The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, June 03, 1887, Image 5

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- ----
’- ---- - ---
It. P. Bob.
Geo. W. Bel:
R. I*. Hird
J. W Watts.
It. It. I.aughlin,
F. N Little.
<’. Lafollett.
L. Ixmgliarv.
J. 8. Hibbs.
.. .
Geo. Dorsey.
G. W. Briedwell
T. J. Harris.
.. . W. W. Nelson,
........ Wyatt Harris.
J. A. C. Freund.
....... J. D. Fenton.
. . D. C. Narver.
tLEPHONE whisperings .
Iqjite * frost yesterday morning,
pr, E. E. Goucher is quite sick,
ptuli roasted peanuts at II.
The ci:y ding Mo,-e sells (|, ug8
ttiau any house tn the cuunty.
hsl i'iilJubl“n b<?'"” 8t “th tl,e ‘own
UHL night, i hey left tu-dav
«‘“««»«Uo this
V fioiii Indepeii.leme, uu icste d.n’s
1 S. B. otb came up frotn Port!anrI
si'd sficnt Bunday and Monday wnu |,i.
iMreniM in this city.
Uenderson lost a val­
uable ‘mrse Tuesday. The effects oi
»11 over drive Monday.
P“a8entrer tariff can be
found out by gomg to Wells Fargo office
to any point on the Narrow Gauge R. R.
W. H. Bingham has a fine lot of bovs
wagons, baby wagons, and everything in
that line. They are something bettei
'han the ordinary iine. Go and see
’ J/
the photographer, will
■e 111 McMinnville on June 14, and readv
tor business. He will remain about ten
days. His skill as an artist is well
known by our people.
< arpenters and builders desiring to
bid on the new C. P. church building
or particulars will please call on W. F
of building committee
gfjvel is being hauled for the new Collard,chairman
Parties desiring to purchase the old
y fellows temple.
church building, are refered to J. B.
geo, G. Bingham of Salem was in tne Gardner.
,y one day laH week.
Service in St. James church McMinn-
at 11 a. m. on Sunday June oth.
for posts and boards go to R. B. ville
Holy Communion <iu ing the 11 a. m.
o»e'i lumber yard.
service. '1 he evening service being ora-
lion. F. N. Little of Moore’s Valley mitted, ns the Rev. Fair will officiate at
Gopher Valley st 4 p. m. at which time
U in the city Wednesday.
II >ly Babtism will be administered.
fhe long looked for street sprinkler
Last Sunday. Fred Hibbs found a bee
Nunenced operation yeste day.
tree, yes we should think that lie did
lee eream! At C. Grissen’s parlors and Baz was there to, we also know that
Mr. Hibbs and his sons we e all tlia
jeiy day.—15 cents per dish.
participated in the festivities. It was
Trot around and get your job printing the largest swarm of bees in the cuunty.
me at this office. Best work ; lowest t'lrey took frotn the tree 150 lbs of honey
and a barrel of bees.
Will Price the potographer has fitted
Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Detmering accom-
mie<l hy Miss Detineriug spoilt Sunday up his gallery in fine style lias papered
it throughout. The design ot the ceiling
1 Selent.
is especially fine. Before you decide
Ben. Hirsch of Portland has been who is the best photographer in the
¡siting friends and relatives here for country just step into his gallery and
>rer»l dave.
s -e some of his enlarged pictures, ¡uteri-
Sunday was the warmest day of the o , views, etc., and you will take your
won. The thermometer registered work to him sure, for you can not get it
done cheaper or better in the state.
Pin the shade.
Several new crossings have been put
A F ine F ri . m :.— Hon. Win. Galloway
(during the last few days, where they
brou-dit with him from Idaho, the finest
ere needed badly.
piece of work in the shape of a picture
One of Jones ACo’s. men bad the mis-
we have ever see».
It is the
rtune to split open his big toe with an
work of a convict in the Idaho penitenti­
ue one day this week.
IV. H. Bingham keeps the nicest ary, named Joe Campbell. The frame
mwrtmtnt of undertaker's goods to be is composed of 0,898 different pieces of
found outside of Portland.
wood and was whittled out and put to­
For sale—a good second hand 3’4 inch gether. The different woods and num­
ngon will be sold “way down” for ber of pieces used in its construction are
wh. Inquire oi F. M Rowland.
as follows; Black walnut, 1850;ebony.
One end one-half acres of land a<l- 1094; white holly, 2.636; satin wood,
pining McMinnville college, for sale at 850; red cedar, 648; rose wood, 1412;
1» bargain. Inquire of 0. W. Talmage mahogany, 1408. The woods were sent
to him iiy his relatives in Canada. Only
4 Co.
.lark Welch wishes the public to know two of the frames have been made by
Itlial lie has a barber shop presided over him, one of which was sent to Omaha
by 0. C. Hiatt, one of the best barbers and the other is in Mr. Galloway’s pos
session, wlio would not part with it for
in the state.
quite a sum. It can ue seen at the first
If you have a farm or city proue-ty national bank.
female place in the hands of C. W.
|T«lrnage A Co. They will find a buyer
Goon Rt'sixass C hange .—A splendid
for it in no time.
opportunity is here offered for engaging
A new buggy whip wasdroped on the in the milling business. Nathan Na»’bv
streets of McMinnville Sunday evening.
The finder will comer a favor by leaving lias placed in the hands of U. W. Tal­
mage à Co. for sale, his milling property
the same at this office.
Amity. It consists of a steam grist
The members of the Presbyterian
¡church met this week and made arrange­ mill, in good runiug order; two run of
ments to build a new $2,000 church in stones—one for flour and one for chop—
this city, the coming summer.
a good house and barn, and one acre oi
John J. Sax wants it known that he is more of ground. The machinery in the
ready to chop at the mill for $2 per ton, mill is comparatively new. and in first-
erwilltake 1-10 toll. Coin meal also class condition. It is situated in a lively
I ground. Satisluetion guarnteed.
town w ith one ol the best farming sec-
tions in Oregon tributary toit. Rail-
As Monday was a legal holiday the oad runiug through the place. Price
empli yees oi the Ti lepho RR office were $2,500. Terms easy. Address C. W,
I given a dav of rest, con-eqnently no Talmage & Co. McMinnville, Oregon
piper was issned on Tuerday morning. for further particulars.
L. S. l’eikins of North Yamhill who is
M arried .—At the residence of the
teaching sehoe-l in the Willamiia dis­
trict was in the citVSaturdav. Hecame brides parents in this city, on Wi ei! nee-
aland ordered some of those elegant day at 1 o’clock p. in.,Miss Susie I. Bra-
deportment cards furnished by the T el -
ev, to W. I). McDonald Jr., Rev. A. J.
RHtONE job'offioe.
Hunsaker officiating. Mr. McDonald is
Miss Bettie McConnell of Corvallis one of our best young men, while the
«toaed a very successful term of writii g
«ehool nt the public school house in tin» bride is a daughter of the Hon. J. C.
city Friday evening last. Miss Mary Braley, president of the Yamhill county
Satchwell received the prize for the t,ank, and ex-senator from this county
The happy couple left on the afternoon
•tost improvement.
train lor atrip through Washington Ter.
Mr. M. I.. Edim n Is, of North Yamhill Tliev will rem n in a few days and make
is having printed at this office some their home in this city. The T elephone
pamphlets, which contain some very acknowledges compliments received and
luatiuctive methods in quick calculation wishes the young couple a smooth and
"t interest. They are well worth double peaceful voyage o'er life’s sea.
t is money asked for them—25 cents.
L ife S ize —P oi traits can be taken by
The ladies of St. James (Episcopal)
c utreh Guild solicit wotk, either hy the VV. P. Johnson the well known photo­
• teinoon or piece. Are willing to do grapher of Salem, who intends coming
P'ain sewing or embroidery or tie com- again to McMinnville on the 14th, ol
lorters. Apply early Wednesday after­
June anil will stay unlit the 26th. He
noon to
, « .1 .
gu irantees satisfaction on all bis work.
IztxtE I reland , Sec. of Guild.
Enlarging frotn old photographs or tin­
A good paying restaurant in this city
for «ale way down, cheat’. Good op- types. Mr. Johnson has finished several
prlunity to engage in a paying business very fine pictures ol residents of this
without much c ipital. Lodging house citv. He has had on eihibition _ a hall
with several nicely furnished room» at- dozen life -ize pictures of the Wortman
itched. Ovner wishes to engage tn familv of this city, an I to any one who
wishes to see the work, Mrs. Wortman
other business. Inquire at this office.
w,ll gladly show the pictures, if they
1,000,000 feet of lumber (al) kinds) for will call at tier residence.
•ale at the Panther creek mills, near
Carlton, Oregon. Rough iumber sold
A S eriocs Aceto st —On Sun-lay
for $5.00. $6.00 ami $7.00 per M., at the list while Rev. Dr. Bitner, wife and
mill, according to quality and s*n,l
Dressed lumber. $10.00 to 16-00 per M. child, and Rev. H I. Bitner, who were
Time will be given, one. two or three attending the conference of the Evangel
years, on good paper with interest after ical association, at Pleasant Dale, were
January 1, 1888. Large discount on going to Church in a boggy, the vehicle
«"ash orders. E. Poppleton.
tipped over on a steep hill, throwing the
Mr. J. B. Gardner the well known car­ occupants violently to the ground. Dr.
penter of this city, while it worlL ,or c- Bitner bad one of hi* arms broken, and
R. Cook & Son on the Barnekoff »’«* e his bin was seriously tnjuied. Mrs
house at McMinnvillecro sing, cut him­ Bitner wn considerable Inuiaed about
self very severely. He was in the ar
Ire bead, and Rev. H. I. Bdner’a chin
of arizing a sill, when the adz slippe* was hurt. The child was m.ha med
and cut an arterv in his left leg just be­
pa tii-ular damage was done to the
low the knee. H- tried profusely, and
with difficulty the blood was stopperl,
but not before he had bled nearly to deat h
Exnna S ervices — The managers of
A team was procured as soon as possible
ar I the hurt man was brought to this tne O*«’have at last made arrange
eitv. Before reaching here he farn'e* ment» with Wells, Fargo A Co to earn
away and a dor-tor was rent lor to
. hmded am net .4-Rt> ere on the even-
vit ite him. At one time tie w 1« thoug.u re , i .in whi n a tve- at thia ntv a
a A.!.,-k
th - vice goes tn'o-ffe
tn - e dead, l>ut un'ter the skillful • '
ment of Dr. Young the blood was co >• , »,1 a V n»i*
pielelv stopped, and Mr. Gardner ’« •' to t ebitainreamer.oitb.’i ’ly
t*ie present time in a goo>l cundilion. peciaily duiing ‘bF sqmmer season.
paly weak fropt lues of blood.
1 lie Sheridan (avalry.
The following letter from Captain Til*
e»o'i ol the Sheridan cavalry company,
wdl, we ho|ie put matteis in the right
School closes J une 15.
light regaiding that organization:
SllKKlllA.X O r .,
Prof. Hawns of Hillsboro visited the
May 25 1887.
I noi tual ou Monday.
r.D. T elephone :
James and David Boyd, who have
Noticing an m > ticle in the “TKLarnoNK”
cfering to the vavaliy troop ot tliis I been attending the normal left fur their
place, 1 deem it my duty to make a Lome in W. T. on Fiiday last.
statement,- in order to prevent a wrong | The mass meeting held here on Satur­
impression as to the present and futuie I day last, for the purpose of organizing
standing of the troop. While there was j i an Amendment Laague for thia precinct,
talk among some of the members in fa- was well attended and quite an interest
vor of disbanding the troep, yet they manifested in the meeting.
decided by a large majority to continue 1
the organization. There are fifty boni
The graduating class of the present
fide members who have been sworn for iear has selected Saturday June 4, as
a period of three years, and little more I >ee Day, and will celebrate the occas-
than a year has expired for which they I sionintlie afternoon with appropriate
are liable for duty. There is a number literary oxercises. A free supper will
of men in the troop, capable of com­ tie given at 0 p. ui. by the ladies of the
manding, if I should leave. I would town.
like to see a company organized in Me-'
Minnville, and think it would lie a bene­
fit rather than a detriment to the troop
here, as it would encourage the boys
here to take moie interest.
May 28 1887.
E. T illeson ,
Keel Bros, are at work ou their mil)
this week.
Base Ball
The steamer Fields was in our bay
this week with lumber lor the eaunery.
The second game of the series between
P. McGuire started for the Big Bend
the Doubtful base ball club of this city
with family and about fifty head ofcatlie.
and the University nine of Forrest Grove
J. M. Knifong brought a lot of nice
was played at that place Wednesday.
There was a strong wind blowing but section honey to town to-day ; lie said
that he took fifty six pounds from one
otherwise the day was very favorable. hive.
The Doubtluls took the lead from the
Hensen Sanders has slatted in the
first ini ng and won the game by a sc< re b -e bii-inesa. He bad tao swarms to
of 22 to 16. Following is the score:
c ime off last Thursday, and after receiv­
ing several stings, he got them both in
it. O. one hive. Hi- goes ona eye on it now.
J Clark ............
..4 2
Mr. More, the teacher at ths Knifong
I, Maddock
a 3 schoolhouse, lias gone to tire Grove to
W Martin . .
attend a debate, so lie says; but we
Walt Holman
.3 3 th tik there is a golden haired beauty
W Raleigh...
4 t nat has more charms for him than the
A Sanders .. .
2 3 debate.
Will Holman
3 3
■I Fenton........
L. Fleck sold bis place in the Bever
R Holman . .
2 4 creek neighborhood for $2,000. Then
puri-hased our neighbor R. Tliackere
n 27
place for $850. R. Thacker left these
R. O. parts for eastern Oregon this week. 11
3 anv one wants a place near the coast
W E Smith
2 3 now is the time to purchase.
•> 2
.1 no. Smith
There are six men in here that are lost.
*2 4
Hinman . .
Weh rung
0 5 Thev are seal hunters belonging to the
Lilly Ladd. They were out
Hallack . .
4 hunting in two boats and they lost sight
2 3 of the schooner and could not sight het
Hudson ....
4 1 a tv more, so thev had to give it up and
16 27 start due east They beached at Salmon
river at night of .the 12th, then they
slatted north and landed at tliis place
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
the 13th.
4 3 2 5 2 0 4 1 1—22
They have found a clam bed in our
Forest Grove 0 4 1 4 2 0 2 1 2—16
bay; it is.qtiite extensive.
O wl .
Bucklen’s Arnica Salve.
The finest line of
Ever brougth to McMinnville.
-------- CONSISTING OF--------
Fine Perfumes, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Brushes,
Cloth and Hair Brushes, Sponges,
Sachet Powders, Face Powders,
Camiline, Wisdom’s Robertinc.
We are making a specialty of Fine
Toilet Goods, and
Any store in McMinnville.
S, A. YOUNG, M. D.
Physician & Surgeon,
M c M isxvillk ,
O kkgox .
Agents for the-------
Office and residence on D* street. All
calls promptly answered day or night.
Northwest Corner of Second and 1! streets.
McMinnville, Oregon
Mav be found at his office when not ab­
sent on professional business.
Keep on hand a complete etock of thesr
goods. Also a large and well as­
sorted line of
M c M innville ,
Has tiro latest anil greatest discovery for
the painless extraction of teeth by simple
and harmless application to the gi ms.
Gents’ Furnishing goods,
----- Ladies' mid Gents’-----
The best salve in the world for cuts,
Mav 28, 1887.
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
Evangelical conferene is in session at
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, anil posi­ Pleasant Dale church.
tively cures piles, or no pay required.
Depute Sheriff Savage, passed through
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfare here yesterday on official duty.
tion, or money refunded
Price 25
cents per box.
For sale by Rogers & I Mr. Nelson's baby has been very ill
but is recovering, we are glad to say.
( aril of 'i'luuiks.
Miss Ethel Whitlew long a resident of
latfayetlc but now of Salem, has been
visiting here since my lust.
Me M innville , Or., May 27, ’87.
E d . T elephone : The ladies of St.
James (Episcopal) church Guild,extend I
a Vote of thanks to the press, and all
whoso kindly assisted them in the en­
tertainment last luesdav evening for
I lie benefit of the Nanaimo sufferers.
L illie I reland , See of the Guild.
W. H. Odell was down from Salem
Wednesday accompanied by his wife.
They came to the memorial services of
h;s mother.
Every body is rejoicing in the presence
of the long delayed summer, and almost
every body is getting ready to go on the
excuision to Vancouver.
F or S ale .—260 acres of land three
miles from Amity and near Briedwe'l's
station on N. G. R. R. 200 acres in cul­
tivation. Good house, barn and fencing.
Fine young orchard. Will sell, or trade
for city propei ty or business. Price $25,
l>er acre. Terms reasonable.
C. W. Talmage A Co.
McMintivilie, Oregon.
Mr. Bert Bowersax came down from
Salem a few days ago and by some mis­
step took a plunge fiom the boat into
the bosom of the noble Willamette, but i
came out all right.
I hope the Sunday schools of the
county will remember the convention to
be held at Amity and be sure to send
delegates, and not be too negligent to
elect in good time.
Local Notice.
Misses Mabie Baker and Lena Still­
well, gave a joint birthday party last
Friday. Their birthdays coming only
four days apart it is their custom to cele­
brate them together. Quite a number
of their young friends were invited and
a'd had a pleasant time.
In nil the latent Style« and Patterns, whirl»
for lit mid quality cannot he beat.
Cull and nee our spring
goods before pur­
chasing else-
w here.
Corner Third and C Streets,
inery goods as was
ever brought
to this
1ST ew Opening: t
In McMinnville. Oregon
Jewelry Work Neatly Done.
Come and see for Yourself.
Mrs. H. P.‘STUART’S,
Opposite the Grange Store.
Watches Guaranteed & War­
Third street. between C and D in the tail­
oring estiiblislinicnt of R. H. Hibbft.
Truck and Express
—Having Bought the—
Business of Logan liros. A Hender-
Hon. I ant ready to do all kinds o(
We are pleased to call the attention of
our readers to the announcement of Messrs i
Trucking and Delivering:
Barnekoff. Thomason A Swanson, which
—At Any Timo —
Proprietor of the
_ ____
____ ’s issue ! These
will appear in
this _ week
____ l.«vc
have established it
at 2 McMinn-
Wagon Always Ready.
My last letter did not appear whether
ville. * McMinnville
................. * crossing and t'arl-
ton. conimodious warehouses, complete failure to reach the office or lack of im­
Give Mr • TrHl.
with latest improved machinery for portance I do not know, and if the last
the proper handling of gi-ain. and was the cause I shall not be surprised if
farmers of Yamhill county the
The leading
offer the
.... __
very best facilities for storage and cleaning thia meets the same fate, as there is
of their
eir grain Years of experience and
ami a nothing remarkable happening in our JEWELRY
ical knowledge of the business enable neighborhood.
them to guarantee satisfaction They also
C ornet .
pay the highest cash price for grain of all
kinds, and carry in stock a full line of the
verv best farm machinery, wagons, Ac It A Captain's Fortunate Discovery
will be to the advantage of all farmers to
(Successor to L Root >
Capt. Coleman, schr. Weymouth plying
call and see them In*tore making any other
Third Street, McMinnville, Or
arrangements for disposal of their grain or between Atlantic City and N. Y., had been
Carries a full and complete stock nf
buying their machinery or wagons Bv troubled with a cough so that he was un­
rourteouaand honorable dealing, and strict
Groceries, Crockery, Glassware,
attention to the ¡»eat interests of their pat­ able to sleep, and was induced to try Dr.
rons. Messrs Barekoff. Thompson A Swan­ Kings New Discovery for Consumption. It
son will seek to hold the foremost position not only gave him instant rcleif, hut allay-
Wooden and Willowware,
among the business firms of Yamhill coun- | rd the extreme soreness in his breast. His
., and we l»espeak for them the the suc­ children were sirailary effected and a single
cess which must attend their efforts Call I dose had the same happy effect. Dr. Kings
! New Discovery is now the standard rem­
------- <>■-— ■
and see them
edy in the Coleman household and on board GALLOWAY & GOUCHER, Props.
Goods delivered promptly le any part
I the schooner. Free Trial Bottle of this
of the cUy.
Standard Remedy at Rogers A Todd’s Drug This warehouse is l»cing thoroughly reno­
A Verdict Unanimous.
Good* Exchanged for Produce. 35tl
vated and overhauled. and new accom­
W. D. Sult. Druggist, Bippus. Ind., testi­
modations are being added.
fies: ’’I can recommend Electric Bitters as
Renews Her Youth.
the very best remedy. Every bottle sold
Mrs. Pbcebe Chesley, Peterson, Clay Co.
has given relief in every care. One man
Direct Shipment* to San Francisco.
took six bottles, and was cured of rheuma­ Iowa, tells the following remarkable story,
tism of 1‘t years' standing.” Abraham the truth of which is vouched for i>y the •Zone but standard Calcutta Sacks kept
Hare, druggist. Bellville. Ohio, affirms residents of the town : ”1 am 73 years old
and let on the most reasonable terms.
The best selling medicine I have ever [ have been troubled with kidnev complaint
8AM LIKENS. Proprietor.
handled in my 'JU years experience, is Elec­ and
tric Bitters
Tlmtisands of others liava | dress myself without help
Blacksmithing and carriage ironing oft
Now I am
milled their testimony. »0 that the verdict free frotn all pain and soreness,
every description.
i» unanimous that Electric Bitters do cure able to do all my own housework and
.ill ilisi-nse* “f the liver, kidneys or Mood. my thanks to Electric Bitters for having re­
Horse Shoeing
Only a half dollar a bottle at Rogers A newed mv youth, and removed completely
Todd's drug store.
all dcseases and pai ” Try a bottle, only I
plow work a Rfiecialty
iCK TrnpiN. 7« p c J. r c. n
•5<>c at Rogers A Todds Drug Store
Color, rich golden yellow; buff nose
Excitemeni in Texas.
Bred by \V J Nesmith. Derry, Oregon;
Ahn manufacture the
(Hived in 1882; sired by Dixie; darn, Jessie.
Hom Produe Market.
Great excitement has been caused in the 1
133 P C .1 (' (' R
Pro|M*rty of Addie
vicinity of Paris. Tex., hy the remarkable
Bralv This line bull will be kept on River­
Oregon Iron Harrow,
recovery of Mr. J. E. C'orlev, who was so Corrected for the Tri rruosx by Baxter A side Fann
F ie --IS Payable at tin»« of service
helplere he could not turn in lied, or raise
his head • evervlxxlv said he was dying of Wheat, per bu .....................
..’n-muption. A trial bottle of Dr. King's
14 WW 8fi
New Discovery «'«* »ent him. Finding re- Flour. (>er Imr.
Elixir 1« the only
Me '»Lrvvt Tro Blood
■lef he bought a large Ixrtile and a box of ’ jr per (lot . .....................
guaran­ thoasandfl auffering frotn Asthma, Con-
ir.'Kings New Life 1*111»; hy the Here be
Erap- (umption, Coachs, etc. Did yoa over try
Sad taken twnixrxea of pill- an I two bottle*
tlonsor Syphilitic Poisoning. It parities the Acker’« Engtii'h Rruiedrt It is tlre besL
of the D -overv. h* was well anl had Vpph’K, , er I m » x
preparation known for »II Lang Trouble«,
.» lined in fl. -h thirty-»!« pound.
7U<8 and Neuralgic peins. Wo guarantee IL •old on • pojlüvo (uartatec *t >0e.. 50a.
shoulder ...................
rria bottle« of this Great Discovery for
1 Ilw W. Dur» lbA»/,"sw
bam. «ugar cured
ll«ai2)4c Geo. W Burt. DnrpgM
< .Misuuiplioi) free at Roger» * Todd'»
Mfcilli H17 fa,
M. S. (JO.FF. «
tari»! tal»! taris!
Tobacco Cigars.
Itigliist Cash PritM Paid hr Grain.
New Blacksmith Shop!
Iltini’xt Weight. Fair Dealing.