SEÌII-WElikLY TELEPHONE. VOL. II WEST SIDE'TELEPHONE. I MCMINNVILLE, OREGON, JUNE 14, 1887. A BLIND INVENTOR. The Work or an Austrian Ex-I.leutenant NO. 105 AGRICULTURAL. injured in some localities; cherries COAST CULLINGS. especially are a light crop. From all ---- Issued---- Prerogatives and Traditional Policy of the Who "Sees" with His FiuKers. we learn the aggregate will be enough Ruling Family of Germany. Devoted to the Interests of Farmers to show the world that Oregon can Devoted Principally to Wad I have had tlie opportunity of meet- EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY The royal house of Hohenzollern ara and Stockmen. inir the inventer of the new rifle, Herr Territory and California. turn off enough fruit to meet all rea- —IX- tonable demands. I rauz Fortelka, a former Lieutenant in : descended from Count Thassilo, of Garrisons Baildlng. McMiunlle, oreion, the Zollern, one of the Generals of Charle- Austrian army, who, during the Mheep Mkearlng. — BY — North Yakima, W. T., will build a Agricultural Education. first campaign in Bosnia, received a •nague. His successor, Count Fried­ Pass most any sheep ranch in the $10,000 school house. rich I., built the family castle of Hohen ­ Efforts for special education in agri ­ Talmage A. Heath, shot in his right eye, which destroyed Heppner country at this season of the zollern, near the Danube, iu the year year, and you find a crew of shearers culture are gaining ground in public County warrants in Lincoln county, Publishers aad Proprietors. the optic nerve, and indirectly so af ­ , _i------------- - ------------- ----------- —, — fected the left eye that the poor officer, 980. In 1415,. the head of the family busy at their work. If they are not esteem all over the world. A London W. T., are worth 98 cents. newspaper states that the Lords of the SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Coinage at the U. 8. mint, San Fran­ now only twenty-eight years old, has obtained possessiou of the province i there they are gone before or are to Committee of Council on Education One year........................................................ 00 of Brandenburg, and two years later I soon come after. Their work is hard, cisco, during May was $1,600,000. Six months............................................... 1 25 been for the last nino years totally Three months........................................ / ’ 75 blind. But without the use of bis eye­ was recognized as an Elector of the Em­ wearing, and not overly ’ clean,* and have directed that the title of the A man named Merrill had his nose office of Lecturer in Agriculture belt! pire. A century later, the province of Entered in the Poatoftlc* at McMinnville. Or., sight this ingenious nun has invented Prussia came into the possession of the j they get six or seven cents ahead. by Prof. Wrightson in the Normal bitten off, at Bennington, Idaho, by a as second-class matter. ! They are busy, very busy, while at horse. during these years not only a new School of Science and Royal School family, through the election of Al­ N. P. Elerston was drowned in the magazine rifle, but also two machines brecht, a younger son, to the post of work, and have to keep busy, for they of Mines should lie altered to that of EARLY EARTHQAKES. for the anti-oxidation of iron, steel and Grand Master of the province. This, ( are doing this hard work for the big Professor of Agriculture. This hap­ Columbia, near Oak Point, W. T., by money there is in it. Some of them Extinct Volcanoes Hurled Under Thousands other metals, at a coat which must be pily raises agriculture in respect of falling from a boat. together with the additions to the of Feet of Sediment. called ridiculously small; further, an family possessions made by Friedrich 1 can shear 100 head or even over in n status among the other branches of The fishing schooner Ounonick has day, and the days of tlie season’s Two periods stand out with especial apparatus for automatical mapping, a education conducted under the Com­ been lost off the Alaskan coast and Wilhelm in the seventeenth century, shearing last not many months, so prominence for the magnitude of their new micrometer, a new sort of gun­ seven persons drowned. mittee on Education. convulsions, and for the profound in­ powder, not to speak of smaller inven­ encouraged the son of the "Great [ that the wool must be quickly clipped Three railroads into the Cœur while yet the sun holds out to shine. Elector ” to crown himself King at About Ducks. fluence which these have had upon the tions which found their way into the d'Alene are quite probable before the These shearers are in earnest, but the Königsberg, January 18, 1701. under Pekin ducks begin to lay in Febru ­ scenery of England. The first of these lesser industrial establishments of snows cover the ground again. scene is varied by an occasional jest, periods lies far back in the dim eras of Vienna, and saved the inven­ the title of Friedrich I. From this time followed by a good healthy laugh. All ary and March, and earlier if well fed In Montana there are at least 500 forward the dominions of the King of geological history. In the earliest tor from starvation, as his Prussia steadily increased, until, after are now engaged in good-natured ri­ and warmly housed, and continue al­ head of horses quarantined, because most uninterruptedly until July. The glimpse that is obtainable of primeval greater discoveries, far from bringing the war of 1866, the kingdom covered valry for the credit of being the "boss they are affected with glanders. Britain we can faintly descry a few him money as yet, necessitate an out­ 137,066 square miles, with a population shearer.” The grim satisfaction de­ number of eggs they lay is actually Lewis Cox and wife have sold 740.97 enormous. They should be mated in scattered islets, bare perhaps of vegeta­ lay which he can only afford by ex­ of nearly 23,000,000. With this growth picted on the countenance of tlie suc­ the proportion of from three to five acres of land on the Copper, W. T., tion, or at least clothed only with plants treme personal privations. “My rifle,” in power came the natural rivalry wi*h cessful competitor is suggestive of tlie ducks to one drake, which ought to be to Milton Aldrich for $20,310. of a humble grade, such as club mosses complained the unfortunate inventor, Austria. As far back as 1833 Prussia exertions lie has made to obtain tlie in good condition of flesh,-but not fat. Walla Walia is to have a new city and ferns. Round these rocky prom­ “would have long been in the hands of had formed the Zollverein, or customs coveted distinction. It is evident from The special good points in duck cul­ hall, jail, engine Rouse, etc., all com­ inences a wide but shallow sea swept the British Government had the ad­ union, of the German powers, exclud­ tlie appearance of tlie men that no ture are : 1. They never have cholera, bined in a tine three-story building. eastward across what is now Europe, vance money which I obtained from a ing Austria. This was small losa lime is lost in their task. They seem roup nor gapes, they never get accident recently occurred in with here and there a ridge or island private person in London been more financially to the groat empire of to be engrossed with their work, and drowned and after the first week you the An Roslyn (VV. T.) coal mines which marking whero some one of the great than twenty pounds, which did not suf­ Austria-Hungary, but it constituted a tlieir shears skim along the gasping won’t lose two per cent. 2. They lay resulted in thé death of M. P. Welch. mountain chains of the Continent have fice for the wages of the one workman, tie between Prussia and tho German sheep with a speed that almost bailies more eggs and hatch better than lien Pasco, W. T., it is claimed, will be since been upreared. To the north lay who assists me, and the necessary ma­ States, and threatened Austria's posi­ calculation. They do tlieir work well, eggs. 3. They are the finest and most a mass of land that stretched across terial. Now, at last, it is finished, and tion as head of the German Confedera­ and in their apparent hurry treat tlieir delicious flesh that was ever cooked. the lay-over place for two train crews where Scandinavia and Finland now though I may fall into the fault of all tion. This led to numberless jealousies subject with gentleness, taking care 4. They attain to three and a half or when the Cascade division is finished. by no awkward movement any four pounds in weight in ten weeks lie, and may also have extended west­ inventors, I consider it the best rifle and bickerings, until finally, in 1866, that At Spokane Falls a suspicion grows unnecessary pain should be inflicted. time, and in the eastern market where existing, being without the disadvan ­ ward into America—a wide arctic con­ that Thomas Fallon, the saloon keeper, Prussia determined to exclude Austria Tlie wages of these men at the end of tinent out of whose waste came the tages of other machine rifles, and witli from the Confederation. The victory the season aggregate a handsome they are known and appreciated, they did not commit suicide, but was mur­ materials that have served as the many advantages over them. I can at Sadowa, July 3, settled this question, amount, aud it is well-earned, hard- command a ready sale at from 29 to dered. foundations for the superstructure both prove by my Austrian and German pa­ and Prussian influence became supreme earned, and it represents blistered 45 cents per pound in the spring. The The cowboys of Yancey’s ranch on of Europe and of North America. tents of some five years ago that the in Germany; so that during the Franco- hands, tired-to-death wrists, and bil­ expense of raising ducks is about the the Yellowstone have caught two wild same as chickens : thoy require less straight pull system which distin- , Spreading eastward and southward Prussian war of 1870. King Wilhelm lions of backaches. In Southern Cal­ housing and time, but more feed. It elk and are breaking them for saddle across the site of the European Conti­ guishes every modern rifle, and in it­ became Emperor Wilhelm I. of a newly ifornia tlie shearing is done mostly by is safe to calculate on one-half profit. animals. nent, the sea, which was probably an self, witlilmt the machine, secures the organized German Empire. Mexicans, but they are not as deft in If, however, they are sold as fancy Ninety-three prisoners, now in the eastward extension of the original At­ double effect, has been my invention. The Hohenzoilerns have always been the manipulation of the shears as tlie stock to amateurs, then there is im­ penitentiary at Walla Walla,are doing Upon this and upon other appropria ­ lantic Ocean, received a continental despotic rulers. The kingdom had no white men who follow the business of mense money in the business, because absolutely nothing to pay for their support. supply of mud silt and sand, swept into tions iu the same line by different suc­ definite constitution until 1849. Before shearing as a specialty, and are used to there are few culls and no loss. it from the shores of its islands and cessful inventors I do not lay any stress. ! that the Kings had “entrusted” to a handling the instruments witli marvel­ Lon Leonard, son of Robert H. A special potato train of twelve ears Leonard, of Silver City, Idaho, wub in­ from the northern land. Slowly its There is my new rifle, which, in short, convocation of the provincial assem­ ous dexterity. These men form them­ has the following advantages: It can blies the right to be called upon to assist selves into gangs and travel from one left San Francisco for Chicago re­ stantly killed by the accidental dis­ floors sank down and the sediments charge of a pistol. gathered there until the islands were be used as a single-loader, even with in raising money, by borrowing or by ranch to another, finding constant cently. one by one submerged and buried under an attached magazine; the cartridges new taxes, but this practically amounted employment. They are paid on an Of the 127,699,900 bushels of wheat The attendance at the Sitka, Alaska, an ever increasing load of detritus. But are not thrown into the magaziue in a to little, as the King controlled the average, four cents a head for common imported into Great Britain last year training school is very good just now, loose form, but lie one above the other, main sources of revenue, the crown sheep, and eight cents for superior or three_-fifths,or 72,000,000 bushels, came the number of pupils being 102, 100 as the supply of sediment seems to have without the possibility of placing them blooded sheep. An ordinary shearer kept pace, on the whole, with the de­ wrongly; the magazine can be attached lands and the custom duties. A Prussian will clean about fifty or sixty head in from .the United States, 20,900,090 of whom are Indiana. pression, the sea never became abysmal. or not at will; all parts are solid; no diet was established in 1847. and a day, and it often happens that some bushels from India, 7,290,009 from The 'winery of Henry Myers, with Its depth may not have greatly varied, spiral spring exists in the rifle; the t liedeputies assembled with great hopes will shear 100. This figure is consid­ Russia, an equal quantity from Aus­ 18,000 gallons of wine, was destroyed but over its floor there came eventually price of my weapon, with royalty and of obtaining a share in the Government. ered a maximum, but is by no means tria and Germany together, 7,488,990 by fire. The insurance agent attrib­ bushels from Canada, 3,144,000 from utes the cause to lightning. to be accumulated a depth of sediment every thing else, will be under two Disappointed in this hope, the tone of uncommon.—Heppner (Or.) Gazette. Chili, and 2,960,000 bushels from all amounting to many thousands of feet. pounds. Every old system, with the the liberal members became disloyal to The President has authorized the other countries. Oregon «Hate Grange. While these events were transpiring exception of Werndl’s, can be used for the King's prerogatives. Some of them allotment of lands in severalty to the At the recent annual meeting in The growing frequency with which Indians on the Muckleshot Reserva­ over the area of th? future Europe al transformation into my rifle, at a cost compared the situation with that of the long succession of submarine volcanic 1 of eight or ten shillings—less in the English after the revolution of 1688. Salem of the above Order, Governor the thrifty American wife or daughter tion in Washington Territory. l ’ ennoyer welcomed the Patrons, re ­ demands that she shall have a silk outbursts took place in the west, across I i case of Gras, Mauser, Berdan or Beau­ In answer to this, Captain (now Prince) The Northern Pacific is building a the tract that now forms the basin of, mont, and something more in the case von Bismarck, who sat as alternate for marking that it was peculiarly appro­ dress is evidenced by the fact that in large wharf at Kelso, W. T., so as to priate for the Chief Executive officer 1876 the importations of the product the representative of the Knight ’ s estate the Irish Sea. Thick sheets of lava and i of the Henry-Martini.” land there with steamboats in case the of the State of Oregon to bid the copious showers of ashes were poured i "And how can you make any inven- of Jerichow, rose ami replied that “the State Grange welcome to its capitol, of the repulsive mulberry eating worm water is too high to run the transfer forth, which spread out upon the floor : ! tion, especially such a complicated one English people were then in a different inasmuch as agriculture was by far the amounted to $5,400,000, but thence­ at Kaiama. of the sea, and probably in some cases i as a rifle, without, unfortunately, be­ position from that of the Prussian peo­ chief industry of the Slate. He al­ forward grew in size to $10,900,000 in The Chemical National Bank of built themselves up into volcanic1 ing " able to see the separate parts, and ple now. A century of revolution and luded to the fact that in the earlier 1881 and $14,(XX),000 in 1883, but fell New York has sued the notorious Wm. off to $12,400,000 in 1885. civil war had invested it with the right islands. As one center of eruption died | how are your devices carried out by the K insane alias Rogers, of California, to of the republic, agriculture was to dispose of the crown and bind it up days out another would break forth from. workman?” the most profitable inpustry of ihe na- In the importations of wool some recover $20,009 on forged notes which where are now the hills of Waterford . "I sec with my fingers, and not in with conditions accepted by William of j tion, but now it was the least profita­ remarkable fluctuations are seen. For he passed on them thirty-two years and the headlands of Pembrokeshire I one single case have they deceived me. Orange. The Prussian sovereigns were ble. He attributed its present condi­ instance, in 1876 the foreign-bred ago. northward to the borders of Scotland. 1 It’s really curious that when great or in possession of a crown, not by grace tion to vicious class legislation of sheep contributed their fleeces to the Mrs. John Hopkins, wife of a San But the volcanic energy at last ex­ minute measurements are in question, of the people, but by grace of God; an Congress, which had always been ad­ value of $8,247,617 to the American Francisco policeman, was shot in the pended itself. The volcanoes sank one I those who see with their eyes are actually unconditional crown, some of verse to the farmer. He quoted fig­ woolen mills. By 1880 the total so head by her husband. Hopkins is by one into the sea, and over their sub- sub- ; J wrong> anj with the use of my the rights of which they voluntarily ures from the last census, showing so sent here aggregated tlm enormous now in jail and will remain there until merged streams of lava and hardened | fingOl.Si ara right The models for my conceded to the people—an example with more than $19,090,909,990 in­ value of $23,727,650, but the American the condition of his wife becomes sheets of ashes the sea-borne sand and maci,jncg against oxidation of metals rare in history.” This was the position vested in agriculture, the yearly printed house surgeon in the hospitals lie a large one. Pastures are fine and task of softening it no «mall one. Be­ turner! upon aged people. "My grand- ing a hearty supper. If, on going "And so you've joined a gymnasium?” of that city. This is the first instance side this, if the plant is small, in to tied, I take about a teaspoon­ stock are thriving everywhere. The tt/ ' father," said CoveroL "died at the age ful, I never feel the effects of ho queried. i„f ninety-four.” "My grandmother of a woman receiving this honor, and oat crop should be heavy unless the | ing to break up the baked surface the the supper eaten. "Yes.” . was one hundred and three when she it has not been won without great and rains give way to |>ermanent drouth. roots are very often disturber!, retard- ■Will G. SPARK«, "Going to take lessons in the manly lied,” remarked Tupin. “And in my bitter opposition. The post is very It is hardly possible that such should i ing the growth, if not killing the plant. "Ex-Mayor Macon, Oa.” A great many hold, tor., that the chill ipuch airtight after, and the male med­ be the case with so many mountain art, I suppose?’’ family.” P'B in Ginbollard, not to be «rONLV GtNUINE*M of the cold water on the plant, which' ical students of the Latin Quarter did ranges lifting great tardies of snow "O, no. I am simply going to learn liu onr Z stain p on front of Wrapper. in boasting. is heated by the sun, has a damaging how to dodge rolling-pins, press-boards, I outdone Un’tdead yet. ”-•?>«"<* Zun.,n levs» all in their power to keep the prize for i to condense the air that comes from effect. «/. H. Ztil in A Ct., Solt Proprittort, j the ocean. The fruit crop ia seriously tea-pits and general household furni­ themselves. Frlee, rHlLAIIKLfHIA, PA. ______ ____ ture Detroit free Press. 9 THE HOHENZOLLERNS. FAULTLiSSRMILf MEDICINE fl