The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, November 18, 1887, Image 2

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« '
Brother Oardoer Intluiem Thai Ha Is
Perfectly HatltHad With Thia World.
Th« Gor<«oua Struct ora Lr-otad by tha
I'rofliciat» Hawaiian Monarch.
flow the Exiled Emperor of the Frenci
Fared at St. Helena.
M Charles Monxo'.et has discovered
The foundation stone of Iolani Palace
was laid with full Masonic ceremonials in ths uiemoil’s of Careinc, n fainom
(Kalakaua boing a prominent Mason) cook, some interesting details of tht Call.
—Doubt others more and yout'soli
on Queen Kapiolani's birthday, the life of Napoleon at St II dun a. 11: hot
last day in tho year 1879. It stands on given those to the world, after express­ less, aud you will have more bsek-bone
an immense block, close to the heart ot ing a conviction that it is not without to seW.—l’otneroy's Dernoot at.
the city, bounded by King, Richard and intorost 'to know what a tyrant oar
—Hmv much better is tlio love tiial
Napoleon’s household stuff is ready to die titan the zeal that ir
Likelike streets and Palaeo Walk. The eat."
palace itself covers mt area of 140x120
ready to kill. — '/'lioinat T. Lynch.
foot, being thus nearly square. It con­ amaitre h’hotel, a chef d’office, a head
—All men try to get tha earth, but
sists of two stories and a basement. It cook and a pastry cook. Four Chines« the onrtli gets them. This is not a joke
has a large central tower and a smaller
it is tlio grave truth.— I'eoria 'Irans-
tower on each of the four corners. the exile ami Ids attendants nt tin
Tlio nationality of this sup yript.
From tho base to the top of the central island.
—Many men have a knack of making
tower it is 84 feet high. Tlie original plomcntnry staff is cause of gri<-f 'c anil saving dollars, but know abso­
surmised cost was (60,000, but by 1880
lutely nothing about tlio best things ol
(15,000 had been expended and a fur­ chief cook) was doubtless tlio first
this life.— Drovers' Journal.
ther appropriation of (89,000 was French cook to find himself in such f
—Good tt-ntper, like a unimer day,
asked to complete it Then its comple­ difficult poeltiiM—four Chineso men t<
tbo Is a brightness ovw every thing.
tion was promised for 1881, but at its
is tho worst that It is tlio sweetener of toil and tin
opening in 1883 the ivliole affair was tho
soother of disquietude.—.V. Y. 1/erald.
found to have cost (.140,000. It is built could try a purveyor for tha table;
—Always on top: The hat.—(/taut-
of brick (cemented) from designs by still, thoy set to work with tlio four
pion City Tinies. Always under foot:
Baker, remodeled by U. J. Wall, and
Tlie shoo. Alt, lta! Wo can do this
tlio exterior is elaborately ornamented, not a tronblesonto animal to fooiL II
Sorto’ thing,too.— Cincinnati Telegram.
while the interior is—well, an artistic had a particular liking for blood pud­
De Baggs—I’onsonby, me boy, what
surprise. In all there are forty rooms, ding, nnd they lot him have all lie
do you do in this weatiier to keep cool?
and considering that all but those in wanted. Oilier favorite dishes ivere
Da Boggs—Bi
the basement are seldom used, it will fowis a la Merongo, such outvies ns Ponsonby—Nothing.
puzzle the reader to imagino what could bo fried vol-au-vent, and, being Jove! I don’t know but that's a good
could bo arranged in so many apart­ an Italian, nmccaroni in all styles oi idea.— Pittsburgh Dispatch.
—They Wore Both Shoers.—
ments. But tlie Hawaiian Kmuehame- serving. Hi had also a weakness fol
Junes, lie keeps a blacksmith »hop,
has were powerful mi l bad many visit­ pastry and side dishes composoil ot
HL» wife a poultry pen;
Ilis breallfast usually
ors, besides which Knlakaua himself sweetmeats.
Jone», be shoes tho horse,
Aud his wife she shoes tho hen.
lias been almost round the globe, and con listed of a porridge made from
sorrel or from any thing ebo, provided
— Whitehall Timet.
the foundation of decorativo orders
it was cooling; breast of lamb «veil
—Up in tlie choir the tenor was mak­
brings about the promulgation of still
broiled and served with thin gravy; a ing love to tlio soprano in muffled
more decorative _
gifts, so that Iolani
fowl or two outlet«, and voice, while the preacher was waxing
Pakiee is literally loaded with curiosi­ small roust,
those eloquent in the pulpit below. “You're
Vegetable«, ,
ties, both novel anil ornamental. Tlie
good foi a dear!” the young man had whisper­
raised on tho island were
front or state entrance to the
nothing. For dinner, a partridge, ed. “A doe, rather,” tho soprano
palace, winch entrance is only used on
n smiled back. “Oil, yes,” returned tlie
very special occasions, is on King
indispensable tenor, “you’re tlio do, fa mi.” She
street, nearly opposite tlie Government
.«iveolnio.its nnd pastry. Sir Hudson killed liins with a look.— The Farmer
Entering tho palace this
Low provided tlio materials, and. ol
and Man ufaclurer.
way, then, tho visitor conies first of all
course, these wore detestable, accord­
—Less ’than a score of years have
to a very broad hall leading from this
ing to Cuomo, who savs: ‘‘Tlio poot passed since the founding of tlie First
entrance, each side of tlie staircase,
cook for tlie Emperor was often made Congregational Church in Springfield,
mid then right through to tlie back or
unhappy by receiving alean fore-quar­ Mo., and already they have a strong
palace walk end of tlie building. Tlie
ter of beef, while the Governor kept the and floinisliing college of conspicuous
first room to tlie right of this hall is
liind-qmirter for himself. There was promise, and five churches with an ag­
tlie throne room, and here is enough
no game on Ihe island. Two or tliree gregate membership of 55L
conglomeration of the barbaric mid the
times a year partridges and pheasants
modern to mystify the beholder. All
would come, but tho Governor would
The population of Great Br tain i«a' the
round tlie walls are well executed por­
grab them for hfs own table, and sent pre «nil in lnent being added to at the r >ie
traits of tlie former Kings of Hawaii,
i f at least I,110 persons a day, or ill words
very few to tlio Emperor.” Napoleon of the registrar g neral, " it receives every
and at the extreme end n portrait
iiad liis whims. One day lie ordered a ten years an exce-s equal to the whole
which both tlie King mid Queen have
•'soldier's soup.” Tlio cook, astonish­ population of London. ’
often silently gazed upon. Il is an oil
ed, did not tliink it necessary to answer
painting of Kmihunianu, a wife of
tho demand literally, nnd niado a soup
Kaniehiimeha the Great, who after hi»
with very little bread, mid so light
death, became Primo Minister mid was
With evory advance of emigration into the
that tho beans could be soon. Na-
far West, a new demand is created for Hostet­
virtually monarch during tlie short
polenn was not so easily humbugged. ter’s Stomach Iillters. Newly peopled regions
reign of Kanielimnelin II.
IIo sent for tho cook.
ure frequently less salubiious than older set
Knpiobini objects to her name (“Cap­
"I believe that you wore a soldier?” tied localities, on account ot the miasma w hieh
A Young Women Who Learned Type-Writ. tive of Heaven”) ns site looks on this
“Yes, sire.’’
Ing fur a Purpose.
ilses front recently cleared land, particularly
xiivago dame's determined features
"Then you must know very well along the bunks of rivers that are subject to I
A daintily - clad iiltto woman—she
and longs to emulate her. But her
fresh te. The agricultural or mining emigrant
that tliis is not a soldier’s soup.”
was one of the best operators a« well as
spouse knows that those despotic times
learns, when he does not already know,
"Excuse mo siro.
I believe—I soon
tlie prettiest—whom 1 hail notie d sev­
timi Ilio Bitters afford tlio only sure protection
havo long since gone by. Here, also, thought—”
against nuda, la, uml ttio«o disorders of the
eral times in a down-town typo-writing
are the marvelous royal feather robes,
liver and bowels, to which climate
"That will do, Muke mo a bolter stomach,
«tilico, was missing from hur desk tlie
cnanges, exposure, nnd unaccustomed or un­
the gorgeousnoss of which no one can
or diet subject him. Cons«-
other day. Tlie plump, prosperous
imagine. The robe used by Kalakmia.
lie places an estimate upon this go at
Tho cook did not ropeht Ilio por­ quoi.tly.
looking head of the estabiishnioht.
and preventive contmonsu-
and exhibited in this tlirono room, is
formnncc, mul th > next day ger vid a ru'e with Its intrinsic inorila and is careful to
smoothed down some rebellious rod-
tlie identical mamo (mantle) worn bi sotip so thiok with bread and bea i> keo i on hand a re-torativo and promoter of
dish-brown locks as site explained, to
so Implicitly to be relied upon in time of
iho groat first Kiimehameha.
It is I lint n spoon could b > stood erect in it. health
tin accompanying cluUor mid bang, ns
elevon feet in width and five feet in Napoleon was satisfied, but ho ate
If tho whole nl ph allot were out on a
Massachusetts pays for maintaining her
length, anil made entirely of golden very little of it, nnd nover coiled for
convicts <800.010 per year more than lhey
spree: "I didn’t expect to keep her
(anther« from tho Oo, or royal bird. it again.
Anil then Caroms pro- produce.
long,” sho said. "Shu cauto to mu it
Only two featliors are found (one un­ p mniled this pliil< sophical query:
y ear ago to learn tlie business, mid lior
der each wing) on each bird.
As it
•What was tho purpose of this groat
mother—she wore diamonds — came
takes a thousand feathers to make an Captain in ordering as d.liur's soup?”
For “worn out" “run-down" debili­
with her half apologizing for the
oriliimrj- necklace, what a vast quanti­ Another time Napoleon ordered from tated school t sobers, milliners, seam
daughter's wliini. Tlie two of them
ty must this rolie contain! And this is Ids Chineso retainers a d liner of stresses nouse-keepors ant over-wo led
wore gowns that turned tho heads of
women cenersjly, Dr. Fierce's Favorile
not only the collection of a lifetime, Chinese viands.
B it ho could nut Prescription b I lie beat < f sl rest’ra'lve
tlio whole otllee, mid looked as if they
tonics. It is not a “Cure -1' ’ but admira-
but tlie combination of tlie hoards of touch it.— Scrib ¡era Magazine.
had money enough mid to spare, n
b y Iu'fib a sing one s of purpose, beinira
eight or ten successive chiefs. At the
turned out
when 1 was in niv
m st p dent Specific tor an ilio-e Chronic
opening of Parliament this robe is
Weaknesses a d Diseases pec liar t'.
apprentice's confidence a lit­
spread upon tlio tlirono as symbolical
worn n. It is a power'u . general as well
engaged io
ii eiioe, tonit and ueivine and imparts
of royalty, but at other times it is al­
student — an
vented In England.
vg^rand strength to the whole system,
ways kept over in tho palace, and it is
ous one and they wanted to marry as
A now system of bootmnking 1ms it promp ly cure« weakness ot stoma' h,
said that Knlakaua was once discov­
indigos ion, bloating, weak ba k, nervou-
soon as he was admitted to tlie bar.
been perfected In which tho motliod of pro tr.tiou, debility and sleep'essness, in
ered alone in the throne room with this
■ Papa' had absolutely refused liis con­
scouring the soles, uppers and insoles ei her sex. Favorite r re- criplion is sold
robe around him gesticulating and
sent, mid 'mamma* frowned on the
together is the exact reverse of th« by driiggi-ts under onr positire guaran­
voicing forth vowels to Ills ancestors
tee See wrapper around l>oi t'e. Vi'lce
whole thing. So what does my lady do
like a child with a new toy. Knlakaua ordinary wholesalo system. In tho «41.OO ix bottle, or six bottle» lbr
but get permission, without assigning
latter tIto tippers aro attached to tlio 83.00.
is now fifty-one years of ago and has
any reason for the freak, to learn type­
A large treatise on Diseases of Women,
in-oles by small tucks, the points of
been drawing (25,000 a year since be
profuse y ilb strated with col red pla es
writing she is studying short-hand,
started, beside^ extra money being
and numerous w,od cuts, sent for ten
too having taken tile idea into her
er’s foot, b sides which tlieir use is ac­ cents in sran ps.
paid Ills Queen, his mid her staffs and
head that, if «lie mid her law student
Add e », W orld ’ s D ispensary M edi .
their household expenses. Although
cal association , 10) Main fetre«t, Buf­
chose to marry when the time came,
tho King has an interest in tliree sa­ Tlio solo is then scored or channeled falo, N. Y.
alio could support tho family tintil Iho
loons and has some good property in round to rceoivo tho stitching, by
nppoarmice of some fees. They had
Th s country pays every year about $1?,
land, mid certainly often helps some of which ft is, of conrso. weakened and
the knot tied a i ouplo of days ago, tho
0 for the patent medicines wh ch it
his poor subjects, yet the mass of this its water-resisting power greatly re­ 000,0
household powers to the contrary not­
wealth goes for the Poi feasts and Hulu duced. In llio "Ab Intra" system th®
withstanding. and are taking a week's
OFFER KO. 174.
dances, in whieh his predecessors also lacks aro deftly put into tho insole by
holiday somewhere down on tlie shore.
a handy mnehine, tlio flat bonds of
FREE I—To M erchants O nly :
reveled. Even wlien tlie white people
She told mo sliu should I ni ready lor
tlie nails boing Hush with the surf.ico elrgaut Carving Set (Unite, fork and steel)
aro now invited, tho old name of Luaa
in satin lined case. Address at once, 11.
work when she camo back, and I think
(native feast) is used, and tlie gyra­ of lite insole and toward the wearer’s W. T ansill & Co., 65 State Street, Chi­
she will. Site lias been earning $7 it
feet. Tho insole is thou placed on tlic cago.
tions of the finger round the calabash
week, mid is about expert enough to
Inst with tho pein:» upwards, and the
of stiektaro form tlie principal event
get $10 now. That will help them out
upper Is placod over them and
Hula dances are even given in the
for awhile, though 1 fancy her husband
made fast by means of a hollow tube,
John I. Wood, of Stratford, Ont, wa«
palace grounds, but under great re­
won’t leave her hero long.” Tho next
with which tlio operator passes down cured of cramps in the legs by wearing
strictions, and shorn, in the presence
question in tlio lnatriniouiiil market,
iho leather over tlio point of each nail. A llcosk ’ s _P orous P lasters .^M t . Wood
of Europeans, of their dominant feat­
some folks say, will bo: "What, is lior
The solo fS then placed over the pro­ says:
ures. See Kalakmia on a state occa­
salary?” or “Has she had » raise of
truding points ot the nails nnd ham­
Some three months ago I was taken very
sion, and, fairly corpulent as he is, he
late?”— N. 1’. l.eller.
mered down, a few smart blows serv­ sick with severe pain in the small of my
seem« hanlly to lisVe room to hold hi»
ing Io secure tho solo to the upper nnd back over the kidneys. The pain was ex-
medals and decorations—all one blaze
cru iating. I appl'ed an A llcock ’ s P or
So perfectly aro Iho three Ol’s 1’ lastkr over the affected egion and
Quite Different
of useless glitter. But creep down to
unite l/liat it requires tools and great hat iclief almost within an hour At the
tho Union saloon early some evening.
time, i f onju'tciion with I his trouble,
People who m<>«t relish gossip take There you will see his Majesty King force to separate them. Tlio secret of »me
I had terv great nervous di-tir bam e.
a very different view of it when it is Knlakaua of the Hawaiian Islands, sit­ litis great cohesive p .wer lies in tlio «tie. tine my legs with c amps so I could
directed against one's own reputation. ting before a toddy, dressed in mi old form of tho nail, which ha« a shoulder s.r ely sleep. Aieel'ng with sir h success
"What an extremely candid person blue serge suit, with a cheap straw lint near its point and in section resem­ with my back I arplied ap a«t-r under tlie
knee on each leg. and in three dais wa»
Mrs. Higgins is," said Mrs. Robinson. on tlie back of his head, and looking, bles at open linrpoon. II>nce, when completely cured, and have never been
"See bow site exposed those Simkinses ah! far happier, after all. — /lotion driven Into leather tho latter closes troubled in either way since.
over the shoulder of tho nail nnd de­
and Wilkinses."
Th re are 401 Mirino ■ bishop. fi Utah,
fies all but tho most screro efforts to
"Yes," said Mrs. Jones; "but If you
1423 priest., 2w74 tea he’R and tlsj 1 deacons.
could havo heard what alio said about
—A writer in tho ATnetemM Cenfttry extract it. After the solo lias been
you yesterday"—
proposes tho establishment of a well- secured the boot is finished in ihe
(’(Tensive b eath vanishes with the use
"About mo?”
endowad kitchen college for tho sys­ usual way, tlio time occupiod in fixing of Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy.
"Yes, about you."
tematic training of domestic servants.
G«n A. V. Kants the cava rvmm. is in
in tho ordinary machine-boot process.
"Well, I never! Tho idea of her
—In the morning when you awake,
Nebraska, colonel of th • Eighth Infantry.
talking about nte! I won’t believe accustom yourself to think first upon The valus of the system is stro gly
another went she says!"—JoaZAe Com­ God, mid something in order to His attests 1 by practical boot manufact­
urer», and it appears likely to effect a
senice; and at night lot Him close
To the Editor: —
marked change In tho condition of tlio
I'lease inform your r-aders that I hare a pos­
thine eyes.— Jtrrmy Tnylor.
whole« de boot manufacturing trade.— itive remedy tor the above named diies«e. Br
It < timely use thousands ot hop |.-«a ias.a have
—Gain a little knowledge every day; London Tinies.
ben permanently rood. I »hall be slat to
one fact in a day. How small a thing
send two bottle« of mv remedy vast to any of
—There aro 2,000,000 men engaged
your readers who have consuniplbm if they kill
is one fact -only one. Ten years pus­
in the building trades in the
—Like those fnir New Englund lakes, «»■nd me their Express .nd 1*. O. address.
Unite«! | hy. Tliree thousand six hundred aud
greened around with meadows, ot T. A. FhOCl’JI.
-M-1’.. IM i’earl S l . New Tors
fifty facts aro not a small thing.
tranelneent depth and silver sand, on
—The cost of the recent coke «trike
—There are seventy-six guilds in
nf True Vlerlt...
to the men and operators 1« Mtiinated
London endowed by wealthy benofao-
golden-crowned. unfold to the sun, sc “ Armens Bronchial Trochee" are the
■t (2.000,000.
tors for the benefit of different trades
moat popu ar article in this ro >ntrr or Eu
the Christian's heart should be.
All mpe
—There are 108 cotton mill« in the The annual income of these endow
for Throat Di-easee and Co mhs, and
this popular ty i. Us ed upon ree uitrit.
South. Georgia heads the list with 36, nients amounts to (1.000,000. — Ch rag
Sold only «« boa«,.
Tennessee coiuos next with 27, mid Ala­ Advanet-
deep amid tho blossom petals should
bama 20.
—In yi< Iding to one temptation the
Hwy Now. while freight« .re low .nd
—A physician living near the son way is opened for so many; nothing be seen the goldon crown of love.— stock large. You can save money if vou
purchase your good, from rai.MXH&RcT.
says that during tho past five years he will serve us day by day but a humble
has noted the hour and minute of death trust in Him who Is able to keep us
—It Is a great gift to be born rich in
The best cough medicine 1. Pl«o’. Cure
in uinety-three patients, and every one from falling, and earnest striving to
'.he eyes and care. Some men have for Consumption. Sold ever, where, fe.
has gone out with the tido, save four watch as well as pray.— Kural Sott
carried before them an endless prove»-
who died suddenly by accident
Gen. St nemsn ex Governor of Califor­
don of beauty. There are charms for
nia, owse luge grasiiut lands in that Stat
—It is reported that a rich American
—The Now Tork Chinese Mission has them v here others perceive barren­
is about to ostablish a paper factory at between 4.000 and 6,000 Celestials In te««. There is a concert in the air all
"Golden Mo.lical Discovery "—the Brest
Ran Litis Potosi, Mexico, with a capital its Sabhath-schools. About sixty have he tinto for those whoso ears are tuned blood purifier.
of at least (500.000. The principal ma­ |»ined tho various churches. The first iright. Trees harp for them, winds
A German farmer name I S-hooks was
terial usad will be “lechiigilla,** a Sabbath-school for those people was roll their tone« musically, and birds
found buiued to deathat Hastium, Nsb.
fibrous plant whiah grows abnndantly founded in New Tork eighteen years «nd insetts fill up tho orchestra.wUhe
in that B.ettoB.
•I Amr- JVhost
“I wish de world would let me alone
fur a couple of weeks,” said Brother
Gardner, as tho echoes of the triangle
died away, “it has got to pass
wliar' 1 am constantly lookin' fur sun-
thin’ to happen, an’ it is w arin' on my
“ELory Monday mawnin' we kin
look in de pa;>ei-s furan item to do «!-
fook dat de cholera am Sartin to reach
dis kentry.
"On Tuoiday mawnin' wo kin ex­
peck to find dat somebody has diskib-
cro.l a now comut, and dat said comet
ar' gwine to switch his tail around an*
knockdis kontry all to smash.
"On Wednesday mawnin’ wo ar’
purly sartin to tin I a medical report to
do ollo'-k dat cou-mmpsliiin has in­
creased fifty |>er cent, in dis koi try in
do las' live y’aii«, an' dat cull'd men
all ober de kentry uni droppin’ dead
wid heart disease.
“Thursday am de reg'lar day fur
predictin’ tidal waves, cyclones an*
liuanshiil panics.
"Friday ar’ sartin to bring de news
dat do coal fields of de world will lie
exhaustod in about 252,000 y’ars, ebery
stick of wood lio gone a y’ar later, an*
dat de cull’d populashuu kin prepare
fur a sorrowful time.
"Saturday o.inils up do week wid a
railroad slaughter, a big hotel liah, a
steamboat eoliishun an' do statement
dat do germs of yaller fever liev a|>-
pearod in watormollyons. Dis puts us
all in a good frame of mind, an' when
wo go to church on .Sunday an’ h’ar
de preacher toll how glad wo orter lie
dat we ar’ ’lowed to lib frnw de week
we foel dat lie has struck de key-note.
"I toll you, I dinin’ care two cents
whothor do sun am 93,01)0,000 miles
from de airtli, or only 92,990.000. 1
dean' know whether do moon am itu
habited or not, an’ I doan’ propose to
lose any sleep ober it. Dis kentry may
her 2,000 mile« of coast exposed to de
Htlaek of a furrein iron-clad, but I ain’t
gwine to git up one minit nirlier in de
inawnin'. It may be dat de intclleek-
tual standard of de world has decreased
ten per cent in tie las' decade, but I'se
gwine to keep right on buyin' do same
grade of codfish from de same grocer.
Insanity may be gainin' ground at de
rate of livo per cent, per y'ar, lint, me
an' do ole woman am gwine to smoke
<le sa.r.c kind of terback -r an’ soothe
our bunyons will do same mike ob
salvo.”— Detroit Free l‘re.n.
If a gentleman by
the name of D»7
volunteer, to throw
the light of his ex­
perience into the
iarkened places ot
misery, so that
others may go and
do as he has done
and enjoy life, may
—The fewer our wants ths ncaroi
we rcjemble tha gods.— Socrates-
—Revenge i. sweet, but it leaves n
bad tasto in tlio mouth.— 1‘hiladelphio
lu »uccffiMful operatiua »inc« t866 t«.^
all »«cliomi uf tha Nun» wc,i’cV7**i
bu»iuoM uxeu and leadmg cdui^8!
EQI IP pe T^.
of iu da»a on the Coast, it cfferi nriv«,
inatructiun, day and evening UiiuugKlT? *
Arithinetic, Writing, Correspondence
Banking, Shorthand,Type-writing,
Form» and all Common School BranfkZ1*^
oi all ag«a and both sexcj admitted
Catalogue free. Armstrong and ’"tml!!
rtjr l,”,s > *”•
«KH Lu»« not under tho hi,r»«-t«.' u,’“'1
, 8«»«« ttalsHuiowci, ,HoV''
.3 ’1331 • “borne tune ago 1
" r'.te.n«’ rine• wlth rheumatism. 1 used »
« as suflvr g wh n. r
ami was eureil
mice of the pain. Also a letter from Mr. «•
M Converse, of the
Warren Glass.)
Herald, dated July
9, 1887, as follows:
“In response to
yours of Juno 22,
would say that in
1880 my wife had a
severe attack of
rheumatism in
shoulder and arm,
so that site could
not raise her hand
to her head. A few
applications of St,
Jacobs Oil cured her
permanently, and she has had no return ol
it." Another case is tliat of Mr. R. B. Kyle,
Tower Hill, Appomattox county, Va., who
writes, November, 1886: “Was afflicted for
several years with rheumatism and grew
worse all the time. Eminent physicians
gave no relief; had spasms, and was not ex­
pected to live; was rubbed all over with St.
Jacobs Oil. The first application relieved,
the second removed the bain, continued use
cured me; no relapse in five years, and do as
much work as ever.” These are proofs ot tlie
perfection of the remedy, and. taken in Con
Diction with the miracles performed in other
i ases, it has no equal.
Habit Cured
OPIUM rrrf. J. S. BAUrOL tal» ».rd CI.«a..U,O.
fails. By Mail, e'de.
Made by J. P. Allen, St. 1 aul, Minn.
By return mall. Full Description
Cui h Bl MuvUr’« >vw Tailor Sj.lvui "l
"|||»|ia CulUo«. MOODY 4 CO.. CmoiaMtaO^
llinnl/ H»K ALL.-»» a ■«« ami expoi.s«
W iih K paiJ. Valuable outtil and varticuuus
1" U II l\ frte p. o. VICKERY, Amtnvta, Me.
Hiiitftblü for Oranges, Lemons, Olive« h*
Bananas, Strawberries und curly v< iretalH
aaleun long credit. 91.25 toHOOner uM**
Addo»* M. SOLOMON, Cfen. KW.
__________ rJs »o. < turifst, r£i^*
Absolutely Pure.
Thia pointer never mrtex A
strungthand whclebOfnenes^.
80ld in competi-
the ordinary km«h, and cannot
tion with the multitude of low ton eno« wwbja .
a'urn. or phosphato powders, •
KuirUs BAma P qwpib Co.» 10* uM feauct, N. Y.
Ar. shnys r.tefi ss the best Potatom Wo havo .
large consignment, and more to arrive. Price to-day
at Store or on Whart, 1 cent per pound; Early R<»e,
70 cents; Poorless, su cent». Sweet» vary from 1 to
1} cents per pound. Price» vary from week to week.
We aro always tho lowest It will pay you to buy
Potatoes that will Keep an winter and please every­
body who eats them, even If a fraction higher than
the common kinds. If you are ready to order Dry
Fruit lor winter sales or use, wo havo it naw In store,
and will make lowest carload prices in any reasonable
quantity desired. Wo have to keep It moving to
prevent being over-stocked. Flour is lower and
Sugar higher this week, but send tor latest list to
SMITHT4 CASH »TOBE, 115 and 117 Clay
Street, San Francisco, Cal.
Self-Playing Musical Instrument.
Plays Classical, Sacred, Dance and all the poDular nm<
sic t f the day correctly. Price from $15 to ö‘-75. Write
Kohler Ä Chase, ban Francisco, for catalogue.
I L, I |\l U/A Y
I E.111 is M I f Gabler, Roenish Pianos: Bur
det Organs, band instrument«. Largest stock
of Sheet Music and Book». Bands supplied at
Kastern prices.
9HA Post.
Ban Fran Morn.
When I say cure I do not mean merely to stop them
fora lime mid then have them return again. I »np-nna
radical cure. I have mado the disease or r ITS, Erllr
warrant my remedy to cure the worst cases. Because
others have failed is no reason for not now receiving a
cure. Send nt once for a treatise and a Free Bottle
of my infallible remedy. Give Express and Post Oitice.
or Kectal bhru., ,
OvU FÌHHUI-VM. FiMtiiin« and.
Alee!•« treuted « ik - ci - mh I u II j
« imi - or kotle, w II li tu pu-t tù»,
VI m K m «evi-ral Inlei-loi- to«,,,
lor ciré»tar». J. II. •,,’ w llekuni'H building, l'urli,,’
l’hr BUYER»' GUIDK 1»
Unilrd Sept, and March,
eath ye«r. fir 31» page.,
»•¿xU'-i liielie.,wlthoVer
3,BOO Illustration. - o
whole Piiture Gallery.
GIVES Wholeuile Price«
direct to eonoumert on all good. Tok
perwnal or family a«. Tell, how to
order, and give, exact co.t or every­
thing you n«e, eat, drink, wear, or
have fun with. Tlie.e INVALUABLE
BOOKS contain inrorroatlou gleaned
bora «he market, or the world. We
will mall a copy FREE to any ad-
drea. upon receipt or 10 ct». to defray
ex|>euM of mailing. I-et <u heat from
II. G. ROOT, .11. V., 183 Pearl St. New York.
The Originili and Only <«eniU^
Safe and al way» Rellahli*. ite ware of worth I pm Imitai,
Indinponsablo to LADIES.
Aak jour D puwl ^
»•Chlche.H r’a EngTl-l?’ and take no othsr*
(»tamps) U> ua for particular» in letter by retare ¿1
Sold by l« everrwbrro. A,k fr, -ciu.
lor’, Ku.lUll" PeuayrvyO 1’Ula ImuJJ1
„r'h"»v«ie,ho 1,1 la, ‘
alni j SC Uuivtxui "
Cures la
fl TO 5 DAYH.^
Guara f^ .d not i®
caua. Jiri.iuTM.
lvrpuy Mtn
Ohniwon th«
the public and oró ton
?.nton/ th« leading
iciue.t fthtoidom.
Mfd only by the
'vias Ch.mlcU Co.
i Cincinnati JB|
1 “ o SIM l
This BELT or r.em
Bad« eiprmlyLrtbt
dornogoment« of tho ( cq
organs. Th« coutiaooui
i oi Ki.RCTBIclTY Mr,
through th» parts umi,
I tltem to healthy activa. |
confound tbiiwlih
advertised to cureall||'||
head to toe. It to for
For circular« giving«
formation, addreaaCbw
trle Lilt Co., IQ) Wuü
Street. Chicago, 11L
The Van
Ycnng, middle«»
old, «Ingle or nanUi
«nd ill who luder ea
Nono’ll Detillif, W
torrh««, Betalnil LJ
HexuwlDeoay,r ”
ory. Weak ij
; Energy, also---
Skin Diw-uaee, Bh
Eruption«, Hair 1
Bone Pal», 8
Sore Throat, Ulan
teota ot Mereury,
and Bladder Trot
Weak Back, Burning Urine Gonorrhea, 01M
ore—prompt rellnt and cure tor lite.
Both Hexea C’oiiealt ( onflden
22? it 229 WabaHb Avenue. (Jhicaao. Ill.
The Youth s Companion
FOR 1888.
A Remarkable Volume.
increased in Size.
Finely Illustrated.
400,000 Subscribers.
Eminent Authors.
Special Article» of great interest, written for the Companion, will appear from th« following
Eminent Authors of Gre«t Britain and the United States:
Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone,
Professor Tyndall,
Gen. George Crook
Archdeacon Farrar,
Gen. Lord Wolseley,
Clara Louise Kellogg,
Justin McCarthy, M. P
Louisa M. Alcott.
And one hundred other well-known and popular writers.
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wiu. u ervxx « 1188, nuv lUvsnuTsp AND
J. T. Trowbridge, C. A. Stephens,
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1000 Short Articles ; Anecdotes ; Sketches
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FOR $1.75
The Double Holiday Numbers
For Thank«jr]vlng and Christ
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Mch’,rlth Colored Coven and Full-pa-e Fronti«pie«
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PERRY MAS» * co., 36 Temp|e
»Primen Copie. and Cu|orH
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