OUR ASSISTANTS. “ Wberebouse” receipts at this office, N ew O bdinanci ' —We are informed LirK S entence (’ ommi tko .— V >*- the spire to the new C. 1'. ehureh will that the City cotin, I propose to pass mi ieni. Gov. I’ennoyer mut commuted the be set up Monday. ordinance at their next regular meeting sentence of J. G. Robeson, who was OFFICIAI. »IHFCTOKY. Gopher Valley Geo. Ha mu ill cut his linger seriously which, among otb< things, prohibits the sent io the penitentiarx* from Clat«O|> CD Wediiesdai. nearly amputating it with piling of tire wot.' on the street fora countx* tor life ior killing J. W. Robb iu Tfllin 1UKTRICT. Aug. 8, a jack knife 1882. liobeaon'B uunllii ii.'i been failing greater period than ten days, Tboec R P. Boisp. Judge Weather tine. Fruit Scare«. Gantens Cap. E. B. Fellows cannot make his having wood on tin streets had better for fiume time and it was U|M>n condition nii'e Geo. W. Belt Prosecuting Attorney Items acaree. patent bed springs fast enough to sup­ take steps to have he sH’iU4 ip moved ut (bat he left the Mtute/and upon petition COVKTY. Mi*. Small had a wuol picking Tnee- once, as after th ordinami» ia phhmivì oi a number of promiu^nl citizens ot A m * II. P. Hird, ply the ifeiuaiid. toriu, that sentence was i*r>mmuted dav.it was well atiehdsrl and ill w«nt Senator* ¡ J. W. Watt*. Jones A t'o have decurated tbeii very little time wil h»* a Ilo» ed in which boms pie*«,-d. R. It. Laughlin, fiont with some neat lettering, setting , to remove it. Tiiis «H'dinHHCe will Hup*- N ormal S chool .— We hnve received F. N. Little. forth their stock of goods. ly l,e passed at tile leit meeting of the Representative* burhuWM th© achooljo be iu a very pros Commiasioners j i Gao. Dorsey*. may g*t it by calling at this office and R on KMI'HO S chooi Horse. —Die base p«”, uum condition, (bc.c being 261 *H|* itlUg n itti hot ..iiil.icr, iu Gopher valici 11. W. Briedwetl. Clerk the p»M »eck. T. J. Harris paying for this I is ’ h I. Sheriff inent walls of this i • w building will he dents in attendance du* ingthe paM ye.u. W. W. Nelson. Treasurer I l;«y have eoniiitouced t utting grain t iectu.'i'on “law and lawyers’' will lie completed in linee reek*, at which lime file gradtiatiuii clflHj* in tbe No. mai Wyatt Harri.« Assessor in Gopher and have had nice »« ituer so .1. A. <’. Frc.iud given under the auspices of the Episco­ the carpenters » fa.giti their work. School Supt coUiee lliia year numt'cir l ditocn and ... and Ijopc it »ill reuiaiii *■» ’till aftei J. D. Fenton. pal guild at ti'irrison iqiera house Fri­ Tiie huiiKe will on re.I fv p.r use by the Surveyor there were five graduate in olh©i de­ li.m al. 1). C. Narret. day evening August 19. Admission 25 Coroner cents. tL st of January. T 1 . model is attuila, partments. Ail Notaixi »<•- CITY It i«i.’I very pli' i'-.tiit in the valley now Jacob Wovtmail. Three carloads of cattle and one >*ar. to the Albany ft ml hnn*e building; ceive Mate diplomas .*;»I in u»t» ThrcHbing » ill c G. W. Kaufi'inaii. firm passed through on the morning Marshal fice w ill be the fargor. the mon'«lui ibie statu. Other flatus honor tnvae diplo­ valici mxi Tliuis W .1 Lough ary. train Tuesday Street Commissioner They were n fine lot ainl a» w«!l ai the more I«'uitiful. It will J. L. Roger* Treasurer mas hv granting teacheis’ alns t«i lie put npa a birguin amt it would I»« the holder* Without examination. Win. ( ampbi ll. nil were in good condition. f Win. Holl. difficult to give its exact value; but st Mr* Quirk, of Polk cmiuty, died on The Noriind school is ape» ¡ally de- ’ C. 11 Johnson August 2nd aged 87 years. She was hur­ the rale Albany paid for Imr school house Councllmen . t ai gild I to p«ppare touchori», but <>n ac­ Stilt« ul (tregcn, i (.:. Grissini which was very seasonable, tbe Rose ­ count of iH practical $*oniMe oi etu«lv and Ymnliill county, t C. Palmer. ried ill fit Patricks < iiuicli near Bellevue, I G. VV. .hems. slie ba* been bedfast tor the last two burg scbool building will be worth $23,• tno^ern imifhuda, it U an excellent I 1 T. 8. Putty being tiist duly sworn, du 000. This w',11 be the finest public veal* ami blind fm lbw last three. Fimi Term fa gins Heptenil>cr Ttli. 18*7 Tuition in Prcparaioiv llepnrtment $5 Oil per Regular meeting of tlio council first 1 u»*-*- place tor unv one to obtain a good educa­ school house in Oregon, south of Salem, say : That upon Friday morning Aug. 5, term; In U-ademi«, $8 (XI; fu Collegiate. $11.00 Instruction* thorough and practical day iy in each mont' month. Th* stock for S. A. Manning’s new and with the rule exception of the East tion in a short time. Sime at Yaquimi city was all purchased Salem build, g, will lie the moat elabor­ There are 76 free scboiarKhiiw diarihiited the next day after the first issue of the A boarding ball w ill I » conducted In the College building under the management of a NECKET hocietieh . to the different couuticii of the etale, ot new seven coluiuu Detiioer.itic T ei . k - -.toward where gm»d lionrd can ho had ut $2.7.5 per week. Those who prefer board in in < lucagoaml San Franeiseo. When it ate south of m tin nd.-—StnteKinaii. which thia county haa three, apply to J. riloxr:; that a young rooster wlioiasix private l uiiiliea can '.ei-urc board troni $2 «'• to $1 Oil For further information, addres* I '• fullv Mocked it w ill be a« line a hard­ A. 0. Fieund for scliolarships. Pioneer Council. No. 1, It. A. > M. meet* ware styno as can ho found anywheic. Es viitainmkx ' t . — The onler- M ite A new loatuie of the mc I ioo ! for the weeks old—by refanng to record—did Tuesday on or before each mil ninon, at Fm removing dandrulT, Ayer’s Hair tai muent giv ni by the Mite society uf coming )ear in the dining hall, whore upon seeing a copy of said paper, Masonic Temple, cor 3d and ('. streets So­ \ igoi has no equal. It restoies faded journing companions made welcome this placo, was ti succe .s, ow ing lai gedv studontH aie fuinislicd table board at st ind u|*>n its hind legs ami crow. He J. J. SrrxcF.it. Rec. and gray hail to its oi iginnl color, stim­ ft. /H per week- appreciate I Iu* effort so mue.li and it* C hius . T ayloh , Th. Hl. M ulates the g.owlh of flip hair and gives to tbe help ul Mis E. It. Fello»« and l he catalogue gives a lull discussion ' / being in sui'h a good cause that it lias Mrs. it it fa'autitul, glossy, and silken ap|s>ar- A. .1. Appereon in assisting the of tbe Normal work, and wil! I m * sent to Sterling Chapter, No. Il», U. A. M. nu i ts became a habit which lie cannot break. twelve little girl* to manage th« enter­ any one on applicatiofi. rhursday on or before each full moon, at ance. I < an assign no other reason foi this Hasnnic Temple. Sojourning companions The most i-entraly located sample tainment. The total receipts ware $12.-, AccruKNy.— When harvest begins ac­ withdrawal of nature only a apecial pro- made welcome. room* are those secured by L. H. ( ook, 8t), net profils $30.50. The mites ex ­ vfaiou of providence to show the ap­ (.’ W. T a PMAUE. flee. of the Cisik bouse. They are in 111* lend a vote of thanks to Mrs. Dr. H. V. cidents are plentitnl. F, D. Landing- • preciation and effect ol d good solid J F. t ALBre tTii. It. P building next to the Yamhill county V. Johnson, Mr. I’.. Clark. .Mr. W. .1. ham, of the tirm ot Agee, Landingbain Demor ratic paper upon the community. Union Lodge, No. 15, F. A A. M. n eets bank and will be very conven'ent far Garrif-oti, and »11 w bo so kind»y assisted ' and Murry, who a»e interested in a I also swear that it was hia first crow laturday on or before each full nlion. at drummer*. m making tb« «nlHitamuit'nt the *uc< «** threshing mm him-, while thrmhiBg at and Unit the T ki ecuoxf is responsible Masonic Temple Visiting brethren cord! Will Price, < barley Talmage and Get>. it was. Ten gallons of ice cream were : Calhoun’*, Monday, w«« caught on the far his indiscrete action. illy invited to attend Thanks ar« returned by- Subscribed and sworn I" holore me J. J. SeExcKH, Sec. Kaufman «re going up into the moun­ consumed. G. F Tucas«. M. M. tains tomorrow. Why. we don't know. Iho management for I lie liberal patron- tumbling rod »nd seveiolr injured. Th« this fith day ot August 18fi7. knuckle of tiiii roj was koyed on with a age of the public. L, , 1 ’ C. W. T almaoe . I 0. (> F. Occidental Lodge. No. Jo, Guess to gol into the smoke. There has r 1 Notary Public in Oregon. horentdioe nail and it caught on bi* neetv every Naltirdav night at I. O O F. been so little of it. here ill the last few Bl'kisi:»* N otice .—Auy one baling jumper and threw him over the shaft remple, 3d street Visiting brethren conli- days that they are lonesome. No Good Communication. illy invited to attend. business with W. D. Fenton, ortho firm once, he then caught onto something Lee Wright loft Wednesday foi a trip J E B books , N G. of Fenton A- Fenton, will call at th« Mc ­ thiongh Marion county canvassing for and tb* rod tore his clothe* <'<>mpl«te)v E. E. Goui m.n. It 8 Our correspondent from Bellevue still E. P Follows He fa agent far a patent Minnville office, on Wednesday and Sat­ offbim. lb* left »boulder wa« disloca­ Grange, Patrons of Husbandry. No 31. b«d sp'ing iii Marion county. Charley . is aching for a “whack" as it were at the urday, at throe o ’ clock p. in., or at the ted and the right »ide' <>t hi« fate wa» icéis first and third Saturd.iv, i > t ook is agent for l'olk county, lie also I afavetfa office at any otbe' time. W. loutb at Grange hall, cor. tatui II street' ’ left M ednesday for bis route. badly mutilated. Around his ear, there ’ administration of the T elephone office D F*uton will he absent until August 15. were several bad cut», one starting and the U. S.—please nota the fact (bill J. R. B ooti ! Master. M bs S. A. C lark , ■' h '<' About I to months ago the nine veer ab«ve the temple on the right side and th« T vli i 'I io . s ' e office comes first—7ic old daughter of F. D. Heilery of Polk running down about two inches, anoth­ a«iids in a long communication desiring A. 0 U. W. Charitv Lodge. No. 7. n cets < PERDONA L. er afanjt an inch belew running down lint and third Fridays in t ueh mow i at county «.is bitten bv a dog and since then the e.luld has been gradually fall­ which was cut cnruidetcly through th« tn have it published. If w« cutieiifar it Odd Fellows hall. Visiting brethren . »rdj- , A son of Wat I jntlcrsnn bas I ha ' rh.ek and auteher which suited on the a legal “ail,” it will cost him just $1.00 inc off and now is afflicted with fits. »Uy invited to attend C D. J ohssos ', M W Th« physician thinks it i* hydrophobia measles. jaw bone below the ear and ran to tbe an inch for first insertion and four bits G W .lusts, Rife Miss Belle Juhns< returned front As- chin th«a up and uearly th'oupb hi« lip. for each subsaquant insertion if, wo call Ayer’s Sarsaparilla is designed for The right side of his body and ue.-k is i) a “paid local," it will cost him Seta Custer Tost, G. A. R No-1), meet- c fand those who need a medicine to purify the loria Monday. nearly skinned from tbe friction of tiie a line, and if we consider it a eommuni- Saturday iu each month, at Grange hall, blood. No other preparation «o meet* A. Ennis made i rod. It is a wonder under ttie i-ircum- eatiox. tbe copy furnished Ire« gratia we »r. B and 4tb streeSs. Visiting c<»nnki' this want. It inerr.e «-1 lie appetite and county Tuesday. nade welcome. stance« that in* neck war not broken will pot pul.diah it far any amount. Say rejuvenater f b* v. bole evoem. Jt» re­ J. C. C ootes , A<1j I He is in a bad condition but fa liable to von . such thing* cost roooey. He says : D. V. Iielan J pm cord. for foity vt-ars, i* one of constant C. It. C ook . 1‘ ^C. recover within a few dev« if not hurt in­ "Neither did I say that the urincipala of nesday looming trni triumph ovei disease. tbe republican party are pure." If they ternally. CBURCHKM. Toni Kogers aud Mr. Shartzcr loft for Tbe Rogue River Courier proprietor­ are not wbv all thia shout? (>h yes,I ship has changed from W. J. Wimer to a hunt in the moiinti Ins. Dd.iru at R osebubo .—Tbe uauallv sec, conutv clerkship in your eye, is that Baptlvt Church, corner of I and Fifth Mr A. ......................... A. Mhvoith. - The ' latter gentle- B orn , to tbe wife ot .leas Nohl«, o1 quiet town of Roseburg was eurprfaad, not so uiv boy. Weadmire your ambition _____ reel* _______ flabbath _____ school *t 9:39. a, a ui.. roan is fully al homo in a newspaer of- your lump at conclusions. Of courso a Amity, a tine son, a 1 pounder. »reaching a It ». in and 8. p. m I’fi ■aj er Monday, afternoon, to learnof the ;íW i m . tn a*, sold at 25 celli» a hundred. oil Hi* same div. Good bv, we will *«« ing. *raver »reaching at 11 a m and 8 p ni A H int voh T eam *.—Wednesday you in the sweet by « nd by. Plea:’« do A hn B roke .—Mrs. Carrie Ifakeman, SO 1 L-t neetiug Thursday night at Mias Minnie Mor *, of Dayton W. T., lunday in each month, at.tp tn i vnnrm sister to P. Thomason ol thia city, ac­ is vlaitju« Mias A nie Adam* of tld« evening there arrived on the evening not send another conimnnicatiim. levoted to little children train a gang of 40 white men and 50 rlii- I companied by .Mi '. Pi iei«on . mid baby Lust V ill of íieji liolladny. P F J obxho . v . P 1 nene under tiie maiiageiiiont of Mr. ('.! were driving near North Yamhili the J. U. ('or. with her and Mrs. Peterson her baby, tificate Monday, far service 1 endered in vet. Mr. I.einenweber spmit nearly ail of "The last w ill of Ben. Holladay,now of I will not sell boou that are made out of .1. Thtnsduy in a hunt for Ionin« to trans­ Harrison, Winchester county, and state luaking tbiee babies and two women tlio Mexican war. leather that is tanned by the hot liquor port hia men over the mountains. Mr. of New York. .¥ person subscribing wi1hin the pitched j.eiinisctioukly into the road process - for that leather is burned A num that thoroughly understands the ituality of and Mrs. Bakcnien being the only one to Mrs. A. E Frusli and Mr*. Moore, of Leineiiweber is interested in lour or five First—I give, duvfae bequeath to my the goods hp np II n . will be Mticcessful in business, and in due time gain the confidence of next Six months for the TELE­ austaii'an injury. Dr. Haines sot. the Portland, a' visiting Mr. and Mr*. canneiiea on the Columbia leesides the dearly t»»loved wife Esther, my fate res­ the public PHONE can have It fil.-IO arm. one al Neat ticca. He i> a genial man; idence in the city of East Portland, state The bublic are respectfully invited to examine rn.v stock and prices. No trouble to Wasliliui 11 c his city. energetic and demmTatn- in politics ■■( of Oregon witli the appurtenances; also si tow goods ner year, S months ?0. ■ / front isn returned Friday Jacob Wort S iih mi nt or S tei i R ails .— When the course. yearly subscrit pt ion is th e "hefip- all the household furniture, plate, books, _ hale and hearty a flor steamship Yaqtiimt < ity leave* ior Ya- Neatubea, loo ing on bis jaunt to th« coast mid back. eet. HvTVitxr.n—Dr. ( albrealli and fami pictures ami stores which may bo there­ quin., bay on the 2<>tli instant, she will in al the time of my decease; and also - Mr. A. L. Talmage ol this city, foi iii'ii- ilv returned Tues.lay from a very pleas­ tiie Kimi of $50.1X10; io have and to hold carry the first lot of the shipment of tbe ly of tbe T elephone , has a ritir.itinn on ant trip to the oast, lie wa* accompa­ ' to her, her lieir*, executors and admin- TELEPHON E WHISPER INGS. ten thousand tons of steci rails w hich tbe Poat-Intilfigeneer at Scuttle. nied in his I amides by P. I’, (fates and iatratCH'» furevur. are to fie serf to Yaqilina ( ity before Second—I give to my son Boil Holla­ Tho Yaquina Mail reports John Kohr’s .family of f.idsvette, and George Bing- A ng 118 m day, Jr., nil my interests in tiie steam- Fresh roasted peanut« it II. Ji. tlm wintur. The vessel can take about little hoy who luia boon seriouslv sick ' ■ ' ham ami family of Kah in. They ca»i|ied ships Pelican and California, to hold to w Welch's. tf 1,0X1 tons at each v »cage, and the tians- with tbe acarletena u« getting better. Wonderful Cures. al Saud lake. Three Rivers, Cap« Lrxik- him and hi» legal representatives forev­ For bargains in crockey and glassware porlatioii of the entire quantity fa but W. D. Buxton of Howell prairie, was «nt ami Netarl’s Ray. Tim Dr. caught er. the inattcr of two or three months. Tbe fau to Chas. Grisseu’s. W. J> Hoyt & Co., wholesale and retail Third—J give, devise and bequeath all rails will he used on the Oregon Devel­ in the city the fore part of the week vis­ 2H'i fine trout, and this office, returns thanks for a tine mess. Theyliailovs- the rust, residue and remainder of my druggists of Rome, (la., say: We have i Logan Bros A Henderson arc got ting opment company’sraiiroa i rnnningaast- iting hi* sister Mrs. W. J. Ix»ugimry. iu . tern and clams in large quautitien with property and estate, real and personal, been selling l>r. King’s New Discovery, in their winters supply of hay. erly from A’aqnina City. Thu const rue- E. W. Wallace loft Monday mornlt., . ».-i- ... proportion, Saw some bear wberoaoever the saiDe may bo situated, Electric Biller* and Bueklen's Arnica Halve ' D. O. Durham lost a valuable mare tion of Die road is to be pushed ahead for Yaquitm City where lie will o|»en up but rlid not got any. All in all the trip of which I may be suited, possessed or I Sunday last. Cano«, inflamaiioii of the with all possible dispatch, aud nt large a hrani b btisini'*» of 8. A. Manning arly leaves to-iuoi- Smith fa satisfied that the lead from executors of uty fast will and testament I ti' les wi M you are in McMinnville, and want may he expected that tlm swamp land .th well rri.blfabed merit and such 0Ur without security. And I give them full a good meal or a good lied, go to the i investigation, a* fm a* inspection of row or Monday fi»i thè siirvcy of tbe »Inch this ore «as taken is a valuable authority to sell any or all of tny real na are popular popular. Having the agency aycnejr far the | Central hotel: onlv two block* from the i swamp lands fa •unearned, w itt be tin- Giaud Ron de ro*er> ition. Henry 8tu- one, and if developed w ill pay largely. estate. celebrated «cli-bruted Dr. King's King s New Discovery Dfacovery for , ____ _ j a 1 j (Signed) Br.w H olladay . fahed ait farmeriy of tin • »Ilice fa on« of the It» location 1« above Mehama, near the main business street. U consumption, colds and cough«, will sell it I lOWHil 1110 IlClVHIlCC" Witnesses -George K. Otis, III Tay­ on a positive«uarantoe. It will surely party. It remains t< he se.en wliicb he line ot the O.egun Pacific. Tbe ductor cure I A cciuesivl , K illed ix ibe M oen - likes the best, stic’ ’ig type ot Micking will leave io a few days to locate hi* lor street, Brooklyn, N Y. George r. any and every .iffei'tion of throat, lungs, or 1 rvipTlt' A real iced lemonade prepared before flliu nlnitei Otfa—111 Taylor street, Biooklvn.N Y. chest, and in ordei toprove our claim, we | veureyeaS cents. Ice cold soda many tains .—Last Saturday morning the body pins. 1111“ £11 Brsixcss C hahce .—A splendid Though they have many Imitators; large iron grey in hia team. The team When found be «as lying on the rocks opportunity fa horn offered for engaging Biicklen> ArniqkSalve. The contract prit • for repairing the If you want the Wagon that's best on earth ' Jook as if they could not be stalled with with a bullet in hie farelwad, his pistol in the milling business. Nathan Nawbv old bridge across t e Yamhill at this all tbe load that could l»e put on the in the water near by |>erly aores, tetter, chapi>ed hands, chilblain.«, That (he largest Oaks from Acorns grow; A Arthur'» machiue threshed 850 The same as the STi tirsiKKRs. , busbels of wheat in half a dav on th« T he N anaimo S cki ' eiiebs .—<>ver$55,- Humphrey, has pu «based propertv iu at Amity. IteoM'sts of a steam grist Levi Davie farm. That fa a good run ffoo have been conti I’niled toll»« relief of Seiwood, and will ri nove to that place mill, in good rnniug order; two run of corn«, and all skin eruptions, and posi­ tively curca piles, or no pav required Honif Produce Market. ' joneidering the machine being a 28 inch this fall. . st»ons—on« for flour and one for chop— It is guaranteed to give perfect eatielac* the sufferers by the Nanaimo disaster. satfafac- cybuder. ~ ' Mr. James Bail»' bad tbe misfortune a good bouse and barn, sud one «ere or tion, or money refunded Price 25 r'nrrrrtpd fnr the T elephone by Rnxter A The coromittee have d-teruiincd to book Roger?*, 2 For «ale hr 8. A. Manning ba« laid a in« of rubber widow« and children to thru original to have a fine borts foundered lad week more of ground Tb« machinery in the cents per box Wheat, per Im The horse got son«' ■ beat in the wood mill fa comparatively m*w. and in first- Todd. «Oc 1 iiioee from tbe tank at Henderson Bros, »home*, providing traiwpn and »11 Oat*, per bu •XJc livery etabl« to the mortar bed« at the shed and ate a .rge quantity, it fa Flour, p*r bar. class condition. Il fa situated in a lively 15.00 [new Odd Fellow's building to »uppiv incidental eer lb •fan« on account of Dyspepsia. Acker's 2Hr tions in Oregon tributary to it. Rail- Gins, fipauldiug and wife came up on j contra't far t< H'«!"»riati >u bar Iwen neM, per lb Way Down! We wfab Io close out 20c i ma«l roiling through the place. Briiv Dyspepsia Tablets will cure Dyspepsia, ClMCfte. 'fflrhifOc Applet, per h »x Luur stock of stove« on band. »« we bave awarded to D F Minor, general s earn- tbe traiu from Si'mmit last Thursday easy. Addre«« I". W, Indigestion and Conallpatloe; «old on a Bamn. side« I ordered a full car load of '102 stove« to i ill ID agent nt Vu-tona. and tlic tir*t lot ot They are vfaftfr,g for a few day# with Talmage Terms 10c A Co. McMinnville. Oregon poaillve guarantee at 25 and SO cents, by Char­ ♦houlder fle 1 I be here inaide of thirty days. Now is ' people leave for Durham from Victoria Mr. Eli Mee««, bfa wife’s lather. 1 xv Hurt. elephone for further particulars. ley nay* the sawmill buidne«sfa rushing. “ ham, wiigar cured I 2ü# I V I IjAa « to buy i’beap Manning A Co. this week. WEST SIDE TELEPHONE. b£ o o O J I =:McMinnville, Yamhill County. Oragon-——- Send tor Catalogue. * Aif3m>,>,M&iXn?i «r’ioU- £ New New Goods, NEW PRICES. A full Line of sportsmans goods always on hand. All kinds of gun work done in a neat and substantial manner. Choke Boring a Specialty. No other line of business interfered witli. W. F. COLLARD, Manager. THE OLD RELIABLE, McMinnville Nt» charge made far »ewing lips gtMMls that I sell. Bools made to order aiifl re|mired opposite the dniNge store. Sign of the big Boot. P. F. BROWNE. We believe in ad vertising a business. We are now placing before the pubic a pa* per devoted to the in- of the commu- inity at large, but Me- I Minnville being our (place of publication, effoi t« Will tdld ■Nicvcvv, fore any other. The T is the best local paper in the coun­ ty, and our efforts will be to make it better. The price of the paper, ¡to all parties subscrib­ ing before the first of January* will be SI.50* a year. J ob work done neatly at a reasonable figure. Don’t forget the name of the paper, it is the West Side T