WEST SIDE TELEPHONE Me M innvii . i . k . F kiday J i ne Exem-sion tickets are selling for $1.00 17, 1887. from I’o.'tland to Astoiia and return. Inform ition lias been received in Lon­ don, which leaves no doubt that dynam­ iter« have arranged to commit an out- ruga or a s.iriea of outrages during tlie jubilee week, but the authorities have mil knowledge of tlie conspiracy and those engaged in it, ami are confident they will d foal the plotters. For months past reports of movements of prominent plotters abroad and their probable acco nplie -s in E :g an I h tv i been received in London almost daily. Tim chief poits have been watched dining the same period in view m the arrival of cei tain suspects «¡th out previous notice having been receiv­ ed from Biitis'i agents abroad, 'llie movements of Patrick Casey mid his us eociates in Paris, who have been active lately, has been closely followed by special detectives, and others outside oi the Casey ring are also known to be watched. The San Francisco Call editorially says: The arrival of the steamer Abys­ sinia at Vancouver means that the Cana­ dian Pacific is in earnest, and that if San Francisco Wants to protect its Asiatic trade it must begin to bestir itself. It will not do to despise our northern com- jietitor. Port Moody has a good harbor. B in 43!) miles neater Yokohama ■ than this port. It has two governments be­ hind it. Political as well as commer­ cial consideiations aie involved in its struggle for trade. Il it can make itself the Pacific landing place for the trade of Asia with Great Britian, a point will be secured in favor of the muintainance of colonial connection, and simultaneously a blow will be struck at the supremacy of San Francisco. The order of President Cleveland to return to the authorities of the late reb­ el states rebel flags captured during the war, lias excited more indignation among union veterans in the east than anything that has happened in many years. The order came like thunder out of a clear sky. For foity-eight hours rumors were afloat that it was to be is­ sued, but no man who had been a sol­ dier could be found who would believe in the report. But the order has been issued, and the Adjutant General of the army hastens to declare that it is "his pleasant duty” to communicate it to the governors of the late rebel states. The second trial of Sanders the Alba­ E ditor T elephone . ny murderer was conduced ut Salem Having graduated yesterday, and the case given the jury. A fiie broke out in the St. Louis street ear stables Wednesday morning, burn­ ing to death 325 mules. Total loss $50, 000. Win. E. Chandler has been elected U. S. Senator from New Hampshire, to fill the unexpired term of the late Sena­ tor Pike. Tacoma suffeied a severe loss Wednes- lay in the destruction of Carson A John­ son’s sawmill. The fire originated from asl cs of an employe's pipe. The mills ■mbraced a sash mid door factory and complete plant for thinning out finished lumber. Tne loss is estimated at $-'a,- MIO; insurance $(>,000. Monday’s News says: The wo> k of lining off a portion of Elk rock, to allow the extention of the Portland A Wil­ lamette Valley railroad into Portland, b progressing us rapidly as circumstances will allow. About fifteen men have been at work, and to-day the numbei wifi be increased to 100. The grade w ill be finished to the level of Jefferson street in two months. Adelnli Liehnow shot and kfilled Mrs i lie McCourt at I’luenix. Benton coiin' i Tuesday, The murderer surrenderee. himself, He says the shooting was at:- cidental, It is believed, however, that the act was caused by jelotisy. Mrs. McCourt left her former husband, Lie- benow, a year ago and was divorced from him, but lie wanted her to return to him. In the supreme court Wednesday the case of Dan Moran, appeal from Mult­ nomah ; judgment of lower court affirm­ ed. Defendant was found guilty of man­ slaughter in the circuit court of Multno­ mah county in November 188G, for kill­ ing Frederick Kalusaha, and sentenced to imprisonment in the penitentiary for 15 years. The case was appealed to the supreme court, and is affirmed. Opinion by Strahan, J. A. D. Stoddard, of Venona, Columbia —At the new store of - from a third- class Grocery store in one of the Eastern states, I concluded I would come to Oregon and engage in the drug trade. I understood that the (Successors to Baxter A Martin) people of that region were so ignor­ ant that almost any quality of third st , M c M innville , or . drugs could he palmed off on them if they were properly advertised, and the dispenser from the east. Laboring under this impression I camo to McMinnville and was A new, neat mid clean stock Every ar­ ticle A No 1 Fruit Jars. Butter frocks, greatly astonished to find the peo­ Colored Glassware, Cutlery, Cased Goods, ple were as enterprising and intell - Tobacco, Pipes ami Cigprs Fresh Fruit and Vegetables in season. gent as they were, Where I cam. iVe have put our prices down low Give us from. I called on Rogers & Todd a call, inspect our stock, and we will guar­ the leading druggists of the county antee prices to suit you and from them I learned that it was necessary to use pure and re­ liable drugs in order to secure and retain customers, and also that Grocery Graduates would not be trusted to dispense medicines, I also ascertained that by reason o: the extensive trade this firm enjoys they sell the very best class of drugs and medicines at the lowest prices in the county. As I am about to seek fields more “green” I send you this in order to warn all concerned that “merit” and not cheek and blow is necessary in or­ der to win in McMinnville. Know­ Come and see for Yonrself. ing that this will be greatly appre­ ciated, i I remain yours respectfully. Opposite the Grange Store. A. B ilk . . Fresh Family Groceries. inery goods as was ever brought to this w. V. PRICE, Up Stairs in Adams' Building, J. HAMNETT’S YARD, Lowest Prices ! Lyle ’Wright. WM. HOLL, YAMHILL COUNTY, “WHEN Job Printing The New York municipal council of the Irish National League have issued heavy bordered cards of invitation to memorial services commemorative of the Irish patriotic dead, to bo held on June 21—Queen’s Jubilee date. The cards are signs of mourning of the deepest kind. Roseburg people »•e rejoicing over the appointment of flyman Abraham, ns collector of customs at Portland. Dong- las county congratulates l er old citimn Upon his richly tieset vs,I success. Tho Apache war situation has not been changed. General Miles has es­ tablished headquarters at Wilcox. From there he ia directing the movements of the troops. Captain Wint has not been heard from and ia supposed to bo on a hot trail. A section foreman at a small «tation on the New Mexico and Ariaoua railroad, called Elgin, saw seven hos­ tile Indians c on the railroad there, evidently making for Patagonia moun­ tains. Lieutenant Hatfield was imme­ diately sent in pursuit. This must be a remnant of the first hand that crossed the Southern Pacific track near l’entano about a week ago, as only eleven return­ ed. They were mounted and making rapid marches. The report of the burn­ ing of the Inter-Ocean Cattle Co.’s place near the east end of tlie Santa Catalina's is not corroborated. Governor Torres, of Sonora, Mexico telegraphed that he had all the mountain passes on the So­ nora line guarded and will heartily co­ operate with the United States troops. BEST WORK, LOWEST PRICES. ’ M c M innville , M c M innville crossing carltqn , O regon Warehousemen and Grain Buyers. Splendid warehouses. complete with latest improved imiehinerv. Thorough anil I experience in handling grain. Highest cash price paid for all kind, of Grain "ng ■ ■ Also, dealers In------- Farm, Dairy and Mill MACTIE^KIIY. Wagons, Buggies and Carriages. Binder Twine, Belting, Oils, and Machine Supplies of all kinds. Call and See Us. Acme nan ow,wis> ue-eier Hoosiei rvree real oceuersand Drills with tru— axle and wide tiles Most effective and serviceable farm implement in use IIOOSIER Rl'NNER PRESS DRILL. Latest improved and best seeder in use' 2-l-mfi GREAT REDUCTION SALE OF BOOTS j VND shoes , For tlie next Sixty Days at the old reliable Pioneer Boot and Shoe Store, sign of the Big Boot, opposite the Grange Stor e The subscriber hereby announces to the citizens of McMinnville and vicinity the above FIDE SALE BONA A career in the Boot and Shoe line for the pnst eighteen years in this city hrs estab­ lished a business character for competency ami integrity, with a minute knowledge of rhe local demands favors him in the wholesale market and enables him to undersell houses ill the same line that arc not possessed of equal advantages. Moreover, he pro­ poses, in the proffered sale, to divide the margins with the customer for tlie specified nine The public will please call and examine. No trouble to show goods. P. F. BROWNE, triflo with any Throat or " •* - Lung Disease. I f you havo a Cough or Cold, or tho children are threatened with Croup or Whooping Cough, use Acker’s English Remedy and prevent further trouble. It 13 a positivo cure,' and we guarantee it. Prico 10 said 50c Geo. W. Burt, druggist. OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA VIA ----- Sole Agent for the Celebrateci— Oregon & California R. R. Broadliead Dress Goods. And Connections. Fare from Portland to San Francisco, $32 Sacraniento $30 An Assortment of these Popular Goods In all the Latest Novelties, New and Desirable Colorings, Just Received. Close connections made at Ashland with stages of tlie California, Oregon and Idaho Stage Company PLEASE • Time between 42 Hours. California Express trains run dailv BE l U KKN PORTLAND and ASHLAND. AKKIVE. Portland 4:00 1*. M.IAshlaml 9:00 A. M. Vshhiml. .5:00 1*. M.ll’orthiml 10.10 l‘. M Local Passenger Dally, Except Sunday. LEAVE. ARIUVE. Portland 3:00 A. M. I Eugene.. 2:40 P M i’higene 9:00 A. M.lPorltand. .2:45 p M Pullman Palace Sleeping AND EXAMINE ♦ To bo made from the very best material, by skillful workmen, with the latest and mast approved machinery, and to be tlie cheapest goods in the market when service is considered ♦ Are so thoroughly finished that they can be worn in damp weather ora shower, with­ out fear of being ruined by curling or shrinking The manufacturing, dyeing and finishing is done in such a manner, that the goods can lie washed if desired, without the least injury to the fabric Our goods are wool dyed, and the colors arc as fast as the purest dyes and greatest «•arc and skill can make them Goods show just what they arc and will be until worn out, as there is no weighting, stiffening, or artificial lustre used to increase the weight or finish ; as is the case wdh a large class of goods in the market, hut which disappears after a few days’ service As manufacturers we have taken great pains to supply an article in every way re­ liable, and unsurpassed by similar good«, either foreign or domestic, and would respect­ fully ask an examination of the various styles and shades to be found on sale by mer­ chants who are agents for the goods All goods of our manufacture should hear tlie name and trade mark of Portland and San Francisco, LEAVE. CALL What wo Guarantee for the Dress Goods of our Manufacture: Only 30 Miles Staging, Cars Daily between Portland and Ashland. Daily between Portland and Ashland t he O. R. R. Ferry makes connection vith all the regular trains on the East Side Division from fool of F Street West Side Division» BETWEEN PORTLANDS CORVALLIS. Mail Train. Broadhead Worsted Mills. Jamestown. N. Y. (DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS) ARRIVE. Portland McMinn .10:12 A. M. McMinn. Corvallis 12:25 I’. M < orvalli.s .McMinn. 3:13 I’. M McMinn ............ .. 0:15 ...... _, F. .... Portland M. At Albany and Corvallis connect with • rains of tlae Oregon Pacific R. R. for Ya- mina Bav Express Train LEAVE. Hally Except Sunday. AllKIVK. Portland 4:50 P. M ¡McMinnville!8:110P.M. MeMin'ville5:45A.M.Il’ortlanod. JEWELRY ESTABLISHMENT. Oregon should arouse the authorities The State railroad commissioners say -OF— there to increased wati’lifelines. The country can stand its annual dose oi that while it has power to inquire inU> honest immigrants, but it has no room the affairs of railioads, and suggest for tho off-scouring elements of, either ch mges in tariffs, etc,., of its own mo­ Third Street, McMinnville, Or tion, still the wot k is greatly facilitated Europe ortho South Pacific Islands.” wlien formal complaints are made, and ground is given upon which to work, In the Saunders murder ease ut Salem, n file beard will meet again on June 27, Wednesday, Judge John Burnett, oi when it is undeistood that it will consid­ Corvallis, speaking of the drinking er the advisability of recommending the habits of the murdered man, Cliarlie reduction of fieight on the O. & C., from Campbell, made a forcible speech re­ (Kiints south of Harrisburg. After its You want anything in the line of ferring to the temptations on every hand adjournment it will visit tho Narrow and touchingly asked whose boys were Salo unless the p'tiding prohibit try Gauge mad for the purpose o. investigat­ ing complaints which have been amendment be carried as he hoped, in­ deed it would. It created considerable made to the effect that tho road is run­ ning Guinn over ties that are old and un­ effect in the court room. safe. Already the prohibitionists and anti­ prohibitionists have advanced to “the lie directone side alleging that there is more drinking and drinking places in Maine, Iowa, and other stales which are trying prohibitory laws, than under the license system; tlie other side as sorting quite the contrary. If we try it awhile in Oregon, we'll Know more about which side tells the truth. Steel and Chilled Plows, Sulky, Gang and Walking Plows, Harrows and Cultivators of all kinds. LOGAS BROS., & HEXDERSOA, Third Street, between E and F Fine Tailoring a Specialty. Proprietors. Good Fit Guaranteed or Io Sale. The Best Rigs in the City. Orders Promptly attended Io Bay or Sight. McM 1HSVTLLK O regon New Blacksmith Shop! We make a specialty oi Fine AMITY, OREGON. McMinnville, Oregon. Henderson Bros. Props, First-class accommodations for Ccmmer- cial men and genenil travel. Transient stock well cared for. Everything new and in First-Class Order Book and Card Printing. — Dtll.F.R IN— SAM LIKENS. Proprietor. Hides. Pelts and Fur3 Blacksmithing and carriage ironing of every description. Second door north from city Market Cash paid for Hides. Furs, etc is warranted, is because it Is the best Blood Preparation known. It will posi­ tively cure all Blood Diseases, purifies the whole system, and thoroughly builds up the constitution. Remember, wo guarantee it Geo. W. Burt, druggist. rxxx would enjoy your dinner and are prevented by Dys- >epsia, uso Acker’« Dyspepsia Tablets. ' They are a positive cure for Dyspepsia. In­ digestion, Flatulency and Constipation. We guarantee them. 25 and W cents. Geo. W. Burt, druggist. And plow work a specialty. Also manufacture the Celebrated Oregon Iron Harrow GIVE ME A CALL. 50U •*’ FOR SALE. PIECE OF VALUABLE PROPFR- ty consisting of 51S acres one nil’? from North Yamhill, Oregon This piece <»i land will be sold cheap on easy terms TH property has a good house and I unn- 'ng>, two good wells a first-c!as« bri«’k va «1, i gcod young orchard and sniall fruit ot a.t T1.F address North Yamhill. Orcgun