/MEXICAN MANNERS. STATESMEN’S AUTOGRAPHS. Pocket Money for tWe Pages of the Capi­ tol—A Division of Profits. CHARACTERISTIC GESTURES AND For years it has been the privilege of the GALLANTRIES OF THE PEOPLE. pages in the Capitol to make quite a lot of Peculiar LZoluod of Shrugging the Shoal- * dors— now Wealth U Indicated—A Sign of Greeting— Hand Shaking—A Tare- well—Cinpping tlio HanA Tho Mexicans aro adept« at expressing fhcinwlve« by means of signs and gestures, and many of them exhibit a courtly grace and profound gn linn try which, if amusing to a foreigner, Is also worthy of admiration. A lady who has traveled in all parts of the republic and mado a study of these national peculiarities recently described them to your correspondent, and many of her observations were very interesting. She said: “When any one falls down it is customary to call out: ‘Come here and I’ll pick you up,’ or to express the same sentiment by a gest­ ure. The hand is belli up vertically, palm outward, about level with the face. The fingers ore then bent down rapidly and in the direction of tho person addressed, the motion being directly tho reverse of beckoning. Toss­ ing the chin upward doos not imply annoy­ ance, as in most countries, or simply no, as in many European countries. It is simply an equivalent in Mexico for ‘What do you want?1 or ‘I don’t understand.’ Foreigners who try to rid themselves of the importuni­ ties of beggars by this signal, naturally in­ crease their trials rather than bring them to a speedy termination. • The Mexican of refinement has a very pe­ culiar method of shrugging his shoulders. Ho raises his shoulders slightly, stretches his arms down at his sides, hands open and palms out, places his head a trifle on one side, uplifts his eyebrows and pulls his mouth down at the corners. These elaborate mo­ tions signify doubt, uncertainty, a difference of opinion or ‘I told you so.’ This is the fash­ ionable manner of expressing triumph on be­ ing proved correct in regard to a prophecy or an argument. INDICATIONS OF WEALTH. “Instead of tapping tho pocket to indicate money or its influence, the Mexican holds up his thumb and forefinger, curved as if en­ circling a coin. The token or threat of cor­ poral punishment is a slight, lateral, hori­ zontal movement of the hand, similar to the turn it takes in tho act of beating eggs with a fork. The phraso ‘a screw loose’ is illus­ trated by a boring motion of the index finger against the temple, but indicating not an aberration of the mind, as with Amer­ icans, but of the temper. When a Mexican wishes to denote a lot of peoplo ho brings to­ gether the tips of all the Angel’s of one hand, to represent crowding. The first time I ever 6aw this gesture—the holding up of the hand vertically, and thrusting it forward two or three times with a repellant or protesting mo­ tion—was nt a party, where a lady who bad held another’s fan during a dance offered to return it, when the owner, seeing that her friend was using the little implement of challenge, insisted that she retainit. Not a word was spoken—the hand said it all. The same gesture is used to imply: ‘Keep your seat,’ ‘Do not disturb yourself,’ and the like. “There is a sign of greeting used in the City of Mexico and the southern part of the republic that I have never seen in the north nor on tho western slope, where the bow still rules. At the capital an acquaintance, whether gentleman or lady, in saluting one of either sex, lifts the open hand, palm toward one’.« self, and waves the fingers, or often only tho two middle ones. It rather startles a foreigner at first, but it is really a very pretty and graceful mode of greeting. I have observed that it is most used when saluting from a little distance, as across the street, and it no doubt came into use because of th' density of traffic, in which the bow might pass unperceived. “Tho Mexicans are very much given to hand shaking, and they are eminently u friendly and cordial race. It is the fashion among Americans to call their politeness superficial and insincere. I have not found it so, but I do admit that its formality is at times a little inconvenient For instance, when one is in haste to catch a train or meet an appointment, one cannot rush away with a hasty ‘So long.’ It would violate the con­ ventionalities to depart without exchanging the customary elaborate farewells with each individual member of tho circle. Then, in passing through a door, there is almost in­ variably a contest of courtesy as to who shall go first. FAREWELL DEMONSTRATION. “The proper demonstration of farewell be­ tween Mexican women is the light embrace, emphasized in the north by each patting with her right hand the other’s shoulder; in the City of Mexico and thereabouts by a kiss on either cheek. Between women and men, a bow and a handshake, or the bow alone, is the correct thing, although in the interior the provincials employ at meeting and parting a modified form of the embrace, between per sons of the opposite as well as of the same sex. More than once my breath lias been taken away by a handsome young hacendailo meeting me literally with open arms. To my mind there is nothing prettier than this em­ brace, and the warm beared palmadita, or pat on tlie back, between two men who are friends, particularly between an old man and a young man. • “Handclapping Is very common in Mexico, and in its oriental sense of summoning. It is difficult to account for all the ¡teculiarities of Mexicans in tho matter of gestures and man­ ners. Some of their excessive gallantry is evidently a copy from, and improvement on, the French, and this handclapping is clearly derived from the Mom’s through the Span­ iards. It is recognized ns a call all Over the republic, although about the national capital it has been pretty well supplanted by a pecu­ liar, disagreeable sound—pst-t-l which always ■cts my teeth on edge. I beliove thia about exhausts the gestures of general usage; of course there are infinitely numerous signs of special and arbitrary significance. The Mex­ icans, as a rule, are adepts at expression by this means. "As I have already touched on motions and manifestations not strictly to bo classed as gestures, I might strain a point and putin the general list tlio performance which, from its ursine regularity and monotony, is known as haciendo el oso, or, ‘playing the bear,’ and w hich means tho fixed promenade of an en­ amored youth over a short l»eat, before or beneath th) window of thoadored object, in which h* spends as many hours a day as bis Mure will permit.”—Cor. Globe-Democrat. Ore Discovered by Electricity. Leadville Is excited over a new electric in­ dicator tlxat is used to determine the location, from surface observation«, of underground mineral bodies. It is the invention of a prominent electrician of Borton, and is con­ structed upon the theory that the strong elec­ tric currents shown by large mineral Itodles can be utilized to locate the latter. The ma­ chine is a simple affair, consisting of elec­ trodes it bich connect with batteries in a box containing an electric needle. The influence of the electric subterranean currents upon the needle is supposed to indicate the presence of an ore body.—New York Bun. Toboggan note paper and envelopes hare appeared in time to be mixed up with the ersze of the hour. pocket money each session collecting auto­ graphs. The pages of the senate, for instance, will collect tho signatures of all the senators in an album, turn the book over to some youngster in the house, who gets the congress­ men's names, then to one of the pages in*the supreme court for tho autographs of the jus­ tices, and finally to the riding pages of the senate, who are constantly going between the Capitol, the White House, the several depart­ ments and bureaus of the government. The latter gets the names of the president, the cabinet and other prominent officials. For such a collection the boy who starts the book has received whatever be could get out of his customer, trusting to bis own sharp­ ness and the latter’s generosity. When he gets his money—and $10 is the usual price— be settles with the other pages who have as­ sisted him on such terms as they are willing to make. The ordinary terms of settlement havo been $5 to the contractor, $2 to the house page, $2 to the boy who gets the presi­ dent and cabinet, and $1 to the youth in the supreme court. But tho example of the trade unions has reached the Capitol, and an equal division of profits is now demanded by the boys. A young man said yesterday: “I took an album which had been sent me from the west to one of the senate pages the other day and asked him to get the auto­ graphs of the statesmen for me, as be bad done before. I had formerly paid him $10 for such a job, but he informed me that the boys bad organized a union and had ad­ vanced prices to $15. He said that tho ‘kids’ in the house kicked because the senate boys were making more money than they, and had struck, so it became necessary to organize and have a stated card of rates. ‘Don’t you see,’ be said, ‘that people who want autographs somehow always come to the senate first, and us fellows have been having a soft thing. We have got $5 for getting names of twenty-six senators, and have given the kids in the house only $2 for getting 825 names. When they happen to catch on to a job they get the $5, of course, and give us $2 for the senators’ autographs, but for every one book they get we get a dozen, and they kicked about it. So we liad to agree to pay them as much as we got ourselves. They won’t touch a book for less than $5. There was a kid in the houso who cut under them and got some names not long ago for $3, but when the other boys found it out they got hold of the book and tore out tho leaves. They boycotted him, don’t yoti see?”—Washington Cor. New York Sun. De Ilruzza the Explorer. I have had occasion to meet Stanley’s French rival, Savorgnan de Brazza, and have been struck by the extraordinary contrast which the two men offer in their general liearing. Not only is De Brazza as tall Ind slim as Stanley is short and broad, not only is one os dark os the other is now gray,-but the difference in their deportment and char­ acters is so great that it is really worth point­ ing out. No man in the world could welcome a journalist more courteously than De Brazza. There Is a perpetual smile in his eyes, which seem as a reflection of those Italian skies under which, I believe, he was born. His tall, supple frame bends condescendingly on the appearance of an interviewer. He is ready at once not only to reply to any amount of questions, but even to suggest them, and his answers are al ways given in a soft, musical tone, which caresses the ear as a warm, south­ erly breeze. Strange to say, however, as soon as Mr. Reporter has vanished, quite charmed, from Do Brazza’s presence, he finds out that the French, or rather Italian, explorer has with­ held from him all information of real inter­ est, it having happened that the wily gentle­ man was desperately chewing his cigarette, atid thereby muffling bis words, each time he was letting some cat out of tho bag for Mr. Reporter’s benefit Stanley, after a short moment of apparent coldness and stiffness, lays his pipe down and opens his mind with an absolutely American frankness, fearless­ ness and sincerity. The whole difference lies there. Do Brazza, unlike tho hero of Lafon- taine’s fable, resembles a sheet of iron paint- od green, like a reed, on the surface; whereas Stanley Is the reed which seems unbending at first sight because it is painted over in iron hue«.—Brussels Cor. Chicago Inter Ocean. Carrying Off the Silverware. Such queer things happen constantly in what is called “Washington society” that one ceases to be surprised at almost anything, no matter how absurd or outrageous, that may be told in connection with its doings. Tho following is at present going the rounds of the clubs: A certain hostess, the leader of one of the most exclusive sets here, gave a handsome luncheon the other day. Near tho plates of guest« there was put a silver salt cellar of curious and artistic design. Against each salt cellar rested the card bearing the name of tho guest It so happened that these* salt cellars wore tho gift of a very dear friend; in fact, they had been presented to tho hostess on her wedding day, and she valued them accordingly. Imagine her dis­ may and indignation when she saw on© of tho guests, after admiring the design, and evi­ dently supposing from the card resting against tho salt cellar that it was intended as a favor, take it up and put it in her pocket. Worse than that, most of the other guests, not only one, followed her example. The hostess was speechless with surprise. She completely lost her presence of mind. A pain­ ful silence ensued, and tho company parted under tho impression that their hostess had suddenly beeu taken ill When tho doors had closed upon tho last guest tho unfortunate giver of the feast found upon counting her treasures that she had only two left. The next day came an explanation. A polite note was received from a lady who had been present saying «he bad neglected to take her favor, motioning it, and asking the hostess to kindly send it. It was «ent— Washington Cor. Now York Tribune. The Autocrat and the Princes. FQMAN AND HOME. TA’XiNG THE FAULTS AND INDUL- GENCES OF THE FAMILY. Health—Thoughts ou Women, Good Meat—Nervous Prostration—Pun­ ishing Children—For Teachers—Fem­ inine View—Notos and Paragraphs. The saving of a few pennies here and there in t he household expenses will in time give re­ sult« such a» no housekeeper who has not tried the plan would believe. An excellent little mother of a large family uptown keeps a little bank on the sitting room mantel into which is dropped a penny each time a slang word is used, a dish broken, a hat or coat flung carelessly on a chair, or any other rule of the house disobeyed. In this way a neat little sum of perhaps a dollar is collected each month, and this is always used to buy some­ thing to beautify their modest little apart­ ment. Last month it was a Tow crimson globe for the parlor lamp, and the month be­ fore materials for a handsome sofa cushion, made by the oldest daughter. A younger housekeeper has found a way that is not altogether new’, that gives her many pretty articles each year. Every even­ ing her better half must confess how much he has spent on cigare or tobacco, and de posit a similar amount in a pretty little box. If she indulges in candy she hands back from the box the amount she has spent on the sweets. For the first four months of her married life she only made about 15 cents a day; now she collects from 40 to 50 cents regularly, and as she only eats a pound of C0- cent candy a week her gains aro considerable. Last month they were over $14. Even 10 cents each day would in a year amount to the neat sum of $36.50, and it seems only fair that the wife should ba allowed the samo amount for personal luxuries, especially when she does not use it in health destroying tobacco. There are any number of ways, in which taxes, very lighu of couree, may be levied on the members of the home to the advantage of all. Every time the head of the house ta late for supper tax one penny, every time the mistress forgets to sew on buttons, when the want has been brought to her knowledge, she must also forfeit a penny. Finding fault with the coffee, being cross to the children, changing servant girls or washwomen oftener than once a mouth, bringing company home to dinner without the knowledge and per­ mission of tin* mistress, sleeping until after church time on Sundays, forgetting errands I and all such light but trying sins should be paid for and the money used for tho advan­ tage of the family. Two or three good magazines, pictures, books and even a piano might be purchased with such a fund.—New York Journal. Hints for Raby’s Health. " ‘An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure’ is an old and time honored saw, but it is one parents would do well to remember in these days of croup, measles and diph­ theria,” said a prominent physician recently to a reporter. “One of the first safeguards against disease is pure air and exercise. Nothing increases the activity of the lung« like bodily exercise, and in order that it may bo beneficial to the whole system it should be carried on in the open air. Some of them are too young to leave the nursery, and it is here that their little lives are very often imperiled by ignorant mothers and nurses. Gas and paraffine lumps should never be used in tlio nursery. In almost every room where gas is burned a plant will droop and die. Children are like plants; they require above all things pure air, light and sunshine—not gaslight, but daylight, sunlight, and as much of it as possible. The nursery in my house is the largest and sunniest room under the roof. In it there are no heavy hangings to hold the dust and obscure the light, nor are there any gas pipes. Gas is injurious in many ways. Its light is too strong for a babe’s eyes; it ab­ sorbs all the pure air in the room before tho child can get a chance to inflate its little lungs with oxygen; its heat is enervating, and there is always the danger of leakages. These leakages may be so small as to be impercepti­ ble. but quite large enough to be pernicious to health. Purity of water, however, is almost as es- senlial as purity of atmosphere. This can be had by boiling all tho water necessary for tho nursery before it is used. Such treatment removes all impurities and destroys their ef­ fect. Another good thing to remember is the necessity, that exists for fat in some form os an element of children s diet. I have seen fathers and mothers, to w hom tho cost of the article was nothing, deny their children suf­ ficient but ter to make their bread palatable. This is wrong. Butter should never be spared. Any parent who denies their chil­ dren this commodity deserves to pay tho doc­ tor, and to pay him well, too. Children who are given enough butter and other fats rarely suffer from necrosed joints and scrofulous glands, to say nothing of marasmus tabes, mesenterico, hydrocephalus and consump­ tion. Besides the ounce of prevention mat­ ter, parent« would do well to bear in mind that other old Raw, which advises us not to be penny wise and pound foolish.—New York Mail and Express. A Woman’s Thoughts on Women. I have been sitting by the firo knitting and thinking, trying to plan out something for tho future, until in sheer weariness I stop and come to the conclusion that too much thinking is not good for a woman, They say she jumps at conclusions and gains the same result that man arrives at by laborious effort. I feel sure I was nearer right on the subject an hour ago than I am now, after trying to seo all sides of it, and losing my courage over its dangers. I call to mind Mary Lyon, tho founder of Mount Holyoke Female seminary, and her rule of action which she taught her pup'.ls: “Walk straight in the path of duty, satisfied to : co o;:o step at a time, and trust that light v.’i i come for tho next step;” and she assured them from her own experience that light always came. Mary Lyon’s nature was a strong, rugged one, of the true New England type, and her brave spirit (lid not shrink if tho light disclosed sharp rocks for her feet instead of tender grass; but she reached her goal of great usefulness to other women, and gave them a health and strength that has been, and will bo, handed down to many generations. Her rule presupposes n strong faith in overruling spiritual agencies, and also a firm adherence to duty, whether pleasant or painful. Will it apply to the present generation and help us, (or instance, in rearing a large family of children upon a limited income? Will it decide tho question of est before bis claws are grown.” Certainly, nothing in Prince Albert Edward suggests any aggressive weapons or ten- lenciea The lovely, youthful looking, gracious Alex­ andra, that always affable and amiable Prin­ cess Ixmise, the tall youth who sees the crown and scepter afar oil in bis dreams, the slips of girls so like many school misses wo left behind us—ail those grand personages, not being on exhibition but off enjoying themselves, just is I was and ns other people were, seemed very much like their fellow mortals. It is Overtaxing the Nervous System. really easier to feel at bom© with tho highest The terrors of nervous prostration—that people in th© land than with the awkward com­ moner who was knighted yesterday.—O. W calamity which seems a new foe, but is really only a new name for an old one—haunt men Holmes in Atlantic. almost equally with women. If men bold out The latest gustatory achievement in Waab- longer against its approaches, which ta doubt­ inton ta a conjunction of steamed oysters ful, they succumb almost hopelessly, snd need long- - (or a cura I know young men of fine • Ub ou.rr. , physique who having for a year or two undertaken to combine too many anxietie«— I for instance, a bread earning occupation and the study of a profession—have taken to their bed in otter helplessness and frequent tear«, and remained there for years. “Moro pangs and fears thun wars or women have ’ were their penalty for an over taxation of tho nervous system. The fact that, cs tho lifo insurance companies tell us, women on tho whole outlivo men, seems to indicate that their nerves, if more sensitive than those of men, are more elastic, and offer a better re­ sistance to the wear and tear of events; for we must remember that it is not the great things of life which prove exhausting, buttbj small ones, because these call out less in the way of resources to meet them, just as people take cold more readily after a warm bath than alter a cold one, for want of a reaction. “You cannob seriously maintain,” said ft clever woman once to me, “that any cares of political or business life can lx? so wearing, on the whole, as the task of cooking a dinner. ’ Then sho proceeded to explain how the cook, before every dinner, had to deal with a dozen different articles of food, no two of which laid to be prepared in the same manner, or manipulated with the same touch, or exposei1 to tho same degree and kind of heat, or cooked for tho same length of time; that the ciX'k had constantly to be going from ono to the other, and keeping all in mind; and that, ‘o bring them ull out in readine« at thowj>- pointed time, neither underdone or overdore, neither slackbaked nor burned, neither too cold nor too hot—that this was un achieve­ ment worthy of «lemigods and herd's. Ai.d I was quite inclined, at length, to be con vinced; certainly it was much easier for m© co own myself convinced than it would have been to cook the dinner.—T. W. Higginson in Harper’s Bazar. __ Women in Music. Much has been written lately regarding the reason why there aro no great female com- »osei-s. There can bo no doubt that, in other irts besides music, women have achieved but little that can lay claim to immortal fame Perhaps the principal re&eon of this is that their affoctiona are too exclusively personal. A girl will assiduously practice on tho piano as long as that will assist her in fascinating her suitors. But how many women outside he ranks of teachers continue their practice after marriage from the impersonal love of music itself ? Needless to say they have no time; for every hour devoted to emotional refreshment strengthens the nerves for two hours of extra labor. No doubt there is something comic in the ardent affection with which a professor hugs his pet theory regarding the Greek native, or the origin of honey in flowers, and in the fe­ rocity with which lie will defend it against his friends, if they happen to oppose it. But such complete devotion to abstract theories is absolutely necessary to the discovery of orig­ inal ideas: and, as women are rarely able or willing to emerge from the haunts of per­ sonal emotion, this explains why they have achieved greatness in hardly any art but novel writing, which is chiefly concerned with personal emotions. Among great performers, on the other band, there are as many talented women as men, if not more. Blit it is a cu­ rious fact that even the best lady pianists seldom learn to improvise in an interesting manner. A malicious bachelor has suggested that if, in teaching harmony, the chords were mado personal by calling them “Charlie” and •‘William” instead of “tonic” and “domi­ nant,” women would soon le:.rn to improvise charmingly.—American Musician. Punishing Children Sensibly. If parents were as sure of their children as the farmer is of his cabbages, there ought •-o oo no doubt on this ¡>oint, because the experi­ ence of the parent ought to indicate at once ! the proper treatment for tho mental disorder, assuming that all wickedness is a mental di* irder. But, as a matter of fact, how often do wo punish on scientific principles. If whipping is found to make Arthur an angel for several hours or days, tho chances are that when Lilly comes upon the seem» the efficacy of whipping will lie so well established in tho parents’ mind that she will get a cer tain amount of whipping to no good, anil that the failure of the punishment will be ascribed to stubbornness, which calls only for a double dose. Perhaps tho following plan, which I adopted experimentally somo time ago, may commend itself to some parents, even though 1 have no wonderful results to offer. In an old account book I have a few pages devoted to my chil dren; in the part devoted to each child I Dote ho offense under the proper date, tho punish meat adopted, or punishments if the first lias lot proved sufficient, and tho results. For instance, on such a day I find that Lilly, aged 1, got at tho shoe blacking bottle, soiled her >wix hands and the baby’s frock. Punish­ ment: No cake at luncheon. Tears, but no xpreseion of remorse. Twelve days after, iccording to tho ledger, Lilly tried the pol.sh bottle again; this time sho was compelled to wash her own bands until tho last vestige of blacking had disappeared. It took her half in hour, and there ¡3 no record of a repetition ths offense.—Philip G. Hubert in Baby­ hood. Self-Respect and Courtesy, The potency of a graciou3 manner was hown notably a few years ago by an inci lent which occurrod in one of our large cities. A young girl who had been a seamstress mar- ied the son of a wealthy anil influential ,’amily. ncr husband brought her home while □is mother and sisters, with a large number of ;uests, wore at their country seat. It was re­ solved before tho bride arrived that she ‘should bo taught to know her place;” that ho must bo tpught to realize that, although in the family, sho was not of it. Tho houso was filled with experienced women of society, skilled in every method of administering snubs, from the stinging sar­ casm to tho smile of icy civility. Tho little woman who was their intended victim had neither birth, fortune, experience, nor even education to defend her. But sho had a sim­ ple, self-respecting manner, softened by the most exquisite courtesy. “It was an armor of proof,” said a specta­ tor. “If they insulted or snubbed her, sho was apparently unconscious of it, and turned to the m with tho same gracious, cor- dial kindness. She conquered. Tho dullest woman among her enemies at last understood that tho poor little girl was better bred than herself.” Stocking Frames. I have used for many years a little device which has prevented ahrinking in my chil- I ilren'a stockings, r.nd may bo of use to other mothers. Draw the shape of your child's stocking on u piece of paper; then have this shape cut from a half inch board, pinned and nicely rounded and smoothed eft at the edges. Bore a hole in tho top and put ill a loop of string. Stretch tho children's washed stockings, while wet, over this form, nnd hang by tho loop in some warm place to dry. Several stockings can be dried on one form, over each other, but of course the drying is slower. I have two forms made I for each size of stocking. Models of a similar i kind can be used for drying children's woclen undershirts. I havo known those already shrunk brought back nearly to their original size in this way. These in«l< Is should be merely the shape of the body, since forcing them into the alee-es would be apt to tear ths shirt If we «itb to strateh the slwvos ws could have separate model» for theta. - Baby­ hood. ________ STORY OF LINCOLN. Don’t Overwork the Boy». Farmers aro sometimes very inconsiderate TOLD BV EX-REPRESENTATIVE OE ar . in the treatment of their sons. U ithout DECEE, OF CONNECTICUT. meaning any harm thev impose labor upon boy« which should be the work of men. Now . tho physical energies ot a growing boy have A Gun Maker'. CUtmu-Aa ahvady an important work allotted to then), With the l-reshlent-Llucoiii'. r.rwoal that of building up a strong, healthy organi­ Appearance-A Per«ua.lVe F.xe.u,|„ zation. Th© vital force cannot lie exerte«l i:i Daounieiit—Admiral Dahlgren. making muscles and bone, and at the same timo bo expended in a hard day’s woi k in the I first saw Mr. Lincoln in th.. sun,ni„ . cornfield. We have seen many instance« of 1863. I had been elected iuthesprineof th» boys being stunted and dwarfed because they yd w ?Vhirty elg.hth , 0”c,t's’ «"<> vUrt were overworked by an unconscious luthei. id W asliington some time in Jlme to look When work ta crowding in tho fields there is quarters tor tho coming December »¿i P a strong temptation to utilize every muscle, Tho corridors ot Willard’s hotel were crowdS to provide means for tho growing hogs at tne with oflk-ers on leave, office wekers expcase of his own growing boy. This w tractors and jobbers-the swarm which .T I all wrong. A farmer would uot for un in­ ways gathers around the hive of tlir>tr,.am,W’ stant think of harnessing his 6-months old The most conspicuous figure, and one of tL colt and hitching him to a plow, and why r.w;t rcmarltabb I over saw, was Horatio should not the growing boy havo the same Allies, un iron founder of Falls Villatre Co,, thoughtful consideration? Don t overwork a brother of Oakes Ames. He clai^d the boys. They are all tho material wo have to have invented a procea of f to make men of.—Atlanta Constitution. tag wrought iron camion of heavy calibre by subjecting the molten metal to tC Rulo* for Success. impact of two immense trip hammer» wh b My advice to women is possibly worthless with characteristic grim humor ho hadnarJ and without merit. But this is it: respectively “Thor” and “Odin.” \ln2 If there is anything you want to do,, do it. complained that though hi8 guns lmd J«! or do the nnxt best thing. subjected to unf. ir tests by Dahlgren wk, Do not expect that when misfortune conies was then chief of the ordnance bureau tod ' byon that tho whole world is going to drop though it hud withstood all attempt» to burst its shovel and come and ask you “what you it—while the Dahlgren guns had burst li“» would like.” If you think tho world owes glass buttles—yet lie comd neither get a iw you a living, go ahead and make it. It’s port in his favor nor an authentic record of p»f»re. tho experiments. Ames soon discovered that If you area working woman of greater or I was one of the newly elected Connecticut less degree, don’t wear the fact on a placard members, and insisted that in the absence of like a leper. The work1 does not like it. his own immediate representative it was mv If you have a shadow of a roof tree to fly duty to present lib ap eal to President U *o, fly there and stay lieneath it. coir. I did not “hanker after the job” to And above all, bring up your girls, if God use one of tho expressive phrases of Mr. Lio is cood enough to give you such, to think the coin. But Ames was not the man tontand vune.—Fannie B. Merrill in New York niton etiquette and 1 finally yielded to his Graphic. ________ .mportunity, on condition, that an intervi w should lie arranged with Mr. Lincoln', al> How to Know’ Good Meat. Dr. Letheby lays down the following sim proval. Every one knows the general appeanmeotf pie rules for the guidance of those in search Mr. Lincoln. That ho was tall, swarthy of good meat: It is neither of a pale pink nor of a deep awkward nnd unconventional in dress and manner nre the broad outlines of any con- purple tint. It has a marked appearance from the rami­ ccption of him. But no one who has not fication of little veins of fat among the stood face to fnce with tho man < an ever rea'ize a lifelike idea of the great original. As muscles. It should be firm and elastic to the touch. he rose—and seemed to keep on rising-before Bad meat is wet, sodden and flabby, with the me, his hair was black, coarse and of an un­ kempt appearance, his nose prominent, hu (at looking like jelly or wet parchment. It should have little or no odor, and the cheek bones high, his cheek« very hollow, hw odor should not be disagreeable. Diseased complexion swarthy, his manner gracious meat lias a sickly, cadaverous smell, and but subdued, while his eyes had an expression sometimes a smell of physic. This is discov­ tRat I find myself incapable of describing, as erable if the meat is chopped and drenched though they ¿iy in ambush in their deep cav­ ern«, ready to spring forth or retreat further with warm water. It should not shrink or waste much in cook­ within, as occasion required. He was awk­ ward, but it was tho awkwardness of nature, ing.—Herald of Health. which is akin to grace. Tho expression of I his face was earnest, with a shade of sadness, The Feminine Point of View. his voice was soft and at times as tender “I notice,” said a lady friend the other day, and as a woman’s. “that some fool man has invented a collapsing I had prepared what I thought n neat little hat for ladies to wear to public entertain­ ments. He might havo saved himself his sjieech of introduction, but he at once put niy pains. Women wear high hats simply be­ rhetoric nnd embarrassment to flight by cause they are the fashion. Beauty or ugli­ taking ine by the hand and saying, “Well, ness, comfort or convenience has nothing to what does little Connecticut want?” The tone, the familiar address, the friendly do with the question. The collapsing hat i# not fashionable, and that settles it. I don’t manner, the gracious smile ftt once put me at know where our fashions come from or who my case, and I rtuted my caso as to a friend, sets them, but 1 know we don’t. American and almost on equal. Mr. Lincoln listened women have nothing to do but blindly follow, with evident interest. Ames had stated that and I tell you now, in all seriousness, that all a record existed of the various charges, the the talk in newspapers and tho indignation of number of firings and the resjiective result« tho public has not done a particle of good. to each gun, and that it would vindicate all The high hats will go when the fashion he claimed, but he had been denied access ¿0 changes mid not a day before.”—Philadelphia it. Mr. Lincoln closed the interview by re­ questing me to procure it and bring it to him Call. at 8 o’clock that evening. And to my sug­ Each of Privacy in Our Homes. gestion that 1 was unknown at the department, A correspondent writes to The Boston be took an executive exvelopo from a buudle which lay always on bis table and wrote the I Transcript calling attention to tlio fact that in this country window shades arc frequently following: “Let Mr.---- , of Connecticut, left up after the lamps are lit. “IIow verj- have a copy of such record as he indicates. odd,” ho says, “this would seem to an Eng­ A. Lincoln.” lishman! The moment a lamp is lighted in Armed with this concise but persuasive an Englishman’s house, in town or country, executive message, we visited the navy de­ down goes tho curtain. An American lia.1- partment, where we waited in the anteroom seemingly none of that nice sense of privacy for more than two hours for the ar. ival of that tlio Englishman owns. Ho can sit in th< Commodore Dahlgren, who was said to be bosom of his family, cat, drink, b£ merry, absent. Suspecting after a while that Dahl­ dandle bis child upon his knee, poke his fire, gren’s absence was rather conventional than road his paper, all uncugained to the out actual, we at last pushed by tho janitor into side world.” tho chief’s room, where wo found him calmly writing nt his desk, where he had probably A Housekeeping Eiluoution. been from tho commencement. My request A Rangoon English journal recently, in for a copy of the report was curtly refused, discussing tlio education of European girls in until I produced tho envelope with the un­ the far east, made a strong plea for the teach mistakable sign manual of the president, caus­ Ing of cooking and housekeeping in th' ing as much consternation as though one of schools. It declared that the general disin­ Dahlgren’s own guns had buret in in his own clination to marry among young men in tb< department. Wo got what wo wanted and civil service who are living on a fixed salarj took it to the president that evening accord­ was attributable largely to the fact that tin ing to appointment. young women were unable to do any house Mr. Lincoln sat at an office desk, under work, or even to direct properly the servants which bis long legs protruded to an extent of a household.—Harper’s Bazar. which made them conspicuous. At first he had on a pair of carpet slippers, but as the The Effect Our,Clothes Have. convolution progressed he unconsciously Mrs. A. D. T. Whitney, in a practical tall; withdrew his feet, disclosing what seemed to to young women at Boston, gave a new turn be a pair of dark yarn stockings, through to tho definition of the word “becoming.’’ which bad worked his great toe, and this he Instead of garments becoming the person, kept in almost perpetual motion. The record she said, “we become like our clothes; if we verified the claim of Mr. Ames, and after put on a hat that is a little exaggerated in much discussion and searching questions Mr. style, wo give our heads a toss to corrasponu Lincoln took an executive envelope and wrote with it; the Quakers have calm, placid faces the following: “If Horatio Ames will make harmonizing with their clothing.” ten wrought iron guns after his method, which will answer satisfactorily such tests as Imitation Ground Glass. I shall order, I will set; that ho gets paid $1 A very good imitation of ground glass fe per pound for each gun. A. Lincoln.” produced by dissolving three tablespoonfuls Thus ended my first interview. I never of Epsom salts in a pint of warm water, and saw Ames afterward, but was told by Oakes applying it to the glass with a common paint Ames, his brother, that the guns were made, brush. This ans were admirably when a sort answered all tests, and that his brother re­ of screen is wanted. The solution must be ceived $100,OtX) on the strength of that envel­ applied to the side of tho glass which is not ope.—Augustus Brandegee in New ^ork exposed to the weather.—Atlanta Const itu Tribune. tion. Servants and Slave. London Reportorial Enterprise. Tho London Times has not often of late dis­ “How many servants do you keep?” asked an old friend of Marion Harland’s husband, tinguished itself by ente¡•prise in getting when they had been married about six news, but there ta no doubt of its power to keep a bit or intelligence away from its rivals. months. “Three—and one slave,” was the prompt re­ Lord Randolph Churchill’s resignation, an­ joinder. “The slave is my wife.”—New York nounced exclusively by “The Thunderer," is a Into example. Tho young statcsnuui drove Graphic. into 1;rinting House square shortly after 11 For Teacher« nn