The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, June 07, 1887, Image 4

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The acreage of hops in Oregon and
Mu XL’ MN’.’n.LK, T. EMBAY J usi: 7 , EW. Washington is fully twenty per < ent
greater than last year, and the prospect
The United States supreme rou t ha- for a good crop ia quite promising.
handed down a decision that an insane
There are twelve daily papers publish­
parson who takes |,:s own life lo >s not ed in Oiegon us follows; Portland 4,
‘•commit suicide,” and that life ir snr nee Salem 2, Albany, McMinnville, Corval­
may be recovered even though I lie policy lis, Pendleton, Astoria, and Baker City
may provide tbit it shill be void if the one.
insured person shall die by suicide; aeli-
Bill Smith caught a salmon in the
tuliing by a lunatic person is by law to
Clack imas the other day whose length
be regarded as an accidental death.
was 4 feet 5’.< inches and girth 25«
It weighed 63 pounds, but was
Friend Register, where is your corres­
pondent‘‘Truth ?” We see no editori­ as lean as a skeleton.
al ill your last issue, Ims he given up the
The yePow fever outbreak at Kev
ghost of u chance, that Lafayette lia’ for West is regarded with apprehension by
the comity scat, slid deserted von? We the Marine Hospital service. Such re­
Would like to see you rustle a good edito­ liet has been afforded as the bureau is
rial once in wh.le, bill take some friend­ authorized to render.
ly advice and not make any misstate­
Somebody is trying to blow up the
ments again for they don’t help you one
New Yoik police force with infernal
iota. The voters have some perceptive
machines. Two wete recently sent to
headquarters but they were carefully
A newspaper does more for the to.wn
in which it is published than any other
agency, yet gets cussed for every little
item appear ing in its columns that door-
not exactly suit the taste of i's individu
al readers. People al.iays forget good
turns, blit should anything appeir in its
columns that they can constr ue
as an offense, even where none was in
tended, that’s never forgotten.—Astor -
opened with >ut causing an explosion.
Jacob Gandanr, defeated Edward
Hanlan, the champion oasinan on May
30 The race was a very remarkable
o e, both oarsmen reduced their record
by a number of seconds. Time for the
three mile , was 19 minutes 20 seconds.
II came in four boat lengths
—At the new store of -
a-'ri Chilled Plows, Sulky, Gang I n.iuu.e ana Steel bkem rarm Wage..,,
and Walking Plows, Harrows and
^pr:ng Wagons, Buggies and
Cultivators ot all kinds.
everything on wheels.
llaniekoir, Thomason & Swanson,
(Successors to Baxter A Martin)
third st
, M c M innville , or .
M c M innville , mcmikkville crgssing
and carlton ,
O regon ,
Warehousemen and Grain Buyers.
Fresh Family Groceries. ! Splendid
warehouses, romplde with latest ininroved machinery. Thorough and Inn
experience in handling grain. llighe>t cash price paid fur all kinds of Grain
------- Also, dealers in-------
Farm, Dairy and Mill
A new, neat and clean stock
Every ar­
ticle A No 1 Fruit Jars. Butter Crocks.
Colored Glassware, Cutlery, Cased Goods,
Tobacco, Pipes anil Cigars
Fresh Fruit and Vegetables in season
Binder Twine, Belting, Oils, and
We have put our prices down low Give u: Wagons, Buggies and Carriages.
a call, inspect our stock, and we w ill guar
Machine Supplies of all kinds.
imtee prices to suit you
Call and S(‘e Ds.
.TSTexv To-Day
T! e big Cascade tunnel is row about
calf completed. Some trouble is ex­
perienced on this side owing to the ruck
Just Across the Yamhill River.
swelling alter exposure to the air. This
swelling lias been so great in instances Good for walling wells or building founda­
tions, and are offered for sale at the
th it timbors a foot square have been
broken in two. When the tunnel was
1,3 1) feet in and at a point 400 feet troni
flie summit, slabs of slate bearing im­
pressions of leaves and plants were
taken out.
Dakota is rapidly developing, Tin
school system ot the ter Story is good,
employing over 5,<H>0 teachers, mid
there are several excellent colleges. Not
half so many teachers are employe! in
New Jersey or New Hampshire, ami
there are thirteen states in the Union
with fewer schools than Dakota, mid
twenty-five with a smaller number of
It is said that tho late Texas drouth
hanKi. And yet D.ikotu is kept out of
has disposed of the last tew surviving
the flock.
buff does in that state. In the w ¡Ids of
McMinnville is the b tininess center o- Crockett county a miserable remnant of
Yamhill county. If you don’t believe it the onee countless herds bad been al­
eland on the streets and see people fr< in lowed to eke out an existence, without
every town in the conntv. Farme s molestation iron tho cowboys or the set­
from the farthest points in the county tlers But when the drouth had destroy­
come here with their wool. If McMinn­ ed crops and stock, necessity drove peo­
ville is not the center of trade, why do ple to slaughter the buffaloes, and they
tho farmers and citizens of Lafayette, are now no more.
Dayton, North Yam hill and Carlton
The following appears in a surgical
come here to trade ami sell their pro­
t ade journal: “Skeletons have ruled
dues? Saturday, every town mid sec-
ictive throughout the year, with prices
tion was represented.
unchanged. We have been able to sup­
ple the demand for the common varie­
•‘To discontinue an advertisement is ties promptly, hut the finer grades were
like taking down your sign. If you scat co, and orders for deformities could
want to do business, you must let the not always be filled at once. In this
public know it. Standing advertise­ regard the market is still unchanged, al­
ments when changed frequently, me though our broker in I’aiis has orders to
better and cheaper than reading notices. buy everything offered at die usual
They look more substantial and busi­ prices.”
ness like, and inspire confidence. I
C. B. Cole, the newly appointed su-
would as soon think of doing business
without clerks ns without :J1 vertising.” p -rintendent of tho Cascade division and
T tis is wh it John Wanaker, of I’hilnde - of the Northern Pacific railroad, has ar­
phia, says. *lle has hud more expert rived in Tacoma. He registers from
ence about these matters than any man Seymour, Ind. lie was lately connect­
of the present day, and he is the largest ed with the Ohio and Mississippi lail-
road as master of transportation, lie is
advertiser in the world.
an experienced railroad man, having
Commenting on the fruit prospects in been thirty years in the business, Assis­
Oregon, the Willamette Farmer of the tant General Manager Buckley having
3rd say: "From all we see and hear been an associate with him in former
ami read in exchanges, it seems beyond daya. lie will at once assume the duties
doubt that the present season is the of his office.
most disastrous to orchards of any ever
Th» gap of staging between San Fran­
known west of the Cascades. In many cisco and Portland has been reduced to
localities the d image done is g eat. We twenty miles only, and is fast < losing up.
hear that the apple cop is destroyed in The Cascade branch of the Northern
many orchards. Pears also have suffer­ I'.icific railroad has been completed,
ed greatly and will be a light crop. Cher­ giving that road a line of their own to
ries were frost bitten and a good crop the Pacific ocean, and allowing tliem
would prove of value. Prunes and bettor opportunity to become active
jaunts have also suffered and our fruit competitors for the carrying trade of this
crop is nearer a failure than ever was great country. These things aie reas­
known in Oregon.”
suring to all the people of this section,
A brand new species of ghost has been
unearthed in northein California. It is
the spook of an alleged girl, and when
the family has gone to bed it comes and
fixes the fire all ready to start in the
kitchen stove in the morning, and splits
kindling in the woodshed, and puts some
bread to raise, and cleans up shelves,
etc. There is some style about a glmst
like that. Instead ol kicking and get­
ting scared about it. that northern
California family ought to silently re­
joice over tlmir great luck. A ghost like
that is a hamly thing to have around so
long as it belt ives itself an I doesn't
break the dishes and remains invisible
to the juvenile members of the family.
arrangements for the removal of the
headquarters of the Oregon and Califor­
nia to San Francisco as soon us the gap
now botween the two roads is dosed.
The report gains credence by reason of
the fact that the united roads will be
operated by the Southern Pacific ami
that it is likely that the company will
merge the present management of the
Oregon and California intojthatnow con­
trolling the operation of the Southern Pa­
cific company’s lines generally, locatec
in San Francisco. If the report is tiue, it
will result in taking away from Portland
whatever prestige attaches itsel' to the
possession of the guiding influence of a
great line of railroad. Aside from this,
Portland's wants, so far as they are ear­
ed for by the California and Oregon rail­
road, will then have to be decided upon
by men located in a rival city. The gen­
eral opinion is that the report is correct
and that Mr. Crocker is carving with bis
own warranted little hatchet a big block
hoin which the sundry officials of the
Oregon atid (California road will drop
whenever the time comes for the trans­
fer to ba med .».—News.
For the next *ixty Days at the old reliable Pioneer Boot and Shoe Storo,
sign of tiie Big Boot, opposite the Grange Store
he subscriber hereby announces to the citizens of McMinnville and vicinity the above
—Dealers in all kinds of—
.Flour and Deed
A career in the Boot and Shoe line for the past eighteen yynrs in this city has estah-
islied a boniness character for competency and integrity, with a minute knowledge of
lie local demands favors him in the wholesale market and enables him to undersell
Houses in the same lino that are not possessed of equal advantages. Moreover, hepro-
j>oscs, in the proilercd sale, to divide the margins witii (he customer for the specified
nine The public will please call and examine. No trouble to show goods.
The Lowest Cash Price
Delivered Dree!
febltf To any part of the city
"V\ cvvOV trifle with any Throat or
” ’ ** ” Lung Disease. If you have
a Cough or Cold, or tho children are
threatened with Croupor Whooping Cough,
use Acker’s English Remedy and prevent
further trouble. It is a positive cure,
and we guarantee it. I’rico 10 and GOc
Geo. W. Burt, druggist.
---- Ho e Agent for the Celebrated----
Oregon & California R. R.
And Connections.
Fare from Portland to San Francisco, $31
Sacramento $30. v
In the City.
( lose connections made at Ashland with
stages of the California, Oregon and Idah<
Stage Company
Only 30 Miles Staging,
Time between
Portland and San Francisco,
42 Hours.
California Express trains run daily
Portland 4 :< m ) P. M.IAshland. ......
A. M.
Ashland .5:00 I*. M.lportland 10.10 P. M
l.ocal Passenger Daily, Except Sunday.
L eave .
Job Printing
Ca" nt the office of the WEST
will guarantee you
Book and Card Printing*.
Tho wool market in Portland is rather
quiet. There is lots of wool arriving,
but most of it goes into warehouses. The
total clip this year will la* between 14,-
000,060 16,000,000 pounds. Shearing
was backward this vear and is no more
than under full headway now. Many
buyers have withdrawn from the market
on account of ihe high asking prices.
Growers are holding their stock for
17i«lS - pnr pound; and buyer« will no­
pav such figures, they claiming that the
fl 50 rate to New York, combine witl
inaniinated markets and exeessiv
stocks, does not justify them in payiu:
over 13@15c. Some local commiss ir
houses are also buying wool on then
own account, thereby henmiing- specu­
lators as well. The ordinary Oliver
and «peculators do not care to teak
offers to the commission houses, holier
ing that the latter would take d-e w<>
themselves at the • ff. rs and remle
count sales to the g-nwe a i.-en <li -
There is a report abroad that the pres-
This would also >» Ing •
• v » >r-
co m t' is city of t'hi les F. ('rocker
to a speculative n
l • I’.thf i ni l and Oregon rail, is
;ire not doji ■
■ Um purpose of making preliminary
sjylj -: of boots and shoes ,
—Which will soon appear.—
and prophetic of the prosperous times
that are in store for a section that has
for so long a time been hemmed in bv BEST WORK, LOWEST PRICES.
natural barriers from the markets of the
world. The Oregon Pacific is pushing
on eastward, to a connection with an­
other transcontinental line, and when
We make a specialty ot Fine
all these vast engines of advancement
and progress get faithfully to work, the
o :t come of this country is apparent to
Scientists claim that great waves of
'bought, plagues, earthquakes, etc.,
strike tho people of this globe, over
which they, the people, have no control.
By our exeh inges we should judge that
a wave of murder had struck a consider­
able number ot the people of Oregon.
The following is from the Goldendale
Sen inel. Arlington, May 23. A foul
murder was committed near this city
some lime last week, in a lone cabin on
the bunch grass, where it was discover­
ed only last Sunday morning. The
murdered man is Thus. Galpheree, and
Ilia remains were found by some neigh­
bors, on the bed, covered with lied
lollies, just as he was left by the mur
lerer, in a horrible state of decomposi-
ion. His head had been blown almost
•ntirely off by a charge of buckshot. A
barred paper, lying on the floor, show­
fl that an attempt had been made to
urn the premises ami cover the crime.
The place is located eighteen miles from
lere on Fight Mile. Dr. Bacon, the
•oroner, held an inquest to-day, the vet-
id being to the effect that deceased
r is killed bv an unknown party. Sus-
■ cion points to some one in the neigli
>■> hood as the perpetrator.
Portland 8:00 A. M. I Eugene.. 2:40 P M
Eugene 9:00 A. M.iPorltund. 2:45 P M.
Palace Sleeping
Daily between Portland and Ashland.
Daily between Portland and Ashland
The O. A’ C. R. R. Ferry makes connection
with all the regular trains on the East iSidi
Division from foot of F Street
West Side Division.
.Mail Train.
Will stand the ensuing season, commenc­
ing April 1st, and ending July 31st. nt
McMinnville, in the old Mill yard, cvcrv
Single service, *10, payable at time of ser-
vice; to insure. *15. payable when mare is
known to be witn foal or when parted with
or removed from the county All care will
be taken to prevent accidents, but no re­
sponsibility’ will be assumed
Will find pedigree on bills posted through­
out the county
# ty consisting of 51acres one mile
from North X amhill, Oregon This piece of
land will be sold cheap on easy terms The
property has a good house and out build­
ings, two good wells, a first-class brick vard,
a good young orchard and small fruit of nil
ill also sell n good butcher shop
in North Yamhill For further particulars
North Yamhill, Oregon
ts warranted, is because it is the best
Blood Preparation known. It will poei.
lively cure all Blood Diseases, purifies the
whole system, and thoroughly builds up the
constitution. Bcmember, wo guarantee it.
Geo. W. Burt, druggist.
An Assortment of these Popular Goods
In all the Latest Novelties, New and Desirable Colorings, Just Received.
hxpif’M Train Daily
Portland 4:50 P. M.IMcMinnvillcS:00P.M.
McMin’ville5:45A.M.lPortland 9:00 A. M.
Local tickets for sale and baggage chocked
at company’s up-town oflice. corner Fine
and Second streets. Tickets for principal
points in California can only be procured at
company’s office.
Freight wilt not be received for shipment
after five P. M. on either the East or West
>i<ic Divisions.
G. F. it Pass. Apt
Broadhead Worsted Mills. Jamestown. N. Y.
w lion you want horse bills printed, remem­
ber that the T elephone office is unsurpassed
in facilities lor doing this and ail other kinds
of Job Printing. Good work. Low prices.
McMinnville Baths!
C. H. FLEMING, Prop.
—A Full Line of
.Shaving, I.’air Cutting and- - - -
- - - - - Shampoing Parlon.
M c M innville
tay M ui Sih Ws,
—At the Millinery Parlors of—
Cor Third and D streets, McMinnville
The Best Rigs in the City. Orders
Promptly attended to Day or
—nrlira tx—
What ws Guarantes for the Dress Goods of our Manufacture:
arrive .
To be made from tho very best material, by skillful workmen, with tire latest anti liioM
approved machinery, arid to be the cheapest goods in the market when service »
Are so thoroughly finished that they can be worn in damp weather or a shower, with­
out fear of being ruined by curling or shrinking
The manufacturing, dyeing and finishing is’ibme in sm:h a manner, that tire good»
can be washed if desired, without the least injury to the fabric
Our goods are wool dyed, and the colors are as fust as the purest dyes and greatest
care and skill can make them
Goods show just what they lire and will be until worn out. e.s there is no weighting,
stiflening, or artificial lustre used to increase the weight or finish ; us is the case with a
large class of goods in the market, but w hich disappears after a few days' service
Aa manufacturers we have taken great pains to supply an article in every wav re­
liable, and unsurpassed by similar good s either foreign or domestic, and would respect­
fully ask an examination of the various styles and shades to be found on sale by mer­
chants who are agents for the goods
All goods of our manufacture should bear the name and trade mark of
Portland 7:30 A. M ¡McMinn .10:12 A. M.
McMinn. 10:13 A. M Corvallis 12:25 1*. M
Corvallis 1:30 I’. M .McMinn. 3:13 I’. M
McMinn 3:11 B.
___ M ___
__ _ 6:15
____ P. ___
At .\lbany and Corvallis connect with
trains of the Oregon Pacific R. R. for Ya-
quina Bay
Corner F and Front Sts., Portland, Or.
Droaclliead Dress Goods.
Hides, Pelts and Fur3
Second door north from city Market
Cash paid for Hides, Furs, etc
would enjoy your dinner
and are prevented by Dys-
?~psia, uso Acker’« Dyspepsia Tablets. I
hey are a positive cure for Dyspeneia, In­
digestion, Flatulency and ¿'one: i pation.
Wo guarantee them. 25 and 50 cents.
Geo. W Burt, druggist.
(Successor to \ (
Ladies' and Children’s Work
Hot and Cold Baths, 25 Cts.
—Have Just Added—
The Finest Line of Cigars
In the City Try Tl em
-g -irt .
Nfercliaut Tailor
Fine Tailoring a Specialty.
Third Street, between E and F
McMinnville, Oregon.
Good Fit Guaranteed or Xo Sale.
op EG O'
Ip Stairs in Adamx* Biildinji,
McMinnville. Oregon
Henderson Bros. Props*
First-class accommodations for Ccini«*^
¡ill men and general travel.
Transient stock well cared for
Everything new and in First-Class Ord**1
Patronage respectfully solicit«!