b ■ POBTLAN» PBODVCB ■ABKKT. Bu»1AR— Fancy roll, g fi>.................. Oregon................................... Inferior grade................... Pi. kled.............................. California roll..................... do pickled................ 3) 16 20 30 to 12 @ 15 ® C hbksb — 20 16 IM 29 15 tat 14 ® Eastern, full cream............ Oregon, do ............ California.............................. Koos—Fresh..................... 18 ® D ried F ruits — Apples, qrs, ska and bxs... do California.............. Apricots, new crop.............. Peaches, unpeeled, new ... P-ars, machine dried......... Pitted cherries..................... Pitted plums, Oregon......... Figs, Cal., in bgs and bxs.. Cal. Pruties, French........... Oregon prunes............ . . .. A 8 5 28 14 10 40 11 8 10 121 7 ® 18 ® 7 « 8 (A 1U ® F lour - 4 Portland Pat. Roller, pbbl g 4 do Salem do 4 White Lily V bbl \..... 4 25 @ 4 Country brand... 2 Superfine............ 61 «) 75 35 75 G rain — Wheat, Valley, 100 lbs... 1 10 ® 1 do Walla Walla.......... 1 00 ® 1 1 Barley, whole, V ctl............ do grou> d, V ton........ 20 00 6125 40 ® Oats, choice milling g bush 48 «0 do feed,good tochoice.old Rve, V100 tbs.................... 1 00 ® 1 F eed — Bran, V ton.......................... Shorts, V ton....................... Hay, v ton, baled............... Chop, tf ton.......................... Oil cake meal V ton............ 15 02k 10 00 421 50 10 18 5 1 «52 20 50 «22 «18 25 CO «27 32 00 <433 00 50 00 50 OC F resh F ruits - Apples, Oregon, V box....... Cherries, Oregon, V drm... Lemons, California, g bx.. 4 Limes, t» 100........................ Riverside oranges. IP box... Los Angeles, do do ... Peaches, |p box................... 1 1 25 6 00 1 60 I 26 H ides - 13 ® 14 Dry, over 16 lbs, lb........ Wetsalted, over 15 tbs... (MM 71 Murrain hides................... one-third off. Pelts .................................. 10 (A 1 00 V egetables — Cabbage, If !t>..................... Carrots, f sack................. Cauliflower, V doz............ Onions ............................... Potatoes, naw, g bush ... W ool — East Oregon, Spring clip. Valley Oregon, do 2 (A 21 1 00 ® 1 25 90 ® 1 0> is a 20 © 20 24 SCIENCE ANO INDUSTRY." —A nine-foot coal vein ha« lieen •truck near the surface at Greeley, OoL —Prof. Hayden, of the Geological Survey, advances the theory that the world is preparing to enter upon an­ other glacial period, which will set in about 2887. —An extensive deposit of pure as­ phaltum has been discovered near This­ tle Station, in Utah. It is worth |40 a ton; the expense of mining is about forty cents.— Golden llule. —In Germany the microphone is now used for tracing leaks in water-pipes, the slightest trickling of tlie water be­ ing made distinctly audible when the apparatus is brought near it —The government of India now main­ tains 131 weather observatories. From these a special study of tho influence of forests on climate lias been made, and the results confirm the theory that rain­ fall Is most abundant over wooded dis­ tricts. —It is ntit necessary to have different metals to obtain a currentof electricity. Iron in nitric acid and iron in sulphuric acid, the two fluids being separated by a porous partition, will give a current, one plate wasting away, while lheother thickened.— National View. —One of tho two component stars which make up tlie double star knownas number fourteen in the constellation of Orion, moves completely around tho path in which it travels onco in ono hundred and ninety years. This fact has recently beon ascertained by Mr. J. E. Gore, an Irish astronomer.— N. K Ledger. —A German engineer, named Ilen- kels. has invented a ventilating window­ pane whieh admits frail air while pre­ venting a draught. Each square metro of glass contains 5,000 hides, which are of conical shape, widening toward tho inside. Tho new device lias already been adopted by many of tlie German hospitals.— Baptist Weekly. —Tho Age of Steel publishes a sum­ mary of tlie statistics collected by the American Iron and Steel Association in the nail trado. These statistics show that exclusive of railroad spikes anil horseshoe nails our total production of cut nails and cut spikes in 1886 was 8,160,973 kegs of 100 pounds each, against 6,696,815 kegs in 1885, 7,581,879 kegs hi 1881, and 7,762,737 kegs in 1883. Tho production of 1886 was the largest tho country has ever attained. r ■ Little boy—“Pa what does ‘phenom-1 The who who'e routes in in'>pe ’e length of m II H Jrout* ope' ■ FOREIGN GOSSIP. enal’ mean? meant" ” Father — — “It 1» is a won. word used enal* ___ | ation in the Uuited blates at by the citizens of lllinoia. Iowa, Kansas 375,«IO miles. —Tlie I idian military budget of and N«*brag. It is now organs, the stomach and the entire system. As READ THIS CAREFULLY. a means of curing and preventing malarial 19,080, the largest number since Titus fevers, no medicine can compare w,th it, and it Every ... in and «(.mail >uun» or old, on tbbpo“*; th*i I* adticted witb *uy due*«-, no matter «hrt, ta* remedies nervous debility, rheumatism, kidney destroyed the sacred city A. D. 70. lheir tamil, pbyalclal. due* not ui.der.tand, o t»"» and bladder inactivity, and other inorganic cure, should write a full deecription of their “l1“1’“ 3“ —During tho last century one hun­ ailments. Dr korden, or get on the train and nail him He I» uro- tided with even instrument ol »urgery, mid the be»t dred lakes in the Tyrol have subsided The Wesleyan Mis ionary So iety has medicine, to Im had tor tm.uer. Cou.uitatiomi trea and disappeared, according to Dr. A. been in existence ft r 100 years. Homut opinions giren; rv*»,t.«We chargee AU °orree- pondence ■ rtctly oouhdenttal hncloee .tamp AJlwss Bohm, of the Gjograpliical Society of W B EoKDEN, M. D : othcee,«. Sand U, Vlret Na­ A WOMAN'S AGE. tional flunk, Portiaud. I iregon. Vienna. Rupture Permanently Cured. A woman, it is oa'd is no older than she —The London Z »«logical Society looks. Many women, however, look double No surgery Work every day. OHMS guaranteed. reports that at tlie close of 1815 it had their actual aite by reason of those func­ AddreM Dr/ »ORDEN 1 LUTHER, othcee B, » an 112, in its collection a total of 2,609 ani­ tional disorders wh'ch wear upon the Pire» National Bank. Portlaud. < Iregon. mals. of which 777 were mammals, 1.- ne ves and vitality, and which, if un­ 3 months’ treatment for 50c. Piso’s are liable to change the m st 129 birds and 403 reptiles. M my of checked. robust woman to a weak, broken-dovt n Remedy for Catarrh. Solti by druggists, the animals have been bred in tlie so­ invalid Dr. Pierce's "Favorite Prescr’p- Hitch yetar linils "Brown's Bron­ tiou" will positively i;»ii- feaoliers, none of them be'ow eighteen years of age. They attend the train­ ing colleges for two years, and then, if they pass successfully, they become teachers in elementary schools. Many of them, though practically self-taught, give in papers that notevery univer>ity graduate could write, but others are very deficient—the Welsh students es­ pecially, to whom E iglish is hardly a mother tongue. The examinations are conducted by inspectors of schools, who generally understand the difficul­ ties with whieh the pupil-teacher has to cope; but tlie papers are drawn up by examiners in the Education D qiart- ment in London,who, though adequate scholars, often make a mess of it Many of tho answers given by the stu- dents are suggestive as well as ludi­ crous, und thi.se noted b »low have at least tho merit of being genuine. Perhaps the standard is lowest in English composition. Geography ami history papers are, as a rule, well an­ swered. B it it would be unreasonable to cx|>ect fine essays from young men and women who aro teaching in a school all day, and have to do theii own studying after a hard day’s work. Still, a respectable piece of composition is expected of them. In the examina­ tion paper they are generally given a wide range of subjects to choose from. Oil ono occasion tho men stii- dents were asked to write on One chose ny Engl ish sport, cricket. “The game of cricket.” he began, “consists of six stumps, tjvo bats and a ball. Nor should wo omit tho balls, which are four in number.” “My favorite walk.” anothor wrote, “is when I do not have far to go to it.” ••Tho Beautiful” was one of several subjects offered for tho essay. “It is beautiful,” said a female candidate, “to sit upon a stone in the middle of hoary ocean.” Descriptions of scen­ ery these student-teachers are ex­ tremely weak in, as a rule. They are much more ready to tackle a historical subject, though here they are not al­ ways Imppy. Ono jotting in our note­ book is: ."Joan of Arc was rather pious and very genteel.” Milton was the author of "The l » a serted Village, or the Handot. ” Thii information i was volunteered in a paper on < “Samson Agonistos” (or, as another student ex- plained, ‘ "Samson in Agony”). Nothing is nioro common than the at­ tempt to appease the examiner by pro­ viding information not askod for. Ths student is asked when the Battle ol Crecy was fought; he does not know; so he gives tho date of Agincourt or ol Flodden. O hers go about it in amorj crafty way. They dodge the question, so to speak, by giving a little essay on Crecy (though the dale only is asked) and thus introduce Agincourt (with date) incidentally. It was noticeabh in tlie paper on “Samson Agonistos” that a largo number of students laid stress on the fact that "8 imson dealt dole with the jawbone of a dead ass.” In another paper “monastry” was de­ fined ns "a place for monsters.”— St. James' Gazette. UNDERGROUND PARIS. Description of a Visit to th. Cntacomlva ol til« French • apllal. HUNT'S REMEDY Kidney^ Liver Medicine \ plow to Cure r Skin & Scalp Diseases with the ► C U \ R . Ocazx Do Oured. ------- THE-------- [Er I» INFALLIBLE! Ask Your Druggist For It I ASTHMA Relieved in Five Minuta. I MARKif ^AKlHC POWDER Absolutely Pure. .ssrcnsjSi »FsSS f /así BKONt'HITIN, Cure Warranted. »KAFNHNN Cured lu Three to Six Moutlu. I>lphlhrria. «'roup, Seurat, ala, Headurhe, Sore Throat / HrEEDlLV CUBED. Invaluable Remedy! Patented April, 188& Price of Treatment. «5.00; (Smoke Ball Ji.00; Debellator, for Internal Use, 12.00.) CARBOLIC SMOKE BALL CO 652 Market St., San Francisco, Cal. ®W£owaro of Hurtful Imitation!. the ordinary kinds, and cannot beiwld lion with the multitude of low teat, c ’ alum, or phoephate powder* Sold w»ly to eanz. R oy ai» B aking POWDEB Co., 10fl Wall Struct, N. Y. PACIFIC UNIVERSITY, Forest Crove, Oregon, Opens the new »»Siool year Sept. 19, and otter» higher educational ailraiit»«« to the youth oj both »ex,» throughout the Paeloc Northwest Productire Fund» orer <100.000 Library, orer b.lM> solum1" cation, healthful. Expen.es, 1 ght l,,lluel¿“; ( tian Instruction, thorough and Kholarly Situated Æ miles west ot Portland „n railroad, with two trains each way daily. For catalogue or tof.J The Oregon National Bank, OF PORTLAND. ISueoeMoratu Metropolitan Saving» Bank.) CAPITAL PAID IN. • J100.000 Transact» a General Backing Builneta, ACCOUNTS kept »object to check. SEI.L8 EXCHANGE on San Pranci»co and New York MAKES COLLECTIONS on favorable terms VAN B DxLASHMUTT, GEO.B MARKLE, Ju . President. VlcePresident. Il F. SHERMAN. Cashier. f»OJElTL.A.INL> MECHANICS’ FAIR Opens October 6, Closes October 22, ’87. CIRK» AI.X. Hl’MORH, from n common Blotch, or Eruption, to th« worst Scrofula, salt-rficnm, «Fever-sores,’ Scaly or Hough Skin, in short, all diseius-s cause»! by bad blood arc conquered by this powerful puri­ fying, und Invigorating medicine. Great Fathia Ulcers rapidly heal under its be­ nign Influence. Especlullv InisMt manifested its potency In curing Tetter, Rose Hash, ■tolls, Carbuncles, Sore Eyes, Scrof­ ulous sores and Swellings, Hip­ joint Disease, White Swellings. Goitre, or Thick Neck, anil Enlarged Glands. S»'nd ten cents in stamps for a large treatise, with colored plates, on Skin Dial-uses or the sum« amount lor a treutiso 01»M10BioOD"'lS THE MEE» Thoroughly cleunae It by using Dr. Pierce’s Golden Mcdieal Discovery, and good Us’and v "lai st“r'^nglh'will b ’ "" bllsii.d. CONSUMPTION, which la Scrofula of the I.uiigs, is nr- rested and cured by this remedy, if taken S pecial R ates on all Transportation Lines. fore the last stages of the diseaee me reached. AX2W1K WRIGHT SEMINARY. From its marvelous power over thia terribly fatal disease, when first offering this now Tacoma, Washington Territory. celebrated reimdy to the public. Dr. 1‘IEHUB A Boarding and Day Mr bool for Girl* thought seriously of calling it his “Coii- suiiiplioii Cure,” but abandoned that HRISTMAS TERM BEGIN8 THE SEC name as too limited for ft medicine which, ond Thursday in September. Pupils art from its wonderful combination of tonic, or «Iterative, or blood-cleansing, taken at all ages and at any t me. It is im strengthening, ­ anti-bilious, pectoral, and nutritive prowr- portant, however, to enter early in the term. For catalogue and particulars address the ties, is uneqiialcd, not only as a remedy for consumption, but for all Chronic Dis­ Principal. MRS. LEMUEL II. WELLS, Tacoma, Wash. Ter. eases of the C 8MOKK THIS FLOR de MADRID Liver, Blood, and Lungs. Choi«e»t, Purest and Most Delicious KEY WEST HAVANA CIGAR IN THE WORLD ieYFor sale at all leading places ‘frU LIZ D OMITLI . K. U. oMlln, 7 C/ai« Arv/vM* /P ortland , Or. I S eattle , W T 7 ¿ W alla W alla , W .. T i S pokane F alls ,W. T. (A«T. RiA,or Sole Agent. SELBY SMELTING AND LEAD CO., San Francisco, If you feel dull, drowsy, debilitated, have sallow color of skin, or yellowish-brown snotfl on face or body, frequent headache or dizzi­ ness, bad taste in mouth, internal heat or chills, alternating with hot Hushes, low spirits and gloomy forebodings, irregular appetite, ami coated tongue, you are suffering from Ind ¡gestion, Dyspepwin, and Torpid Liver, or “BiliouBiiCMB.” In many cases only part of these symptoms are expe­ rienced. As a remedy for all such cases, Dr. Piercc’H Golden Medical Din­ to very is unsurpassed. For Weak Lun kb « Spitting of Blood, Shortness of Breath, Bron­ chitis, Asthma, Severe Coughs, and kindred affections, it is an efficient remedy. S old by D ruggists , at $1.00» or SIX SHOTGUN ÇARTRIIDGES J BUELL LAMBERSON, Cen’l Agent. BOTTLES for $5.00. Send ten cents in stamps for Dr. Picrce’fl book on Consumption. Address, World’s Dispensary Medical Asso­ ciation, 663 Main Street, B uffalo , N. Y. 7 Htark Ht.. Portland. Or. fe C' $500 REWARD In i successful operation since i860, patronized from is offered by tile proprietors of Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Kemedy Tor a case of catarrh which .T..y cannot core. If you have a discharge from tho nose, offensive or otherwise, partial loss of smell, taste, or henring, weak eyes, dull pain or nressure In head, you have Catarrh. Thou- san.Is of cases terminate In consumption. Dr. Sage'sC ata nan R emedy eurestheworst cases of Catarrh, “Cold In the Head,’* and Catarrhal Meadacho. 50 cents. LOS all sections of the Northwest, endorsed by Tho catacomb» of Paris are of enor- business men and leading educators. ni.ui- extent. They were originally THE MOST PERFECTLY EQUIPPED SCHOOL stone quarries, and more than one- No. A—Top Snap, Twist Barrel, complete of its class on the Coast? it offers private or class I scaly and pi pimply disease.of the skin.Bvalp, gun ... . 28 00 instruction, day and evening throughout the year, in tenth of tho city’s extent is honey- and blood with loan of hair, fioin infancy to No. B—Top I’op Snap, Finest Twist, com- Arithmetic, Writing, Correspondence, Book-keeping. POTA'tO VJLTIVATION. old ago, are cured by the C uticura R emedies . combed by them, Sonie of them are píete gun .32 00 Banking,Shorthand,Type-writing Business and Legal CUTICURA KEsot.VENT.the new blood pnridor, No. C—Top Snap, Laminated Steel, coni- Forms and all Common School Branches, Students said to have been in existence for fif­ Work Necraanry to Obtain » 1‘roUtllblr cleanAca T the blood and perspiration of disease píete >k gun ......... . 32 00 of all ages and both sexes admitted «< any time. Crop of Tubrra. sustaining elemente, and th»u removes the No. I)—Top Snap, Damascus Steel, com- teen centuries, but it is only within Catalogue free. Armstrong andW’esco, Proprietors. CAUSE. píete gun ........................... ......... 36 00 To n considerable extent the yield of tho last hundred years that they have C uticura , the great Skin Cure, instantly Every Cun Warranted. WILLIAM BECK & SON, served for purposes of burial. Of the I tile potato efop depend« upon the ctl!- allays itching and inflammation, clears theskin and scalp of oruste, scales and sores, and re­ Ment <7, O, I*. on Receipt of Price. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in old cemeteries of Paris, the ltrgest and tiviit 0:1. G ,od peed, good so 1 and stores the Hair. C uticura SoAP.an exquisite Skin Beautiflor, H t unnenxi u ;* f , ki * tmtkkkt Cuns and Sporting Coods. most popular was that of the Inno­ thorough preparation are also nee ’s . I. nUUoUN, P ortland . O r . Is indispensable in treating skin diseases, baby We do not care to boom the price, but to move cents, comprising not only vaults be­ sary, yet tve may give all these, and f humors, skin blends! ee, chapped and oily skin. large quantities of goods we ha ve to make low fig. Pise's Remedy for Catarrh is the uticura R emedies are the great skin neath tho church, bu> great pits for the we let the crop take care of itself, tin C ures. Are offering good White Fleur at $4.50, Roller beantiflers. Beat, Easiest to Use, and CI.eajmeL use of the common people, whore hun­ result, to a considerable extent, will b Sold everywhere. Price, C uticura , 50 c .; at $4.75, and highest grades of Extra Family at $4.90 dreds of corpses were buried together. it failure. While each are in a in insure S oap . 25 c .; R esolvem *1. Prepared by the to $5.00 per barrel. Feed and Grain of all kinds P otter D ruo and C hemical Co..Boston,Mass. Tho place became such a hot-bod of necessary, yet, at the »nine time, that lower, except Corn. We take pains to fill orders CVSend for "How to tbire Skin Diseases.’' Sold by druRgiRts or sent by mail. with the very best. These cool mornings your poul­ disease from overcrowding that suc­ are dependent upon each other 1» tpi)! I'KD will» the loveliest delicacy la the skin 50c. E. T. Hazeltine, Warren, Pa. ||| try need a little Japanese Egg Food, at $1.50 per 100 cessive edicts wore issued prohibiting securing tho largest yield. Hiving 11II bathed with C uticura M edicatki » S oap . FINE FISHING TACKLE. pounds, or Bone Meal at same price. And as a tonic further burial there, but it was con­ the soil thoroughly prepared befor Manufacturers’ A gents for give a spoonful of Red Pepper occasionally. We sell — During tlie past winter Mrs. Mary tinued until tho place became abso­ planting is an important, aid toward it 5 pounds for $1. W’e are ready to fill orders for lutely loathsome. Miller, of Hillsborough, N. H., fetl making the cultivation easier. It als Winter Supplies promptly. New List is out and will In 1780 it was computod that the enables us to comm mee earlier tha daily eight gray squirrels which came Wincheater, Marlin. Ballard. Colt's D;flnn be mailed free by SMITH’S CASH STORE, 115 and Lightning Magazine II I UBS. to her door from the wooils everv conmterv was twenty-six feet deep in we otherwise could. £!£ Clav^trect, San Francisco, Cal. & Wesson RPVnlVPTQ dead bodies, ami at that time, after it Send tor Catalogue No. 5. M'Unulù. morning ami departed after having Colt’s and Smith Clean cultivation is very ossenti il. une Agent (lierctiant oniyj in fvpry town for hail boon used for nearly seven hun­ We can not secure the best growth of their breakfast. — Chicago Herald. I#« A 167 He eon <1 Ht„ Portland. Or. dred years, it was finally closed. As potatoes and at the same time nllow : 4 —The Sans Sonei Hotel nt Ballston, „ branch htoreh : the site was regarded as a center of in­ good growth of weeds and grass, j | PUNCENT PARAGRAPHS. N. Y., which at the time of its erection Klveraide Av . Spokane Falla,W.T. 94 State 8t.,8alem,Or fection, the church was pulled down, find it much easier to destroy the weed was the largest hostelry in the United Everybody wants “Tansill’a Punch” 5c —A local optician avers that “the and tho human remains transferred to when small. Not only can the wor ciger now : they were always good blit of States, has been sold to a New York education of the eye is necessary even the quarries, which received the name l»e done mtic’i easier, lint the crop will late thev have improved. I h ar i!y at • library. It has numbered among its prove of ycur way of doing business you to self-support.” That is, wo sii|>pose, of catacombs. bo able to derive a larger amount o ■ > are sure t ho'd and increase your trade. guests sneli men as Webster, Clay, H „TT .0' FLORIDA SOUTH- it keeps the pupil under tho lash until ERNR. lt. LANDS. Four million acres, These underground galleries, to benefit. Taking an average seas >n, I Douglass and Calhoun.— Chicago Times. suitablo A. ARFNLi, Druggist, Chicago. Ill. forOranges, Lemons, Olives, Pineapples. it is aide to say, “I-(eye)-browse for which tho remains of many other prefer to keep the soil reasonabl Bananas, Strawberries and early v.gctablea. For Address. R.XV.TANINIM, « CO.. < hIcago — 1 he most desirable dog owned in myself.” aalo on longcredit »1.25 to $8.00 per acre. ehnrehos have been removed, are un­ level. If the season is-wet morehilVn 200 *” “•'• 'Bl niHea-e. Piles, Maine (if the adjective is permissible) Addnma M. SOLOMON, ClS. N. W. Ag-t. i i Y.Y •'■"’""V ►'•«‘“'a» nml Rectnl —Cooing and Billing.— der tho care of a regular corps of work­ can be used to a good advantage. 1> ____________ Bo. < lark St.. Chicago, Illg. belongs to Mr. Robert Henderson, of nJr-e i .i**-*1 "«ec. NHinllj. without To-day, oh girl, the man you love. men. They have boon carefully sur­ cause it is necessary to secure goo vTwi?1 *‘"limPl«’. 8crofula, fstam«.! de I ph i a Call. Ju mntexlxr, ;,e^ Lark at SoldbyallDniggists. Pricegi.o^ A pectation of drawinganything of much which The remains at that point have Saxon baron of Northumberland, who r Bh,° Blood ®Dd then is w hen she begins to put the bri­ K Skin Dise*M-a, SyphilMs 1 Jr "O’W''’’n«"h- mailed toany importance, hence when their ticket, been taken, while the sand-stone netl to Scotland about 1070 with other For 2,000. ... with quotations from tike Scripture* ---------- f^cta of Mercury Kidneys colm Canmora, the Scotch King, alarve We*k Rack, Rnrvin. T’H Bladder T • o u b 1 ea lore surprised than any- and other appropriate »ourcoe. — a halt,' cause she puts a halter on him. tract of land in the eonntie« of Dum ­ Ol~‘ *** W as it a bridle or baiter you put on paF" (III.) Argus, July 25. I om /A' s Cbmpawwt- barton and Stirling — Brooklyn Eagle. ••That’ll do dr.” T Boom! Boom! ■ CATARRH ■ *tÄ»RMÄ Shot Gnns. FL oe - wqo Çûr g J Prine r' |Cro/uUv CiatUcu «Í BAY~~FKV1CR. I Cure Guaranteed II Taken in Tim. 54 1] HALL’S SARSAPARILLA PENNYROYALPILLS < 1 < ( SUREST REMEDY • The Van Monciscar OPIUM TOtBtosxsfc W è > 4 *• P- N. V. No. 197—8, r. Nt y n