WEST SIDE TELEPHONE. tÄVyesÄy“ °* U,UyetUJ I K«£“*te.r P?«» O- A. R. will meet at ?887nge IUl* «veniug, J lune 11, OFFICIAL. »IltKCTOllV. THIRD IHHTIIICT. . Attorney Fenators • Itcprcsentatives -j J'l'lgC Commissioners j Clerk ............. Sheriff Treasurer.................... A yscsMir..................... N-I kmi I Hiipt................ Purveyor..................... < <>n nier....................... tempcrence society meets at hall Monday evening Read the progtamnie. , ». P. Bini J. W. AVatt». It. It. I .a U el 11 i a F. N. I.i'tle • '. Lafetten. . L. Luiglmrv J. S. llilibs Geo. Itorsev G. AV. Ilriedwell T. .1. Harris .. AV. W. Nelson Wyatt Harris. J. A. I'. Freund. ■ J. D. Fenton. • • D. Narver. , TELEPHONE WHISPERINGS. A string of buggios struck the town Wednesday. Several students their homes. Open R- P. Boise i;w,. w ?.arr,i8<’0 preach in tlm i n ^i'1, E e,,urel‘ Sunday June 12, at it o ci«M’k a. in. ih.' t‘U?-"i"St h«1 yoiif !ife on getting "'« best job work done at thia office and r. Johnson is now- prepared to nt- lets! calls in the country at any hour, tf society of the C. I’, cl inch, they decid­ ed to give a strawberry and ice cream The Hon. Lee Laughlin of No-th festival on Friday June 17. 1 amhill, is sick but not dangerouslv Married.— At tlie residence of J. AV. ■ so. Watts at Lafavette. June 7, 1847, Mis A. M. Taggart says that he is going V. N. Talmage to Mr. H. ifenagan of back to the United States inside of two Wasco Co. Dr. Watts officiated. weeks. There will be a special meeting of the Rev A. M. Johnson of California wili W. C. T. U. at tlie M. E. church Satur­ preach at the Baptist church Sunday day June lltli, at 3 o’clock p. m. L. A. Baker, Secy. nio«ning and evening. W. H. Bingham will receive in a flav­ Mrs. C. P. Bishop, left yesterday mor­ or two a large stock of hammock«, ning for Brownsville, where she will re­ which he will sell at very low figurers. main for a week or so. They will range troin $1.00 to $3.00 each One and one half acres of land ad­ Wm. Me C. Chrisman ami family ac- joining McMinnville college. for sale at coinpsnieil by Mrs. W. H. Bingham will a bargain. Inquire of C. W. Talmage leave Monday for a trip to Big Nestucca. A Uo. They expect to spend a month or more Will Price the photographer ha« taken at that place. several group« this spring, in his own Lost—a black spaniel pup, answers to words be got “a good scald” on all of the name of “Fritz.” Was taken or them. strayed from the resdience of Jas. Turner last week. The finder will be suitably Geo. W. Burt received last week di­ rewarded by returning to-the owner. rect from tlie east, 5,000 tirst-classi-igars. They are made by white labor—no Chi­ Dr. Goucher made his appearence on nese goods. the street Wednesday, looking rather thill from his siege of sickness. He is The work of laying the eoncreet on the getting along nicely and if nothing hap Od.I Fellows’ temple has been commenc­ pens he will be able to take charge of ed, ami when hardened, briek laving liis patients soon. will he begun. Died.—Henry Wallin, grandson of John J Sax wants it known that he is “Uncle” Tom Sriadden at the residence ready to chop at tile mill for $2 per ton, of the latter at 11 o’clock a. m. Tuesday or will take 1-10 toll. Corn meal also after a short illness with lung fever. ground. Satisfaction guarnteed. He was buried Wednesday, in tlie Ma A. M. Taggart lias sold his projiortv sonic cemetery at 1 o’clock. Dr. Young, made a flying trip to Sa­ near the railroad to Charley Carter, con­ ductor on the evening expiess. Mr. lem yesterday. He drove Kettleman. The distance is 25 miles, and the total Carter intends to build a fine lesidence time occupied was two hours and tliirtv there. minutes. There is latent speed in “Ket- The rite of confirmation will be ad­ tleman”even if he was------ . ministered at St. James church Mc­ Yesterday afternoon Yamhill Dude, Minnville by the Rt. Rev. B. Wistar Morris, D. D., on Friday, June 19 at owned by AVm. Malone, of North Yam- S p. in. All are cordially invited IO hill, and a horse owned by R. W. l’liil- lip« of Amity ran a half mile race on the attend. «lriving park track for a’ small purse. A new chnrcli lias been organize«! at Tils race was a gmid one ami was won Perrydale, with twenty five members by the Phillips horse by three lengths. they have raised $1.300; materiel is all The building committee of tlieC. P. nil the ground and contract let for the new church Dr. Dot}- of Amity is the cliurcli have accepted the plan* ofJ.C. Cooper, ami that gentleman is busy vrganizer. writing out the specifh-ations for the The people of tliis town want to look benefit of contiactors. Tlie committee out fur Sam Manning, for, in a fit of expect to be ready to advertise tor bid> lm-ntal abstraction lie made the rankest by tlie last of next week. pin. of tlie season, ami of comse afte> AV. F. Collard the gun smith has just that he is not accountable for wliat he fnislieil cutting out a 22-calibre rifle says or does. ______________ and making a 32-calibre fiotn iL It is Collard The billies of St. James (Episcopal) a piece of work of which Mr. C- chiirc^Guild solicit work, either by the may justly feel promi, as it is very few gurismitlis will undei take it. The work afternoon or piece. Are willing to do gunsmiths plain sewing or embroider»- or tie com­ 1« very neatly done ami gives the best of Apply forters. /.. ' early Wednesday after- satisfaction. noon to W. IL Bingham is making prepara­ L illie I reland , Sec. of Guild, tion to build another story on Ins lurni- ture «tore; tlie present building being A niinil«er of the T elephone dated too small to accommodate his business. 1886, and containing the November 5,____ He will make tlie building one storv account of the murder of I). I. Corker, is liiglier and put a new front on. This desired by relatives of deceased. Should will add gieatlytoit«appearan<-e beside any of our subscribers have one, an«l giving Mr. Bingham all tlie room he hand it in to this office they will confer a wants for some time to come. favor to the relatives of Mr. Corker. _________ > Mrs. Jas. O. Turner met with a severe fall at her residence near this city yes­ terday morning. She was descending the front steps, when her shoe heel went tlirougli a knot hole causing her to pitch bead foremost to tlie gronnd. She sus­ tained no broken bon«?s but was severely bruised. C. D. Jobson is tearing down the old building on his property eorner B. and Fourth streets, ami in its place will erect a large two story frame building 24x40. and will use is as a depository for tlie fine carriages, wagons etc.,manu­ factured by him. The new building will make a decided improvement in that part of tlie city. Dan Kelley the pioneer show man gave an excellent panoramic entertainment at Grange Hall last evening. The audience was small. Among other things Mr Kelly gave us a view of the new court house and the ruins of the old. He will return again soon, when we hope he will be greate I with a larger audience. 1,00-5,000 feet of lumber (all kinds) for sale at the Panther creek null*, near Carlton, Oregon. Rough iumber sohl for $5.00, $6.110 ami $7.00 per M., mill, according to quality an«l kin«l Dressed lumber. $10.00 to 10.00 per .1 Tine will be given, one. two or three vears, on goo«l paper with interest after January 1. 18M8. Large discount on ca^i oiders. E. Poppleton. 99tf. The star of Bethleliain. is causing much excitement among astronomer»- Prof. Klein of tlie Hartford Ky. observ­ atory claims that he has sighted th. phenomina in the western heaven« Whether it comes or not, it worn s only the astronomers, for it will not have an effect on the crop«. So let them Ins al sin l it. It makes its appearance every 300 years. R eward C laimed .—On November 11 188(1, Gov. Moody offered a reward of $500 for the arreat and conviction of tlie murderers, not yelappiehen«le the approval of the legislature. Detective Singleton of Portland, claims that through his efforts Marple, the murder­ er of Corker, was brought to justice. Singleton through his attorneys sent a letter to Govenor Pennoyer, clainingliis reward. It apfiears however that Mar­ ple had been arrested before Gov. Moo- ty offered the reward, ami hv tlie terms of the proclamation, inasmuch as the $500 was offered for the arrest and con­ viction of murderer* not vet apprehend­ ed. Singleton is not entitled to any re muneration from the state. Even if he were, Gov. Pennoyer would not he au­ thorized to pay any reward until the leg­ islature directs him to do BO. It would seem that Detective Singleton will have to wait a little wliiie lor liis $500. L ife S ize —Pottraits can be taken by W. P. Johnson tlie well known photo­ grapher of Salem. who intends coming again to McMinnville on the 14th, ot June and will stay until the 2titb. He guarantees satisfaction on all hi» work. Enlarging from old photographs or tin tvpe* Mr. Johnson has finished several ver) fine pictures ot residents of this citv. He has had on exhibition a hall dozen life size pict me* of the Wortman family of this city. an«l to any «me « ho wislie* to see the work, Mrs. Wortman will gla‘»y "I»* Ui« « «•*.’ will call at her residence. • FOUL MURDER. Oscar J. Kelty of McCoy, Shoots and Instantly Kilis his wife. News was brought to this city this morning that Oscar J. Kelty. of -McCoy, •‘oik county, shot and instantly killed his wife last night at 12 o'clock. Mrs. Kelty was the daughter of a mall named Glandon, of McCoy. Kelty is a son of Mr. John Kelty of Bethel, l'olk county, and is well known here. The couple havo been living at Eugene and were down on a visit. Jealousy is the supposed cause for the awful deed. The muiderer fled and up to the latest had not been arrested. We could learn no further particulars before going to press. Kelty is a young man and has hereto­ fore borne a good reputation. Commencement Week. The closing exercises of McMinnville Baptist college began on Sunday and continued till Wednesday evening. Sun­ day at 11 a. nt., the baccalaureate ser- man was preached by Dr. Anderson, president of the college, This was a scholarly effort replete with sound thought finely expressed. Sunday eve- ning Prof. Crawford spoke upon the sub­ ject of Ministerial Education. Monday at 7:30 p. tn. l’rof. W. D. Lyman, of Forest Grove, delivered an address m the college clia|>el upon tlie live questions of the day, in his usual happy manner. Tuesday morning the educational a«l- diess was delivered by Judge Raleigh ■Stott, of Portland. Jtnlge Stolt takes a liberal viewofjlie manner anil material of tlie education of youth. Tuesday evening was tlie annual class exhibition and commencement. Tlie chapel was lieuutilutly decorated witli a profusion of moss ami flowers and many were tlie floral offerings to tlie partici­ pants in Hie exercises that evening. An interesting programme had been prt*- pared ami was well carried out. Mr. Amasa M. Sanders was graduated with tlie highest honors, and received thu de­ gree ol Bachelor of Arts. W ednesday at 3 p. nt. was the Stu­ dents' Union, nt which there were quite a number present and several iuleiesl mg impromptu speeches were made hy­ oid pupils and friends of the college. Wednesday evening Rev. J. Q. A. Henry trout Portland, delivered an ad­ dress before the Students’ Union replete with thought and uttered in burning words, urging the youth of to-day to be ready to take their stami for the right in tlie great crisis of of the world,w hich seem to be at hand. All the exercises were interspersed witli music under tlie i.ianagement of Miss Belle Johnson the efficient teacher of music at the college, which added greatly to their interest. At the close of the exercises on Weilnesday evening Rev. Hunsaker president of the board of trustees int«o- iluced the new president of tlie college, Rev. Browiison who enters upon ;bis duties as president at the opening of tlie next school year in Feptemlier. Dr. Anderson after six veais devoted labor as president, tlie last two which have been greatly overbuideneii with work lias resigned his position. Bill the board unwilling to give up his services lieve prevailed upon him to accept a professorship ill lhe college known as the Failing Chair. The (ollege seems to lie in a prosper­ ous condition and lioth professor and student to be filled with tlie «lelermina- lion to “Presist ami endure.” The Coining' Tonrnament. Advices from the State Fi'-ernen’s as­ sociation give assurace that the forth­ coming annual meeting at Vancouver promises to be a flattering success, not­ withstanding some outside embarrass­ ment. The action of the Salem depart­ ment was not conducive to harmony in t.lie ranks, but the firemen of Vancouver are not easily discouraged, and will spare no pains to make all welcome who will favor them with their presence. The Astoria firemen are drilling regu­ larly, and will as usual present a rat­ tling team. The Albany boys are pre­ paring for the event, while teams are expected from both Lebanon and Eu­ gene City. There will be the usual re- luction in rate« of traiia|«>rtation, the O. A C. railroa'l selling round trip tic«- ets tor one ami one-fifth fare. The ac­ tion of the capital engine in reconsider­ ing their motion to withdraw from the association meets with the approval of their friends everywhere, ami its del­ egates will be present to further the in­ terests of the volunteer firemen. Walla Wa|la, Seattle and Tacoma have each furnished (heir assistance, and Vancou­ ver will present a hose team that will make it more or less lively for all com­ petitors. Many individual firemen will make it a |ioint to be present, and a pleasant time is guaranteed to all who may attend. I OUR ASSISTANTS. Monmouth. June 8, 1887. The finest line of Examinative work commences to-dav. The students are decorating the chap­ el for commencement week. TOILET ARTICLES Mr. G. S. Wolverton of Spokan Fall®, is visiting his folks here, be will remain till after commencement. | The Buena Vista Cornet Band will be i present on Wednesday next to take part in the musical exercit . s of th«? day. < Ever brougth to McMinn vili e. ----- CONSISTING OF-------- The following is the programme for commencement week. Saturday June 11, society entertainment 8 p. ui. Sun­ day 12, Baccalaureat sermon by S. S. : Irvine of Albany, at 11 a. in. Monday, June 13, students reunion, 8, p. m. Tuesday, June 14, annual meeting of boa rd of trustees 10 a. m. Entertain­ ment given by the athletic association 8, p. m. Wednesday June 15, graduating «lay, annual address by li. K. Warren of Portland. Alumni reunion 8 p. nc. Reception 10 p. ni. A S ti ’ dext . Fine Perfumes, Toilet Soaps, Toot h Brushes, Cloth and Hair r Brushes, Sponges, Sachet Ponders, Face Ponders, Camiline, Wisdom’s Robcrtine. Indian War Veterans’ Reunion. Ì J II’ dq ’ rs G rand E ncampment I ndian W ah V etearns , N orth P acific C oast . P ortland , June 7,1887. The citizens of Portland and Mult­ nomah camp No. 2 Indian War Veterans are prepared to give all veterans and tlieir wives a hearty receiption on Tues­ day, June 14. Reduced rates have been «cured over all the railways, in the state except, the O. R. A N. Co.’s. This rail­ way, by reason of the interstate law, can do nothing for us in this direction. Tlie grand enca-npinent of Indian War Veterans will meet nt Portland at 1 p.- m., on the 14th. and he escorted by Multnomah and other subordinate eamps to Jlie Mechanics’pavilion, where they will lie welcomed to the city by the city by Mayor Gates. A response will be made by Col. T. B. Wait, grand com­ mander. An address will then then be delivered by Col. Kelsey, his subject lie- ing “Indian War Veterans of the North­ west,” to be followed by Dr. Wm. Mc­ Kay on the “Indian Wars of Oregon and Washington.” In the evening a “talk for all” will take place. Several of the eompanv flags carried by our comrades m the Indian wars will '«e borne in the procession and decorate the platform. On Wednesday, the 15th of June, the Pioneer association will entertain us. In fact, this will be the leunion of veterans unond with the O. & C. R. K. Co. in regard to through freights on lumber. 1 etc., to eastern points. The chairman of committee appointed to sectite express service on evening pusseiiger train reported that said service had been seemed. On motion tlie president ami secretary were instructed to correspond with par­ ties in I’ortlanil and see if u rock crasher could lie obtained. Tlie committee on roads and highways were instructed to urge our supervisor T. I’. Austin to levy two assessments in liis district if he thought advisable in Older to put the county roads in good condition. No further business the board adjourned. G. W. J ones , Secretary. Any store in McMinnville. Tall Oaks From Little Acorns Grow. With brains and skill and patient will. Winch shown them great painstakers! l'he Wagon that has pleased the world, Was made by S tu deha keus -------- Agents for the- fhe Country grew with rapid strides; l'he West with teeming acres. Was in a quandry what to do! Till relieved by S tudebakers . So, with Iron and Wood and labor good, Though they have many Imitators; It you want the Wagon that’s best on earth ! Just buy of S tudebakers . MILLS The moral is plain, which you may know* And if you look, you may see also, That the largest Oaks from Acorns grow; The same as the S tudebakers . Keep on hand a complete stock of thus goods. Also a large and well as- , sorted line of A Captain’s Fortunate Discovery Gents’ Furnishing goods, Capt. Coleman, schr. Weymouth plying ----- Ladies’ and Gents’------ between Atlantic City and N. Y., had been troubled with a cough so that he was un­ able to sleep, and was induced to try Dr. Kings New Discovery for Consumption. It not only gave him instant releif, but allay­ ed the extreme soreness in his breast. Uis ANT) FINE children were similar^ effected and a single dose had the same happy effect. Dr. King" New Discovery is now the standard rem­ edy in the Coleman household and on board the schooner. Free Trial Bottle of this Standard Remedy at Rogers dt Todd’s Drug In nil tin« Intent Styles mid 1 Store 4 for tit mid quality cannot t>e I ('all and see our goods before pur­ Renews Her Youth. chasing else­ where. Mrs. Pb« ehe Chesley, Peterson, Clay Co. Iowa, tells the following remarkable story, the truth of which is vouched for by the residents of the town : “I am 73 years old, have been troubled with kidney complaint and lameness for mnav years; could not • liess myself without help Now I am free from all pain and soreness, and am able to do all my own housework I owe my thanks to Electric Bitters for having re­ newed my youth, ayd removed completely all deseases (lescases anti and i»ai pai ” Trv a bottle, only !y Whenever ;. u are in need of a «v- ........................... ‘ Store 4 50c at llogers & ............... Todds Drug thing in the Bakery, Crocery and U n- fectionary line. Remember al '.a he ha« the LARGEST stock of FINJ^ SHOKS, Corner Third and C Sire:!,:. • □. Grisssn’s Corrected for the T ki .F i iioxk by Baxter Á Rogers, Wheat, per bit ......... Outs, per Im ......... Flour, per liar. ......... Eggs, per le. St. James’ church. Rev. (’. W. Ta linage Co. Services 11 a. Fair, rector. McMinnville, Oregon. 7 p. ni. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Friday evening services at 7:00 p m. Fresh roasted imumits at H. II. Seats free. All a.e cordially invited to Welch’». tf attend. C. P. church. Services at the usual hours. I Sunday school at 9:30 a. in. All are cordially invited to attend these ser­ Goon B i ' sixkm C hance .—A splendid vices. opportunity is here offered for engaging Services st the Baptist church.— in the milling business. Nathan flawliv Preaching morning and evening at usu­ lias placed in the hands of C. W. Tal­ al hours—lib tn. and 7 p. in. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. mage A Co. for tale, his milling property All are cordially invited to these ser­ at Amity. It consists of a steam grist vices. Strangeis especially made wel­ mill, in goo^ runing order; two run of come to come and worship with us. stones—one for flour ami one for chop— Programme. a good house and barn, and one acre or more of ground. The machinery in the Following is the programme for the mill is comparatively new. and in first- class condition. It is situated in a lively open temperance society which ineotR at town with one of the best farming sei- Grange hall, Monday evening Maj, 12. tiona in Oregon tributary to it. Rail­ 1887: road runing through the place. Price Prayer: $2,500. Tenn« easy. Ad« I rest C. W, Opening of the society. Talmage A Co. McMinnville, Oregon Temperance song, by Mies Rn-s and for further particulars. otheis. Short speeches bv various persons. N otice .-A« I have di«po*e«l of my bin« Song, by Annie Young. inessatthc Coofc hotel, I want thoee Song, by Mi«» Palmer. Meeting again in two week. who a»e indebted to me. to come and E. V. V axatta . Secretary. «ettle up immediately and thereby «ave trouble. ’ W.E. M abtis . Jai k Welch wiahenthe public to know For m I o —a tf »od apron«! hand 0*4 in«di that he ha« a liarher shop presided over w igon will !•» «•*»1*1 "way down * for by <>. 0. Hiatt, one of the treat Lai tiers in the state. tf cash. lnqnirc of F. M l L. Root) Carries h fuli and complete rtock of Graccries, Crockery, Glanware, Yoode.i and WillOY/ware, ToBacco Cigars, Goods Excharced for Produce. II. V. V. JOHNSON. M. D McMINNVlI.I.E, Delivering —At Any Timo — 3"ti G regom . and ro^idenre on D direct. calls* promptlv uiiMWiTcd «lay or iiiglit. Dr. and Trucking Goods delivered promptly te any part of the city. Physician & Surgeon, ... —II aving Bought the— BusiiiD.Hs of Logon Bros. I lend’ r- Mun. I am ready to do all kinds of ------- -o-... . S, A. YOUNG, M. D. M< Mixx viler , CRtCKuZRY and GLASS intown: Will sell you lamp <•> iinneys, 50 ami 75 cents per do« ; standing . 'nps, 25 cents ; glass sets, 4 pieces, nJ cents; heavy 1 gil. glasu jug (>5. Oilier things in proportion. Garrison's Block, - McMinnville, vr. New Blacksmith Shop! AMITY, OREGON. SAM LIKENS, Proprietor. Blacksmith!rit n.vl carriage every descTiptiuii, Ironln* of Horse Shoeing Ami plow work a specialty Celebrated Oregon Iron Ka GIVE ML A CALL. AelVr", V. ■■ A OS 1 reliable Medicine.! arc the beet Sooth*» at ba d. It I» ths only tr " ’ to depend upon. Acker's Blood El- 1-Irhsabcr n prewrib, «1 for years for all im­ medicine yet nia«le that will reni e ad parities of: Im !3oo«l. J n every form of Scrof­ infantila disorders. It contain* tu> Otfim nloca, ----------------------------- HM . Ills tr it filin’, bat gives the child reOreU ulous, Pep! F’-pI.lli ’ic or Mercurial diseases. pain. Price 25 coot», f .14 by ■.avaluabio. ForLbcuLiaiLta.liasnoecmJ. mm /. li.n. W. Burt dric.g.-:. i tiro. W B nt, dni.-j L