The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, June 10, 1887, Image 6

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    Preparation of Whitewash.
Whitewash is one ot the most valuable
articles in tho world when properly applied.
Curs Who Huvo u Sort of Honor .„s
Ke.pect for the Proprletl«.
I It not only prevents the decay of wood, ODD CUSTOMS OF PEOPLE IN THE
ples which govern tho men. Tho garments
but conduces greatly to tbo healthfulncss
MOTHERS’ TRAINING THROUGH THE worn should follow’, not too tightly, tho lines
One hears uo much of the dogs of Q.
of the figure, giving perfect freedom of action
WERE EXPOSED DURING THE WAR. ; of all buildings, whether of wood or stone.
Btinople that ho goes there quite preiarwi
Outbuildings and fences, when not painted,
and no restraint or cramping of any part.
to be disapixiinted and expecting ty«X
This, she contended, was perfectly consistent
Types of Men that Live in Mutual Hate. that their number has been greatly „
Mr«. JunncM Miller’» Lecture—An Eco-
liiislness Habits of the Residents of aggerated, und that they are not trratai
corset was especially condemned because it
Part Played by a Planter’s Private be prepared in the following way: Take
nomical Hon net — Hanging Pictures.
I a clean, water tight barrel, or other suitable
cramped the waist, which is the location of
West— Facts About the Island. with the respect which travelers report
Wire-Tapping tho Enemy's Wires.
The Old Fashioned Sampler—Fainted the organs most essential to a woman’s health
But they are (here m great quantities
cask, and put into it half a bushel of lime.
Flat as a I’ancake.
on bright days sunny parts of tho st’reeta
Shake it by pouring water over it boiling hot,
und tho purpose of maternity. Striking her­
Luce—Item» of Interest.
Perhaps there is no place in the United are fairly paved with them; They lu
self with a sounding blow upon the waist, she
The Union armies in the west, in ad vane- and in sufficient quantity to cover it live
It is a very instinctive fact that two of the said she could not be hurt by any blow there ing,
left behind them a vast stretch of inches deep, and stir it briskly till thoroughly States so much talked about in New York down in the luiddle of the streets and u
best mothers I know—and mothers, it must lx which did not actually knock her down. This 1 country
infested by guerrillas and exposed to slaked. When the slaking has been thoroughly and so little known as Key West. It is rarely suggests itself to them ¿move
added, on the largest scale—have hod their sho attributed to the fact that she doe3 not formidable
raids by the cavalry of Wheeler effected, dissolve in water and add two generally associated with cigars. It is the Tho drivers of carriages und wagons turn
preliminary training solely through the wear corsets.
pounds of sulphato of zinc and one of com­ largest of a serie's of coral islands, called keys, out for them; jiersons on foot step over
and Forrest.
charge of dolls. I visited lately the nursery
“Women say they are uncomfortable with­
The operators in Tennessee and Kentucky mon salt; these will causo the wash to harden, which dot the o -can at the southern end of tho or around them. And there they remain
of one of these mothers, arranged as the col­ out corsets,” she went on. “I never wore cor­
und prevent its cracking, which gives an peninsula of Florida. It is entirely away stretched out ut full length, eitlier adeen
lective play room of six children under 10; sets but one week, and then took them off be­ w’ere always in danger of surprise and cap­ unseemly appearanyo to tho work.
from tho mainland, which is only to be
or blinking their eyes lazily. But it is
there being also throe older offspring who cause they were so uncomfortable. It is a
If desirable, a lieautiful cream color may reached by steamer. But on this coral reef is
have graduated from this play room, and are mistake, I believe, to supposo that men like them ns civilians. Henco it happened that be communicated to tho abovo wash by add­ a city containing 20,060 inhabitants, consist­ late ut night tliat they come out in force
in a manner launched into tho world outside. women for their small, distorted w aists. It is over seven per cent, of tho operators in the ing three pounds of yellow ochre, or a good ing of .Concbs, Cubans and negroes, with Each collection of dogs has its own disi
In this room everything is provided by whole­ not lifting a woman over a fence, helping her
wero carried off at one time pear or lead color by tho addition of lamp, a few Americana. Perhaps the island bus a triot, and wo betide the stranger canine
sale; whole freight trains of toy wagons, across a ditch, or otherwise ministering to her service
vino or ivory black. For fawn cole, add bright future before it, for it bus hail no past that dares to invado its sacred precincts
wooden horses enough for all to ride at onco, helplessness that makes a man love a woman; or another to Libby prison or An- four pounds of umber, Turkish or American aud very little present. While other cities in Glancing out of tho hotel window into
how’ever, tho
and 400 blocks for purposes of architecture. but rather tho physical touch of your warm dersonville.
warning would como from tho next station (tbo latter is the cheapest), one pound ot com­ the Union have been up and doing, this coral tlio narrow street on which it ejx'ncd one
Here the six play perpetually together while band, indicating life and healthfulness.”
just in tho nick of time. “Guerrillas aro mon lampblack. For common stone color, key has been asleep in tho gulf. It is tho evening about 5 o'clock, which was a
they are in doors.
add four pounds of raw umber and two most southerly part of the Union-—in fact, tho little late in the afternoon for the do^
A small waist is never natural to a^oman,
This pattern mother, conducting without a unless she was born deformed. Mrs. Miller coming.” Sometimes tbo cutting of tho wires pounds of lampblack. This wash may bo ap­ very end of the United States, lhe city
would advise tho man at tho key that some­
to be out sunning themselves, and a little
nurso this large world of little beings, tells was also severe on low neck dresses, and “ the thing
was wrong. In such cases tho only plied with a common whitewash brush, mid is tho only one in the country whero neither curly for them to be out for their night
me that she grew up not only without morbid display of bust and shoulders.” She
for the operator to do was to smash the
duties, I could seo only a couple of doa
younger brothers and sisters, but without derided the eccentricities of fashion, to which thing
battery, disengago tho instrument, take it ance and durability to the common white­ perature is ubout 75 or 80 degrees in tho day wandering ubout listlesly. Around the
knowledge of young children. Up to the women subject themselves as slaves, but in­ under
his arm, jump out the window and
corner from another street camo a tliird
time of her marriage, at 22, she has no recol­ sisted that all the grace and beauty of attire
kept up with tho rest of tho world by means
lection of ever having taken any care of a possible can be secured without pandering to start for the woods.
Tho Old Fashioned Samplers.
of a line of steamers from New York, another dog, not ut all different in build, shape
or color from the two in sight. He. - 'nitd
child. What, then, prepared her for this its health destroying decrees. She was par­
Tho old fashioned samplers that our from Now Orleans, and a mail steamer two 11 be moving along carelessly, indiffer­
vast sphere of duty, this rearing of nine ticular to insist that she did not want tho Atlanta, Gen. Hood sent Wheeler with a largo
or three times a week by way of Tampa,
young immortals? It was, she assures me, women to make frights of themselves, nor to
depots of supplies along the railroad from they were children have been removed from Fla. By the last we get New York papers ently, and without evil intent.
the discipline of dolls.
But lie went a little too far and crossed
become conspicuous by tbo oddity of their Louisville to Nashville and Chattanooga. To the garrets or old trunks where they have ubout three days old.
Up to the age of 13 her experience with costumes; “blit her figure, being itself
the forbidden lino. Suddenly thirc was
dolls was on tho very largest scale. Sho hod
cannot be improved by art. Leave that the expedition was bound for eastern library; in other words, they have become
Tlio island is as flat os a pancake; the high­ a dash, a howling, a yelping, and in ten
seldom less than twenty, each with its own beautiful,
seconds not two, but fifteen dogs had
tho natural figure undisturbed, and drape it
wardrobe, ornaments and possessions. Every as attractive as you please.”—New York Sun. Kentucky. This was, in fact, the course for fasbionablo and have been called forth with est point being only twelve feet above the
a time; but once across the border of Ten­ antique furniture and brie a brae. Who does level of the sea. Ono would think that during pounced upon the newcomer, and had
night of her life tho twenty dolls were un­
nessee, VC heeler turned sharply to tho left not remember them? First came the alpha­ a storm the sea would roll over tho island and not some passing Turk rushed in among
dressed and put to bed before their mistress
An Economical Bonnet.
and headed for Murfreesboro, whero there bet, then a verse of so called poetry, then two drown out poor little Key West. The city them anil kicked them aside they would
went, und all their clothes
It is only tlie work of a fiivv minutes to pin was a Union garrison. Two telegraph ojjera- impossible green dogs and two green trees of proper is densely populated, but is as unliko navo made short work of the poor tres­
neatly folded and put away separately.
During the day, doubtless, each doll up a little fancy bonnet for evening weer, tors, James Jones and Janies Palmer, stationed the Noah’s ark variety, and the whole to con­ an American city as possible. All tho houses passer. But it showed the jealousy with
had its own career and jiosition; was fed at and all that is really necessary to buy is the at Jacksboro, took turns at the instrument, clude, as tho advertisements say, with the aro mado of wood and built qilito plainly. which tlie Constantinople dogs guard
table, fitted with new clothes, elevated into frame. Two frames, out' white tho othci and in the interval scouted tho country in name and ago of the worker. They aro There is no show of ornamentation or decora­ what they consider their territorial rights
grandeur or repressed into humbleness. When black, are very handy to have in the house. search of Wheeler. Palmer fell in with him, rather pretty, these dogs, in their quaint and tion, to say nothing of what is culled archi­ and tl(at they will brook no foreign in­
their young mistress grew up, they wore They, with your bits of lace, a lew knots of and being in civilian’s dress passed himself off attractive way, and ^ertainly a warning to tecture. Once in a while you may detect vasion. Efforts have been mado to get
something that looks like lattice work, but it
doubtless laid aside or transferred to other ribbon, an aigrette or a bunch of flowers, en­ tor a farmer. Ho was compelled to ride with thoso not of an industrious turn of mind.
A friend who told mo sho possessed both her is plain, and is not intended to display any­ rid of them, but tlie natives regard them
children, or banished to tho dusty purgatory able you to prepare just the kind of head tho cavalry for some hours and then allowed
as sacred animals; and there is no ques­
of tbo garret from which no doll is ever trans­ dress becoming with the dress worn, and to go. Cantering slowly until out of sight of grandmother’s and mother’s said: “But there thing. Many of the stores have no signs upon tion that, in tho absence of a better sani­
lated to paradise. I forget whether Ilans every time you go out in tho evening you the moving column, Palmer headed for the is one reason why I cannot use them about or about them, and tho storekcepci-s look as if tary system, they are absolutely neces­
Andersen has ever duly chronicled tbo tra may, if you desire, wear a different bonnet, office at a breakneck pace. “Jim,” said he, the house.” On being asked why, she replied: they did not caro whether thoy sold anything
gedy that lies at tho end of every doll s life: and so you will not become common. Such as soon as he could dismount, “I fell in with “Oh, dear! all our births are recorded on the or not. There aro no hotols, and those who sary to tho health of tho city. For they
it is worse than that of any other pet. An things are done by tasteful, economical Wheeler’.*» cavalry and managed to get a clow. samplers, the date worked with different desire a temporary residence have to hunt are tlio scavengers. They eat anything
and everything. Tho inhabitants throw
old horse is often tendered, an aged dog is at women every day in the wee!:, aud for this They are not bound for Kentucky at all, but colored silks.” That settled it; it was like about for a boarding house.
for Murfreesboro, Tenn. Cull up the operator parading what is to some the most sacred
When it is found, tho boarders would con­ the remains of food into tho streets, and
least shot, but un old doll is left to lie forever they are deserving of great credit.
I met a certain lady at the opera this sea­ at once. ”
page in the family Bible, “the births;” but sider a Now York boarding house, derided us tlie dogs instantly devour them.
on its back in the garret, gazing with one re­
“Click! Click!” No answer.
those of you who have inherited old samplers it so often is, a palace in accommodation for
maining eye on the slowly gathering cobwebs son und could not but admire her charming
And there is withal a sort of honor and
Thoso fellows must have cut the line on the that have no compromising dates, bring eating and sleeping compared to ono in Key respect for the proprieties of things in the
abovo it. At any rate, the lady I describe
them forth as a unique ornament.—Evelyn
was, after un interval of ten years, reas­
Constantinople dogs. One rarely sees
“I pinned it together in less than twenty vide circuit.” Tw?s proved to be all right, Baker Harvier in New’ York Mail and Ex­ there are no sprinklers. In fact, water is
signed to tho duty that had absorbed her in
them touch what is not intended for
girlhood; only this timo the dolls were alive.
them. In front of tho little butcher
On tho other hand, there were fewer of
An Old Recipe.
I water caught in cisterns when tbo heavens shops meat is often seen hanging down
them—only nine—and they were, and are, of light blue velvet, and laid a plait here and forces—thanks to the boys at Jacksboro—
I have found an old recipe, warranted to be i furnish a supply, and is often carried from close to the ground. Dogs are running
even more interesting, as 1 can testify, than there on the edgo so that it woulC fit around were dispersed and driven into Alabama.
There was an instance on the other side of good and which calls for great care in tho place to place in pails supported by a yoke around. Sometimes they stop and look
tho dolls. Her experience reminded mo of tbo crown, leaving a point on tho top. A
that of another mother whose eight children white laco barb was pinned a little full tho same kind. About 100 miles above gathering ot the leaves. It is said to remain from the shoulders. An attempt was ono at the tempting morsels, but they never
are now practically grown up, and whose around tho brim, leaving the ends long Vicksburg lived a planter, who was a noted fragrant in open bowls for two years if occa­ time madq to drive an artesiun well; but tho nose and smell them, and the butchers
early training was much tho same. Sho, too, enough to uct as tic-, und upon the top a pink poker player. He had for his convenience sionally stirred, but in the closed pot pourri, water when reached was so brackish that it. seem to have so much confidence in their
had little to do with children in her youth, aigrette, which tho lady bad previously worn a private telegraphic line running down the which I am sure you will use, it will remain could only bo used for the extinguishing of good bc'navior that they do not drive
but her only sister once said to me, “I always in her hair, was fastened with u rhinestone bank of the river to the city below. One fragrant much longer. One is advised to fires. The dust flies continually. Tho road­ them away; in fact, they pay no atten­
night while he was having a little quiet game pluck the rose leaves early in the morning— way is hard, being the solid coral rock itself. tion to them. Tho Constantinople dog is
know that ----- would bo a good mother. lace pin.
Just see how simplo the arrangement was, with a friend he thought ho heard a steam­ with them have an equal quantity of laven­ There is no surface soil. What passes for soil a mongrel animal, and is u combination
When we had paper dolls, sho always knew
boat. Rushing to the door he was astounded der blossoms and put them all in a large is nothing more than this rock ground up. It of many breeds. The grand and linal re­
just where each one was and what clothes it
needed. Sho manages her children just as peared. With a black laco frame, a black to see tho river for miles and miles alive with earthenware bowl. Add half a pound of is a nice thing to have blown over new black sult has been a yellow cur, lean and
and transports. He rushed to crushed orris root, and then to every two clothing, and still a nicer thing to get out of lanky, but of considerable size, with
sho did her paper dolls.”
How curious is this world of dolls! Uncouth and aigrettes, flowers or jets used for orna­ the instrument at once: “Vicksburg! Vick- pounds add two ounces of bruised cloves, of tho cloth afterward. As before stated, the sharp pointe:! ears and rather a bright
and savago in Alaska, quaint in Japan, strong mentation: or a comb of brilliants, or hail burg! f • God’s sako get ready! Millions cinnamon, of allspice and common salt. Lot population consists mainly of Cubans, Conchs and intelligent face, a little careworn and
and solidly built in Germany, graceful in pins of gold, silver or brilliants, any of these of ‘Yanks’ are floating by iny plantation.” the whole stand for about a fortnight, thor­ and negroes. Tho Conchs arc in reality na­ yet saucy, like that cf tho street gamin
Paris. You can tell German dolls from would make a charming decoration for the This was Sherman’s expedition from Mem­ oughly mixing it every day with your hands tives of tho Bahama islands, but everybody
who lias knocked about and lieen thrown
French, it is said, by tho greater clumsiness black laco foundation. Every lady has a box phis on the way to the fruitless assault upon and then it will be ready for use. As pot in Key West calls them by that name.
on his own resources from his birth.
of the extremities; no matter how pretty the of “fixings” that sho can use admirably lor the Chickasaw bluffs, near the Yazoo river. pourris are charming gifts, I think yon will
Tho Cubans dislike tho Conchs and tho Tho night is their particular time, and
face, tho feet ami ankles are those of a peasant. such purposes.—Now Orleans Timcs-Demo- Tho Union forces had hoped to surprise 1)0 wise to arrange a number this spring that
tho garrison, but tho planter’s'private w ire your city friends may have odors ot tho land Conchs detest the Cubans, while both together not infrequently they make it some­
In both countries, 1 believe, artificers visit crat.
had let the cat out of tho bag. When of tho roses to remind them of you.—“Bob” in bate tlie negroes. A happy state of society what disagreeable for tho passer by.
tho rural villages to study now faces for their
Hanging Pictures.
the news arrived ut Vicksburg most of the New York Star.
may therefore be imagined. They aro as dis­ But a few sbai-p kicks, or, Ix'tter still, a
dolls, ns in ancient Greece tho sculptors trav­
officers wero at a party. In tho midst of
tinct as can be, but their localities aro known few blows from a Btout stick, easily drive
eled about the country looking for beautiful
a quadrillo came the growling undertone
Effect in Painted Lace.
as Conchtown, Niggertown and Cuban vil­ them off.
forms. Everywhere tho doll is to the child tho
symbol of humanity, tho first object />f res­
But not tho most pleasant part of a
Ono of tho happiest effects I over saw in lage. Each has its distinct amusements, oc­
ponsibility, tho typo of what is lovable, tho
painted laco was executed by a New Yorn cupations and turmoil. The few Americans^ walk through an unlighted street on a
model on which tlio dawning parental instinct
artist. IIo desired a curtain to shut off an seem always to bo planning how best to get dark night, as ono is hurrying along, is
practices itself. Tho little girl docs not know cleaning, have all tho picture nails drawn both sides during the war. This was an ex­ unsightly view, and one that should still away from the island. 4‘igar making is tbo to place his foot on r. soft, pulpy mass,
tho faults mid virtues of her own tempera­ from tho walls and tho holes they leavo closed tremely hazardous proceeding. Any one admit tho light. So he procured laco of the principal employment of the Cubans, and which quivers and yields and then rises
ment until this imaginary being brings them up. Have a gilt or plain wooden molding caught in tho act would, of course, bo exe­ kind that is sometimes used for mosquito bars, there is plenty of work for them, as Key
out, being now tended with tho sweetest care, put up all around the room, four or live cuted al onco ns a spy. Ellsworth, a noted of a greetii h blue color, upon which ho pro West contains 125 cigar factories. It is said with an unearthly howl end shoots off
now flung vchemontly into an undeserved inches or more from tho ceiling. If tho wall operator attached to tho chmmand of John ceeded to paint an under tho sea sketch—coral on good authority that 90,000,(MX) cigars art ‘ yelping into tho darknesj. And though
one has merely stepped on one of tho
corner. It is all imaginary, no doubt, but is painted, paint tho molding a darker or a Morgan, was very expert at this business. lie reefs, mermaids, fish, seaweed, etc. Tho cur­ shipped away’ from the island every year..
much of our sensibility lies in the imagina­ contrasting tint. If it is papered, paint the always carried a pocket instrument which he tain LUspcndod from poles and hung al­
The Cuban is not very strong looking. Hi:, sleeping <logs of Constantinople, it makes
tion; the woes wo relieve aro those wo vividly molding tho color of tho bordering, which could attach to tho main lino. By the aid of most entirely plain from ceiling to floor, tho sports aro gambling and rooster lighting., liu blood run cold, and it is come time i
picture to ourselves. Children will some­ should fill the space between the molding and this lie could lie put in circuit without open­ slight fullness admirably suggesting tho un­ The women aro fairly good looking, given to before lie can plaut his feet down without
ing or breaking the current. During one of
times cry when tho doll is pricked in tho ediling.
wearing high heels, lace shawls and fuco pow carefully feeling to learn what may be
The woodwork in the room should bo tbo Morgan’s raids tho o;x»rator at Gallatin, dulation of tho water.
sowing on a dress, or is forgotten when she
I do not seo why this idea should not bo der. Both men and women smoko and the substanco of tlie pavement on wliich
should bo placed at the window to see the
utilized for portieres wliero it is dcsirablo only chatter like magpies. They stand around in lie walks.—Constantinople Cor. Chicago
procession go by. Tho sorrow is fantastic, ing let all the pictures hang suspended by danger signal by wire. Ellsworth took his to half cut off a view of tbo adjoining room, crowds and make a noise more like a lot of Tribune.
but tho thoughtful synqiathy is real. Who­ little fixtures thatocome for tho purpose. Use place, and for several hours deceived the or for a large screen to be used for tho same geese than human beings. Their food is prin­
Tho Secretary liird Extinct.
ever listens in the nursery will hear all tho lino picture wire instead of cord. Small other offices. Ho reported the track clear purpose. Gauzo would answer for tho foun­ cipally oil, pork, bananas and coffee. Their
problems of ethics rehearsed upon this mimic pictures can be suspended from larger ones, from guerrillas, in order that trains might be dation, and I am sure the effect would bo coffee is good, but made so strong that it will
It is surprising to find it authoritatively I
stage of tho doll’s house. In tho traveling if desirable. Plain wooden molding costs sent along, which would, of course, have Leon good. Let some original geuius try it.—Philo stain the cvp from which it-is drunk. When stated at tho meeting of a game protect- |
diary of a child of 8, written literally from only two cents a foot, gilt costs seven or captured. Fortunately an old operator, who dolphin liocord.
in a restaurant tlie Cubans appear to talk ail ivo association at Cape Tmvn that the I
her own dictation for her ubsent father, tho eight. Those w ho are building houses should knew Ellsworth's touch well, happened to
at once, each trying, as it were, to drown tho secretary bird is now exffict at Cape I
take his seat at the key board and instantly
Women ot Historical Note.
important events of tho pilgrimage were
other’s voice and gesticulating as if about to Colony. This curious bird has so long I
always shared by tho doll. “When we got to thus anticipate the temptation to mar the recognized him. Ellsworth was so accom­
Balzac says: “The most celebrated attach­ strike each other on tlie face. The odor of been ¡xipularly supposed to enjoy unlim- I
plished an operator that ho was ablo to cut a ments in history were all inspired by women the Cuban restaurant is generally too strong
Nico I was sick. Tho next morning the doctor
camo, and he said I bad something that was vision for their adornment. Gilt rods may wire, tho two ends against his tongue, in whom the vulgar would have found some for the olfactory nerves of ono brought up in ited protection on account of its BnJje I
and by the vibrations read all messages com­ defect. Cleopatra, Joanna of Naples, Diana New York. The Conchs are the fishermen of killing propensities that it will comequite I
very much like scarlet fever. Then I had
ing over tho lines.
Annie (a sister) take caro of baby (tho doll) less as to expense.—Chicago News.
of Poitiers, La \ alliere, Mme. Pompadour, in the island and the gdtherers of sponges. They as a shock, even to our naturalists and I
It is said that when Hooker was preparing short, most of tho women whom love has are a large, rough class of men and appar­ ornithplogista, to hear that the Cape Cdt-1
and keep heruway, for I was afraid sho would
In Former Days.
to cross tho Rappahannock on tho eve or rendered celebrated wero not without imper­ ently very ignorant. Ono marked feature is ony, its ancient and most favorite habitat, I
get tho fever. Sho used to cry to como to me,
but I knew it wouldn’t bo good for her.”
“When I was a girl,” said an old lady, who Choneellorsvillo there was reason to suspect fections and infirmities, while most women their accent, which is eonsidered tho charac­ knows it no more. In old days, undoubt-1
To a child thus imaginative and thus faith­ had listened, tho other evening, with wonder­ that Gen. Lee was getting too much news. whose beauty is described to us as perfect teristic of tho Londoner—the dropping of tbo cdly, this bird was a high favorite among I
ful this was an absolute rehearsal of mother­ ing ears to a narrative of heartache brought Investigation discovered a cable resting upon liavo been finally unhappy in their loves. aspirate where needed and using it excessively the Boers; it was by them often tamed» I
hood. When Christmas came, it npjM'ars home from an evening party by two “buds” the tied of the river, crossing it and connected This apparent caprice must have its cause. whero not wanted. They use their fists w’hen and might l)e seen stalking solemnly I
from tho diary that “baby” hung up her
her family, “when 1 was a girl, none but with an underground insulated wiro on shore. Perhaps mon live by sentiments more thnn fighting, wkile tbo Cubans arc too ready with about among their kraals and buildings. I
stocking with tho rest. Sho had a slato with guys were left os wall flowers, one) gentle­ This was traced to a small houso opposite by pleasure; perhaps the charm, wholly tho revolver or stiletto. Tho negroes aro em­
As game became scarcer, however, » I
a real pencil, n traveling shawl with n strap men felt themselves called upon to save even Fredericksburg. The operator at tbo Federal physical, of a beautiful woman has its bounds. ployed in Key West, as elsewhere, in menial was discovered that tho secretary wra I
and a cap with ruffiee. “I found baby with these from absolute neglect. Nowadays, end of tlio line was discovered and arrested, White tho charm, essentially moral, of a labor, and are os lazy as in tho other southern
did a vast amount of damage, not only I
the cap on early in the morning, and sho was young men, it is quite evident, go to parties and has not been .*»eeii since.
states. Together these three races form a to snakes, but to the smallcrxif the faaM 1
woman of moderate beauty is infinite."
bo pleased that sho almost jumped out of my simply as lords of creation, to be amused, and
When Stoneman, Sheridan, Wilson, Rous­
very mixed and far from harmonious society and avi-fauna. For this reason, as
arms.” At the Coliseum, at St. Peter’s, baby very difficult lords to bo amused they are. seau and other cavalry leaders were raiding
—ono that is not likely to be met with any­
Ornamenting a Dinner Table.
as for its rarity and quaintness, the poor ■
was of tho party. “1 used to take her to hear too. If they do not get the j>artner they in tho cnomy’s country it was tho custom to
A new way ot ornamenting a dinner table where else in the United States.—New York secretary has been shot off or driven
tbo band, in tho carriage, and she went 1 fancy, they •cut’ tho dance, as they call it, cut down telegraph poles, chop them into is to lay upon it a mirror so large that only a Mail and Express.
yond the Ixjunds of the colony, thus«*’ I
everywhere I did.” This tenderest of parent* and suite in a lordly way. Sulk isn’t exactly stove lengths, and twist tho wires into Gor­ wido enough margin is loft for the plates and
A Host of Women'. Clubs.
was, of course, a girl; yet boys take their tho
lowing the example of the nobler
word, either, for it takes Romo spirit to dian knots. An operator named O’Reilly, at­ glasses ot tho guests. Tho mirror is round,
It is noticeable that while tho number of It is well that tho Cape farmers are«^ I
share of it in a more robust and intermittent sulk.
But tho idea that men ero under a tached to Gen. Grierson’s command during square, oblong or oval, according to tho
way, and will take the doll to lied or to social
obligation to please and entertain nt n tho Mississippi raid, hit upon a very simplo shape of tho table. On tho edge is a border men of h isuio is iu< r. asmg, women of leisure ring themselves about tho protceti^^ I
breakfast, sometimes, as eagerly as girls. The party
seems to have quite gone out. From plan which rendered tho telegraph lines use­ of Howers, which must be of one kind only. are ia[ idly disappearing from the face of tho the remnant of game left to them. I*. I
lovo of dolls with both sexes is a variable their
point of view, tho girls huvo been less and at tho same timo left them ctanding. At a recent dinner given in this city tho im­ earth. This is a natural result of J ho con­ years ago tho limits of tlie
thing, perhaps delayed unaccountably or brought
there to please them—that is evi­ This puzzled tho Confederates fora long timo. mense mirror was placed on a cover of yel­ ditions which liavo released certain men tained in abundance most of the
inUriuptol by long intervals of indiffer- dent.
And tho prettiest and nicest girls arc O’Reilly now and then cut tbo wires, inserted low silk end surrounded by tulips of the same from tho notwfty of work, even if it be re­ specimens of South African big S3®®- I
enve. At any rate, it is tho rehearsing of snubbed
and left without partners if it between the ends a non-conducting substance, hue. On tho plateau itself were rows of sil­ ferred back to that division of labor which
tho inof.t momentous part of human life, that pleases
tho fancy of these young gentlemen, and then welded the ends together. Appar­ ver candelabra with (yellow candles and has assigned tho men tho making of money Pall Mall Gazette.
which carries on from one generation to an- and
come home with heartburnings, like ently tbo wires wero aa good as new. but they shades.—Clara Lanza in New York Mail and an<l to women tho spending of it. Tho in­
Told of Dlumarck and Von Moltke.
other tho sacred iiro of human affection. thoso
crease in wealth brings with it an increase
poor girls. Peril« jw that is a proper couldn’t be made to work.—Chicago Herald. Express.
i in those activities—social, educational, phi-
Whero thodoll ends tho c hild begins, or, as basis
Another incident of Moltke
for social pleasure, but I can’t believe it
an author has said: “In a nursery tho —I don't believe it.—Boston Transcript.
A Kcinlnl.cence of Lincoln.
Tho old corner cupboard is lieing developed lanthropic—which are largely in the hands marck cornea to liand. At K* ,nni^r3the
youngest child is little more than a doll, and
A correspondent residing in Eljin, HI., in high old style; the lower portion used ns a or women, and which mako large demands while the result was yet in <louM> n
tho doll is a little less than a child.”—“T. W.
Struck Out for Herself.
speakhi;; of a family ot children named closet while tbo shelves abovo are left open upon time and strength. Theso causes statesman approached the warrior to
II.” in Helper’s Bazar.
People aro asking, “Who is Mrs. Fanny Newhall, who thiriy-tivo years ago gave for a drapery curtain, or covered by closed would be enough to explain the phe­ him his opinion of tho battle. F ' ' \
‘ Tlio troupe doors of plato glass, stMned glass, or open nomenon I havo mentioned, but there liiin sitting silent on bis black nor90^
Chambers Gooch f’ Sho is a new departure concerts in Illinois, says:
Mr.. JenneM Miller's lecture.
is an additional one in the host of women's hesitated to disturb his median^
among literary women. Instead
compet­ traveled for years, ami once, when at Dan­ fretwork, lined with blight covered silk.
stead of compel-
clubs which have sprang up within tho past Presently, without a word, ho
The nudienco in Steinway hall was slim ing with men for a precarr
■Rnis living as a ville, Ills., Mr. Lincoln, then stumping tho
when Mrs. Jenness Miller entered upon the newspaper or magazino writer, sho has en­ state, beard them, and nt tbo hotel offered as
Kid shoes may be kept soft and free from few years, and which are now, let us hope, at liim his cigar case. There wc.e
platform yesterday afternoon to talk of the tered a field almost unexplored by tho gentler his pnrt of tho after entertainment to recite cracks by rubbing them once a week with a their zenith. One lady of my acquaintance
belongs to nine. I am by no means sure that cigars in it, one good, the (,l’icr ... g.
ideal dr res ot the future. It Mrs. Miller wore sex, and appears as a traveler and historian. tho poem with w hich his imino is so closely tittle pure glycerine or castor oil
this number is her limit; but these nine I know poor. Tho illustrious marsiial,
the ideal drem she did not say so, nor could Sho is now in New York attending to tho associated—*Ob, Why Should tho Spirit of
the ordinary untutored man discern it It publication of her now book on Mexico, portal bo 1‘roudt’ Ho then sat down and
To restore crushed velvet hold it over the of. and all but three of them are of a severely lent, took it, insjx?ctcd th® Ci,‘n
was a very elaborate conception, apparently which will lie out this spring, and promises a 'wrote out tiro jKiein and gavo it to Mrs. spout of the teakettle and let it steam well, disciplinary character. Of theso three, the chose tho letter cigar, returned® J.
one nearest approaching a scheme for nmuse- one with the case and romainal cm
of black silk velvet, profusely trimmed in rare treat. Sho has spent six years in Mexico Hillis—then Miss Lois Newhall. This inanu- then comb up tbo nap.
mert is a whist club; and at the meetings of as before, while tho statcswnjii
front with white lace. The sleeves were long, familiarizing herself with tho history, tradi­ ecript has lieea a precious keejisaJio through
tight and covered with puffings. A broad tions and customs of tbo people. Through all tho yean since, A short time ago the
Gail Hamilton says that “a woman of 20 the other two, papers ore read and the enjoy­ away with his question unash'd ae®
black band encircled the neck, and an im­ tho influence ot President Diaz and his wife manuscript passed into the hands of a Chicago should be as much ashamed ot being dyspep­ ment is primarily of an intellectual character. answered.—New York Tribune.
Of the remaining six, two havo perhaps some
mense corsage bouquet served to hide the de­ •ho gained access to the archives ot state and gentleman, who paid cheerfully a largo tic as ot being drunk.”
practical bearing—though there is nothing so
tail. of the waist. Mis. Miller spoke easily the old libraries, and doubtless has learned a sum ot money for it,"—Chicago News.
t'H for tho Microphone.
and gesticulated gracefully. The llrst half of great deal that other writers never heard of.
What is called the imtation of new dishes mundane ns a cooking club among them—and
In Germany tlio microphone is
her lecture was a denunciation of modern President Diax considers her history so au­
A Dog's Sense of Smell.
has led to a great deal of gastronomic trash the rest aro clubs tor theorizing.—Boston use-1 for tracing leaks in watci I"?
female attire. She characterized it as un­ thentic that ho will have it translated into
Tho nose of a dog is so acute that it can inflicted on the public.
slightest trickling of tho wat *
graceful, unbcalthful and inconvenient Her 8|>anisli for tho benefit of bis country men.— follow its master's trail almost anywhere, yet
Peat a. Factory Fuel.
made distinctly audible when t
especial aversion was corsets, bustire, petti­ Chicago Tribune.
There aro those who mourn because pies,
experiments show that sheets of tiasao paper
coats and ill shaped tight shoes.
placed on tho ground to bo walked over and such as “mother used to make,” aro now on creased so greatly in Russia that a peat I>og ratus is brought near it. —ArkaM*
Mrs. Cleveland is extorting praise from afterward removed effectually prevent any unknown quantity.
“Man doctors himself,” sho said, “with a
has lycome more valuable than a well tim­ eler.
Washington gossips by being Hei-selt not n trace of the scent from lying, tiiougb strong
---- 1____l
view to comfort, woman only for show."
The south African kafir
d. A
Sho protested __________________
that she did not desire
woman <o«eip She u said never to tali about peo- I«rfumre sprinkled along the track will not
Cranberry jelly mixed with cold water
of wood ior P«“--Chicago man and Iris dog shares his 1»'
to clothe Ixisclf in man’s garments, and de- ] P1* unle" ki"dly. a refreshing drink for the siek.
f» • -*•<
baffle the dog.
the od I notions of such dress reformers.
I rkled
What she advocated was that woman should
be governed iu her dress bv the same princi­
kafir dog bites a white man at s‘o