The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, November 04, 1887, Image 1

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Door North of cor er Third and E St.
M c M innville , oil
non tlis...
je months
>2 00
1 00
The Use of Perfumes— Keep the Coffee
TOVES In the county, the new acorn .
ese stoves, without doubt, are the best
ve manufactured. One of these stoves will
given to the new cash subscriber to the
lephone who guesses nearest its weight.
1R nn Stove a-iven away.
Pot Clean—Bring Up Children Ration­
ally—Hungry Women—Servants—Novel
It is a pleasure to note that the indiscrimi­
nate use of perfumes among members of the
fair sex is rapidly decreasing, and that the
woman who employs triple extracts with
which to sprinkle herself has become the ex­
ception rather than the rule. Like everything
else, perfumes may be legitimate or not, ac­
cording to circumstances. Delicate odors,
such as violet, heliotrope or orris root, are
always permissible, just as patchouly and
musk are to be shunned. In any event, per­
fume in the shape oX sachet powder is to be
preferred to liquid extracts, if we except one
or two English preparations, notably one
manufactured in Canterbury by a once ob­
scure chemist. The subtle, delightful scent
was first used by the Princess of Wales, and
07 Washington St.,
Portland, aregon.
later by Mrs. Langtry, until it finally be­
came the rage. The chemist meanwhile has
made a fortune.
A peculiar custom with fashionable women
is to pour one or two drops of perfume into
their ears. Nobody, nowadays, ever thinks
of putting perfume on a handkerchief or
rubbing it on one’s hands. Laces, underwear,
ribbons, note paper and all small articles of
Of all Grades and the Latest Eastern Styles------
dress are made fragrant by large sachet bags
that are of a size corresponding to the bureau
or drawing table drawers. These bags are com­
posed of silk and lined with raw cotton, upon
which the powder is spread. This, in additon
to a very moderate use of faint, suggestive
Tall Oaks From Little Acorns odor, such as the wood violet, for instance,
is all in the way of perfume that is allowable
by a really refined woman. Parisian dress­
makers have a way of sending perfumed
With brains and skill and patient will.
gowns to their customers. A strange feature
Which shows them great painstakers!
connected with this fashion is the fact that
The Wagon that has pleased the world,
the odor remains forever. A lady of this
Was made by S tudebakers
city having purchased a costume whose every
The Country grew with rapid strides;
C. H. FLEMING, Prop.
fold breathed a most delicious perfume sent
The West with teeming acres.
an order to Paris for a sample of the scent
kinds of fancy hair cutting done in
employed. The dressmaker forwarded her
Till relieved by S tudebakers .
itest and neatest style
a small bottle of ord nary looking sachet
kinds of fancy hair dressing and hair So, with Iron and Wood and labor good,
powder. Accompanying it was a bill to the
. a specialty Special attention given Though they have many Imitators;
If you want"tiie Wagon that’s best on eartli I amount of $40. The lady paid the money, but
siuce then has generally inquired the price of
Just buy of S tudebakers .
Ladies’ and Childrens' Work
things before ordering.—Kansas City Journal.
Thejmoral is plain, which you may know’
Iso have for sale a very flne assort- Ana if you look, you may see also,
of hair oils, hair tonics, cosmetics, etc That the largest Oaks from Acorns grow;
Keep the Coffee Pot Clean.
I have in connection with my parlor, Tho same as the S tudebakers .
Noj; even milk pans require more scrupu­
the largest and flnest stock of
lous care than the coffee pot. It may be
rinsed after each time of using and yet be
far from clean. There is an oily property
Ever in tho city.
about coffee which adheres in spite of rinsing
ntRD S treet M o M innvilli , O bkoom
out. You can see this for yourself by taking
almost any coffee pot that Las been some tfrne
in use (unless it has been very carefully kept)
SAM LIKENS, Proprietor. and you will find clinging to it a sort of black
grease (not brown); this will come off if you
Blacksmithing and carriage ironing of rub a cloth round the inside. Now this de­
----- AGENT FOR—
posit, for some reason which I should like to
every description.
have explained, destroys the fragrance, color
ANK BRO S. Implement Co.
and flavor of coffee. If you see your coffee
Horse Shoeing
looks blackened instead of ruddy brown, you
----- AT-----
wi.l know it will be flavorless, however
And plow work a specially.
---- o----
To keep this black oil from the pot it must
bo daily washed (not rinsed), scalded and
Also manufacture the
dried. Each piece of a French coffee pot
ill be found a complete stock of jD^’Colebrated Oregon Iron Harrow, should be separately dried before it is put
away. If packed together wet, the strainers
ORD plows, including the Carbon-
will in timo give a metallic taste. Another
^teel plow, and SMITH’S Patent
reuson for great care is that without it the
ing Gang. These plows are some-
strainers get clogged and the coffee will not
new and useful and it costs
M c M innville
go through.
If you find your coffee pot has been neg­
ng to try them. Also the new HA-
lected put a piece of washing soda as large as
Press Drill, call and look before
t hickory nut into hot water; set the strainers
ig elsewhere. I am also prepared
in it; let them stand on the stove for hours;
nish eastings and steam fixtures
put the same in the coffee pot; then rub and
brush both till the wire gauze is clear and all
ort notice.
Cor Third and D streets, McMinnville
the black removed; then run boiling water
slowly through and dry it. Lot the care be
daily afterward. The grease will not form,
nor will the gauze fill up, if a {tint or so of
boiling water is poured through every morn­
ing, and it is dried before being put away.
Cold water is w orse than useless, as it sets the
oil. Sometimes the coffee pot is put away
exactly as it leaves the table, with left over
coffee in it. This should never be.
In drying the coffee pot, or warming it, be
arehouse has been thoroughly rono-
careful not to let it get too hot, or there will
d and overhauled, and now accom­
be the flavor of burnt coffee to spoil the bev­
modations added.
erage for that occasion.—Go.d Housekeeping.
Schofield & Morgan,
all and Ceiling Papers
ing, Hair Cutting and- - - -
- - - - Shampoing Parlors.
New Blacksmith Shop!
TH'S Machine Works
tay Fnd and Sale Skiln,
The Best Rigs in the City. Orders
Promptly attended to Day or
st Cash Prices Paid for Grain.
let Shipments to San Francisco,
but standard Calcutta Sacks .kept
I let on the most reasonable ternis.
Third Street, between E and F
McMinnville, Oregon.
onest Weight. Fair Dealiug.
Proprietor of the
idle Jewelry ta,
Women Who Are Hungry.
Henderson Bros. Props.
First-class accommodations for Ccmmer-
cial men and general travel.
Transient stock well cared for.
Everything new and in Flret-Class Order
Patronage respectfully solicited
The leading
Mrs. H. P. Stuart,
Third Street. McMinnville Or.
ou want any tiling in the line of
b Printing
Call at the office of the WEST
will guarantee you
Wt make a specialty ol Fins
k and Card Printing.
S, A. YOUNG, M. D.
Hair weaving and Stamping.
Opposite Orange Store McMinnville. Or.
D. M. Caldwell!
—Dealer in all kind« of—
Flour and Feed
—Goods sold at—
The Lowest Cash Price
—And —
Thera are women who go nlx>ut their work
neatly, even well <lfesse<l, who are hungry i
every day They may not feel the nlisolute
pang, of »tarvation, but they suffer from in­
anition. They eat4 enough to prevent the con- |
(ciousness ot genuine hunger, but tbo qunn- |
tity and quality of the food they take is in- i
suffi'-ieut for tho needs of their system». I
Health, moral, and ability are all endan­
gered through lack of proper food.
A lunch consisting of a bowl of soup and a
couple of thin »lice» of bread, a piece of pie
and a cup ot tea, is not n sufficient midday
meal for tiie woman who pa&ses ber working
hour, in office or shop. The factory girl who
carries her lunch from homo usually has but
a meager repast.
It is useless to go into detail in regard to
the way the average working woman, either
homeless or with a |>ooi- homo, lives. No
matter in what jmition sho may be found,
unless far more successful and better paid
than the average, »lie is more frequently
underfed than otherwise. Often she doe.
not realize this fact herself. Ebe estimate,
ber eating expense, at the least amount pos­
sible. Her «alary is not enough to provide
ber with the food she requires and keep ber
well clad. She may bo half or altogether
hungry and the world lie none the wiser. If
her clothing be shabby she flaunt, ber pov­
erty in its face.
Women have more pride in presenting an
apjHaranceof prosperity than men. They
know full well the counties« snubs aud slight,
to which a woman who is poorly dressed is
subjected. They can more easily deny the
flrst demands of their systems than endure
these slights.
Hunger is t’..e List thing a woman will con
few A woman who buy» a cup cf tea and a
triangle of pie for lunch would not admit
that »be cared for anything else.
She mart bo rigorously economical in all
way. to meet the demands of respectable ap­
pearance, but she exercise, greater frugality
in her food than in any other direction.—
Chicago Sews. _________
Bringing Up Children K.tlonnlly,
It is as natural to a child to be happy, a. it
is to a fish to swim. But for this they nee«l a
certain amount of “let;ing alone." It is a
Phyaioian A Surgeon.
great mistake for parents to hamper their
To *11 persons residing within city limit..
children with foolish rentrtetiona Wo pity
the little B's, our next door neighbor's chil­
ce and residence on D street. All
dren, from th. bottom of our heart. There
promptly answered day or night.
is a picket fence in front of the house, and
they are scarcely allowed to go near it, lest
Dealer in
they should climb and hurt themselvea
They cannot climb a tree for the some reason.
Harness. Saddles, Etc, Etc, They n>.y not skate or swim, or bar. a gun.
Tbo consequence of thto training is that
Repairing .neatly done al reasonable tneir parent, bars made coward, of them
■ll with the exception ot littlo Bernie, who
Wright', new building. Corner Third U Che mart daring little mbehief that svsr
wase.KaUaa^Md *• h- haraed «• ba
and r.trerta, MeMiaavUl. *r.
M.Miaavllle. Or«m
Delivered Free!
Kyle ‘Wright
Stain in Idas»’ Bnilding,
deceitful and plaj’s ail her mad pranks well
out of sight t?f her parents’ eyes. We cuugbt
her the other day walking the railing of n
trUge that crossed the track of a railroad u
eandred feet below. The railing was not a
foot w ide, and she triumphantly told us that
she hud walked it while the train was passing
under. It was enough to make one shudder.
Don’t fancy your boy is made of glass.
Grant a reasonable request, and let him feel
that when you refuse, it is for his own good.
Between the Jellybys and the Graderinds of
life, children have a hard time of it. The
youngest child needs some sort of agreeable
occupation, and a certain amount of physical
freedom. There is nothing more painful to
young people than to feel that life is one dull
routine, and that “nothing ever happens,1’ as
we ouce heard a disconsolate lad remark.—
American Agriculturist.
Effects of Novel Reading.
The novel reading young girl, when thrown
into the society of a young man, is apt to be
at once overpowered with the consciousness
that he is a young man and she a young
woman; tliut be might fall in love with her
and she with him. As a result of the thought,
she will immediately assume a demeanor and
personality altogether different from that
natural to her.
Girls, talk to the young men you meet as
unaffectedly as you do to the boy friends of
your brothers, or, if you have no brothers,
and, therefore, no brothel's’ friends, as you do
to the neightar lad who, mayhap, “d«»es
chores” for your father. Do not imagine
when you meet a gentleman that your con­
versation must be remarkable or unusual to
be entertaining. The bearing of an intelli­
gent, gracious gentlewoman is one always to
be cultivated, but thi should be your every
day behavior. You should have no company
manner. Assume no extra kinks of de­
meanor simply because you are in the society
of a young gentleman Instead of a young
Do not suppose that the strange gentleinai.
you meet is a typical novel boro. He is no
more a hero of romance th ill you are a hero­
ine. You are both jus* plain, every day
humanity. Don’t get foolish notions that you
are anything but ordinary clay, and try to
act like the young person who figured as chief
character in your last novel.—Janet Dale in
Chicago News.
HouHekfeper» and Housekeepers.
I have beard mothers declare that they
never found time to lead to their little ones;
and to tell them a story would have seemed a
frightful waste of time, and I have looked at
the ruffles on the pinafores and skirts of those
little ones and reflected that the iron ing alone,
to say nothing of the making, of those be-
ruffled garments would take more time than
the reading or telling of many stories.
I am not by any means a model house­
keeper, but my children love their home, and
although the palut is sometime« grim and
the windows dingy, my tays, who are well
grown lads, declare that they find no place so
pleasant. I do not deny that it is a cross to a
woman to look at undone work, but like most
crosses, the longer and more cheerfully you
carry it the lighter it grows. Let the making
of your home be your first work, tiie care of
your house the second, and your busband and
little ones will be the happier. When you find
that you are overworking yourself, use your
ingenuity in discovering how many things
can be left undone. If I wore a man I would
sooner put up with considerable g<xxl, honest
dirt, than with the sighs and groans of a
physically exhausted woman, for the women
who work themselves “to death,” are seldom
such heroines as not to tell of it.—Detroit
Free Press.
Keeping Servants.
More than any class ot women in llie
world, if we ex ept the indolent. Asiatic, do
American women need servants. We have
not the robust frame nor the sturdy strength
of the British matron or the German baus-
frau. Our climate is exhausting, our lives
are varied and exciting, our frames are
slight and our nerves ure weak. We can do
much with our beads—much planning anil
thinking, much arranging and directing. To
supplement this we need tiie strong arms, tiie
tireless liacks of the jieasant women ot the
old world. If we were wise ami sensible
enough to [>ay them moderately, but fairly,
to make them dress suitably anil live plainly,
in every case where we now have but one
pair ot bands to assist in the household work,
while we makeshift to do tbo rest, we might
have two. Yes, there is no question thut if
th“ maid of all work, who now receives f 10
|»er month, and is foil “like one of the fam-
i y," were to receive the same wages that an
English liowsekeei>er would paj, to oat what
English servants ale given to eat instead of
our broils and roasts and dainty luxuries in
the way of desserts, t he jaded female bead of
our »mailer American le useholils would And
that she could “keep two girls” without
adding one dollar to her yearly expenses.—
The Housekeeper._________
Girls as Workers.
A girl's mind developes very rapidly, much
more rapidly than an average boy’s; anil
when an intelligent girl shows any special
ability in one direction »lie improves in that
especial direction so quickly that one is de­
ceived into thinking she lias a genius tor it;
she herself becomes fired with ambition,
works h ird—ami many girls can work in a
way that would shame some boys—build
castles in tbo air of future fame and great­
ness, gives up other interest, anil hopes for
the ono aim, which, alas! is so often disap­
pointed. Nineteen out of every twenty­
might we not say ninety-nine out of every
hundred!—girls stop when you think they
are going to do something worth #oing, and
never get any further. They have talent
which education lias brought out and da-
ceived them into mistaking for genius. There
iaJiowever, one very great advantage in the
|Wsent rage for classes of all kinds, anil in
the facilities for study in all directions; it
gives many girls an object in life, even if
they do not do anything very great for the
benefit of tbo nation.—Tinsley’s Magazine.
To Make Castor Oil rnletable.
Of all tba nnuseating agent, employed by
physicians, castor oil stands near it not at
tbo bead of the list. That this is so is unfor­
tunate, for there are few it any purgatives
which are so efficacious and are lees liable to
be followed by unpleasant results, such a. in­
testinal irritation. It Is not so very bad when
taken in strong coffee or lemon juice. In the
form of an emulsion it is far les. objection
able. To prepare it, lieat up the dose to be
administered with the white of an egg, and
then add the juice of a lemon or a sufficient
quantity of «tfong peppermint water; by thi»
means the offensive taste is completely dis
guised.—Boston Herald.
hat vocation only. But. after all, how
ubordinate a matter is this question of voca-
ions! What really exerts influence is the
nan or the woman. Where McGregor sits
hero is the head of the table. And, as Jean
Paul finely puts it in bis '"Levana,” a woman
s first and chiefly a human being, and no es-
[vecial vocation can overbalance or replace
that, but must become its means, not its end.
—“T. W. H.” in Harper’s Bazar.
Proper Time for Meal*.
The time to give children their breakfast
is not the moment they uro dressed; let them
have a little frolic with the "pater,” and
come to the table with warmed blood and
(•earning faces, for appetite will be helped
thereby. They should not be hurried
through their meals, nor made to eat more
than the appetite craves. Nor, if they refuse
good plain food, should they be allowed dain­
ties in its place. If the appetite for plain
food be spoiled by indiscriminate feeding, it
is hard to re-establish it.
The less they drink with their meals the
better; but copious draughts of good water
between meals will benefit. No child, or
person, should eat when overheated or
fatigued. Rest fully half an hour to recuper­
ate power to digest the food.
An hour of romping after the supper,
which should be no later than 5 o’clock, will
help to insure a quiet bleep. —Demorest'»
Women an Stenographers.
Women as a rulo do not attain to the
highest excellence in practical shorthand re­
porting, liecause they do not bring into re­
quisition sufficient judgment. As amanu­
enses, however, they give general satisfac­
tion and receive fair wages. Judging from
the great number of self constituted verbntim
/•eporters in this city, one might fancy that
they came into life like the fabled Minerva,
all armed and equipped, ready to overcome
the obstacles that beset their professional
path. Much hard, unremitting labor is re­
quired to become a thoroughly expert steno­
grapher. Power of mental concentration
and a natural aptitude in that direction are
indispensable, and without them any amount
of study and practice will be in vain.—Globe-
Retaining the Maiden Nam«.
It is the fashion for the most ultra fash­
ionable women nowadays to retain their
maiden for their ‘‘middle name.” Some of
these ladies have been astonished to hear that
i he innovation was first started and became
widely used by the suffrage women of this
country, who thought it best to retain even
this slight hold upon their identity. The
»hocked and surprised fashionables are of the
class that are unconsciously using and utiliz­
ing pinny of the changes that have been
Jowly brought about by their indefatigable
sisters” of stronger views.—Hartford Times.
For Bone Felon.
When you think or know you have one
it those things on your Anger, take a piece
of common cotton cord and commence wind­
ing it at the little end of your Anger as
lightly as you possibly can unt 1 you pass
below the point where the pain is—the idea is
to press nil the lilossi out of the diseased part
—let the airing remain on some fifteen or
twenty minutes; when you take the string off
it will be very painful, it the symptom, re­
turn repeat the operation. I have known this
remedy to cure when the Anger was ready for
tiie lancet—Atlanta Constitution.
Sticky Fly Taper.
Mix equal parts by measure of melted rosin
nd castor oil. Stir until thoroughly mixed,
w hich will take only a minute. While yet a
little warm spread thin and evenly on any
strong paper that is not porous—old letters,
catalogue covers, e c. Spread with a case
knife or any straight edged instrument
slightly warmed. Leave a narrow border to
handle with.
The beauty of American women often
puzzles foreigners, who cannot account for it.
One ingenious lady of foreign birth has pro­
duced the theory that the reason that Ameri-
•ans have such exxl forms is that their rest­
lessness and nervousness prevent their being
long in one position, so that any defect is not
likely to become fixed.
Southern housekeeper, as a rule, arrange
fresh fruits upon the table with a great deal
of taste, and the dainty and elegant appear­
ance of their dining rooms is very attractive.
Center pieces of mixed fruits make a pala­
table dessert, being at the same time a hand­
some ornament.
A company of San Francisco women a few
years ago established a filature on the Pacific
coast. Now they have an immense business,
and at the same time are looked upon as pub­
lic benefactors in providing employment for
women and children in raising cocoons.
It frequently happens that painters splash
the plate or other glass windows when they
are jminting the sashes. When such is the
case, melt some soda in very hot water and
wash them with it, using a soft flanneL it
will entirely remove the paint.
“No man,” says Mr. Ruskin, in one of hi­
should marry under 24; ño
latest essays, “ ‘ 1*
girl under 18.” And he adds that the young
man should choose his bride “as he would
choose his destiny, with range of choice from
earth to heaven.”_______
The women of New York have been
granted more patents than their sisters in any
other state. Tho women of Maxaachasetts,
Ohio, Indiana and Wisconsin rank next in
________ _
Oil of cinnamon will cause tbo disappear
ance of warts, however bard, large or dense
they may be. The application gives rise to
neither pain nor suppuration.
When the knives and forks are stained
with egg scour them with common table salt.
Medicine stains can ta removed from spoons
in the same manner.
When the carpets have been thoroughly
swept go over them with a damp flannel
mop; this will remove all dust and brighten
the colors.
Cor-ron. Night Garments.
The gilded youth of Fart», it would seem,
sleep in night abirts which have either one or
i wo piece.. The flr»t variety is made of th*
finest Lyon, .ilk in the form of a blouse, the
sample that I saw In-ing in pale pink, dotted
over with little red «pot«, fastened at the neck
with a heavy tassel cord in led .ilk, The
colon, however, are a matter of taste. I sup­
pose it takes practice to deep inaiale sueb ■
The Qu«*«tlon of Vocations.
gorgeous garment. At first you doubt lee. lie
Instead, there for., of citing it •• * proof awake reflecting oil your own magnificence.—
of the unfitness of woman for a high educa Home Journal.
tional position that she may leave it any day
to be married, we should rather say that sb<
A S»n Francis- o Club.
iu that cam honor, two offices in turn, ona ot
Ran Franrisre has a meet commendable
which a man might |»-rbaps have Ailed club, »ailed the “Sight Seers.” It is a walk
equally, while the other—that of the creator ing club, with no initiation fees and no dues,
of the home—no man can Ail, so that it most the only requisite lining that each member
ba ben alone. Under such circum<tano. ber '»ring his lunch on the regular weekly tramps.
half career of official work, followed by • The club recently ascended Mount Tsmalpaia.
career ot other kindred duty, may weil coant from which ene may overlook Ban Eranctoco
for mor* than the whole lifetime of many a >nd the surrounding country for fifty mfisa
worthy inae-uhne pnaident who baa filled -Chicago Herald.
NO. 28
The liesuits ot a Stroke of Geuiue—«The
Waste of the Old Eaahiuned Plan.
Valuable Chemical Products of the
Modern Method.
One square or les«, one Insertion................ fl 00
One square, each subsequent insertion.... 50
Notice« of appointment and final settlement 5 00
Other le^al advertisements. 75 cents for flrst
insertion and 40 cents per square for each sub*
sequent insertion.
Special business notices In business oolumas.
10 cents per line. Regular business notices, >
cents per line.
Professional cards, >12 per your.
Special rates for large display “ada."
My baby slept—how calm his rest
As o’er his handsome face a smile
Like that of au^el flitted while
He lay so still upon my breast.
My babv slept—his baby head
Lay all uukissed ’ueath pall and shroud—
I did not weep or cry aloud—
I only wished 1, too, were dead!
My taby sleeps—a tiny mound,
AU covered by the little flowers,
Woos me in all my waking hours
Down in the quiet burying ground.
A two story picnic barge was tied up beside
And when I sleep I seem to I m
a North river pier near Harrison street. The
With baby in another land—
picnic business bad not been go<xl for its
I take this little baby hand—
He smiles and sings sweet songs to ma.
owner, and he had turned to another line of
business by transporting lightweight mer­
Sleep on, O baby, while I keep
chandise in it from the upper waters of the
My vigils till this Day be past;
Then shall I, too, lie down at last
Hudson. A gang of men thut formed two
with my baby darling sleep.
long processions, traveling in opposite direc­
—Eugene Field in Chicago News.
tions, were carrying rough bugs full of char­
coal fr- in the l»arge and loading them on
trucks on the pier. A bright young man,
who could keep tally of the tags, smoke a The Uuutnt Street, and Their Inhabit,
g'xxl cigar, and talk at the same time, stood
»nt—Nunirrou* l'ubllo Gardena.
at the end of tiie gang plank and made a
A few hours are aufllcient to give a stranger
mark in a book every time a man with u tag an excellent idea of the town. The street»
passed him. To a stranger who was curious are not unlike those of a second rate Italian
to know something about the charcoal busi­ city, and, though vastly inferior iu jnint of
ness he said:
architecture, have a certain picluresquenea.
“This boat load of charcoal came from Al­ of their own. Many of the houses are com­
bany. The coal was made up in the North pletely faced with tiles, usually blue or piuk
Woods somewhere, most likely out of wood or green imttern upon a white ground. Tlx
stolen off the state lands. There has been a entrances to the older building. Iinve peacock
great change in the churcoAl business re­ blue dados and a scriptural picture in tilea
under the window, of their first floors. Th.
“In the old days the charcoal burner drove inhabitants of these quaint streets are a short
a stake in the center of a piece of cleared and thickset race, so swarthyfikhat many of
ground, or cleared off a piece of ground them are darker than the natives of northern
around a small sapling, and then proceeded India. The men, as a i-ule, are fairly good
to stand cord wexxi up around it on end until look ing; the woman u painful contrast to their
the pile was about forty feet in diameter and lovely sisters in southern Spain. Like them,
two lengths high. Then he piled sods and they ill-ess in black on state occasion.; but
earth all over the pit. leaving a small hole there all similarity ceases, for they have
hero and there around the bottom, and one neither their stately walk, their lieauty, nor
«mall one in the top. When the wood was their graceful fan play. In fact, the only
well covered in he set it on fire and let it comely women in Lisbon are the bare legged
burn till well ablaze and then closed up the fishwives, who trot gayly through the street,
draughts around the pile. For two weeks poising huge luiskets of fish upon their hand­
thereafter the charcoal burner, with another some beads, and who, it is whispered, ar. not
man to keep watch and watch with him, sat Portuguese at all, but immigrant, from tba
by the pile and smoked his pipe. Now and northern provinces of Spain.
then the fire would break through the cover­
Th< re Is plenty of life and animation on tbo
ing and he would'have to cover up the hole. streets; peasants in black jackets, beil shaped
Sometimes he would have to make a hole on trousers supjiorteil by a red sash, and wonder­
a side where the fire was not disposed to go. fully (minted sin«, flog their gayly decked
In a few days a black tar would begin overladen mules over the uneven pavement;
to ooze out through little drains made handsomely dressed officers lounge about the
for its escape round the tattom. During doom of the cafes; sturdy Galician porters,
all the time the pile was burning a pic­ the hewers of wood and drawers of water for
turesque column of smoke rose out of the the leisurely Portuguese, stagger along under
chimney holo left in the top. When the tar their heavy burdens; trnmears with three or
ceased to flow and the smoke to rise the char­ four mules abreast rattle past at every mo­
coal burner knew that the pit was burned ment. Bright eyed children pester you in­
out, and after allowing a day or so for cool­ cessantly to buy tickets for the lottery, in
ing he shoveled off the sods and earth, poured which you can sisxnilate for the low sum of
water on such chunks of coal as happened to threepence; and horsemen in a tawdry pi­
be on tiro, and was then ready to load the cador costume canter altout the street^
product of his labor into a dusty, black sounding bugles anil scattering handbills to
overed wagon, and with his mules to pull it, announce the programme for the next bull­
drive to town and make hiinseif hoarseshout- fight
mg, ‘Cha a-tt-r-r-coal! Ohar-c o-a-1!’ He got
All the squares and modern streets are well
about twenty-five bushels of coal out of a planted with trees; and at every available
cord of wood, and tw% ty-flve cents out of a spot in the town a public garden has been laid
bushel of coal. Considering the vulue of the out, with fountains surrounded by hedge, of
wood and the time required to make and sell cactus ami aloes, and a wealth of roses,
the charcoal, the charcoal burner didn’t get arums, nnl geraniums, growing half wild
rich Very fast. In face he was always a nround pulllii trees, acacias, and banana«. In
laborer dressed in blue jeans.
fact, the only neglected piece of ground in
“But he found time to meditate, and that Lisbon is the great ojien space in front of th.
after long years amounted to something. Out king's pulace nt Belem. It is grass grown in
of his meditations grew the revolution iu the ruts and holes; its few stunted trees ar. en­
business. Singular as it may seem, the most circled by broken and unpainted wooden
valuable product of the charcoal pit was the guards; the road connecting it with the cen­
picturesque column of smoke that rose up and ter of the town Is equally uncared for. The
was dissipated in the air above the pit w hile the land lo-longs to the municipality whose rep­
fire lasted, (t was like throwing money into resentatives decline to g|>end money upon it,
the river to let that smoke blow away. Borne in onier to advertise the vigor of their repub­
bright genius discovered that the smoke was lican sentiments; the king stands on his dig­
in good part alcohol, and thut the alcohol for nity mill refuses to do the work of the munic­
mechanical put j>oses was just as good as grain ipality; and thus the state approach to ths
or fruit alcohol, though not ut all good to the royal residenee nt Belem remains a disgrace
taste; in fact, would take the throat out of a to the capital of Portugal.—Chicago Times.
Mulberry street tramp.
— W «*•
“The problem of getting the alcohol out
A Mechanical Blow Pipe.
of the smoke wus simple. Instead of burning
Ireland i* famous for its stout and its
the wood in a pit, the genius borrowed capi­
tal and built retorts just large enough to hold whisky, and it also promises to become so for
two cords of wood each. They were made in its bottles. An Irishman, Mr. Francis Has­
the shape of round steam tailers and mounted lett, has invented, and an Irish company
over brick furnaces as boilers are. The re­ have brought out, a mechanical apparatus
torts were filled with hard wood, softtaing of for blowing glass by the mouth. Hitherto it
no account, and fires were started in the has been considered impossible to improva
furnaces. The wood was baked, and the upon the human lungs, and so the glass blow*
volatile elements of the wood were driven off ers of the world have gone on puffing them*
through pii** that were laid in a big trough selves away at 42 years of age, which is the
of running water so as to form a condenser, low average of life among the handicrafts­
on the principle of a steam condenser. men. The new invention dispense« entirely
Of course, the factory had to be located on a with the human lungs, and injects the air
stream of water that bad a g<xxi fall in order into the molten glass by an air pump not un­
to run the water into the condenser econom­ like ail ordinary syringe in shape and action.
ically, although a steam engine would pump This is fastened to the ordinary blow pipe and
makes little difference to the workman in
die water through.
“The liquor that ran through the condenser handling. Manifestly the invention is of ad­
was simply condensed smoke. It was con­ vantage to the workman, and as to the em­
ducted to a tank wbero it wns mixed with ployer, it will enable him to produce bottles
dmo. The lime combined with certain acid at two and a half times greater speed.—Chi­
ixmstituents of tho smoke and left wood alco­ cago Times,
hol free. Tho alcohol was drawn off and dis­
Hom. Excellent Adrie..
tilled once or twice to refine it, just as it
“Thrift and economy, my ton," laid th. old
would be distilled in a grain distillery. From
five to six gallons of alcohol were obtained man, “are the important element, of sooert.
tn this world. Togethor they will accomplish
from a cord of wood.
“Then the compound of lime and acids was wonders,”
“Then I hope, father,” responded tba young
taken out of the vats and dried down in
diallow vats until it became the commercial man earnestly, “you will practice both fuff
take."— Naw York Sun.
substance known as acetate of lime. About 550
IxMinds of the acetats were obtained from a
cord of wood. Here, then, were two very val-
iitble hu I »stances obtained from the smoke, and
although some additional labor and a valua­
ble plant bad b»<en necessary to secure the
imoke, the extra expense was n trifle com­
pared with the value of the new product«.
“Finally, when tho tar had eeaeed to flow
’rom the retort, as it bad formerly ceased to
dow from the pit, the retort was opened. In­
stead of twenty-five bushels of coal to tho
coni obtained in the pit, the charcoal burner
found silty bushels to th« coni in his retort.
Ho the charcoal burner Idrwl men to do the
yelling on the village streets for him, paid off
the usurer who had loaned him the capital,
ibrew away his jean trousers and his pipe,
Ta an afftectlon of the Liver, and can
and, In a more beooming garb, sat down to
be thoroughly cured by that Grand
«moke twenty-five cent cigars. The fact is
Regulator of the Liver and
he new busineM was like any other new
Biliary Organs,
taing; it was enormous!y profitable until tbo
rest of the world rubbed into it and cut down
“Still no one need complain who owns a
J. a ZEHJM A 00., PkllaMpMa, Pa.
good acid factory. Acid factory is a name
idopted by th'»se who do not like to «top and
I was afflicted for several yean with
diaorrlored liver, which renltod In a
explain to every inquirer that while they are
severe attack of Jsundlco. I had M
producing alcohol the stuff is not the sort that
good medical sttendanoe a« our sec­
in^H-iates anylxxiy. Tba charcoal pays al)
tion affords, who tailed utterly to re­
store me to the enjoyment of my
the expense of buying wood, paying wages,
former good health. I then tried the
and delivering the pioducte on the market,
fovorite prescription of one of the
end leaves a little margin for interest on the
mo«t renowned physicians of Louis­
ville, Ky.. but to no purport; where­
investment besides. The alcohol and the ace
upon I we Induced to try AlrtrtOno
tate are clean profit. But that is not all; !
LI vor ■eanlalor. 1 found Imme­
there is a very good product of ashes. 1
diate benetft from Its use, and It ulti­
mately restored me to the full enjoy­
fire In the furnaces h kept burning with
ment of health.
ebarcoal dad and broken charcoal that doe«
a . h . Amnurr,
not sell well on the market, and with the tar
Richmond, Ky.
tliat oozes out of the retorts. There are sev­
eral bbshels of aslc-s for ea< h cord of wood,
and the ashes arc worth from ten to fifteen
Proceeds from a Torpid IJvar an II
rent« a bushel at the factory, where they usu­
parities of th« Stomach. It eai
ally have ready sale to the farmers for fertil­
invariably cured by taking
izers. They are also blenched ami used in
making potash. Thinking of su<*h a l>u>dncss
as this makes a fellow wonder whether there
isn’t lots of stuff now going Io waste as the
smoke did that might be utilised and make us
all rt«h.”-M^r York Boa.