DAT LIGHT. n THE LIMEKILN CLUB. Brother Qarduer IntlmatM That H« ts Perfectly Satl»ned With Thl» World. KALAKAUA'3 PALACE. Thw Oorgwoua Struoturs Lr«ct«d by ths PruHlKwix Hawaiian Monarch. • NAPOLEON’S TABLE. • How tho Exiled Emperor of tho Frond Fared at St. Helena. J* WIT AND WISDOM —The fewer our wants ths ncorot we rciembi* tho gotb.— Socrates- —Revonge is sweet, but it leaves s bad taste iu tho mouth.— Philadelphia Call. ■ —Doubt others more and yout'sel: loss, aud you will h ive mote back-bone to sell.—f’omeroy s Dernrorat. —How mueli better is tiio love that Is ready to dio than the oenl that is ready to kill. — Thomas T. Lynch. —All men try to get tlie earth, but tiio oartli gets them. This is not a joke it is tlie grave truth.— Peoria Trans­ cript. —Many men have a knack of making ami saving dollars, but know abso­ lutely nothing about tlie best things oi this life.— Drovers' Journal. —Good temper, like a ummer day, shells a brightness over every thing. It is tho sweetener of toil and tin soother of disquietude.—-V. Y. Herald. —Always on top: The hat.— Cham­ pion City Tinies. Always under foot: Tlie shoe. All, ha! Wo can do this sorto' tiling,too.— Cincinnati Telegram. De Baggs—Ponsonbv, me boy, what do you do in this weather to keep cool? Pongonby—Nothing. De Baggs—By Jove! 1 don't know but that's a good idea.— Pil'sburgh Dispatch. —Tlmy Were Botli Shoers.— M. Charles Mon*«let has discovered Thefoundntion stone of Iolaui Palace 1 was laid with full Masonic ceremonial in the memoirs of Careroe, a famotu (Kaliikaua being a prominent Mason) cook, some interesting detail* of tli< on Queen Kapiolani’s birthday, the llfo of Napoleon at St Iljluna. Hi liai last day in tho year 1879. It stands on given those to th* world, after oxpress­ an immense block, dose to the heart ol ing a conviction that it is not without the city, bounded by King, Richard and interest "to know what a tyrant oar Napoleon’s household staff Likelike streets and Palaeo Walk. The eat." palace itself covers an area of 140x120 taken with him from Franc*, included foot, being thus nearly square. It con­ a maitro li’liotol, a cliof d’ofiloo, a head sists of two stories and a basement. It cook and a pastrycook. Four Chino« has a large central tower and a smaller servants were added on tiio arrival ol tower on each of tlie four cornel's. tho exile mid Ids attendants nt tin Tho nationality of this sup From tho base to tlie top of the central island. tower it is 84 feet high. Tito original plomenttiry staff is cause ot grief Ic "M. L -page (tilt surmised cost was $o0,y 1880 Caremc. who says: $15,000 had been expended and a fur­ chiof cook) was doubtless tiio lirsl ther appropriation of $89,000 was French cook to find himself in such f asked to complete it. Then it* comple­ difficult positi. m —four Chinuso mon t< tion was promised for 1881, but at its assist him in bis work! I repoat it, opening in 1883 the whole affair was tho position is tho worst tlmi found to have cost •840,000. It is built could try a purveyor for tho table; of brick (cemented) from designs by still, liioy set to work witli tiio four Apparently Napoleon was Baker, remodeled by C. J. Wall, and Chines -. the exterior is elaborately ornamented, not a tronblcsonio animal to food. lit while the interior is—well, an artistic liad a particular liking for blood pud­ surprise. In all there are forty rooms, ding, and they lot him have all ho and considering that all but those in wanted. Odier favorito disltes were the basement are seldom used, it will fowls a la Merongo, such outvie* ns puzzle tiio reader to imagine what could bo fried vol-au-vonf, and, being could bo arranged in so many apart­ an Italian, mncctironi in all styles ol ments. But tho Hawaiian Kamehame- serving. lit ha I also a weakness fot Jones, lie keeps a blacksmith shop) has were powerful and had many visit­ pastry and side dislms composed of His wife a poultry pen; Hi* brenlL’ast usually ors, besides which Kalakaua himself sweetmoats. Jones, he shoes tho horse. And hts wile she shoes the hen. has been almost found the globe, and coiisistod of a porridge ntailo from — Whitehall Times. the foundation of decorative order* sorrel or from any tiling else, provided —Up in the choir tlie tenor was mak­ brings about tho promulgation of still it w as cooling; breast of lamb well broiled and served witli thin gravy; a ing lovo to tiio soprano in muffled more decorative gifts, _ so that loluni smn’.l roast, fo voice, while tlie preacher was waxing I’akieo is literally loaded with curiosi­ , but those eloquent in tlie pulpit below. "You're ties, both novel and ornamental. Tlie soinolimes ve were good fot a dear!" the young man Itad whisper­ front or state entrance to tlie raised oil tiio a partridge, ed. “A doe, rather," the soprano palace, winch entrance is only usod on nothiug. For ent roes, a smiled back. “Oil, yes," returned the one rolove, very special occasions, is on King Indispensable tenor, “you’re tiio do, fa mi.” She roast, and street, nearly opposite tlie Government Sir Hudson killed him with a look. — The Farmer buildings. Entering tiio palace this sweotmoats and pastry. Low provided tiio niaterials, anil, of and Manufacturer. way, then, tiio visitor conies first of all course, these were detestable, accord­ —Less 'than a score of years have to it very broad hall leading from this ing to Ctrome. who says: ••Tito poor passed since tlie founding of tlie First entrance, each side of the staircase, cook for tiio Emperor was often made Congregational Church in Springfield, and then right through to the back or unhappy by receiving a loan fore-quar­ ............mil already they have a strong palace walk end ot the building. Tlie ter ot boef, while tlie Governor kept tlie and flourishing college of conspicuous first room to tlie right of this hall i is liind-rpiartcr for himself. There was promise, and five churches with an ag­ tlie throne room, and here is enough no game on tlie island. Two or tliree gregate membership of 554. conglomeration of the barbaric and the times n year partridges and phensants modern to mystify the beholder. All The population of Great Br tain isa* the would come, but the Governor would round tlie walls are well executed por­ grab thorn for liis own table, and sent pre-»-nt in nient being added to st the r »'e traits of tlie former Kings of Hawaii, of at least >,' (0 persons a day, or iu words very few to tiio Emperor.” Napoloou of tlie registrar g neral, " it receives every and at tlie extreme end a portrait had his wliims. One day lie ordered a ten years an exce-s equal to the whole which iHitlt tlie King and Queen have "soldier’s soup.” Tiio cook, astonish­ population ot London. ’ often siletiiiy gazed upon, it is an oil ed, (li t not think it necessary to answer painting of Kaaliunninu, it wife of the demand literally, and made a soup THE WESTERN SETTLER'S CHOSEN Kamehnmeha tlie Great, who after liis SPECIFIC. with very litllo brea.l, and so light death, became Priinu Minister mid was With evory advance of emigration Into the that tho beans could be soon. Na- virtually monarch during the short polenn w as not so easily humbugged, far West, a now demand is created for Hostet tor’s Stomach Hitters. Newly peopled regions ANXIOUS TO MARRY. reign of Kainelimnelia H. I’erliaps lie sent for tlie cook. uro frequently less Balubi lous than older set­ Knpiolani oiijeets to her name (“Cap­ "I believe that you were a soldier?” tled localities, on account ot the miasma which A Young Woninu Who f.esrne.l Typo-Writ. tive of Heaven”) ns she looks on this "Yes, sire.” Ing for n 1'urpo.e. lines from recently cleared land, particularly savage dame’s determined features "Then you must know very well along the banks ot rivers that are subject to A daintily-clad liltlo woman—she and longs to emulate her. But her that tills is not a soldier’s soup. »I " fresli ts. The agricultural or mining emigrant was one of tlm best operators as well as spouse know* that those despotic times learns, when he does not already know, "Excuse nto siró. I baliove—I soon the prettiest—whom 1 hail notic <1 sev­ that the Bitters ufford the only sure urotoetion have long since gone by. Here, also, thought—” against nuila is, und those disorders of the eral times in a down-town type-writing are the marvelous royal feather robes, stomach, liver and bowels, to which climate "That will do. Make mo a bolter onanges, office. was missing from her desk tlm exposure, and unaccustomed or un­ tlie gorgi-oiisuess ot which no one can one to-morrow." healthy water or diet subject him. Cons ■ other day. Tlm plump, prosperous imagine. The robe used by Kalakaua. quei.tty. Iio places an estimale upon this gri at Tho cook did not ropeht tho per* household specillo and preventive eoiniuensu- looking head of the establishment and exhibited in this throne room, is formanco, and th) next day served a ru ’e with its intrinsic inerita und is careful to smoothed down some rebellious rod- tlm identical mamo (mantle) worn bi soup so thick witli bread and beans keo I on hand u re.-torativo and promoter of dish-brown locks ns slm explained, to so Implicitly to be relied upon in time ot tho grout first Kameliameha. It is thrat a spoon could b> stood erect in it. health need. iin accompanying clatter and bang, as eleven feet in width and fivo feet in Napoleon was satisfied, but ho ate if tlm whole alpliabot wore out on a Massachusetts pay« for maintaining her length, and made entirely of golden very little of it, and nover citllod for convicts tj 800.(110 per year more than they spree: “1 didn’t expect to keep her Un tilers from tlie Oo, or royal bird. it iignin. And then Caromo pro­ produce. long,” slm said. "Shu camo to inn n Only two feathers are found (one un­ pounded this pliili sopliical query: year ago to learn tlie business, and lior der each wing) on each bird. As it •‘What was tho purpose of this groat 0VEE-W0BKED V0MEN. mother—she wore diamonds — came takes a thousand feathers to nmko an Captain in ordering a soldier’s soup?” For “worn-out" “run-down” debili­ with her half apologizing for the ordinary necklace, what a vast quanti­ Another time Napoleon ordered from tated Brliool t ackers, milliners, seam daughter's whim. Tlm two of them ty must this rolte contain! And this is his Chineso retainers a d liner of stresses nonse-keepers ant over-wo ted wore gowns that turned tlm Imnds of women Generally, Dr. 1 ierce’s Favorite B it Ito could not Prescription i, tlie best < f al rest'raiice tlm whole office, and looked as if tliev not. only the collection of a lifetime, Chinese vianils. tonic.. It is not a “Cure -1- ' but adoiira- lrn.1 money enough mid to sparo. it but the combination of tlie hoards of touch it. — Scrib ler's Magaxtne. b y lu'flls a slnz en« s of purpose, l>«-iuu a eight or ton successive chiefs. At the turne■d out when I was iu my in st p-tent Specidc for nd I no»* Chronic Weakne-ses a d Di-eases pec liar to new appnmtiees confidence a lit­ opening of Parliament this robe is MACHINE-MADE BOOTS. spread upon the throne as symbolical worn n. It is a power'u . general as v ell tic that she was engaged io A New System of Securing tho Solos In ­ as u eiine, tonic and nei vine and imparts of royalty, but. nt. other times it is al­ u law student — an impecuni­ vented in Kugiuiitl. vg-rand strength to the whole system, ways kept over in tho palace, mid it is ous one -ami they wanted to marry as A now system of bool milking line it promp ly cure- weskne-s ot stoma-h, said that Kalakaua was once discov­ indiges ion, bloating, weak ba lr, nervou- soon ns hn was admitted to the liar. been perfected In which tho mothod of pro tritiou, debility and Hleep'essness, in ered alone in tho throne room witli this • Papa' had absolutely refused his con­ scouring the soles, uppers and insoles ei her sex. Favorite rre-cription is sold sent, nntl 'mamma' frowned on the robe around him gesticulating and together is tlm exact revorso of tlm by druggl-ts under our positive guaran­ whole thing. So what, does my lady do voicing fortli vowel* to Ids ancestors ordinary wholesale systoin. In tho tee See wr.tpper around l>oi t'e. Pri.-e 81.00 u bottle, or six bottle« for blit get permission, without assigning like a child witli a new toy. Kalakaua hitter tho uppers aro attached to tlm 83.00. is now fifty-one years of age and lias any reason for the freak, to learn type­ A large treatise on Diseases ot Women, in-oles by small tacks, the points of writing alio is studying short-hand, been firawing $25,000 a year since he which in tune protrude into tho wear­ protuse-y ill-strated with col-red pla-es started, liosidiA extra money being and numerous Wcod cute, sent for ten too having taken tlm idea into her er's foot, li sides which their use is ac­ cents in stan ps. paid Ills Queen, liis and her staffs and head that, if she and her law student companied by oilier Add e a, \\ orld ' s DrsrENSARY M bdi - disadvantages, tlieir household expenses. Although cai . ASSOCIATION, 10J Main felrett, Buf­ chose to marry when the time camo, the King has mt interest in tliree sa­ Tho solo is I lien scored or channeled falo, N. Y. she could support tlm family until tlm loon* mid has some good property in round to recoivo tiio st it ehi ng, by appearance of some fees. Tlmy had Th s country pay s every year about »22, land, and certainly often helps sonic of which It is, of course. weakened and the knot tied a < ouple of days ago, tlm 0 for the patent msdiciues wh ch it his poor subjects, yet tlie mass of this its water-resisting power greatly re­ 00O,r elv sleep. Meet'ng with su h su.-cess "What an extremely candid person blue sorgo suit, with a cheap straw hat near its point and in section resom- with my back I applied a p suit under tlie knee on each leg. and In threw dais was Mrs. Higgins is," said Mrs. Robinson. on tlie back of his head, and looking, blcs a t open harpoon. Hincc, when compl-tely cured, and have never been "Seo how she exposed those Simkinses ah! far happier, after all. — Boston driven into leather tho latter closes troubled In cither way since. over the shoulder of the nail and de­ ■ml Wilkinses." Transcript. Th re are 40> Mirino1 bishops la Utah, fies all but tho most severe efforts to -A------- —■* a — "Ye*,” said Mrs. Jones; “but if you 1423 priests, 2w74 teache's mid «Sit deacons. could have heaixl what she said about —A writer in the Nineteenth Century extract it. After tho solo has been you yesterday"— proposes tho estslilishinont of a well- secured tho boot is finished in the ¡•(Tensive b eath vanishes with the use "About nto?" endowed kitchen college for the ays- usual wav. tlm time occupied in fixing of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. tho so ’ c being about half that required "Yes, about you." tomatic training of domestic servants. G-n A. V. Knuts the cava rvmsn. is in In the ordinary machine-boot process. "Well, I never! The idea of her —In the morning when you awake, Nebraska, colonel of th • Eighth Infantry. talking about mo! I won’t- believe accustom yourself to think first ti|»oii Tlie value of tlm systoin is strongly another word she says!"— Youth's Com­ God, and something in order to His attested by practical hoot manufact­ CONSUMPTION SURELY CURED. urers, and it appears likely to oflect a panion. service; and at night let Him close To the Editor: — market! change in the condition of tho Please inform your carters that I have a pos­ thine eyes.— Jeremy Taylor. wholes ile boot manufacturing trade.— itive remedy tor the above named disease. By It. timely use thousands of hop I,-«a casts have SCIENCE AND INDUSTRY. —Gain a little knowledge every day: London lime». b cn permanently cund. I «ball be glal to one fact in a day. How small a thing »end two hotlire of mv remedy vast to any of —Tlteni ar* 2,000,000 mon engaged your readers who have eonsnmpUon If they w ill one fact — only one. Ten year* pas- is in the building trades in the United —Like those fair New England lakca. e<-nd me their Ex pre— «n t P. O. addre-a. ' ■ by. Three thousand six hundred and Respectfully. States. greened around with meadows, of T. A. SLOCl'M. M. I . IM IVarl St. New Tors fifty facts aro not a small thing. translucent depth and »liver sand, on —The cost of th* rcc*nt coke strike —There ar* seventy-six guilds in whose surface armies of* white lilies. A b Article nf True Vlerit... to the men and operators is estimated London endowed by wealthy benefac­ gold> n-crowned. unfold to the »un. sc “Brmcn's Bronchial Trochea" »re the at •2.000,000. tors for th* lwnetit of different trades most popu'ar article in this >-o -ntrv or Eu the Christian's heart should be. All rone tor —Tliero aro 108 cotton mills in th* The annual income of those endow Throat Diseases and Co mhs, and its feelings and affections shonld open this popular.ty is ba ed upan re» merit. South. Georgia hands th* list with S6, ments amount* to fl, 000,000.— Ch eag Sold only is hoao.s. into life like those white lilies, and Tennessee comos next with 27, and Ala­ Advance. Jeep amid the blossom petal* should bama 20. —In ridding to one temptation the —A physician living near th* soa way is opened for so many; nothing be seen the golden crown of lor*.— ■ay* that during tho part five year* he trill serve us day by day but a humble BcecAer. has noted the hour and minute of death trust tn Him who is able to keep n* — It Is a great gift to be born rkh in The beet cough medieine ia Pino's Cure in ninety-three patients, and every on* from falling, and earnest striving to the eves and cara Some men have for Consumption. Sold evervwhere. i'c. has gone out with the tide, save four watch as well as pray__ Rural New carried before them an endless proccs- who died suddenly by accident Yorker. Gen. St neman exGosernor of Califor­ or cant, in dis ko itry in do Ins’ iiio y’ars, au' dat cull'd men nil obor do kentry atu droppin’ dead wid heart disease. “Thursday mu de reg’lnr day fur predictin' tidal waves, cyclones au' litianshnl panics. "Friday ar' sartin to bring de nows dat do coal fields of de world will lie exhausted in about 252,000 y’nrs, ebery stick of wood bo gone a y’ar later, mi1 dat de cull'd populmshuu kill prepare fur a sorrowful time. "Saturday oands up do week wid a railroad slaughter, a big hotel flail, a steamboat eollisliun an' de statement dat do germs of yaller fever liev ii|>- pearod in watermollyons. Dis puts us all in tt good frame of mind, mt' whim we go to church on Sunday an’ li’ar de preacher tell how glad wo otter be dat we ar’ 'lowed to lib frow de week we foci dat lie has struck do key-note. "I tell you, I dotin’ caro two cents whether do sun am 93,000,000 miles from de airtli, or only 92.990.000. 1 (loan’ know whether do moon mn itw habited or not, mt' I (loan* propose to lose any sleepobor it. Dis kentry may bev 2,000 mile( of coast exposed to de attack of a furrein iron-clad, but I ain't gwine to git up one miltit airlier in do mawnin’. it may be dat de intelleek- tual standard of de world 1ms decreased ten percent, in (loins' deettde, lint l'se gwine to keep riglit on buyin' do smim grade of codfish from de same grocer. Insanity may bo gainin’ ground at de rate of livo por cont. per y’ar, hut me an' do ole woman am gwine to stnoko de sa.i.o kind of torbaek -r an' soothe our bunyoiis wid do same nmko ob salvo."— Detroit Free. Press. -- — c If a gentleman by the name of Day volunteers to throw the light of his ex­ perience into the iarkenod places of misery, so that others may go and do aa he has done and enjoy life, may it not be reasonably cafied As nnt^W. OkuXni«-. whol aargon “bom® time ago 1 A.Ì PORLI ANO In «uccaeaful operatiun «inc« u all »«cuori« uf tho Nurihwe»? cVd* M buauioM meu and leading | THE MOST PERFECTLY EQCipJ^itJ of ita cUk* on th« Coast, it < fferi Pri , ’ll tnatrucuon, day and evening tlii0u<|JL7j * ty Arithmetic. Writing, ('t-ncjH icr,*e Banking, Shorthand,Type-writing, Buiine»0*‘‘'fa Fumi» »nd all Common School Branchia *8?^ of all »gc* both »exci admitted* CaUlogue free. Armstrong and (hr To*a a Day, Sample« worth «i?" JkK Linea uoc under tho horwfL f U* Varu*« SArmr IU ik II oldkr C o Hou 1 suitablo lor Oranges, Lemoim, Olive«, p. i Rananus, Strawlierrlert and early Vt sale on long cre«llt. $1.25 to $8.00 Der »».** i ieice of the pain. Also a letter from Mr. H. M Convene, of I he Warren (Mass) Herald, dated July J, ¡¿<87, as follows: “In response to yours of June 22, would say that in 1880 my wife had a severe attack of rheumatism in shoulder and arm. the oi Uinory kin-la, and cannot 0« »01111» k i so that she could lion with the mulfitudo of low ¿2 shim, or phoaphato powders. 8»4«“lr ‘" not raise her hand ¡¿mBAiixotouDita Co..loS»u* b:,out,N. Y. to her head. A few applications of St, Jacobs v/ll JilUUUS Oil HULU cured nvi her , permanently, and she has had ns return or it.’’ Another case is that of Mr. R. B. Kyje, Tower Hill, Appomattox county, Vu.. who writes, November, 1886: "Was afflicted for several years with rheumatism and grew worse all tlie time. Eminent physicians gave no relief; had spasms, and was not ex­ Are AlwAj. rstel »» the best Potatoes. We have . pected to live; was rubbed al! over with St. largo consignment, anil more to arrive. Price to-day Jacobs Oil. The first application relieved, i at Store or on Whart, 1 cent per pound; Early Rose, the second removed the pain, continued use cured ine; no relapse in five years, and do as 70 cents; Peerless, 80 cents. Sweets vary from 1 to much work as ever.’’ These are proofs of tlie 1} cents per pound. Prices vary from week to week. perfection of the remedy, and. taken in con n -etion with tiia miracles jicrformed in other Wo are always the lowest It will pay you to buy cases, it has no equal. _______ | Potatoes that will Keep all winter and please every­ POWDER Absolutely Pure. Qfin e«*»1» of Hcctul ÔVV F ìhmui - cm . FlHtiiias ani’i? Clcei-H tretiteli aiiceeHHIully UHc or knife, w IIhhi t>u»t iù. ViHltH noverai Interior tow,,.1? lor cil-cil lara. J. II. • I Ik I J! No.2 llekuni'H building. 1‘urll.,'! CHI MS OPIUM Habit Cured satisfactory before any pay. I rol. J. ». B.UTO.S, SIU S.rt. CI.S...U,i' saie» ut tlui c¡.4í| Cures In ^1 TO 5 DAYH. ty Guara < >1 not re»n Cutlln«. MOODY 4 CO.. Cincinnati. 0. ISinnlZ FOB ALL.-S30 a wen* nuU eipous« WStrfK Paid. Valuoble outtit and particulars If UII l\ fre0. p. o. VICKERY, Augtuta, Me. Flour is lower and Sugar higher this week, but send for latest list to SMITH'S CASH STOHK, 115 and 117 Clay Street, San Francisco, Cai. MBW AN» WONI1EBFTL Self-Playing Musical Instrument. Plays Classical, Sacred, Dance and all the jiopular mu­ sic < f the day correctly. Price from #15 to ty‘-75. Write Kohler & Chase, San Francifioo, for catalogue. IUIMIA/AY S iUk.AAMtii aM. ttAlitl, I I Cl IN W A I Gabler, Roenish llanos: Bur det Organs, band instruments. Largest stock of Sheet Music and Books. Banda supplied at Kastern prices. M. GRAY CO. 9fiR Post. Rtrrtrtt. Snn Fran Murn. 1 CURE FITS ’ When I say cure I do not mean merely to »ton them for a i iine and then have them return again. I mean a radical cure. I have mado tho disease or !• ITS, EPIL­ EPSY < r FALLING SICKNESS a lit«-l<>ng snvly. I warrant my remedy to cure the worst canes. Because others have failed is no reason for not now receiving 8 cure. Send at once for a treatise and a Free Bottle of mv infallible remedy. Give Express and Post Office. II. G. ROUT, .»1. 183 Pearl SR. New York. TUe BVYERa> GUIDK Is t«anrd Sept, und March, each year. »(T 31» pa«eB, inclie«,with oiler 3 600 UloBtrattons — a «’hole Future Gallery. GIVES Wholesale Prices direct fe ronsnmert on all good« fol personal or family use. Tells how to order, and «Ires exact cost of every­ thing you use, eat, drink, wear, or have run with. These INVAL’.'AllLE BOOKS contain Information gleaned from the markets of the world. W'e will msU a copy FREE to any ad­ dress upon receipt of 10 els. to defray expense of mailing. Let ns heal from you. Respectfully, A. L. SMITH. m J Wo have to keep it moving to prevent being over-stocked. tlie public aud iKmtaJ .ittiolig tho leedinfikrt iciue.t ftheo ldom. Wa.le eipreMlyLrtuJ durnogementi of tho »¡»J organs. The contiaaonnJ or KI.RCTKIciTY through the parts num J tltem to health»aeth.1, M confouudtbiiw'lthiiiKtrt,3 advertised to eureaili!t|l head to toe. Illaforthtrt apeclfto purpot». For circular» giving ft formation, addret»Cbwnu tria Left Co., )uj WyJ Street. Chicago, 11 ~ It you are ready to order Dry and will moke lowest carload prices In any reasonable quantity desired. ‘*1 IIVRPHT gOL C bu won th«*ü\"i r