SIDE TELEPHONE. IPHONE WHISPERINGS. Your name written in RED sig­ T exusred Ilia R xsk > x . vhox .—I. L nifies that your subscription has Hallett, of Dilley, Washington county, has tendered to Governor l'ennoyer his expired to the TELEPHONE. resignation as a member of the state Lite Imprisonment. JNSRAL 2Jlh, Judge Steam* denied tho m >t o i board of agricultuio. The reason of Id» Whalebone is worthabout $8 bOOaton. resignation is not stated. Mr. Hullrti'» for a new trial ot tho cjs- < i AV 11 llpox in San Francisco, ¡term would have expired Dtc.l. 1888. Dillon convicted of murder in the Popcorn balls at the sociable. ’ Gov. Pennoyer has not yet acted upon ond degree. Diltmi was asked to >> job printora “got left,” In Fort- St Louis had a $500,000 fire, Saturday. I the resignation. Up to be sentenced and when be d d air potatoes where they won’t, Missouri has a pustoffii e named Scoo- A K ind Organ.—At the recent meeting was Hiked if ho had anything tos.r .< pns. , of tlio Oregon Editorial Association, why seuteii.’e should not lie passed Waldeuiar Adolph the Danish poet is p wanted at this office on sub- dead. Frank C. Baker, the «tate brmter. k.udly bin for the killing of Clu.rles Maiieiet Kn. offered to brint the constitution of t'm LI lion replied 11, a the felt no malice liev a. the school. Dr. J. IV. ten here. Now I would not notice the from Secretary Fairchild, directed to Cap- Frazey, of East Portland, has also bee., piece ot nonsense, for any other reason ¡am Healy 1‘he secretary authorizes the Ipods yesterday on the freight, j n Iowa. elected to be special chair of gonitn urin­ king new. 28 than, I know, it was written either at conveyance of tho remains to any spot The condemned anarchists case was ary’ diseases.—Oregonian. Lotatoe crop is all threaahed and given a hearing in the supreme court Lafayette or else by some irresponsible winch may be designated for the burial, * D bman 'D for T imjer L and .—A gentle­ person who does not reflect the senti­ Prior to the departure of His Z. inence, Eons are, that there will be yesterday. h to do us. You can get ¡our of the tinCRt combs, man who has recently returned from the ments of this place. I have heard solid Cardinal Gibbons, the matter 1 wiii be laid j bg in your chilled plow shares for in a neat little case, for 50 cents, at East says that to,000 tourists are booked men of this place say that Lafayette was before # him und his views ascertained for the Pacific coast this winter. So. not entitled to the county seat for the ei- whether t ie body will be intern cd at Vic to- I land we will sharpen them in fine Roger* & Todd's, tf ria or elsewhere At present the gat A. J Smiths. much money has been drawn from the I P. fodd was married at Clover­ son that there was no aecotaiuodati ,.is are encased in a coffin covered with, sheet inderground river was struck in dale California last Tuesday, to a Miss banks in Chicago for investment on this ; for the public during court week. As 1 iron, aiulun;deposited in the . »Id Russian flginal Butte mine, Montana, a few Ollie Ford of tliatcitX. coast th it there is a stringency in the! do not wish to enter in a contruveisi Pioneer Boot and Shoo Stor church at St. Michaels Captain Healy go, at a depth of 150 feet. about the county, I will e.iy no If you want to see tine, artistic crock­ money market there. One man said he I thinks that cither the Iks or Thetis will more at present but I hope that these I am now reeeiviry; my Full stock i f I [Drain Echo and the Roseberg ery, just stop into Grissen’s and look at was coming here shortly to invest half a ' and Shoes directly from the factory SClC'Ct* million in timber land», and if he found few wordswill show you that Wheatland bring the body from the north next Fall h are having it hot and heavy his imported German war«. cd from the best niatcilnl, end ;i>; ado l.v which suited he should invest seven is not a unit for Lafayette as the article A GOOD ••PUT IX the prohibition amendment, white labor. Mrs. John Gault returned from Spo­ land would indi­ •^ii millions in timber in the Northwest. referred to in the Register I will not .ell boots that arc n< jare for a cold winter. After kane Falls Ssturday evening. She has Eastern people are beginning to see their cate. oure, thnt is tanned bv tin' I lion rj-George in a recent speech urged P’OV'SS: for that leather is burned — A man leather r studying all the almauacs wo been visiting her sister living there. F ai ;'. F lay . way out of the woods now, and are »Irik-, that thoroughly npaerstiiiids tbe the no _ty of free land i' a poor folks, and »me to the above conclusion. c goods he sells, will be successful in business, aa-i in dm time gain th. Baxter 4 Bogers make this statement ingout for tall timber on this coast. Ore­ said no poor man could, get any land free th ■ public Carlton Presbyterian church which has to the public. “We have the largest as­ gon and Washington have much forest The bublie are respaatt’ully invited m cxxiuina my stock t . i I i.ri - X, Arc lent of Dakota w..s present, and I k knit at McCoy, during the summer sortment of crockery and glassware in yet, and it is bound to be valuable in the s,.'iw goods .•a. •■ up ai... t i Mr George that there very nsar future.—Oregonian. i dedicated next 8unday the 30th. the county. Oct. 24, 1887. Np charge made for ri wlrg lij a, on gcoda that I roll Tcclf n ; <’r ok a ere tho ; ands of «<_•:, s of jn that ter­ paired, opjrosito tbe Grange More bi^n «f the big Hoot 1’. F I i v :.i: A large band of cattle; 126 head; was Rather Ffather frou; fivMuy these nights, too much 1. Terry of McMinnville, received ritory » . ¿ mix person who might settle A L ittle R ace —By way of excite­ so for f_. . tiou-e plants which wert» left un ma for the best hand male cut- driven through this city, Wednesday They wrvre the profiertv of ment after the band played Saturday, our | porches Saturday and Sunday and improv._• them, Mr George stammered I the Mechanic's fair in Portland, morning a little, and thougir that was a good way Warren Merchant. tho people of this berg were treated to a nights. ners can get all kinds of turning Vint Snelling lias tieun hrpaging on neat little foot race, A young nan by ttur public school is progressing nice­ off. Il k tH’icty evidently want free land iding done on Mondav or Saturday, in Broadway George would select the h week, at A. .1. Smiths machine the O4C. but Im* laid off for a few days the name of Jas. Smith being imposed ly under the management of Miss Mc­ • no •: >iyli.» words <>1 ti limony and about 500 pages b driving. tainly strike ns and one that will stay. M akple ’ s C abe .-^H oii . If. Y. Thomp i down in the same house, that he started of figures Young y.iyjj that the president in from the mines on the Yukon, hem. Evidently thinking “there is no If you want to seo the finest line of will embody the report in his message ika, report things booming and General merchandise in the town step son, of Portlaud, is at tbe Monroe house. : place like home.'1 n the placer diggings making from into A. J. Apperson» and gaze upon the having conje UP from PortlaQ last even- ; will marry Min* Mr. A. J. Edson of this place, had a Secretary tin. $10. a day. countless articles which line hisshelves. ing on legal business. Ije was asked valuable horse badly injured on Sunday >1 plows, harrows,cultivates,seeders VmsHiv,. Oct '.»I —It Is learned, D. S. Holman brought in and sold to by a reporter about the Marple case, he afternoon by getting fast in a wire lene. rills of all kinds call at PEThoma- II. Henderson 22 potatoes of the Perles* being tbe condemned murderei’s attor­ upon nr: ri;;i:.:>- ; ithority p...’ay, tllttt the 1'he auction Was a failure to-day. The he has the finest lot intown. Be- variety that weighed 58 pounds. How ney, and he slated that a» yet he bad nieri i.i e r.i Sr i n. tury 1: ivnrd and Miss people have got tired of being gulled. ieporter office. 28 formed no definite idea as to future pro-1 is thin for Oregon. Can anv one beat k -Ophir, M: vlll take piaco early in the ceedings. Hu was not going to give up, . There must surely bo something in the winter Tlx , lmvc constantly been seen ou are in McMinnville, and want it ? however, and between this time and the . air fiom the number of trips J. L S. Jr. 1 meal or a good bed, go to the The experience of ye>3s furnishes the during tin' last fe?. w> • As driving together, al hotel; onlv’two blocks fiom the most convincing evidence that thousands date of Marple’s execution lie will make has been millih g to Lafayette iately. ami at the dinner i-f ven Thursday by Sec- an effort toward saving liis client ’ » neck business street. tf What Is the matter with that walk to reirrry and Nrs End! .>it to Lord und Lady of lives are annually saved by the use Mr. Thompson is satisfied that the sti the school bouse. It don ’ t seem to pro ­ of Ayer ’ s Cherry Pectoral. It speedily ^Farmers and their families will premecourt erred in sending the judg­ Ibi-elirl, Miss Markle was present with firs Stuart’s restaurant, opposite cures all affections of the throat, bron­ ment in the case back to tlie circuit con it gress very rapidly. Seereta y Bayard Mir-Markle Is a hand­ chial tubes, ai d lungs. range store, just the place to take to be re-pronounced, and he thinks Mr. J. W. Redd ou> butcher, will com­ some woman, about M years of age She I I, when in town. Naugbtv girl, naughty boy, toelop« he can demon»trate the matter to them. meiiee the erection of a nice little ba in has Irer'D n clerk In tire State Department this week. Canby at the mouth of the Col- and leave the town in such a manner. Statesman! Oct. 19. for many yr-.ars Sire belongs to the well , the only protection to all the Mis* Ollie Eceleston and Dan Thurber T he F air R eceipts .-Tlie executive com­ Married—At Callton, O t. 20 Mr. known M rrklc family of Philadelphia J ng interests of this North West is left Thursday afternoon for Vancouver James Edson to Miss Nettie Fryer, Rev. THE DBUGCUST8. W. T. where they wore married. They mittee of the state board of agriculture J. A. Campbell officiating No cards. ibandoned. Ought this to be? returned Srtmdav, ajid are living at has finished tbe canvass of the receipts We wish the young couple happiness iewspa|»er devoted to the George Amity. The T'neciistltutlonallty at Autl-I.tqunr and expenditures of the iate state fair, in their new ventuie. tax theory has been thrown to the Taws Unearthed. A farmer, said the oilier day while in and finds them to ba as follows: Total i at Rochester New Yoik. It is •Mr. J. L. and Robert Steward, start W••iiisi.Tn-.-. O. t. 24. Hntnuel Packard, j the Earth, and that is what it this city, that if the county seat was receipts (including the $5,030 received to Yakima to-day to visit their bioihcr, moved to MeMinnvill bis land would be of < Lien 'win babeen sent here by the worth $10. per acre more than it is at from the state,) $22, 849.50; paid out ou Chas. Steward of tlpil place. prohibitionists elnims to have i|i-< overcd a Post offices have been established the present time. This burner lives account of premiums and expenses, Mr. J. Shelton must be going to stait serious c•million of affair., lor the anti, I following places: Briedwell, farther away from McMinnville than $17,529.46; balance in treasury, $4,819.- ' a notion store, judging from the amount 04. The receipts, while not so large a« of traps he bought at tho auction last liquor men llnoiigh'm: iiie emihtry. Pack­ ill County, Or., with John Bried- Lafayette. ard ‘: ivj tin- qiieiti jii ot the <. ii'tj’utionali- i i Postmaster; Haynesville, Klam- It is useless to attempt tbe cure of any in some former years, are on tho whole week. ty ol p.o.iiUiimry kgi.-iatioii enacted siin e j ounly Or., with Joseph K. Haynes disorder, if the blood is allowed to re­ very satisfactory, and about $3,500of the D. O. Stevens in and Asa Ke^e [ive it a hearty "success.” Mr. address tho Grangers and Farmer» of • vi... 1 and in use a: ibo time of the pasaage used as a residence by th« Doctor. number of barrels with square doors in I ig is an able writer and newspaper McMinnville at the Grange II ill at 1:30 of such law.-. I I k * only way to overcome Tne plans adopted by the County their ends aic »ven in Chinatown, to be ' p. m. on Saturday Oct 26. this serious obstacle to the progress of the .Court of Benton County shows tbe peo­ need in carrying water on the vessel. , J. R. B ooth , Master. prohibition movement, he tays, would F. Brown the pioneer boot and ple of that County that a fine, large, The Harvest Homo festival lias been , man has proc urea hie fall and win­ oomtnodious building can be built for by conatitutiona: Uuicmiinenc Bucklen’s Arnica Salvo. lock of new goods. They are in the less than $50,000. Wbat’s tbe matter celebrated by the Chinese and tlie devil! | burned, and now it only remains to ' t stvies and made of the best quality with the people of Yamhill finding out LMBB’ V > C'HVHOYN. The Beat Salve in the world for Cuts, Sterial. He has one of the finest the sanie. Look at the fine lithograph* launch the little paper boat» with a light m each and telease a captive pigeon, Bruises. Sores, Ulcers. Salt Rheum, :s in the city. Opposite the Grange of the Oregon City court bouse which Gu.Talo Bill’s • li otv IrtApirefl the British i and then all will be ready, and the emi- ’"ever Soies. Tetter, Chapped H md», Y' ti HI i . you will find in the T kleitione supple- grants l, with their rice, cabbage, etc., Chilblains, Corne, and all Skir^E.-upt- Tx> n no v,Oct. 21. TL R force to-day *;iy.;: | j¡ O Bxt week the Portland the exodus of the British 1 ■by railroad will commence layiug tide | iving the cost of construction, in I , gonian. pay required. It is guaranteed to give ■ between Elk Kock and southern detai of this building ; The finest public perfect satisfaction, cr money rclunded lads bound for finj great plains, owing to 1 ■land. The trestle at the former building in Oregon. ' Ax E xtraordinary C hild .—The Priue 25 cents per box. Kigers4To.f i. (he Wild Went of BufTalo Bill, that a ' Ks will be finished in two weeks. The There will be a sociable at tbe lesi- Waitsbnrg Tiunes arys: “A seven year pcfiul NhiiT < f <1 etci tives is employed on Book» For £varybody. ■tie is nearly ready for the ties and dance of W. II. Binghan’s next Satur­ the landing st g • at Liverpool to look out K to tbii city.—News. day evening to raise funds to buy a ol^ child of Herman Myer», a few mile» At 10, L>, 20, 25 cents per copy, in handsorm for ranaway y!opped have had | ibrday evening drew a large crowd of There from four to mx : c en loaded revolvers con- i will be a tea in the afternoon for ot. Tlie child had from his infancy by the same authors, at the aitonishiug coaled abuut Hi» in, ami lari its galore pp*d:- ! Kle. Old and young were there. One Mapocially attracted attention, it he- the old folks or those that can’t come in doubtless been dead* to all tbe five low price of So cents per copy These |com posed of old residents of Me­ the evening And at night a candy senses—hearing, smelling, tasting, feel books are a job lot, and can not again be e r not BL! !M 1MDIAX4. Mr N. H. Frohlicbstciii, of Mobile, AU. ■ time. If the paper is to be devoted amongst an assorted assembly of cadav­ helped itaeif nor attempted to. It w ould writes: I take great pleasure in reCeom-! ■e democratic faith, steady in its ers. Tne Wheatland article for instance eat what they pot in its mouth and i H i . frook . A < >ct 21. C’owbovs 1 hx»»e,!and a tmth teller, it will be a is teeming with wit, wit that would whenever they put it there its eyes were mending Dr. King’s New Dis overy for > as bright as ever seen but they seemed Consumption, having used it for a severe i ■er. We wish it a hearty success. make a barrel of mollasses laugh. Such to be useless. . Jt ........................................ showed no signa of life attack of Bronchitis and Catarrh. It gave I I lewis county farmer owned a Hol- idiotic foolishness will make at least 600 at any time except that it ureathed, ate nie instant relief and entirely cured me and 1 have not been afflicted since. I also people vote for Lafayette, who before and digested its food.” bi bull worth $500, which was inclin- beg to state that I have tried other reme­ hem to be cross. It got into the yard re­ the publication were »olid lor .McMinn- , with no good result». Have also used the dies ally. and the farmer intending to vi|le. Our Wheatland cotrespondent i R eeord B eaten .—Banchero, Elo-tric Bitters and Dr. King's New Life (and a bona fide one loojsaysthat it is all Montana horse which trotted such an Pills, bo’th of winch I can recommend. Pr. nteu the animal, loaded up his shot- k with an extra charge of powder and a lie. That these articles purporting to ’ j exciting race with little Joe at the fair King's Naw I’neovery for t onsumption. lees if f come from Wheatland is the evervese- Coughs and Golds, i* »il l on a posative ■rge wad of paper, then planting hini- • grounds during the late fair, on the 19tb gOarMitee Trial lM>ttles free at Roger, .t cr ing of a diseased brain at Lafayette or r»)uarely in front of his bullsliip. he 1) [drive at short range. When the some fool at Wheatland whothinkshim-' ¡net., at Spokane Fall», trotted a mile in Todt'» ¡2:2*Ji his best previous record being •ke of battle cleared away the hull sell smart. W mhixgiox . Oct. issue oí slttii- I^fayette man.—“Boo he ho Boo ho 2:23, made at Butte on AuguM 14, 1886. ■ lying on the ground as dead At dard »ilver dollar ft ii|ints «luring Mr Tax payer, Boo ho I tool so sorry for , This time has never been made in Ore- Bus Cte«ar. W. D. Hoyt * Co.. Wh. eMie and I Rc- the week ending <>■ 1 was |9S2,* yon Boo ho.” j gon, Washington, Utah, Idaho or Mon- Id vices from Melbourne state that AU Tax-payer.—“Why?” ¡tana. In one of tbe dead heats at tbe tail Druggi«t« of Rome t.a . ny: We I have •mo fil.ipment- of I *ilver coin ■lense nugget weighing about 51 Lafayette man.—“Because Boo ho the ’ race in Salem, 2:231* was inode, and been selling In King’s New Discover) •in< 1st instant mo II to 175.000 Bids, of pure geld, ha» just been uii - people boo ho of McMinnville are trving the heat Oregon record tied, K ectric Ritters am! . Bnekh n’a Arnica salv ri tbed in tbe now famous Midaa mine. to boo ho rob von boo bo ho bo.” for four years, Have never ha ndled reinr ------------------------ uv «.AS • or give »u h anher Tax-payer.-“You get out yon, I dont ' A N ews I tem —Lafayette people say dies that •.ell a« well, ■ find lias created intense excitement. satisfaction There have been vmie City Market. B nugget is flat and has something of want any more of this nonsense von sre the county buildings sre worth $30,000. derful cures MTeruM l»v the*c medicine» n I contour of a colossal hand, held making the same howl you did in 58 but thfacitv. Heveral case«of oney ant «•••.I < C. C. Poling, the E vaxoeiiwt , will Mi. with tbe thumb and finger close it wont work this time.’’ Tliev sepcrate. ■nmptmn bare heed entir* rl hv e mark**t in ll»n
e ■ nice them alaav» 11 c ” build- should go to hear him. Todd [1] tan betore it is broken up. our game. — -McMinnville, Yamhill County THE OLD RELIABLE McMinnville OUR NEW "AD,” We guarantee our goods to be First Cl and the prices as low as the lowest. When you come to our store you will not be disappointed for we advert ise nothing b; what we can fulfill. We are not winding up our business but intend to keep right on selling Drugs Pat­ ent Medicines, Stationery, School Books, etc., as long as the people of Yamhill comity hon­ or us with their patronage When you come to our store Avegimrant< c to give you prompt and courteous attention and the lowest price possible. Very Respect- »'"Uy. ROGERS & TODD BARGAINS!! 2d Great Annual Clear ance Sale For thQ Next Twenty Days AT HEADQUARTERS, Come early if you want the Best Bargains, A. J..APPERSON Î are now prepared to receive for storage, ml KINDS OF GRAIN AT M M T 1 & G , Prop s. , M M , * Warehouses. They also offer to sell or h i. J sacks at a low price. They bought their sacks early in the season and it will be to the farmer’s advantage to call and see them bc- afore making arrangements for storing their grain of this season. Long experience in buying grain gives solid assurance that the farmer’s interests will be carefully guarded. l'heir warehouse has been fitted up with new machinery and is now *in a good con­ dition for saving grain. • BARNEKOFF, THOMASON & SWANSON.