WEST SIDE TELEPHONE.! iiiglq4Wl,e'ry a,ld OFFICIAL tritt ECTO It Y. Js.. •‘-««ream festival to- vi»Vlinga1lTh11>10r,'y’ who has to day" f ** expected home Pioneers" Reunion ,.W Religions Services-Sunday Next. NEW FIRM! NEW GOODS! The annual reunion of Oregon pio­ II. II. Welch having moved ir.to M. E church—services will be held neers was held in Portland June 15, 1887 third district . I Fraud Collard’s former quarters on at II a. m. anil at 7 :00 p. m. Jn«1ge Third street, and having taken "f U.e'n "J'1?/-“!!'. Wi" b° built in fro"' and w is the largest gathering of the | io- Allure cordially invited. Prosecuting Attorney ----- -Agents for the- neera yet held. The piocession was R ev . II P. S atchwhll , Pastor. Austen Dee into partnership; they CO J XT V. arge and a stirring and interesting sight, having fitted up and renewed their St. James’ (Catholic) church. Muss Senators ' I>or1v'«n|,i'“e P,uniil,ed at the straw- | it was made up of the men who fought at 10:30a m on the second ami fouith ihe savages and carved out homes in a th« mü fesliVi‘1 to-night ut FINE TABLES, Sunuays of each month. Sunday school int ujkji a house. Representatives j new country tor themaelvea. The story at 2:30 p. in. every Sunday. and opened a fine new stock of J. S. W hite , Rector. yr. and Mrs. C. A. Wallace attended of their hardships lias been often told Judge fresh duo v'iih‘eiH veU"lon at I’o'tland. and and to the new generation to see the pio- , St. James’ church. Rev. John C. Commissioners ■ "Í Ínteres?. ' al,cuu'er and other points neers collected together was a scene full Fair, rector. Services 11 a. iii . and NUTS, CANDIES, CIGARS, CIGAR­ Clerk Sheri ff of interest and well calculated to stir the 7 p. m. Keep' nil bund it complete stoch of th,s# ETTES AND TOBACCO. I.??"' Eire department Treasure- .......... gcrvlw. Also a large «nd welt as­ best of feelings in lhe breasts of the , Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Assessor......... Friday evening services at 7:00 p m. respectfully solicit a share of the axe received an invitation to take part serirci line of M hool Supt........ young, to stimulate them to like deeds it the proce-mou at Portland on the Seats free. Ail a.e cordially invited to Surveyor ........... patronage of the people of McMinn ­ 1 uuith ui Ju.v. of daring and enterprise. attend. Coroner.............. ville and vacinity not forgetting to In tlie evening the members of the as­ Everybody go f0 G.irri.son’s opera C. P. church. Services at the usual kindly thank them for past- favors. house tin« (1- rt.iay) afternoon and even­ sociation met tn the art gallery of the hours. Pavillion, and elected tl:e following oili­ ingto the festival. Lots of ice cieain ce ---- Ladies’ and Gents’----- Sunday school at 9:30 a. in. All art Search for us between the Banks rs ; TELEPHONE WHISPERINGS. and strawberries. cordially invited to attend these ser­ M. Wilkins, president; re-elected. vices. WELCH * I)EE.. A J. Appertain and wife returned W. S. Lidd, vice-president. Fresh roasted peanuts at II. H. veilnesday evening from a visit to Port­ Geo. 11. Himes, secretary; re-elected. Services et the Baptist church. — < 4 land and Oregon Citv. They were in AVelch’s. (f John M. Bacon, treasurer; Brace I p. Preaching morning and evening at usu- AND FISE iltendance at the Pioneers reunion. Medoieiu Crawford, W. II. Odell, al hours—11 a in. and 7 p. in. Seth Moon, of Willamina was in the You are feeling depressed, your appetite Joseph Watt, directors. Sunday school at I) :30 a. m. -citv Tuesday. The Yamhill county W. C. T. U. will It was recommended that th» __ board ____ is poor, yon are bothered with headache, All are cordially invited to these It voit want the beat snd cheapest job h dd.a convention in’Dayton, June 22, of directors appoint a corresponding see- vices. Strangeis especially made von are fidget ty. nervous, and generally — > and 24. M. C. S. Y ocno , Sec. w oik, call at this office. ■etarv to reside in Portland, and an as­ come to come and wo.ship w ith us. out of sorts, and want to brace up Bract I bene S. C ai . bbkath , Pres. sistant coriesponding secretary in every up. but not with stimulants, spring medi­ In nil the latest Styles and Pattern's, whiclif G. W. Sappington of North Yamhill, cines, or bitters, which have for their basis lor lit and quality cannot be beat. Mrs. ('. w. Talmage, left on Tuesday’s county in the state. The duty of these dropped in to see us Tuesday morning. Sing Brothers Sing. otlieerH is to make brief sketches of all very cheap bad whisky, and which stimu­ Cull and see our spring afternoon train for the eastern Oregon late you for an hour, and then leave you in goods before pur­ Dr. Johnson is now prepared to at­ •oiintiy. She will spend the summer pioneers in their respective localities, worse condihon than before. What you chasing else­ tend culls in the country at any hour, ti Hiere in hopes of benefiting her health. m l preserve them for future use. Now let us to tlm woodland hie, where want is an alterative that will purify your where. A vote of thanks was tendered to the trees their venlure wrap, for spring n<> blood, start healtliv action of liver and Rid­ The celebrated Golden Clipper grass officers of last year. Kev. J, C. I-air and wife are attending ers, restore your vitality, and gi\e renew­ scythe, at Manning A Co’«. Onlv 75cts It was voted that a committee be ap- I longer lingers in ohl bmley winter’s lap. ed health and strength. Such a medicine Corner Third and C Streets^ Hie annual convocation of the Episeonai ---------- --------------------- ---- --------------------------------------- j ni ifiwflF We lead all competitors in low price« elinrcti in Portland. There will he no nointed by the presi lent to inquire into i In picnic garb we’ll amble forth, and sit v< u will find in Electric Bitters, and only and high quality of goods. Manning A se vices at St. James church bundav 'he feasibility of an excursion to the , beneath lhe trees, and have out 0 cents a bottle at Rogers A Todd’s drug THE PROVINCIAL PRIZE HORSE. 3 •ext. eastern states at some time in the tall. hides all chopped and hacked, with t re. ■Co. This will hi' announced in a short time. 1 stings of bumble bees. We’ll gaily don Dr«. Gnu filer a id Calbr -atli have Ice cream and soda water at C. Gris Most Excellent. No further business appearing, 'e, the sen’s parlors buck of'the first nationa ‘oi med a pa* tnergbip, and tne firm name meeting adjourned sine die. our linen coats, and thin seersuckei bank. tf J J Atkins, chief of police. Knoxville now reads Gonchei «t Calhreath. Then pants, and sit beside the gurglingstt earn, Will stand the ensuing season, commenc­ ilii e is located over the Yamhill couutv Dayton Notes. For sale—a good second hand 3t< inch bank. while o’er us crawl the ants. We’ll Tenn . writes: "My family anti I arc bene­ ing kpril 1st, and ending July 31st. ab ficiaries of your most excellent medicine, McMinnville, in the old Mill yard, every’ wagon will be s
per thousand All tively cures piles, or no pay required. And will give in exchange for a limited part ies wishing to buy brick, a ill have to* the Grange store, jmt the place to take, must have it. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac­ amount of the same get it through my claim a meal, when in town. Price 25 Goon B i miness C hance .—A splendid tion, or money refunded W. J. Garrison, one of our ohlp.it pio­ JNO J. SAZ A real iced lemonade prepared before neer« attemled the reunion at Portland opportunity is here offered for engaging cents per box. For sale by Rogers A YOUR CHOICE Todd. 29yl your eyes5 cents. lie cold soda ninnv \\ ednesdav. He marched in the prp- in the milling business. Nathan Newbv The Favor of Your Presence is il Ivors 5 cents. Icecream in season 15 cession with the Indian War Veterans. lias placed in the hands of C. W. Tal­ ---- From the largest stock of---- L ife S ize —Pottraits can be taken by cents at Welch A Dee’s. Requested At “Uncle Jep” says this was by far the mage & Co. for sale, his milling property W. 1*. Johnson the well known photo­ We buv our machine oil hv the car largest and most successful reunion yet at Amity. It consists of a steam giist grapher of Salem, who intends coining load, and carry awav our profits in a I held bv the Pioneers. Ever brought to Yamhill County, and at vest pocket. The customers get all the ' Five young men from Gopher Valley mill, in good riming order; two run of again to McMinnville on the 14th, ol Bedrock prices If you want stones — one for flour and one for tdiop — benefits at Geo. W. Burts. June anil will stay until the 2(>th. He we e arrested Wednesday, and taken lo Whenever yon are in need of rny- John J. Sax wants it known Hint Ire is Lafayette foi examination on a charge of a good house and barn, and one acre or guarantees satisfaction on all his work. ’liing in lIm Bakery, Grocery and Con­ ready to chop at tlie mill for $2 per ton, disturbing a campmeeting at Balaton. more of ground. The machinery in the Enlarging from ohl photographs or tin­ fectionary Inn*. Reinvrtiher alto tbr.t he* any kind of Machine Oils, be sure and has the LARGEST stock of or will take 1-10 toll. Corn meal also Tliqj- were examined before Justice mill is comparatively new. and in first- types. Mr. Johnson has finished several g » Or to Headquarters, which is at Hurley and placed under $100 bonds ground. Satisfaction gnarnteed. condition. It is situated in a lively very fine pictures ot residents of this CROCKERY and GLASSWARE euh. Their trial will come off on Mon­ class town with one of the best farming sec­ city. He has had on exhibition a hall GEO. W. BURT’S. in town : Will rell you lamp chirnneys, Dr. H. V. V. Johnson, accompanied day the 27tlfi tions in Oregon tributary to it. Rail­ dozen life size pictures of the Wortman 50 and 75 cents pei doz; standing lamps, by Mrs. John Narver, left yesterday for Joseph McGuire, of the McMinnville road inning through the place. Price family of this city, and to any one who 25 cents; glass sets, 4 pieces, 50 cents;» Tvgli Valiev. Wasco county. Mrs. Nar­ heavy I g.l. glass jug (15. Other things ver goes on a visit to her son D. C. Nar­ hotel with his usual < nterprise, has torn $2,500. Terms easy. Address C. W, wishes to see the work, Mrs. Wortman n pioportion. ver. The Dr. goes on professional busi­ down the old barn just back of the hotel Talmage & Co. McMinnville, Oregon will gladly show the pictures, if they will call at her residence. an I erected in its stead a new and hand- lor further parti<-ulars. ness. G«irrison’s Block, - McMinnville, Or. so ne one, la'ge enough to accommodate What will Geo. W. Burt be up to teams belonging to patrons of his bouse T eachers E lected .—At a meeting of Tall Oaks From Little Acorns li next remarked a respected citizen tlie if they desire it. The McMinnville hotel the school directors last Monday qlter- Grow. other d.-iv. Well sir, the next move will is a good place to put up. ncon the following teachers were elected be to sell yon all kinds of machine oil cheaper than you can get it at any other The filth annual Sunday school con­ for the ensuing year in the public school With bruins nnd skill and patient will. —Having Bmight the— vention for Yamhill county was held nt of this city: L. H. Baker principal; Mrs. ' Which shows them great painstakers! place in Oregon. Aiii'tv, on June 13 and 14. 1887. A Mathieu grade B; Miss Mary Martin, i t'lie Wagon tImt Ims pleased the world, Buxine*■< of Ixignn Bros. Ai I!cn ebakeiih . ticulars in regard to the death of J. J. matter. world ! I'bis w.archoiise in being thoroughly reno­ O. C. Hiatt has purchased the harbor­ IIadly near Dayton, clears up all doubts vated and overhauled, and new iiccom- I ndian W ar V etzbans .— Wednesday A Captain's Fortunate Discovery modatiom* are being added. ing outfit of IL H. Welch and has in regard to the manner of liis death, morning the Indian War Veterans of J. H. HENDERSON (’apt. Coleman, schr. Weymouth plying moved and opened a nice shop next and shows that he died from natural door to the former stand. He desires to causes. He was working on his farm, Oregon met in the city council chamber between Atlantic City and N. ¥., had been (SiicccMHor to L. Root) Portland, and proceeded Jo elect grand troubled with a cough so that he was un­ thank the public for their patronage in the past, and wishes for a continuance repairing his fence, and was alone at the officers for the ensuing year, with the able to sleep, and was induced to try Dr. Direct Shipments to San Francisco. Cnrries a full unti complete stock of of their favors in his new place of busi­ time, and was seized with a fit of appo- following result: Grand commander, Kings New Discovery for Consumption. It None but. standard Calcutta Sacks kept Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, plexy and fell while making a withe, not only gave him instant rrleif, but allay ­ ness. and let on the most reasonable terms. anil in falling made a slight wound on Col. John Kelsey ; vice-grand command­ ed the extreme soreness in his breast, ilis !,003,0f>0 feet of lumber (all kinds) for Ins forehead, w hich was the only mark er, L. F. Mother, of Roseburg; junior children were similary effected and a single Wooden and Willowv/are, Mio at the Panther creek mills, near found upon him. lhese facts were vice-grand commander, II. M (’base, of dose had the same happy effect. Dr. Kings Carlton, Oregon. Rough Himber sold brought out by the coroner’s jury .which Walla Walla; surgeon, Dr. R. Glisan, ot New Discovery is now the standard rem­ for $5.00, $0.00 and $7.00 per M., at the was called by the wishes ol the family, this city ; grand marshal, T. B. Waite, edy in the Coleman household and on board —------ - O' schooner. Free Trial Bottle of this H. V. V. JOHNSON. M. D mill, according to qaalitv ami stnd. who in the excitement of the first exam­ of Salem ; grant adjutant, Mr. M. R. the Standard Remedy at Rogers *t Todd's Drug Goodfl delivered promptly to any part Hathaway ; assistant grand adjutant. W. Dressed lumber. $10.00 to 111.00 Per Northwest Corner of Second and B streets, 4 Store ination. thought there might have been of the city. .1. Gar-iaon. of McMinnville; paymaster Time will be given, one, two or three foul play. _____ McMinnville, Oregon years, on good paper with interest after J. II. McMillan, of East Portland. Goods Exchanged for Produce. 35ti Renews Her Youth. January 1, 1888. Large discount on T he W ife M vrderer .—On Saturday Mav I k * found nt hh office when not ab­ O fficer « E lected .—The annua* ■cash orders. E. Poppleton. 99tf. Mrs. 1’hri‘lre Chcsley, I’etcrson, Clay Co. sent on professional business. night Sheriff Groves, of Polk county, Prof. C. A. Batter of Pennsylvania, fearing that Kelty, the wife murderer, meeting of ihe grand lodge of Mason« of Iowa, tells the following remarkable story, S, A. YOUNG, M. D. who ha« taught penmanship in the east might be in danger of bis neck if he were Oregon was held at Masonic temple the truth of which is vouched for by the for the past ten years, and the last six permitted to remain longer in thevicini- Portland. Wednesday. The following residents of the town : “I am 73 years old, have been troubled with kidnev complaint months has taught in Calaforma with •fficers were elected for the ensiling and Physician & Surgeon, lameness for nmay years; could not great succès, is now in our citv and will tv of the scene of the tragedy, removed year, A Nasbnrg, most wo’shipfnl grand dress myself without help Now I am ... O bboox . open his institute of rapid writing next him to Dallas. It is reported that Kelly master; B Van Dusen, deputy grand free from nil pain and soreness, and am M c M ixbviixb , Mondav evening in the school non«*. has refused ail nourishment and dartres master; Jas. F Robinson, grand «enior able to do all my own housework I owe Office aril residence on D »treet. Prof. Batter is the mo-t rap'd and legible to die, and thus cheat the halter. The warden; II E Harris, grand junior my thanks to Electric Kilters for having re calix promptly answered d«v or night. All Goods Rohl at writer on the coast. He will give $■> •' hnllet in hi-back has not been found, • arrlen ; D C Mr-Kerclier, grand trea«nr hewed my youth, ami removed completely all deseases and pai ” Try a bottle, only to any person who will execute and ex­ ¿he wound ii not considered very dan­ er; S F Babcock, secretary. G F Turk- The Lowest Cash Price 4 Dr. G. F. TUCKER. hibit finer penmanship. See specimens gerous In fact, if Kelly wa« anxious to -r. Geo. W Jones and O O Hodson, were .Kic at R >ger« r citv p-ope ty nr bnsiness I nee $2->, ham. and \ Av «h:re. Calf FÍrptl by 3« on, xidri» alono, RrpLUItlcor Mercurial disease«, it is or M •t'hin», but gives the elilld »ntar.rf Beside« the regular programme tie acre Term« reasonable. ^boulder ........ □valuable. Forl.'.icumalUta.haanoequal. tat» J...a pain. Price83 canta. Bold by I Barham bull. Inquire of •’ probabilities are there will be «••me «■ Ot­ c. W Talmage A Co. • full blooded •• bam. sugar tilted K ebvo - b A H ey . Owx W Hurt, drnggi.i. tw. W. Unit. dni tgr«t, ting and running races that will inter»» McMinnville, Oregon. •our fine stock men. Brownsville Woden 1 r MILLS Gents’ Furnishing FINL5 SHOES, MILTON! SHINGLES I I Panther Creek Cedar Camp, Do I Want the Earth? BURT WANTS CASH ! ! Machine Oils! C. Grissen’i Castor Oil. Castor Matliine or Lard Oil G. E. DETMERING. n Track iiiid Express Dry Goods House M. S. GOLL. .« Highest Cash I’rires Paid hr Grain. Honest Weight. Fair Dealing. Lol meco Cigars. Hour «'niel Leed