SIDE TELEPHONE. Your name v/ritten in RED sig­ Exo : d .—Fu New •Market Theate. nifies that your subscription has ended its existence as a place of amnse- The most potential i‘l"l broken 1 kno« ment, last Saturday night, The cm taiu expired to tho TELEPHONE. will fall for tlie last time when it drops is the toothpick, especially the wooden I NEWS IN GENERAL North Carolina has 18,000,000 acres cov- • covered uy forests Who will get the county seat? upoir " I’ticenix.” The theatre was tootlipiek—2.61X) for live cents in the A very severe storm is reports I from th» letting colder. ■ You must re 11 the address in ti.ii issue : opened Feb. 23, 1875 by Jarnos A. Hem drug store rale. Now abstractly con­ Great Lakes, no less than 12 vessels foul ■ and digestthe facts hilly. Lb for the county seat. with “Rip Van Winkle.” Mr. Louis T. sidered, tlie toothpick is nut a bad idea. de red “Uncle” Jep Ga' ri’on is suffering from 1 Howard was the stage manager at the It enables a ceituin numerous class to [lias fallen in the Siskiyou’s, A terrible explosion ocenred at Anaconda first performance an.I it is a singular eu- cut a considerable figure in the shadow Montana in a mine on Oct 30 Two men an acute attack o* Rliuuinatism. pioves caught this time also. iucideuce that lie should lie stage man­ Tim finest lineof Tansills l’linch cig irs ager tor tlie company which gives the last of Hist grade hotels, It is also a fauiil- i were killcl I wanted at this office on gub- cau be found at Rogers & Todds. herae tf A society of m >n in Detroit (worn n it to performance. Last Monday the work of i iar propei ty of the after-breakfast n. The Register was wild and wooley to tearing out the seats and stage begun. car farce that is daily played by those swear, numbers nearly one thousand per­ roasted peanuts at II. II. > say the least about its last issue. who publicly clean their finger nails sons, it is said A S aiuobs L ite .—A new departure in tf Teener be lt Gaudanr over a three mile The rock on B at. Inis been broken and . the accomodations for Jack Tar has been with tlieir toutlipn-k.s and then clean Bel Hardin the Nevada cattle tlie street pieseutsu fine appearance.! clear away their teeth with them, The j eonrseon laiie Maranaeook Me very easily. commenced on the ship Inehgicen she utilitaiian may not always be politely , . feemer's time 2-1 24 3 5. I in Portland. New cross walks have been put in at i I Tea st 30 cts. IL at C. Grissen's the intersection of C and Fourth streets. : has differe it foicastle facilities from the bred, but he is a economist uml sliouLI Ilutrniiiii prairie In Ohio caught fire and general run of vessels. Every sailor has frtay, it goes. 28 Brick laying has eoaiinenced on Dr. ' n bridal chamber stateroom to himself. ; therefore comm.m I our respect. Dr. a truct of 2000 acres is burning Farm ■some Gla«s Lamps, complete, ruckars new building. The foundation t > Samuel Johnson is rem jmliere I chiefly houses are in iinniinciit danger In the forecastle are stateiooms, one lor : for his great intellect, though I suppose K0 cents each at C. Grissen's | is of rock. Arrangements hsvebcen }>erfectrd for tlie each sailor, luxuriously fitted up with all Bieck of Walla Walla agent for Tlie-blue prints of th« Jacksonville modern conveniences.' In the mid lie, it is very well settled that Ids peisuii.ii i muting o'a In.e of English steamers on L ns Biography is in the county, eauit house are fins ones. Have you and convenient of access tlie habits were perhaps as fllthv as tno-e er Amazon and its tributaries I it .¿«is came down from Dal- seen them ? neighboring l'ritules, is a mess room, Socrates. In view of sncli history uliai It is rumored that the Northern Fa 13 ■ jmda. 'lie returned Monday, Last week a whole quarter of beef | where Jack is fu nished with tlie choic­ may we mil hone that lime will bring to ! will sell out the express business to the I lout for Mr. E. B. Fellows dance was stolen f,0» acres of new lan 1 ll, when in town. inquired a sympathizing bystander. be guarded from invasion by foreign been broken. The number of families en­ kt«r 4 Rogers have received « large “ What papers? Thunder! I didn't vessels in case of a foreign war, should a man well known all over this county, gaged in agriculture is 1590, and alaiut 12, says he lias no doubt in lus mind but the tine Indirect from New Yoik; of use any papers. I have my advertise­ ba built. This is merely a suggestion, 000 new houses have been erected. I granite ware, which they will sell ments painted on lenee boards.” wit and humor of which you spoke orig­ and we give it for what it is worth ; Imt A throe-round prize-fight cecured Sat­ lap as the cheapest. > A D eep W ell .—M. T. Whitney, re­ then it seems plausible, for we can scarce inated in the brain of some pettyfoging urday night at Plainfield, N Y , between lawyer whose time hangs heavily on his ho people go up in a boloon to see believe the government intends to aban­ John Gillen of Newark, N J , and Mich­ ki th but people of sense go to Bax- siding across tlie river Irom Albany, in i don protection to these American waters hands. I think you will seo Wheatland [Rogers when they want to see fine Benton county, lias just finished per­ and where there are so many interests of roll up a prettv good majority for the ael Million, younger brother of Patrick leading town of the county. With strong Mullen, English champion There was no Isry, at the lowest prices. haps the deepest well in the AVIllamette Americans involved.—Transcript. hopes for the success of McMinnville I science displayed At the finish Gillvn hit i Portland reduction works in ten valley. It was bored to a depth of 223 J ane . L. W inner .— An exciting race will now close this article. Mullen on tho left side of the neck and he Will bo in full blast. $12,000 worth feet. Before reaching this depth water Bay Fair.Play. fell like a log The fight was given to Gil ) has been purchased. J. S. Wil- was struck, but not in sufficeut quantity took place last Monday on the track in San Francisco. ien. I of Denver Colorado is theassayer. lor use, and it was sunk deeper until a District Sheep Thieves. A Fortescue, M.T., special save: Three, B Doctors are unanimous in saying three inch hole 223 feet had been bored. It was the race of the 2:20 clase Wells Fargo, Jane. L. and Friday evening in Arthur MePhillps companies of the Fifth infantry, under McMinnville and vinicity 1 ihh been This, with the exception of about six with i feet on the surface, was through rock Diamond starters. Wells Fargo sold i was going to a neighbors ho heard a .Major Snyder, cquiped for field service, healthy this fall. No such degree leral health has bcm known for 25 nil the way. Being not over three-quar­ favorite in the pool box. In the first gate open end as there had been some with transport wagons, have been ordered ters of a mile from tlie river the depth I heat Diamond came in first with Jane. L. one stealing sheep in that neighborhood to the Crow agency, and are forming for th» of tlie well is remarkable. f. and Mrs. Lucas of Monmouth, second and Wells Fargo just inside the a night or two before, be hid in a fence march. Monday will bo general muster I in the city Tuesday and Wednesday. W ill iie R educed ,—The state board day at the post, when a cavalry furco will B.ucas is a delegate to the Christian of agriculture will hold its regular annu­ flag time 2:201<. In the second heat corner and saw Jack Cooper and Anzel probably tako the field, and the war begin Diamond again went to the front at the Odell ride into the pasture and separate keration which held its meeting ill if war it is, in earnest. al meeting in Salem on the fourth tap of tlie bell, but did not retain his Ky this week. some sheep from the flock. lie imme­ Tuesday in November. The board will advantage lor.g, for Jane L. was about Three schooners, tho Mollio Adame, frn. Wm. Galloway of this city has diately went to Mr. Jolly’s and aroused (appointed member of the state canvass the results of tho late fair, and even at the quarter. Down the back them and returned and saw the men Edward E Webster and Minerva, sailed ■ of agriculture. He fills the vacan- will begin to make arrangements for the streich the nair raced like a team, with driving the sheep along the road. They from Glouceste r Mass. Oct. 27th to engage in Sealing and Salmon catching in tlie ■ t by the resignation of J. T. Hal- next fair. A numbar of propoait'o is re­ Wells Fargo four lengths behind, On then came to town and got the marshall Alaska waters One of tlie officers just be­ ■ Washington county. garding the fair of 1887 will be discussed. the lower turn tho latter broke and fell and several other men and started after fore starting sent the following dispatch to ■ascribe for the T elepone while you Amongst these is one to abolish season the tho thieves. Just as the men were driv­ Secre'.ary Bayard, “You hare given tlie fret it for$1.50. Only a short time tickets and charge admittance by the back beaten for tlie heat . Entering ■ Come in while you have a chance day—50 cents for gentlemen and 25 cents stretch Black Diamond still led, but ing the sheep into a lane near Smith Atlantic to Canada. We will take tho Pa­ Biay your back subscription and sub- for ladies, There is little doubt that Jane L., admirably handled by Gold­ Stephens they were overtaken hr the cific for Gloucester,” bo anew for $1.50 a year. thia action will be fallen .fry the board. smith, was not to be easily defeated.and two hack loads of men. The thieves Tlie state of Indiana has sued Kentucky on the leader and trotted for the I:: is n & • uint sold out to Evtfngi So widely extended has~Leen the growl­ closed stilted v.p the road and hid. As the for possession of Green river island, which string. At the drawgate she was even, I;, , Saturday. Tlie new firm took pos- ing about tho high price of $1. per ticket and, Diamond giving up the gait, she hacks were passing the Land ot sheep, is situated on the Ohio river, just above lon Monday morning. They will keep for a day admission, that it has become several of the men jumped out and laid Ecansvillc. Ind. It is, during low water, lb line of meats, llsh and other game necessary to take some action on the jogged in winner by three;iengths in2:22. in wait. As soon as the hacks had pass­ directly connected with the main land of Jane L. was now made hot favorite, matter. Everybody wiil be satisfied if mson. They are wished success. ed out of sight the thieves returned and, i he board makes these rates.—States­ and she brought joy to the camp of hei , were ordered to throw up their hands, Indiana, and has been for twenty years. backers by taking the lead in tlie last (Silas, was taken to Portland Mon- man. heat.'with Black Diamond second, two | Th?>’ Yere brotigfit to this city and Therefore tlie state of Indiana claims the I He was charged with selling whisky island as part of her territory, though it is lie Indians of the Grand Ronde A M urder .—A week or so ago the lengths beliTmL ami'weiis Fa7go’trail- i waived examination »hiturday.lxffiire Mr. now treatetl as part of Kentucky i„„ thr». Un,-ths further in tho rear. I »«dshaw. In the afternoon they were rvatiou. Agent McClane charges body of a woman was found in the ing three lengths further in the rear. , Anarchist Parsons lias written a book [ will: selling a whole keg to them The procession was maintained during ! taken to Lafayette where they a ill stay Willamette river, in the vieininy of New ‘ which will bo published soon. It is ahistory circuit, Jane I., winning the heat until the next court, when they wiil be )■ o. Force,-owner of the lot next to Era. The hotly was wraped up in u the and race, Black Diamond second and I tried. of anarchy and will no doubt lie read by fl':. kef’s new building, lias purchss- Wells Fargo third; time, 2:24. many people He made this remark |q a List of Letters. lalf of the west well. It is his inten- blanket and had several beaver traps reporter tlie other evening; "Capitalists and I to build in the spring a building attatclied to it, undoubtly for the pur­ T he N arrow G auge .—The big tiestle List of letteis remaining uncalled for in tlieir courts demand blood, and they will, 50. Still the good work goes on. pose of sinking it Io the bottom of the at Elk Rock is having the finishing tho Post Office at McMinnville, Yamhill no doubt, have It on Nov, lltli. Working- It. liver. The circumstances were looked touches put on. A h every one knows men and tlieir friends will demand blood ■. 8. Patty leaves on the 12th for Ten into and ths evidence pointed to Joe who every rode to Oregon City by baat, Connlv, Oregon, Nov. 1, 1887, for blood, ahd they will, no doubt, have it Benton Ulysses A Conners Mias K ■see an>i the Carolinas. He will take Dvis a trapper as being the murderer afterward ” Cardwell Mr J ■arty from here to the east numbering of this woman, his wile. Joe D.ivis is Elk Rock is a perpendicular bluff of Collier Mr R H Calkin Al But 15. All persons wishing to go east basalt, in tlio foi in of a crescent. At the Cooper Mr B F A special from Washington says: Evans Mrs A pi reduced rate should call upon Mr. well known in this section by the title base of the bluff, and oxposed only at Cook M Agitators of tlio subject of postal of Joe Goose, He was found in Marys ­ Elwood Mr I ’ Farmer W L ■ty. telegraphy has 'neon already begun by low water, there is a bench of rock Griner F ■ new law firm has sprung into ex- ville California and extradition papers which extends out about twelve feet Franklin Joel \V I senators an I reprosenative.s in this city, Harvly T S Jones Miss Arenia Bnre,it is composed of Senator J. II. were forwarded for him but while in and without a single exception, it islielieved Jones Mr Bill I' e!!, C. J. McDougall, A. II. Yan­ jail there, he hung himself. In the cell just wide enough to serve as a founda­ Jones Miss M E that cong-e-s will this winter cither estab­ Kelsey C O I.ittlu Frank tion for the trestle work and it has been it and J . M. Bower. The firm will be the following note was found in imper­ lish a postal ti’lograph or puss ail interstate Itrong one ae they ali are very promi- fect construction and orthography, utilized as such. The trestle is 1400 feet Mathews Mrs Wtn Mattoon C II Pearce Mr W telegraph hill, making the same regulations long and 40 feet high. The pedestals, Packwood E 3 frit lawyers. written on a large cardboard: ■’Poor made up of tiinbor 14x14 inches, are 20 Robison & Baker Reid Mrs Mary ns are now imposed iijsin railroad traffic 111 ■honiason wishes it understood that Alto died, God knows how. Fhe died a feet apart, and each section of the tres­ Reid Mr Race Jerry the interstate conimerco law Tho gov­ ■ will sell all kinds of Farm Machinery natural death. AU is gone without our tle is 60 feet long. Each pedestal rests Resit Wm W Rest Edward ernment control of th« tolegraph is assured, i the bottom prices and guarantee lives. A bigger book could not have on a pillar of solid cement, and this Tabor B C Turner J W they all say. nnd more than a dozen !i «arc |o l satisfaction. He will continue the been printed than the life ami adven­ Taylor P L Vance John I> piness of B 4 T at the old stand. Call tures of Joe Davis and Alto Dawson. pillar is on solid rock every time, the Wolverton Mr B • Wright Mis E announced their determination to load the trestle is braced in the most substan­ We die for each other. Our lives were tial manner possible for itsentire length. Wright I<1 examine goods. 28 agitation and Introduce bills as soon ■a ....„___ J T _ KercherC people when they want to pa6» away but one. The other could not live with­ It will be no usual experience for pass­ Parties calling for |he same will please congress convenes mo and acquire a morbid appetite, out the other. Goodbye to all on earth. engers on the line to find themselves say advertised. Books For Kvoryl»oer copy, in handsome Isinees men. who want to enjoy life I have to die in his cell, but I cannot Wallamette, and unalde to see the 1’. M. paper binding by all the |w>piil»r authors. pl live, smoke Tansills Punch cigar, live without Alto.” Jn order to com­ bridge which carries them over. Dry mit the act lie had torn the matress in weather and the low stage of the river Handsome cloth bound gilt edge volumes rocured from Rogers & Todd. tf A Correction. the cell into strips and fasened several by tlx* same authors, at tlie astonishing Several days ago Mr. J. T. Jones ot a round ail iron bar ill the window. has helped much with the advancement low price of ,V> cents per copy These appv A’alley made tlio statement, Then after securely fastening liis feet ot the work- Before the river rises suf In the conversation between the edit­ books are a job lot. and can not again I a1 ticiently to cover the base of the pedes or of the Register and the Polk county Iximrht for tlie same price, now is your hile in town, that he had corn 13 feet together, lie in some manner got on top tale, heavy rocks will be placed around chance to buy At Cluis Grissens igh. Last Saturday lie brought in to lie city; to substantiate bis statement; of au old stove in the call, placed his them to guard against drift which might man which occttred on the train coming N atural G as .— While prospecting for stock of the Hickory King variety neck in the nocse, and kicking the be carried against the trestle by the eddy from Portland. T. J. Harris was men­ from under him ended his life. which the Willamette makes there. The coal with a diamond drill in tlie (.'le- hicli meashured 13 fest 8 inches in stove When found a handkerchief csvered current during high freshets in winter tioned qs living one of the worker» for l^ht. Lalavette. we wiali to state that if his elum coal field last year, the Northern his face, and the muscles did not show S chool B rigade .—Last Friday,after signs of much suffering. Tlie theory is puts toward the island on the opposite name was so need it not in jns- I i’acific coal company obtained quits a side of the river, hence there is no dan ­ st King flow of natural gas. A piivste ihpol was out the pupils were formed advanced by the officers that Joo Davis ger of damage from logs or trees inov- ticetoMr. Harris. He is an officer of tine anti marched down through town, killed the woman and afterwards ing rapidly with a swollen river, Stiil, tha people andassnehhe has performed comp inv is now preparing to put down a drill at Cle-elnm for testing the extent vias an imposing sight to see such a suffered remorse winch deranged his tlie eddy might occasionally bring up a his duty and has not used his influence of the gas supple. The development of BV of young Americans. There were mind. to get votes for either place although he ‘ made log, and ample provission will bo this useful article in quantity sufficient 16 of them in all sizes and shapes from lias property interests in Lafayette. for manufacturing purr roses will illumi­ Promenade Concert at the Odd Fellows against such an occurrence. 6 year old to a 13 year old. It shows nate Kittitas county at large witli a •ogress. Hall, Morday night November 7, E B Bncklen ’ H Arnica Salve. For Salp. glow of business prosperty beyond de­ The College boys and girlsgetting tired Fellows manager It is the first entertain­ The Beat Salve in the world for Cots, scription in fioint of metallic brilliancy. walking home in single file, started ment of the Home Social Club, This club Two lots with good house, well, and Bruises. Sores, Fleers. Salt Rheum, it Saturday with a subscription, to will give entertainments once a month, the ax - ci dilldren. They are es- lise enough money to build a sidew alk proceeds of these socials ail go to furnish­ barn, situated in a des ¡ruble part of the Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, yjVwVTV peciaily liable to suddea city of McMinhville Or. A good war ­ - Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erupt­ Colds, Conglis, Croup, Whooping Cough, trough the grove. They succeeded in ing the Odd Fellow.« lmilding. Come one rantee deed will l»e given to purchaser. ions, and positively eures Piles, or no etc. ising $39 and a side walk is now in con- We guarantee Arkar's English come all, we will make it pleasant for all The terms are cash. For information pay required. It is guaranteed to give Remedy a positive cure. - It saves ruction, and the boys and girls enjov Daughters of Rcbcckali, alii have refresh ­ concerning this property call at the T el ­ i perfect satisfaction, or inonev refunded. '•oars of anxious watching. terr selves more, as can be seen by the Sold by ephone office, .McMinnville, Or. ments at tlie liall Price 25 cents per box. Roger«ATodd. Oto. W. Burt. Druggist. intented look on their faces. PHONE WHISPERINGS. I o o /Q —McMinnville, Yamhill County, Oregon First Term begins September Till. 1.SS7 Tuition in l’reparutoiy Department W OO K term; In Academic, |7 00; In Collegiate, |lO.O0 Instructions thorough and practical A boarding had will be conducted in the College building under the liunuigeTiMnt of a* steward where good board can be had at 75 per week. Those who prefer board in* private families can secure board from $2 75 to |l 0) For further information, addrMC -T/W A. C. < HANDLER, See. ufB«ar4. 1O1 V ''FLTTL Al'43m McMinnville Onp»,' THE OLD BELIABLE, McMinnville Pioneer Hoot anti Shoe Stör« 1 nni now receiving my Fall stock of Hoots IS« (on! shoes directly from the factory; select- jJji| cd from tlie best material, and iuade by white labor. 1 will not sell I hri I s that are made out of |,.ni|lt.|. ||ult ;s tanned by the hot liquor process; for that leather is burned A num that thoroughly umlerstands the quality of the goods lie sells, will bo successful in business, and in due time gain tlie confidence of the public Tlie bulilic are respectfully invited to examine my stock and prices. Mo trouble to show goods No charge nimle for tewing lips, on procs that I «ell Ports n to order and re­ paired, opposite the* Grange t-toic Sign of tlie big Boot F. F IiaoHag OUR NEW “AD.” We guarantee our goods to be First Class, and the prices as low as the lowest. When you come to our store * you will not » be disappointed for we advertise nothing but what we can fulfill. Wo are not winding up our business but intend to keep right on selling Drugs Pat­ ent Medicines, Stationery, School Books, etc., as long as the people of Yamhill county hon­ or us with their patronage. When you come to our store we guarantee to give you prompt and courteous attention and the lowest price possible. Very Respect- y ROGERS & TODD, THE nRUGGISTS. BARGAINS!! 2d Great Annual Clear ance Sale For the Next Twenty Days AT HEADQUARTERS, Come early if you want the Best Bargains. A. J. APPERSON TO THE PUBLIC I arc now prepared to receive for storage, all KINDS OF GRAIN AT M c M innville , M c M innville crcssihg and caeltgn , O regon , Warehouses. They also oiler to sell or lend sacks at a low price. They bought their sacks early in the season and it will betothe farmer’s advantage to call and see them be­ fore making arrangements for storing their grain of this season. Long experience in buying grain gives solid assurance that the farmer’s interests will be carefully guarded. Their warehouse has been fitted up with new machinery and is now in a good con­ dition for saving grain. BARNEKOFF, THOMASON b SWANSON*