W —»i ■ I..... .... II. W est side telephone .! A brotherof Mr.Belehera, of Lafayette, is visiting him irom*lhe east. Willamina- | I Election iLtur.is The following is the summary of the election returns in this coun­ ty on the various ameniltuents. NEWS IN GENERAL. Tho following is a commuuication re­ A. Odell was b-rilsd out the day before Nebraska is u complete republican vic­ TELEPHONE WHISPERINGS. el-etion. Jack Hooper is etill in durance ceived from a resident of Willamina last tory week to late for publication. We are I Jn MiMiaaippi there was no opposition I’rold- Hair’s of Cli'ngi'g Will Holman who has been ettending sorry that we cuul.i nut allow it space Corner lots for sale. Precincts bition S't. ofc* Klect'ns to the democratic ticket College at this place went home today. last week but can do so now. The state of Pennsylvania will go repub­ liaiay day for election day. He intends being gone a «ack or so. E d . T elephone . .......................... y e» T’O vrs no yes no lican by about 2600 majority. ; i Thanlcagiving on the 24th. i Hl iu; ur : Amity .......... 78 i The Editor of the Reporter is awfu I feel very much like The entire democratic ticket in Iowa is .5 a 81 3-. i smart as is seen in his witticism of tl.e striking a few random blows ami if any I Bellevue........... About time to go trapping. 61« lb 10Í 3.’ 79 elected by a small democratic majority. Carlton.............. 4 Re ublicans and Democrate iu hie last 4* = 17 5* 1 4> of them sbouhl take effect upon sonic of j Dundee......... Fresh roasted peanuts at i li. H. is. ,uo. The election in Ohio was hotly contested Dayton........ Its 1(1. 20i * 171 tf our well qualified citizens to introduce j I Kant Welch's. and gives a republican gain of about 5011. !• ♦ 58 5- Uhehulein. 13‘ A four horse team loaded with ladies 9; 2» 14 5: Oi 6 Souvenir Tea at Baxter & Rogers 75 and gr ntlenren came from Willamina to this thriving village to tbe outside world i Lafayette........ lllin* is goes republican by’ a less major­ , North Fork 131 14« •J. 27< 51 213 cents a jar. attend the dance given to the citizens of it Would sot be a lick amiss. W«i liavn N. MeM mi vide 12i 12 11 22: »O’ 141 ity than furiuly. shoeing n democratic | citizens here wall qnalifie 1 to place us ■ S McMinnville 17.’ I.'* t 26: 1 ?l 181 gain Look at ths local of Mrs. Stuarts in an Yauihill County. tot «I f L5X ?. 140 other column. The rope that was used to hang Marple, ■ before the public as we deserve, But i i Sheridan ....... In Massaehubets the election is close but 4: L 1 A4 It j Willamette. is an old h ind at the business. It was . se ufall others arenmst neglected, The ) 5- 4L 10 7b 20 is republican, with a loss of 400 democra­ , West Chehalem C. C. Linden of Willamina was in procured from Sheriff Minto of Salem. youngest ---- .... .... county and i Willamina ... 6 4 10. 1 97 tic in Boston village in .. Yamhill thia city Monday, It has been used several liuus before. | —— —- ——- I second to any m the county, eight years I Total Senator Allison of Iowa, emphatically A numhor of Lafayette people were in 11». )7 i 31 111' 7‘* i 4 Hl A very fine Chinese pheasant was ago the spot marked only by a bridge Majorities. 103 i :5I 136$) refused to let bis name be used as a candi­ the city Wednesday. found dead in a fence coi ner and brought date fur the presidency Tho finest lineof Tansill* Pnnch cigars to the city bv Andy Baker. It was the across the Willaunliu liver. Now we Work on the new cruisers at the navy can be luund at Rogers A Todds. tf most pe fe< t b.rd tint lias »-ver I ec i have and boast of a fine school of about ' -Í i yard has been sli pped It ia said U.nt Tbeie will he a meeting of the G. A. bi ought into town. It will be stulled. fifty scholars. Professor Linden has > < TEECINCTS ■c j t..ey will cost several thousand dullars over K. at (irange hall, Saturday at 1 |>. m. . A single hottie of Avei’s Sarsaparilla ■ taught our school for three vea.e ami he ; ' tae estimate The editor of the Register should slid- J will establish ttre merits of tlri. medicine may well feel proud of bis labors after i 3R as a blood purifier, Mwny thousands taking them frem the primer to what our The Western Vuiuu Telegraph company lac Ilia list or cotae in out of the wet. Am.ty...................... 1 ■if peopfeare vvarly <«tred chronicdiseas- thr» ugh its directors Lus )i.creased iis cap­ school superiuten lent says is the best ) Bellevue................. Tom Rogers and Waiter Durham in-! es by tire faithful «*e of ti.is remedy. ita! stuck i5.U00?<00 This makes a capital tend to take a hunt up the Willamette ( It is unequaled for the cure of scrofula. classes in the county. Our merchant e Carlton stock of $86,200,UUI) Dundee •oon. inteiest consists of two dry good slo es Dayton I* Wong on ths J ettv —The work on It is whisj»ered that Rev Charles A Ikr East Chi haleru .. and one drug store, R. L. Churchman i If you want to advertise yonr proper-’ ry uf Wolverton England a ill be culled to Lafayette. tv or busiuess apply to the T elkphonei the jetty at Fort Stevens still continues t carries on a large stock of general nier- j Sortii Fork. and will until the close of the month. offica. 1 till the pastorate «if l lymouth church, left chandise and Soper Bros, ditte, Church­ North MeMiiini ille vacaut by the death of Beecher The jetty has been advanced about 830 South McMinnville It will not ha Ling before the new man Bros, curry a stock of drugs and | An explosion of gasoline occured at St Sheridan.. 5. . feet, but the stone baa not been deliver* trick of Dr. Tucker will be read» for oc- medicines only excelled in Portland but I Willamette ___ _. 9 Louis on Nov, 1. wrecked a tenement , ed in sufficient quantities at any tíme iupancy. Willamina . . 4. little in quantity, un I none in quality ho.ise and twelve persons were Luried in Wanted.— All kinds kinds of of wrought wrought and a«d . i „¡.otltiation next ' ianuurv adequate ap- West Chehaleni 1> —Ail Dr. Reese of Tennessee, ae are proud of the ruins A large number of buildings or February .at iron Apply to UJld p«t matteni’in sntisfadory abapi- Cash on delivery. -Apply To:-41 1261 M l b 1 1 u th j vicinity were al*»o wrecked. bis presence, he is an able and success- ' z.ttl toung. | |or rapid progress next summer.— Is- ful physician. Dr. I. W. Ininan cont.nues On November 5th, a sharp fight occured You can get ionrof the fittest «combs ; to. ian. P oking Tue W ork .—In another week between the Crow Indians and the soldiers, hie practice tliroughoir the co 'itri Ws n a neat little case, for 56 cents, a j D l M asd F or F ruit T rees —There is have two blacksmith simps, and « ic wag it is expected tho track will Ire laid several braves, the leaders of the rebellious Ingers & Todti’s. tf a great demand fur iruit trees this fall. on shop uiiii all doing a lively business; through tunnel 14, by which time tire Indians were killed and four others wound Mr. Marple, farther of Marple the con- (resile work between tunnels 14 amllA ed After the battle all tho Indians except tinned murderer was with his son all One order received try a nurseryman in one manufactury of boots and shoes, by this vicinity a fow «lay since from South­ a thorough, energetic Gertniu, we win will also be completed, says the Yreka 20 returned to the agency ly Wednesday'. In Dakota the election was interesting Journal of November 2. The track is C. C. Poling will preach in the Cbris- ern Oregon, calle«! for 5090 prunes, 1099 more like him. Langdon & Cary are from the fact that at this election the divis­ m church Sunday evening al 7:30.1 each of 5 varieties, and 1000 Bartlett doing a la. ge buriness in the flouring now laid to the mouth of tunnel 14 from rervbody invited. 1 peartrees. Thsreisan immense num­ mill, mating lots of flour and a fine this side, but owuing to so tuany cut vrs, ion of the state was to be settled Division will win by about 10,000 South Du- Wc could find 1000 items but wej ber of trees being planted in Southern quality The saw mill is bo ug rebuilt requiring the rails to be bent accordingly kota goes solid for division The prohibi II marge them ali inlo on«.- “Mc-J Oregon thia year an«l in most cases the A. Bailey says he is going to aid new the laying of the track proceeds very tion question will win by a small majority nnmlier '•( varieties in an orchard issmalt nnville has th« county scat.” machinery and stock iris mill with line slowly. The speedy completion to con­ It is thought the cabinet will be recast Rogers A Todd l«ve the agency for j The majority of fruit growers have be­ mo.ii.tain timber and be one of the boys nection with Portland now depends on the latter part of this month, Lamar will come aware of the advantage of being nsills Punch cigars. They are the, able to furnish par load lots of the same again. Oar Gin mill is pretty well al- the track laying, as tbs tunnels and i go on the supremo Lench and postmaster eel.r>cen' cig-r «. tiro marl-et. tf <■ kind of fruit.—O.egonian. vertiaed court weeks at Lafayette. Our trestle woik will be ready for tiie rails | general Villas will be made secretary of the i..I Smith has reee vc ex- A. C. Davis and others recently sold -tuck, <100,000. The p: inc i pa ! object of script and it is a nies, neatly print- taken from a lead situated on the north a cur load of hogs to a Washington Ter­ this incorporation . is lit to til bllilil unii operate n lur.t* ; , . , ..... build and ! plosion occurred when he opened it It was fork of the Santiain, on the line of tho xper. It is full of good local and ritory man at the rate of four cents psr a railroad from Yaquina city to Newport ! afterward learned that the scheme was in­ i bit ion matter. Oregon Pacific road. It was as follows: lb. gross weight. Benton county. vented by tw o unscrupterous persons for the you are in McMinnville, and want 13.67 ounces of gold, or (231.61; 159) Mr. Rennoldsis improving his prop­ purpose of selling the story to the news­ A n O regon H orse to the front , — Al >d meal or a good bed, go to the ounces of silver, or »143 25; total, »432 - oily by building a root bouse. paper reporters. They have been arrest ) the Blood Horse races in Sun Francisco, ed, charged with conspiracy •el hotel; only two blocks from the 19 to the ton. Dr. Smith states that he Mr. Bynum lost a valuable horse the business street. tf will begin the development of tlie lea«l on November 3, the Oregon mar« Miners’ wages in Nevada City for years in the spring. The assay has been such other day in Mr. Jollies pasture. Repstta won a three-qugrter dash. The have been $3 per day. Last week three ^Farmers and their families will as to convince him that “there's millions The juveniles enjoyed a surprise party purse was (100. There were several Mrs Stuart’s restaurant, opposite in it.” The lead being situated near the ) at A. K. Olds last Saturday evening. strangers were put to work in the Provi­ range store, just the place to take road, it will be an easy matter to ship start«rs Repstta, Grov«r Clevo'and, dence quartz mine at $2 50 per day, forty John Booth Las been sawing woo l J, when in town. the ore to Portland lor reduction.—Sa-, Edelweiss and Kenedy among them men waited oil the strangers and nutilied with his engine for the neighbors. llepotta eaiu« under the wire three them that they must quit working for les* 1 cause of the two fire« election day loin Statesman, O bsxkvcb . - 1 lengths ahead. Grover Cleveland, second thun the regular wages. Tho newcomers i defective flue. At the second A F ine T ime .—A largo gathering of I It is reported around town by people I Edelweiss third ; time 1 :14. i the flu« was drenched with water promised they would, but went to work people numbering at least 3 f I. Olds of Lafayette. Mr. Feters drink could do so, for the small cost of ) to fit it into a first class house. I Snake river, for a certainty, but inaDy owing in great part to the strength devel­ in a resident of this county for 42 ■ 19 cents. Every one oxpresses them- I surmise that it will be above the mouth oped by tho democrats In New York and selves well pleased with all the arrange- ■ Tim Fatty leaves to-day for tbs South­ oi Boise and follow up that river. It is Kings counties, where Cook, for secretary of I incuts. Rooms in the rear were ueu«I for | ern states. state, polled 55,000 more votes than Grant, Ilex. Hudson of Ione Orezon is , cloak reotns, and social chats. The sum | W. I). Fenton is attending court at hoped that tho citizen! of Boiao will be republican candidate The latest returns gat the Cook House and is he- taken at the door from the rale of tick- i active in obtaining the right of way so show Grant to be leading outside of these kered by Dr. Gouclrer for, els, was $49.25 ; at the lunch tables, $25. : Lane county. He will be gone a week. checifully donated to the Oregon Short I I two counties, but the majority does not off­ Ms. We bo;>e to see him well . 20. There were a few incidentals to I Line for tlieroa«! troin Caldweli to Boise set that below High bridge One of the City Election irt time. come out of this but at least $60 was clear ­ which was never built, ami present the < ed. which will be used in furnishing the i to the Oregon Fa -ifle as an induce- political surprises was the great cut in Hen­ 1 one of the crowned hea«ls have ; Od«i Fellow* hall w ith suitable furniture ' Saturday evening the citizens of this i ; same merit for them to come to the capital and ry George’s vole, who only received 34,000, it is immediately telegraphed) This is the first dance given by tbe Home I against 68,000 last year Another striking lie country. All tiie rest of the Social Club an«l wo predict as great a ) city went into convention for the pur­ thereby be refit b >lh Cahlwell and Boise feature is the increased strength shown by Under the present management in tlie world could die with the success of the ones in tho future. An pose of nominating a city ticket. After [ Citv. of the Oregon Pacific they will take their t ie prohibitionists John R. Fellows was ud not get a mention. entertainment will he given bv this club . several ballot« the ticket was nominated Hue where the in luceinents are offered. ekcte.1 district attorney over Delancey as follows: Mayor, Wortman ; Council­ if the small houses near the pub- every month, of different characters. Nicoll, which was one of the great loca J men, C. D. Johnson, F. Baruekoff, Wm. Jcnas Boise I mhkovi . no .—Judge Boise, features of the fight in New YorkCity. oi has been rented ami fitted up A ssessment R olls .— In the office of Holl, Wm. Campbell, Geo. W. Jones, who has been suffering considerably hool building. Last Monday 49 i were detailed for service in the the secretary of state clerks of the follow­ J. J. Collard;. Recorder, J. J. Spencer; during tho past two weeks from an attack Street Notice. ’ under the leadership of Mis* ing counties have filed copies of the as­ Notice is hereby given that the city coun­ Marshal, Geo. W. Kaufman. In the of Rheumatic fever, is reported as stead­ sessment rolls of their respective couties, convention, Doug. Walker made a hard ily improving, though not yet able to cil of the city of McMinnville, at their next meeting, to-wit: Monday. Decem­ the harsh, irritating, griping and Irom them it is learned that the run tor the marslialsbip. Ou the day leave liia room, and, indeed, being con­ regular ber 5tli, A 1). 1^7, propose to pass an or­ nd« so often sold aa purgative amountsof taxable propeity are as fol­ dinance widening the street across tne west of election a ticket was got out by the fined a part of the time to his bed. end of Block i, and correct the irregularities No. 2, in Newby’s second ad­ lows : Washington, »2,687,090; Morrow, anti-party with the before mcnt.onad Though it is probablo that he will be dition to the city of McMinnville, and that iwels by the use ot Ayer’s Ca­ a survey of said proposed widening of said $1,172,348; Clatsop, (2,120,380; Grant, llis. They are invaluable as a names upon it excepting tho marshal. nearly recovered by next Monday, to street has been made and tiled with the re­ ledicine. (2,844,124; Tillamook, (290,663 ; Colum­ They had put Doug. Walker in opposi­ i which time the October term of the corder of said city of McMinnville. Dated i when they Mant to pass away bia, (669,371; Klamath, (1,015,559; tion. The total number of votes cast at Linn county court was adjoin r.ed, it is I this l()th day of Nov 1S67. By order of the Citv council J J.H’KN c BR, Recorder I acquire a morbid appetite, Crook, »1,357,178; Baker, (1,617,683; the city election was 2lM>, necessary for not expected that he will be able to prr- Si ipium, but energetic pushing Coos, (1.315,839; Lake. (1,600,294,36; acheice 101; Mr. Wortman received 194; side al the session. It is likely that of the city uf McMinnville. men. who want to enjoy life Gilliam. (1,2(55,205; Douglas, (2,886,460; C. D. Johnson, 196: F. Barnekoff, 199; Judge Taylor, of the Fifth district, Wm. Holl, 193; Wm. Campbell. 183; will take Judge Boise’s pl ice, a request smoke Tansills Pnnch cigar, ( Malheur, (963,002; Josephine, (716,061 ; Geo. W. Jones, 164; J. J. Collard 191; to do so having been telegraphed to I from Rogers . 11. Adams, 13; F. Head, 1; J. H. Up from the south on election day,two s been provided for a regularold so soon. If the increase in the amounts Henderson, 1; Fur Mayor, Tucker 1; day ths O. R. & N. Company will adopt voters «ped in a two boss shay, from ion. Bring your daughters your of the assessment footings over those of Recorder J. Deedy, 1;J. C. Cooper 1; a new time sclieilulc. There will Ire two Wheatland town in drenching rain, i id all your daughters beaux. 1887 is in the same ratio through the ro Wm. Galloway 1.’ The ticket is was vir­ pasaenger traina daily each way betweeu whether they had been to explain Du­ tually elected in tbs convention. Portland and Umatilla. The Short Line rey a “figures’’ ami make ear plain, two (20 greenbacks st Amity on maining counties, tho amount of taxable with Dokenkal 15 miles swsy. train will leave I'oitland tAsli street day and the partv who picked property in the entire state will be in Across tho vallny With spattering thud COME. is known and if lie will be lion- round numbers wharf) at 2 p. m., arriving at The Dalles (86,000,000, against the horses «mote that Yauihill mud »me forward with the money­ at 6:30, where supper will be taken. the votes that rode the wheels liehind (79,000,000 last year. Multhoinab shows will be said. If lie does not pro- Business in business. The time has i « ill be Iregan ».gainst him im- by far the greattit, grin, its increase be­ come for you to think about buying your Passengers will reach Omaha just twenty inuat reach the polls ero closing tine. ly. I . V mphlkt . ing over »1,7'0,009. It is found that millinery goods for the winter. There four hours sooner than under the pres­ The connly’s «eat with them destined, counties containing the larger towns ent schedule. The Northern Pacific and with Dokenkal lOmilesawar. Ion A McGuire is tire name of a are plenty inviting you to come. You the Walla Walla local will leave Asli Tho stormbent firs stood still with show the greatest increase in value. It which lius sprung into exis j intend getting as much as you can, and street wharf at 3 :30 p. in. (fifteen min fright. Potlectly dazed at the re< klees ring ths l»st week. They have . is expected-that the stale board will flight. The panting mares like a fly ng < k of meat* mi 1 kwep a nice meet shortly to levy the tax for general the best you can for the money. It will utee later than now) but the limn from shell stung with llio lash of a Inng hazel, «, and tlrey are ieaerving of a current state expenses ot 1888. The pay you to bo sharp and look for the Fairview east will be about the sama as I ovsr the hill* arose and fall, with Duk- ths patro ag- of th» public. board will probably estimate the ordina store where you will get your money's enkal fi ve miles away. I p*y cash i .t all tlrey buy ami ry running expenses.at »285,000; and in worth, and that is at Mrs. H. P. btuarl'a now. The west bound train on the Times flying wheels, night's curtain i ii for all that is bought of addition a deficiency of $50,000 in the millinery store, opposite the Grange short line will reach I'ottland at 1:31 p. lowered, ainy's flving wheels o'er cul­ past years expenses, and special appro­ store, McMinnville, Or. m. and the N'orthern Pacific anti Walla verts roaied.will cross« Yamhill o" river priations made by the late legislature Walla express will arrive at 10 30 a. in. Styx, before times hands shall number ’arker of Delmar, Iowa can be for which that body probably thought For Sale. as now. Sii|>erintendent Henry of the six for Barnhills seat will l>e in a fix, rind the counters of 8. A. Man- there was money in the treasury, will U. 8. mail eervi.-e is trying to secure the with Itoksndal one half mile away. rih are store. He is a thorough have to be provided for. After estima­ Two Iola with good houae, well, and short line tiain, hut if the department Ths flying mud their faces filled, st man has bad 20 years of expe- ting the receipts of the state from miscel­ the business. He arrived from laneous sources during the year at (50,060 barn, situated in a deairable part of the decline*, mails for the east will he crossing streets were nearly spilleJ. tonday night and is an old friend it will undoubtedly be found that at city of McMinhville Or. A good war­ “pouched” Umatilla. Under the new “Where's the polls” to crowds they cry, anning. He expresses bira­ least (350,000 is the total net amount rantee deed will l>e given to pnrehaaer. schedule the time for letters between “This wav.” they shout ane hose and engine boy* turned Handsome cloth hmind gilt edge rolnmes Chilblains, (’orna, and all Skin Erupt­ •F ob T im D avs .—I will sell my re­ u—— o - — o 'ered themselves With glory by the same authors, at the astonishing i great shape. No fire conld low price of .V> cent« per copy These ions, and positively cures Files, or no maining stork of batsand bonnet frames Rlngraphv. over î,.vm liopraphical o the embryo heroes dragged b^okw are a job lot, and ran not again be pay required. It is guaranteed to give I at straight 25 cent discount. sketch»”« of’eminent |*eople in the world M bs A. E TrcKZ*. in 6 volumes. The agent it in the county and cart back into their rest bought for the «ame price. now is your perfect satisfaction, cr money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. RofemATod d. and wil interview nxi Nov. 11. chab ’ e to buy At (Tia* Gris«ena I.. . . ■ . 5 Appleton’s Cycloopdia AMERICAN -r X3 o JQ Ct) McMinnville, Yainliill County, Oregon. First Term begins September 7th, 1887 Tuition In l‘reparato:y Department $5 00 ;-«r term; 111 Aeadeinic, »7 00; In Collegiate, (10.00 Instructions thorough and practical A boarding hall will be conducted in the College building under the liiunagenreut of a steward where good board can l e hud at 42.75 pel week. Those wlio prefer board in privute faniiiiea can secure board from (2 75 to 44 00 For further information, address Send lor Catalogue. A THE OLD RELIABLE, McMinnville Pioneer Hoot and Shoe Store I am now receiving inv Fall stock of Boots and Hines directly from the fuctory; select­ ed from the best material, and iuade by w hite labor. 'Ä - x"\-, — , Uv?*- SSi-.Tr'*' • 1 will not sell boots that are made out of -.» k - o .- - j, leather that is tunned by the hot hciuur process; for that leather is burned A man that thoroughly understands the quality of the goods he sells, will be successful in business, and in due time gain the confidem*« of the public The bublic are respectfully invited tj ex imi io my stock and prices. No trouble to show goods No charge made for sc-wirg ii; s, on gcocs »hat I m II l‘< < t*> made to cider and re­ paired. opposite the Grange More Sign of the big Boot 1*. F B rowne OUR NEW “AD.” We guarantee our goods to be First Class,,, and the prices as low as the lowest. When you come to our store you will not be disappointed for we advertise nothing but what we can fulfill. We are not winding up our business but intend to keep right on selling Drugs Pat­ ent Medicines, Stationery, School Books, etc ns long as the people of Yamhill county hoii or us w ith their patronage. When you come to our store w e guarantee to give you prompt and courteous attention and the lowest price possible. Very Respect- ROGERS & TODD, TT-IJB T9T&XTC3-G-TSTS. BARGAINS!! 2d Great Annual Clear ance Sale For the Next Twenty Days AT HEADQUARTERS, Come early if you want, the Best Bargains. A. J. APPERSON. TO THE PUBLIC ! are now prepared to receive for storage, alt KINDSOF GRAIN AT M c M innville , M c M innville crossing «nd carlton , O regon , Warehouses. They also offer to sell or lend sacks at a low price. They bought their sacks early in the season and it will hetothe farmer » ’s advantage to call and sec them be­ fore making arrangements for storing their grain of this season. Long experience in buying grain gives solid assurance that the farmer’sintcri sts will be carefully guarded. r«s’ Their warehQiise has been fitted up with new machinery and is now in good con- dition for saving grain. < « BARNEKOFF, THOMASO '■1^ - £ SON.