The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, September 02, 1887, Image 1

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.WEST side telephone .
Ona Dcor North of oor er Third and E St» ,
M c M innville , or .
On» year.............
Si« month».........
ihre« moa th» .
Devoted Principally to Washington
Territory and California.
So much to lose—»o much to miss,
So much to grieve for day by day;
The cl whig arms, the good night kiss»
The tojrp to put away.
The mufto of her merry talk,
That (greeted us from morn till even;
The little, dimpled feet that walk
The golden streets of Heaven.
CDDTDlf DD» n lotw
SEPTEMBER 2. 1887.
The Wise Conclusion of a Man Who Thor­
oughly Understand» Himself.
In the smaller towns of the ^outh t'.ie
stranger is always struck by the np-
paront fact that the landlord of the
hotel ought to be in some other busi­
ness. There is no system in manage­
ment, and it never seems to occur to
mine host that any thing is expected
of him. One day, when the landlord
of a village hotel sat down with me
for a smoke, I summoned up courage
to say:
“Landlord, that was an awful bed
yon gave me last night”
"Yes, sir—don’t doubt it, sir. I’ve
got some very bad be.Is in this house."
"And your waiters here are very lazy
and impudent. M “
“I know it Yes, sir, they are.”
“And such fare! That coffee was
“I know it 1 had to stop drinking
“And that butter nothing but Chica­
go lardine.”
"That’s it exactly. Can’t anybody
eat that stufi’.”
“And you don’t know how to cook
“We don’t, sir, and I’m free to ad­
mit it”
“I noticed that the milk was about
half water.”
“I think it was. I used to drink it,
but now I take clear water instead.”
“Colonel, can I ask you a fair ques­
“You can, sir.”
“Why do you keep a hotel instead of
running a saw-mill?”
“Why do I, sir? Because, sir, I feel
that I don’t know enough to run the
mill! I know what I’m capable of, and
I’m timid about going into any thing
and making a failure of it!”— Detroit
free Press.
Theodore Finges was killed by a rail­
road traiu at Redwood city, Cel.
Walla Walla has sued the O. R. A The preqlou« light from violet eyes.
The sunfcy, silken curls to brush;
N. Co. for $200, alleged taxes due.
The eager listening for her cries,
Thomas Patton was run over and The baby grief» to hush.
killed by a logging team at Plymouth, The dainty garments, wrought with care.
Th rough weary hours—for love’s sweet sake—
laid aside for one more fair
Frank Maggi, a twenty-six-year-old Arc
Swiss, was drowned while bathing al Than mother s hands can make.
H ot ; oould we bear this heavy cross,
Cisco, Cal.
Tho loneliness, the cruel pain,
C. A. Wood, of Hollister, Cal., took Di.i wo not know our earthly loss
a dose oi chloroform for insomnia and Is her guin?
died from it.
Though w ih torn hearts we linger still
The fortyssixth lodge of Odd Fellows Beside our darling’s empty cot,
our love has missed tho ill
in Washington Territory has been in­ Thanh
That tells to woman’s lot.
stituted at Elma.
1 horny paths for her to tread
A man supposed to be Jerry Dris­ No Throughout
the com-'ng, changeful years;
coll had his head cut off by the cars at No biltqiness oi life to dread—
blinding tears.
Los AngeleB, Cal.
The Arizona train robbers have been No long'ng foi the unatta’ned,
blighted, chilled;
traced to a cave where it is believed No No spotless affections
name dishonored, stained;
they stored their plunder.
No sweet hopes unfulfilled.
Mayor Pond of San Francisco has No woman's piercing crown of thorns
refused to allow Paddy Ryan and John Will ever press our baby’s brow;
No starless nights, no sunless morns.
Burke to fight in that city.
Can ever greet her now.
At a public meeting at Ferndale,
ere the touch of sin could blight,
California, it was decided to exclude For
<O? sorrow’s shadow cloud her way,
Chinese from the salmon canneries.
Qod - iuGly took her from earth’s night
Mike Hurley, a miner, was found Tv** eternal day.
-A. A. Paul, in N. Y. Ledger,
dead in the Consolidated California
and Virginia mine at Virginia, Nev.
The Tacoma News says: Brick­ Tbr^Faunjr VVayii in Which Patronymic»
layers, carpenters and mechanics are
Are Coined and Triinsforniotl.
in great demand in this city at good
Anglo-Saxons appear to have first
given surnames indicating some moral
A man at Palouse city, W. T., sheared or mental attributes, ns, for instance.
his geese not long ago, supposing that Wise, Good, Swift, Jolly, Merry, Meek,
was the proper way to remove the Gay, Goodman, Makepeace, etc. Then
Joaquin Miller is to open the Me­ we have names indicating real or
chanics Fair in San Francisco with an fancied resemblance to some animal,
original poem, “ The Glorious Victory such as Bear, Lion, Wolf, Hogg, Hart
and Hare. From physical character­
of Peace.”
Are Entertained
The Sacramento Evening Star, the istics or peculiarities must have origin­ How City Theater-Goers
by Society Lights.
only Democratic paper published in
Sacramento county, has suspended Brown, White, Whitehead, Cruikshank, It was at the matinee and the curtain
Strong, Armstrong, Longfeilow and had just rung down on “Mignon”
A saloon-keeper in Davenport, W. Greathead. A nickname kept in a when the usuaPchatter began.
“Where is the Major? I really ex­
T., named R. E. Howell, was given ten family for a generation or two becomes
days to leave the t-wn for slandering a patronymic. Hence such names as pected to see him here to-day,” said
Hopper, Jumper, Springer, Daddys- tho rather elderly lady with the florid
ladies. He left.
countenance and the large diamond
Poor and Rich.
Patrick Dugan, of San Francisco,
ear-drops, as a man of fifty with side­
whose renters did not come to time,
and W. A. Harding, who lost on the Mac of tho Scotch indicate descent. whiskers and an eye-glass came trip­
There is another way in which the ping youthfully down the aisle.
San Jose races, killed themselves.
“The Major? Oh, he’s in oue of the
A recent census of Indians on the same thing is shown: Adam's, son be­ boxes. He’ll be around soon. He is
Puyallup reservation showed their
sure to be hovering near when you aro
number to be 620. They have 450 son; Thompson, Wilson, Williamson, in the vicinity.”
head of horses and 500 head of cattle. Donaldson, Anderson and many other
“Oh, you horrid flatterer. I’ve a
The oldest man in Washington Ter­ names are similarly derived. Locali­ great mind to pound you good with my
ritory is Wiskium McDonald. He
fan. Isn’t the music just lovely to­
lives on Larimie prarie, Thurston :sc to such names as Hill, Dale, Wood, day?”
county, and is said to be 140 years old.
“Yes, it is very lovely. Were you at
W aters and Parks. Such names as
The Washington and Idaho Fair As­ Welsh, French, Iri 'll, Ireland, En­ the races?”
sociation offer about $8000 as pre­ glish and Scott may perhaps be traced
“No, I never go to the races. I
miums to be distributed among the
don't care anything for them. IIow
lucky ones at their first annual exhibi­
did you and the Major come out? Oh.
it is useless for you to attempt to play
There is at present a force of 177 - Sonic of tho Pennsylvania Dutch innocent, I’m sure you were betting
persons employed at the San Fran­
every race.”
cisco Mint, including thirty-four formed into English are queer enough.
“Oh, mamma,"said one of tho group,
women. The monthly pay roll amounts In Armstrong County, I’a., there are “there comes tiie Major.” “How are
several families by the name of
to $15,000.
you. Major. Tho Colonel has been
Capt. Andrew Frieze of the tow boat Schreckengcist, which signifies in telling awful tales about you. If I
Katie waB shot in three places in Chas. German a ghost or specter of terrible were you I would take him in hand
Gearho’s saloon, on the oity front, by appearance. One would think the and see if you can’t reform him.”
Gearho, after a quarrel, and he died 1 name could be mado no worse, but
And so on and on until the bell
some of the people have succeeded in
shortly after.
for the curtain to rise. Then
The 0. R. & N. Co. contemplates the transforming it into Shrickingghost. the group settled themselves back in
construction of 1307 miles of road con­
their chairs until “between the acts”
necting all the principal towns or Barndollar aro other German names should eomo ag lin and they could
Eastern Washington, Idaho and Ore­ which have boon partly translated.
have the entire theater to themselves.
The names which were derived from —Merchant Traveler.
gon with the main line.
Fuller, who murdered Archbishop
As Good as His Word.
Seghers in. Alaska some months ago, ous than any other class. All know
is a prisoner on the U. S. revenue cut­ how widespread the Smith family is.
Enoch Johnson, a colored
ter Bear for safe keeping. He will be In the same category belong the man, who finds it hard work to pay his
taken to Sitka for trial. It is said that
Coopers, Bakers, Barbers, Taylors, bills promptly on account of his large
he is insane.
family,was waited upon by his butcher
The Pacific whaling fleet, seventeen Shoemakers, Tanners, Farmers and who reminded him of an unpaid bill.
vessels of which have returned to
“I’se mighty sorry, Mr. Cleaver,”
San Francisco, report a catch of fifty­ people were born originated such said Uncle Enoch, “but I can’t pay ye
seven whales. Other vessels are yet to names as May, June, January, March, dis monf.”
arrive. The seal and walrus catch was Friday and Monday.
The butcher went away and returned
The inns of old England are prob­
also profitable.
in exactly a month.
At Roslyn, W. T., afire broke out in
“Use sorry, sah,” said Mr. Johnson,
the coal company’s blacksmith shop instance: John of the Rose became when the butcher presented his bill,
and consumed it with all the tools. A
“but I can't pay ye nufiin dis monf.”
storehouse adjoining was also burned. Bell; Richard of the Hawk, Richard
"Not this month? Why, that’s just
The shop being under the incline Hawk; Henry of the "greathouse ” exactly what you told me last month.”
became Henry Greathouse, and so on,
about 150 feet of incline was burned.
“Sartain suah,” said Uncle Enoch,
until there is scarcely a bird, animal,
The lifeless body of John O’Connell or other device that ever figured on a drawing himself up with injured dig­
was found lying between the tracks at Sign-board that is not perpetuated as a nity, “an’ ain’t I done kep’ my word,
the depot in San Gabriel, Cal. His family name.
sah?”— i'outh's Companion.
skull was crushed back of the ear, and
What He Wanted to Show.
death was instantaneous. He was em­
ployed as a track-walker between Sa­ neer community in America in the
Chicago lawyer, a few years
matter of names for towns results in
vannah and Pent.
bestowing some absurd appellations ago, had a cnse in the Federal court be­
A Kanaka woman dressed in a naval on backwoods hamlets. Who can fore a judge who, while noted for his
suit was arrested in San Francisco and name a county, either east or west, wisdom and his integrity, is exceed­
taken to the hospital, where her aex which has not some village styled Paris, ingly impatient of contradiction. The
was revealed. She said that she had
attorney propounded the rule applicable
been two years in the navy passing for Oxford, Jerusalem, London, Berlin, or to a certain point, when the court ab­
a man, just to be near her lover, who something else equally absurd?
ruptly declared: “That is not the law.’’
There are, perhaps, ns many queer
was lately sent to prison for robbery.
“I beg the court’s pardon,” said the
Two Chinese miners were blown into
young attorney, “but I have a case ex­
atoms by the premature explosion of any people on earth. Dickens’ stories actly in point.”
powder in the Star quicksilver mine, abound in them, yet very few of his
“Do you mean to contradict me?”
near .Etna Springe, Cal. The China­ names were manufactured. Such demand the court, mad as adeenpitated
men were alone in the 600 foot level, names as Slaughter, Startup, Goto- hen.
preparing the blast, and it is supposed bed, Deadman, Churchyard, Dogberry
“O, no, certainly not, I don’t The
through carelessness they either ignited and Fudge are found in English direct­ Supreme Court of the United States
the powder with their candles or
does, though, and I want to read this
The Romans had double, triple or case to show you what a fool that court
stepped on and exploded the cap.
While E. H, Vinson was out hunt­
was."—Chicago Tribune.
ing horses on the range near Pools, I. Cain« Julius Caesar, Tarqninius Superb-
Wholly Unprepared.
T., he ran across a big black bear us. and Qtiintus Fabius Maximus. Fre­
which seemed to be traveling, says the quently an honorary name was added
Mrs. Colonel Yerger is a continual
Asotin Sentinel. Mr. Vinson being on to commemorate some warlike achieve­ source of embarrassment to her hus-
horseback and without any firearms, ment; Fabius was called Cunctator, band. Colonel Verger
recently _ gave
concluded to drive Mr. Bear to where i and Scipio Africanti.«.
a dinner-party to a few select ladies
tie could get a gun, which he did, and
Sometimes the very queerest of names and gentlemen. Of course.he was called
drove the bear about three miles. g«
, 1 coupled together as the title of a I on for an after-<l;nner S|>eeeh. Colonel
While passing a bouse the bear went firm
___ ___
Here _____________________
are a few specimens: Hook _ Yerger got up, and, assuming an im­
into the hogpen to rest, and the lady
Ketch. Cobb A Hay, Peacock & posing position, began:
of the house came out with an ax ami tiparrow, Fox 4 Crane. Singer & Hoot­
“Ladies and gentlemen, unprepared
bulcherknife to slay the bear, but Mr. er, I »r.ikc 4 Gander, Fisher & Fowler,
I am—lieing wholly unprep rod to
V. told herAhat it was dangerous logo Goa!in A- Pond, Wild & Free, Cannon4
make a speech—being unprepared—”
near him eo she returned to the house. Gun —
He was unable to proceed. There
After the bear had rested be started on
a painful silence, which was
again, only going about half a mile
— East Saginaw furnishes free school­
further when Mr. Vinson was reinforced books for the children in the public broken by Mrs. Yerger. saying:
“Why, Colonel, you know it per-
with f r-arms and sh< t and killed tne schools. and the Herald says the sys
bear, which weighed about* 300 tern works admirably and has proved f ctly this morning." Tableau.— Texas
_ —
■non micaL -MicAtoan Farmer.
An English View of Fashionable Society In
*Danfferoun DUeases Controllable by Eh
the United States.
flcient Sanitary Protection.
NO. 19.
An American Official'» Chat About a Prue-
porous British Colony.
It must be taken as an accepted fact
One of the most important discover­
Colonel Henry S. Lasar, United
that there is in the society of the Groat
Republic across tho sea an exclusive­ ies of sanitary science is that most of States Consul at the Falkland Islands,
ness almost as decided as that of our tiie diseases that are communicable and his wifo passed through Chicago
own little kingdom—an exelusivoness have an origin outside of the human recently. Colonel Lasar has been Con­
as great in degree if differing slightly system. We are to look for their sul at that point over six years and has
in kind. Over here barriers that have causes in the soil about us or in the a fund of valuable information con­
stood for centuries aro falling year by food we eat or tho wa'er wediink. cerning the islands. In appearance
year; over there dividing lines, un­ There is no division of this class, of the Consul is somewhat below medium
dreampt of by a f inner generation, are which th’s is more surely true than of height, with a gray board and piercing
native German
daily being drawn. C iqnes abound, the specific fevers. Wo have long eyes, and although
and it may be taken as a general rule known that remittant fever and chills has been a citizen of the United States
that in the one, recognized as the first, and fever were dependent on influ­ over forty years and is as pronounced
tho customs most resemble ours. Tho ences from without- Typhus fever has an American in sentiment as could be
much-spoken of, and often foolishly been so distinctly traceable to sur­ found, a charming talker, and full of
vaunted, privilege of “young mon and roundings as to become known under rare courtesy. '
Speaking of the Islam! Colonel Lasar
maidens" to enjoy each other’s society, the names of ship fever, jail fever and
unrestrained by tho presence of their the liko. That strange form, known said: “The Falklands is a crown col­
elders, is a state of things fast passing as relapsing fever, has a similar his­ ony of the most severe type. Its Gov­
away. One hears more talk of chape­ tory. Typhoid fever has so often boon ernor is from Downing streot, London,
rons on the other side than here, per­ traced in the influence of surroundings, and the strongest English prejudices
haps because there the necessity of that most only look upon the body as provail, almost to the exclusion of an
chaperonage might be discussed, where the host of the microtype. The vari­ impartial consideration of other nation­
ous forms of fever of a mixed type, alities. The Government consists of
here it would be understood.
It is generaTy believed that the such as typho-malarial, cesspool and Governor, executive council and legis­
younger portion of the community some forms of septic fever have sim­ lative council, appointed by the Crown,
has a distinct set of its own, and such ilar origin. Even puerperal fever has although the latter, which consists of
is the case, marking at oneo a broad more recently taken its place among two persons, has but little independent
difference to our British institutions. tho fevers of exterior origin. It, there­ power, as the executive council sides
Let it bo remembered however, that at fore, becomes exceedingly important always with the Governor and
a dance, to which invitationshave been that we estimate and locato these vari­ asily votes down any mensure
issued in the daughter’s name alone, ous Causes, that we may interrupt their distasteful to that Individual. The
population consists of about six­
the lady of the housu is always present sad invasion and fatality.
As what is true of typhoid fever, is teen hundred, nearly all of whom are
ai hostess and chaperon, although, as
it is a young people's affair, her illustrative of most of the rest, it may English and Scotch, the latter predom­
daughter takes tho lend in t e recep­ be studied as a specimen. It has long inating numerically, but th j former
tion of the guests. Balls, and thoso beon a question whether it arises inde­ ruling by force of government and
various kinds of expeditions for which pendently of an introduction of the capital. Tho only industry is sheep­
America is famous—such as theater, germ in o the human body, which thus raising, for which purpose all the
coaching, sleighing, yachting and to­ must become the intermediate host, islands are fully occupied, and I have
bogganing parties—are invariably in or ler that the specific character known many cases in which would-be
"matronized,” as the term goes, by a may be shown. It eon not be denied sottlers were unable to obtain land.
married lady; though, for the exeur- that most of the cases are traceable to Tho annual wool clip is about two mil­ or two young married couples an antecedent case. This would be lion pounds, and there are throughout
are the favorite-sop to tho Cerberus of expeeted of any commnnicHblo disease. the islauds nearly a million sheep and
The number of such origins should not cattle. The shepherds are Scotch,
It is interesting to noto the mania for throw suspicion on tiie evidence as to sent over by the Falkland Company,
titles which possesses the American those cases that can not be found to and are a stubborn lot of mon. Some
people. In England tiie tendency is have such history. The light that is of them live on tho smaller islands
towards tiie modification of all titles. being cast upon epidemiology by the life completely alone with their flocks. In
A Royal Prince becomes a Duke, nn history of micro-organism indicates reference to the enro of sheep they are
Earl is addressed ns Lord, e‘c. So that tiioro aro varying forms, and that most jealous, refusing to give the
there is a < ertain irony in the fact that. cultivation and various influences can slightest information as to their meth­
In a democratic country, where all men very much change tho.character. Thus, ods of handling flocks.
“Along the beaches of many of the
are “born free and equal,” nn appela- although there is no spontaneous gen­
tion that will in nny way distinguish a eration, there are such variations from islands are vast numbors of penguins
man from his fellows, or entitle him to the original type as to beget a perma­ and other water fowl. The former are
a little more respectful consideration nency of character and apparently so tame that tho sailors knock them
than his neighbor, is jealously pre­ give rise to a distinct and stable variety. down with clubs and secure their oil,
served. Designations of a military It is not difficult in the botanical sphere which is quite valuable. In early days
order abound, and that of “Judge" is to which these minute organisms be­ they were so numerous that the Gov­
often heard. Not only a profession long to find these changes types which ernor of the islands was callci. the
but pii’dic position of nny kind, and have becomo so different and perma­ •King of the Penguins.’ The climate is
even an occupation, carries witlrrit a nent in their character ns to maintain pleasant, varying from twenty to fifty
an identity of their own. It throws the year round. Carpenters do a very
special designation,
Fifty such titles might be strung to­ some light upon this when we remem­ good business in the islands owing to
gether, all identical with those that :tp- ber that such diseases as diphtheria and tho number of vessels which come to
pear from time to time in the society typhoid fever now havo a distinctness the islands in distress after passages
columns of the papors. Differences of their own which could n t havo been around Capo II rn from the Pacific.
exist and always will, but tho gulf that overlooked by the practitioners of fifty Tho wages paid carpenters are four
divides our ways from tlioirs bears no years ago had it existed as plainly as dollars per day, and thoy aro careful
analogy to the vast ocean that sepa­ now. Also, It is the most natural way not to work very hard, somo times
rates the continents; for the former is of accounting for the origin of new dis­ keeping ships in the port three months
at a time.
spanned daily by the mutual adoption eases.
Our studies of typhoid fever plainly
“It has been a source of regret to
of amended social laws, while as yet
no plan has been conceived whereby point to its origin from ccrta n de­ me over sinco I have known nny thing
the great Atlantic may be bridged graded conditions of filth, ns well as about the Islands that the licet steps to­
across. It is true that all social inno­ from tho introduction of tho inhuman ward the commercial settlement of the
vations are recognized more slowly on secretions into tho air, or the food and islands wore not taken by Americans.
this side of the water, for the English water supply. While water is a fre­ The English have no idoa«of progress,
do cot take kindly to fresh grafts on the quent conveyancer, our attention may their motto being: ‘As it was in the*
fine old tree of custom that grows in becomo too concentrated upon it For beginning, Is :;r nr.d ever rhall be.
the midst of the garden called society the moisture of air may convey ft as Strong in their prejudices they effeciffi-
and puts forth its leaves slowly, typical well as water In a more perceptible illy chili all attempts at material im­
—even as tho emblematic oak—of the form. Alr,o, food which has been in provement savtvin their narrow chan­
steady deliberateness of the race.— the room of the patient or in the vicin­ nel of investment There is one fea­
ity of the evacuations, may bcoomo an ture wf tho colony well worth noticing,
London Queen.
absorbent and conveyancer. When­ and that is the fact that there is abso­
ever a case of typhoid fever occurs, we lutely no poverty. We have not a pau­
are at once to recognize that all secre­ per on the islands. That tho morality
How "the Weaver’» Dainty Touch Bring»
tions are to be neutralized so that there is good is proven by the fact that in
Many a Flower to Fairest Shape.”
In the city of Brussels is a laco man­ shall not emanate any thing therefrom the last six years tho jail has had but
ufactory in which it is said that 1,500 that can affect the air, the water or the one inmate who wns a native, and
lio wits put there for beating his
women find constant employment. food.
Next to this, wo must know that wife. Of course sailors who attempt
The process of the delicate handicraft
is thus described: The flower is first many believe that polluted soil can un­ to desert from their ships are often
pricked ti]»on tho paper, then formed dergo such degraded and vicious de­ lodged in jail until their vessels are
with ribltons twisted around pins; compositions as that it may originate ready to sail,but that can not bo eount-
another hand attends to “the filling >r propaga!e such changed forms of jd against tiie islands. Altogether the
up.” And then by more pins the work disease as this. As to cholera, this is colony is doing fairly well, and I hope
thus begun is attached to a paper on the distinct view of Pettenkofer, and to roe more extensive relations exist­
which the pattern of the veil to lie as to typhoid fever, he considers the ing between it and America. A short
wrought is cldarly traced. The luce is ground a very prominent factor. All while ago William Walter Phelps visited
then laid over this, tacked firmly to it, this means that wo must deal with sur­ the Islands in his yacht, the Brun-
and the flowers are fastened to the roundings ns well as with secretions, ehilde, and before him Lord Brassey
lace by a process similar to the crochet as having intimate relations to such came in the Sunbeam. The fact that
stitch. Another skillful hand cuts out diseases. We often have fevers that we get but one mail in about five weeks
the lace under the open work. In real can scarcely be classified ns of n spe­ rather cuts us off from current affairs
lace the entire strip is hand-wrought; cific type, which havo very suspicious in other parts of the world, but the in­
in imitations the foundation is woven, relation to their surroundings. The habitants aro generally well satisfied
and the flowers are sewed on instead of •endencyof all those ground pollutions with 'heir condition, ami all of them
which nature can not dispose of is to ire making money. Tho tilings we
being netted in by crochet stitch.
fever in the persons at first lack are a dontist, a drug store and a
One women, with wonderful delicacy
of touch, was observed making lace of exposed to them. The safety of the photographer—wants which wo hope
the most exquisite kind from gossamer human system is in the securement of soon to have filled."— ( hicajo Netos.
thread, spun by hand. This fine thread clean ground, pure air, pure food and
Silk from New England.
is worth its weight in gold, costing, as pure water. These arc far more under
we are told, from $600 to $800 per control in fact, than they are in prac­ Though the moth family of Bomby-
pound. The spinners of such "airy tis­ tice. While accidents and poisons and eida> includes upwards of forty fiber*
sue” must do their work in dark rooms, an unfortunate heredity end many spinners, most of the world’s silk is
in which but a ray of light is admitted, lives, the great havoc of lifeeomes from still obtained from a single species, tho
and even that faint gleam through a the avoidable causes of diseases that product of the common silkworm (Bom-
slight aperture. By the most intense relate to our surroundings. Let us byx mori) being superior both in qual­
attention and eye discipline of the se­ more fully realize how much our lives ity and in quantity to that of any other
verest kind, they accomplish their wd protection from diseases is within yet tried. Tho fiber of Sarnia cicropia,
painfully difficult task, "producing fil­ our own control, and so lend our con- t species that foods on tho apples and
aments rivaling the marvelous webs <tant influence in favor of the laws of kindred plants throughout the United
woven by spiders upon the grass, or personal and public health.— N. Y. In- State* and Canada, has lately attracted
draped lattice pillars." No wonder lependenl. •
attention, and seems to lie finer, softer
such workers lose their eyesight in a
<nd more abundant than that of any
Wsll-Ventilated Stables.
few years, or that fabulous prices must
other American silk-worm. Prof. Carl
be paid for such thistle-down tissues! —
Ana rule, in building stables, too lit- Braun, a German entomologist now lo­
Harper's Bazar.
'lo attention is given to securing light cated at Bangor, Mo., has received
and ventilation,two most important aids from a Lyons manufacturer an order
—Despite feme prejudice, as well ns in keeping stock healthy. It is strange for five hundred cocoons of this moth,
some valid objections, against pork as that when these can be had so easily, and hopes to supply them this season.
an article of diet, it continues to lie barns are so often very defective and This investigator is confident that the
more largely used than any other kind unhealthy for lack of them. Animals xperiments to lie made with these
of meat There are several reasons for ihould have light, comfortable quar­ •ocoonswill be successful, and predicts
thia It has less waste, bone and offal ters, not only because it is more pleas­ ihat Maine will produce Its own silk a
than any other animal food. It is ant and easier to care for them in such juarter of a century hence.— Arkansaw
easily kept and fattened, even by barns, but because they give better re­
those who have little room, and when turns for the food consumed in such Traveler.
salted it tin be kept with less liability healthy quarters. Plenty of sunlight
—Not onr pnblic conduct only, and
of spoiling than most other meats. for farm stock is as desirable and ben- arhat we reckon the momentous parts
This last point is seldom thought of, ticial as it is for the family in the house if our life, but the indulgence of our
but has as much to do with the popu­ of the owner. 4n planning for uj-v in-ivate pleasures, the amusement of
larity of pork as any other of its ad­ buildings this point should not be over­ >nr secret thoughts and idle hours,
vantages.—Troy Timeo
looked —National Live-Stock Journal. »hall be brought iuto account.— Blair.
One square or less, one insertion.
.........fl 00
Oue square, each subsequent insertion. . 50
Not ices of appointment and final settlement 5 00
Other legal advertisements, 75 cento for first
iusertion and 40 cents por square for each sub­
sequent insertion.
Special business notices in business columns,
10 cents per line. Regular business notices, 6
cents perline.
Professional curda 112 per year.
Special rates for large display “ads.'
A German Poet Who«« Work« Were SI
cerely Atimlrod by I»ou‘¿follow.
A century ago April 26. Ludwig Uh­
land, ono of the most popular of mod­
ern German poets, was borp at Tubin­
gin, an old town on theNeckar, whore
he spent tho best part of his life, and
tho inhabitants of which placo have
never allowed their prophut to be de­
spised in his own co intry. Wherever
the G -rmau tongue is Bpoken, there
Uhland lias ma le a home for himself,
first by his patriotic ballads, with which
he stirred the hoart of his countrymen
at tho beginning of the century, when
"the waves of tho Adriatic moaned
over tho lo s of Germany,” and
later on by his songs ami other poems.
Scholar, lawyer, politician and anti­
quarian though ho wns, he remained
always first and foremost a man, a
poet of the people, wlmso j >y< and sor­
rows he express al as no other poet has
done bofore or after h’m. As the
Deutsche Bund hau aptly says in a re­
“Uhland's memory is kept alive by his
poems, which ring through Germany
like bells, and tho rich musio of which
timo has boon unable to impair. The
language in tiie rustling of tho German
forest and the mysterious souud of the
mountain streams whose whence and
whither no one knows, and which aro
only met within the infinite solitude of
the forest, have been taught
Uhland. Nobody can express
longing which is awakened
a look from some . height over
country and tiie silver linos of
rivers as Uhland's shepherd boy,
looks dow n upon all the castles,
for whose funeral, too, (ho bqj’.s in the
valley will some time bo toll! ng." In
England tiie name of the poet is chiefly
associated with liis version, in ballad
form, of tho legend of the "Luck of
Elenhall," while Longfellow’s trans­
lations have familiarized the English
publio with several of his poems based
on o!d legends. The first edition of
tho poet's works was published tn 1815;
at his denth, in 1862, over thirty edi­
tions had appeared; in 1875 tlm sixtieth
was published, and the denuind is
still increasing.— Dall Mall Gazette.
An Arkanifiw Author’» Experience In the
Western Metropolis.
Mr. George Sabb<-rly, writing from
Chicago to n friend nt Dry Fork, says:
“My Dour Abner: You know I came
here Io see about having a book pnb-
lished, but I am sorry to say that 1
have net yot found a publisher that’s
got tho insight to recognize a good
thing. I carefully cut out all my Dry
Fork notes that wore published in the
Hickory Knob Sapling, including the
ono about Uncle Dave Pruitt being
chased through Gum Hollow by a wild
hog, and also that one giving the
facts about the row over at Borkly
meeting-house, but, Ab, do you know
that those fullers failed to seo the
point? Tho last one I called on
laughed at me. ’Why, my dear sir,’
said ho, 'the happenings at Dry Fork
are not of interest to people who live
away from there.’ I didn’t hit him.
Ab; I didn’t touch him, but I stepped
back and gave him ,s look that went
clenn through him and struck the
wall. He didn’t mind it, though.
Thon I turned over a few pages and
showed him the following side-splitter
that you recollect I wrote last August
after I helpod you clean out your
well« ‘Old Tobe Millsaps' dog Pete
ain’t as lively as he used to bo. Tho
other day while going through the
woods he mot a 'Coon that wns not on
tho best of terms with him, and then
they had it up and down, over logs
and through the bushes, but the des­
tiny of battle seem 'd to hang in the
dog’s favor until the 'coon nailed him
by the foot and then he squnwled in
that, the hour of his groat tribulation.
Since then, old Polo has not been so
lively by a blamed sight.’ Well, sir, it
didn't faze him, and I bundled up my
stuff and got out I had Always heard
that there was enterprise in this town,
but I have failed to find it. Tell you
what’s a fact There was a circus here
a whole week, and not a single store
closed on ncoount of it The boys may
think that I'm lying about this, but I
Is an affection of the Liver, and can
be thoroughly cured by that Grand
Regulator of the Liver and
Biliary Organa,
■ *MrriCTC»BD BY
J. B. SBIUM * 00.,
R l
I «a» »ffllcted for aeverBl yean with
disordered liver, which resulted in a
•evere attack of Jaundice. I had ■»
good medical attendance M our aec-
tion »gorda, who failed utterly to re­
atore me to the enjoyment of my
former good health, f then tried the
ftworite prescription of one of tho
moat renowned phyalciana of Lout»
Ville, Ky., but tn no purpoae; where­
upon I was Induced to try SlaiueM
Liver Iteaulntor. I found imme­
diate benem from Ita nae, and it ulu-
mately restored me to the foil enjoy-
meut of health.
Richmond, Ky.