1 WOMEN WORKERS. * The Great Host of Female TolleYe Em­ ployed Iu Various I'ursuirt. RUINS OF CARTHAGE. CHRISTIAN GETTING. A Vl.lt ta wSpot CovaraS With th. Ilo.l of Thraa Empires. The Grave Error of I>l*lhrlierla.<'m. and in beekeeping, dairying, fruit and vaulted tanks of masonry which once these two classes never exchanged ■omjauatively well and vigorous. And and bladder inactivity, and other inorganic ala. Ilviidarkr yet he suddenly died! ailments. 1 lire« "** berry raising, and in vineyards and held the city’s water supply. An memliers. He felt -himself a doer _____________________ It is a shame to our Smear cvam hopyards. Besides these they are more amphitheater, the outlines of which and giver, entirely responsible for A man out in Kentucky has just found boasted civilization.” Invaluable R than60,000 women working in the South may be traced with difficulty, a theater the welfare of those he aided, Dr, Hammond then a heavy pot ot cold. It is likely that he Patented April, l|g as day laborers in cotton-factories, sor­ that is a formless heap of half-buried aud, in fact, belonging to a different instanced a numlier of lifted it with three jacks. Price of Treatment, *5.00; (Smoko Bell persons well known to ghum-mills, tobacco curing and manu­ ruins, great masses of fallen masonry, religious ca-te. The idea that he could Debellator. tor luternal Un», ¿¡Jj bavisg the lawyeks . nim who had died in facturing establishments, and in stores fragments of walls still in position, learn, and receive benefit from, poor "The first thinq we do, let's kill all the great agony, although and warehouses where heavy manual hillocks of rubbish, and everywhere the outcast children or starving men, never CARBOLIC SMOKE BAU they had experienced lawyers.” This is rather a blood-thirsty labor, out doors and in, is required. dust of three empires, and tlie debris entered his head; nor did he stop to 652 Market SL, San Francine, CiL proposition, which we modify »V offering few symptoms and little TIIR SL'DOEN to cure this worthy class of peop’e. Most After this great host of day laborers of three Cartilages destroyed in succes­ think that Gial, and not he. was re­ f^Bewaro of Hurtful Ini pain, and continued: DEATH. of them suffer (in common with all ethers come the lauudresses. more than 100,- sion—the whole is still a puzzle to sponsible for things when man had ‘‘Why is it tliat ---- so .. many little of sedentary habits) from the injurious XwitÄ muhltudo rfTow THe BUYERS’ Mrs. M. A. Dauphin, of Phiadelphia, is whole Pleton The church of Romo holds a position we learn as well as teach and receive saleswomen, and accountants, 33,000; removing the cause thereof, and Induce a work, and tho chihi languishes, perhapr GIVEN Wholeud. well known to the ladies of tlxt city from and then 334,000 dressmakers and of advantage witli reference to tho benefit from others as truly ns we give dies. Lock at the list of women whodii rare degree of comfort aud health. direct to consumers on the great good she has done b means of ruins of the city where so many early milliners, many of whom aro probubly it. penonal or family use. THl»k.v in childbirth, and why is it? Simpl) A Russian has riept for over a year in Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable fompound. Christians suffered martyrdom. A range order, and «tv®, exact co.t of plain sewing-women. This young curate, with his half­ because their maternal organs ltavi the Walton (Englan »Workhouse. tiling you nw, eat, drink, wmt , She writes Mrs. Pinkham of a recent in ­ In almost every branch of manufact­ of high hills stands between the sea and acknowledged ideas that he was re­ been so weakened by tire most terribli hare ft»n with. Them INVAI teresting case. “ A young maTicd lady of all disease* tliat they cannot withstand the wide plain which stretches away to ­ THE FATHER OF MANY ILLS. sponsible for the moral universe, and tlie fearful sudden strain that is L ronght uring women are largely employed. BOOKS contain information came to me suffering with a severe case of Constipation leads to a multitude of ward Tunis. Tlie earliest Cartilage was from the market, of th. wo had no lessons of courage and trust to to bear upon them. How many women They work by the thousand i: agricul­ Rhe com coni- ­ will mall a copy FREE to any Prolapsus and Ulceration. Sbe physical troubles. It Is generally the re on these hills, close to tho port; the city learn from his inferiors, was not alone esca]>e monthly agonies? And yei tural implement shops, in bookbinderies, drew upon receipt of 10 eta to ­ menced taking the Compound, , Ki (nd in two in printing offices, as carpetmakers, as it grew reached out upon the plain. in possessing those notions. A good nature never intended that pain or incon­ suit of carelessness or indifference to tlie_ months was fully restored. lk expenw of malltux. Let u. he*» Ii proof of Re.peettally, eigarinakers, clock ami watch makers, Among the most conspicuous objects many excellent people talk about re­ venience should attend the operation of simplest rule of health. Eugene McKay, this she soon found herself in c Interest- you. _________ _________ ing condition. Influenced t' foolish glovemakers, hariiessmakers, gold and on the crest of the -coast hills, either ligious work, and charitable organiza­ her natural laws. Tlie solemn and of Brantford, Ont., writes: MONTGOMERY WARD A attempted terrible fact is that men and women drau ___2„ _______ to evade ie respon- I had for several ye rs been a sufferer friendVshe W de 2ZO Wakaab Arcane. owerful relief. It lias been a Penmanship and Physical Culture. Those keepers, and more than 2,000 hotel­ and tlie houses of many of his high philanthropic work which lias so difficult, often a fruit­ contemplating taking such a course will LADIESiand brightly characterized the nineteenth less search. Many keeper«. Women are acting as archi­ officers of state or army. do well to notice the advertisement of Still higher than the Roman Catholic University in this paper, and send for century now closing, there lias grown remedies are now be­ tects, chemists, assayers, dentists, de­ catalogue to J. F. Ellis, President, at signers, draughtsmen and inventors. settlement, however, dominating it all tho while this idea of corporate fore tlie public, but so CHILDREN. Forest Grove. Or. One thousand six hundred and fifteen from the side of the hill that is stopped beneficence, of '-aste helpfulness, of 'ar as I have lieen able regulate You’ll find it io learn by chemical l>y the Cape Carthage lighthouse, stand the division of the world into great aro engaged as employes in charitable Why is 4 cent sugar like a man who Tho organs of both small ill and great grei ; analysis and actual never surrenders I Because it is clear grit, It checks Sick Headache, and the » wo^ institutions; there are a few hundred the whitest of Moslem villages, the clans of givers and takers. N i belit­ test, only one possesses That sad Dyspeptics ever know. and nothing else. holy town of Sidi Bou Said. It is one tling of tlie vast results achieved since absolute merit and women working as professional jour­ In TARKA.WT H NK LTX EIt people find A remedy and treat combined. VICTORY AT LAST. nalists and as authors, 2,000 and more of the most picturesque places in the tliis century began is included in one's power. I have seen a are artiste and teachers of art, more world, and is in other respects interest­ reflection upon this thought, but rather number of cases, and Consumption, the greatest curse of the age. the destroyer ot thousands of our PACIFIC UNIVERSITY, nvalids' Hotel and Surgical I than 1,800 are actresses, and 18,000 aro ing. Curiously enough, many of the the farthor uplifting of powers that al­ learned from unques­ tionable. sources o f Forest Grove, Oregon brightest and best, is conquered. It is no Arabs believe that St. Louis died a con ­ ready have done so much good. How musicians aud teachers of music. Five Mtaff of eighteen experienced and tho new nohool year Sept. 19, anti offe» excellent many others, where tl e that piny child . longer incurable. Dr. Pierce’B "Golden Open« higher educational advantages to tho youh of both rnl PlijrHlelnu!* and Hurzeona. thousand one hundred and ninety-four vert to the Mohammedan faith, and can wo give all we now give, and preparation II u n t’s Medical Discove-y" is a certain remedy sexes throughout the Paciflo Northwest Productive women- aro Government clerks, and that his remains are buried at Sidi Bou more, and yet eliminate every trace of Remedy has been almost remarkable in for this terrible disease, If taken in time. Funds over $100,000. Library, over 0,000 vo.inies. Lo­ ALL CHRONIC DISEASES A SPECIALS All scrofulous disease —consumption is a cation, healthful. Expenses, light. Influece, Chris­ Patients treated hero or at their homes, 2,172 are officers of the Government. Said. Tho sacredtiess of the village, unconscious Pharisaism?— S.-S. Times. its results. One case in particular n a> scrofulous Instruction, thorough and scholarly, situated 25 treated at homo, through correspond affection of the lungs-can be tian. miles west of Portland, on railroad, with two rains each successfully as if here Tn person. Co that of a prominent banker residing in cured by it. There are more than 2,000 women phys­ from whatever cause it may bo derived, Its effects in diseases of the way daily. For catalogue or information, adirés« seo us, or send ton cents in stamps for New York, whose family physicians, throat and lungs are litt'e less than mi­ J. F. ELLIS, I-evident. icians' and surgeons, seventy-five law­ is confirmed by the residence there of M Invalid»’ Guide-Book,’’ which gives all WORD TWISTINGS. assisted by tlie best counsel that city the Sheik cl Islam of Tunis. — Cor. Bos- raculous. All druggists have it. ulars. Address: W orld ' s D wpensary yers, and 165 ministers of religion, 216 could produce, declared bis ease to lx- The Oregon National Bank, cal A ssociation , U63 Alain St., Buffalo, n r A Falling to Which Many Nervous Public stoek-rnimTH and 56,80!) free and indo­ Ion Globe. hopeless, and who was afterward re ­ There is very little s rf bathing in OF PORTLAND. Speakers Are Subject. dependent farmors and planters. The stored to perfect health by the means I Russia. (Successors to Metropolitan Savings Baik.) A PEDDLER’S TRICK. "My dear boy,” once asked a head have named. I have not hesitated to use census reports (all of these figures are CAPITAL paid IN. - - - $100,000. Transacts a General Banking Busineß. To Threslicr«: I have a few of the taken from thp census tables of 1880) Influence of Ignorant Twaddle I’pon th* master of u Philistine member of his it freely among my patients, and from celebrated ACCOUNTS kept subject to check. VVes inghouse Threshers yet, Average Huinnu lining. sixth form, “do yon mean to say that the results I have secured, 1 shall con­ and for ihe purpose of c'osing out will sell SELLS EXCHANGE on San Francisco and Tew York. 154,875 women teachers—a great host MAKES COLLECTIONS on favorable term. It is to be feared that tlie commercial you have never heard of that magnifi­ tinue to do BO.” them on next yen’s terms at bottom VAN B D k LABHMUTT, GEO B. MAKÍLE, J k ., representing an immense amount of tho The doctor explained how men and President. Vice-PresHent. cent statue of Michael Angelo, by Bgur.s. Also, a few second-hand mi- highest and most beneficent work.— morality of tlie country hawker is not D F SHERMAN. Cashier. women should live in order to meet this < hioes of other make. Write for bargains. worn-out,” ” run-down, yet above suspicion These men are Moses?” Clergymen seem especially terrible Chicago Tribune. malady, and instanced several T. Wmom, foot of Morrison Street, school teachers, milliners, seamstresses, determined by hook or by crook to dis­ addicted to this habit, perhaps be­ additional cures which had followed tlie Z. Portland Oregon. keepers, and overworked women gr Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription Is i* pose of their wares, and they aro mas­ cause their oxeessivo anxiety to be use of tlie remedy before referred to. In THE INSECT WORLD. of all restorative tonics. 11 is not a “ C The only wtoyk of type, presses and ters of tlie arts of cajolery and finesse. correct renders them nervous, and to concluding lie said: but admirably fulfills a singleness of ] printing material will be found at Palmer being a most potent Specific for « Upwards of One Hundred Thousand Spe­ “ If men and women could only be Scores of entertaining and authentic those of their congregation who are & Rey’s Portland house. Chronic Weaknesses and Diseases peculiar cie« Recognised by Sclent I n tx. aroused to a realization of their actual anecdotes might be given to bear out gifted, fortunately or unfortunately, women. The treatment of many t Wore it possible to take a census of this statement. We subjoin a few: A with a keen sense of the ridiculous, danger; to a sense of what is before READ THIS CAREFULLY. Opens October 6, of such cases, at the Invalids’ Hotel and Every man and woman young or old, on this Coast, them unless they take prompt and I Institute has afforded a large ex the individual insects upon the globe, vendor of cheap spectacles called on an such slips aro excessively, trying from that is afflicted with any disease, no matter what, that Closes October 22, ’87. leal in adapting remedies for their cure, and proper action, and then by a correct their family physiciau doe« not understand, or cannot tlie result must bo an array of figures uheient maiden lady and displayed his tho impropriety of openly testifying course of life and Ihe use of just the right cure, should write a full description of their trouble to S pecial R ates on all TransportationLines. of whose meaning wo could form little glittering stock. Tho lady remarked appreciation. "Sorrow may endure for means se.-k to prolong their lives, most Pr- Forden, or get on the train and visit him. He is pro­ Dr. Pierce’s Favorite F with every instrument of surgery, and the best WR1GIIF 8EM1XARY, Is the result of this vast ex conception. Members of each spocios that slio had recently purchased a pair a joy.” so an Irish clergyman is re­ of tlie present suffering and untimely vided medicine« to be had for money. Consultations free. Internal congestion, in Tacoma, Washington Territoiy. Honeat opinions given ; reasonable charges. All corres­ multiply in countluss millions, yet even in a neighboring town. "Do they suit ported to have read with tho utmoit deaths might and would be avoided.” pondence strictly confidential. Enclose stamp. Address A Boarding and Day School fir Xnlrla and ulceration, it la a Npecllir. W. B. FOKDEN, M. D.; offloes, 8, 9 and 12, First Na­ Is a powerful general, as well as uterine, the number of distinct species is so you, ma'am?” "Yos, I think so.” feeling; "but night cometh in the tional Bank, Portland, Oregon. nervine, and imparts vigor and HRISTMAS TERM BEGINS THE 8EC- and great that we can hardly do more than "It’s a serious thing to have spectacles morning!" With a transposition of to the whole system. It cures wraknat —Miss Mary Tillinghast is one of the Rupture Permanently Cured. ond Thursday in September. Jupils are stomach, indigestion, bloating, weak guess at it. Entomologists generally that don't suit; very harmful, very, initial letters a new field of solecism most successful among the women who No surgery. Work every day. Cures guaranteed. taken at all ages and at any time. It is im nervous ­ prostration, exhaustion, deblMtr Add™ t>re. F( >RDEN A LUTHER, offices 8, 9 and 12, portant, however, to enter early in th* term. concede that upwards of 100,000 spode* I'vo traveled sleepleesni-ss, in eitbersex. Favorite for years with is opened tip. in which a living cleric, have made a business of decorative art. First National Bank, Portland, Oregon. For catalogue aud particulars adtress the tlon is sold by druggists under our of insects have been recognized, and glasses of all descriptions, and in other respects intelligent and ac­ Vanderbilt once paid her 130,000 foi Principal. MRS. LEMUEL H. WILLS, guarantee. See wrapper around bottle. Tacoma, Waih. Ter. No Opium in Piso’s Cure for Consump­ some authors place tlie number as high I’ve known a lot of mischief done complished, works with an involun­ inventing a new kind of tapestry hang­ PRICE $1.00, Fug’^d: ns 150,000, while it is probable that by glasses Isnight permiseus like, They tary assiduity th it is most upsetting io ings for his houses. She supplied the tion. Cures where other remedies fail. 2ñc. SMOKE Send 10 cents in stamps for Dr. Pieroe’i these may represent not more than a don't mind a bit what they sell over Ills hearer«. "My ' brethren,” so ran designs for the stained-glass window TUB Treatise on Diseases of Women (160 tenth of the number actually inhabiting counters, not they; they never look to one of his most startling nnnounce- Just erected in Grace Church, New Choisest, Purest and Most Delicbns paper-covered). Address, W orld ’ s D M edical A ssociation , 663 Main the earth's surface. "Probably not less seo tho customer again, likely. Now. ments, "wo all know what it is to York, representing Jacob’s Dream. KEY WEST HAVANA CIGAR IN THE WORLD. bary Buffalo, N. Y. US' For sale at all leading places than one-half of the indicated forms," I'm on this round regular, an’ it stands have a half-warmed fish [i. e., half- —As Thackaray’s women characters ’ P ortland . 6r. says Prof, lleilpi-in, “ belong -to the to reason as I have to bo wonderful formed wish] ‘ ‘ in our ‘ hearts, ” With have been difficult to understand among , W T. L K. G. SMITH, J B W rattle V\QVC©S 111 alla W al U. W T order Coleoptera, or booties, which is onrefiil. Might I have a glance at those him, however, the mischief gees fur- a vast number of readers and critics, S pokane F ailh ,W. T. Sole Agent. ( A storia , Or. by far tlie most numerously represented spectacles, ma'am?" Impressed by the lher, extending to a mutual entangle­ the following opinion of women from of all the orders. The fophlop- tone of respectful sympathy, the lady ment of words which is terrible to con­ the author may be read with interest: SELBY SMELTING AND LEAD CO., tera, or butterflies, have thus far fetched them, and tho hawker, with an template. Ho has been known to "I am afraid I don't respect your sex 8an Francisco. yielded some 15,000 species—or about assumption of much knowledge, turned speak of "kinqtiering congs," and on enough, though," he writes to a friend. ANTI-BILIOUS and CATHA1 bne-thirtuenth of tho total number them round and round and tested both one oecas'on, ever meinor.iblo to “Yes I do, when they are occupied with (200,000).estimated by Sjiever for the glasses and frames. His verdict soon his interlocutor, addressing himself loving and sentiment rather than with SICK HEADACHE, world at large—mid an equal number camo: “I'm sorry, real sorry for ye, to a gentleman who had intruded other business of life.”— Chicago Times. Billon* Headache, may, perhaps, be credited to tho Hy- ma'am; ye’ve been deceived. These upon his seat in Dizziness, Coiiatipa» fL z church, he tion. Indigestion, „ah'J -/SHOTGUN CARTRIDGES —Sister Mariania Flynn has been ap­ menoptera (bees, wasps and ants), the spectacles are really dangerous; blue politely remarked: "Pardon me, sir, and Bl lions Attacks, ■jA'Wr Sroinptly cured bv Dr. TW Hemiptera (bugs) and Diptera (flies). steel frames o’ this pattern and temper but I think you are aceopowing my pointed Superioress of St. Mary's Col­ BUELL LAMBERSON, Cen'l Agent. •iorce’s Pleasant WSW Tho Orthoptern, or strniglit-wingod in­ ’ll be sure to injure the temples.” He pie. ” Here we are next door t»the lege, Emmittaburg, Md., and Mother 7 Nlark st, Partial*. Or. Purgative Pellets. 25 "jkl oentd a vial, by Druggists. rtfqi ' sects. which include tho locusts, grass­ began to gather up his pack. "Then carrying out of tlie portmanteau prin­ Superior of the Sisters of Charity ol hoppers, etc., are considerably less nu­ what do you recommend?” "Well, ciple, a proximity illustrated by the tho United States, in place of the late merous, while the species of hotted ma’am, 'tis a sacrifice; but. to oblige feats of two other clergymen, one of Mother Euphemia. Sister Mariania t. forms (Neuroptcra) probably nunilier ye, I’ll exchange a pair for these, if ye whom gave out his text from “the Flynn’s place as treasurer of the ordei PORTLAND _____________________________ CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH.1* •OR££0N only about 2,000. The Insect* are most please; you'll lie safe then." With a Colostle to the EpiMiana,” while the has been fillet! by the appointment ol ~ 2_________ __ w Oeniiii ___ il In ’.Ulli£d™Pi7!i,°"iSinCt ,866’ Pwtronl«^ from The Original and __ Only numerously developed in the tropics, little more persuasion tho bargain was other read "knee of an hlol," for "eye Sister Angelina Davis. The new flafe Safe and Mdolwoft always Reliable. R-llol.te. Beware B.van«r*ortlil of worth lea® — I< I-* all sections of the Northwest, endorsed bv Ir A . m* DIES . A«k your I»r^ business men and leading educators, but they are by no moans rare in tlie effected. A week later the lady re­ of a needle." The rector of an Irish mother Superior is a native of St Louis. k a vxot *‘C'hiehe<>er’a Eng! Uli* and take no other, or I (stamps) bv rrtui* THE MOST PERFECTLY EQUIPPED SCHOOL NAlC,E to ua for particulars in letter by coldest regions reached by man. Sir appeared at tiio shop from whence had country parish, whoso church the —Iljalmar Hjorth Boyesen. says the NAME PAPfR,._C>iloliMU-r < of it, class on the CoasL it offers private or class George Nares brought homo no less cinie tho discaaded pair of glasses. writer has frequently attended, was New York Sun, picks up a great deal Arirto>«ic Wrum'1 the ywr, in than forty-five s|MS'iea of true insects Tho new ones had proved utterly use­ liablo. out of nervousness, to contort of material for literary work during Aritemetic, Writing .Correspondence, Book-kereinir F^ls"inSih?n,7‘'"1 •T>’pe-Wri>i"g, Business andfit.fi from beyoixl tho seventy-eighth paral­ less. She had to return, considerably and entangle his words in strange the season, and resorts unblvsingly to «fniiS an“ a School ¿ranches. Students ThuktLT or R embrace at the present time at least •peclflc purpo««. » . _ —"My dear, I do wish you could find and ended by amalgamating tho two met you; you have been worth at least For circular« 1500 to me.” 8,600 species— Arkansaw Traveler. formation, address C hw* something else to read than those words into ouo. — The Spectator. tri® Belt Co,, 103 »■ On» bottle taken according to direction» Street. Chicago. Ill. —Among the works which have been — . » French novela I nni sure they drti't —A fine meteor was recently seen recently translated into Japanese is •HI giro better results than a gallon ef 8OIENCE AND INDUSTRY. > do you any good.” "Considering that OhMWVen’Wls* Sarsaparilla, or anr of the so-called Blood t!iesales of th-tc“* -A railroad is to bo built acroaa South I never read them till I have heard all from Kissimmee, Fla. It was very large John Bunyan's "Pilgrim’s Progress." reme long as a brain worker is — Tho lmne eaves at Mentone, France, PORTLAND. Or. onds after decapitation, but that pain There 1* no ns* crying over splllrel milk. a fun II» of I* probably not felt on account of the are most remarkable tomlM of the ani­ able to sleep well, to eat well, and to It may he three parts water. (Mica death of nervous elements.— mals <>f an earlier age. M. A. Gaudry take a fair proportion of out-dr exer­ Nervous DebilW reports that tho six cavern* once inhab­ cises, it may safely bo saitl that it is not ■rwtocblsla.— Sudden changes of tbe Rhen® Md Mercuri^ weather csiire Bronchial troubles J™0"’ necessary to impose any special limits Toilet Anida ited by quaternary man have yielded no if that 4,000,000 gallons "Rrmrn's Bronrhial Troches“ will give 7ield t0 itg P^^IT ui SBMria oil are used In Chicago less than 810,000 fragment» of ancient on the actual number of hours which he relief. NoM only in Aores. Price 23 eta. n^rtF* devote* to his labor». ” It is only when proptttlM. It I mvm th* Blood Dura In lard. It Is worth forty cents animals, belonging to one hundred and the Liver and Kidneys healthy and th* • rtrehln ■•»»» N«w, while freights are low and «tendis, te’ in the manufacture of or- eleven specie* of vertebrate* and on* Worry, or family troubles, or annoying stock large. Yon can save money If von Complexion bright and dear business perplexities step in to compli­ Bre to twenty per hundred and serenty-one specie* of mail orders purchase your goods from cate matter* that there ia real danger of 'Ay™*00- > Wtora ihrertebratas.—IVawZsr. • mental braakdow». ~N. T. Seaminer. «7 Sansomo SL. San Franctowx • s-T bn* kt* it POWDER Absolutely Pure. O MECHANICS’ FAIR C FLOR de MADRID I Curgr PrjnG ¡Junurp PENNYROYAL PILLS Cro/uka, WGutatey HALL’S SARSAPARILLA The Van Mone 1JM THTRO all goo*,