The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, May 20, 1887, Image 4

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A Faipou« MlnMoiiAry Who Married One
of Africa's Dusky Daughters.
Zullrwki’s Gun Pronounced an “Infernal
Triumph of American Ingenuity.”
How You Cun Make Yourself Popular with
• Frlrntli an-l Sir «njers.
H(* ths California Institution Provide*
the Future Supply of Salmon.
How Bob Bar.lette Uot Eren with a Ma­
An Allrjed Remedy WltlUn E*„ u
AH SulTer r,.
’ "••** »•
How do,fish hatch? In what manner
jestic but Very Impolite Uentleinan.
It was not to be expected that a
When you are invited to dine at the
About thirty years ago a w
Probably no missionary in the world
do they come from the spawn? How
Once, in the deail heart of the piti­ longing to the middle walks J i ,
has been so prominently before the
not considered good form to reply that
less winter I hail drawn my good two- suffering from cancer, was prun,,,,. J
public in the past two years as the Rev.
from the spawn to the minnow? Proba­
George Grenfell, of the Bip ¡st Congo United States, having finally decided you would enjoy it alaove all things; bly not one in a thousand, and yet fish handed Lecture with the Terrible Name, beyonil their skill by tile nhv«i ; M
Missions. His name will always be as­ to set to work in earnest on the task of but, unfortunately, you are very hun­ as an article of diet ranks high. If any anil was smiting all the coasts of Penn­ Shrewsbury Infirmary. e X?^
coast defenses, would be content merely gry and do not see how 'you can possi­
sylvania with it, sparing neither (pro­ tumor being in such close |>n,.ximm,
sociated with the exploration of most of
person had asked the editor those ques­
the Congo tributaries that are now to adopt the systems of other nations. bly accommodate him. At all events, tions last week, he probably would have nounce«! nyther) young or old, ami the jugular vein that, ratlier t)l u,
Something new and original in this line never make matters worse by adding
wearing at my belt the scalps of many the imperiling of her life, ffiev
known. He has not only seen more of
answered, “just like a chicken,” if he
the Congo basin than any other man, was naturally to be looked for; and new that you will be pleased to come some had answered at all. Now, however, a pale-face audience. One night I it best not to undertake such i,, op^
reached Erie the pleasant just as the
but he is also a careful observer, a good
in presenting themselves. Ericsson’s
On being asked to “take something,” , through the kindness of Dibble and elocks in the Lord Mayor’s castle
route surveyor and fairly well skilled in
Straightway after this announce«,.,
Destroyer and Lieutenant Zalinski’s whatever that may mean, it is hardly
struck twenty-one. It was bitter bit­
the use of geographical instruments.
we are able to tell what we know about ing, stinging cold, and there was no was made site returned to her hi
which was three miles from Oswe'.t""’’
The geographical societies of England,
i the hatching of fish and it will not take
France and Germany have sought for ance most opportunely. The first ap­ stomach has some rights which you are much space, either, although to describe ambulance at the station, while there the nearest railway station in thecal'
propriation voted by Congress with a , bound to respect, ami if it is all the
was a good hotel there. I went in a «1 ty of Montgomery, North Wales u
and published contributions from him,
the culture of fish correctly would fill
and there is no doubt that, next to Liv­ view to the creation of a real navy and same to him. you will take as an equiv­ several columns. The outfit provided registered, and a man of commanding she became a greater sufferer’
for the construction of guns and forts alent the money which the “some­
presence, tailor-built clothes and a
ingstone and Krapf, he deservedly
by the State to keep up the supply of brown beard of most refined culture, one day she bethought herself of
ranks among the foremost of Africa's will, no doubt, be followed by others. thing” would cost.
neighbor, whom she soon f.niu.l .J
But years must elapse before the results
As the generality of mankind stands
followed me, and under my plebeian
missionary travelers.
will be visible to the eyes either of the in pressing need of exercise, it is a duty number of flumes about two feet wide, scrawl made the register luminous with Witli all the eloquence ot one
Perhaps few of the thousands who American people or of their possible you owe to society to furnish others one foot in depth, and running the en­
thralled by an implacable foe b|,e u’
have read the reports of his interesting foes. In the meantime, the dynamite­ with all the exercise you can possibly tire length of the building, and a large his patrician cognomen. I stood a lit­ pealed to her sympathy, “if u
journeys are aware that Mr. Grenfell, gun cruiser—-and we, trust other vessels vouchsafe to them. Hence, when walk­ number of square box sieves or prop­ tle in awe of this majestic being, about possible,” she implored, “do, (|,)S0|Z?
who is a thorough Englishman, is the of the same type—will have been ing the streets, trail your cane or um­ agating baskets with bottoms of wire as little as I usually stand in the pres­ thing to assuage my pain.” With tint
husband of a native of Africa. His launched; and these, together with Cap­ brella, so that the man behind you shall crossed so as to leave holes about one- ence of any majestic creature, ami when tenderness and willingness character
wife is a colored woman, originally a tain Ericsson’s submarine artillery, may be kept hopping and skipping about fourth of an inch square. Through in a deep bass, commanding voice lie istic of every true and noble woann fo
ordered a room I had a great mind- ■ allay her sister’s many pains lhi
heathen, whose tribe has for many years suffice to protect the country by the
like an insane kangaroo, in order to these flumes the water ¡sallowed to run
inhabited the Atlantic coast, a little natural dread which the unknown al­ keep himself from tripping over your in a small, steady stream. The salmon something that I always carry with me friend, for she proved a friend in need
when 1 travel—to go out and get him
north of the Congo. He is, perhaps, ways inspires.
are, caught in traps or nets when on one. The gentlemanly ami urbane anil deed, forthwith sent her boys (,,n
offensive weapon.
the only white missionary in Africa who
Lieutenant Zalinski expects that the
It has been pointed out that the seats their way to spawn and the eggs stripped night clerk, who also seemed to be of whom is our informant) to
has married a native.
gun cruiser will be able to discharge in a rail car are death-traps which have from them. These are fecundated, deeply impressed—as is the habit of the what in the United States is known „
This strange marriage is said to have
from its three guns, in the course of a a fashion of shutting up and holding the mass placed in the sieves, and a night clerk—with the gentleman’s re- sheep sorrel; by the people of En„iaaj
come about in this way: Few mission­
single qttaek, thirty-four hundred the occupant until the fire in the over­ steady stream of water allowed to run sponsible-to-any amount toot on, as "sour leaf or the euckoo plant " ¡a
aries in Africa have had Grenfell’»'
pound shells at a maximum range of turned stove has time to cremate him over them. The water of Hat Creek Sawmbel saiil he was sorry but he had the Welsh language, to the people 0(
large and varied experience, though he
two miles, making a total of twelve or her; consequently it will be seen has a temperature of 36 °. and in this but one vacant room and it contained North Wales, as "dail surion y g0</"
is still in the prime of life. Before we
thousand pounds of nitro-gelatine ex­ that you do a kindness to others, es­ it requires about one hundred days for but one bed, “Still,” he said, as be­ To this timely opportunity, an«i the^.f.
heard of him on the Congo at all, he
ploded upon or in the immediate neigh­ pecially to women, by preventing them, the eggs to hatch. From 50 3 to 55 = is came a man who was bound to stand ficacy of this herb as an antidote f„r
told us much about the Cameroons
borhood of an enemy’s ship. The Lon­ if possible, from obtaining seats. If the best temperature, and with for his house if it hadn't a bed in it. cancer, this sufferer is in a large niMs.
country, which the Germans have since
be . hatched in “it was a very wide bed, very wide ure indebted for her health and ]ifeto_
Times declares that this is “the they are made to stand, of course they such they can
annexed. Grenfell is one of the few
six weeks. After the growth of and quite long. Two gentlemen couli. day, while not the slightest vestige of
men who seem to be perfectly adapted
But it is questionable ilous seat. The knowledge of having the egg has begun the mass separates sleep in it quite comfortably, and if—” this hitherto unconquerable disease is
forsuch a life as he is leading. He loves j genuity.”
Ericsson’s Destroyer performed a kind act always fills one ami each one becomes about as large as But the Commanding Being at my side to be found.
his wild surroundings, he loves the ex­
The leaves were wrapped in brown
triumph. The with supreme pleasure, especially when a big pea. Those are the head and tai) said that was quite altogether out of
plorers’ toilsome life, he seems to endure ;
he can contemplate his good act in a of the minnow, and soon the little fish the question entirely. Quite! lie was sor­ paper so tight as to m ike the packed
the climate as well as a native, and his
comfortable position.
bursts the shell, coming out on the top. ry for the—here he looked at me, hesitat­ impervious to air. This package
heart is thoroughly enlisted in the work stroyer is armed has, its inventor states,
As it is very trying to one’s eye t to mid has the appearance of a small tad­ ed, but finally said—gentleman, but He then placed beneath an open grate and
of Christian missions. While geog­
a long series of trials to expel the sub­ read print in the cars, it is proper for pole with a terribly distended stomach, couldn’t share His room with him. H<> covered with the hot ashes of "he same. I
raphers have been reading and writing
projectile with a velocity ex­ you to prevent your neighbor from in­ but instead of discarding the old abode was sorry for the—gentleman ami hop­ When sufficiently cooked it was ri> I
about tlie new regions and tribes he I
three hundred feet in three juring his eyesight by’ reading his news­ it is attached firmly to the minnow and ed he might find comfortable lodgings, inoveil and in as hot a state as possible I
has revealed to the world, ho has looked ,
paper. Therefore put a stop to his read­ becomes its supply of food for ten days but He couldn’t permit him to occupy and not to burn it was now applied, the I
upon these new countries chiefly as new seconds”—an extraordinary velocity
ing, either by talking to him continually or more, when it is able to rustle. As even a portion of His bed. Then the leaves being in direct contact with the I
fields for missionary enterprises.
ulcer, which was firmly held to the part I
considered, and far exceeding that of about something—no matter what, so soon as hatched the minnow wriggles
Grenfell made up his mind long ago any foreign torpedo. The caliber of that it interests yourself—or read to him around’until it falls through one of the clerk begged pardon, and was sorry, affected by a linen handkerchief. I
that he was destined to live and die in the gun is sixteen inches. The pro­ detached sentences and “good things” holes in the bottom of the box, when it ami all that, but this other gentleman Strange to say, at the expiration of one I
ami it
Africa. He decided, it is said, aftei
jectile is twenty-live feet in length and from your own paper. He may not is carried along the bottom of the trough was for him to say what dis­ month the tumor came away and has I
long reflection, that it would greatly j carries three hundred pounds of gun thank you; but what of that? Because
until a cross-piece or riffle is reached. position should be made of this lonely not since appeared. For the first four I
impair his usefulness if he took a wife
cotton, “a charge sufficient,” says Cap­ he is ungrateful, must you therefore Here they gather, a gallon or more in a room and solitary bed. I hastened to days the pain was most excruciating, I
from among the fair daughters of his
tain Ericsson, “to shatter the hull of forget your duty to your fellow man?
place, and keep up an eternal darting assure the majestic being that it was but gradually decreased as it became I
native land. He had good reason to
When you are enjoying your cigar and diving until the period of their im­ all right; he was welcome to two-thirds loosened. There is much to he said in I h
ironclad ships of all classes so com­
doubt that he would be lucky enough
pletely that the boasted ‘water-tight alone, and a friend drops in tell him prisonment has expired. So long as the of the room, all the looking-glass and favor of this method over that of the I n<
to find a white woman who could en­
The nature of its drawing I as
compartments’ will prove of no avail in you would ask him to smoke, but you food sack lasts they will not eat, but one-half of the bed.
“No,” he said,
dure as well as he the climate of the preventing destruction and sinking.” fear that the smoke of two such cigars
with the exhaustion of this natural sup­ very abruptly, “I will sit here by the power in the form of poultice, though I wi
torrid zone. He had not the slightest
With guns throwing four hundred would suffocate both of you. Your ply an appetite is developed, which, stove and sleep in a chair. I thank at first very severe, still is gradual and I iti
desire to marry anybody whose life oi pounds of dynamite above, and three friend will greatly enjoy your pleas­
properly satisfied, transforms the little von, sir, but I would not sleep with my sure, while new blood rushes into the I co
health would be sacrificed if he took
hundred pounds of gun cotton below antry, and he will also be happy because inch-long samlet into the ten and twenty own brother. I prefer a room to my­ vacuum caused by removal, thus sen- 1 pe
her to Africa, or for whom he might the water, the United States can pro­ of the opportunity’ you have given him
pound beauties with sides of silver, that self.” I meekly told him that 1 didn’t ing as a fitting helpmeet for aiding and I thi
have to sacrifice his life work by going
ceed to the construction of a navy and to inform all his acquaintances, and all gladden the hearts of the fishermen and know what kind of a man his brother stimulating nature’s efforts, and in the I an
baek to England with her. He there­
of coast fortifications without fearing yours, that you smoke mighty poor tickle the palate of the epicure. When was, but no doubt he did, and there­ meantime the arteries which feed thill coi
fore decided when he married to wed a
that, if forced into war before the cigars. Besides, you save a cigar.
about ten days or two weeks old they fore I must conclude that he wasn’t a fell destroyer are given a greater im- 1 uni
native of the country.
When one is telling you a long and are turned into the stream and soon find lit man to sleep with. But his brother pulse to move rapidly, flow healthy, and ■ pr<
completion of these works, the country
In the course of time Grenfell mot his will be found altogether unprepared.— dry story about the way his housemaid their way to the shallow spots where
strengthen the weaker parts asfastasitB got
was out of the question, and if he
fate at the mission station and trading N. O. Times-Democrat.
goes on, put on a melancholy look and I they feed and grow until large enough wanted part of my couch, ho might egresses. In this connection it 1) to I* ■ not
post of Kabinda, on tin1 coast not far
observed that this method has none of B wh.
put a stop to his story at the earliest j to venture into deeper water.
have it and welcome, and I would agree
north of the mouth of the Congo. He
convenient moment by asking him some | Mr. Shcbley states that while in the not to think of his brother. “No sir,” tlie accompanying aftcr-weakeningelB mei
saw among the mission converts a Tlielr Number Beyollil tile Belief of Those irrevelant question, as, for example, I
open stream not more than one egg in he said, “I will sleep in no man's bed.” fects as caused by loss of blood so fre- H to s
Who Have Never Seen Them.
bright young woman who had received
what he thinks of the late strike, what ! a thousand will grow to be a fish of any I said I wouldn't either, if I wasn’t queutly exhibited under the operatingH tori
a fair education in the mission school oi
The number of salmon in these his opinions are of it possible war in size; in the hatchery 75 percent, can be
of the knife, while the chances of iB ben
Kabinda. She was a comely girl. She Alaskan streams, whether they empty Europe, or what are his views on white turned out, and even 90 per cent, under sleepy, but when I was sleepy, 1 didn’t thorough extirpation are far lnoreian-B that
had been instructed for years in the arts into the Arctic or Behring Sea, or the mice or the eventual restoration of the favorable circumstances. And this is care; I’d sleep with the King of Eng­ guine as to a thread remaining than B him
of housewifery by the mission ladies, Pacific Ocean, is simply beyond belief Jews. Your doleful face will show him how salmon hatching looks to one who land or the President, and wouldn’t that of a surgical operation, whicilB
dressed in the garb of her civilized sis­ to a person who has never seen them that you sympathize deeply in his suf­ has never been there before.— Shasta care a cent who knew it.
many fear and object to.
Well, 1 went to bed, I curled up un­
ters, was neat and Industrious and a with his own eyes. In ascending one ferings, and your clever turning of the (Cal.) Mail.
For those parts not admitting otB of S
—-------- .
der the warm, soft blankets, and heard
devout Christian. She was, in fact, in of the small streams that empties into subject of conversation will convince
poultice we submit another formula fotB his t
her changed condition one of the best the Pacific Ocean, from the Saint Elias him, if he had any doubts before, that
the same herb, as applied by tliissameB gon«
products of missionary labor. Grenfell Alps, in a canoe, manned by a couple his story is too pain «♦I for you to listen A Baby and Cradle Seized in a Case of and yell—how like all creation the benefactress in somewhat different® ever
wind can blow in Erie—and as the night
Distraint for Rent.
believed she would make him a good of Indians, the salmon were so plenti­ to it.
■ bear
grew colder and colder every minute, cases.
helpmate in his future arduous work as ful that they formed a solid semi-circle
A piece of flat-ir n or steel is oh B one i
When the shopman has given you too
a pioneer missionary. In due time they in front of the canoe, with its bow as a much money in change, say nothing, the goods and chattels recently seized
tallied with at least one hr ght anil at St
were married, and from that day to center, and a radius of about twenty but put the money’ in your pocket. It for non-payment of rent in Portree, was just forty-eight miles west of Dun­ smooth face. On this the leaves ar»B and i
this, Grenfell's friends say, he has had feet, and this semi-circle looked like the is always mortifying to be told of one's Scotland. The thing seems incredible, kirk. About 2:30 or 3 o’clock there placed, which in turn is placed on top® was i
no reason to regret the very unusual ripples of a small cascade, the protrud­ errors. Then it should be remembered but it is a cold fact. Here is the official came a thundering rap at the «loor.aml of the stove or within the oven until® sell a
choice he made.
ing noses, backs and fins corresponding the opportunities of being paid for one's list of articles seized by Alexander witli a vague, half-waking impression tlie leaves are thoroughly cooked,® I hav
It can be said, on the authority of to the small stones that would project forbearance are too infrequent to be McDonald, Sheriff of Inverness, on ac­ in my dream that sombody from the whence they are removetl and spread® acres
count of non-payment of rent by other place was trying to get in, 1 on a piece of linen in the simi® of thi
Henry M. Stanley, that the two babies through such a waterfall. We had no neglected.
who have been born to Mr. and Mrs. salmon spear, but one of the Indians
way as any other liome-made plaster.® eultui
These are only’ a few of the many nice William McRae, a tenant of Lord Mc­
“What is it?”
When colil enough, witli sufficient heat® deligi
Greiif II ar • “beautiful little children.”
points of etiquette that might be men­
“It is I,” answered a splendid voice, not to burn, it is then applied, and.our® descri
The home of the Grenfells is on Stan­ bank, on the end of which he whittled tioned; but they will suffice to show Mail.
and crockery...............................
o t « which 1 recognized at once. “I am
with t
ley Pool, but until the past year they a rude barb. This was too fragile, that one who knows nothing about eti­ Dresser
Wooden seats................................ .............
o « « the gentleman who came on the train informant states, was productive of th®
have have not been there much of the however, until the end was hardened quette can write as well upon that sub- Cradle and child. . ......................................
same beneficent result. — C'iaeisad® ing of
0 0 e witli you.”
Spinning wheel..........................................
0 1 e
time. Mrs. Grenfell and one of the by burning it in the tire, when it be­ ect as upon any other with which he is Two
■ with s
beds and blankets...........................
1 0 c
"Yes,” I said, “and what is the mat­ (ommercial Gazette.
I that tl
children accompanied the missionary came much better, when a few salmon equally unacquainted.— Boston Tran­ Dog (puppy)................................................
0 1 c ter?”
0 1 c
on some of the adventurous journeys in were secured, losing a dozen, neverthe­ script.
Churn and top............................................
Tlie splendid voice was a trifle hum­
------ ---------------------------
Graip.... .................................................... .
which he has explored over 3,000 miles less, to where one was captured by the
high 1
0 2 I
In yard, quantity of corn......................
1 0 c ble as it replied:
of the navigable waters of the Congo extemporized spear. Wherever we ran
In stable, and other effects...................
in Abington, Mas».
18 U c
“I have changed my mind about
busin. She sat unperturbed and very the vast swarm against a shallow rip­ The Remarkable Industry Carried On by
All these articles were sold t auc- sleeping witli another man.”
It is not generally known that if
Enterprising Parisians.
comfortable belHnd the wire screen ple, where it was hard for so many’ to
»tor St
tion after forty-eight
hours. When
“So have I!” I howled, so joyously
Among the curiosities of Paris is the this famous seizure was made the man
that warded off the shower of arrows get over in a hurry, great numbers of
to writ
country were cast in the town of Al
which were launched at- the little them would go scurrying past us on market for cigar stumps in the Place McRae was at the point of death. His that the very winds laughed in merry iugton. About 1769 a deserter from I
will n<
steamer Peace by the hostile natives of either side, making as much splashing Maubert. Megot. by profession a col­ wife and seven children were living on echo. “So have I! I wouldn't ge( out British army, name«! Gallimore, retell’
as a flock of ducks, anil giving the In­ lector of these stumps, initiated me one potatoes alone. They were clad in rags of this warm bed to open that door for that town in the course of his wamW
Mobang River.
this ye
A writer, who evidently had not dian a good chance to use his spear. fine morning into the mysteries of his and ther<awas not a penny in the house. my own brother!”
I will close this story here. If I mgs. He was a bell founder by trail
heard of Mr. Grenfell's little romance, Hundreds of these fish were seen that peculiar calling. Everyday from eight
in Bent
Babies and cradles are evidently of should write the language that went and was employed by Colonel Aan*
recently mentioned as proof of the fact had great ugly scars on them caused, to ten a. m. the market is full of life. A small value in Scotland. "Saxpunce”
Hobart in this business. The air (•
nail r<
that white ladies can retain their health my Indian guide said, by the spears of kilogramme (two and one-fifth pounds) is the official figure, while the puppy down that dim, col«l hall outside my nace in which the bells were east »•
and vigor on the Congo that the1 mis­ the numerous Indian fishermen who, at of stumps from Loudres' cigars is worth dog brings a shilling. Of course, the door you wouldn’t print it. Ami when in what is now Whitman. The ti
sionary, Grenfell, was accompanied on that season, wore putting in theirwinter 30 cents to 50 cents, according to the dog was a Skye. Probably that ac­ next morning I went skipping down bell made was used at the old •
It is int
his long journeys by his excellent wife. supply of salmon, and whose weapons length of the stump. The ends of cigars counts for it. But the baby was a stair» as fresh as a rose, and saw that gational church,
majestic being knotted up in a hard
ten of tl
were far from always being, effective. at 1 and 2 cents each only bring from 15 Skye, too.
—N. Y Sun.
arm chair, looking a hundred years old, nearly one thousam
We killed a number with a Winchester cents to 30 cents a kilogramme. There
their o
it was being cast
Now, if this unique proceeding had I said: ,
Our Mineral Resources.
rifle from the shock by a shot on the are four or five wholesale dealers in
“Better is a poor and wise child than
know t
The report of the U. S. Geological water, directly over their heads, which cigar stumps, who have their head­ surprised. The exploits of landlordism an old and foolish King, who knoweth mass to give tone to the bell- -
Survey on the mineral resources of the never failed to turn them belly upward quarters in th<- wine shops of the vicinity, in that country are world-renowned
not how to be admonished. For out of years of service the old bell erar
the wri
United States for 1885 contains some at once, and beforti they recovered they and who there deal with the furnishers, now. and they are defended by the al­
prison he cometh to reign, whereas,
»lways i
Interesting statistics. The total mineral were safely landed in the canoe.— mostly poor old men and women and leged “pure cussedness" and rebellion
also he that is born in his kingdom be-
product is valued at 1428.521,356, an Lieutenant Schwatka. in American Field. ragged boys. Some 500 persons earn of the tenants. But this novel affair comctli poor.” This also is vanity.— ture of cannon and cannon hill*»""] letter v
their living after this fashion. The
increase of 615,306,608 over 1884.
took place in the land of loyalty, fidelity Robert J. Burdette, in Brooklyn Eagle. the commencement of the re' 1111 I
—A powder that is composed chiefly
A pec
Among seventy mineral subsfances of phosphorus, and designed to sup­ amount annually produce«! by the traffic and submission, whose people flourish
ary war, and was the first
cited, coal is the most important, show­ plant ordinary gunpowder for stage is said to reach 6150,000. Much of the in the full enjoyment of n.U the bless­
the country who introduce«! 1111'.J is that ti
ing a total value of 6159,019,596. An purposes, has been devised liy a New tobacco thus scraped together is sold to ings of English civilization and laws, the North Carolina State University, ducted th«1 business. Owing ' ' J barn bel
increase is shown in the production of York inventor, who. as a test of its workmen, and much is also said to be and whose soil, honored by the nativity to the board of trustees, shows that the lack of experience, ami the p1 "
I want to
coke, natural gas, gold, silver, copper, qualities, placed himself in the midst of exported under the title of “Tabac de of John Brown, is stdl favored by the university is of great benefit to poor casting in sand instead of ela). ' | Money e
«ead of
zine, quicksilver, nickel, aluminum, a dozen or more “supers" at a theatre Paris." There is one old fellow in the affections of the Empress of India.— young men. There are now at the in­ unsuccessful at first and snsLaiir’
her requ
lime, salt, cement, phosphate rock, man­ a day or two ago, and permitted them Maulaert quarter who, some years ago, Toledo Blade.
stitution more than a hundred youths, siderablo loss. In the course
üy histoi
ganese and cobalt oxide, while the pro­ to blaze away at him with their muskets became so rich at this humble business
Dr. Battle says, “with hands brown however, the business was be "1 had, the
duction of coal, petroleum, pig iron, only a few inches from his head. It is if selling cigar stumps that he had an
—Ten years ag> Thomas F. Clark witli toil, some cooking forthemselves, derstood ami he then earned ' □
i*» gettii
lead, precious stones and mineral waters put up in cartridges so thin that when annual income of 63.010. But my friend jokingly gave Miss Julia A. Malcom, of others hiring their own cooks, some largely and profitably.
«h*’ , 73
’Horta to
Megot turned out badly. Not satisfied, New Haven, a deed ot certain Colorado
decreased.— Science.
afterwan *•*
m county appointments free of tuition. were cast hollow, . and afterwar«
discharged thv whole charge com­ I suppose, with what he was able to
»as folio
—A Chicago policeman reports that pletely disappears. No trace of it can {lean by the public way, he was recently less. She said that slic'd keep the doc­ threadbare clothes, in the coldest smooth. At the present day • I for addrt
* re-recit
the other night, while he was chasing a be found. The report is deserilx'd as •aught in the act of stealing in the shop ument to remember him by, locked it
we.aher, without great-coats, hovering east solid.--¿toslo» Gfo1*’
I •n't
burglar, the fellow suddenly fell as being as loud, the flame as vivid and >f a tobacconist. He said, bv wav of ’ up, ami has since been earning her liv­
«ver scanty fires, but with the flamesof
—A new baby has arrived
"f irrelev
though ho had been shot, and lav un­
excusing himself, that he had never ing teaching school. The other day
•toner w
conscious, bleeding from a wound on of ordinary gunpowder, but it has the heard of a law which forbade taking I she received a letter from Colorado, breasts.”
Johnny's residence, and the
the head made by a big icicle that had advantages of giving forth no odor.— snuff. This, on a pinch, might pass for : saying that there was a lead mine on
was admitted t> take his firtt ' J W two
in excuse; but the Paris police are a
* Philadt
fallen on him as he ran. He wm car­ .V. K. Tribunt.
—When cayenne pepper is higher the little stranger. H«‘
pig-headed lot. and wouldn't see the her property, and 6-’’»J,000 was offered
ried to the police station, wnere his
—An ounce of keep your mouth shut joke. They walked poor Megot off to a | for it. Miss Malcom thought it a joke, -han Scotch snuff the snuff is used to calmly for a moment, and the# „3
" Hitan
first words were: “What do you want is better than a pound of explanations vile place of durance which they here but finding that it wasn’t, she accepted adulterate it. \\ hen the reverse is the up ex. Inimc«!. enthusiastic*
made fun
to shoot a fellow for ?” He did not after you have said iL— Siwe and call “a fiddle.”— Jean Xicol, in Mil­ the offer and the check is on its way tase the pepper goes into the snuff. face is just the color of I »cle
' 4 •ite Vail,
knew what hit him.
Leather Reporter.
It’s a poor rule that won’t work both Gosh, but he must be a hard u 1
I kit it «is <
waukee Sentinel.
east. — L'arlforJ Dost.
—Pittsburgh Dispatch.
1 •* the rigl