added.
lest Cash Prices Paid for Grain.
Irect Shipment» to San Francisco,
la but standard Calcutta Sacka kept
lud let on the moat reasonable terma.
a?O:R.A.(3-2Hl 3 CEKT9.
Third Street, between E and F
Henderson Bros. Props.
First-class accommodations for Commer­
cial men and general travel.
Transient stock well cared fur.
Proprietor of the
The Best Rigs in the City. Orders
Promptly attended to Day or
McMinnville, Oregon.
Honest Weight. Fair Dealing.
«¡Hi Mry Sta,
Everything new and in First-dees Order
Patronage respectfully solicited
The leading
Third Street. McMinnvil'e Or.
You want any tiling in the line of
Hair wearing ami Stamping.
ob Printing
Call At the office of the W1WT
will guarantee you
We make a specialty ot Fina
ik and Card Printing.
—Dealer in all kinds of—
Flour and Feed
—Goodi «old at—
The Lowest Cash Price
Delivered F ree !
Phyaioiaa & Surgeon,
Opposite Grange Store McMinnville. Or.
3. A. YOUNG. M. D.
---- THE LEADER IN-----
OlMOV. |
Ice and residence on D street.
promptly auswered day or night.
To all partons residing within city limits.
Lyle AVritçht
D.aler in
.Wass' Baildins.
Harness. Saddles, Etc, Etc.
Repairing neatly done al reasonable
Wright’s new huildlna
Corner Third
and F tirent, MeMmnviUa. Or.
Love make* the solid grossness musical;
All lueltcu in the marvel of its breaths.
Life's level facts attain a lyric swell,
And liquid births leap up from rocky deaths,
Witching tho world with wonder. Thus, today,
Watching the crowding peop e in the street,
I thought the ebbing and the flowing feet
Moved to a delicate sense of rhythm ulway;
And that I heard the yearning faces say,
“Soul, sing me this new song!” The autumn
Throbbed subtly to me an immortal tune;
And when a warm shower wet the roofs at noon,
Soft melodies slid down on mo from the eaves.
Dying delicious iu a mystic swoon.
—Richard Realf.
The waves break on the shore of the North
sea. A sharp wind from tho north sweeps
over its surface, driving the waves high be­
fore it. On their crests rises and sinks the
white foam. How the water surges forward,
as if it woulj i nsù far into the land. But
again and ap/^n it retreats from the white
sand, only to return in basto the next morn­
On the shore lies stretched out thefvillage of
Husom. Every little bouse stands by itself,
often separated from its neighbor by a wide
space of perhaps fifty feet, which is generally
made into a garden, in which a few feeble
plants draw a scanty nourishment from the
ground. With no less difficulty do the inhab­
itants of Ilusom manage to get their living.
They are all fishermen, and the sea is their
real home, on which they go out for miles to
cost their nets. When the sun shines on a
smooth surface it is au exhilarating occupa­
tion, but w hen a sudden storm springs up
while the boats are far from land and a fog
settles down upon the water like a broad,
heavy mantle, then one understandshow hard
are the conditions and the perpetual danger
attending the labor by which these men earn
their bread.
The sea runs high and most of the boats
have pulled in to land. Two men are still
working to save their property in the same
way. They are both young, large, vigorous
men, with sun burned face* and toil hardened
At hist their boats too rest on the shore
firmly secured. “Laro,” said one of the men,
straightening up and buttoning his short
jacket, “this will be a fierce blow to-night.”
The other nodded: “It is lucky that none
of us are out.”
Meanwhile they have started homeward,
and stri« le along together in silence. The
only street of the village is quiet. It is dark,
here and there a faint light gleaming from a
little window.
They are passing a small house, and, almost
as if by a secret agreement, they approach
and glance through the lighted window to
the inside. Au old man with white hair aiad
beard sits in a large arm chair; his head bns
fallen forward on his breast—a piatire of the
life fa&t sinking to rest. At the table, on the
opposite side, sits, in bright contrast, a young
girl, sewing—a fresh, lovely face, with round,
rosy cheeks and luxuriant, fair hair. Kate
Mason is the prettiest girl in the village, and
the most industrious, on whom many a young
fellow looks with earnest glance. Early and
late she is busy, supporting heroelf and her
aged father by her own hands.
The loiterers at the window have turned
and gone on their way. At lust Lars said:
•‘Good night, Christoph,” and crossed the
street to his home. He had heard the reply
to his greeting, and now waited and listened,
standing by the fence that inclosed bis little
tract of ground. Christoph had not gone on,
but bad turned back—for what? Laro felt a
misgiving. He, too, hastened back. The
wind drives fall in his face, but he does not
heed. Now he bears Christoph’s steps before
him, but cannot see, for it is very dark.
There stands the little bouse where Katie
Mason lives. Christoph stands by the win­
dow. Lars sees him plainly in the light of
tho lamp that falls full upon him. He hears
a tap on tho window, and now Christoph has
bis hand on the door, and it opens before
“Thou, Christoph? What brings thee so
late?” asked Katie, holding on to the door,
which the storm was shaking.
“I was passing und saw thee sitting, so I
stopped to Lid thee ‘sleep well.’”
“Thou dearl” sho said, putting out her
The wind seized the door thus set free, and
flung it wide open against tho wall. But
Christoph, using all his strength, drew
the girl into the ball und closed tho door.
Lars grew hot under his coarse jacket; hot in
spito of the blustering wind. He stepped close
to the door and heard speaking within, but
could not distinguish anything. He waited,
his heart filled with the pangs of jealousi.
How long ho stood he knew not; it seemed an
eternity to him. At last the door opened and
Christoph stepped out. ‘ Sleep well, dear girl,”
ho whispered. u“Goodby, dear Christoph.”
Tho key was tumed in the lock. Christoph
went home, the joy of love requited in his
heart. The other, too, tumori homeward,
but a long time pa. sed before Le reached the
little bouse.
They had grown up together—Lars, Chris­
toph and Katie. Tho three bad played to­
gether continually as children, and Katie
would l)e carried by no others or drawn on
the sled by none but Lars or Christoph.
When they grew larger th« v went to school
together and were confirmed together in the
lit le church of the neighboring village. No
strife bad ever come between them, never
bad tho girl shown whether she had pre­
ferred one of the lads to the other. As there
developed into strong men, Kat io bloomed
into still greater beauty, as was apparent
to other young men of the village, and
Rob Steffel ventured to intimate as much, in
a rough fashion, to thè girl. Tho following
day his placo in the boat was empty; ho was
sick, his father said—the truth was, Rob
would not show his discolored face. From
that time tho young fellows held themselves
aloof from Katie Mason. But Between Lars
and Christoph the old intimacy began grad­
ually to diminish. They went with Katie to
her first dance. Who should be her flret
partner? They disputed long over it out of
the girl’s hearing, and nt last, with heated
face”, appeal'd to her to choose between
them. Katie looked at them, and for the
first time felt a misgiving that if she chose
one the other would l>e deeply hurt. 8o sb«
said: “It make« no difference to me which 1
dance with first, but if it is of so mu« h ac­
count to you draw cuts»” They did so, and
Christoph was the lucky one. While they
were settling the matter Katie looked on with
apparent indifference, but her heart beat fast
under h«r budice, and when it was deci«led
she almost nn< onscinwly smiled with evident
pleasure. Lars «aw it, and from that day
jealousy began to take root deeper and deeper
in his heart, and there was no lack of ocra-
sion to develop it. Margrit Hermensen,
Katie’* best friend, went to the altar to plight
her faith. K»tie was chosen to cany the
wreath, occotrpani *d by Christoph. When
Lars bear«! of it be or>p*wed it vehemently.
Both young men grew violent, and onlv
Katie's preserve of mind in declaring she did
not wish to go to the wedding prevented per
baixi the very worst outbreak of Lar/ pa-
»¡Oliate storm of anjrr. After that the two
avoided w< h other as much as poesilile, hut
wMigbt to be with Katie. Each knew the» the
«uu Used the firi, aa4 beta felt »ecretlj
conscious to whom Katie’s heart Inclined.
Cnristopb, the calmer and more self possessed,
felt a silent, blissful happiness taking posses­
sion of his heart when the girl looked at him
with her blue eyes so sweetly ami kindly.
Lars, more vehement, believed at times that^
Katie loved him, her manner was always so
cordial. But, again, when he saw her with
ChrLtopb, a voice within told him that he was
not tho favored one, and ho suffered bitter
torment. So it bud gone on till the evening
when the young fishermen returned together
from the shore. Christoph’s heart beat last at
the quiet, peaceful scene in old Mason’s cot­
tage, and it drew him back with irresistible
power to leave a greeting for tho beloved one
But after ho bad entered the hall, in bis effort
to close the door, so violently flung open by
tho storm, he suddenly became conscious of
Katie in his arms. And while it raged ami
stormed without bo kissed her, and in wild
happiness he whispered: “Katie, do you love
me?” She did not answer, but her lips pressed
Theiiext morning Lars stood on the shore
mending his boat, when Rob Steffel came by.
“You are early, though you came home
late. Were you with your sweetheart?”
Lars looked at him, red with anger. He
struck the wood with his ax, and the chips
flew far around.
“Hobo!” continued the ether, “you did not
have good luck, it seems.”
“Keep still!” cried Lars. “What is it to
you whether I have good luck or not?”
Rob Steffel stepped nearer. “You are un­
just to me,” he said. “A big fellow like you
should not take it so meekly. Christoph has
plainly taken the fish away from you.”
Lars made no answer, but his band clasped
the ax convulsively. “You and I have no
love for Christoph,” continued Rob; “let us
join together against him,” ami he held out
his hand.
“I want nothing to do with you,” replied
Lars, ami t irneil away, resuming bis work.
Rob Steffel laughed scornfully, and went
away, but the sling that his words contained
remained in Lars’ breast. When the other
was out of sight he flung down his ax, ami
went back to the village. Slowly, with down­
cast head, he walked. Before the house of
old Mason be paused, then with a sudden
resolution lie entered. But, as if bound, he
stood in the doorway—in the room stood
Katie tenderly embraced by Christoph. A
painful silence prevailed for a moment, then
toward Lars, put out his
band, and
“Katie is my betrothed
since last evening. 1 intended to come di­
rectly to you and tell you.”
He did not answer, only a bitter smile quiv­
ered on bis lips. It was excessively painful
to the girl. She felt what a blow she had
given him, though blameless herself. She
longed to say something to him, but could
not And the right hord. So she only looked
at him, and without sjieaki^g held out her
hand to him, but he turned away and left the
Toward noon the shore was alive with men.
The sea gleamed in the sunshine again, the
waves played gently, and a soft wind was
blowing. The day was favorable for a large
haul. All the fishermen of the village were
gathered together, tho nets and oars were
put into the boats, the sails spread wide, and
the litt'e fleet sailed far out into the broad,
beautiful sea. Katie stood on tho shore,
sending greetings to her sweetheart as long as
his boat was in sight. Then she went home,
smiling happily to herself. She had much to
do. After she had seen to her old
father, who sat quietly in his chair and
smoked a short pipe, she went about her work.
How it flew under her hands today, though
frequently sho stopped, gazing down
lost in sweet dreams. Then she worked so
much the faster again. So hour after hour
flew by unheeded. At last the day’s task was
ended and Katie went to the door. But the
weather bad changed, the sun had* disap­
peared b?hind thick clouds and the sky hung
in gray lol Is over the sea. The fishermen
also bad finished their work. Tho rich booty
lay in tho boats, promising a fine reward for
their hard labor. But in the east it was black
ami threatening. They must reach home be­
fore the storm came on. The little sails
spread out, tho ships flew over the water,
causing the foam to break over t'no deep drip­
ping sides. Then came tho first blow strong
against the sails; the load«*! boats threatened
to upset. Thu men were forced to take in
sails and tnist wholly to tho oars. It grew
dark, and tho sea lifted itself restlessly into
huge, far rolling waves. Then the storm
broke loose with wild force; it howled and
lashed tho sea till it reared in short, foam
capped waves. Tho men row ad with all their
might; tho shore could not be far away,
though it was not visible iu the darkness.
Ahead of all the others shot Christoph’s boat;
close behind him was Lare’. It seemed as if
the two were running a race for the safety of
tho shore. A W’ave seized Christoph's boat,
lifted it high and flung it with its broad side
against the end of Lars’ vessel, breaking it in.
Luro saw it sinking before him. A thought
shot through bls heart, frightful and vivid;
“Let the waves bury Christoph and Katie is
yours.” But the thought was gone in a mo­
ment; in the next he had leaned far out,
grasped the constant friend of bis youth, now
struggling with death. But be lost his own
balance, sitting on the extreme edge. He
flung out his hand to catch iiol«l of somet hing,
but found nothing, and plunged headlong. A
huge wav(*seiz<*d the boat, threw it far from
the place, and in the roaring of the waves a
last, despairing cry was lost.
At last the fishermen had painfully reached
the shore. Women and old men full of an­
guish stood waiting the returning ones.
“Katie,” cried a voice from the darkness,
and tho girl felt herself embraced by two
“Christoph I thank heaven that you are
She led him to her bouse. He was silent
all the way, only bolding her fast. She, too,
hardly spoke. When they reached the bouse,
she noticed for the first time that bis clothet
were saturated, and asked the reason, Then
his mouth quivered with repressed pain,
while he answered:
“KaS *, the storm destroyed my boat.
Lars snatched me from tho waves, but be
hiinrelf fell into the sea and ’—-
“WhatP Ebe asked, breathlessly.
“I couid nRt save bitn,” be said, almost in
After a few «lays the sea washed tb« Ixxiy
of Laro ashore. It was the only sacrifice it
bad demanded that day. Lars had no pa­
rents living, but even parents could not have
shed more burning tears than Katie and
Christ' ph when bo was buried in the little
churchyard. The thought of him, the con-
scioasness that his sacriflct bad secured tbeir
happine-s never left them.
Long after Katie went to the altar with
Christoph, and when they camo from tbe
church their first st**p« were directed to the
grave «>f Lars.—Translated from tbe German
by L. V. btur.
T1»e CniYersnl Cn»tom.
The only custom whi<*h seems to be uni­
versal, according W a gentleman who has
just commenced a trip «round the world, is
the u-=e of tobacco. In many places be saw
the weed used by women a* much as by men.
E*- rybody found smoking on the street« of
San-utuck, Mah., during tbs dry spell was
liable to Le si r«st*i under tbs orden of U m *
rúÁage guanal
NO. 30,
Gives His V« m * h 1«> ii of tli« Story of Char
iotte Corday.
One square or less, one insertion...............91 uo
One square, eaeh subsequent insertion.... 50
Notices of appointment and tUal settlement 5 00
Other legal advertisements 75 cents for first
insertion and iUcvUU per square fur each sub­
sequent insertion.
Special business notices in business columns.
10 cents per line. Regular business uoliees, 5
cents ¡ kt line.
Professional cards, $12 per yaar.
Special rates for large display “ads."
Colorado’s Peculiar Winds.
“Well, no," said the Coloradan, Mwe don't
have any winds to amount to anything, but
it blows a few minutes there now and then.
The winds are peculiar, too; I never saw any*
thing like them anywhere else. They are
what you might call discriminating breezes.
I’ve seen a man go aloug tho street, and it
would be blowing a hurricane on one side of
him; and on the other side it would be a dead
calm. I’ve seen a mule stand braced against
the wind blowing behind her, with her tail
blown right up straight, and one ear put
away ahead of her nose, while tho ear on the
other side would lie in a natural, calm posi-
tion, and that side of tho beast would be
sweating! It will take the skin off one side of
your face and uot touch the other. I saw a
man with whiskers get one side of his face
shaved by a wind like that, as clean us any
barber could do it A small boy and a dog
were walking up the street with him at the
time, and they each lost one ear. I’ve
man lose one leg of ¡üs pants amt a coat tail,
and get his hat knocked aM over on cue side.
They don’t do any particular dsmagff, thus»
winds, but they are ns peculiar as can lie!”—
Descendant of H. W. hi Halt I»ake Tribune.
—--------- ......
A constant reader of Tho Glob' has writ
ten to know something of Charlotte Corday.
and as the letter has been referred to me, 1
take great pleasure iu stating briefly, one
PcrMritul Appearance of the “Lyblan
in glowing terms, what I am able to recall
Sibyl”—Her Words at the Capitol—An of this eccentric young womau’s life.
Charlotte Corday was born on a fereigt
Introduction to Graut—Au Itupretitive
strand, now known as Normandy, named ir
Interview—The Parting.
honor of the large speckled gray horoet
I knew Sojourner Truth moro than forty with thick, piano logs and gross necks, tbal
from there to engage in haul lug beci
years ago in New England. She was then 70
years old, but seemed hardly beyond the wagons in the land of the free and the home
prime and glory of her womanhood. In those of the brave.
Here Charlotte was born in the year 1793
days Harriet Beecher Stowe described her us Like
the record of Mr. Spartacus, who, ii
“the Lvl>ian Sibyl,” gifted with prophetic speaking of his own experience, said that hu
insight and tall and erect like a strong and ' early life ran quiet as the clear brook bj
graceful African palm tree. Shti would do ; whiPh he s)M>rted, the childhood of Char
more housework of the heaviest kind than lotto Corday was almost, devoid of interest,
two ordinary women, and yet be one of the being monotonous and unanimous, as a sell
best watchers by a sicklied at night. A sick j made man said to me not long since, refer
man she lifted to the best place on his bed as ring to the climate of the south.
easily and tenderly as a mother would lift
She early turned her attention, however,
her baby, and the touch of uvr band smooth­ to the matter of patriotism, hoping to ob
ing the pillow and stroking the fevered brow tain a livelihood in the patriot line some
was health and quiet, while her wail, “There, day. She investigated the grievances ol
The Wolf and the Pr»i»ant—A Fable.
honey, you’a easier now,” had a strange France, and gave her attention almost ex
peasant who was on watch while his
power to give ease and calm.
clusiveiy to the invention of some way bj
Untrained in grammar or rhetoric, never which to redress these grievances. Sonu flock of goats were fceiling discovered a wolf
able to rea«l or write, there was a quaint dis­ of them had not been redressed for oentu prowling about and flre»I upon him. The
regard for set rule of speech in her public and vies, and they ought to Fave been ashamed ot wolf, who narrowly escaped being hit, ad­
vanced in groat indignation and demanded:
private discourse, but no fine rhetorician themselves.
“By what right do you fire upon me with­
could make his meaning plainer and few
According to all accounts, the grievance»
could equal her in power of expression or ex­ of France were, at that time, in full drew out having seen me commit some overt act?"
•‘My dear sir,’’replied the peasant ns he
uberance of imagery. A few years after the and short sleeves, ready for the ball t<
pnxH^ded to reload his gun, “the best time to
close of the civil war I went with her to the open.
senate reception room in the Capitol at
It fell to <he lot of Charlotte C-ordajr tc tire at a wolf is before he has killed your
Washington. She stood beneath tho center open the ball.
She was a beautiful girl, with clear blue
of its arcbe«i ceiling and tho deep look of her
Arrest your burglar before he burglea
wonderful eyes seemed to take m the beauty eyes, placed at equal < I ¡stances from a tall,
of pictured forms and glowing colors on its light colored nose, which was pale when in Detroit Free Press.
walls, as she said: “Dis is like the picture repose, but flushed delicately when she wai
Art In Chicago.
chamliers of de New Jerusalem dat dey read in tears. Her ripe and ruddy French rnoutl
about in de Book.” Then she look*ul out of opened and closed readily when she was en­
Two gaudily attired la<lies were observed
the window and saw the |x>or huts **f the gaged in conversation, and her white and recently inspecting tl»e colossal statue of
freed people not far away, and raid in tender beautiful shoulders, ever and anon, while sh( Schiller, of which Chicago is paixlonably
tones: “Rut they don’t have dem over there.” talked, humped themselves like a hired man proud.
A gn*at gospel of divinity and of tender hu­ on his way to dinner.
“What, a remarkably large man he must
She had, also, tresses of hair of that pecul have been,” said one, craning her neck and
manity seemed spoken in two brief sentences.
iar Titian variety which is supposed to gc gazing up at the flowing locks and prominent
Great souls can move other souls.
with freckles and a high temper. The his­ nose of the figure.
torian says that her hair looked black as it
“Yes,” replied the other, with the conde­
In the winter of 1871-73 I spent some time divided over her fair forehead and hung
In Washington, and about midwinter learned back across her shapely head, but at night, scending air of one imparting knowledge,
that Sojourner Truth was in the city. Had as it wras draped across tho richly carved “The Scotch are always large men.”—Detroit
I not known her ways this would have frame of the au re voir where the fire light Free Press.
been a surprise, for the long winter’s journey or the Norman Hose company could play
Examples of Tenderness.
from her home nt Battle Creek, in the cen­ upon it, you would have thought it a blight
Fogg—I really beg a thousand pardons. I
ter of Michigan, was a serious undertaking i and inflammatory red. Charlotte Corday
for a woman near her 100th birthday. But 1 was tall and graceful, and when her elastii fear 1 stepped on your dog. Little Miss
knew that she always went “as the good step and heroic feet followed the tight mens Marigold—Oh, it doesn’t matter I the dog
spirit told her,” and that some strong feeling ure of some gay French tune at an Octobei isn't mine; ho belongs to tig* other little girt
of duty to I mi done led her to tho capital city. pumpkin peeling, she could dance on foi
Her wav ojiened, not long after, for some hours without jarring the glass in the win
Estelle—And arc you going to leave me so
good service among the freedmen at the dows very milch.
soon, Augustus 1 Augustus—My love, I
hospitals. I soon went to see her and she
Her costume was simple and did not cost would willingly give ten years of my life if I
said, with great earnestness: *‘I believe de a great deal. It consisted of a Normandy could stay longer. But if I don’t go I siiall
good Lord sent you, for you are de very one cap made of cheese cloth in shape like the be fined for being late at a card party.—Chi­
I wanted to see.” Asking what was specially tail of a setting hen, and trimmed in front cago Rambler.
wanted, she said: “I want to see President with real French lace from the ten oenf
Grant, and you can get me tliore.” I told counter. Iler dress was all wool delaine
He Was From Minneapolis.
her that was easier said than done, but 1 with a pin stripe in it and trimmed with th
“Have you beard of that interMting rasa
would try, and the next day wrote a note to same. Her other dresses were different. down east of a woman who was cured of
him, suying she wished to see him at some fit Iler stockings were tall and slender as seer paralysis by the miraculous power of a relio
time, took it to tho White House, sent it in hanging on the woman clothes line at Caen, of Ht. Pauir
to the business office, and a verbal message blit her heart was gay and happy as the day
“Yes, I have; but I’m from Minneapolis,
soon came back to me in the waiting room was long.
and I wouldn’t touch a relic of St. Puul with
that any morning would suit.
Charlotte Corday wnn one of a largi a tun foot pole.”-—Chicago Rambler.
In a few days Sojourner, with two ladies, fninily whose descendants wore called Cor
a venerable friend of Quaker birth and my­ duroy. They were the instigators of a Style
A Had Habit.
self, went to meet the appointment and I sent of road that has done more to shorten tb»
The habit of abbreviating everything one
in a card, “Sojourner Truth and friends,” spinal column and jolt the jejunum inb
which brought back in a half hour a messen­ chaos than any other line of invention» writes is a bad one. The Woburn Advertiser
tells of seeing a communication which spoke
ger to escort us to President Grant’s office. throughout the United States.
a lady appearing at the theatre in eve. cue-
Charlotte Corday had a voice which ar of
He sat at the end of a long table in tho center
of the room, with documents piled before companied her in all her rambles, and it ii tuma—Lynn Item.
him, and just closing an interview w ith other Raid that it was very musical and seanded
persons. I stepped forward to introduce the first rate.
Inconvenience is the father of invention.—
Her parents were poor, so she had very
party and to bring Sojourner beside the table.
She had met President Lincoln, and he, a few advantages, ns will be noticed at one» Whitehall Times.
A hit in time saves the nine on many a ball
born Kentuckian, could call her “Aunty” in by the careful student who reads her MBS.
the old fumiliar way, while Grant, though to-day and notices where she has frequently field.—Newark Call.
kindly, was reticent, and all was not quite spelled cabbage with a k. She spoke FrencL
Tolmcco chewing is so popular in Illinois
easy at fii*st. But a happy thought caino to fluently, but was familiar with no other for that a movement has been inaugurated to
her. Not long before the president bad
change tho name of the lake city to Chow-
She took a great interest, in polities, but cago.—Life.
signed some bill of new guarantees of justice
to the colored people. spoke of this will,
The superintendent of a county fair in Ohio
gratitude; the thin ice broke and words came felt more especially bitter toward a gentle economized time, Rpace and paint, by putting
man name« I Marat, who was rather literary
freely from both, for Grant was an easy oik
up the sign, “Gr& Ht&." That's good ,u
fluent talker, but hud the wisdom of silence in his habits and who also acted as a k1n<i sense — liun let to.
of chairman of the National Central oom
until the fit time camo to sp?ak.
Jt is a sight tn make angels snicker to see a
Standing there, tall and erect while stirred mittee. To his other work he had alao ad
in soul by the occasion, her wonderful eyes lied the tedious and exhausting task of pick flsbarman pull nut of the water a two-inch
with an outfit that costs him 925
glowed ns she thanked him for his good deeds ing out people and indorsing them aa suite
and gave wise counsel in her own clear and ble persons to be beheaded. Being a jour or 930.—Boston Transcript.
nalist he hail to write bard all the evening
“Garments without buttons” are advertised.
quaint way.
to get tho hook full of red hot political edi­ Evidently the cast-off clothing of Imchelors
torial copy, and then when ho should have who di^.i't know how to handle thread and
Her words came in tones full of deep i>ower gone to I mm I and to rest, he had to take the
and tendeme«, and ho listened with great in­ directory and pick out enough ¡>eople for a needk.—Norristown Herald.
If the genius who informs you now that the
terest and respect, and told her that he mess the following day.
“hoped always to be just to all and especially
In this way Marat was kept very fenny, days arc growing shorter is not careful he
to see that the poor and defenseless wer* with the foreman on his heels all day and will stumble over the equally valuable fact
fairly treated.” His voice and manner toL
tho guillotine ou his heels all night, aw' that the nights are growing longer.—New
how bis heart was touched, and his softene«
every man was afraid to see the depul York Graphic.
tones showed how “the bravest are tho ten
Boston Girl—What do you think of Emer­
sheriff coming, for fear he had a subpoena
derest.” She told him how his tasks air
for him. It was no unusual thing In tho* son, Mr. Wayoffl Mr. W. (from Cincinnati)
trials were appreciated and bow much faiti days for a Frenchman tn turn off the ga« —Well, Billy used to sing pretty well, but ha
was placed in bis upright doing of duty t< and go to bed, only to find bis shirt collar never wus ms tuuuy to me as Billy Rice or
the oppressed, and be quietly, yet w ith mucl all bloody where the guillotine lia«l bulged Charley Backus. —Chicago Rambler.
feeling, expressed the hope that he might over his hair just/ above his Adam’s appla in the
Ext nut from a young Newport swell’s nota
be wise and firm and never forget the iitfllien morning.
to a friend: “Horry i Can’t bee intnxluced
able rights of all
Those were indeed squirming times, as M
Only great souls can comprehend true de Lamartine, a humorous writer of France, two your sister This afternoon, mi Valett left
greatness, and these two underetood each has so truly said. No man felt perfectly mi Three o’clock Suit in new York and i
other. Nothing in the illustrious career of safe when he Raw Marat, at a sociable or a kouldent Go out iu a Checked suit Then. Or-
Gen. Grant gavo me a fuller sense of bis caucus. It wn« impossible to tell whether fuMy sorry. Faithfully youra, Algernon
largeness of heart and mind than his unpre­ he had come to write the thing tip for his Bertie Hilly.”—New York Mail.
tending simplicity and appreciative respect'in paper or pick out «ime more poople to be
this interview, while the fine and simple dig­ killed by the administration. They got m
nity of Sojourner Truth also gave me a fuller that, Marat, could induce any of them to sub
sense of her large womanhood. She said to scribe for his paper, and people advertise*,
him: “I have a little book here that I call rny tn his columns for things they did not wan1
book of life. A good many names are in it, in order to show that they felt pcrfoctlv
and I have kept a placo on the name page friendly toward him.
with Lincoln s for you to write your name.”
It was at this time that Charlotte Corday
He replied: “I am glad to put it there,” und called one morning at the apartments of
wrote bis autograph in her little book. She Mr. Marat with a view to nssassinatlnghim
then said: “It will do me good for you to She sent tn worl that a young lady from
nave my photograph,” and with evident Caen desired to see Mr. Marat for the pur-
pleasure iio thanked her and selected om* ¡xwe of p lying her sul^’ription. She wrf
from several laid on the table.
told that the editor was faking a bath. Hb«*
Ara Yon Bilious f
The con veroation had lasted beyond the laughed a cold, incredulous laugh, for slw
The n^ffulntnr n«rer fail» tn mrt. I m<xi
usual time, others stood by, waiting their had seen a gr^at many French journalist«,
it to all who suffer from
turn, yet listening with great interest, and I nnd when one of them sent word to her that
Bilious Attacks or any Disaase caused by a dh
the fit time came to leave. The ¡»resident
rose from his chair and gave H Journer hh gurgling laugh.
Finally she was admitted to his private
band with a parting word of good will. This
Do You Want Good Digestion ?
mutual respect and appreciative sympathy apartments, where he was ind**ed in th?
with Full
orhn, »1». A nrighhnr, wh» had tah»n
lietween the president of a great republic bn th with an old table cloth thrown over
mo it wn» • *urs ewrtfor my
and a woman born ft slave and representing him, engaged In writing a scathing criticism
Tho ffrot do»o I took roUovod m» for y
an oppressed people was admirable and inspir­ on th* custom of summer fallowing old
mm‘h, and in rmn i**e**s limo / was at »trona and
konTty an I avar wan. ft io th* boot meettei«»«
buckwheat lands and sowing Rwediab tur
ing—G. B Stebbins.
toefc for Dytfeprin.
ni;js on them in July, when the reentry
if. S. CKfHS>tA9.
was so crowded for cemetery room.
Strange Control of Ilnroea.
Do You Buffer from Constipation ?
Charlotte apologized for disturbing th*
Mince boyhood I have always hail a strange
Testimony of H iram W arn ««, Chief-Justice of
control of horses. I can no more explain it great journalist at such a time, and remark
Ga. : “1 have used Slmmsm Llvtr Regulator for
CemtfjMaion of my Bow«h, caused by a temporal ',
tuan 1 could tell you why my eyes are b ack; ing that we were having rather a backward
Derangement of the Liver, for th« last three ot
I>ut it is a fart that b?fo!*e I have handler! a spring produced a short stab knife with
four years, and always «HtA
home long he will follow me like a dog and which she cut a large overrent button hoi*
the able journalist's thorax.
Hare Yon Malaria ?
answer my command. I once had the four in She
then passed into th»* nfflre, and leav
I bar» had oxpariwnro with Stmoumo Ltror Hopu
horses that pull the engine at Broadway and ing word
!afor oinoo 1945 and rojorA it at tbo fproatoH
to have her paper stopped «be went
Almond under such control that nt the dis­ to the executioner.
nf thr timoat for diaomaao prru-
liar to malarial
Sa f/ood • swdl-
tance of a block they would answer my whis­
T/»t, ii* learn from this brief bit of history
nnirorfnl onmmomdottioa.
tle and race like the wind tn s»*** which could never tn assassinate any one unlees it be done
M. 9. WRAltTM,
reach me first. An obi fire hoi-ae was once | in self defense —Bill Nye in Boston Globa
rar. Soo's Sonthom Ba^tiot Thaolos^ JbaUaarg
aold to an ashman. He was hih hed tn a pot
Safer and Better titan Calomel I
a binrk away, and I thought 1 ree<'giiized
1 have bean «ubjeA to «ever* bm U s of Cmtfestion
him, and i wtoiatiad, I haii not swm him for
of the Liver, and have been in the habit ef taking
two years, but he recognised my whistle,ami,
T*aac -T vanta to writ« my name upon
fr- m ’ j te so grains of calomel, which generally laid
me up for three or four day». lately I baaa been
breaking ti>e bitching sttap, he came tearing ynnr heart, Repeona. bui it vaa ao hard aah
Liver Regulator,which pre me re-
tr> ine, with the cart rattling behind him. A si"«»-
lief, trMAewt ano intarmfdion toBteHnaaa.
few minutes later the exrited owi»er came up
R»bwr»— Vy dnn’t y<m try. Iman, to
MimmiiT, nWo
and thanked me warmly fur catching his write rour n/irn. my hmrt on wid a fl,.
</. H. Z»ihn A Co., OhiM^lphn, Ai.
runaway bone. — Aasbtanl Fire Chief in hnndert follar tiaaond ring ab*—Tua»
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-w- r^zerm.